Th OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregrort, Saturday Morning, December 13, 1934 PAGE TITCIEE : r , ,, . : It : V. , . J -i . " v. .- i ' , '-,-! - i- I V - '1 Local News Briefs Negro Speaker Here An eel Herndon, young negro from At lanta, q., Where he issald to be facing a sentence of from IS to 20 years under an old law ..forbid ding "inciting to insirrrtctldn,M adopted during Civil war r times and aimed at rebellious Blares, will speak at the Nelson auditor ium tonight at 8 o'clock under the auspices of the local branch of the International Labor Defense. He will discuss his appeal to the United States supreme court and the Scottsboro cases, which are before the highest court for the third time after three convictions and two previous reversals. Hern don Is making a nation-wide tour. Admission to the meeting tonight is free. i Old time dance, Gervais tonight. Jones Files Report Ronald E. Jones filed his annual report yes terday as executor of the estate of the late Sarah A. Hovenden. He reported income of I422S and outgo of $2071. The bulk of the Income came from rentals on lands. Cash on hand in the es tate totalled $2155. J The execu tor reported legacies numbering 31 paid with the smallest $10 and. the largest $500, the latter go ing to Anna A. Duncan. Special for Saturday, poinsettias, pepper plants, cherrys, 25c each. Cut holly 25c a pound. A large ! display of shrubbery all sizes and ' all grades. Arthur Plant, Flower and Shrubbery Market,' 150 S. Coml. ' Laughrldge Estate la The estate of T the late C. N. Laugh ridge who died here December 4 after serving many years - as deputy secretary of state, was admitted to probate yesterday. He left personal property which has an estimated value of $5000. n addition, certain- real estate holdings, held in' entirety, were left by Laughrldge but these are not to be probated. The widow, Mabel L. Laughrldge, will serve as administratrix. Appraisers are fiernice Nelson, Dald O'Hara and George A. Rhoten. Overcoat and suit sale, January nrices now. Overcoats as low as i $10.50, suits at $11.50, $17.50 i and $22.50. Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co., 260 So. 12th St. i ' ' Walker Assigned Judge Ar I lie G. Walker of the, Polk county j circuit court has been assigned ; by Chief Justice Rand of the 1" state supreme' court to go to to Jackson county and try two j eases in which Judge Norton is ' . disqualified. The cases' are Neid ! ermeyer vs. Febl and Thomas vs. Febl. Both sluts involve mort ; . gage foreclosures. Judge Bagley ; of Washington county has been assigned to Marlon county to : hold court for Judge McMahan. . j Wanted used furniture. Ph. 6414. ; Here From Oakland -Richard Anderson, formerly a resident of 5 Oakland, Calif., has removed to Salem with his family to become service manager for the Wood- ! Wheaton Motor company here. ' He has had extended experience In the auto business, serving for i a number of years as factory re presentative and serving for the i past four years as operator of an authorized brake service station and repair shop in Oakland. !" Back From Seattle i Miss "Winifred Graham ot the state department of education, and Be- ! atrlce Walton Sackett of the gov ernor's office are returning to Salem this" morning . after spend ing several days representing !" their respective state depart- i, bents at the northwest regional conference Just concluded In &e- ! - attle. - Wants Her Freedom Alda Er i ickson filed suit for divorce here !" yesterday from Erlck N. Erlck i son, claiming his parents s in terfered with their married lire that happiness was impossible. The couple were married Septem ber I, 192J, in Long Beach, Calif. . . -.. v Schramm Sues -A. A. Schramm as liquidator of the State Bank ot Woodburn, filed suit here. yester day seeking to collect $360 on a -'note allegedly given to thebank In June, 133, by S. 7. Scollard. Obituary Hicks W. R. Hicks, at his residence on route 1. Gervais, December 1$, at age of 72 years. He is sur vived by, widow, Jennie Hicks, of route 1. Gervais, and a sister, Le ona Stacey of Springfield, Ore. Funeral announcements late by Clough-Barrlck company. Patterson John A. Patterson died at the residence. 7S North High street December 18 at the age of 8 years. He is survived by two sons. G. C.. t Salem, and E. W. Patterson, and one daughter, Mrs. Ina Melson of Salem. Services will be held , from the chapel eif Clough-Barrlck company Satur day,' December 15, at t p. m. Odd Fellows ritualistic services will be conducted at the I. O. 0. rP. cemetery. Dr. Grover C; Birtch et officiating minister. Coming Events .' December 15 Willam ette Qlee club concert, 8:13, Waller haU. December s 15 Annual high achool music festival, senior high audltorlnm. December 21 V i o 1 1 n concert of original composi tions of Rnthyn Tnrney of Chemawa played by Rnthyn Thomas, 8 p. tn. tn lobby of T.M.OA. ; January 8 Cherrian In stallation. ' January Willamette anlTersity faculty play, "So This is London." January 14 Governor inaagnrated, legislature convenes. Club Pins Go Out Four-H club pins were being sent out yesterday by Wayne D. Harding, 4-H club leader In the county, to members who last year com pleted their club projects. The pins are neat and attractive and are faced with a green four-leafed clover. Pins for the first year's achievement are furnished by the state superintendent of schools. ..... Riley to Speak Dr. P. O. Riley, editor of the Hubbard Enterprise, Is to be the principal speaker at the 29th annual banquet of coun ty Judges and commissioners which Is' to be held- in Portland Wednesday night, December 19. The banquet will be at the Benson hotel and will be the highlight of the second day of the three-day convention. Annual sale ot blankets now on. Discontinued and broken lines at prices as low as $3.25 and $3.95 on 100 virgin wool plaids and plains; Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co. Retail Dept., 260 So. 12th St. Hearing Scheduled ' Hearing of the application of : Vernon : Piatt, Moro, to act as a fixed termini freight motor carrier be tween Grass Valley and Antelope, will be held here December 26, Charles M. Thomas,1 state utility commissioner, announced Friday. Herbert Hauser, state supervisor of transportation, will preside. Open evenings 7 to 9 until Xmas. TConnell.TiHlta-- nrintnrrnn ha. Gets Beer License C o u n t y court approval of a license to sell beer -was granted yesterday to Charles R. DuBois who is begin ning operations as manager of tbe recreation house at the Marlon Golf and Country club, formerly ' 11 Til 1 -1 1. anowa as iue luauca ciuu. One Accident Fatal There was one fatality due to industrial accidents In Oregon during the week ending December 13, the state industrial accident t commis sion reported Friday. The vic tim was G. A. Stone. Bridal Veil. There were 506 accidents report' ed to tbe commission. Cash for used furniture. Ph. 5110. Many Sheep Killed Loss of 47 sheep through the work of dogs was reported here yesterday by G. H. Toelle who lives north of West Stayton. Toelle has started moving his remaining sheep to an other location, Elmer Philippi in the neighborhood, has recently lost four sheep due to killing by dogs. Secure License A marriage li cense was secured yesterday at the courthouse by Ross R. Mitch ell, Woodburn, a salesman, and Aberll Temple JIcGillivary, a housewife. For each the marri age is a second one. J. Merlin Hill was to perform the cere mony; yesterday. Reoort Accident Robert Glenn Sturgess, 1520 North Capi tol street, reported to city police yesterday that an auto driven by C. A. Chambers had struck his own car when Sturgess was back ing out of an alley. No serious damage was done. $500 Permit Issued A $500 building permit was Issued yester day at the city hall to M. W. Mey ers who plans to do considerable I remodeling on a business property he owns on South Commercial street. When the Job is uone, the building will be occupied by the i Marion Creamery company. Armpriest to Orient Don Arm Driest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Armpriest of this city, sailed yes terday on the S. S. Texas, out of Portland, for a three months' trip in the orient.' Armpriest a recent graduate of Salem high school, sails In the capacity of a cadet. Gentle to Speak Prof. Thomas I Gentle for many years one of the leading educators in Oregon will speak in Ford Memorial church in West Salem Sunday evening at 7:30 p. m. His subject will be the Townsend old age pension plan. Miss Ruth Bedford will sing a solo. All are invited. .4000 in Estate The estimated value 'of the estate of the late John McKlnney is $400(7 accord ing to preliminary papers of pro bate filed here yesterday. Mable I Mochel and Helen Guiss, two ot the four heirs, are to serve Joint ly as administratrixes. Wrong: Ashby It was errone ously stated in ihe births column of Friday morning's paper that a daughter had been born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ashby. Instead the parents of the child, Sally Ann. are Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ashby. : ' . $ $ Xmas Money $ $ FOB THE ASKING No red tape. You can obtain loan in one hour. A friendly, confidential, courteous service. No payments until next year. Six months to pay. See us at once and shop with ease. STATE LOAN CO. - 212 Oregon Bldg. Phone 7783 Lie by St. 8-163 Get Acquainted Week We wish to introduce to the motorists of Salem, Mr. "Dick" Anderson, In charge of onr service department. Mr. Anderson's experience will help yon solve yonr an torn o tire . "tronbles." As a Special Get Acquainted Offer We wUl accept this ad as payment of 15 of the labor bill for any work broaght into oar shop between December 12th and December 22nd, 1SS4. Balance cash (only one ad may be used on any one Job). Guaranteed price when job left with as. See Tom or DICE (Wood) (Anderson) Mechanical . Top - Fender Radiator Repairs Wood-Wheaton Motor Co., Inc. 540 Chemeketa Street Salem, Oregon Phone 388 MER TELE IS T Burrls Indicates He . Isn't Entitled to Represent Joe King in Case Perfection of the appeal to cir cuit court In the case of Joe King, Aurora, charged with main taining a slot machine, struck a snag In "Justice court this week when question arose as to attor ney for King. Move to unravel the ' puzzle started yesterday with Paul Bur rls filing an affidavit with Jus tice of the Peace Hayden stating that he did not have authority to represent King in any manner. and the fact that he did enter into a stipulation with the dis trict attorney in King's case was due, to a misunderstanding be tween certain other parties and Burrls. What action the district attor ney's orrice win taae in tne sit uation was not known yesterday In occasional similar cases a mo tion for vacation ot the Judge's order has brought the case back to the original starting point. Burrls, when time, for trial came, presented himself in court as attorney for both King and Dave Scott, , whereupon Room Day, also in the court room, in tervened with statement that he was King's attorney. Burrls stat ed he had been instructed by an other attorney to appear for the two men, and that he presumed his action was entirely regular. After some little discussion of the situation, Day at that time told Burrls to go ahead and enter the pleas for the purposes of Jus tice court. So in the two eases, Burrls went ahead and entered stipula tion with the deputy district at torney, Lyle J. Page, that facts of the complaint against .King were true, whereupon Judge Hay den levied a $50 fine and allowed Page's motion for confiscation of the slot machines. With Day now objecting to Burrls' appearance as King's at torney, - Burrls noias ne ass no right to go ahead with King s bond to assure appeal of tbe case. Dr. Fred B. Messing, execu tive secretary ot the Oregon so cial Hygiene society, closed a successful series of lectures last night, when he addressed tne home economics class at wiuam ette university on the topic "The Home and Social Hygiene." This was rouowea wim a box. The Delta Phi sorority en tertained Dr.' Messing at dinner the evening before. - Other groups included the Wil lamette university chapel, tne high school P. T. A., ttne x. . C. A. board of directors, the Breakfast club, a boys' club, Y. W C. A. group leaders and the Ministerial association. The senior boys of eaiem nign school were given a series oi three, talks and six reels oi mov- him iif. - m v les snowing ine uui i and "The Dangers of Infection Many personallntervlews were held during tlre day. The teachers of the junior ana senior high schools and some oi the grade school principals list ened to an aaaress on im Teachers and Social Hygiene Problems" which was followed oy dUcnsslon. It is now planned u continue these meetings for two or more weeks after the nouaays. Faculty Play to Be Offered Soon To aid the faculty scholarship loan fund at Willamette univers ity, members of the teaching staff are to present a-piay - oo This Is London, in the high school auditorium, Wednesday, January 9. . Miss Leila Johnson of the high school lacuuy wm coach the production which is a comedy written by Arthur Good rich. Dr.ChanLam Chinese Medicine Co. Without operation.! most ailments oft stomach, liver.l glands, skin and ur inary system of menl and women can be! removed by using1 our remedies. Wei have many thoua ends of satisfied customers in and around here who have used our "remedies at one time or other for the last 17 years we have been in business. Licensed N.D. Physician. , S93H Court St. Corner Liberty Office Honrs 10 AM. to 1 P.M. 0 P.M. to 7 P.M. Every Tuesday and Saturday Only Consultation, Blood Pressure, autocrine Tests Free of Charge BARRIER 1 MESSING TALKS TO Ml GROUPS HERE 1 4. Lit i IS V T sa G 1 I Tvm AStf. ..... M In the Cfitirch ' W rrxiT BAPTIST Varioa sad North Liberty tract l. Brit a Kosa, minister. Bibla school at fi:45 a. m. Moraine worship at 11 clock. 8r aon. "His ia Jeyons Irperieneo." B. Y. r. a. at S:80 p. as. Sunday oTsnins prayer snestinr at S:80 o'cloek. Orraa pralada at 7:10 . m. Kits Viania HUlar, rtanirt. Ironing- sorries at 7:0 'clock. Soman, "The Unknown Christ." Special sausie at loth services. P rarer Steetins n taeasaay at i :eu p. nv. - mil ZYAHOEUCAZ. Corner Summer and Marion streets. Kaory W. Pettieord. IX T aad Panl P. Petticord, X. jL, ministers. Sunday school at S:4S I. a. It U Thornton, snporin. tondent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Anthem, "O Holy Night," Latham. Ser mon, "The Effect of Pentecott Upon Peter," Dr. Emory W. Petticord. Ves per radio hoar from S:S0 to S:30 . I Tonnf People's league at p. m. Junior high aad senior., high leagues at S:80 o'clock. Ivening service at T:80 o'clock. Baritone nolo by Linden Leaner. Ser mon, "Spiritual Worship.' Dr. Imory W. Pettieord. Christmas cantata pageant x oursaa y at 7 :su p. m. ; t OAXVABT BAPTIST xiigit ana rerry streets. Bundsv ser vices begin at 9:40 a. m with a graded eauren senoou Mrs. w. A. uarkus, super intendent. Preaching services at 10:60 a. m. and 7:80 s. m. Moraine snbieet. "Give Me a Drink" from John, chapter . Antiiem, "The Prinea of Peace" (Wil son). Incidental aoltf by Mrs. McAllister. xouaf people's service at 0:80 p. i Evenur service at ,7:80 ' clock. Sub ject. "The Bpriaginr Fountain." An them. "Come to My Heart Lord Jesus" (At a ford). Tuesday, church school I aeerial at 7 p. m. Wednesday, prayer and praise service at 7:0 p. aa Thors dsy, choir rehearsal at 7:80 p. m. Fri day, church school program at 7:80 p. m. W. Earl Cochrsn, minister. rrasT pbbsbttebiah Winter and Chemeketa streets. Srover C Birtchet, D. D.. pastor. Church school at 0:30 a. m. Kalph Scott, superinten dent. Morning worship at 11 o clock. Sermon, "A Preacher of Richteonsness. ' Anthem. "Brightest aad Best" (Coombs) Solo by Miss Terna Pattisoa, recently from Detroit, Mich.. "Jesn Bsmbiao " (Ton). C. E. societies at 0:80 p. m. Eve ning praise at 7:30 o'clock. Meditation, Ki Ahn4 "H.I. Art Thou" (Han dell). Praise, prayer and Bible study Thursdsy at 7:30 p. m, TTEST METHODIST EPISCOPAL State and Church streets. Dr. J. E. Milligan, minister. Floyd 8. Bailey, di rector of religious education. Robert M. Oetke, superintendent. Church school at 9:46 a. m. Classes for all ages. Worship at 11 o'clock, "The, Christmas Spirit. Toung people's forum and Epworth Lesjrue at s:bo p. m. tampus vsspers with Dr. Bruce Bsxter spesking. Eva- ning worship at 7:80 o clock. The dra ma. "His Name on the Window ' by Robert Moulton Gatke, will be presented for the first time. LESLIE METHODIST Commercial and Myers streets. J. H. Mcleonald. parlor. Church school at 9:45 a. m. Y. M. Sackett. superintendent. Mornint- worship at 11 o'clock. Subiect, "Worship the Lord." Intermediste lea gue at 6:30 p. m. Senior lea rue at 6:80 p. m. Evening service at 7:30 o'clock. Prayer meeting Thursdsy at 7:80 p. TISST OHTXCH or OOD Hood and North Cottar streets. O. T. Keal, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and at 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. Lyle Knox, superintendent. Prsyer meet ing Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Singing i scnooi inursasy at l :ao p. m. rntST CONGBEaATIONAL Liberty at Center street. J. R. Sim- onds. pstor. Bunder school at 0:45 a. Morning worsnip at 11 e clock. Subject, t wonder. SOUTH JIALEM rBXEXDS So. Commercial at Washington streets. Chss. 0. Haworth, pastor. Sunday school at ii a. m. jsornmc worsnio at ll a. Christisn Endeavor meeting at 6:0 p. m. A special missionary meeting led by Milo C Ross, pastor of Rosed sis church. Eve ning gospel service at 7:80 e clock. Midweek prayer Thursdsy at 7:80 p. rntsT church or chsist SCIENTIST Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sunday. scaool at P:43 and 11 a. m. Sunday ser vice at 11 a. m. and S p. m. Subject of lesson sermon, "God the Preserver of Men." Testimony meeting Wednesdsy evening at 8 o'clock. Reading; room in Masonie temple open 11 a. m. to 5:80 p. m. except Sundays and holidays. ST. JOHM'S EVAJTO. XTJTHIRAjr (Missouri Synod) 16th and A streets. H. W. Gross, pas tor. Sundsy school at S a. m. English services at :45 a. m. German services st 11 a. m. ENOLEWOOD U HI TED XRETHREX 17th and Nebraska streets. R. C. Mann, pastor. Sunday school at 0:45 a. Clark M. Smith, acting superintendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Theme, "The Church That Changes the World.' Christian Endeavor at 6 :80 v. m. Eve ning serviee at 7:80 o'clock. Subject, "The way of Salvatioa." Midweek prayer serviee Thursdsy at 7:80 p. RETHAKT REFORMED Korth Capitol aad Marion-streets. Ed win Horstman, pastor. Oermsn services at 10 a. m., "The Gospel for the Heavy Laden." Eneiish services at 11 . "Thoughts of a Righteous Msn in Pri son." Anthem. "The Lord is My Ligbb EVANGELISTIC TARERVACLB Ferry and 18th streets. C. 6. Weston; naitor. Sundav school at 0:45 a. m. C. Wilson, superintendent. Church service at 11 a. m. Bubieet. "TUe Word ot ennst. Evsnrelistie serviee at 7:45 p. m. Sub iect. "Four Judgments. Yonng people service at 6:80 p. m. BiDle study, - ids Fall at Man." Tuesdsv St 7:45 P. m. Prayer meeting at S p. m. Wednesdsy. Devotional service at 7:45 p. m. Thurs dsy. TTRHT OEUUS RAPTIST North Cottan and D streeU. G. W. Iniuh minlit.r Rnndav school st 0:45 a. m. Sam 8chirman, superintendent. Earliah service after the Sunday school Rernlsr service at 11:15 a. m. Sermon topic. "Open Windows." Choir anthem. Service at 8:15 p. m. B.T.P.U. at 6:45 n. m. Evening serviee at 7:80 o'clock. Midweek prayer service at 8 p. m. Wed nesday. Shanghai Cafe Chinese and American Dishes Beer - Fried Chicken Open 11 to 8 A. Id. 1A2H N. Coral TeL 5747 AM IFIHlAN(DnClD M T L W 1 T C M RATH Single room with batn . . $20, $3.00, $30 Double room with bath . 13.50, J4.00, $40, 15.00 Two rooms, bath between (four persons) $6.00, $7.00 A limited number of rooms without bath : . Single from $130 - Double from $20 ' Dining Rooms and Coffee Tavern ' : w Garage under same roof ; MOTEL WHITCOMB AT CIVIC CEIfTUn SAN F IL A N C I S C O . .1 niflif Woods-Drury Co, Operators aUo operating the William Taylor Hotel, Ssa Francisco , TTEST TJVTTABIAV Kerth Cottara and ChamakeU atreeta. Bev. Kicks rd so a Tebbets. sastor. Church school at 10 a, m. Church service at 11 a. m. bermen, "Me Took It Cpo Him self." TJP.B.CT. meeting at 1:80 p. m. KHIOHT ICZICOXXAX. 19th and Perry streeta. H. O. Stover. minister. Church school at 10 a. m. C. O. Harris, anperiatendent. Morning worshijp at 11 o'clock. "Sifts Christ Brings. Anthem. "Fairest Lord Jesus" (Wilson). Solo, "The Infant Jesus" (Pietre A. Tea). Ailene Moored. Touag people's meeting at a:45p. as. Evening aerviea at 7:80 p. m., " Where la He I" Anthem. 'The ' Star-lit Way" (Wilson). Tno. "The Slees of the Child Jesus" (P. A. Sevaert). Prayer Wodaesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Ed wards. 1840. SMto. AXEXICAV LTJTHXlAjr Church street between Chemeketa aad Center streets. Rev. P. W. JCriksen, pas tor. Bundav school at a. au. pre paring for Christmas. Arnold Kraeger, an perintendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sermon topic, "Across the Bar riers of . Languages." Celebrating the 400th aaniverssry of the German trans lation of the Bibla by Dr. Martin La ther. Soeeial music anthem by the choir. C B. Oiover, direct! a g. Junior league at 3:80 p. m. Senior league aad interme diste leegue at 7 p. m. e TjasULXTTEXt BATTI1T i traer et Hasel and Academy stree1 Bible school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. by Rev. Benj. lorns. and at 7:80 as. av Broa. G. It. ataaey. special mu sic Midweek prayer service laursaay at 7:80 p. m. COURT STREET CHRISTLsJI T. W. Daniels, pastor. Bibla achool at B-.45 a. m. Edward Waller, supennten dent. Morning worship with Lord's Sup per, 11 o'clock. Sermon. "My Tongue." Christian Endeavor at S:80 p. m. Eve ning worship at 7:30 o'clock with the sacred melody hour nader the direction of Dr. Epley. Special evening messsge en the theme. "Stoning Jesus.'7 Midweek serviee in the msin auditorium of tne church Thursdsy at 7:80 p. as. - CHURCH Or CHRIST i Kerth Cottage and Shipping streeta. 0. T. Spriags. ministra. Bibla study at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Topic, 'An Elevated People." Weekly obser vance of the Lord'a Supper. Evening m vice at 7 o'clock. wi aAijac rosn memorial K. K. Clark, minister. Church achool at 0:45 a. m. Senior aad intermediate leagues at 6:80 p. m. Evening worship at 7:80 o'clock. Prof. Gentle of the state normal school will deliver na address on the old age penou plan. ORACB GOSPEL HALL l(th and Mill streets. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 7:43 p. Bible study Tuesdsy at 8 p. nj. TTRST PENTECOSTAL 430 State street, npstsirs. H. B. Tal- brt nastor. Bible school St 9:49 a. Morninr worsnia at it cioca. rw eoiul Gleaner's meetinc at 6:4S a. Evaagelistie serviee at 7:45 p. m.. "Are Ton Waiting in Vain I" Special svanre- listie services every mint at 7 :a dock next week. CHURCH OP THE FOURSQUARE ' GOSPEL 867 Court street. Sundsy school at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship. 11 o clock. Crusader serviee at 6:45 p. us. Evangelis- tie service at 7:3a P. m. leeper teaca Ing and prayer Wedneeday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Christmas program Friday evening at 7:80 o'clock. Pastor three happy day. TWt? CHURCH AT SALZM 441 Court street. apsUirs. J. Alonso Sanders, sastor. Bibla school at S p. Praise service at 8 p. m. Theme. "Eter nal Pillars." Evenins at 7:80 o'clock. thema.. "Armas-eddon. or Modern Inven tions in the Lia-ht of 'Scriptures." H. B, Tatman. internationally-known ovanrslist. will speak at all service. Evaageusue service very evening at 7:45 clock. SPIRITUAL CHURCH OT DITOTR TRUTH Knle-hta of Pythias hall.- Commercial street between Court aad Chemeketa. r, Gordon Fleming, pastor. Services at 7:45 p. m., lecture, ' Do V Commnne nitk the Dead I" Message wiU follow. Wed nesday at S p. as., all message meetings at 1980 Ferry street. JASOH LEB XEKORIAX. METHODIST Corner Jefferson aad North Winter streets; H. G. Eumphrey, pastor. t:45 m. aundsy scnooi. 1 1 a. m.. sermon by the pastor; subject, "Preparing the way at tne xxira. tnoni eeoir music 6:80 p. ns-, Epworth lesgnes. 7:80 i song service followed by snort at noi and illustrated address on Korea, CHRIST XiTJT EZRAS' CHURCH German services. S:45 a. m. Subject 'The Advent Message Concerning the Judgment." English services, 11 a. m. ouojert. ft U . , T. 1.1 w Day This World WiU Ever See!" Sun dsy school. 8:80 a. as.: Mrs. Amos X. Minaemann, supt. utner league. r m.; snaject, "Tongues, eeeaing vcw or Speaking Evil." st Tar MENHOHTTB CHTcB r.m-r of Re van teen th and Chemeketa. Bundav achool at 0:45. and worehlp at 11. Sermon by the pastor. Rev. H. H. rrtrk. Morning serviee in th German langusge. and Toung People' program at 7:80 p. m., ia the English langusge. vran nrtTITUS OHTJRCH Center aad High streets; uy U Drill. nastor. Chnreb sebooL A. 4. r uns, sup... 0:80- a. as. Morniag worship. 10:45. Weekly observance of txro s eupper. 8ermon, "Jesns Leads." Christtan Ea- .i -minnm n. as. geUstie service, i-.av. oinai"Y" V. Sy John Schmidt. Jr. Sermon. 'Gof Pronhetie Clock." or What will happen i. ia ft aad 1987. Church ntgt serv ice. Wedaesday. 7:80. - CLOTHES eNCHV I DUALLY TAILORED) . Jaiorcd by CroHrmn. aaJ V. D. H. MOSHER 474 Court St, . James Woods, Ernest Drary, Manager m IT. TAJTL'M (TPXsCOPAX) CHTECtt CMrca sad Caeaseketa itiMta! Kar. 60. H. Swift. rerter. . Holy comaauaion. IS a. H. Horninr ltrsver end. unum. IX as, Uburca ic&ool, S:5 a. m. T. P. 6:10 p. as. Prof. J. C. HsUoa. snsksr. t nu METAuyllT CaUBOH Kerth Winter at Market s treat: M. H. Pitcher, pastor. Sunday school at 8:45; Dr. F. 8. Schnta, aupt. Morning worship and preachinc at 11. T. P. M. aV. groups at 6:$0 p. sa. Ivangelistie serv iee at 7:80. Prayer ssaetiag. Thursday, 7;I0 p. m. . . ! mOHLARD rRITHDS ' Elxhlaad avenue at Church street: T. OUo Brown, pastor. Bibla school at 10 a. as. Clatoa Roes. supt. Morning worship at 1L Junior C. R. at S:S0 p. as. InUrmediat C E. at 6:80 p. xvannnstio services, i :so p. m. Bervieee for the week: Monday at 7:0 p. ak, K. P. Atehley of the AaU-Cig-arstta laagn. Tuesday, 7 :S0 p. m cot tag prayer meetings. Thursday. 7:80 P. ennrch prayer meeting, a vanss- ss program to be given By tne euaaay achool, Ssturdsy. 7:80 p. m. . UNIOB" GOSPEL 1QSSZ0H v (Interdenominational.) ev. and Mrs. L. E. Feats a, supta. - Sunday. S :S0 p. nu. W. C. T. U. hall, corner Ferry and Conv rrial etraelA. . The Gideotta WIU 1V s special program ot vocal a umber and orchestra. f - : ' ' ., Seek Old Bibles : For Sunday Morn L Church Showing An exhibit of old bibles in cele bration ot the 400th anniversary of the translation ot the bible into the German language will he held at the American Lutheran church . Sunday morning at 11 q'clock. . Ia order that, the exhitiU may be as complete as possible, Rev. P. W. Eriksen of the church is asking that anyone who has an old bible in any language permit the church the use of it for this event. Old bibles may be either brought to the pastor, left at the church or will be picked up il owners will call Rev. Eriksen at 6081. . Christmas Tree Is Planned for Mission Society 1 1 The Woman's Missionary soci ety of the Evangelical church will feature a Christmas tree at the monthly meeting Wednesday, De cember 19, at 2 o'clock at the church parlors. Carols will be sani, and Mrs. Grace Beach will sing "Star of the East." (Dr. E. W. Petticord will con duct the election of officers for the ensuing year. All members of the society are requested to be present and bring a friend. ( , Maintenance of Roads Continues 1 Marion county is giving em ployment to 100 men a day on its annual mid-winter mainten ance road program. From 12 to 1$ road foremen, experienced In county work, are handling the crews w h I e h are scattered throughout the county. Men work six days a - week at two dollars for an eight-hour day. Clearing roadsides of brush and filling chuck holes are two ot the prin cipal types of work done, f : . J Default Granted A default de cree was granted here yesterday In the ease of W. P. Webb against F, A. Legge and a number of others. NOTICE OF of Goods for Storage at Auction . Friday, December 21, 1034, 1 o'clock p. nu, B40 Chem eketa St. at Anderson Truck Service. W. D. AXDERSON 2 boxes household goods, 1 trunk, 2 j small chairs, 1 child's bed, 1 I magazine rack. LCCILK DALEY 2 boxes i and 1 trunk of cooking aten jsils, dishes, books, etc. (MR. C MARTIN Radio stands 1 book case, 1 floor '' lamp, l garbage can, 1 sew ing machine, washboilers with- misc. articles, 1 rag, trunks, 8 rocking chairs, 2 small tables, 1 breakfast ta ble, children's toys, books, ;1 foot stool, 1 small writing ;deak, mattresses fumigat ed, miscellaneous articles. I I Anders on Truck j.. . - Service. 1 ' , 840 Chemeketa St. FSHVTflk ffaflTr7r 9S5 S. Commercial aad Corner j &WnV a9iiiU Conrt and Commerrial " .- : -. i - - : - - - - i The Statesman will carry complete v Christmas pro grama . from . all dmrcnes submitting them. Such copy should be prepared a a 1 brought or mailed to the of fice aa soon a pomlble. Please write on one aide of the paper only; write legib ly; be sure namee are cor rect, - Elimination of Extra Attorneys For State, Plan Elimination ot all special at torneys now assigned to state de partments, with the exception of one for the state highway com mission, will be proposed In a bill, now being prepared for sub mission to the 1935 legislative session. Among the state functions which employ attorneys to han dle, their legal . affairs . are the state highway commission, state industrial accident - commission, state game commission, state fish commission, liquor commission and the state board of higher ed ucation. Attorneys also have been employed from time to time by the state corporation commis sion and state utilities depart ment. Under the proposed" new law the legal work of these commis sions, with the exception of the state highway department,-would be handled by the attorney general- . Second Tiny Baby Is Born in. Salem A medicine dropper again was brought Into service at a Salem hospital yesterday when a girl weighing only 21 ounces was bom to Mr. and Mrs. W. Webb Ramage, 2185 Myrtle' avenue, Salem. Physicians said the baby was being cared for in an incu bator and oxygen is being ad ministered. A few days ago a baby was born to Mr. and Mrs Henry Martin, city, which weigh ed two pounds -and 12 ounces. Gift Hosiery l 59c (03' P95c ::l lf ! I HOSE You will want to jive them at practical gifts, to many women on your list so come in and settle your shop I ping problems here. "Buy for everyone I II . who appreciates hosiery. See Ottir Windows For Additional Gift. Suggestion JOHNSON'S j f 464466 State Street . A CARLOAD OF SWEET AND JUICY NAVELS rd7:.: .:,...,.....0Ho95 large size, Yx case .1 . ......:.98c 200 size. 2 doz. ..... . :..35c small size, 3 doz. ..29c MET1 OD ST PLAYERS BIVE GATKE DilAMA The drama, "His Name on the Window," by Robert Moulton Gatke, will be presented by the players of the First Methodist Episcopal church Sunday evening at 7tl0 o'clock. Dr. Gatke has successfully written and produced other plays and was especially successful with his play, "The Old Candle Maker of St. Johns" which should be off the press some time this week. The Old CandleuMaker of St. Johns' was produced - several times in im community and was produced some SO times by the University Players of Washington. An honor which has Just ' re? cently come to Dr. Gatke is that he has been appointed one ot tne Judges of the Epworth Herald play writing contest, una or me other Judges is the founder ot the Drama League of America. The drama, "His Name on the Window, is an original drama with a fine social message, f It will bo produced for the XI s t. time Sunday evening. The drama will be presented by the I oi low ing well balanced. east of play ers: Mrs. Ashby, a well to, uo lady ot 7 years, will be played by Miss Hasel Shutt; Mrs. . ay Ashby. her daughter-in-law. Miss Martha Warren; Emma, the Ash by's servant. Miss Margaret Wag ner; Mr. Winston, the family lawyer, Panl Tyler; Jess, a mill' worker. Willis Douglas. ! . The drama is being directed by Dr. Gaike. " ! emBnasBmamwBsammmmamBme-eBmmBMeBnBMsm ATCHLET TO SPEAK - An illustrated address will be presented at the- Highland Friends church Monday night at 7:80 o'clock by E. F. Atehley of the anti-cigarette league. j HUSKY THROATS aC Overtaxed by smoking itfTe ii