The OREGON STATESMAN, Calcri. Cr?-rcn, FrlLiy llcrrlr-.' Dccmlrr 14, 1531 PAGC TWO IIIII GIBES -t'ITBPSEP1 ... Holiday goodlesi "What & chal lenge to tli Imagination. The old family cook book, dog-eared and tin - yellowed, are thumbed to find Aunt Jennie's fruit cake re el? or perhaps that pumpkin pie that "took all honors' at grand roe'a ThankagMng dinners. Sen timental? Tei! There Is some thing about old recipes that makes ALBERS HELPS PRODUCE MORE EGGS IN WINTER TESTED HELPS The first use of feed-by the hen Is for body main tenance. 'Approximately, three-fourths of her food supply . la used for this purpose. Be sure she gets the last one-fourth ao as to enable her to produce eggs.. Albera Egg Maker Paks-N-Uaaa, jr 100 lbs. )eWU If 15 Egg Maker Pake, 100 lbs. . . Molasses Feed, 00 lbs. ......... Turkey Grower ftfasa. : 100 lbs. ... $2.35 ..90c $2.40 JUST ARRIVED (Whole and Ground) All these pricear cash, f. o. b. store. Gtonacloi?d I7ggc1 ; 228 Ferry SU : I ei jirtrtd to. I 1 cop celery, chopped 3 cops cooked turkey, 'diced 1 cup cooked rice 1 egg Cover celery with boQlog water and tew 10 miautwa. Drain. Mix celery and other tasrecUents (escape la coat ing), form Into croquettes. Dip them Into crumb, then Into egg. then m crumbs again. Deep-try in the ef tntibt way with Ctiieo. the pure creamy fat. The correct frying heat arted apricot" 7CT- eupCruce acesa. to a bou. r v- the m boU. Bou V t TVtb. ew . TTTJjt idna ana Canned Plum Pudding rruitCake XUSaina (aeeded and seedleaa) Currants Mixed Nuts Walnuts Cake Flour Crbco Sweet Potatoes Oranges - ' , ' Grapefruit Lemooa ' " , ' Apples ' v. ereryone Ions to prepare a truly excellent bit of holiday cookery. la case ' the old recipes with t h e 1 r Indefinite measures are found, remember that Quality la ingredients 1 still as requisite to baking success as It was when these recipes- vera new. Grand mother with her practiced "hand could make these old re cip'S work like a charm. Her bak ing success depended upon her in drrldual ability and initlatira. In a word, grandmother had to her own "cooking expert. Not so toda trained and experienced home economists In ' most- large food plants are continually check ing and testing both Ingredients Albera new iU tamln feeds are ao blended : with the prop er vitamins so as to keep egg production up 1st winter. Ask us about It. 1115 Egg Maker Mash, 100 lbs. .. Carnation Dairy, 100 lbs. ........ Calf Manna, "" 21 lbs. Progressive Mash, 100 lbs. ..... Broiler or Poultry Fatten er. 100 lbs. Molas-O-MeaV 100 lbs. - A Real Dairy $2.30 $1.70 $1.55 $2.05 $2.45 $1.50 Feed Carload of Wheat Priced Right Phone 6853 - ,9 ' : wVTXf 1 totJPoc'a -Vtespoon"- 5ZmAtA ENDOF-THE-TURKEY HASHERS coarora: X egg. aUghtly beaten with t Ublerpoons cold water 4 cop fine, dry bread crumba Crlsco foe deep-frytag pepper, cnopped t teeapooa aalk )i teaspoon pepper cf Criaco fa when a amaQ cube of bread brawns ia 40 aecooda (37S-8S5 F.). Try croqnettea golden brown, drain on abeorbent paper. 8 train Crlaco to ! clear U of crumbs and use it for manrfrymga. Semember Crlaco is the thrifty and 0ie3tibU frying fat. teaspoon caodted eberrtae U eup J oraas - 1 teaspoon r4M. BOgar , , - Crlaco, wp , tnnaef depen""i.T Beps.n'' na - rBi to P ..rlfWKtather Your " Grocer is headquarters for these , holiday : features" Cranberries Canned Cranberry Sauce ; Figs Dates Prepared Mlnremeat ' Canned Puotpkha - - Sage or Poultry ' ' Sraaoning ' s Celery , Citron .Coconut " Candied Orange Peel Candied Lesion Ped Canned Pineapple Canned Peaches - Hard Candwa After Dinner Mints and recipes. These people" are eagitr to aerre you. At Tlsher Flouring mills, the housewife's representative la Mary Mills. By u s 1 n g tested Ingredient with tested recipe the chance of failure and dependence upon in dividual "good cookery is mini mized. Unlike our grandmothers, whether we are experienced cooks or amateurs, baking is made cer tain by quality Ingredients ana excellent recipes, tested under home conditions by cooking ex perts, wc;, v.:';:, ; , ;."T. SIIIIP1 CO'.VS a WOODBURN, Dec. II. A large attendance was present at the meeting for the discussion o I abortion control of milk ' cows, which' was held af the city hall Monday afternoon. , Dr. W. H. Ly tic of Salem, state reterinirlan. and Mr. Morse from the extension department of Oregon State . col lege were the speakers. ; About 100 cows wre signed up for inspection, and a committee, consisting of John Ramage, Ralph Seely, George Zurllnden, Mrs. H. L. Carl. Henry Hunt. Jest Flkan and Ivan McGee waa appointed to call on the dairymen of the vicin ity who did not attend the meet ing to giro them a chance to sign up if they desire. A representa tive will be at the city hall Sat urday betweenlO a. m. and. 4 p. m. to sign up those who haTe not otherwise been reached. County Agent Harry Riches presided Mon day afternoon. ; -: GRADE GAME FRIDAY SCIO, Dec IS. The Scio grade basketball teams will meet the Stayton grade teams on the local floor, Friday afternoon. The sey enth. and eighth grades are mak ing an effort to raise- enough money to purchase -a basketball, therefore a small admission will be charged for the game. . - grate Heap - 1 cup wnett '. 3 tags J cupa dried (MUftl TEST 11 y 11 v lv s!J make im Clffefcitia Yoa can't blame your family for eating and eating all the good things put oa the Christmas tablet But you know . wtiat wiH happen upsej; digestion, cross children unless you're careful to serre diftstibl food. . May we make a siiggeation? This holiday season cook a3 the good tilings with Crisco, the diitibl shortening. : Crlsco looks good tostos fjoodond Is good for you I Crisco is made entirely from light digestible oils. They are creamed and creamed by Crisco's own process, That's why Crisco Is so Eght and fluffy. "And most im portant Criaco digests quicker, ybp gj FH SEICEFOB : S. SL':BEL HELD VICTOR POINT, Dee. - II. Funeral serrices were held at the Salem mortuary Tuesday morning tor Mrs.' Eleanor Sis gel, formerly a resident or xnis community. who died Saturday, at her home in Salem. Surrirors are two daughters. Mrs. At a Van De Coer- erlng and Mrs. Mae Christensen, both of Salem. , Interment was In Union mil cemetery. , Marlon Fischer is a cripple temporarly, due to a foot injury receired when he dropped a ear battery on his - foot crushing e toe. ' ' ' . ' ' Tuesday r Mr. and Mrs. ? C. Jones rislted Mrs. J. M. Doertler at the Salem Deaconess hospital and report her as resting comfort ably.', Mrs. Doertler has . been confined to the hospital by a broken leg received when a sack of walnuts fell on her early in NoTember, She expects to be able to be mored home In abont a week although it ' will be a long time before she will be able to use the injured member. Maude Montgomery 5 Selected I Chief of . Rebekahs at Scio amr n itnrrirn !. ed by Scio Rebekahs tor the .en- sulnr team Include Maude Mont gomery. noble grand; Cora Piatt, Tke grand; Eunice Bartu, secre tary. Maud Roadarmel, financial secretary; Jessie Oglesbee, treas urer. Appolntlre officers are to be selectd later. , r 7 Mrs. S. C; Brown, wife of a toloneer -Scio physician. Dr Browne, is reported doing as well as could be expected, t " She" was taken to Albany General hospital sereral days ago for treatment , following a paralytic stroke De leember 4, which deprived her of 1 the use of Her left siae. , "AND THEY'RE ALL DIGESTIBLE, FRIENDS, BECAUSE THEY'RE MADE WITH CRISCO, THE DIGESTIBLE SHORTENING." f-: K GOLDEN CHRISTMAS PUDDING Crlaco niolnaws grated rind of H - - cop soar mUk finely chopped M teaspoon figs H cupe floor Blend creamy dfeesKSZf CMsoo with tnnlnawe and egga, Beat xmtSX fluffy. Add figs and lamon rind. Add soar milk and soda mixed together. 81ft dry ingredients. Combine wttaCrtsoe mixture. Pour into Griscoed tube mold. Bake la alow area (SU F- about X wtta 1 con spooa salt. thineraam. Ja teaspoo Shorfonlng tf'oos moko a dl.TorwiKO Uasy . people hart benStSl from cbangmg to CrfaKO arid many ( people have been advised to use Crisco by doctccfc Instead of feeling depressed and over-stu2cd, yoa fed normal nad peppy after eating these quick-digesting foods. Because you make them riht, using Crisco, they're 4ood forjoa. : Don't well. This week your grocer ia probably featuring CMsco. Kemember: your focdU as healthful as the shcTtea lag you, use. Crisco pastry is flaky. Crisco fried foods areat . greasy and fattcningl So cook with Crisco and protect your : digestion. ':.. : . i c co ir.'c ' Vvziins CENTRAL HOWELU Dec. IS. I The community club will meet Friday night at which time a ra-1 rlety of numbers will be present-! ed on a program prepared by Lu cille Roth and Jean Lauderback, committee. LIBERTY, -Dec It. The community club will meet Friday erening at I o'clock at the hall. After the business meeting; -. a "shadow", social .will be held to raise , funds , for the . Christmas treats for the children when they present their Christmas program. A box with lunch for two is to be brought, the ' lady's shadow then to. be auctioned Instead of the box as usually is done. Those not wishing to bring a box may bring a cake or pie to be sold or may giro a contribution to he committee: Cecil Sargent, Mrs. C W. Stacey and Charles Krauger. 1 DATTON. Dec It The Un- ionrale Community club Christ- program by the school will bepresented Friday night, Decem ber 21. Public Debate on ' : Townsend Plan is - : j 4 Slated, - SuVerton t .j .'I.- ;.; j. 8ILVERTON, Dec It. The Townsend old age pension' plan will recelre an airing at the 8ERA public speaking . class Monday night of next week when the question . "Resolred ' That; the Townsend plan is. practicable' and workable" will be argued affirm atlvely by Mrs. G. B. Bentson and -Harold Sinclair and negatlTely by Mrs. Frank Glroux and Mrs. Ern est Palmer. i-' f . ' Considerable Interest la being taken In the debate about! town and material la being - furnished for both sides. Miss Ruth Min or Is Instructor or the clasij ' t teaspoons baking v powder 1 teaspoon salt - "j a teaspoon ctimamoai H teaspoon nutmet mm. boor. Serre warm with ooldu aaoca: Blend H eop Orlaee (thsahortenmgthat'semimWraryoat) Drown sugar ana 3 OradnaQy beat la H AddjuioseCH' I B01 ClUB PUIS SHELF AT LIBFLIRY SILVERTON, Dec It. Ten new b oks were placed on the shelres of the public library dur ing the past week. - Of these eight were non-fiction, one adult fiction and one for the Junior readers.,.. -. - Of special interest were t ho two books, a gift from the Jun ior Women's - club, Hunt's The Bewildering World. and Halle's "Women in Sorlet Russia. Mem bers of the Junion Women's club hare Indicated that further gifts will be forthcoming to the lib rary and that erentually the club will maintain a boksheli there. No rent will be - charged for - tn e books which are' donated by this club. : The fiction book - receired this . week Is Suckow's "The Folks, a Book Guild selection of late autumn. - Ostenso's "The WhIU Reef. placed on the public library shelres a week ago, has jumped to the tore in readers demand. Those who hare read it are ac claiming that It Is as good as Miss Ostenso's earlier books. Including -Wild Geese- and "Dark Dawn". Sutherland at 78 Finds 2-Mile Hike is Real Pleasure SCIOJ Dec It. George Suth erland, '.who calls himself 7t years young," was - greeting scio friends Saturday. He walked in from the farm, a distance of about two miles, "Just for the pleasure of it," he said here. Mr. Sutherland has spent all those 71 years in the Immediate Ticin- It of Eelo. ' At tne old xamiiy noma more than half . a century ago, - Mr. r WOMAN'S and WOMENS. jXi r. I j () II j CHROME SOUS V 1A 7 ' 0 A 0 J ooUtoty7 h'o . rtf o fo Sutherland said, 21 children be longing, under the same roof got their feet under the table at the same time. It was a good-sized, happy family in Oregon's early statehood, "with barrels of flour, dried fruits, com meal, home-cured meats; homespun clothing end all the comforts, but few luxur ies, needed in those . primitive days of the Oregon country. MR Sutherland recites pioneer condi tions with a clear Quick mind. Select Delegates lor Luther Confab Monday in Portland SILVERTON, Dec It. Dele gate for the Lutheran Brother hood conrentlon to be held .at Portland Monday hare been select ed from two SliTerton groups and will be selected from, the third Sunday, -- Going as delegates from the Im msnuel group are C. E. Jorgenson and H. N. Klar; from Trinity are John Goplerud end Amos Cor house. The delegates from Cal ary will be chosen Sunday. Alt O. Nelson of Sllrerton U sUte president. All Lutheran pastors hare been lnrited to -attend the conrentiOB and there are approx imately 100 partors In the state. Mrs: Mabel Hatch President Garden Club, Falls City FALLS CITT, Dec It. A Gar den club was organized Monday night for the purpose of helping each other-learn to raise: more and more beautiful flowers and shrubs and beautify the homes and town. Mrs. Mabel Hatch was elected president and Mrs.-Ka ta crine Ickea secretary." , The meeting date .was set. for tho second Monday in every month a 4- 4fe llwCHROMl SOUS s.a i.y vr . - r Spodctcctci tort sou a iooi' intn UATHct ICU UATHU VOLT5 I Ml KM . T ' , - . . 7. V j m www 1 4. - 1 N I 41 UlUJUCU Fred at 7 o'clock In the high school. fast one half hour earlier than ihe regular monthly meeting ot to Parent Teacners organization so both meetings may be attend ed. ' . ' e -- - lnstmas s ft GIFTS See Our Largs As- z g ortment cf GIfU : from to Woolpcrt Ct Lcsg : DRUGS 0 ' Liberty at Court . Phpne 8444 0 ' -esr. . - ; 11 -X- : MEN'S II A. ' 4 ft- i r -4 ' ) ' p t 4 . 4 4 v A