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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1934)
PAGE THREE 4 umual 'MlegbB:. 'Occupy- iM of The OREGON STATESMAN, Eateri, Oregon, Tuesday Morninr, December 11, 1S31 ; I X ' - A u - V I' A ' J' ;V 6 ' i , ii -.1 M i . y . K 'i i J V ' V- V . V Ti - l i At V , 1 4 y w. i ! i : 3U PEETZ PJIASTER Ship Disaster Crew in Port Till En DG E n v v "f v V X- spaa Royal Neighbors at Suver Name - Mrs. Ritchey . ' As Oracle TURNER Dec. 10. - Officers fleeted at the recent city elec tion with 40 ballots cast are: J. E. Whitehead, jr., mayor; G. w. Fan-is, new cornellman:, E. S. Prather, councilman, was re elected; D. S. KJeheS !was re elected recorder; H. R. Peetz, treasurer. Perry Baker and A. E. -.Robertson are holdover conn . cllmen. ; . The annual election of of H- J eers of Pearl Lodge A. P. and A. II. resulted In the election' of Herman R. "Peetz, as mastery A. i M, Jones, senior warden; W. W, ' Oglesby,. Junior warden; J. M. Bones, treasurer; H. S. Bond, secretary, j. G. -Peterson was ' elected -to the cemetery commit tee to senre with Charles Cilvia and Fred Mitchell. c The Masonic lodge and East ern Star will bold joint installa-I 1 1 ATI a"if Vif f lnrei To t A In T&AAmKA l ' Neighbors Elect SUVER, Dee. 10. The Royal Neighbor lodge met Thursday -afternoon, at the Woodman hall. They -worked on lodge quIJU. Of ficers for the f ollc-wing year were elected 1 Oracle, Mrs. Ber- nice Ritchey; Tice-Oracle, Mrs. .Frances Kester; jast- Oracle, Mrs. Ed DeArmond; Charister, Mrs. O. J. Barley; inner sentinel. rs. xseme L.amb; outer Ben- tinel, Mrs.. Allen; ; recorder, Jlrs. -Mable Kerr; ; receiyer, Mrs. Gla dys ' Allen; ; marshal, Mrs. Hattie : Rulph, of Independence, and mu sician, Mrs. Dorothy Weinger, I also of Independence. .. - ' The Iry club had a special meeting at the" Woodman ball Friday to elect officers for 1935. They are: President, Mrs. W, J. Kerr; rice-president, Mrs. E. G. Harris, and secretary-treasurer, Mrs. B. R. Douglas. The - 4-H Cooking club met Thursday afternoon and elected these, officers: President, Agnes Ridders: .Tlce-president, June Al len: secretary, Yvonne Kerr; yell . leader. Miss Cartler. is the .f choolj teacher. . iiWIfflSlilOIT. DISPLAY liWCEO irangcr 3 iNcws Column Economics Club to : Pack Yule Package -! For Farm Children VICTOR POINT. Dec. 10. -Mrs. Elsie Tate and Mrs. Ida Steinber- g er will' be hostesses Wednesday at the former's'home for the De cember meetijg of the Union Hill Home Economics club. A Christ mas box will be packed for the W. C. T. U. farm home at Cor vallis.'and officers for the com ing, year will be elected. - 1. a v A group et friends met at the O. W. Humphrey's home. Wednes day night for a surprise party in honor of Miss Thelma Humphrey's birthday. At; a late hour lunch was served by Miss Hortense Hunt ! and Evangeline Williams. f LlBERTT.r Dec 10. The country store' affair of the Bed Hills grange - was successfully diet church were well ; attended. I carried out. Friday ; evening with'; MOLALLA, Dec. 10. The Lad les' Aid a ullt show, carnival and dinner Wednesday at the Mtho- M ... o VV- 7i From the large number of quilts oa 'display prizes were awardea to the following: v ' Appliqued - quilts. Mrs. Kate Adams, first; Mrs. Frank DIcken, second. : '? ' - l ' : Appliqued and pieced quilts. Mrs. Jt. H. Pemble, first; -Mrs. Percy, Williams, second." Cotton pieced quilts - Mrs. J. W. Moore, first; Mrs, R. H. Pem ble, second.-.? Embroidered quilts Mrs. Gra ham, first and second. : t Oldest quilts Mrs. A. Y. Mey ers, first, ana second, xnese two quilts were 80 and 65 years old, respectively. i Best quilting Mrs. R. 1L saw fairly; good size crowd attend ing.. .- ."V , Among the" musical . program numbers were vocal selections by the Rosedale male quartet, . Gus Col. Clifford Smith, Hurl Pear son and Ellis Cannoy; vocal se lections by William McGllchrist, sr;. Mrs. R. T. Gordon at ' the tii&noi for another selection he played his . own : accompaniment on th concertina A guitar and harmonic trio. Wilma Sargent,' Glen Thomas, Jamea Rose, played several num bers. Frances Shogren gave wp clano selections. V. - " The Red Hills gj-ange wm roeei Tnesdav evening: starting with a " o . T 1 . ' .. ... . 1 1 P1 uhnmn co-Jc i ESKARQLia L tMaoie4Bet ill t i v A t i i L-lm ,. ,1 , ii i Li.i.i ,k that also won the prise forbelng the oldest cotton quilt. . Mrs. J. H. Bowlin was elected worthy matron at a meeting of I Orchid chapter of the Eastern Star Tuesday evening. Other officers I elected for the coming year were Ora Slvter. worthy patron;. Mrs. Alfred Shaver, associate matron; Alfred Shaver, associate patron; i Mrs. E. E. Turner, conductress; Mrs. ' Floyd Campion, associate conductress; Mrs. E. R. Worth, I secretary, and Mrs. G.. H. Greg ory, treasurer, insatiiation win be December 18. . - i tootluck dinner chorus will sing. all 8: Waving a greeting to their families assembled on the deck at Port Huron, Mich., survivors of the Lake Huron freighter tragedy In which four fellow crew members of the W. C. Fran were lost, are shown returning aboard the Edward L. Loomis. .The Franz went down after a collision with the Loomis whose steel prow was crushed V : as indicated in the other picture. , ".. Tree Harvest For Yuletide Luring Many FAIRFIELD. Dec. 10 Fair-. field and Butteville granges will hold a Joint Installation of offi cers Friday nlght at the regular meeting here witht J. W. Jonnston as installing officer. .. i V The regular monthly meeting of the H. E. club was held Thurs day afternoon at the bau.. After j the business meeting this pro- 1 rram was enioyed: Paper, Home and Community, Mrs. Ben Hall ; solo, Martha Mers Da Rette; con test 'Star"; "Looking Forward to ' Christmas." Mrs. M. J. Mahoney; reading. Mrs. T. A. Ditmars; talk, Mrs. Don Du Rette; group lnging. Tfie Perfect Christmas Gift Longlex SILVERTON HILLS. Dec. 10 Silverton Hills "Christmas tree farms" are '.giving their annual yield of Christmas, trees to the market at this time of the year. Large trucks .are hauling ,-the trees from the woods to various FUNERAL RITES FOR LIBERTY. Dec. 10. One of Liberty's' most beloved residents, Mrs. Kate Holder, 67, passed away Friday night at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Joseph Pierre m parts of this state and also ite Ttiinmnnk. She had been In ill California. Several tmckloads hAh for some months, and had have already gone south. . i . I been cared for at the home of her Six feet tall is the most popular danrhter for- the cast three family size, according to harvest-1 months. ers. Smaller trees, approximately I . Mrs. Holder has been a resident three and four feet tall are also! here for about SO rears, her hus- Trinity Society Electa J SILVERTON, Dec. 10. Elec tion of officers at Trinity7 Young People'87 society was held? Sun day afternoon resulting: Presi dent, Norman , Jensdn ; ' vice-president, Inga Goplerud; secretary, Charlotte ; Goplerud; treasurer, Harlan Moe; assistant treasurer. "Thoryiald Hanson. - Committees ; were appointed i.o care for the arrangement of the Christmas tree entertainment at the church. .Those 'to secure the tree are Frank Nelson, Thorvald Hanson and James Satrum ; dec oration committee, Victor Sath r, Harry Larson, Mrs.". Henry Torvend and Mrs. Oscar Satern. Delegates elected to attend the Lutheran Brotherhood convention at Portland were Silas Torvend, John Goplerud, ' sr., and Amos Corhonse. During the program - hour re portsfrom the recent Eugene convention were made by Sylvia Haere and Agnes Torvend. Rev. C. L. Fobs was the speaker for the afternoon. Piano duets were played by Charlotte Goplerud and Lovellatchettv : Luncheon hostesses were . Mrs. inna K. Jensen, Mrs. R. F. Lar on and Mrs. Ed Nelson. HAZEL GREEN, Dec. 10. Friday evening 17 S were in at tendance at. the splendid program arranged by Mrs. Ralph Gilbert for the j-community club. The numbers" were: selections by male quartet ' ot : Salem high school, James Rosario, Cart Mason, Paris Winslow, Ervin Portor, Miss Fla via ;'Dbwns, accompanist; . piano accordion solo-, Herman Domogal- la, - Salem;, vocal solo "Until!.. Helen Ralph; talk on Japan, Mrs. iJ. Vinton Scott: pictures of Jap an, Dr. J.'.Vinton Scott. Mrs. Scott said since .the ,! earthquake the country has become more modern with taller houses, wide streets and transportation. Many Japan ese native and American : born attended, the meeting. A beauti ful representation of MU Fujiya ma -was worked out by James Yada using tinsel, colors, cotton and other material. - The December program will Be given by the school under the di rection of teachers, Mrs. Ross Miles and Miss Helen Ralph. The young people of the community are preparing a play for January. The club voted to sponsor a 4-H club In manual training. Thursday with a "potluck" din ner at : noon.' Considerable work was accomplished on the quilts under way. Afternoon during the social 'hour Mrs. G.''F; Johnston was- the guest of honor. ' for ; a handkerchief shower In honor of her birthday. - '. . - . I IBEBTY WOMEN ins 1 -. -LIBERTY, Dec... 10. A gift shower, for the Children's farm home at Corvallls was a feature of the meeting of . the Liberty Women's club Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Vernon De Catur. Guest" speaker was. Mrs. David .Looney of Jefferson, whe spoke of -the children's home and the new hospital building, a gift of the county, federation , of wom an's elnbs. - Z ' Mrs. Eugene, Finlay.; of Jeff er son, played piano numbers. A re view of the book "SOUtn Moon un der", by" Rawllngs, 'waa;given by - Mrs. W. R. Dallas; picture studr was given by Mrs. Charles Rug gles. Mrs; Vernon Dec&tur Mrs. Victor Ballantyne and Mrs. W. R. Dallas were appointed to obtain data on "various girls' organiza-' ' tions with a view to organization of the most suitable for local girls. MrsvR.X. Forster assisted in serv in g refreshments. - ' - '-. ' Mrs. Cecil Sargent entertained with a surprise dinner party Hon WEST' STAYTON, Dec. 10. The regular meeting of the com munity club . was held In the school house Friday night. The following program was given by local talent; music by Bill Ben- net t and others, reading, Aaron Steele;" song, Jimmy and Gladys Thomas; play, "Pa Gets Took," Virginia Darley; Neomi Chamber lain, Carol Garrison, Glen Brown ing and Dan Spies; reading. Mar ine Wilson; . song. Bunny Cham berlain; reading, 'Slim Thomas; song, Mrs. Chamberlain and a si lent play. ' ' ;. ; -v : ' At the ; January. - meeting the men - will put - on-the program and the February meeting, the women: v , - -y : . SWEGLEDec. 20. The com munity,,, club held - Its , ' regular meeting Friday night. A supper was served.. 'Rule Smith and W. Bigger'staff were appointed to. se lect appropriate song books for the community' singing. Mrs.. C. Simpson, Mrs. McCullah' and John Whitehead are to work out a plan to make this club eligible to the Federated standard requirement. Edwin Imig. - Dan Stauf f er and Mrs.' E. Whitehead - will Uke charge of the Christmas trat for the children. "-- , The following program was given: Dorothy . Klbby, piano solo; Warren Biggerstaff, cornet solo, Mrs. R. Smith accompanist; Howard Whitehead, reading; lfe r ClmnsAH sin at Vff r-m M rl lah, duet; William Kreplln, vio- KrOWeldeen Club Hn selection, accompanied by bis son Billy; -song. and dance, Mary and Louise Whitehead, Margaret Smith and Norma Kroeplin; Edna and Ruby Sexton, duet; Gloria Kroeplin and Louise .Whitehead, dance; Herman Kroeplin, violin solo, accompanied by William Kroeplin: the community quar tet, H. F. Wells, Lynn Lovelace, W. Blggerstaff and R. Smith, made its debut. very much In demand. Theatres and other large .building owners are using trees from 10 . to 11 feet and taller. ; i. - Christmas trees, ,-. particularly the. perfect trees,-are much more difficult to find in the hills now than they were before the advent of automobiles. Last 'year, wood land - and tree owners report, droves ot people - motored . eut from the . nearby towns and ; ci ties and 'cut trees anywhere and in any manner they saw tit. Many would cut a tree or two and mo toring on find some more to their liking and so discard the - first trees. Others would cut the per feet tops from the larger trees. The owners In this vicinity report they are going to - keep a close watch on "tree . chlselers.' this year and use their full authority -to stop the trees from being tak en from - private property, or it they come too late to stop, they will . prosecute the tree thieves who have not asked permission to secure their trees. band purchasing, part of . the old Charles Full erton homestead no on arrival here. They lived in the historic old house on. the place a number ot years, then Mrs. Hol der purchased her. present home. She taught a class in the 8unday school here for - many years and was the first chaplain of the Red HlUs - grange upon Its organisa tion. She was later given a life membership In the grange. Has Bridge Play - CARD PARTY TONIGHT SILVERTON, Dec 10. The. Al tar, Society of St. Paul's church will hold Its next card party at the Parish hall, Tuesday evening, December 11. Mrs. L. B. Shar- back is general chairman of ar rangements. . Assisting .with re- freshmenta will be Mrs. C. B. WeatherlU,'. Mrs. William Fitzke. Mrs. Tom Reillng. Mrs. Caroline Lais. Mrs. J. Martin and Mrs. Jo hanna Schaefer. host Colds I-V ....Best treated without "dosing- VAPOHUO Tf" Cattle Abortion Meet Slated at r Silverton DAYTON, Dec. 10 Mrs. Joe Cockerham entertained the Web- I foot Social service club Thursday afternoon at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lorett. Twelve " members and . two guests, Mrs. Floyd B. Willert and Mrs. S. Simms attended the regu lar; meeting ot the - Kr'oweldeen club held Thursday night where three tables of bridge were in ' KEIZE R, . Dec. " 10 .An " inter esting, community club . "meeting with a large audience was held at the school house Friday night. iThe next meeting of the . Garden Club will be Jield - January . J, at V the President. Mrs.' Bunnell; stress ed the ."standardization 'require tnents V and. outlined one - feature for each club meeting to the close of the year. Mrs. Minturn report ed the hot; lunches being served. Lois Keefer was named chair man of program committee; re freshments,: Mr 'and Mrs. Joe Bartruff.' Mrs. Irvine, was named as a new member of the courtesy committee. The program Included SILVERTON; Dec. 10. Harry Riches, county agent, hae announ- ced a meeting tor Tuesday morn ing at 10 o'clock at the Silverton armory -called to discuss the con trol of abortion in dairy cattle. A representative either from Ore gon State college or Portland will be present to outline the program and to answer questions.. . ' ' GOET2 ON PROGRAM SILVERTON. Dec." 10. Robert Goets, superintendent ot Silverton schools, will be one of the prin cipal speakers at the Oregon State Teachers convention to be held at Portland during the holidays. Mr. Goetz's subject will be "Teaching Social Sciences in the Grades. - JNo other cereal compares with it for Health, Flaror . and AptabihtT. ;; any m srsiig jrtm vow grecar aw JCoswmMM mmm'mmy 4yt reading by Lois Keefer: piano orlng her daughter Wilma on her J solo, Marjory Melivedoff; presen- 13tb birthday- anniversary rres- i tatlon of first badges to six new ent were Mildred v Leek, Rowena Wentenhouse. Patsy Dasch, Jac queline Judd, Mary Sargent, Lau ra Anderson and the honor guest, Wilma Sargent . 7 . New President 1 for Kingwood Club -.KINGWOOD. Dec. 10. Mem bers of the Book and Thimble club gathered at the Rees home Thursday afternoon. Mrs. C- H. Templeton. v having recently mov- . ed to .Salem, offered her 1 resig- nation as president. Mrs. A. L. Annlewhlte.' vice-president, auto- matlcallr succeeds to the office. Mrs. Walter Blxel was elected vice-president. Special guests were Mrs, Warren B. Baker and Mrs. Robert Halt. ' ; -S' The annual k Christmas party i at the home ot Mrs. Ross Dam- rell, December 20, will be an all-1 dav affair with a gift exchange, i boy ecout members by" Scoutmas ter Wilson; - recitation, Arlene Frogley; - piano solo, Dorothy Ru- lifson. . The - pie social followed with Dave Saucy as auctioneer. LYONS. Dec. . 10. The ; ladles of the. community -club held an all day meeting at the elub rooms i!IAPPEl , ; Te mtlcUy relieve t. ; ckapH"i roHhNee. cracUnd apply eMthiii, coollajMiUhoUtiun. Harry Elliott . vs. ' Puke Rupenthal . 2 Honrs "" Art Perkins vs. '. , v Jack Blacklejr 1 Hoar . Bobby Sampson vs. Bill Cazzell Salem Armory, Tonight 0:30 ; PRICES: Lower Hoor 75c, Balcony 50c (No Tax) Ladies 25Cj- StndenU 25c Tickets at Cliff Parker's - Anspices America a Lesion ; Herb Owen, Matchmaker . ' 4 : mitsx cuss j ; UOUDAY R0U?1DTRIPS ifor thm tint elm ' one way tmrm rp!us.;50::Hi ; aU S. P. stttioos ia' Caii : - fornia, Oregon, Nevada aad Ari- 'acoa. Tickets are good oo all . trains leaving V ' Did 13 TO jiuii. i - B httk by wuimght, Jmutsrf 12 San Francisco Los Angeles 4208 .$32.98" These round trips - are FIRST - CLASS, good in standard Pull- . - aoans berth extra). ' ,- - .-i-f - A - - - ; LOW COACII-TOUniST FAXES EVERY DAY . "r At these low lares yon can. leave any day. Rctam limit 21 dayst Los Angeles -..$290 San Francisco 19.70 ' imllar tares to all S. P. sta tions, good in coaches - also in tourist sleeping cars (berth extra). ,' A. P. Noth, Ticket Agent ?, Telephone 440S . i . : Ma miDcyire. Sit 1 Handy . compact leather zipper case .' containing nail pollah, polish remover, ' cuticle remover, nlcoUne remover, nan r white pencil, orange stick and fOea. ;The glr that travels will appreciate' . this gift .and it's jiut as handy for the ones that stay at home m 1 $1.45 Value Woodbury Set 79c . Full . size Woodbury's shaving, cream, shave: lotion, . men's talcum, dental cream and facial soap. -- " - j. Williams' Holiday Package Double' site Luxury . shaving cream, full six Aqua - Velva, -. talcum, ' ' and dental cream in an attractive gift package. , Fitcjis Hair and Shave Set $1.29 Here's a super value: Full size Fitch's Ideal hair-. tonic, shampoo, "shave cream and lotion in handsome leather ette', folding case . for traveling. , Mennen's Shaving Set Mennen's lather shave, , talcum, skin bracer, 1 Mennen razor .blades, I u u vaK blade1 eon- t taiiftr. ! U. 10-PieceSet $15.98 Dainty "Art-Y-Zan set of 10 beauti fully designed pieces in amber with hold and silver tracings that com pletely furnishes any dressing table ' top. -Mirror, brush, comb, box, jar, scissors, shoe horn and S other mani cure items.-110.50 value. . . Piece-Spf ' : '"- ' -. . 09 A V ; ; Sl. V ' . Ion, .imbr handled mirror, two lovely are, and seven other ex quisite . amber pieces in sateen lined case. $7.20 :- value, c . . "MM t - v 51 2.75 Toiletry Set v- - $7.9S Mirror, brush, comb, Jewel case, powder Jar -ef beautiful green Am- erith.- case lined, with ; pastel ' eelanese satin, painted ' floral . design ' inside cover. Curex Manicure Set 5 10 ? Here's' a SB7 set that has everything, from a fin ger rest to a cotton picker. Handsome, gen uine leather case with tipper. " ' $7.50 Dresser Set $4.09 1 Mirror, brush and comb -in: smartly " designed , veined . pearL Highest quality bristles In all brushes, ot course..;. Tre-ur Bath"; Salts Cr Powder $1.00 Huge box ddsting pow der, S bags exquisitely perfumed .- bath salts, all in pink and green - with satin tassels. - . We Carry : i Complete line I YardleyV ',.ToitTic ) Everyo n e a p 1 predates and . welcomes the gift of Yard ley's Lavender preparations. TrV -M m f w r TI 0 V? IJ For Sale - at ToUetry Dept. Shop here leis urely for scores of oth er thrifty gilt and every-day values. 170 North Liberty St. f I i -i - - i .1