The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 09, 1934, Page 3, Image 3

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning December 9, 1934
3 '
nil r n R I HI I r I Arnve; Various New Accommodations Will
mtu nun
Interim Committees Filing
Recommendations; Some
Members are "Out"
The first of the nightgowns are
here -unbleached, unfinished cot
ton garments which star boarders
at D Mlnto hotel will be required
to wear hereafter under orders
from the state transient senric e.
Twenty-fire came, yesterday and
ment in ' Oregon
An innovation just started will
be a . "home" for ' transients too
old or through illness, incapaci
tated to work. They are being sent
to Roseburg ; where the OTern-
ment will proride quarters for 200
men this winter. Boys under 21
who are on the road are being
concentrated at Clackamas this
winter. ''.'. '
De Mintd hotel la Improving its
facilities constantly. A barber" is
provided if transients do not wish
to share themselves; he is picked
from the men at the hotel and re
ceives one dollar a week. I A stor
age room is provided for clothing;
with each man given a i box In
which to keep is clothes and
equipment. - I "
Meals are provided three times
a day. Each man at the "hotel"
here is given a work detail daily,
According to Robert Bo&rdman.
the men are fed at an average cost
of nine cents a meal.
DeMInto hotel is kept iscropu
louBly clean. In a rat sad mice
raid made shortly after the "ho-
jtel" was established, 76 mice and
- (Continued from pajre 1)
torlal work preparatory to the leg- 1 200 more are ordered, so every
isiauve session, are towards the man can have a clean garment
New Deal In Oregon. regularly. - v r
"'" . The gowns are "frill-less", ua-
The Meier-Holman' squabble is iform in length and size. They
to continue until the closing day constitute one bit In the govern-
of the governor's administration, meat's program of making tran-
Both men are now bo thoroughly. 8ient relief headquarters more
angered-wlth each other that the nomelike and-sanitary,
one is Invariablv the onnonent of Along with the nightgowns go
any move raised by the other in requirements that each "residenfj
board of control sessions. To 11- tne hoteI take a oatQ daI1T witn
lustrate: Hoi man announced dur- the hot showers already provided
ing Meier's absence in California ln the equipment now in D Mlnto
that he would sell 1 1250,000 of &oteL fumigating room for old
liquor certificates to provide state clothes is also being provided.
match-money for relief ln Decern- Each newcomer, to the "hoteH
ber. This aroused Meier's ire 4he 18 also lTen medical examination
governor's office has been the lia- and treatment is given. If needed,
lson between state and federal re- Eacn man 19 a80 interviewed and
lief authorities. The liquor com- every- transient who will go, is sent
missioner and administrator were to a government work camp,
annroached and th xrruA nn . There are 250 men now in the
Plan to advance Hon ooa It, vh Santlam camp, one of Blx being,
December 1 and the $150,000 dur-I operated by he feeral govern- 6 rats were killed in one day.
mg the month. ' This satisfied
wasnmgion so no December cer- I week that H. B. VanDuzer was go-
IISV?? tl8sued' 3 ,Qrf to the highway commis-
censed the state treasurer, who , v , , , .
was left holding the sack on his 8lon as chalraan. i replacing Leslie
own plan. Scott. Carl Washburne was going
It Is certain that Ilorman work- retire early in January because
ed with the Multnomah county the commission work takes too
commissioners-In having them ap- much time from his business,' it
proach the state board of control was also reported, leaving place
with a plan of selling $200,000 in for a Willamette valley democrat,
certificates in December to help Ed Aldrich, democrat from Pen
indigent in each county ' in the
state. Meier promptly took .Issue man as any to represent that part
with this plan and as it finally of the state and was an influen
was worked out, Multnomah coun- tial democratic editor, would re-
J o gei su,uuu ior indigent i main.
poor in December but the funds
came out or moneys which other- n Considerably more social life
Wise would have gone for SERA involving the chief executive and
work. No certificates were issued his wife can be expected the next
as Holman wished. With this back- four years in Salem. Conversation
ground it. is easy to see why Hoi- with Mrs. Martin- revealed that.
man termed Meier a "moron" Moreover, the Martini are coming
when the governor squelched Hoi- I to Salem to live--their leasing of
man's plan to renovize the Mulkey a- most; attractive residence as-
ouuaing m Portland by calling it sures the general's pre-election
"asinine." . promise Is to bekept. Moreover,
The - governor is furious over the Martins'are accustomed to so
llolman's last attack. He has kept clal life- 11 is Part and Parcel of
any reply from the newspapers the routIne of ai army officer and
but it is known he has read care- has beem continued by them since
fully Holman'g epithets and espe- r?e enerai veni " congress?
cially the state treasurer's refer
ence to Meier's inherited wealth.
Meier may hereafter hold board
of control meetings without sum
moning Holman or if the latter at-
The Marion County Taxpayers
association is to prepare a pro
gram for the legislature bringing
out some of the reforms in state
tends. . the rovernnr m (. government it has long sought.
him. The feud between the two is Tne exact Program: to now being
beyond all reconciliation and it di8CU8sed bT the . executive corn
would be most unpleasant for any- "tee; i the membership will
one to do business with the board thresh It over before the year
of control if much longer contih- ends-,.Some of,tbe Probable planks
ued. Each mtin frn . wlu- fee unicameral legislature
til January 14 has" the basis for pr0Tlded . lhr?ugh constitutional
newspaper headlines. enactment by the people, abolition
oi me oitice oi ouagec director,
On mrt rf0,A-.i-; pernapsi a. one-maa tax commia-
has this view on Ihe Coi-bett-for- sIn ethAl restoration of a.
president controversy, which now y. ,y 7 ... "u-uiuc
appears past the controversial collecting the tax on a b ue
stage and a reality. "Why not let book T.&lue,?nd turnifn5 tbe
Corbett be senate leader?" he money into the general fund as an
pined while here during the offs,et to tbe Bdect
week. "We have the governorship LeaI T0. The Marion County
and the house; if Corbett. a Vi taxpayers' league has been potent
puoitcan, nas charge of the sen- r:r,T'rvr:"rv
in 1930, in urging statewide tax
reduction and budget slashing and
through Henry Zorn, its president,
helped precipitate the now historic
ate, we can doff some of the re
sponsibility. If needed legislation
is not carried in the senate, we
can put the blame on Corbett."
This point of view is not held by
Senator Dickison and other ardent
-democrats who were eager to ob
'tain the senate presidency for the
party. But their plans were
thwarted by Corbett's unwilling
ness to release any of the republi
can : senators who pledged their
(Continued from page 1)
of Labor, were shown quarreling
over the same berth on the "Pros
perity Limited." !
The disputed berth was labeled
"Section 7-A". i
Ford and Green finally began
tussling. Henry I. Harriman,
president of the Chamber ot Com
merce of the United States, and
Rudolph S. Hecht, head) of the
American Bankers' association,
joined in the colloquy and finally
impatience at the fact the, train
was standing still was manifested
by U. v 1
. They got small comfort from
the porter who told them:
"De Prosperity Limited ain't
got no regular time for starting
it starts just as soon as de
new special gets offen de tracks
It's a wreck up de line."
frequently went through Salem.
He represented the Gibson : com
pany- of Chicago. While slightly
better yesterday, he waa still un
able to talk or to writ although
understood, apparently, what was
said to him. ; :;,'
Truckloads Leaving State;
Some of Machines Lack !
Required Licenses r
Christmas ' tree haulers are
keeping state policemen busy this
month checking on out-of-state
truck licenses and special per
mits, - according to Lieutenant
Walter Lansing, second officer ln
command of headquarters district.
By the dozens literally trucks
groaning under the weight ot hun
dreds of young evergreens are
passing up and down the Pacific
highway and many ot them have
not secured the proper papers and
tags. - . ! .
The majority ot the Christmas
tree haulers are of either Wash
ington or California registry. The
former, due to Oregon's reciprocal
licensing law, are required only to
secure the $2.50 public utilities
permit for private carriers and
carry liability. and property dam
age insurance. The California
truckers in addition must purch
ase Oregon - licenses since that
state has no law reciprocating
with Oregon ln this matter.
Lieutenant Lansing expressed a
belief that many of the out-of-
state drivers were misinformed as
to this state's requirements. Haul
ers against whom -evidence of ma
llcious violation of the law is ob
tained are taken to court; others
are first given 'an opportunity to
secure tbe required papers.
Relative Found,
Case of Victim
Of Stroke Here
A relative ot Shadrach B.
Beesley, who suffered a stroke
in a local hotel during, the .week
and is now in the Deaconess hos
pital here, "vas located as the
week closed through the work
of the sheriffs office. In a small
paper ln Beesley's purse was
found the name of Mrs. J. T.
Emmerton . and enough other
data to make it seem likely Mrs.
Emmerton is Beesley s daughter
Police ln Ontario notified her
and it is expected she will come
to Salem. . '
Beesley, a man ln his 60's
was a salesman of clothing and
college-university merger scrap.
- SILVERTON, Dec. 8. Mrs.
Gertrude L. Cameron has received
word that her son, Bill Cameron,
votes to him and by the unwlll-' who went east during the sum
ingness of Senators Goss and I mer has entered the Bentley
Stray er, demos lined up for Cor
bett, to renege on their promises.
Peter) Zimmerman and W. E.
Burke in the upper house will let
4 out some oratory on opening day
when Corbett is named but aside
from that, the Multnomah county
republican seems assured of an
easy election.
I Governor-Elect Martin is mov
ing very slowly in choosing the
personnel which will work for him
during his forthcoming four years.
That much seemed certain Friday
m to . newsmen who enjoyed an ,in-
formal conference with the gover
nor. The flock of applications for
jobc which come to any newcomer
to the executive. office are being
received by the governor-elect but
they are' not past the "considera
tion stage." One can pick up re
ports ad infinitum, some of them
supposedly , from ' persons in the
know, or who 'ill be appointed to
his post and that but each report
can be generously discounted. One
high-up state officer' said last
School of Law and High Finance
at Boston and is enjoying his
work very much. , .
ou Pive a
He selects
the shoes L
Its Washability is Truly
. She rwi-Williams
Semi -Lustre
for Walls and Woodwork
Dries to a hard satin-like
finish.. Per (g-j A A
quart , D1UU
Nelson Dros.
, It. L. Elf Strom, SIgr. Paint
and Roof Dept.
O When you ive
Florsheira Shoes, you
know you're giving a gift
that gives real satisfac-'
tion. Forty-two years of
fine shoe - making have
proven that Florsheim
Shoes are the standard
of shoe quality, that
they give more miles
of .satisfactory wear.
most 07C
STIfLEt f'5 .
Rise's Bootery
: 120 North Commercial St.
at Hogg Bros. New
' .Appliance Store
of the Magic Maid Electric Food Mixer.
Learn the secrets of this wonderful kitch
en time and labor saver. Demonstration
starts Monday morning, December 10.
Terms, down
YES we will wrap any appliance in
beautiful colored cellophane for
Christmas delivery. Choose your ap
pliance now. See our windows for
Xmas Specials!
New Model Washers with JQr7 AfT
porcelain enamel tub tftO
New Easy Washers with (J A A r A
. new safety iwringer Dtc0
i 1
Just 5 received a carload of Maytag
Washers with a new I Q pT A
special model . tD 0 a O U
New Crosley cold chest (J?A KA
- ref rig-eratori . ....... . P O u O U
' Musical groups from the high
schools of Salem, Woodburn, Stay-
ton, Jefferson, Gervaia and Hub
bard will participate in the third
annual Marion county music fes
tival ln the Salem high school au
ditorium Saturday night,-Decem
ber 15, sponsored by the Marion
County Principals association. The
festival is being, revived after be
ing discontinued last year.
Christmas music will be heavily
featured In this year's festival.
There will be, quarters, glee clubs,
Boloists, trios and mixed groups.
On the same date the Salem
high school chapter of the Nation-,
al Honor society. will Initiate a
number of Marion county students
who have-, been selected for ; membership.'-
- -
; ' ...
60 Boy Scouts .
From Salem at
Albany Meeting
Sixty Boy Scouts from - Salem.
including most of the patrol lead
ers, and 12 adult leaders are
attending the Boy Scout regional
conierence at Albany this week
Rev. George H. Swift' of th a
Episcopal church here was one of
the speakers at the banquet Fri
day niKbt, discussing leadership.
Dean Dubach of Oregon State
college was the principal speak
er, his topic, "Character, a Ne
cessity for Future Leadershin.
ins conierenca win rinaA t
noon today, formal sessions wind
ing up at ' 10:45 a. m. after
which the boys will attend the
churches ot their choice In Al
bany. V
Mail Divided Into Four Part;
Amount Depends on Type
and Zone Rating :
i : ' -
Parcel post packages, or other
mailing matter not ot first class
cannot hare written matter wltht
ln the package: but on tbe out
side of i the paekage and on the
same side as the label a letter
with ; stamp on envelope can be
fixed so that letter and package
will arrive simultaneously, 'ac
cording to Assistant Postmaster
Arthur E. Gibbard.
Mall matter la by law-divided
Into! four classes, as follows:
First, written or sealed matter;
second, newspapers and' maga
zines; third, merchandise and
printed and other mailable mat
ter, (except that ot first and sec
ond I classes not exceeding eight
ounces in weight; and fourth,
merchandise and printed and
other mailable matter (except
that, of the first and second
classes) exceeding eight ounces
ia weight. -
The postal rate on first class
matter is three, cents an ounce
or traction thereof; on second
class matter mailed by the pub
lic, one cent for each two ounces
or traction thereof, except when
the -postage at . the rate prescrib
ed for ' fourth class- matter is
lower,' ln which case the latter
rates shall apply; on third class
matter net mailed In bulk under
special permit, the rate is - one
and. a halt cents for each two
ounces or less. Parcel post mat
ter Is fourth class, and amount
needed for postage is determined
by the tone rating.
Gifts of Love
; ' Best Made
Inscriptions iseh as "Merry
Christmas," -With Best Wishes,"
and "Do Not Open Until Christ
mas," or words , to that effect
may be printed on the cover of
package. v-
Revising Bridge
Foundation Plan
i To Mean Saving
' Revampldg of the foundation
plans for the JLlsea bay bridge,
one of five spans now being con
structed " on the . Oregon: . coast
highway, will save the stata "ap
proximately $50,000, according to
C. B. McCuIlough, siate bridge
engineer, who returned Saturday
from Washington. .The new plans
were approved by the public
works administration, officials.
McCuIlough declared that 'after
the original contract was award
ed, the public works administra
tion officials directed changes ia
the foundations and specified the'
use. of steel sheet piling around
the piers. The state highway de
partment had requested the use
of concrete bag rip - rap, which
was ' opposed by the government
Experienced . Life Insurance Salesman as
D i strict Manager - or. Salem Agency
One of leading- Pacific Coast life"-insurance companies
seeka an experienced life Insurance salasmam as District
Manager for Salem and Ticinlty. Blast be personal pro
ducer with a desire to build his own agency. Prefer mar
ried man,- age . 28-40, with residence, ia this . territory.
Salary plus overwriting plus good first year and renewal
commissions. Give full Information la reply which" will
be confidential Address: Superintendent of Agencies,
. 012 Failing Bldgv Portland, Oregon. " -
An Orchard in One Tree
An apple tree with 4 varle-
ties in one tree. ; A cherry"
with three varieties in one
tree. A pear with three va
rieties in one tree.- A tree
with almond, apricot, plum
and prune.
These trees are ideal tor the
small lot. A full line ot fruit
and nut trees including figs,
nectarines, almonds, qninces, "
Chinese Lily Bulbs, if?.
2 for 10C
Regal Lily Bulbs,
each ...........
Powering Cherries - ,Four
. Varieties ot Flowering .
Crab Apples
- Give Grits That Grow
Pearcy BffbOf Nursery-
162 North Commercial -2 Doors North of
Bishop's Oothing Store
Shoes Hosiery
" I ' Astonishing Values During
Rre-Hbliday SALE
Dressy Black Kid
French heels Quality.
i 1
in dress, suede, kid and the
new crashed kid. Dressy for
street wear. 1
i . ;
Arch Support Oxfords
New ;Frigidaire cold (07 Kfl
chest refrigerator tj)0 I eOU
New Grunow ' d- QQ CA
refrigerator DXf3teDU
Slightly used 1933 model (fcQfVCfh
Kelvinator l. :...... !)Oa7eOU
Eskimo. Mlxmaster, Hamilton Beach,.
Magic Maid and Royal Culinaire . Mixers.-
Priced las . A A
iow as i : M4tOU
Vacuum Cleaners. J- Q PA
as low as -pAODU-i
InJ brown and ! black kid
built for comfort and
support. Try a pair on
and compare the fit. You
will enjoy real comfort.
:,:r---: :, ........ .. ...
Kid Oxfords
for dressy street wear.
Expert sewing machine service on
all makes j treadle or electric Special
for one week only we will clean and
adjust your machine for $1.25, called
for and delivered. AD work guaran
teed. . . - :
S395 ;
for Girls
. s; for girls.! Scotch; in de
sign, Scotch in price.
You will marvel at the,
value. . ' -i- '
i .
Men's Plain Toe
Heavy single sole. Black
4z&J I
Imported English, leath
er in, brown rrain. Reg
ular to 7.50. Special
Mens Tan and Black .
Welt soles, rubber top
lifts. A real special.
ah . ;
Work Shoes!
. . On Sale
Boy's Shoes an
Oitfords on
S--i ' ' :
ale v,
Appliance Store
325 Court St. Phone 6022
A Demonstration of Quality Footwear at
Real Economy : '
Sfll Chemeketa -- Phone SS10