-A- ; 1 : r ' k ' ' H . i '. r 4 Dressing for Meat Dish Topic of Round Table ! DRESSING for fowls of all kinds, turkey, chicken and , - wlltf game as .well , as re cipes for preparing stuffed chops make up the topic for the Round Table this earning week. . Variation In dressings Is al most endless,. Some like It moist, some like it dry . . some like It highly . seasoned and flavored with oysters, nuts and the like. Whatever your method of mak ing dressing is, please Jot down the ingredients and how you put it together and send to the Round Table editor befort Thurs day noon of next week. ? Three cash prizes will be awarded. Remember that. .It I the recipe Is for fowl,, roasting directions for the bird seed not be Includ ed, but if it is lor a cut meat dish please . send all instructions tor the complete preparation and1 cooking of the meat; V ' The pie reclpeb received last week were exceptionally tine and as many as there is spare for will be printed every oay. , . .- Ambrosia Pie H enp floor v : 4 eup sutrar V . ' . 4 teaspoon salt ' 1 eupa water 8 ap yolks ulifhlly beaten . enp orange joice 3 tablespoons lemon Jntre S or 4 teaspoons oraojre rind teaspoon grated lemon rind 1 baked ioen pio. shell ' - Combine flour, sugar and salt In top of a double boiler. Add water and - egg yolks, mixing thoroughly, place over hot water and cook l(k minutes or until thickened, stirring constantly. Re move from fire. Add fruit Juices and rind. Chill and pour Into pie hell which has been baked on outside of inverted pan to re tain its shape. , - . I Meringue - 3 ecu whites, unbeaten y, enp anar. dash-of salt . - 3 tablespoons water . :. 1 orange, sections Jrt from mem ". eras - 4 eP oeoannt . Pot egg whites, sugar, salt and water . In top '.of a double boiler. Beat- with rotary-egg beater, until thoroughly mixed. Place over rapidly boiling water and beat one minute. Remove from fire and continue beating 2 minutes longer or until the mixture will stand In peaks. Pile lightly on pie. Arrange orange . sections on meringe and sprinkle with coconut. All measurements in the recipe are level. i Mrs. Pearl Hayler I 2156 S. Summe .-. . . ' - Sally's Pecan Pie - H enp -itforteniBg; H enp iiirht brown er ' . H enp milk 1 cup chopped pecans " S ours ; 4 teaspoon salt ' 1 eup light corn-sjmp Cream shortening with sugar. Add pecans. Combine eggs, salt, syrup, milk,. Tanllla. Add to su rr mixture and mix well. Turn into unbaked shell. Bake at 425 degrees for 10 minutes and then reduce to low, 325 degrees for 30 minutes. Chill. C o v e r top with whipped cream if desired. Mrs. E. A. Lee. 185 Mape Ave. . Orange Chiffon Pie Croat: - ' 1 cup floor cup shortening frated rind of erango 3 tablespoons orange juice H toaspoon salt , , ' , Combine as usual and bake In one shell. rilling: Soak together for about 5 min utes 1 tablespoon granulated gel atin in M cup cold water.. Set this aside. Cook over boiling water until of custard consisten cy the following: 4 errs yolks, beaten slightly cup eurar f 4 teaspoon salt y cap orange juice 1 tablesooon lemon Juice Add softened gelatin to hot custard, then add 1 tablespoon grated orange rind. While cus tard is cooling beat egg whites until stiff and dry. Fold sugar into beaten egg whites, using M cup to the 4 egg whites; Fold the cooled custard mixture Into the beaten egg whites. Fill a deep baked pie shell and chill. Before serving, spread a - thin layer of whipped cream over the pie. - " , Minnie Mae Miller 1009 N. Fifth Ice Cream Pie 1 cup crushed pineapple -' 4 ere whites 8 tablespoons sorer Btrawberry ica eream Saked pastry sbell ' . Thoroughly chill and drain well. One cup crushed pineapple. Make a meringue of four egg whites beaten stiff and dry, add ing eight tablespoons sugar, and browning in oven. Fill chilled pastry shell with the ice cream, cover with chilled pineapple and top with the browned meringue. Serve immediatey. Whipped cream may be substituted for the meringue. Very nice when one wishes to. serve something that is a little unusual, and espe cially attractive when served in individual pastry shells. " Grace M. Foster Rt 4, Box 40 Children Invited for: Attendance Party On Saturday from 3 to & o'clock-there will be ft Children's party at the First Congregation al church. This pirty la given by Mrs. J. R. Simonds to-the mem bers of the second - and '' third grades In the Sunday school be cause of .i. perfect attendance re- " COrd. - . - J.- !;' (.'" ,'-. Christmas games, songs, stor ies and decorations will be . In cluded in the program. ' Members ' Invited ; are Mary Clasgens, Ruin - Anderson, Patri cia Schneider, Barbara Hoadley, Shula Gilles, Marie Newman, Jack Slater, Erie Carlson, Robert Charlton.. Jackie Rlckett, Ailya Bellinger, Keats Oliver, John Gll lls, Evans Boise and Danny Fry, Jr. '' Miss Esther Long is t h e teacher of the class. King's Heralds Meet This Afternoon The King's Heralds of the First M. E. church will meet today.with Mrs. A. A. Lee and Winsor Acton at the home of Mrs. Lee from 2 to 4:15 o'clock. Sylvia Slater and Josephine Morse are in charge of the games and Muriel Jones will preside at the atory .hour. The group la rehearsing a play to be given next Wednesday at the W. T. M. S. meeting of the church. Bethany Mr. and Mrs." R. M. Harding have gone south to spend the winter. They will spend some time In Los Angeles and some at Phoenix, Arixona, where they mult innt vear. The liar dines own and operate - a hop ranch here. Mr. Harding is a reurea jewetry auctioneer. : -v ,? '- -'--' ' Mrs. Clark Elntertains K. C. K. T. Club IT ft IT T rluK va Anfpr- tained Thursday afternoon by Mrs.' Ray Clark. A late luncheon was served. . , Rncjsta Included Mrs. Fred Bar ter. Mrs. A. A. Graver. Mrs. Nel lie Knox, Mrs. Hattle GIvens. Mrs. E. J. Donnell. Mrs. Albert Waller. Mrs. Roy Wassam. Mrs. Albert Clark and Miss Maxlne Clark, spe cial guests. " Mrs. Wilson Honors Sewing Club Mrs. Delbert Wilson entertained members :pf the Knot a Care club at her home Thursday afternoon. Sewing and a late luncheon were enjoyed. Those in attendance were Mrs. Elton Birch, Mrs. Albert Baker, Mrs. W. C. Thomas and daughter. Joan, Mrs. Judson Bressler, Mrs. Carroll Robinson, Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, Mrs. Marlon Chappelle and the hostess, Mrs. Delbert Wil son and daughters Shirley and Sandra. Mrs. Lear Presides at Party The Englewood Woman's club was entertained with a Christmas party Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. D. O. Lear. Carols were sung and gifts for the W. C. T. V. Children's home at Corvallls were exchanged. The hostess served tea assisted by Mrs. A. R. Tartar, Mrs. W. Townsend, Mrs. C. H. Fowler, "Mrs. William McMorris, Mrs. Dora Wallace and Mrs. A. Johnson. ALE! (! HA li y A . Wright's Health Underwear 80 WOOL Men who buy and wear Wright's Health underwear, know this union suit which' is stamped 80 wool to be a big bargain at this price. Sizes 36, 38, 40 (0 QQ Basement tfreWeaO , Part Wool Jaeger Fleece Union Suits- Part wool jaeger fleece is another bargain offered ; here 'today at 7Q this low price . 4C Odds of "Springtex Union Sui ; Sprintex union suits are ' cluster ribbed and very de : sirable as w iner gar ments. Odd - M Q v sizes (pXer7 - -BASEMENT MILLER'S See Special Rotogravure Circqlar ' Delivered at Your Door Today! Nearly One Acre of Floor Space Devoted to the Displaying of Gift Wares! : IIJU p. MIUUW MUtCAKTILX COMPWNV INC?T Surely you want - a Giit HEADQUARTERS this year. A shopping place where everything you want to pu rchase is conveniently displayed is properly presented in a truthful manner is giit wrapped to your entire liking and even placed in convenient layaway for you until called for near Christmas time. Miller's can and will go to the extreme in making your shopping a pleasurable, thing They want you io have happy remembrances of your gift choosing that is the reason we've spent so much time and work redecorat ing the store-for the Holiday season, f 1 i . Ml Hi I ! 1 SALE ! SALE! i Mcn and Boys' Fine Wool Melton jackets Same Style in Suede Leather Spl. 05.95 Here's quality. Genuine 32 ounce Melton navy . jacket that is full double sewed with tape bound seams throughout. Sells every where at $3.89 and $3.95; It's a Jack-Frost" brand and is not to be confused with loosely woven Melton selling ordinarily at this price. Main Floor - Sizes 36 to 46 TaTSV DOJLLS 01., 0195 to 0&.75 - Come to Miller's toy land for your Patsy dous . . .'a very complete family awaits you . . from the i tiny baby to the great big girl al 1 most old enough to go to school. Make your selection now and have it placed in ouri lay-away until Christmas. w4fo.A . 3v Fl Hollywood Style Fine Wool J annell Robes These robes are the last word in house of loung ing apparel. Imagine! winetone, royal blue, black and green with rhite piping on collar, cuffs, bel lows, pockets, etc. "Pure wool flannel tailored to fit properly. i . j . , 03.95i 06.95$ 07.95$ S995 Sale! Men's Knit, Satin and Mogodor , Neckties, 50c You may not believe it ... but we've discovered , we have an enormous quantity of men's neck wear that we can price-at 50c including all the above' qualities. We have others like Cheney, Ar row, Graco, etc at prices ranging from 75c to 11.50 and the pattern and colors are elegant this year. .1. ,'; . . 1 . ,-,,., See These Streamline Fashions in ' .1 '' - - ' . He'll Never Get Enough of These , Smartly Styled Hose If you want really good hose this year .". . why not make sure of the success of your hosiery gifts by shopping here. We show famous brands thai men like": ... and the prices are Tery, very l6wtoo. Ask to see our four pair assorted in silver and black gift box for $1.00. .'. : ; - - - J 29C, 39Cv 50c, 65C pair There's a Whole Lot of Difference in Men's Dress Shirts We've spent a whole lot of time getting our immense stocks of men's fine shirts arranged for your choos ing. In fact, we've placed them in gift boxes with cellophane wrappings and a special greeting card for your convenience. Remember, shirts are always sold subject to exchange for right size.- - C2U2S, 01.50, $11.55, C1.93 M en s Paja mas Hollywood says : "Pajamas must be streamlined this year." And youll agree with Hollywood when you see these new ones made by Glover. All are packed in fancy book style boxes ready to present to the best man in the worlds - 05O, 0t05, 0195$ ! 02.25, 03.95 1 X .- v. . Hand! Give Him cere i - hief: LINEN, FINE QUALITY Youll want handkerchiefs of the latest fashions ... applique initials in modern style. Box of three 50c to $1.50. Pure linen with hand rolled hems , 25c, .35c, 50c And a colorful array of linens and lawns in newest patterns,-19c to 35c each. 39c, 25c, 35c, 50c, each Buy your tickets for the Elks annual charity show now. Date of show December - ! 12th, 13th, 14th, at Elks' Auditorium ' i Coming Watch for the bis nawi! Santa t Clana la coming to town! And he'll be at Miller'i aTery day . . . all day ao ha won't misa any lit tla boys or glrli who come In late. ' r - i v - SANTA GLAUS is to TMonlrir- - 1 i ( ' . -. - l ; . . i. . Today from 1:0 to l:i9 p. m. Mickey Monae will be on the air. , Salem radio station, too. Won't that be fan? . Go to the Elsinore, by all means, dont misa It. Remember, tarn the dial to KSLM If ton can't go to the show. Mickey Mouse is Going on the Air Today