The ORlXJOriTE pagu ra:;n v U. : ,"' ! .' !' '; - : i " - ' I'll 'I' ' ' , 1 -f : :;" k r; r., ' 7 i, I r r 1; ' 'r - t'- -t ' ." 1.' : . : r : ,v " r; '' ' ' . '". 1- - - '' ' - . .. . VI .A '' . 1 ' j ' '- ! I'!-,-':: . i t si ; mm lira is kiieo to mn WALDO HILLS. DecV .i-Mrsi Pauline .Wanger, 68, died Wed nesday night at her come la the Evergreen district. Funeral ser Ticea trill be held Saturday after, noon at 1:30 o'clock in the Men. nonlte church at Praium i-with Rer. J. M. Frans officiating and Interment in the Pratura ceme-. tery, :. v , Mra, Wenger, "? the widow ot Robert Wenger, was norn ta Mis souri December 11, 1MIV a n d was married to Robert Wenger October 22, 1885, at Monro. Wis. They came to Silrerton In 18881 . Surviving are nine children: Cora Welty and Oscar of Pratum, Leona riynn of Salem, Elizabeth Mnller of Polk county, Krnest, William; Edward. Eldon and Al ma at home; two brothers, Os car and John Dick of Evergreen; even grandchildren and one great grandchild. Ekman funeral aome is in charge of arrange. J meats. . , . . Aci7 Deal in Farm EJuildings Here is something; that will interest every farm owner. We regard it as one of the most important announce xnents we have ever made to our trade. We invite yoa to drop in at. our yard and let "us tell you about A Service That Gives You Better Farm Buildings for Less Money. "We are now prepared to give Jroo, without cost, authentic planning and construction of any farm build ing you may need. This farm service is fully described in a booklet which is yours for tha ' . : - , asaouy, wiuivu eougaiiog ypu in any way. Get a Copy of This Free Book " It tells you hove too can be sure of Igettinr farm buildings that are the last word in strength, rigidity, permanence, through tested construction principles, and do; it for less money. ; ; . ;v . - ,. " Blore Than 100 Farm Buildings ; Each has received the'stamp' of approval of the agricultural engineers of 15 leading' State Univeoities the nation's best building au- " thorities on farm construction. Think what that means t you 1 . - Lumber That Gives You a Better Job At Lower Final Costs Wa not only farnlaa FRZX BLUE PRINT3 of an? of tbesa bnildinrs to tw eubmen bat wt ihow how TfiJtiliMuni 4-SQUAUE lumber era b wd to H better c atiucUoa at lower Snal eort th right lumber to aae and. bow to It. , It will pay yon to know alt about this aw aerrtoe. We'll be ate to cxplala it fuHr. " - J. W Cbpeland Yards CkQ at ear effiee r eepy at tab) vataabl YELLOW BUXGALOW OFFICK 520 Wallace Road Phone 6627 Confer oh Monetary Problems r N. 1 The Rev. Charles U Coughlin U shown In Detroit as he continued' his preliminary diicussiona on monetary questions with Senator .Elmer Thomas of Oklahoma prior to their departure for Washing' ton. - The radio prlist announced that he planned to push the plat form of his newly-formed National Union for Social Justice before' IIMTES111 -FOB CIIICII USES GATES, Dec.' ' Etangelistlc services which have been held at the I. O. a F. hall during the past three weeks closed Sunday night. Rev. Frank Porter of Mill City, In charge of the services, announc ed Sunday that the hall has been rented for , the remainder of the winter for the use of local people for church of Christian Endeavor services. Sunday school services will be held at the clubrooms as better classrooms are available there: -r.-.-' v,r-' Octave Toget of Salem who was giving a series ot bible studies fn connection with the evangelistic services was forced to stop before the. close ef the series because ot illness. . , V- -v ., .. - .- . ' A treat tor the local Sunday scheol Sunday was a vtslt . from the county j president of. Sunday schools, Fred deYrles ot Pratum. DeVrles ,spoke at the - Sunday school hour and afterwards. ' The Sunday school Is planning for a visit from O. H. Wilbur ot Salem on the coming Sunday. This will be an all-day service and bas ket lunch At noon. A group ot young people from Albany college will assist with the meetings. Ox Shoe Exhibited ; at- Scio Brings to ,'; Mind Olden Times -;-'. - - - , '- SCIO, Dec. f . An ox shoe, be lieved, to have been made about 70 years ago either by Mike BI1 yeu's father or his relatives, was brought to Scio from the Mike Bilyeu farm on Burmester creek, about 10 miles east of this city, this week and is on display in Riley Shelton's office. , . Mike's father used cattle tor farm purposes and for transpor tation for years and .did his own shoeing ot the cattle. . He also made the, shoes from Iron" " pur chased on the markets and from strips aad scraps of iron not seed ed tor other purposes. It is stated. HIM SURREY IS SELECTED BY STiR STATTOX Dec I. Members of Acacia Chapter O.E.S., enjoy ed a potluck dinner at their hall Tuesday night. Later officers were elected for the coming year as follows: W. M., Thelma Sur rey; W. P..-Willis Brown: A. P., Chas.' Sprungman; A. M., Mrs. Chai." Sprungman; ; conductress, Mrs. Hal Sbeiton; associate con ductress, Mrs. M. Wendt; . secre tary, JJrs. 'Winis . Brown,- and treasurer, Mrs. Chas. Burmester. Officers will be Installed De cember 27 at whkh time the new Masonic officers elected, namely, W. M.. Roy Phillipi; S. W.. O. E. Gardner; J. W., A. Van Nuys; treasurer. Gram Murphy; end Sec retary, Chas.. Burmester, will also be installed. Members' of -tne O. E. S. are to hare a Christmas tree at their next r.egulaf meeting. De cember IS. ... - . Funeral services of Mrs. Hat tie -Hassler, held here Wednes day afternoon, were largely at tended and the floral tributes were many and beautiful. Rev. Albin Esson, of Albany,- conduct ed the serflce at the Weddle cha pel .here and the graveside ser- vices at the Providence cemetery were in charge of the Rebekah . lodge of Scio. Mrs. W. H. Lyman and Mrs. William Crabiree sang three numbers: Pallbearers were all neighbors of the family: Ed. Joseph, William and Adam Ker ber, J. H. Missler and J. L. Jor dan y. ' ; . ' .. ' -v rOISOV OAK. CLINGS ' ' STATTON, Dee. . ' MUton , Bell is still laid op with a severe stuck of poison oak at the home ot his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. BelL lilton, a freshman at Ore-" gon State, contacted the poison oak while out getting wood for a bonfire on the campus. His sister. Miss Rosella. has also' been ab sent from the parochial school here due to a severe nose bleed -which necessitated calling a phy sician. ' . -" jnembers of the new congress. REPAIRS; OH DAYTON, Dec Albert Det merlng is repairing his building housing the Dayton confectionery and restaurant that has been un der the management - of Gerald Hadley. since May, 193S..A. new manager will be in charge as soon as the repairs are complete."1" . . The first killing Irost of the season visited this ltcality Tues day night but the sua -was shin ing bright "Wednesday. ; j . Clearing some of the stumps In the city park has been the work of the' dsys. SERA crew the last few Petitions of Race Horse Owners Ask New Fair Director CANBT, Dec. 6. Requests that harness 'races be included on the state fair program for II 35 and that a new director ot agriculture, and director of the state fair be appointed arc included In peti tions being circulated here by race none owners who are 'win tering at the county fairgrounds here.' "- " r -v- "..-:.. :The petition will be presented' to OtTrernor-elect Martin when he assumes office. . . , !-?NNfl-:'-''-; - : :V''- " - - i DinnerM :' '''''"'" f-.V. v -'-"''-'--yi ". ' " v ; . ' r v" -,; ' . ' - " WHERE ; YOU : SAVE EVERY DAY ; Drug Prices "for Friday, Saturday, Through , Blonday VV7 s ' r D M 17 J III it I V I I r u SI I m m f V M V 4 II a aT-T1 m- a '1 . a . miff 1 3; II WHERE YOU SAVE EVERY DAY Drug Prices for Friday, Saturday, Through Monday ITALIAN NOGE ' v HINDS' HOflEYjv '-: ALKA- ? f f BALtl DROPG - ALMOHD CREAM j QELTZEEl : You r P re s crjpt ion s F i 11 ed a t E c o n o m i c a 1 P r i ce " -4 . c sn V SHAVINO NEEDS Y ' II Tooth Pastes (50clpana 89e ,. 50c Pepsodent 87c 50c Iodent 87c 60c Kolynos 83e 25c Colgate's 18c Tooth Powders 25c Lyons25e : 50o Revelation 85c -85c Calox 29c 25c Colgate's 18c Tooth Brushes 50c Dr. West's 89c 50eTek89c 25e Chevron 10c 50C Prophyrctfc 89c Dexter 10e. : McKESSON'S REMEDIES $1 Albagar 79c - , $1 SortOBe 79c 75c Cod Liver OO 50c "-: . full plat plain or mint flavor Hal Liver Oil Caps 50s f 1.00 Aspirta Tablets 100s 87c Soda Mint Tablets 45s 10c Vltamoa Cone . Tabs 100s 91.00 SQUIBITS REMEDIES f 1.00 Adex Tablets 79c 75c Liq. Petrolatum 69c f 1.00 Cod Liver Oil 79c 50 Milk of Magnesia 83c 15c Aspirta Tablets 10c - 40c Shaving Cream 83c - 25c Tooth Paste 10c SHAVING NEEDS 40c Colgate's Shavinjf Cream 29c (Discontinued) 35c Palmolive (discontinued 10c S5c Williams Cream 29c - Aqna Velva Freo 50c Woodbnry's After Shave 80c Gillette Razor A 5 Blue Blades 40c Gem Razor aad 2 Blades 25e J -Eaders Rasor and 5 Blades 85c - 1 25 Probak Jr. Blades 50c - BABY NEEDS 81.00 Lactogen 79c -. 50c Johnson's Cream 85c 50c Menaen's Baby Ofl 89c - '' 50c Pablom 37c . - 40c Casforla 27c SOAPS Woodbary 8 for 25c Cashmere 'Roquet 8 for 25c Life Bnoy 8 for 17c Palmolive 8 for 14c Lax 8 for 17e Camay 8 for 14c Ivory 8 for 17c . Jergens' Thrift .10 for 20c Lysol 8 for 25c ' 25c Packer's 20c' 30c Reslnol 24c 25c Catlcara 20c 25c Castile 2 for 25c w r c A s e nts f or F r e s h W hi t ma Ch o c o lat e 4Z Waldorf ; TOILET-T1CGUE, ispEla esc - Scott , TOILET :ticghje ; 3 forQUc Try O u r a m o u s u m h o Milk S h a k c ft 10c - Xmas Sets For Men Collates 97c , McKessons 79c Palmolive 97c Williams 98c Woodburys. 79c . Boyer $1JZ0 Woodburys 49c , Cotys 93c - 1.98 . - Yardley's $2.35: $50 PILLS AND TABLETS 50c Yeast Foam S4c 80c Cascara Quinine 10c 75cAaada59c . 50c Ex-Lax 87c 75c CaroJd and BOe 50c 100 PhenobarMUl 69e lOOVeracoIatefl.09 " 45 Soda Mint and Pepsin 15c . ANTISEPTICS 75c Listrrlne SOc - 50c Pepsodent 89e SOc Lysol 48c 50cS.T.87SoL85c 75c Takara 50c Pt. Antiseptic SoL 10c, . SOc Lavoris 89c 85c Vkks 25c . 25c Mercnrochrome 10c COUGH SYRUPS . 50c Oeo-Terpia SOc 85c Piso's 25c 60c Rem 40c 65c Plnex 53c 65c Pertassia 40c - NOSE DROPS 50cAraea84c 25c Mistol IOC 50c Albomist 80c with Ephedrlae 50c Groves 34c - 4 RE3IEDIES ; Qt. Rosslan Mineral Ofl 69c 1 lb. Agar Agar 63c 3 lbs. Psyllium Seed 53c Pint Robbing Alcohol 18c V Pint BUlk of Magnesia 15c Pint Bay Rum 23c - , Pint Witch Razel 10c S3 Gjarcttej' Camels , Lacldea Chesterfields Old Golds r 2 pkgs. 25c Carton 81.20 Plata or Xmas Wrapped Icjr-IIot Vacnam Bottle, pint, 70c . Lunch Kits with pint botUe Cllqaot Club Ginger. Ale or Sparkling -Water, pints, ., . 2 for 25e . , Weinhard's Lime -Rickey 28-oz. 25c 'iDririSBfe;. i , -W cans . Del Montt - Sliced Peacne A minion dol ' lar dessert for a few pennies.' 2s. . . Wheatics 35c j' "a.rf Del Monte . Saloon .Rich, red sal-' moa. from Al aska's Icy 'wa ters. Tall caal can 17c ASPARAGUS - 7 - Del Monte Xo. 2 six can Moest aspara gus butter render. , . " ' '. -1- . ; can . 19c 11c II pkeT. f Free prlxes la ae w Word Building Con test. For de tails see oar, display at Wheat lea.. ocoa Mothers C Rolled Oats SALAD OIL 2 lbs; if SG 9-lb bag393 3I9G quart White King Granulated Soap Large Package : White iGns Toilet Soap 14 bars 17c 1 1 - Old Dutch Cleanser J cans 2GO i - Eater the Old- Dutch Limerick ..Contest Ask: for particulars. ' - 0 iviincea viams zs GREEN BEANS 2' Racroft PEAS HONEY CHEESE D03 Food . .TOlie SUGAR HOT SAUCE " " - -' - : a -c ' piirkees Salad Dressing 8alpon Soap Flakes Baker s Cocoa r lz pound 10c - Baker's Cocoanut ' - Vz pound 15c ! lb. 23c MKVn . :;.: : 3 for 10c, DurlcccsMayonnaise Palmolive Soap -v-- 6 Tea Garden Drips Kclloggs wheat Biscuit Pissly Wssly Flour V2 can So 10 lbs. 50o 3 cans HOG 5 pound Pke?.. 2QG 23C bars 25 c pkg.lOc susaw aw rsiSi.69 - " v. - :;:.-.., I ... v ' , - "" - .4 ' The Baker girl will be at our store Saturday between,l and 2 p,m. giving Free Samples. can 3 cans 2cahsHQG Pure (j) pound jar 'JQ Q vTilIamook i 1 closeout HUG Folger's COFFEE -pound can 30c . 2-pound can 58c Get a genuine porcelain Dripolator FREE. Ask us. ' - ' ' Corn Flakes. Post Toasties ..:.i:3 pkg. 20 C Myrtle Coffee..:-!: 17c f Mince Meatl..........;..... pounds 1 9 c , .Produce Items Friday and Saturday Only 1 '5AUEiSO Bunch Ag Milki Mt ; Vernon, Armours.:3 cans 17c Pears !.w....:.lNo. J Oceans "gallons" 29 C Wax Paper, 1 roll Jl:..2 for 2Sr ORANGES Vzcase Oa.EcJ 1mt9 Sis Jalrjr Navels SPINACH ?! " Tbick Cleaa leaves Lettuce. Crisp Ftra Beads GRAPEFRUlTs 6f V j.. 'Arlsoaa Seedless : pound 30 2 heads SO 2QG oin o f to c Younj: Tender Wi V2c or .i pecs to ooii Sauerlrui pu ng y y ens .vd it t -I f r I FMnNS : n dozzn o, 4 3 Xalare's Cold Care J V V V" i (SoDDnno : -Sack