The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Friday Morninjr, December 7, 1934 PAGE. FIVE r r -V 9 'P . - 4 ' ' 1 : t f i - ;v . - V 1 : . . v - - 'ai -' V ! " . . "7 L'.o c a 1 e ws Br j efs Woman Injnred Kaolrina Ser dots, . sutfered injuries, not specifically listed, in W. automo bile accident in which Joseph Ser dotx, 2010 Warner street, Salem, was involved at Capitol and Hunt ; streets Wednesday. - Serdot re , ported to city police v yesterday.1 Two ..other , accidents reported yesterday Involved P. L. - Wagner, .Olympic apartments, and Walter r.f Boardrow, 04 South 20th.' at Market and Commercial; J. C. Williams, Seaside, . and- J. A. , Krebs, 965 Saginaw, at Cdxhraer , ciat and Mission. - ' " - . " ... . r'r.y r -m - ,-FalI fair First Methodist church, ' T,6?1'7"1- " f afeterla :iuneheon- at V . Speeders Fined Conrad Ther . kelson, SilTerton route one,' "paid r a, $5 fine in municipal court here yesterday aiter pleading guilty , to speeding., Polics charged he was . . cau gh t driving - at the rate of 4 0 miles an hour along Broadway be , ;tween Division and Market streets. , ; Judge Mark Foalsen ' collected . 13.50 of a like fine imposed: upon 4 . C. Q. Hildebrand. r Independence, , whom police reported had., driven ; 35 miles per hour on South Com , mereial street between Leslie and - Belieyue streets. Bloom Bound Over Manie i . Bloom, arrested for. burglary not iff a dwelling, was held to an swer to the grand jury' follow ing preliminary hearing in Jus tice court yesterday morning. Ha . allegedly took, a . rifle- belonging to A. Baker here and later trad ed the gun for a motorcycle own- ed by a man near West Stayton. The rifle, was exhibited in court , yesterday,- but the motorcycle has not been located. Bloom is in Jail in lieu'bf 1750 bail. Rummage Sale, . N. Commercial; Church, Fri., Sat. 328 Congregational : Rupert Arrested Jess Rupert, real estate dealer, pleaded not guilty in Justice court yesterday to charge, of defrauding-an inn keeper, and will hare a trial Mon day .at 1:30 p. m. Ed Cook, signed complaint against Rupert alleging that. Rupert had defrauded Cook and James Chamberlain- 475 State - street, of $37.50 for food. Rupert Indicated "his T.defense would, be that the complainant owed him" money.' Defendant is out on his own recognizance. . Disease Total Rises A gain of ten communicable disease cases was reported by 76 per cent of the physicians in Marion county dur ing the week ending December 1, the" state department of health bulletin states. There were 34 new cases during the week of. which 12 were mumps, fire chickenpox, .four each measles and whooping : Seats Grangers--Arthur Brown, state deputy grange master, re turned yesterday from', risitatlons to granges in Clatsop Columbia and Washington counties. ' He in stalled officers for a number of the grangers in these counties, in some instances union installations being held for granges. in adjoin ing , areas. HaInstalled officers at-Mt. View, near Cortallis;' last night,- and will seat, officers -for the Brush College grange tonight. Mrs.' Brown accompanied, him on the trips. "jV';'-.' r...' ' " -. - - V, Bus . Law. Clarified It "is the duty of certain school districts to provide reasonable . transportation: for school pupils, but it is --.not mandatory that ", school . busses shall .pass directly in front -of the. homes of such pupils. Attorney General Van Winkle I held in an' opinion Thursday. yan. Winkle further, held that it waa not neces sary for the school-difitrict, to de liver the' pupils from one build ing, to another. - Individual or firms with .steady or miscellaneous "Jobs s available for men and women 'can get free service in immediately "having- a worker sent out by contacting the "National Reemployment f -office, 355 High street. Phone 3754. : Normal's . Status - Explained Legislative action would be nec essary before, the eastern Oregon and southern Oregon normal schools could be designated as normal ' schools and Junior, col leges. Attorney General Van Win kle held in an opinion handed down yesterday. The opinion was requested by Charles A. Brand of Roseburg, chairman of the cur ricula committee ox the state board of higher education. Building Permits Oat Four building permits were issued Wednesday at the city hall. They went to W. E. Arehart. 925 TJn- Gas Sale Approved Sales of the Marshfield and North Bend gas properties of the Coos Bay Gas company to B. 8. Pederaoa for a consideration of 10 was ap proved Thursday by Charlea M. Thomas,- state utility commission er. : Testimony offered at a re cent hearing fixed the investment of the two companies at $24 6, 450.70. -The companies tliad i a net operating loss of $ 8 9 0 0 la 1933.-.- ; ... - : : ' -v - - - - . i - Rules on Relief Buying State and county relief committees and not the state purchasing, agent are authorized to purchase' . supplies, and eqnipment for relief projects and .for the relief administrative offices. Attorney, .. General .: Van Winkle ruled yesterday The opin ion was - asked .by 'Elmer Goudy, executive secretary of . the state, relief committee. " Barr - Arrested - Henry -Theodore Barr, Salem; was arrested yesterday . for operating a truck without p. tt;' c plates, and will enter plea., in justice court to day.' He was released on his .own recognizance upon appearance be fore Judge Hayden. yesterday.'- ' Set Date for Hearinc Decem ber 20 has been set. as a date for hearing a petition filed in probate court which asks for the Appoint ment of a - guardian for - Emma Knutson, 77, who is said to be in competent to. handle her. affairs. She has property of the estimated value of $750. Veatch Improving Friends of A. W. Veatch, who underwent an alteration ' at Salem general hos pital a week ago, will be glad to learn ; that he is doing nicely. though he is not yet able to see. friends. He will be In the hospi tal for. several. weeks longer." - Vancouver license Marriage licenses were issued in Vancouver the middle of the week to: Fen ton F. Logan, 22, Aurora,, and Sarah L. Morse, 18, Sherwood; and Howard H. Foot, 28, Salem, and Verna Brown, 21, Portland. Extradition Approved Gover- ion street, xso for a garage; Aimo I nor Meier yesterday authorized and Edna Phole, 444 Ferry street, the extradition of Samuel Gold $250 to repair a warehouse; Sa-!nd Morris Sherman" who are le mschool district, $275 to alterlwanted at Seattle for grand lar balcony at high school; Mrs. C. J ceny. The men are under arrest In" Brotherton, $15, to build a wood shed at her place at 1595 South Capitol street. ; v Judge Eddy Assigned Cir- Portland. Grade Crossing Permitted The state utility commissioner yester day granted' the application of cuit Judge Eddy of Douglas coun- Marion county, for permission to ty was assignea anursaay oy j us-1 establish a grade crossing over tice Jtand of the state supreme th a --- V . .vniy w company at Mill City. preside at the trial of the easel of Thomas against Fehl. The suit involves a mortgage foreclosure. Judge Norton of Jackson county was disqualified. Food SaU& Bazaar, Lady Eagles. U. S. Bank Bid. Sat.: nee . 8. i In Hospital Yet Miss Ethel Fletcher, master of Galem grange. who has been in the Deaconess hospital here since the latter part of August, submitted to a second operation this week. . Installation Sunday Recog- Rff 7 rtcr fC War Lion service for Rev, Richardson xMiIUiiio id x nltion Tebbets who came here recently cough, three each pneumonia anM0111 Boston to become pastor of scarlet fever, two each tubercule's- , is and influenza and one diphthe ria. Seven cases reported in Polk county consisted of four of lnflu- enza and three of scarlet fever. ' ; Priced Just over the three lowest priced! Engineered " and styled with the Best! Dodge," coming soon with a sensational ear. - Four Kew Members Four new members wc;re introduced at the Salem Lions club luncheon at the Masonic temple ' Thursday noon. They- are: Donald A. Emerson, newly , appointed assistant auper- ' intendent ot public instruction; Lynn C. . Holt, Southern Pacific freight agett; Dr. A. S. JecBen, Oregon -Normal school, deputy district L Ions governor, ..who transferred from the. disbanded Monmouth club, and Dr. Daniel ; H.' Schulze- professor of .religion , at Willamette university. - - Wants "Her Freedbnv-Maurice A. King filed suit here Thursday for a divorce . from' Ted D. King " to whom she was married . last I July.' She alleges that he was of - a surly,; jealous disposition and . declares he did not contribute ad ' ' equately to lier support.- She asks . court , costs; attorney's . fees . and suit money as well as the restora - tion, of her maiden name. . ., .. - Spears Arrested, F o r f e 1 1 s ; Frauk H. Scears, Salem', forfeited $5 ball at Albany Wednesday aft- er being arrested on a charge of - failing to hoed a stop sign along the Pacific highway, it was report . ed here. Births J " Woods To . Mr. a nd Mrs. Jack Woods, 1258 North Fifth street, girl. Lorraine Joan, born De cember X at Salem Deaconess hos pital."1. - . - : " " ' Cain To Mr. and Mrs. Frank lin P. Cain, 111 Chemeketa street. a girl, born November 23, at Sa lem Deacon;ss hospital. . - the First Unitarian church, will be held Sunday night at 8 o'clock; Headline in recent -story about the installation erroneously in dicated Saturday night as the time lor installation. Lonergan Trying Case Frank Lonergan, prominent Portland at torney and a candidate for the re publican nomination for governor last May, was here yesterday and will return today to handle a case in circuit court here. Lonergan served . many terms in the state legislature; -he was not a .candi date for reelection this year. Offices Closed Main offices of the secretary of state here were closed yesterday afternoon .during the funeral of the late Charles N. Laughrige who bad served ,15 years as deputy in . the depart ment. All employes In the mo tor vehicle and license depart ments who wished to attend the rites were excused to do so. Bonds to Be Sold Authority to sell government bonds totalling $1600 par value'' was granted , In probate court yesterday to George H. Bell, -executor of the estate of the late John Rabens. The exe cutor was also authorized to loan $250 to Albert Rabens, sole, heir of the estate. Estate Settled Final : account In' the estate of the late W. W. Walker has been filed In probate court here by. the administrator. Income of $2759 and outgo the same amount, the largest dis bursement Coins to Sarah Walk er, sole heir, who received $2629. Case Settled Suit of - Merle Barleen against Swlgert Hart Co., Inc., was settled out of court yes terday and the suit dismissed ac cording to papers filed in the county clerk's office here. Merrill D.Ohjine Insurance QMi .Hpkone New Location - 275 Bute t Ahead1 of Mark Made Year Ago A single building permit, for re pairing a dwelling, '--was issued both yesterday and December last year at the city building de partment but .the 1933 permit was the first for the month while yesterday's was the 14 th for the present December. - . The Decern' ber. 1934, number of permits yes terday wax but six short of to to tal for all of December, 1933. L. E. Bates secured the permit yesterday to repair a dwelling at 204 Maple avenue at a cost of $10. It brought the permit value for the present month to $2192 or $2073 ahead of the same date a year ago. This moth's permits. with but five days passed, amount in value to approximately -one- tnird of all Issued in December, Violence Flares in Los Angeles Trolley Strike s 7 "7" ft - 1 This layout shows scenes' In Los Angeles during an outbreak of violence In the strike of street car employes above, crowds gathered about a car j overturned by - striken and sympathizers; Inset, polics shooting tear gas to disperse the rioters at 'a prominent street Intersection. T V L ACTIV TY GROWI G senger tn a car driven by Edward Llndeman when the .car , was struck by another auto driven by DeCoster. v . ;. ' . : ROSEDALE, Dec. C. v The school children . have formed - a Rosedale Harp club and are pre paring for a concert in January, Those playing the mouth harps are: Phillip Micknall; Charles Hamilton, Shirley Hamilton, Ver non Smith, Dewey Thurman, Ce; uric Baiawm, Racnei . saiawin. Rowena Jones, ' Evelyn Baldwin, Barbara Bates, - Glenn . Hanklna, Robert Hankins, Shirley Black- man and Bobby Smith. Pupils are asking for old but tons to be donated to SERA cloth ing projects. They will be collect ed Friday. I Two teams of outdoor basket ball are organized , at Rosedale. The teams are composed of four players each and include the fol lowing: Cedric Baldwin Wayne Strayer, Chas. Hamilton ana Rob ert Ladd. The other team is com posed of Glenn Pearson, Irwin Ertler, Phillip Micxnau ana -uew- ey Thurman. Pupils ana teacner, Mrs. Flora Hedrick, are prepar ing tor a Christmas program. . Damages Sought ByCrash.Victim Damages aggregating $26,776 are asked by Eulalla Earty from Virgil M. DeCoster and Vance M DeCoster. in an action filed in circuit-court here late yesterday. Plaintiff alleges that injuries she suffered la an auto wreck caused by the negligence of the defend ants, were so great that ber hos pital, nurses' and medicine costs alone total $1216. The accident allegedly occurred at 1 a. m. Oc tober 1, 1933, one-half mile south east ot Salem. Plaintiff was a pas- Renovation at X iCiiyl- SERA Proposal i , Application for an SERA pro ject for renovating the second floor, of-the city hall here has been ; filed with the state relief committee, it was reported yester day by D. Arthur , Lowe, local SERA engineer. Lowe estimated the job would require the serv ices ot.15 workmen, last 20 days and cost $1200 In wages... It Is planned to ealsomine the walls and cellngs, wash the wood work and re varnish a part of the wookwork in the council chamber, the corridor, the police matron's and city engineer's offices and the firemen's - sleeping and 1 office quarters. The city will ' provide the materials, i BE TALKED TODAY j i ..." . 1 , ..- . - . - - Plans for the annaal banquet of the Salem credit association win be completed at that group's regular meeting this noon at. the Masonic temple banquet . room. Committee on nominations . for the new. year will also make Its report this noon. - The annual banquet will be held at the Masonic temple next Wednesday night at 6:20 o'clock, with Stewart L. Bliss, Portland merchant ' and past president of the Portland Retail Credit asso ciation speakiag on "Functions of a Credit Association and the Place it .Fills In Each Community." Invitations are being extended to tbe president of each service club and civic organization In town ; to attend the banquet and to give a three-minute talk on ob ject jofthat particular club. PI0BI1IIT Y.M. SET TONIGUT Students of the Melton piano studio will be presented in a re cital tonight in the T. .M. C. A. lobby at 8 o'clock. All Intereated persons are Invited to oe present at this program, which is one of a series being held at the T." ev ery Friday night. The program Is at follows: : - ' ' : MacDoweil : - To the Sea y . Alice Swift , . Schubert.- Impromptu, op. 142-3 ; Shirley Cronemiller - Hayden T ; ' Menuteeo from the I ... . Sonate in D Major, Margaret Siegmund V ; i Vocal, Fox . H1114 of Home Curran . . Dawn Mary Elizabeth Kells ; ' ; 'accompanied by. Mary Jeanette - -,- . Sargent .;' ' "; ' i Grlffea- : The Lake at Evening ." Faye Cornutt " - Brahms : Capriccio, op76-l Lola Plaummer Schmidt.'.', f Chopin -. . 'Scherzo ; .' Elizabeth Boylan' : 5 Vocal, Sanderson , '. -:'-,;',' ..Until Curran J - ; , . ' Rain ' Mary Elizabeth Kells. . Lebnssy .. '.; Minstrels Cesar Franck Dense Lente Gulon- '-: .Z Pickaninny Dance '. " - Lois Burton. '''.,.''. Liszt . Etude in D flat ; - Ruth Marcia Brown MSB 6DESS oil buttd:j TOTAL Two thousand guesses have been turned in by persons donating buttons to the supply byeing col lected at the Marion county hous ing committee headquarters,-High and State streets, for use in the SERA sewing projects. SERA En gineer D. Arthur. Lowe estimated last night, v The button - collecting scheme was started by Lowe, D. G. Met calf, SERA placement officer. and Glenn C. Nilea, county relief committee executive secretary, to secure an adequate supply ot the ivory, bone and celluloid pieces to till the buttonholes on the cloth ing the women on the sewing pro- Catching Co viciss VA-TRO-HO V Coring Events December - 7 Hadeay grange. Dr. Bruce Baxter peaking at 0:30 p. m. . December 7 Advanced pupils of Frances Virginle Meltoa reriUl in lobby of ir.M.CJl' 8 p. m. - December 8 Annual cob vention Oregon Hop Grow-" ers' association, .; all day, Marion hotels - . " r . ' December O -Installation service. Unitarian church, 8 p. in.' . . f .- 1. ) ' December Jl Oliver W. Stewart speaks at First M.E. church,' 8 p, m. - C December 13-14 Che- 'niekeia Players drama The Alarm aock." - - - ? December 13 Stewit 'Bliss ' 'addressee meeting .Credit association. December IS .-' Annual 'high' school manic festival, senior high auditorium. ' v ' - December 21 Violin coacert of original, composl- , tlons ofputhyn Tnrney of Chemawa played by Rothyn Thomas, 8 p.'m. In lobby of - January 8 Cberrlan tn--ttallation. ; ". - . , ' v v January Willamette anlversity faculty play, So rhlii is London.. ' - January 14 Governor. Inaugurated, legislature con nea. . Jects are renovating tor the use of relief families. Lowe said' letters announcinr the contest and appealing for as sistance had . been addressed to half ot the schools In the county and would be sent to the remain der In the near future, to enlist the school children's Interest. The contest closes - January 1, after: which the total number ot buttons contributed will be announced. :: GARNER RETURNS WASHINGTON, Dec. .-ffV His hunting season over and his deer la the bag. Vice President Garner returned to the capital tM day to "look Into several -siua. tlons...:- - - ' ..'-r No Overhead Machine DECEMBER SPECIAL - Croqnignole Per manent Standard . (T- p Wave Complete vXeOU . . Soft, .loose carls. Looks natnraL SENATOR HOTEL - BEAUTY 8HOP - . . Phone 5818 7- ri-va . s $ $ Xmas Money $ $ FOR THE ASKING y No red tape. Ton can - obtain loan In one . hour. A friendly, confidential, courteous service. No payments until next year. Six months to pay. See us at one and shop with ease. ' : -- - "STATE LOAN CO. V . ,212 Oregon Bldg.. Phone 7783 Lie by St. 8-163 COME UP SOMETIME! - ... . -- . - , . . . . , Try It cooked -. we think it delicious and so will you once yon try it. CHJEIE1TAKH '' American Dishes Served Also : 222Vi N. Commercial St. "? Upstairs : :' Open 11 A. H, to 8 A. 1L Jl Use Meittholalam " III " " o rtlp open the I f " nostrils and permit A HI ; - freer breathing - i. 1 1 .1 I. Old Reliable Method brings - health to 'the sick WITHOUT 1 B. PONG herb specialist, has had eight years practice in China. No matter wtth what yon are 'suf fering, don't give up yourself, oor .wonderful herbs will positively remedy disorders of the bladder, kid ney, stomach, constipation, ap pendicitis, piles. And throat. heart, lung, liver, asthma, ca tarrh, tumors, diabetes, rheum atism, headache and blood pois on, skin diseases of children and male or female all ail ments. -: . --. CHARLIE CI1 AN -Chi-eee Medicine Js Herb Co. 122 N. Commercial 6t Salem Daily Office Hours O to d pjn. Sun. & Wed. 9 to 10:89 a. m. Johnson's for . Hosiery JOlISOfS Johnson's for ' Gloves THE STORE FOR LADIES 464-466 STATE STREET , . - ? ' FRIDAY and SATURDAY Out They Go - All Felt Hats Regardless of Their Former Value Lot i '"-"r r - ' ;: HATS For Wed. Sals SI. 95 LOT 2 : , HATS 'I In This Group Are Hats Up to 13.95 . . Out They Go MAIN FLOOU - JOHNSON'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE . Sde dimnety Fcr . : 17 'ednes&ay Only ; ;;FELTiHATS v . Valaes up to $2J5 : 50 c For This Sale Tocr Choice See the Elks' Annual Charity Show at the Elks' Club Auditorium December 12, 13, and 14 ' mm SCO AJ 1 m ' auiiaas-Y'ttwoM ittiai wit-ifterre- tt wiii pre am TarroN a t a I to n foe Imo loagw tkM W ofl lOflQO mila er mot, mi- - i firtm t wow, aawoi ctoaxi chcto of cyliadtit TBJTON h h from Car- w ill pfww TRJTON ndmc bogtmi cwiitdas wkdot. fin wwt . . 3 j , -: .; ; icjiP- ft'J'"..":. "P- 7 -:.:' TIITesfSTiBBfASTtM '- tut saeeei-TKITON l eAnamCvUmittiml OHotM.ObMrilMclcar tewp-ft ftro tkt TBJ- Tail ON color yot TON ptodacaa kw cario ctkatttfMkktTomt da tuttra o woccfa oO. dair cbccki yomt otl lrrL . ... ... . anaats soev-widi Orf- ; f . . - ge wat, TUTON woA . j- " ' - ' - y f will ptoy K. -' . - ' igwwWMi - - Union's. Nsw PRO PAN I SOLVENT Rl d rilllNO PROaSS brings you..: " Asupsrfortypo PartrfTin-baJS motor oil from California crud : .1 , : "An ell frasi from Carborisns . - jOm mmmtbm ilwnu tht tapMj form tl4f ami tfwo) TRITON quality provod by 250,000 -, mtlss of stock car road tests... : -!-.- '.. . ' . , - - ' ' II KB sosar great diccortrits, tke PROPANE ( SOLVEKT PX.OCZSS i eatresnelT suaple. '; : V,la emj erode Croca which ssowr oil hmd easura or wero wyinj quantities of 100 pare : paradteocs (th bt tmtrkstimf rmttMrn art fowod. Openuiac st waiperanim down to 40 &rrees . MWwrthe PROPANB SOLYINT PROCESS ' rejects all the eawaoted portioas of the erode paraffia was, asphalt. Carbogeas aad aaphtheocs ; how grade oils), leaviog ooly the 100 pure pra- ; theaea, or praia-bate lubricaaa. v " - ' JH Of sfl fJe eaanf high grade-tuhrkatiag oils Wes arre tested, aoee othet thaa TRJTON has proved - to be 100 pure paraxbeaes. Evea high-priced oQs -previously know for their cjealirr cootaia froes -10 to 20 of the eadennble aterials mttftmmd ; Is TRITON.. ---..'. ;. y ; Only 30 a Quert. . - Try TRITON oe rout eat refctt. It costs oeJf 50c a quart ia refiaerj-Maled. tamper-proof cast. ' Tbousaods of iBdepeadcat Dealer have TRI : TON, aad, of counc. ro oa get k m any Uaioa Service Statioa. Watch lot the big TRJTON banner. 4 4 I USIONO0.COMPAHV t T::TlUTOS; i - V I V:4 vMORlC