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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1934)
PAGE TEN iTie OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Friday Morninr. December 7, 1931 i i IS ! I li Wl dissolution IT Vote Salted fop Plainview; Holub' Reports Hay Prices Fair SCIO." Dec. . The Plainview anion high school district, com posed ' of three districts south of Scio, is to Tote on dissolution De cember 20. F. 'A. Gallegly, high school principal here, ' taught his first term in Linn county .there,.' - Degree work Trail conferred up on three candidates at the K. P. hall .Tuesday nt;ht, following wlhca refreshments and a social hour were. enjoyed- "District Dep uty .William Russtill of Lebanon 'officiated Jn the capacity of his station in the order. Several oth er Lebanon members. were In at tendance. - : : . ,.c Anton Holub, who was In from lone, this week on. business, stat ed that conditions In his section of the state were oncburaging, in that fair prices are being realised for hay and grain and stockmen hare ample feed for the winter for livestock.' Mr. Holub irrigates one of his farms in' Morrow coun ty and harresU three crops of al falfa from the land. Best baled alfalfa sells at 110 to $12 per ton. Buyers from the Salem region and elsewhere in the Willamette valley have been purchasing hay in that part 'of the state. : Joe Holec has leased the Anton Holub 13-acre tract near the J. F. Wesely home south of Scio and will occupy same as soon as convenient. - h' , i On Trip to East - C. - E. Kendle and family are enroute by auto fc-r an extended visit with relatives In the Rocky Mountain region, planning also to visit In Indiana and Virginia. They took the. northern route by way of Spokane, Butte and Into North - Dakota, and expect to return "by the southern route, through Arizo na, New Mexico and California They will be absent several weeks. Frank Prultt recently sold to his son Gilbert 35 acres of land short -distance south of Sclo.'for merly included '. in the Jonathan Simmons farm.; The consideration ; Is reported as $16)0. ' Mr. and Mrs. Prultt will make their home on the land, having recently come: from the Detroit region, where! Mr. Prultt was in the employ of the national forest service. Odd Fellows Elect , Officers recently elected for the Scio lodge of Odd Fellows include Arch Ray, noble grand; " Riley Montgomery, vice grand; F. C. Cary, .recording secretary; J. ,F. Puopr, financial secretary; . N. I. Morrison.' treasurer. W. JL Young Is the retiring presiding officer . Dr. S. C. Browne of Scio ex hibited to friends here this week Confederate currency- in the de nomination of one dollar, dated 158. which his father brought home to Pennsylvania on his re turn from the civil war. Two of the senior Mr. Brown's brothers were , killed in the battle of Get- tyshurg . , . : ' ' The annual family reunion was - held December 2 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Myers. Those in attendance included Mr. and ' Mrs. E. D. Myers, Helen Myers, NoreneSIms, Mr. and Mrs. Riley sneiton, Mr. and Mrs. Riley Mont gomery, Mr.-and Mrs. Arch Ray, C.-A. Montgomery, Rosa Ray and son, Jerry, and Cecil Elder, ath- Jetic director In Scio high achool. Robbins Returns ? From Vet Hospital As Condition Same PIONEER, Dec. C Clyde Rob Dins, who has been at the Veter ans' hospital In Portland " since ' July 1C, returned home Tuesday evening. He is home to stay this time. The treatments did not hare any effect on improving the con dition of his hands: .-; Kenneth Dornhecker reported for work In Portland today with the Riggs Optical company as an apprentice. Granger's News Column Installation " of . . officers ; will feature the afternoon session' of the Saturday meeting of Salem grange No." 17, la Miller's hall. The business meeting will convene St 'AA 1. m fnllnwi1 tir imIImV luncheon and the afternoon pro gram .at l: SO. County Deputy W. A. Jdnes ot Macleay will be in stalling officer, y The new officers are: Master, Miss Ethel Fletcher; overseer, H. C Leavenworth; lecturer, Mrs. Arthur Brown; steward, William Bunn; chaplain, Mrs. Maria Rob ertson; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Zero 'Polalre; assistant steward. Zero Polaire; lady assistant stew ard, Mrs. Viola Harrelson; gate- Jol iinson ' W6 Statt St , ' IIIS STORE FOB INDIES DOWNSTAIRS ; STORE SALE MOUSE DRESSES , Extra Speaci OHO) u. T Famous Painting Forms Trade Mark: . ' -.; - . . s - . w. - ' - . k V , ' ;t . - ::' . . .. i .-. - . . '- - V,. ' -.' '' -. ' ."' " - ' Thin picture above is a modera resemblance of the famous Walter ' Baker "chocolate" girl trademark, probably the best known food brand In the nation. It was modeled by-JIr. Baker, founder of the company whose anniversary Is being celebrated this year, after the . famous Uotard painting; which hangs in the Dresden museum. ; Prince Dltrichstein fell in love with the "chocolate girl and as an engagement present, presented t. wnich sbews her serving chocolate keeper, S. H. Van Trump; the three graces, Mrs. Nancy A. Basey, Mrs. . J. H. McDonald and Mrs. HOW DO YOU UKE YOUH AIEW frAUGHTEfc-IN WW, EMMA? IHEAH 5HE VVA$ RAISED WITH: A SILVER SPOON IN HER MOUTH ) mm 6O0D AKINS'S ItSi WITH ALUMET-fOR. US REALLY IWO BAKIN6 rOWPERS IN ONE ! "That's why your baktng u bound to U better with Calumet's Double-Action.-.1 44 keres my favorite Calumet cake recipe,,, just try itl" . thtDubl-Acting Eaklng Powder . ' A product of Genera Foods ber with the now-famous painting rather than In formal dress. Maude Rae. .The executive committee be elected Saturday. will YES, SHE WEVEfl WENT AIEAR A KITCHEN STOVE UMTIL THEY: WERE MAWUED. BUT I TOLD HER TO USE CALUMET IN HER. BAKIW6 AN& WW SHE A'OUKK ONE FOR THE MIXING lOVVL-ITi ACTION SET FREE BY UQUID.-IT STAWS TjiE LEAVENINO PROPERLY ; 5T - I t - f MOTHER EMMA'S CALUMET HARVEST; CAKE i eap iUM ttH Dow Caka Tloar , cap brova near, Andy pck4 : 1 UMpoon CalOBMt BaUa Powder -. : . 1 egg yoUrs, antwMw : v . H P butter r oOmt borteoia , 1 taupm vaOI ' ' ' Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder and. salt, and sift to gether three times. Cream butter thnurM . mAA --n and cream together until light and Add flour, alternately with milk, small amount at time, beating after each addition until smooth. Add vanilla. Bake In greased pan, 8x8 x 2 ues," la moderate oven (350 F.) 45 minutes or until done. Spread boiled frosting made with brown sugar on top and aides of cake. (All Jtneasurejaenfs'are Jerei.) ; - "' ' "Of,. iljl LESS THAN A PENNY'S WORTH IN YOUR CA'KE.V. BU TO Hi THE; D IFFER ENCE lf MAKES I IIUBOJIIDOKi STORED CROSS HUBBARD. Dec 6. The Hub- hard Woman's club met at the home of Mrs. Anna Stauffer . Wed nesday afternoon, Mrs. Margaret Anderson, Mrs. Ethel Johnson and Mrs. .Elisabeth. Fobert assist ing. Mrs. Ida Garland, president. presided at the business meeting. The child welfare committee reported . that there would be -a clinic for Hubbard, White School and Broadacres ' held December 12.. ::. v. -. . Plans for the first "of the se ries of card parties to he held on December 15 were discussed and donations' by the . members were requested by Mrs. Dorothy Gar- ren., general committee-chairman. It waa suggested that a Scrap Book contest be held in the near future. and the books be sent to the Shriner's ' hospital In Port- land.:;:., . ;--Jm-,: Mrs. Coble , de Lesplnasse- re ported that -the Red Cross drive in Hubbard .had -netted $52.40. Mrs. W..I. Orr and Mrs. Louise Grimps .were appointed to assist Mrs. Meta Friend In the selling or Christmas seals tor the club. Mrs. TMargaret Anderson read an original poem. ' - . . The program consisted of a dis cussion of "Architecture hy'Mrs. Sadie Rich, using famous build-1 lngs as illustrations. A- social hour followed. " . MiSOHS TO ELECT WOODBURN, Dec.-. Wood- bum lodge No. 106, A. F. scva. M. entertained members " of Donald lodge No. 166 and Fidelity lodge No. 54 oCGervais Monday night at their regular meeting held t the Masonic temple.' Worshipful Master C. R. Shaner presided over the meeting ; which Included the bestowing of the Master' Mason degree upon two candidates. There were about 35 visitors pres ent.' The' annual election of of ficers will be . held at the next meeting December 17, " : The Woodburn Woman's club met in the city library Wednesday afternoon. Miss Alrls Love, from the SERA headquarters in Salem, gave a history and future plans of public relief work. The club Is making Its annual drive for used and discarded toys which they ask the donors to leave at Austin's store or Moor's, and Beer's drug store; ' The vocational class at the high school will repair these toys for distribution at Christmas time. Any materials for use, aa doll DOES JUST flNH A 510WEJI ONE FOR THE OVEN-ITS ACTION SET FREE IY HEAT. IT PROTECTS THE BATTER OR. DOUGH ALL THROU6KrTHE BAKING fluffy. Add 'esc volks. i.n OFFICERS DEC. 17 1 V' WOT VI- I Crime Criticizing ' , " I ' - - , ' i ' ) m - r : . . . ' ' . V ...v . .. .....v.::.:...;.: ' . ' ..'.:''...' .: .A'.- '.. ? . .... ,: ' ' i , 'S - -V" " ' v . - - S' - - . . . - V O ' . - - -. I " - v s v "-V-Wx. ' "'1 i - - '- -r - s - ' 1 1 v:..M.xWE': ) f -'..V. ;;-':':WVi;f,.? ' ''; , x.. Henry Goddard Leach, editor' of Forum; magazine and head of the. -Poetry Society of America, ir pondering the "power of the press", 'Shortly after writing-biting editorial declaring that "'something; ihould be done about crime conditions", fee was assaulted by robbers In Central park, New York City! They took his watch, money and '.beat bim severely. Leah Is shown bavins; his bruises .dressed by ! - . ; ' ; Nurse Leila Morgan. . ; clothing- Is also - welcome; ; . The high school trio consisting' ot Ed na Sarock, Barbara Jensen , and Vera Jean Huher furnished the musical , program. Mrs. Howard Miller was fn charge. .; J . " Nebraska Families : . Locate 'Near 2jena : ; f on Vance's Place . 2ENA, Dec. 6.-Newcomers who are being made welcome to Zena Prices ' Friday ;! Saturday ' Monday." Dec . T, 8. 10 The : Baker; Girl will II I 1 TrJ T75wr? 7vo T7 rrr EI I iree samples of Baker pro-.. ; .ducts at the Salem Colum bia Market, 260 Ni Liberty Stv Saturday between 5 and 6 pin. Gorernment - Inspected r" r r1 as-' r - 11 DodBuPG -DgcOI lb. V'g Editor Robbed are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tanner, sr.; and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tanner, Jr., and two 'email sons,' Gerald and Richard, formerly of Amelia Neb., , who are residing' this win ter In the Roy Vance home. ; : The- two families sold their farm 1 implements,: stock and household roods at nubile auction before moving.' They ; find" Ore gon a pleasant change as drouth conditions made farming unprofit able there. .Mrs. Fred Tanner, ar.,-is' a sister of Mrs. John Honey of Zena and Mrs. Orville Trussel r of Oak Knoll tracts. L ii W : FREE PAIIKING DniVElN EOT7 Free Drive-In Parking Lot for Patrons of Salem' Columbia Market There is No Ever-Right Hard give Sirloin loin. J - m- lb. iiUG LIBERTY SCOUTS ASSIST ffl'J 111 LIEERTT. Dec. . -- Liberty Boy "Scout Troop No. 18 was al lowed the honor of giving the In vesture service for the newly formed Mill City Troop No. 36, at Mill City Sundays The Scouts also attended at church" services in the evening after' which a ban quet was held for the troops. At tending from Liberty troop were Scoutmaster King Bartlett, Scout committeemen ' W.' It.-Ds.llss and John Dascb; Scouts, George Lan sing, M e 1 v 1 n Cleveland, Jack Dasch, Dallas Spencer, Robert Dallas, Marvin Summers, Daniel Davis sad Roger-Lewis. . ' Mr. and Mrs. C: W. Stsxev and Mrs.- W.' Stevens have returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Russell In Ryderwood. Wash. The stacey's also attended a fox pelt snow in xacoma. .; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Carner of Los Angeles arrived the first of t be week at-the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Holder. They will visit also in Portland a few days and return here. Mr. Warner is a wotner of Mrs. Holder's. Norwegian Dishes on . Menus for. Holidays SILVERTOJf. Dec. 8. Two more of the Norwegian' pre-holl-day dinners at which Luteflsk Is tne drawing card, have been ar For All Household Purposes - Factory Prices . Any Quantity ' --. ' 17 lbs. . (1) pound XL - WEST COAST r : , CALL AT FACTORY AND GET TOUR SUPPLY - t 541 Market SL, Salem Oregon ; ? ; : V TeL 3961 Orders of 81 Delivered StEGG Better Place! lr wheat v 0 1 v Clabber Girl 1 """ 1 " 1 i lSTAT jOPP! E ftqAt - J''assigjjgjjpsjBsa1-'' If 5 Thompson Seedless eL - - BAEtEEl'G COCOA; W Friday between S nnd R st the Colombia Food. Co., Stale and Cccarjcrcial, : giving- free samples, of Baker products. , Fru its an cl Vcqeta bles FRIDAY AND SATURDAY . Now 50 lb: Isacl? 39c ORANGES New Naval ONIOWS ranged for Ilverton luteflsk-lov ers. The first of these win be given Friday night at the MWA, hall by members of Calvary church. The second will be glv- ' en a week from Friday night, De- , cember 14, by the Dorcas society of Trinity church at the social rooms of Trinity. , lodge mm SILVERTON. Dec 6. Plana for the I.O.O.F. homecoming for Saturday night -hive been- com pleted. This is the biggest event of the lodge season, each year, and usually hundreds of members attend both from here and else where. The f r-s t degree team, widely - known. In- lodge circles, . will present its work. J. Gehrke. is captain of -the team. Others are S. Tegland, J. C Gibson. J. S.' Starr, Fred Baker. B. C. Ben neit, N. M. Skaife and L. R. Saw yer. J. W. Gil ham la noble grand and Mr. Sawyer, Tiee-grand. - The Rebekahs will meet la the club rooms far. cards while the degree work Is. being given. Fol olwlng that they will. Join the I., O. O. F. members tor a musical program and for a supper.- Delegates . from Silver Lodge No, 21 will go to Woodburn and present traveling garel to Wood- . burn I. O. O.. F." on- Wednesday night, December 12. Presentation will be made by Theodore Ho bart. i. - .-, '. - SOAP CO. Satisfaction Gaarantied ' Prices Friday , Saturday ; ; Monday Dec t 8, 10 lb. Pltf? can : H Yrh. tin i r.m: tb TtaVr flirt sH3 La 2s Crop 200 Size :; 20 lbs...25c SATUDDAY as 2( doz i ; 4 J r -9 't 4 V r V- V V ' 9 " 4 t r . All Colors Guaranteed Fast . ;.-.:Boilmg,Size;y- : ... Shopping Bag Free t J 3lH