The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 06, 1934, Page 8, Image 8

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n n
3 San Jose, 2 Puget Sound,
, Pacific, 0. N." S. Men on
'All-Opponent Team .
Willamette's Bearcat added" an
' other victory -to their string of
high scores last night when they
tore through 30 turkey : dinners
. for long gains and a final score of
7 S cents per plate against "'Spec
Keene. Spec" tendered the din
ner to ths team and the coaching
staff as tie fulfillment of a prom
lse of a Rquare meal, if the team
von the Northwest conference
championship. . i .
, It was a "speechless" banquet
. with the team too busy with its
" offense against ' a strong .turkey
and mashed potato lne to listen
to praises. After the Tictory, how
ever; the learn found; time to se
lect an all-opponentteam and a
conference all-opponent eleven.
Besides : Howard Maple, Tom
, Drynan and Lestle Sparks of the
coaching utaff, Dr. ruce R. Baz
. ter. Dr. P. M.i Erickson and W. L.
"BUI" Phillips were present.
Oregon Sttte Not l
Included, Selection j
On Its all-opponent team, which
didn't include Oregon State, the
team selected three men from San
Jose. -The Bearcat all-opponent
team; - . ; i - '.;'! ' . '
Carlson, C. P. S.f left end; Lein
weber, Colnmbia, left tackle; Car
ey, Columbia, left guard; Barstad.
Pacific, right tackle; Barracht,
San Jose, Tight end; Mahan. Ore
gon Normal, quarterback: Stock
dale, San Jose, left half; Corrigan.
Pacific, right, half; Tahlla, Oregon
Norma!, fullback. The: team could
, not agree on a right guard and a
center, so their all-opponent team
Is a nine-man eleren.
Four Pacific Players la
, Conference Opponent
. The conference all-opponent in
, eluded four Pacific players: Carl
- son, C. P. S., and Parberry, Pa-
cific, ends; Barstad, Pacific, and
Kitchen, C. P. S., tackles; Collos-
nanno. Pacific, and Green, Lin-
fleld, guards; Swartxwright, Al-
bany, center;- Brunstad, C. P. 8.,
quarterback; Helser, Linfield, and
Corrigan, Pacific, half; backs; and
Brooks, C. P. S., fullbaek.
In a basketball game before the
dinner the backfleld trounced the
line 34 to 17. I ..
Whlttier college yesterday an
swered by wire a query sent them
by Coach R. S. Keene of Willam
ette to say that it would be un
able ' to play a post-season game
this year. 'With Gonzaga disband-
' ed. College of Idaho unwilling to
play and no answer yet received
from Western Maryland, Willam
ette s -chances for a post-season
game were practically gone.
Coach Keene said the season
was over, the equipment stored
away and basketball in practice.
Whlttier, championi of the
Southern California - conference,
, was tied , by San Jose, which was
defeated by the Bearcats 21 to 7.
As San Jose won the far western-
conference, .Willamette ! can claim
the minor college championship
of the Pacific coast onia basis of
comparatire scores. -
Grade Teams at
Scio Will Play
Jefferson There
SCIO, Dee. 5. The first grade
school , basketball games will be
played here Saturday a afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock w h e n" the two
teams, both boys' an 4 girls', will
meet the teams from Jefferson. -
. Last year both the Scio grade
boys' and girls' basketball reams
were undefeated. Only two letter-
men are left for this year's team.
Jack Yeager and Richard Kendle.
Evelyn Palon, Evelyn Katsel, Na
talie Phillips. Juanice Thayer and
Ceorglanna Nadvornik ! have all
earned basketball letters.
Larry Wolfe 111;
In Vets Hospital
.. MONMOUTH, Dec. 5. Word
comes from Portland that Coach
Larry. Wolfe is seriously 411 at the
veterans' hospital In Portland; He
was gassed during the World war,
and recently a severe cold brought
on complications .which necessi
tate a eompiete rest, it is said.
Old Reliable Method
brines health to the sick
WITFtOTTT . ! - .
her Is specialist,
hat had eight
rears' practice
In C h i n a. No
mattar with
what you are suf
fering, don't civs
op yourself, our wonderful
herbs will . positively I remedy
disorders of the bladder, kid
ney, stomach, constipation, ap
pendicitis, piles,' and: throat,
heart, lung, liver, asthma,' ca
tarrh,' tumors, diabetes, 'rheum
atism, headache and blood pois
on, skin diseases ot .children
and mala or female j all ail
ments. i-. .v.
Chinese Medicine A Serb Co.
123 N. Commercial SL, Salem
Dally Office Coors 0 to 0 p.m.'
Son, A Wed. 9 to 10:30 a. m.
arries on
. ' By; CAUSTIC i
Football ought to be good
training for. an officer of the ,
law. At least, DarreU 'Tiny"
Newhouse, "Spec' Keene's big ;
210 . pound reserve tackle :
thinks so, for DarreU la the new
chief of police of Garibaldi, 4
that thriving little sea coast
town in Tillamook county.;!
Newhouse, the .big fellow that :
scared all Willamette's oppon- ;
rnU this year with his com
bined mask and helmet, got
himself elected to - the ' Tilla- ,
mook county' constabulary y at
the, recent' elections. Modestly
he didnt reveal the secret, but
the news finally leaked out. He
will not turn from tackling op-,
posing linemen to tackling the
criminal element of Garibaldi.
"s'pec" Keene's happiness over
winning a share of the Northwest
conference championship didn't
last very long. Yesterday "Spec"
was back to "normalcy" and was
his gloomy old self. We asked
him if .he thought t her was any
hope In basketball. "Yeah, says
be, "if they'll let us use our own
hoops, about 36 inches across.
High school basketball offi
cials this year are going: to
hate to have seen the Inside of
Gus Moore, secretary of the city
church hoop league announced the
member- teams last night follow
ing a meeting of representatives at
the Y. M. C. A. '
Last night was the deadline for
entries,, and the 12 teams entered
are the following: two from First
Presbyterian, two from Jason Lee,
two from Evangelical, one from
First Methodist, Leslie Methodist,
Temple Baptist, First . Baptist,
South Salem Friends and Amer
ican Lutheran.
Two divisions wiU be selected
with the six strongest aggrega
tions forming an A league, and
the rest a B group. After a series
in which each team meets all oth
ers In its division, the two winners
will tangle for the championship.
The scene of action will be every
Friday night at Parrish, and ev
ery Saturday at the Y. court.
The first game will come De
cember 28 . in the Parrish gym.
The schedule has not been com
pleted as yet A meeting on De
cember 19 will be for that pur
pose. - - i
r, DES MOINES. Dec. 5.-(P)-Max
Baer, the" world's heavyweight
boxing champion, will make, his
first appearance as a contestant
since he won the title from Prlmo
Camera last June in a four-round
bout tomorrow night with Johnny
Miier, a light heavyweight, at Des
Moines. . .
Aneil Hoffman, manager of the
titleholder. said today the Miler
match would be no exhibition and
that Max Intended to enter the
ring seeking to knock out Mller.
Buddy Baer, youngest brother
of the champion, will make his
eighth professional start against
Red Fields, a Des Moines heavy
weight Buddy has won all his
matches by knockouts. .".
Stanford Indians
Working on Pass
Of fehse, Defense
Calif., Dec. S.-ifHYith the most
prominent cripftles still on the
sidelines, Stanford's Indians re
sumed practice today for their
f Rose Bowl game with Alabama,
New "Year's day.
Coach '"Tiny" ThornhiU "sent
his stalwarts through a brisk
hour workout, following yester-'
day'a layoff. Passes . were stress
ed during the drill. Next week
work will start on pass defense.
Coach Tkornhill said.
Friday 8:30 P. M.
. December 7
MariAn Post 61, V. F. W.
Main Event 8 Rounds
, . 150 lbs Salem, vs.
hank Mcdonald
150 lbs., PorUand
Semi-Final 0 Rounds .
. - 125 lbs., Salem, vs.-. ..' . .
- al smith .
115 lbs Salem
" Four 4-Round Bouts '."
Lefty Jones, 150 lbs., Salem, vs.
Zackery Shell, 150 Ibsi, Gervais
Lauren Watts, 145 lbs., Salem,
vs. Albert Nosack, 143, Gerrais
Dannie Moore, 145, Salem, vs.
Clary Campbell," 145, Silverton
: ' . - ' :: . - -- ; - -v..
George Reed, 140, Silverton, vs.
Young' Douglas, 140, Silverton
Balcony jsOc - Students 25e -Main
Floor 75c Ladies 23c
Anywhere No Tax Tickets
" on Sale at Cliff Parker's
"Tiny" Newhouse leaving
gridiron to tackle the lawless ;
of Garibaldi; is elected con
stable. , . 1 " -v
' the rule book at least once. To
Improve the officiating of high
: school games, : the state high '
school athletic association la re- :
quiring all the "re fa to take
. examinations In 'the fine points
of the gave. District chairmen ;
give the - examination la each
district after receiving a fee of -S3
from the aspiring official.
The paper8 forwarded to -Portland
where they are , cor- :
rected a n d returned. Hubs-"
quently the would-be official is .
notified whether he will be or
won't be. Besides elevating the
quality of officiating, the plan
la supposed to protect the train
ed officials ' against chiseler
who will referee at cut - rate r
without knowing whether the
game Is soccer or tiddly-winks.
Thp golf bug Is dangerous, so
they say, but the barnyard golf
bug seems to be the' most tena
cious of the sports "Insects. Salem
has its coterie of horseshoe pitch
ing addicts who heave mean pony
footwear nightly is their arena
at 12th and Ferry. You won't find
a more enthusiastic sport lover
than the horseshoe pitcher. But
they, are calm men who take their
sport with serious vein and a
steady eye.
RICKREALL, . Dec. .5. Amity
high basketball teams, both girls
and boys, played a pre-season
game here Tuesday evening: The
visiting girls led the game until
the last quarter when the home
team gained ftare points, tieing the
game 24 to 24.
The boys game was a see-saw
until the last when, the visitors
walked off with the game scoring
22 to 13.
Lineup of girls teams
R. Mitchell
F....F. CoviUe
.FW, Middleton
..C B. Reimer
.SC.Lefa Ott
Stevens ;-: ,
G J. CoviUe-
G. L. KeUogg
Boys lineup:
R. Brown
A. Brown
Massey , -. O
Loop S ,
. Donald Rence refereed
Turkey Shoot to
Be Held Sunday, ;
Trapshooter Club
The Salem Trapehooters' club
will stage a turkey shoot Sunday
at the' club grounds on the air
port road. Dressed birds will be
selected from the Henry Domes
world champion flock and all
guaranteed to weigh from 12 to
Is pounds. -
Shooters may shoot in their
own class." A yardage handicap
will be given winners.. At the last
shoot on Armistice day turkeys
were won by every class f
Bloom to Answer
Charge of Theft
Of Baker's Gun
Manie Bloom, arrested by city
officers for allegedly taking
Winchester shot gun belonging to
A. Baker, will have a preliminary
hearing before Judge'Hayden this
mornin at 10 o'clock.' Stata' no
tice 'signed the complaint against
him after making an - - investiga
tion. " Police claim Bloom traded
the gun for a motorcycle. Speci
fic- charge against him Is burg
lary not in a dwelling. . ,
We Welcome Your
-.;-. . -" . '. - - - 1
-You are cordiaDy invited to make use of the complete '
, facilities and helpful service of this bank. If you are
not aware just how we can serve you, whynot come
in 'and discuss your requirements with us? .
Tnis direct Branch not only 'affords the strong back
ground of the United States National, but offers a
service keyed to this particular community. ; "
D. W. EYRE , .
United Slates National Danfi;
S:::z.:?:zr2C ct Portland' ''
, Head Offices Portland, Orezon
High Quintet; Now Known as
Wolverines, Victor Over
Airiie 26 to 14
' MONMOUTH. Dec. 5. Mon
mouth high' school's -basketball
squad which will be known In
future as the. Wolverines, open
ed the season last night here,-defeating
Airiie high. 26 to 14.
Monmouth Jumped. into the. lead
5 to 0 In the first quarter, end
ing the half at 8 to. 2 and hold
ing the Airiie boys to ona lone
field goal made by-McKlbben.
In the third period, the-visit
ors. led by Herron Polk county
all-star forward of 1933 annex
ed four points and Plomb sank
two baskets while the locals gar
nered .but seven points. In the
final quarter, . Al Snider, Mon
mouth forwardscored four field
goals and a foul conversion. Shep
herd annexed a field goal to bring
the total score to 28 to 14. Both
teams', playing . was erratic at
times, especially In basket shoot
ing. ' . ' .
Lineups: '
Airiie ' ' "V Monmouth
Herron f ...-.F...... 2 Haller
McKlbben 2 ....F IB Snider
Plomb 4 C 2 Parker
Whiteaker 2 G . 2 . Jensen
Wiener t
2 Shepherd
2. Riddell
. 1 Johnson
Referee, Nelson.
What was intended to be a pre
liminary tilt between the Wolver
ine reserves and the Airiie town
team mostly Airiie high 1133.
players proved to be a real con
flict with Monmouth leading 8 to
3 at half. The Airiie boys began
to close the gap In the last per
iod knotting the score three dif
ferent times: 19 all; 21 all, and
23 alL A fortunate field goal
made by Ernest Crook of Mon
mouth cinched the game Just be
fore the gun cracked, score 25 to
23 In Monmouth's favor.
The Wolverines, both boys and
girls' teams, will play the local
alumni boys and- girls Friday
GATES, Dec. 5. Robert Bowes
and son Joseph are beginning the
construction of a large barn on
their farm on King's Prairie.
There will be shed room for sev
eral sheep as. well as a place for
dairy, cows and other farm stock.
C D. Johnson is helping.
Sam Donnell has been appoint
ed in charge of the maintenance
of the new. high way between Mill
City and The heavy rains
of the past month has been espe
cially trying to the new roads.
Several slides have occurred be
tween Gates and Mill City, bury
ing the culverts and filling
duches. '
A school clinic was held at the
local school Monday morning with
about 50 children examined. The
first and fifth grades and mem
bers ot the basketball teams were
scheduled for examination dtod
there were several specials be
sides. Tuberculosis skin tests were
given as well as several vaccina
tions. . Dr. W. W. Allen of Mill
City was the examining physician
with Miss Ruth Sammis, nurse in
charge. Local club women assist
ing were Mrs. Ed Davis and Mrs.
Irvin Lawsoa. -
MT. ANGEL, Dec 5. The
teachers' study club met at the
home of Miss Eustelle Bauman,
Tuesday evening.' The study of the
harmonica was continued followed
by a social hour and lunch. A new
member, Miss Constance Conrad
was added to the group. The next
meeting will take place Tuesday.
December 18 at the home of Miss
Helen Keber.
. Manager
Asst. Manager
10 6
Pro Gridmen
Too, Evident
r' -i- : X
NEW YORK, Dec. S.-WV-The
college boys who go Into a game
with the legendary "die for dear
old Rutgers" fight urging them
on haven't a thing on the New
York pro -football giants. - -:
The red, white and blue Jersey ed
commercial clan worked: out' this
afternoon. ' on the Polo grounds
with so much dash and enthusi
asm that Coach Steve Owen al
most swallowed a big cut out of
tobacco and -cautioned them to
"save that stuff for the Bears
Sunday.?. '-- -'';...;
- Owen could hardly- blame the
fellows for their spirit because he
too, was swept with optimism
when Harry 'Newman, the former
Michigan all - American quarter
back and the Giant's highest paid
performer, trotted on the practice
field in uniform for the first time
since he was Injured In the game
I with the Bears on November 18.
BRANDENTON, Fla., Dec. I.-
tP)-Jerome "Dissy" . Dean, star
pitcher for the world champion
St. Louis Cardinals, said today bis
salary for the next season would
be between $20,000 and $28,000.
He was paid $3,500 last year. ,
"Boy, am I happy? I can bit
that ball a mile." Dean yelled as
he headed for a golf course after
announcing the salary figures.
A short time before' be had
signed an advertising contract
that will add $15,000 to bis bank
Two telephone conversations
with club officials at St Louis last
night and; this morning resulted
in final agreement. Dean said.
School Children
Aid ; in "Drive to
Distribute Seals
i . .
and Mrs. E. J. Ward had as their
guesie for Thanksgiving dinner
Mr. and . Mrs. E. Solid and Stan
ley of Bremerton, Wash., Mr. and
Mrs. E. K." I Anderson of Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Wiltsey ot Sa
lem. Mrs. W.a Iter Fisher and
daughter, Mary Jean, and Melvln
Haynes. , -
Joe H easing of Condon, is
spending the week with his uncle,
U. J. Stupfel.
The school has been conducting
a tuberculosis sear contest with
Yukika Furuyama and Evert
Mennenhol as captains
$250,000 in Road
Contracts Called
Highway and bridge construc
tion contracts Involving an expen
diture of approximately $250,000.
will be awarded at a meeting of
the state highway commission to
be held in Portland December 20,
R. H. Baldock, state highway en
gineer, announced Wednesday.
The largest; ot these projects Is in
Columbia and Washington conn
ties and involves construction of
9.2 miles of crushed rock or gra
vel resurfacing of the Trehorn-
Buxton section ot the Nehalem
i secondary highway.
: end
.are now back home at 445 Center street,. where they were in
troduced'to Salem In January ot 1929. We are finishing our
6th yearjw your Graham dealer, with better cars and Improved
service. Come la soon and see the new 193S models now on"
dlnplay. ' , . i ;. "
Waiting or jour
LdTT the receiver and Home you
go! Bobby's orer bis cold Ellen '
has skipped a grade- V '
Tidings that may be small to
the rest of the world, but they're
half the universe to you! ,
' Theres a telephone waiting
wherever you go. - Nothing eUe,
at home or on the road, does so
much for so little. - -S-
The PacificTelephone
740 State St. T i
To Work Out Defense After
Viewing Pictures of
! , Ramblers Action
LOS ANGELES, . Dec. $.-(-
Southern California's injury har
rassed football team took special
cognizance of Its approaching foe,
Notre Dame, today by. making a
close study of the Ramblers in ac
tion as shown . by news, reel . pic
tures and. then went out to work
out a defense against them.
The' workout was ot the dummy
scrimmage variety, designed to
protect whatremalna of the once
migniy men ot Troy against iur
ther - crippling of . the - already
weakened .varsity. .
The Trojans grimly, tackled
their problem, determined to do
something about what appeared to
be aarlmpossible task when they
run np against the South Bend
eleven at the Memorial Coliseum
Saturday. ' ; i -
TUCSON, . Dec. 6. - W - Notre
Dame's Ramblers, crippled and
battered after a hard season,
drove through two brisk workouts
at the University of Arizona sta
dium here today, preparing for an
invasion of Los Angeles and the
Trojan walls of Southern Califor
nia Saturday.' V
Coach' Elmer Layden brought
his 38 charges into Tucson short
ly before noon today, and a few
minutes later the players were
charging over the gridiron, at
tempting to remove the effects ot
their long journey. j
Hard work was reserved for the
afternoon session, daring which
Layden, barred the gates as the
Irish went through a long scrim
mage.;' i ; ; . . . v .
"The Irish will leave Tucson ear
ly Friday morning, stopping for a
short workout in Yuma, Ariz., in
the afternoon and arriving In Los
Angeles that evening.
State Prof it in
Liquor May Pass
Million Figure
Liquor profits up to this time
have aggregated $820,000; and
may pass, the million mark! by the
end of the year,-officials announc
ed Wednesday. Approximately
$625,513 of this amount has been
turned ever to .the state J relief
The 24 stores nd 95 agencies
showed a net profit on October 31
ot $410,818.52, license fees re
turned $88,304.21. and gailonage
taxes on beer $207,721.84. -
Central Labor
Council Delays
Election Date
-1 . i
Because the usual election
meeting night this year falls on
New Years day, the Salem trades
and labor council last night de
cided to postpone the annual vote
en officers until the third Tues
day night In th'e month, or Janu
ary 15. .No meeting will be held
January 1. " - V -
Herbert E. Barker of the meat
cutters -and. butcher workers lo
cal has been president of the coun
cil the past year. j , ..
and' Telecbapii Company
' Telephone 3101
i 1 ' 1 f ; ' '
Schedule 25
Willamette's freshman basket
ball squad, coached by Lestle J.
Sparks, will play more than 25
games this . season If tentative
plans are completed. . .
For. the first time In years the
yearling squad failed to gain first
place in Interclass competition at
Willamette. It placed second after
a 28 to 21 defeat by the sopho
mores. .The squad of 22 players
runs to small sizes. - "
The following freshman are
squad members: Ban gh man. Van
Oten. Nunnenkamp. Joyce, Lind
strom, Adams, Becken, Harriman,
Wood, Lentz. . Shepherd, ; Smith,
McAdams," Davis, Reed, Slrnlo,
Carkin, Marcy, Duncan. Crantree,
Meyers and McDonald.
MT. ANGEL, Dec. 5 "The Vic
tim ot the Seal", a five act drama,
will be presented by, the students
of Mt. Angel college and seminary
in the auditorium, Sunday, De
cember 9, in both afternoon and
evening performances. Rev. Ga
briel .Morris is directing the cast.
assisted by Ret. Damlan Jentges.
A new set of scenery has been con
structed. . - " ,
Several ot the members of the
cast are boys who have demonstra
ted their bistronic ability to local
audiences before. Alexander WH
liams will portray the leading role
as Father Rem illard. The sup
porting cast includes: Paul New
tin. Joseph Donnelly, Gerald Lin
ahen, Patrick Dooley, Gordon
Bucknum, Walter Smith,' Joseph
Mesler, Charles Christensen, Gene
Senter, Elmer Bauman, I Austin
Johnson, Sylvester Schmitf, Willis
Wbalen, Paul Zeller, Ted Marx,
James - Mitchell, Ralph ' Schwab,
John Paulson, Cletus May, and
Roy Gentry. .,i
The Mt. Angel college orches
tra, nnder the direction ot Alex
ander Scharbacb will add to the
interest ot . the presentation by
contributing various 'musical se
lections. ; . . -i . i :-
Shelhurnes Approach
Golden Anniversary
DAYTON, Dec. 5. Mr. : and
Mrs. G. I. Shelburne, December
24, will observe their I Oth wed
ding, anniversary with a .family
dinner at their home. .
Many are killed in motor
accidents each week.
Your state is requiring cer
tain visual standards for
drivers. .
Be prepared to save a life
and protect your own.
When seconds count, eyes
must see , clearly and in
stantly. .
333 State St
for the first class
v one way fare -
plus 50
o all S. P. stauoos in Cali
, foraia, Oregon, Kevada sad Ari-
sons. Tickets are good on aR '
trains leaving - ,
; DEC. 13 TO JAN. 1
Bhtkhj midnight, Jmrj 12
' tmmdu if -
San Francisco ...208
Los Angeles $32.93
The ' roQodttips are ' FIRST'
CLASS, good in standard Pull
mans (berth extra).
. - . ' -
At these low fares von can leave
. aor dav. Return limit 21 days: :
Los Angeles .429.30
San Francisco - $19.70
-timilix tares to all S. P.. sta
tions, good in coacbes also in
tourist sleeping can (berth extra).'
'".' .'.' -'' ' - . '
CI rtf f"rn :
A. F. Noth, Ticket Ageat,
..Telephone '4408 ;
601 Motorists
Arrested Last
Month; Report
State troopers arrested 801 per
sons for traffic law violations dur
ing the month of November with
tines . aggregating -5747, Charles
P. Pray, superintendent' ot state
police, reported Wednesday. Sev."
enty-eight of the defendants were
arrested for reckless driving while
31 were held tor. operating their
ears, while intoxicated. i s
; Arrests in the general law en
forcement division numbered 182,
with 23 persons .held for other
agencies. Fir of these persons
were . charged with auto . thef t
TheYe were 197 arrests In t8e
game -and fish divisloa. Tines ag
gregated $5948.50.
Gift Headquarters
Are We
'for a really good
. gift idea fox him?
- .. .
Pioneer spent
50,0 0 0 In
working out
ONE Group of
. - their gift sug-
But you don't 'have to
spent one cent to profit
from .their research on
rwhat pleases men.
We have them
arranged In dis
, A pbiys that are
easy to shop for
- ideas.
r - -
. in smart tooled
wood and leath
er gift boxes.
50c to $1.50
IDE and
America's finest shirts
In every new pattern
91.03 to
The new Tweed
weaves "with." dnpllx
construction Literally
hundreds at .
V ese -
. deVORE and
. From sheer silks to
V tine imported wools. A
.complete assortment,
" beantif ally boxed.
35c 50c
" ' -; pair . ,
- Were simply ont t6 do
the holiday scarf busi
ness with the valnes
we are snowing at
.. . . ;
" Incorporated
426 State Street