PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oresron, Thursday Morninsr, December 6, 1934 First Convention. Since 1926 at Portland HotetUth . SILVERTON, Dee.6. Alf: O. Nelson of Silvertqo, president of the -Lutheran Brotherhood of Ore gon, has- calJed a convention for wvui " as m a im tuv Ui- .rine room at the Multnomah hotel In Portland. Invitations are being ent to all Lutheran pastors in the state and the board of direct ors Is urging each congregation to elect two of Its members as dele gates. Mr. Nelson suggests that If 'a Brotherhood organization is al ready organized within the church, delegates from this group be elected. If not,' he says, it would probably b best, to .form a temporary local brotherhood and Immediately elect delegates to the meeting- ;-. , " - ; 'v.- Mr. Nelson sajs the director, hope to hare present at the con Tentlon Rt. r Rev. H. L. Foss. Rev. L. Lndyie.- Re. Odeil- Rev. P. W Erikaen and Rev. John Mattson. all presidents of different Pacific coast ' districts; . also Dr. William Schoelder, Rev. Jt. Btfgstad and - Dr. O. A. Tingelitad. prominent , men in Lutheran affairs'. ' Other prominent laymen who are expect ed'to be-present Include Attorney, David Lofgren - of Portland. Dr. Arne Jensen of Monmouth Normal school, Max Gehlhar of Salem. The' Lutheran Brotherhood of Oregon was a unit of the Lutheran Brotherhood of America, during : Its active years it accomplished many - things. The Brotherhood established the Sunset Home in Eugene, now under the -efficient supervision of .Rev. R. Bogstad. It also established the Lutheran stu dent service which is now func tioning at the University of Ore gon, Oregon State college, and the Monmouth Normal school. A new chapter is now being organized at Willamette university. The ta.te brotherhood held its last state convention in Eugene in 1926. when adjournment was tak en subject to the call of the pres ident. - - . .Turner' Postoffice is Changed to Bank TURNER, Dec. 5. The " new postmaster, Archie Rankin. . and his assistant, Miss . Helen Pectx. -moved - the postoffice. equipment Saturday night to the vacat ed Turner bank building which Is abetter building and centrally located. In Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER I 2 3 4 5 6 7,. Tm"sT"tomTrm 21 22 23 - i24 25 in 5r p 5r hi I I n I I HH-hr- - HORIZONTAL ; 1 What Amaricaa aovaiUt and ' I ambassador to ' Italy (1913 1920) wu aathar af "Red . ' Rede"? I The picture af what fart as . ' . pearad ob the oaa-caat dooau--; I aatioa af the Caatary af Prog- - rasa cammawrtavt ptf Stamp? - . :y,f . . " 12 What fortified seaport la A!- - gcria was - eccupiad ; by - the French ia 1S31T 13 Beard of wheat " . 14 Medley 15 L.Mischievous child 18 Beverage . 17 Water-crafts 16 Portion 19 Musical note 20 Charge , -. 21 A hybrid 24 Sphere " 26 Presently . 27 At this time 29 Later name of E.s H 33 To steep . . 24 Wine-vessel . 35-i-Pitcher . 37 Unif of work -, 39 Heavenly body . 40 Nocturnal bird . 42 Any great ehannel 44 Rodent -47 Mystic ejaculation " ' 48 A fish-like vertebrate ' . 4 9 Harangue ' " . . ; 61 Winnowing implement . 62 Constellation . i . 64 Prefix meaning "half ' -65 Hog-like animal ' 6ft Chief Norse rod i -57 What b tba birthitone far dia tnoBtb af Saptacabar? f What former - .prolaasor af Aaiaricaa hUtory at the Uai varsity af Chicago did PraU , . 4"t Rooaavclt appoint U. S. abassadr to Germany? VERTICAL -.. . 1 Who wit tha war-tlma prl dmt af Fraaea? , i hrtneh A. a4-aV ava'al SMAa9a chemist 4e'atar of tha atomie fVaoryf Granger's News Column CHEMAWA, Dec. 5. A bene fit dance will be held by the grange at the M. A. hall here Thursday night, December . Re freshments will be served. BRUSH COLLEGE, Dec. S. Brush College grange will hold a meeting at the local schoolhouse Friday night. A" potluck supper at 7 o'clock will precede installa tion, of .of fleers District Deputy Brown Is installing officer. Spe cial musical numbers will be played during installation. ' LIBERTY.-. Dec. 5. The Red Hills grange -is busily preparing for Its "country store" af rair to be staged Friday at 8 p. m. at the hall here. The same gift idea carried out in- Salem fall opening is being used.. All grange women are expected to, contribute, four articles for the booths. Mrs. P. O. Judd is Jn charge of contribu tions. A good 'program, in charge of Dorothy Bick ley, will be given during thft evening. -There will be booths of cooked foods, clothing, fruits., gift articles and the ba zaar.. Mrs.' XV. ; R. Dallas is in charge of refresh meats. The ad mission has been made low. Baxter Is.Spenker MACLEAY. Dec, 6. Dr. Bruce Baxter, president of (Willamette univer8iry,.,will speak at the . lec ture hour at the grange meeting to be held Friday night. His sub ject .will be "Some Bright Spots In Dark 'Continent" and" will deal with Africa where be visit ed recently. , Goodrich on 2 2d Year as Officer for Odd Fellows DAYTON, Dec. 5. Officers elected In ', subordinate' Yamhill lodge No. 20 I. O. O. F. were: Noble grand, Os J. Williams: vice grand,' Ray D. Johnson ; - record ing secretary. Dr.- Orr C Good rich; financial secretary. Theo dore Rossner; treasurer, ' M. A. Palmer. ' ' - - . Dr. .Goodrich has served the or der for 21 years as recording sec retary. Installation will bo Joint ly with. the Rebekabs some time in January. Early Filberts are in Bloom at Dayton DAYTON. Dec. 6. Earlv rarlC ties of filberts are blooming In the B. A; ; Make 2 7 -acre orchard. This. is true of other orchards in this locality, and la mora than nun month earlier than averare years. growers report. - 7 Indefinite article , 8 Interjection Who ia tha patron saint af "," Norway T . . 10 Religious ceremony 11 Part of the face . 16 Be ill . . 17 Hinder i Prohibit 3 19 Humble '. 22 Afresh ' 23 Carry 25 Exist 28 Pronoun 30 Fleshy fruit ' SI Mohammedan calif ' , -32 Tha District of Coluaabia waa - formerly m part of which of tha U.3.? ft An international language - 7 Tree - : -3 A building in which autos are . stored ; :59 Pen for swine v '41 Grief . 13-Hurried 44 'What English arctic explorer discovered tha north magnetic polo ia 18317 15 Open space , 'ft Ram down -'0 Slant . - : l Tree - . .. ... 3 Trouble . t To free '.5 Jumbled type ' . 6 Hypothetical force . , Herewith Is the solution U yes terday's praJe. N.EIEDD ttvi. rr.Kll nVr-l mamsaV UM, S3as fanaaa ajaSUan am FlffllL 1IELD FOR M1S.IEILLEI1 Was Born In 1848 In Dever t Vicinity; Lived Entire J v X Life In This Region JEFFERSON. Dec. . Funer al services tor Mrs. Jane Miller, 86, who died Saturday evening at the Mary Bilyeu residence in Jefferson after ft two weeks'. Ill ness, were held Tuesday after-noon-from the Fortmlller chapel, Albany. Rev. Earl Cochran; Bap tist minister of Salem officiated. Honorary pallbearers were Ed Meeker, J. A. Jones, - William Jones. Arthur Miller, Lee: Miller and J. T. Jones, all of Jefferson and vicinity. . : - Active pallbearers were Donald Porter John , Grenz, Ed Brower. John Calahan.' Glenn Bilyeu, and Henry Ammon. Interment was in the Alillersburg cemetery, three miles west of Jefferson. Mrs. Miller was born December 22, 1848. on the donation land claim near Dever, the fall after the family arrived from Indiana having crossed the plains - by ox team. She was the- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. and DeMercy Crooks and was the last survivor of a family of pioneers. Her father was active in state affairs, both before and after the admission of .the state to the on ion, serving two terms In the le gislature. . . ' ; -,' , Until her final illness' two weeks ago Mrs. Miller lived in the hand-hewn house built by her father-in-law 89 years ago, and located one mile southwest of Jefferson. From this Mrs. Miller has seen the . Southern Pacific railroad built, thef v coming ot MICKEY MOUSE swOOKS LIKE THE DIRTY CROOKS HAVE done rr TH1S TIME! MICKEY BLIMP HAS BEEN SHOT DOWN in THE MIDDLE Of THE DESErr! :POLLY.ArfflHm-PAI;::: : o1j te 22AS$S&$S iS fpSAS,1 THIMBLE THEATRE--Starring Popeye IT'S MIGHTY FUNNY-VOO t-OOrO EWCTLW LIKE DAKf P fiM TUHN BROTHERS LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY NICE WORC. THE BABy FROM 6CTTIW TUMBLEO JMM. Km, Fikb mUc Inc. Cnm Br TOQTS AND CASPER Wfc.LL.H- IT liN- I - ,!?!.PAfJtl0TER rrT m iqil1 BRIDE COME IN ! A WesfcSal - WEST 8 A L B M, Dec. . Through the generosity of West Salem residents and, the energy of - the young - folks : ot the Ep worth League, . Boy Scouts and Sunday school, 14 baskets were made up and distributed to needy families last weekend. r . : Mrs. Milo. Jensen opened her home to the Legion auxiliary- of Klngwood Post Wednesday all day for sewing on articles for the baxaar later this month. ' v Xhe five, sons of Mrs. Fannie Moore were her guests at a fam ily reunion held here. The guests included Delbert Moore of Eu gene . and -daughter Nita Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore of Salem and her mother, Mrs. J. A. Huston: Ernest, Or v ill e and Claude Moore of West Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Rivers of Au rora, who have moved to Salem, were guests Sunday. He ' is em ployed in the Conway garage. Zeral Brown, son of the J. R. Browns of West Salem, who broke his leg recently and was wearing it in a cast, has been obliged to go to a Salem hospital for an op eration on the member. . A new pupil in the seventh grade, coming here from Minne sota, is Violet Dumovlck. Mon day - photographer came and roads, telephones, highways and automobiles. July 8, 1888,-she vfas married to Abraham H. Miller, and to this onion six daughters were born, three having died in infaney. Mr. Miller died in 1888. - The surviving . daughters - arc Mrs. Edith Miller of Mlllersburgr Mrs.. Pearl Callahan of. Prosser, Wash., Mrs, Bessie- Bilyeu -of Jef ferson. She is also survived by 17 grandchildren and eightgreat grandchildren. . , . . STILL ACT. O' LEAVE 1 M6ftHS WE'RE TWiM OFFSPRlKrl AjOHERE.'S VDUR g,STERHOW?l TO ftO TARE r&DP r ' ZERO VOO SAVTCD 5 CURB6TOJE OH. rA.t5FK . 'M so HAPPY I MY STEP-MOTHER rOMiwT Tn VISIT US I MMJ.PTT BUT r If OH SORRY.' VHANfi -1 WE'RE DONE H rZSt - r-kr. a w ail law va. - i r x. in s r a i i nrAi i i 11 lira a fw i i nc.K v w w wctb wi a b b r vY"" l I m nehn wcrt f0 I News em took pictures of all rooms ot the schooL Pupils will . exchange names for the Christmas gift giv ing ; in the various rooms.. The nun : graae .won me marching contest and ere awarded a par tial holiday, being released at 2:10 o'clock Wednesday. , ; - i Edward Whitney, " Former Resident r;-." " of - Rickey, Diet RICKEY,- Dec. 8. Word ' has been received ot the death at his home at Long Beach, Calif., of EdwairdrJames Whitney, 73. The Whitney family lived here on what Is now the C. A. Warner farm for a number of ' years. - He was born at Bridgewater, Va., but spent the greater part ot her life In Colorado. He was by trade a millwright and miner. Mr. Whit ney was a member ot the Neigh bors of Woodcraft. : i Mr. Whitney leaves his wife, Margaret and a daughter, Meryle S.. Whitney, .Long BeachJ; a son Edward, Pasco, Wash., and a halt brother. Frank La Telle, Pueblo, Colorado. ' - ! Wheatland Homes are t Scene of' Festivities ,' ''' ." ; " -v...---.; WHEATLAND, Dec.: 6. Mrs. P. H. Fowler Is a Thanksgiving vacation guest of her daughter, Mrs. Onit Reed at Myrtle Point Mrs. Jessie Beaty of Salem was a' Thanksgiving- dinner guest of her parents, Mrt and .Mrs. T Walter KIrkwood. : "Alex LaFolIett r and his- frien4, Percy Campbell, .'both, of Trontdale, were guests of the former's ; parenU, : Mr. and Mrs. ayde M. LaFolIett here. , - : - . The Sands of the lvArr; souhTcXush ! most I IN CASZM THfv rv-vcr V Vrct t LIVE. WHAT AN KINDNESS TO OLD SOAKH yut ZymW r w ( JUST L,Kf ) ip HERE TOR EM I Now Showing--'A Member in Good Standing" " ; By SEGAR ' iHERt'S OHS..OF STRONGEST) I 1 - l- . -, - I I no I HAuf. m FAT thK f tix. S I fiE,MC,,.MT . IlW-fiWOWrtff -MEX rWHMlA BERRVfJ,;. aJTcTi TORPnlT.? n lo?'- : ; (.ooHExrj .rT7ISW Uo iroJ II 1 - t B B IIS 7 aa " M B B fl IB riKC VJU PVLfW MPLkJ BVll 1 I I 1.1 B . I 1 tV FWLLy l tSt I 1 ri 1 JrUJrrT VOU J 3 I -l MUST EAT LOTS J ' B " ; . . " 1 I ' ' "-"-.,1 Mr m ifcvf t a M An Outdoor Sport "TVtAWK SCU, UTTLE GtfZA . VDO -: . V; - FROM AT' -rZl ZERO terrible I OfK I oiorr-i L AccroeuT.y J 9 owlvmelpeoi f UTTLE y - Playing the I JUST jOT THIS LETTER FROM HER. TOOTS ITS THE FIRST TIMS. 1VE HEARD FROM YER SirslCE I MARRIED DANNY I tUESSSHE-WAS CAN YOUR'FWONE, -CASPER?. I WAMT TO TELLl MOTHEft THE NEWS 1 ME FOR A WHILE,, KNEW SHE'D CiET. OVER IT J FOOTBALL PLAYERS. 1DC05CII FETED -; ; liONMOUTH, Dec 8. -A ban quet" waa given Friday night by the Junior and senior girls of Monmouth high school compli menting Coach and Mrs. Clay Eg elston at the close of a successful football season.' Dorothy- Friesen was toastmls tress. ' . Responses were made by Jimme .RiddelL John Haller, Albert Snider, Ernest Crok, Raymond Johnson and An thol Ricey,- members of the team. Each of these boys acted as cap tain; in i Individual games of the season. Many expressions of good will were given the coach. ; Oth er speakers Included J. C. Blev ens and A. T. Allen, faculty mem bers. i ' -l v r. -t . Football boys ? present were: Ernest Crook, An thol RIney, Ray mond' Johnson, Harry Parker, Arne Jensen, Leo Blodgett, Jim mie Riddell, John Haller, Gerald Shepherd, Carl Bond, , John Mc Gee, Lloyd Miller, Lewis Claik. Tom Boyle, Lester Good, Harold Crook, Chadwick Comstock, Herb ert Moreland, George Murdock, and Albert Snider - ' ' Christmas Committee ; for P. -T.j A. Chosen " VICTOR POnJT. Decll 8. At the November - Parent - Teachers association 'meeting held Friday night. Mrs. 'Arthar Mulkey, vice-' president, . appointed ' these ' com mitlees Tor-the Christmas meet ing: Candy, Paul Jaquet and Ju-Uus- Krens; decorating." Elisabeth Krens, Mrs. C. C. Jones and Mrs. J. O. Krens; program, Mrs. J. O. Darby; visiting, Jirs. Paul Jaquet and Mrs. Charlee Coder; Innch, ausa jauie ju-ens. Desert Grow Cold rr:rrv v7jmff' . i hem-heh.v n - break:, j , I rip i ft m aa- a 1. r II i - Gentleman I US& -AND. MOTHER I VKANT YOU AND DAD TO BE NICE TO HER SHE. DtDNT , LIKE IT WHEN I MARRIED. . HER STEP -DAUGHTER AND I WANT HER TO SEE . ; THAT I COME PROM ; A NICE FAMILYTOO! Farmers1 Union : News BETHEL, Dec. 8. .. Ralph A. WllsonVwas elected president ot Bethel local of the Farmers' Union at the meeting held Mon day night. The other officers elected are: W. Welch, vlce-presl-dent; Mrs. J. A. Haln, secretary treasurer: J. R. Carruihers, John Zak and E. Imlg. executlveaxom- mltteeJ. R. Carruthers. .chap lain; Carl Miller, doorkeeper; A. L. Schuli, conductbr. Pool buying of different com modities was discussed., Mrs. W. Welch and Mrs. H. Phillips were In charge of the refreshments. . - It was decided to postpone the Installation of officers until the open-meeting. December 17. and to Invite the state secretary. S. B. Holt, present and officiate. . ' MRS. MORRIS IMPROVES . ? MACLEAYt Dec. S. ' Mm George Morris, mother of Mrs. H. E. Martin of this place, "who hss been seriously 111.. Is report ed as better. ; -v -. By yOO X30VFT HAVE Thamvc woRRy ttust oo on AGAIN YOU-VE AN? FINISH VOU SHOPPiKiG AN- 1U. AMP X "SOU -TO watch yoorz BAy Xaa am awful. NICE GOOD BABy- a a k irrP DAN,- 4o -4et a hair-cut; and SEND. YOUR CLOTHES OUT TO BE PRESSED AND TRY TO ACT LIKE -a Gentleman MOTHER IS SHOW HER SOME 'ATTO4TI0N! Mrs. R. E. Stewart : " . Birthday Occasion TURNER. Dec. 5. Mrs. R. E. Stewart was happily surprised Sat nrday night at her home by ( group of friends, the occasion be ing her birthday anniversary.. Mr, and Mrs. F. M. Bear of Crawford.' vllle and Mrs. Nannie Harris of Dallas were honor guests, all gathering later at the C. A. Bear UVIQS. -'"'' V - -Refreshments were served "le Mr. and Mrs. N. E. IJenyer, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barflett, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Iverson Mr. and Mrs. u. 8. Riches, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Roberts'Mrs. A. B. Webb, Mrs. S. ARlches, Miss Fern O'Dell of Portland, Misses Murlal Salis bury Rachel Riches, willard Bear, R. E. Stewart, E, vStewart. C. A. Bear and the hostestes, Mrs. E. C; Bear and Mrs. CA. Bear y PORTLAND FOLKS VISIT . RICKREALL, Dec. 5. Mr. and ' Mrs. Oliver Todd and chil dren' Tiwell anrt r.ffaa HjT v . - J " ; iU . o. a . E. Burch, Purdy.and El win, all of Portland, spent Sunday at the h o m of Mr. and Mrs W.r T. Burch. . . . By WALT DISNEY DARREL McCLURE voo FOR ALL. DOME 6EE,THAT5 WAKTT. Buy A EVPECT TO 3ET RAiD FOR. HAVING FUN BOX OF, A4MDMG SUCH a. ruTP ' 7-C By JIMMY MURPHY mm. while mabeLsv ' HERE- SOPHIE, AM I SUPPOSED TO ENTERTA1M ' ' ' HER OR VAMP HER ? . 1 0 mi. ftwq5)ftdoi, Inf. Cf Bit'uain d'ieiewA