PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Honda?, Decedber 4." 1S34 GUILD PREPARKG FOR FALL BAZAAR Young People of. Federated Church Hold Party at Hubbard . ! HUBBARD, Dec. 3 The community Ladles' guild met at the home of Mrs. John Friend Friday for an all-day meeting, spending the day in sewing for the bazaar. . There will be one more of these meetings Tuesday, December 4, at the home of Mrs. .Cora Smith. The bazaar is to be Friday evening, December 7, at the city hall. A varied program will begin at 8 o'clock. There will be booths of fancy work and re freshments. . The young people of the Fed erated churches of Hubbard en joyed a social evening at the city hall Friday. Refreshments were in charge of Doris Stauffer. and the games were supervised by Rev. W. I, Orr. Numerous visitors and return ed students were In Hu,bbard dur ing the Thanksgiving holidays. Franklin de Lespinasse and Hel en Knight were home from Wil lamette university. Marie de Les pinasse and Frances . Lef fler re? turned from Monmouth Normal. Mr. and Mm. Lev: Miller of Klamath. Falls visited parents and relatives In this vicinity. MrB. Christina! Stauffer" was honored by the presence of her sons and their families and her daughters at 'dinner Thanksgiv ing day. Mr. and Mrs. George Knight has as their guests Wil liam Palmer, Mr. land Mrs. J. C. Plata and Anne Knight who Is working in the state house in Salem. i Mr. and . Mrs. George Grlmps were hosts to his brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Be vens entertained for Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Frjendj Mrs. Marie Claypool, Beatrice Claypool, Mat thew Mochel ar ; ! Roy Claypool. J The Claude Moomaws were guests , of Carmen Scboll and her father. Mrs. Edmund Chausse went to Portland to spend the day with her mother. Tev. and. Mrs. W. I. Orr and Jean spent two days with Mr. and Mrs. .L. V. Orr in Portland. The Waldo Browns spent Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Nora Gard Miller. Julius-Stauffer Is reported re covering . nicely from an opera tion undergone a few weeks ago. The San Francisco mint is mak ing silver coins for Bolivia. Relief Waste Probe Under Way . s s. '..I t ii Ms K . K : A Senator Borah . Dallas Dort . "?v Accepting Senator William E. Borah's offer to place relief waste Infor mation at his disposal, Relief Administrator Hopkins sends his investi gator Dallas Dort to confer with the Idaho senator. They are shown examining data. MSSLtH FUNERAL I STATTON. Dec 3 Mrs. Hat tie Hassler, 50, died at her home here December. 1, after a linger ing Illness. She was the daughter of Jesse and Rachel Beard, pro minent pioneers of Linn . county who migrated, to Oregon from Iowa about 1865, settling near Mt. Pleasant, where Mrs. Hassler was born, July 28; 1880. She was united in marriage, to Henry R. Hassler." who survives, November 23, 1899. They lived for many years at Scio, but for the; past few years have lived here. Others surviving are one daughter. Mrs. J. H. Merritt, Scio; Wiy, Salem; Fred, Eugene; Harry, Salem and Frank of San ta Barbara, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. Rebekah Weddle of Jeffer son and Mrs. Frank Irvine, of Echo, Oregon. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, December 5, at 1:30 from the -Weddle " Funeral Home and burial and graveside ser vices will be held at the Provi dence pemetery nesr Scio at 3 p.m. r a r y Wednesday afternoon at 2:30.' Miss Alvis Love, from the SERA headquarters in Salem, wirf speak on the history and future plans of public relief work. A musical program in charge of Mrs. Howard Miller will in clude vocal numbers by the high school trio, composed of Barbara Jensen, Edna Shrock and Vera Jean Huber. MRS. HOCH DIES WOODBURN. Dec 3 Mrs. Eva Hoch ' died Saturday after noon at 1 p.m. at her home on the William Hart place : east of Woodburn. She was 95 years old Funeral services were held . Mon day morning at St. Luke's Catho lic church. She Is survived - by one son and one daughter. Riddells are Hosts to Large Group of Relatives at Farm Home MONMOUTH. Dec. 3. Thanks giving day was observed with din ner parties and family reunions all over Monmouth and commun ity, the largest party , being the annual turkey dinner compliment ing Oregon Normal "" school . stu dents who live at the dormitories. This occurred Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. James Rlddeil were hosts to a large family gath ering at their home north of town. the guest list Including Mr. and Mrs. James McCrae, Kathleen, Margaret, Wallace and James Mc Crae, Mr. and Mrs. William Rld deil and son, Eldon, Miss Mabel Rlddeil, Edward and Ernest Rld deil, Mrs. Cora Rlddeil and daugh ters, Connie and Davlda. the hosts and their son, Jimmy, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McCrae of Newberg. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder en tertained with a family dinner for Mrs. Eugenia Snyder, Miss Fran ces Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Snyder. Mrs. Hester Sheeon and sons, Russell. Carl and Raymond, and Miss Agnes 'Sheeon of Kings Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roblaon had as their Thanksgiving day guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Swenson of Dallas, E. J. Rogers, Miss Helen Roblion and Chester Broadley. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Eb bert were hosts to their family members and to Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Halladay and son, Glenn, the latter a University of Oregon stu dent. :" " Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Derby and Unprotected Orange ". t Tree at. Wheatland Crowing Big Fruit - WHEATLAND, Dee. 3 Fifty large Navel oranges on the three year old or ange tree fn.the'Jawn at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde M. LaFoUett at Wheatland" are . : ripening. The tree la sun protected and was laden with 250 oranges bat were thianed ' to 75 and 25 of them have - rip ened. ; . ' ' ' ;- ; - ' Visitors from a distance who are interested in local orange '-culture, are Here almost daily ; to see the beautiful tree foil of fruit. daughter, Birdlne, were hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker of McMInnvllle. Mrs. Peter Conklln and her son, Mark, motored ; to Pendleton to spend Thanksgiving day with the former's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Low ell Stockman. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Johnson entertained their son, Halley, and daughters. Miss Mable Johnson, a Portland teacher, and Mrs. Velma Pierson, who is teach ing at Jefferson. Mrs. Velma Smith . held open house Thanksgiving day for her parents. Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Heff- ly. Miss Jo and Miss Florence Hef fly of ! Portland, George La France and Maurice and Donald Smith. j U. M. MEETS TODAY I I MACLEAY. Dec. 3. Mrs 'J V C. Tekenburg will entertain " the Home Economic club at her home Tuesday afternoon, December 4. Each members asked to bring a flour sack, and donations for the box for the Children's home.1 Porter and Mrs." Mountain Keacn 84th years? i ricK eemes -! - f i - t AUMSVILLE,! pec. 3 Sunday, the Christian Sunday school cele brated the! birthdays of the Sun day school! superintendent, 'Henry Porter, and Mrsi fA. J. Mountain, by serving a larite birthday cake. lit with 84 candles. Both are 84 years of age. Mrs. Mountain and Mr. Porter; were then called upon to sing a duetJ The a red neonle sang soprano and tenor credit- aoiy. air. Porter is serving his 59th year I as superintendent of this Sunday school. ; The warm Weather here per mits the people of Aumsville to enjoy unusual privileges for De cember.! Mrs. Olive Snvder nicked ripe raspberries from her vines Thanksgiving day. Many people have roses; snapdragons and nas turtiums blooming. Corn lilies are bravely putting; out full blossoms. Jack i Corserj ;! student at the University of Oregon, spenC the vacation with ihls mother and slater here. He brought ; as a guest for the vacation. Miss Lois Homes eL Eurene. GeorxA Towle. students at Oreaon State ieollere spent the vacation with his par ents, Mr,, xnd Mrs. Ernest Towle. Miss t Elsie McNair and Miss Agda - Sterling, j evangelists, have been spending l a week at the nome oc Mrs. Margie Courser, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hein; en tertained at a dinner Thanksgiv ing for Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mon- kers, Mrs. Ethel Wright, Miss Marcia Wright, Allan Wright, Mr. and Mrs. D. Lamb, and . Mr. and Mrs. D. Lamb, and Mr. and Mrs. Ilein. . ' 4 Mr. and Mrs. Roy. Fuson en tertained at a family gathering at their home Thanksgiving day. Dinner was served at noon. - In the afternoon the group was. en tertained by Rev. Schmidt and wife, returned missionaries from China. Those entertained at the Fusoh home were Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Plummer, Reverend and Mrs. Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs. -C .A. Marti nand children, all of Sa lem, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Fuson, Mr. and Mrs. Gams Fuson and son, Doyle, Mrs. Millie Martin, Miss' Charlotte Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin. TURNER GDTtL HONORED ; TURNER, Dec 3 - Miss Em ma, Denyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Denyer, a freshman at O. S. Cf was honored at a re cent banquet given by Alpha Lambda Delta, national scholas tic honor society for underclass women who made an A average grade during their high school course - SILVERTON HILLS, , Dec. 3-. ; Nearly 22S persons, representing i IS community clubj of the Mar. ion-Polk federation of clubs, met t at the community club hall here Saturday night for a buslne meeting and program followed by j refreshments served by the host ess club and dancing ; Program numbers Included: community singing led by Mrs. . Casper Towe of . SHrerton nillo; harmonica solo. Jack , Chapin, . Clear Lake; quartet from Central Howell and Pratnm; eklt, "Lov ers' Errand" Ruth Simmons and . Jean Lauderback jf Central How. ell; talk by. Roy R. Hewitt of Salem on "Community Oppor-.' tunitles"; skit. "Two . Against One" by Norris LaBgsev and Ed Lofthus of Evans Valley; musie. by Bethel orchestra composed, cf John Zak, Franlf Kuaeeter, Mrs... George Bohanson. Hilda Bohac-' son, William and Walter Baker, " Simpson Hamrick Jr., and Jim Lauderback, leader, j - Women Will Hear About SERA Work and Relief Plans WTOODBURN. Dec. 3. The Woodburn Woman's club will hold lis next meeting- in the city .lib- Crpss-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER 7" 5"" 7"" 7"" &T ?" iq"7T" mmm ITT " W r T-T-" !rr 77- TTi r-, -r-rrr- rvr- - 51 58 " " l-liil 'm h 1 1 HORIZONTAL 1Liberty 7 Wbt French aviator, together , with Vertical Zl, established a ew lost-liUace flight record -of 5,910 miles, flying from New York aad landing in Syriat Paul . . ... .7 12 Interjection 13 Land-measure . . 14 7-Bring into vigorous action 15 A color. ' 16 Nobleman's landed estate -" 18 Hostility 19 A whip . 21 A textile fabric 2-MusicaI note ' 24 Hebrew theaHure "' 2 Turf 80 Sweet potato T j 33 Century-plant 35 Grassy fields 37 Minute mark 59 Doctrine 40 Small barrel - 41 To lie at anchor - 42 Continent 44 To steep 46 Seize suddenly 48 Part of the eye . 60 Sun-god 52 A climbing annual herb 64 British Indian monetary unit ' 67 Prefix: before 59 The bicbest point in the west ern hemisphere i located in what great moon tarn range in Sooth America 7 - ' . 63 Old Dutch liquid measure 64 Wading bird 66 Vexation . 67 Pastry ; V; 68 Length-measures 69 What former U. S. Secretary of ' the Navy is now U. S. ambassa dor to Mexicor VERTICAL 1 Whom did President Roosevelt appoint as Postmaster-General in hu cabinet 2 Ostrich-like bird ,i 3 What American civil engineer , bout the at. Lome brioge and Mississippi jetties T - ... 4 A barrier ! 6 -Anglo-Saxon money of account 6 Human beings . -. - : i 7 Roman goddess of vegetation i 8 A bovine auadnrped : 9 Condensed moisture . 10 Verbal . 11 Whom did President Roosevelt . appoint as U. S. ambassador t Fraacet Jesse, lsador ..... 7 17 Conjunction 20 Interjection 22 What former U. 9. president . signed the law by which Con gress authorised the first issues of U. S. postage stamps? 25 Parent 26 Charles Lamb 27 What French aviator, tog ether . with Horizontal 7, established. ' a naw long distance flight rec ord of 5,910 miles, flying from New York and landing in Syria: Maurice ,....? 29 Ruminant ... ... ; " - 31 Trouble : T- .. A celestial body -V- v 34 Mohammedan prince 36-Era - : . ; ... : ' 38 Ensnare . . - 41 What former Detroit mayor was appointed as Governor General of the Philippine Islandsi rrank ...... r , 43 Sloth i 45 What is the most important river in taxlandr 47 Plants 49 Chemical symbol for Samarium 61 Open space v ' 53 Indefinite article 55 Back of the neck 56 Brad v - 58 Mistake 60 Accomplished 61 Notable period 62 Japanese coin 65 Hypothetical force . Herewith is the solution to yes terday's puzzle. U. CM By CLIFF STERRETT- rULLl AINU HtK rALo : f 1 Framed! ! I i " ' : i. 2 J I 1 ----rUTe'vrvr?N "r- ..trx I CANT STAND THE STRAJhL) 4- - . (pSSTV Sgg f ntwhSat. I SAM1-. GIT ME COTTTAi---- U -' ,1 BUT I CAN'T 1 fl;" MICKEY MOUSE . r . A Bird's Eye View l W l I i , V.V " I t h oj r.. .'. ' J i t'tfj i 1 . , . ... ii tVS I tX -V1i' I r-L'. ..w. " V W nuwuT R3K1HE8 V lr MIC KEY KJLkHO. I . I ITS nCKEY Tn ET GAS HAS . -503 r-wnri f : . yeiul THAT THOU ART WITH f TEN 1 wtSK 1 y,TQO' ; -tt- V DRAT TT, , V v VCNOW ( SCXT TH'SHIR ) - FINE NOW! Y AT-Trirm US? SO MUCH BCTTW lP?SLES p-SC3UHRmJSH ! r 1CKEV INFLATES HIS AIRSHIP . WITH A . SPECIAL. OAS DELVED FROM SAUERKRAUT and garlic ; Soup ! THE GAS IS' SO POTENT THAT HE JUST HAS TIME TO GRAB THE LADDER AS THE SHIR GOES UP! THIMBLE THEATREtarring Popeye Now Showing "Initiated!" By SEGAR THE CFFECKO? THfiT CACTUS VJ ITSURE MADE FEEL MEAH I VEWT WlKfc UOIN" MURDER T" i Vfn sicr ofI OUTFIT AN I YAM GOKER OOlT iUJEARlH'rrJ - T I A -aO Ok d I r.BOT GOT TO KEEP ON ,f GOOD SIDE OF LEM KftOUCH Klr4. DOMEOETECTIFFJ UCRK 60SS.ME BROTHER OOS COME XOT010N m nt UJftUTS TO iOlt VCR OONCT TfKE IrA STRfSHGERSBOT VL.L.. sTfXHE IH YOUR BROTHER , -JO t E. YOO .Hit, OHM.rUL JT 2 LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY i wr i POT CH THIS OUTFIT fCjWM fK LOOK EFCMlKlSH II I ? m 1 YAM MOLLIES BROTHER " PDPEVE JOKE.S- I YAM OHEJ I UJfm5 TO OOlr VtK 7 "r"" ioMfto: .VEAH..TrW5) 50 L I 'o1 pi r i Wiu tubs mcrvtsl WELL.TWE FIRST THING 1 00 TO A HEU) MEM8ER IS SLAM HIM Af&iwi'r tup ii rir r.rrr to see if vou can taks n It Happened One Night HOWEST 1 GOT THE WtM.WiAAA W4C WELL LIVIKJ6 WERE. -Birr kk-W-rvnrv.s?r- GONMA SEMD ME TO AM ORPHAN ASYLUM ' THEY AIMTMADATMC BUT 'CAUSE I'M yOUUG THE.V THIMK AM ORPHAN ASYLUM 15 THE BEST PLACE. FOR. WE,. 1 1 - i - r 1 heardthe makj sav tmev.ll. IHVKSTISATCTO 11 MO OUT WHERE I CAME FROM THEY IX), THEy LLTELL MT?S. AAEAMV-- AN THEM SHELL COAAE AM KETCH AAE AM DRAG ME. SACK TO. HER.. ORPMOM ASYLUM ILL DIE S H THE FOLKS WHO RUM THIS SHELTER FOR. HOMELESS MEM IS 6RANO THEY FEEQ POOR MEN WHO AHMTOOT WC2K AM' ARE HUM6RY IF THE MEM CAM PAV; THEY PUT SOME MONEY IM THIS BOX YOU KMOW, ZERC S M - . - -1 - n nmnaanl W J.J ' -1 By DARREL McCLURE TOOTS AND CASPER I'M AWFUL. SCARED TO TffAEL AT MfSHT BUT IF WE WAITED TiU. wORkWkT THE CAR. FROM THE ORPHAWA6E. WOULD CQAAE 0 IT5 BETTEfc TO l.v be A uttle bt scared TMAM TO HAVE. MRS.AAEAHV . KETCH ME,' m m r f. I'M WONDERING IP COLX5NEL, HOOPER TCCTT THAT REWARD ME WAS TALKING ABOUT ksP TOOTS t :. I HAVEM'T HeAKD FROM 4 HIM - f i Evidence is Plenty l OOrTT RECALL. READING; AMrTHlN ABOUT A REWARD OPPERE.D FOR TH& ARREST OP THOSE THUtrS, CASPER : Rirv SEALS I: -w -rW HMMnVMnSBnl " 193V Kin fcaturrs S;nLcatc Inc Gtt Brin rtius rncned 1 ANX10U3 R IP HE. !lECT A REWARD HE ALWAYS COUNTS Y-v HIS CHICKENS BEFORE if ME, TOO 1 THEV RE. HATCHED R I'M DYlNGj J BUT VM ANXIOUS W? TO KNOW TQ HEAR IP HE. pi a lf HE. I " DID CrET A tj$ CrOT tT? 1 to- . T I ' .VlV.lITi . s 4 By JIMMY MURPHY YES. HE W QT THE U ' REWARD i ( . ( ALL RIcjHT, )T m i f i i 1 r 7 I 1 - t I i r 1 ? 'V