PAGE FOUR The OREGON STATESMAN, Salsa, Orejjcn, Sunday llorninar, December 2, 1934 enci 1:111 (EDS USE B. C. FUilS i WOODBURN. Dec.'l." The Red Gross drive, recently ;" com pleted la Wood bum and vicinity, netted a total Of $115. Mrs. Pe ter Brachmaa was la charge of the roll call, worker being re cruited from the Lutheran, Free Methodist, Catholic, Presbyterian, M. K. and Christlaa . churches. Those assisting Mr. Brachmaa In the work were Mrs, Wm. Nelson, Miss Gertrude Bjornas. Arthur Dickinson, Paul MUU, Perry Wil liams, Mrs. Max Warring. Miss Elois Johnson, Mrs. Nelson Ash land, Marcus Anderson, ', Elmer Jure, Mrs. Ray TruUinger, iMss Julia Mae Webber and Mrs. Wm. Uppendehl. ; ; - k . ' -, . K. L. Smith of Tacomai has been appointed manager of the Copeland lunbar yard fa Wood burn, taking; the place of Mr. Mc Allister, wh ohes held the posi tion for the past two years.- Mr. Smith, with Mrs. Smith and their daughter, arrived here Tuesday to, take up the new position. -. -'Examinations; for- the position ot postmaster or Aurora were held In Wood burn Saturday. T h o a e taking ihe examinations -were Ilerwig. Netter. Wlllard T, Hunt, Frank Goss;" Jr.; Mrs. Helen E." Sadler, Mrs.- Eleanor Reed and J. G. Wursler. ' v A group of young people from Woodburn : motored te Buiteville Friday evening where- they enter tained at a community gathering ; given at the ButteviUe school. The program included a solo, "I've Got the Mumps,' by Miss Pauline Livesay; duet, -"Ten for Two," by Mrs.' Paul Pemberton and Miss Helen Woodfin; skit, "Romeo and E Juliet Kathleen GarriBon, Helen Woodfin; solo, 'The Big Bass Viol," by Peter Larson; panto mine, "Clementine,- Billy Bald win, Wayne Livesay and Ernest Livesay; - reading, "How Sockey Set tluv Hen," Kathleen Garrison; a short talk by Supt. B. W. Dunn; song, ' The Old Spinning Wheel." the Lyric. Trio consisting of Mrs. Pemberton, Miss Joyce Woodfin ahd Miss Helen Woodfin A buf fet luncheon, was served -followed by a Boclal hour. Many Reunions Are Held on Holiday; Hollywood Homes ', HOLLYWOOD, Dec. i. FamI ly gatherings seemed to be the or der of the jday Thanksgiving day for this district, f Gathered at the; home of "Mr. : and Mrs. V. M. La Due to enjoy a bounteous turkey' dinner were - the following:" Mr. and Mrs. ArlU. ' LaDue, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gulre, Mr.' and Mrs. . F. E. Manley, Mrs. , Elmira Manley, Marjorie Hilburn, Richard Knox, Arch. LaDue and . Mr. and Mrs. V. M. LaDae and family. - - ' - :-: -r -N' '. ;: HOLLYWOOD. Dec. 1. . An - ; other family gathering was that ' ;"at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. C. tS. Thomas. Present at the feast Were Mr. and Mrs.' A. W. Thomas, -Genevieve, Lucile, Ava Dee and .; Lemmie Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. W. ; C. Thomas, Joanne Thomas, Al . ; bert Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. C. J S. Thomas.' . - " HOLLYWOOD. Dec. 1. Mr. C. i Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth j Holler and Mrs. L. A. Rees enjoy . i d a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. . E. G. Holler and i family. !. : Mrs. Chas. Low" had as her . J guests for' the day, Mr. and Mrs. F. s: Bynon. sr., and Mr. and Mrs. -, George Bynon and .family, i - Mrs. A. A. Harms - entertained j for the following Portland guests: : Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hoodenpyle i and Clarence Hoodenpyle. ;y . ,- HOLLYWOOD, Dec. 1 The family dinner for members of the A Fisher clan-was held at the home 5 r j of, Mr. and Mrs; E, J. Ward. Pres- ent at this gathering' were: Mr. a-nd Mrs.. Lloyd Solid, Stanley Sol jld. of Mahette. Wash.r Mr. i and ! Mrs. E. K. Anderson of Portland; JMr.. and Mrs. F. C. Wiltsey,. Mr. ! And Mrs. W.W. Fisher, Mary Jean . Fisher, -; Melvin Haynes and Mr. . : and Mrs.' E. J. Ward: "Thanksgiving Day !':' ' ' r j : HAYESVILLE. Dec. " 1-Mr. i and Mrs. Fred StetUer. sr.. were j hosts to a family , gathering on I Thanksgiving day. Four genera (tions were present. Mrs. Fred .(Stealer, sr. great grandmother; iMrs. Frank Olson, grandmother; '.Mrs. Emmet Morierity, mother sod her daughter. Patsy. - Guests besides the hosts were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schaetfer and .Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stet '.tler, Jean, Jimmie and Elsie; Mr. Sad -Mrs. John Stettler, MsrcieL 'Mailne. John, Tonfmie and .Mur , Jlel; Mr. and Mrs: Fred Stettler and son,. Harold; Mr. and, Mrs. 'Carl Stettler and children. Betty, (Jean and Joannef. Mr', and Mrs. ;Lauren . Stettler;! Mr. and . Mrs .Frank Olson, and son. Francis: Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Morierity and daughter . Patsy, Raymond aad Wlllard Clagget. - . ; Harrtette Potman of California. Is spending the winter with her grandmother, Mrs, .G. Noren. : Thursday night, Dec: B, the Hayesvllle Woman's club will be hostess to ; the . people of . the community at a meeting la the ' school house in which Mrs. tin i Ion Scott will give a talk and show pictures on China. :-. We aeo mo drags or eperatloas. Most FEMALE COMPLAINTS, APPENDICITIS, GALLSTONES, and ULCERS of the 8TOM. ACH can be removed. Guaranteed remedies tor ARTHRITIS, PILES, SKIN DISEASES. RHEUMATISM, and ailments of GLANDS, KIDNEYS, UIUNARX BLADDER of men and woteen. Chinese Medicine Company - S034 Court. Corner Liberty - Salens Office nours: 10 A. Id. to 1 P. IX.:: 8 P. BL to T P, iL Every Tuesday ? ; end Satarday Only - - .. Licensed N. D. Physicians - -17 Tears ta Bnstaesa Consaltatloa, Clood I Yes sure and ; Urine Test are Free of Charge - rt. MEN'S GIFTS ARE GAY . t , .... Colorful Merchandise BETTER TIMES NOTED The trend for. the man ot the house in Christmas gifts is to wards mora colorful, livelier mer chandise as the 1 9 S 4 noUday sea son opens. A shopping tour pf Sa lem stores reveals that the upturn from depresaionhas been reflect d la the goods the buyers have ordered and which are sow being displayed to catch the shopper's eye, it being understood that the pur chaises will be made principally by the lady of the household men confining their purchases to the things the lady herself wants. Ties reflect the gayer atmosphere ia richer, more colored hues; socks are "clocked" more exten sively, even the eter-practical gift ot slippers is mora fancy this sea son with many plain colors offered and with some slippers available in two-tone effects. Better merchandise Is also of fered for the, man this season. The trend is definitely towards nation ally advertised goods and away from the nondescript lines which were demanded in the quieter sea sons of '32 aud 33. , The Item most - merchants be lieve will be their leader la the old favorite of -shirts. Hundreds and thousands, dt them are available for the December trade. The new est shirts will be - form-fitting; less fullness in the waist than the older, models and more tailoring: Colors in shirts will be good al though the patterns will be small er than heretofore. Shirts with collars attached lead in popular ity although a liberal minority of buyers will ask for shirts with detached collars which accompany the shirt, the latter having stiff or soft cuffs built with the shirt. The old-style bathrobe has def initely given way "to the newer and better appearing dressing gown. Either in wool or in silk this item makes a tobst appreci ated gift for any man. Wool prob ably has the edge for it is more durable. The colors of the dressing gown would make Joseph envious; the' tailoring is excellent. Silk pajamas for the .liberal giver, are back this year, offered School Program, Family Dinners -At Grand Island GRAND ISLAND, Dec. 1. An excellent , Thanksgiving Day pro gram ; was given by the school children at the school house Wed nesday night. The program was under the directirn of the teach ers. Miss Dorothy Bork and Mrs. W. T. Little and included a num ber of the rythym band; two ex ercises. "In Plymouth Town, by the fifth grade, and "Ten Little Pumpkins," by the lower grades; two songs, "Chestnut Brothers,' and "Turkey Gobbler," by. the lower grades; song, "Wal . I Swan," by the npper grade boys; shadow play, "The Courtship of Miles Standish," given by the up per grades; exercise, "Underneath the Forest Tree," lower grades; baby show, upper grade girls; re citation, "My Tumack's Got a Pain,' Vernefta Wiley; play, "For What Have We to Be Thankful; upper grades. -A short business meeting of the Improvement club Was held just prior to the program. Com mittees appointed by the presi dent. Worth Wiley, Included; Building committee, Roy E. Will, chairman, with' ih selection of bis own committee to Work with the school board; program, Mrs. C. A. Rockhill, chairman; social, Mrs. E. A. Lefley, Mrs. Verna Anderson and Mrs. Charles A. Ferguson. The next meeting tf the club will be held 1 Saturday night, December 15. - . : Mr. and Mrs. Louis Will enter tained Thanksgiving day with a family reunion and "bountiful din ner,. Those present, included the parents;and grandparents of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Will of .Jen nings Lodge, ?lr. and ' Mrs..' Roy E. Will and family,. Mrs. L. J. Snoddeiiy, mother of Mrs. Louis Wfll, Sarella Will of Jennings Lodge and th3 host and hostess and family. Landscape Grounds - Of Grade School STATTON, Dec. 1. Officers of Eva Rebekah lodge tor the year 1935, will be: Noble grand, Mrs. Chas.' Burmester; vice grand, Mrs. H. J. Rowe; secretary, Mrs. C. P. Reynolds. -They will be installed at an early date in January. -- Afl-Arbor- day - project started last spring Is again being carried out with, the landscaping of the grade school grounds. -At that time a collection was taken up among the pupils and shrubs purchased-Als Good's floral gardens generously donated several shraba.V"r"''tvr'.w" "- The past' few- days Don ' Good has hauled and planted four Scotch pines and three cypress, be ing assisted with the digglngl by Bob Inglis, Edwin Hayworth, Max Stayton and Tod. Sheltou of the 1th grade. The Improvement to the grounds Is marked. - ' " The Goods' offered to- land scape the grounds completely If the school service club would care for the trees. .;,-;,., . r Offered in Stores In plain colors without belts. Oth er pajamas, less expensive, win be popular and colors predominate In the offerings although some white will b TOid.:r':i-r::r'"'j-j-Swtatr ar fa tha shops .in abundanca xer gifts to men, soma with sippers, soma pullovers. Tha coat sweater is decidedly subor dinated to these newer styles: . 'iTles of .a hundred patterns are available la the men' shops. The colore sure livelier than si season ago. A. novelty la some of the shops will be a wool.. tie. la. con servative patterns, a Ue which will wear until another Christmas comet around. , , 5 " i For" an ' unusually - attractive gift, milady may purchase a blanket tor her husband, with aa eye to procuring a gift which the entire household- will enjoy. A liberal assortment .Is available' in many ot the storea. v2 : There are the usual accessories plain and colored handker chiefs, silk 'kerchiefs for the coat lapel, shirt studs for dressup, cuff links tor plain and special wear use. garters in fancy boxes, belts with monogram buckles, suspend ers wrapped in cellophane or in holiday boxes.; The old-reliable pigskin glove so popular in recent years Is in the men's stores in abundance this season. The ' unbuttoned, gauntlet type is still good. Aa In novation this year are black and grey pigskins although the yellow colored pigskin glove of last sea son is still generously shown. For dress gloves - some ot the stores are showing a smooth finished mocha glove, made from Arabian sheepskin.- ' , I - . (.- Hamilton's Toyland is now open with the largest display of fine Prices this year are Holiday delivery. It tr-S1 9, w LIONEL TRAINS AND ACCESSORIES 'Hamilton's are the authorised agency for Lionel In this district. See the new stream Lionel train, an exact seale model of the Unloa .Pacific train shown In Salem -last summer. Our display of trains and accessories is the most complete in the " - -? , o Qf northwest. Trala prices as low as $4mID VELOCIPEDES All sizes and colors. The largest selection ever shown In Salem. A : deposit . cu? held yozr , selections for Christmas delivery, ; PUIHCDECI5IIK vlIIJClIKE MOLALLA, Dee. 1. Former Molalla high school football stars held the present school football team to I I to I tie Thanskgiv ing morning at a game played at the Buckaroo field.. The game was the result of a healed verbal and written argument started two weeks ago when an alumni mem ber wrote aa article accusing the present team of conceit and chal lenging it to play an alumni team that would teach the school squad how to play football. The school team responded in similar vitriolic terms. Since neither team proved Its superiority over the other, the only thing to come oat ahead at the end ot the game was the high school athletic fund, which , got the profits. Playing on the' alumni squad were M. Slyter, center; L. Bah cock. B. Heins aad W. Mitts, guards; L. Anderson and K. Rid ings, tackles; J. Gregory,5: W. Bauer and M. . Miller, ends; XI. Slyter, Quarterback; K. Carlson, R. Holmaa, C. Falke and R. Het ple, halfbacks and Fenton Har less. fullback. Officials 'were C. W. Kendall, referee; F. R. Wal lace, umpirer and Ben Chlndgrea, head linesmaa. :."' : VISIT AT ST. LOTCS ; ST. IXUI3, Dec 1. - Many residents had visitors on Thanks giving day. Guests at the Alex Manning home were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wing. Mr. and Mrs. Schaf f er, Mr. and Mrs. Schomus and Henrietta, . Donald, Cyril aad Francis and the Manning fam ily. : :-, . ,J Guests at the Lawrence Fer schweiler . home were Mr. and Mrs. William Forcler, Mrs. Phill Shennette and Jlmay. ; TV unusually low. Make I S v, a. si COASTER WAGONS Sturdy wagons built to stand hard useage. Variety of styles and prices to suit your require menta. j ;Wooly Animals Beautifully fin ished soft ani mals, bear a. 'dogs, monkeys, etc Prices - 69V495' iramJiL HAZEL CREENi Dec. l.-Th Community cluh.will present a program . ot nnksura interest Fri day, Decv 7, at 8 o'clock.' r Mrs. X. Vlntoa Scott will show pic tures of the four seasons in Jap an and lecture. Mus'cal numbers are: Vocal aolo, Helen Ralph; piano-accordion selections by Her man DomagoXla of Salem;," male quartet. Salem High. . Mrs.. Ralph Gilbert la chairman ot. the pro gram committee 4 j ; t ?U : ? , ; . i t i ii : V 1 hi i PLEASANTDALE. " Dee. 1- large gathering ot patrons and friends ot the district attended tho Community - club - Thanksgiving ?rogram at the icboo I hoose Wednesday evening. The program inelnded a recitation' by Granville Freshoart ' music, Gailan Fresh oar; dialogue; wrhat Norman Brought, seven primary grade stu dents; plana solo, Rosamund Gra benhorat; recitation, Carolyn Wll lard; exercise,: JL t primary grade students; vocal solo, W. E. Gra benhorst; redtatlott, GUda Rich ards; recitation, - Barbara 8wee a e y ; - music,- Webf oot Grange band; reading, Wendell Willard; dialogue, Lucy Edwards and Rita Freshour; music, : Gailan - Fresh oar; 'one act' comedy, by eight la cast, Seen on a Railroad Car," accompanies! by r musfe by Ed, Richards and Gailan Freshour. ' HAVE TJNI03f SERVICE DAYTON, Dec 1 The union Thanksgiving services' at the Day ton Methodist church at 10 a. ru Thursday,: was , well attended. Rev. Kenpeth B. Daniels, ; pastor of the .-Dayton Baptist ' church, preached. the Thanksgiving ,v ser mon, r !-"-.v -.'-, i The Dayton young people- ,who are attending colleges and schools at a distance are home. for ihe Thanksgiving vacation. your selections now a r ' . . - ; AMERICAN JUNIOR AIRCRAFT V These fine model planes are the finest flyers on the market. Several new models, both ready to fly :::",r:v....i 50c i. $3.00 (X Georgene ; Novelty, , ' Dons A new type of .soft euddley dolL Faces are - hand, painted on . rubberised , cloth.; Bodies filled wl t h Kapoc. Wide . v ariety of : typee1 includ ing H a n s e I, GreUl, Red .Riding Hood, Mammy ( etc. . Prices . 98c up Wil(u Jp- Uny ether nea crJ cf ; y tractive items errivhs ICclzer Schoolboys -; ' 4 Present Program -: " i Fcr Than!is2ivin2 s KEIZER, . Dec 1 A Thanks glvisg program was rendered during- the assembly period Wednes day afternoon at the school house. Numbers Included: -'"The First Thanksgiving. by Raymond Weathers; ."The Reason Why, Wayne Kunse; "Pilgrim Fath ers.' David Saucy; song by First and 4 Second grade boys'; "A Thankful Girt." Jimmy Muck ridge; "Why We Keep the Day Clyde Kunse. "Letters of Thanks giving," by twelve boys; Toma Thanksgiving, Shirley Addison; Thanksgiving Surprise, Hal Ratzbursj and Jimmy Muckridge; harmonica aolo,. David Malson; "Daisy's Thanksgiving," Junior Hudson; "Aarvest," a group poem by Thomas Brantner, Haworl Me Call. Arthur Bllven; aong, '"Sleepy Head." Howard Saucy; "Thanks giving." Ernest Smith; "Sister's Best" Fellow," Mil von Savage; song; by ten boys; exercise, "The Little Fairies.' This was strictly LETS QUIT KILLING Many are: killed in inotor accidents cachf week, ; ' Year state is requiring cer. tain visual standards ' for drivers.--l :' - i ' : -...i ,r--r i v.'i,. :'''-' ,.- 'v Be 'prepared to save a life and protect your ' own. -When seconds count, eyes must see clearly and in stantly. . : v : - v" '' f- . r . -.'v' : ; i " Thompson-Glutch " OPTOMETRISTS 333 SUte St. 7 w f bxa assew"Tai ; toys 'in i history. deposit will hold for ; I - Lionel . Craf t : The , speedy ; racing v motor boat so popu lar last year.' The boys aay Price with "p r f o rmer. it is a real stand only $30 a boys' program. The gms wm put on the next as a Christmas program. ' . . : . . . Students 7 Rettirxi For Thanksgiving TURNER, Dec. 1. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bear entertained with a Thanksgiving dinner for Mrs. R. M. Kiser, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Arensmeier, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wagers and sons Bobby and Glenn of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stewart and children Quen- Choo Electric Appliance Gift a Hqgg Brbs.Store. 325 Court St. Make It o; Frigidaire Christmas 9 50 11 A Genuine . Easy Washer Latest Model Only a Few on Hand at $ A New And the Price I Is Only 50 'As Low 5.r- Visit Our f ( N - r ;'7.' I APPLIANCE STORE 325 Court St. tin and Pauline, Eugene Stewart, Wlllard. Bear and Eunice and Billy-Bear. ! - . ""Miss: Josephine "Gllstrap -,s atu dent at Northwest Bible school at Eugene, spent Thanksgiving vacation at her home. i - I - James and Emma Denyer of O. 8. C. spent Thursday at the home of thetr parents, Mr. and ;' Mrs. N. E. Denyer. . .- - C. A. Bear, Eugene Stewart, N. S. Hawk and H. S. Bond drove to Newport Friday, desiring to view the ocean during a storm ms3 st"'iS BREEZING ICE cubes la a nurryilainty dishc? frozen in record time. That's the Gacnow refrigerator which alont ;: usee Carrene, the safe refrigerant. The Gbunow ia beautiful, conve aicnt and builtto last a life-time. rrfninliin , liS. ELECTRIC tlFSIGER ATO as 139.50 This Latest Model SHELVADOR S99S0 Compare the Taable Space When To Compare Prices New Store Phone 6022 fa AM cr BOOK rr-n: ilsor Lass- is EC