The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Orejjoa, Saturday Morning, December I, 1934 PAGE SEVEN '1 m t v V , .: V a . . 4 t - r t X 4 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 . Classified Adrtlitng Single Insertion par lis lOe Thru Insertions per il no .....SOe Six Insertions er line. .SOe On month per Minimum chart ......15c, Copy for this pag e eepted until 6: SO th even ing before publication for classification. Copy r solved after thli Urn will he ran under the heading Too Late to Classify. The -talesman assumes bo financial, responsibility for errors which may ap pear In advertisements pub lished ra Its column, aad tn eases where this paper Is at fault Trill reprint that part of as advertisement la which t h typographical mlstak occurs. , ' The Statesman reserve the right to reject objec . tlonal advertising. It far ther reserres th right to classify all advertising 'an der the proper classifica ? ' SITUATIONS WANTED Remodel complete Job. Call 121 J. - , Prc nurse. A. B. r, 437 S. Capitol . FOR SALE Miscellaneous - - -inrir'irinri ii.njiiir ISO Engleivood Nursery shrubs, tree. Reasonable. 20(9 Nebraska Ave. Schrelber. Shake 1SS7 N. Front. TeL 5936. , ' y- , f iri y-1, nnnnnrr nrm Apples 35c, Walnut 12H and lie. Mr. Wright. 4H mi. Wallace rd. Just arrived, a Joad of horses, rang ing from 1200 to 1(00 'lbs., for sale or exchange : also one good span of mules. 1100 N. Com 1 and River St. ----- -- ivi n (i nju. Old paper 10c per bundle. States man ffice. . . Hog. fuel, prompt delivery. . TeL 120. Sale, mixer, 1197 a 12th. - WANTED Miscellaneous Horn modernizing. TeL 5211. ' , aifuuu'uiJ'tJ't ' WANTED Walnut meats, any quan- ty("yt 'me. State Cafeteria. MISCELLANEOUS Now Is the time to have your light colored clothes dred darker for vint.r Ladlea plain coats or drened dyed for I2.S0.. Men' ' suit a, overcoats : ladies plain ft oat, dressea cleaned and press ed, 76c. Free delivery. Pantorlum pye Works. HIM, .High. Tel. 172 X Frea -We plcJt.cp dead and worth less horses, cows. beep. Tel 4S(t. " mm. - --l.-l- -yy-irrrxTTj-uxTLii Halnmta tso-Sfta US a. Winter. - - " - i-i-ii-i-,-M-.-M"Vioi-irtxxj. - 8w repairing. Salem Saw Shop. Four Comera Pen Road. TeL '4280. FOR RENT ROOMS Futb. roomn 165 Dlrislon. -: Sleeptntf rnu. Men. 72S Court St. mmm mmm.m, mmm m - .-w-M-w-M-t)rtnjrtJt Large front room, J54 N. Church. FOR RENT 2 or S unfurn. rooms for light housekeeping in private home. 1248 N. Capitol. . ' ROOM AND BOARD Room, board. Table board. Close In. 122 N. Church. TeL,427S. Table board. Very dose In. 9412. t FOR RENT APARTMENTS Mod. apt, adults, (42 Union. TeL 6(81 Fum. 2 R apt., bath, 22(1 HaseL TeL 7444. SR. apt. Inquire at 24S Marion St Attractive S rm. apt, 210 N. 14th. Furn. heated apt. ' Maytag. Reason able. (24 Vk N. Capitol. ; , : rsas. r AW O IT nnrrrm BICYCLES Give a bleycl this Christmas. Terms. Harry W. Scott. 147 S. Com! I TORNITURE- - For Dad A nice comfy chair with "Kant-Sag" spring construction which Insure comfort and durability. A small deposit will hold one for Christmas de llverywao com In tomorrow and select one. Imperial Furniture Co 441 Court 6tr"t- ... . .. i Mother wwuld be delighted with one of these beautiful -Kant-Sag" wring constructed DAVENPORTS. A gift that would Inst for yeara. Imperial Fjjrn. Co 4(7 Court St. . ; - . ? HAND BAGS A fin assortment of hand bag. These make excellent Christmas gifts; 11.90, IL9S, ?2.9a.- Price Boo Store, JEWELRY Diamonds, watcbeay rings. founUin pen. llvrware, clocks. Th Jewel Box. "Th tor that sells for leas." Befor you buy compare our prices ; 1TJ N. Liberty. ... : LAMPS - r.AirtHt . T.1UPS What could be nWr than a nice Floor Lamp (or Christmaa Se ' selection of beau tiful lamp sow on display. Imperial Furniture Co, 4(7 Court fcL i T. AT1TES HOSE Ho Is always appreciated V a gift ntik him Sl vatr. S pair for II and up to f 2 per jaift Jri ho 8t0r NEWSPAPER ; nf nnrrn TV ONE Send Tb Oregon Btatma for on yer RTTRfifTRTPTTOM RATES t -Br City Carrier IM Pf Tar By Ma& 4In Ore --r-JJ Si By Mail (Outside Ore.) $5.00 SoeciaL Three Months by ; Man (in orga r-r-r-s t : WHEEL GOODS ILlit Velocipedes only M-'S. Bterswa mm. llkrrr W. Scott, "Th .Cyd a - wwi FOR RENTAPARTMENTS Mod. furnished private apartment ror rent. J.ra-, 1458 Ftnte. FOR RENT HOUSES IXJR RENT I -room houae with furnace. On block from Hollywood theatre. $18.09 W. G. KRUEGER - 147 N. Court. - Tel. 47tl Mod. 4 R. bungalow. 1799 N. Water. Houmi, Melrtn Johiwon. Tet till. Mod. S room hous. riowlv decorated. full Da semen t etc tl 614, Furn. and tin f urn. houses. R. A. FORKNER K. Capitol TeL 30IL FOR SALE Real Estate Two choice lota. COxlSS each, all-in fine beating fruit trees, pice view of Mt. Hood and valley, near Leslie school, tennis courts, playground and swimming pooL Will sell one or both, terms. See owner, 7(5 Rural Ave. TeL . '.; LISTEN TO THIS ! Small equipped ranch, lnclndlnr all Stock and household goods. Rents for 1 19.00. ( tooms, close in. For only $209 cash. W. G. KRtTEGER - 147 N. ConVL -r TeL 4711, - Tou can buy a lovely home on Fair mount Hill on terms like rent. - Low rate of Interest, - large cheerful rooms, furnace, -fireplace, large east front lotc. Needs some, repairs. Priced low at t(90u. Will accept good car, lot or small house as part payment. Can b shown any time. CHILD 3 A MILLER. Realtors I S44 State Street TeL- 7e. EXCHANGE Real Estate tO A. in Glacier National Park, Montana, on R. R., highway and river. Trade for property in Oregon. TeL (1(1. Grant-Orittenden, Masonic Bldg. $2009 equity In fine modern home near schools for acreage house or se jjjiirltJeaojrTSStatemTan FOR SALE FARMS v The very best bnyr 25 A .eauipped. $2,090 if taken on or before December 1st; terms. You cannot beat it. H. a SHIELDS SPECIAL - - 68 acre farm close, to Salem, fine set of bldgs., good well, electricity, etc.' Family orchard, about -19 acres fir timber, 2S acres good bottom land. Priced for few days at tlSO per acre. - Will consider good home in Salem as part payment. , Sail to see It. CH1LDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Tel. 70. Business Opportunities GrOtto - Restaurant See Freeman, Room 9. Ladil Bush. - ' : MONEY TO LOAN . 4 CAN TOD USE 8189 S209 82942 Borrowing money her Is simplicity It self. Our loan accommodations are In tended to help all deserving- people. W Invlt your application. Ttm have your eholc of ' . , - 4 LOAN PLANS . SB REPAYMENT PLANS " ' Com in. write or phone. . BENEFICIAL LOAN ' SOCIETT OF SALEM Member of NRA. Room 11, New Bllgh Bldg.- Ind floor LICENSED NO. S-122 by STATE (18 State St. TeL t 7 40 Loans Made ka Nearby Towns S S Xmas Money S It won't bo long now. Shop early. All. loans quick and' confidential AO security or endorsers LOAN CO. 112 Ore. Bldg. Lie by St. S-115. 5 Farm Loans 5, Plenty of money for well improved : farms if amply secured. Improve or i buy -now with cheap money. Ask for booklet "Willamett Valley Farms." ' Hawkins and Robert. Inn Automobile and ; , Chattpl Loans ; t to 29 months te repay at lowest pos sible ratea GENERAL FINANCE CORP. 4 A local corporation 1st Natl Bank Bldg. . Phone SSS1. - Licensed by Stat CHATTEL LOANS ; CARS RE-FINANCED WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. ' TeL 2877 605 Guardian Bids Salem 8-154 State License Nos. M-1S9. DVESTOCK and , POULTRY FOR SALE Young milk cows, $15 t to (2S. C. P. ROPOKRS, Rt. 6. Box 4 4. FOR-SALE WOOD ; AH kinds dry! wood. Tel. (((S. 19 In. old fir. 1 5. 4 ft. dry 2nd growth cd. lot $4 cd. 4 ash 14.76. TeL 9785. 14 Inch old fir. dry xak. ash, 4 ft 2nd growth. Tel989. Dry planer and slab wood. Prompt delivery. TeL 8984. GUARANTEED DRY wood coat Tel 5909 Salem Fuel Co. ' Trad Cottag. Wood for sale. 84.35 to 85.60. 1( tn. 2nd growth. 84.75: 4 ft $4,251 18 tn. 1. 1 a , . it- ( TeL 944L old fir. 55.50. Dry old fir. 2nd growth wcod, screened hog fueL Fred E. Wella Good dry wood. TeL 8254. Good dry 2nd growth. TeL 97(9. Good dry wood. TeL 9447. Dry 2nd growth, 5.60. TeL 4627. Tel. 3280 for wood. R. M. Ashcroft, 879 KIngwood Ave., West Salem. Dry wood that is dry. TeL 118F23. -wW a AMD.THB K1EW1V ACOOiCEO MEweeoor- ;PETT"r HAVEr TRAVEL-. M5.V FROM THinH0MSl ATV .T60Or4 .me v S V ' "- , T ii Interesting Facts v . . f The Journal has been running ! advertising to sell handles of their left over papers. Evidently xae ads did not brinsj the required results and it looked as It they would have to move them to their new building. Someone must have told them of the splendid results lot Statesman ads so their circu lation man brought an .ad to run in' Friday's Statesman. By night th paper were gone.' Statesman classified ads aure work wonders. O- Bureau of Standards, has com puted that th greatest altitad any mad-carrying . ' balloon can hopo to attain is 20 miles. Th at mosphere extends, up about 400 miles. ' - o . Almost every day from six to six-thirty p. in. President Roose velt can be found in his blue and green tile swimming pool th peo ple of the nation donated for him. Hero he cavorts and wallows In the crystal-clear water for half an hour or more after closing up his office' for the day. Then after a brisk rundown h gets ready 'for th evening meal, usually .enjoyed with Mrs. Roosevelt and some friends. - This exercise and relax ation which is a regular part of ! his well-planned and intelligent living is credited with keeping th President In better physical con dition than when he took th oath of office. ' WOOD SAWING Wood sawing reasonable. Call 8290. LOST AND FOUND LOST White wire haired Terrier. crown jieaa. xei. et us. jKewsra. - PERSONAL GORDON FLEMINa READER. 1980 FERRT ST. Lonesome dub-, 25c. Tt. fSSt FOR SALE USED CARS , NOW WRECKINQ It Pontiac Coach 25 Cleveland Sedaa '29 Chevrolet . 24 Star 29 Essex ACME 'AUTO TRUCK WRECKERS 410 S. Commercial Don't Wast Tour ' Time Or Money "C" Sforock. To Buy Or Sell Tour Car E42 ChemekeU 6L. TeL 9111 This week-end w offer: . 1920 Ford Roadster (Sport) .$22M9 1930 ford SDort Couse 28S.00 235.00 185.00 175.99 159.00 115.00 95.00 75.00 jLnevroiet uaDrioieL 1928 Fontlac Sedan 1928 Willya-Knlght Sedan i 1927 Srudebaker Sedan 1925 Oakland Sedan 1"2( Chevrolet Sedan 1924 Star Six Sedan Other. Including several priced un der 150.00 that run good. Whether buying or selling a car, get our price before closing a deaL Valley Motor Co. USED CARS & TRUCKS 1924 Ford V-S Coupe, 6000 miles f (25 1932 Ford V-S DeLux Coup 1930 Ford 4 Cab. Coup 1930 Pontiac Coupe 545 276 285 585 645 819 4(0 (5 85 285 278 185 1933 Ford V-8 DeLoxe Sedan 1933 Ford V-8 Coach 1930 Chevrolet Sedan , 1932 Ford V-8- Coach" ,, 1925 Dodge Sedan ' 1928 Hudson Sedan I 1928 Franklin Sedaa 1928 Pactkard 8 Sedan ' 1924 Packard Sedan - .Trucks 19SS Ford S.. W. Base 1932 Ford I W. Base 1S29 Ford Dual Urea 1932 O. M. C. 1 tons , 1931 Ford Gravel Dump 1929 Dodge 8. Gravel dump -495 . 425 . 175 . 425 .250 . 400 ; 1931 Fqrd closed cab. pickup 260 Marion and Liberty Open Sunday TeL 7919. McKay's Used Cars Star ' Sedan -I 5 . 125 . 146 . 145 . 175 . 226 . 285 . 285 . 286 . 885 - 896 445 - 446 27 ChV. fiAan 29 Ford Coup 29 Ford Roadster '29 Chev. Coupe '28 Chryaler Sedan 'SO Chev. Sport Roadster 80 Chev. Coach. Trunk "11 Chev. Pickup ...... 31 Cnev. Coach 32 Ford V-8 Coup . '82 Chev. Coupe, w JI Chev. coach . '83 Chev. Coach 5(5 595 725 '38 Chev. Sedan '88 Pontiac Sedan Terms - Trades Open Evenlnra and Sunday 333 Center. TeL 2189. 430 N. ConVL McKay Chevrolet Co. BONESTEELE S USED CARS 1938 Chevrolet Coupe $535.00 1933 Ford Coup . 450.00 ! 1932 Ford Tudor, air wheel 475.99 BONESTEELE BROTHERS INC Visit Our Used Car Lot 1 ixrr vjopw tad; i poNT ThimkA "--.-; "-,' X "" " f GOU,V-FU2V 1 WE- CAME THE VJAV-VOJ I ytAJlE T lS J. .... N. , . HOPE WE -DlTJrrr l KNOW TVE BEEN UP HECt ONCE- f V-- v - I JvlEAH VPE6 L09r OUC V4VW-CAO. I -BEFCXSEr X "THINK 1 T5COGNt ,tCp X p THE . 11 NOCtJTH f.j .Sv 1-WE-TXm riNDTrXE-R THEE: LAMDMAJ? J-Tr. ) I .i "If "POLE J?SS7 NCXym POUr. WE WONT ! LETS GO UP ON THE TOP OF "MAT w-lOPTM POLP i I ! - ' T . . A P 50 1 , SANTA'S YOttjr ANO TU T3ETT.SOU WE fi-KT THE . . . . . mt , VlONrT B& V9c . If f . -TO 1,1 . ..VT?. ' .-, sjsrtmpois?L- - v '--: to-r :-,Lz?rrfj sm ,w.7 ll " t-r, A vr--T3r-r '--"?:'Wv r. w ,w-". 'rwsat : wwr r I XVi -T'rT VV - I I r j.f-,r-w- 5--x-f -,.--.-,is---i rscr w i r, A vvvrV-5T r a la. .- t ri-rvj?4 7 fj?s5s., vessel"; I v n rv. r .j&y&T vrf&ca y v-.4 FOR SALE USED CAES 1929-Challenger Essex Sedan -I19S 1924-Dodge Sedan 1927-Dodg Roadster 1927-Chrysler Coupe 1925-Rickenbacker Sedaa -95 Tl 1928-Easex Coach W have several low priced ers. BORKKtJCro CAR MAKlvKT 149 No. Liberty. St. .TeL 2688. 111 BlinER PRICES PORTLAND, Nov. S0.-()-No changes were showing In th mar ket for butter her or generally along th coast. Owing to th wide spread In price demand was least for top scora offerings. Butterfat market remained nrm, with as high aa 37c reported paid In th Deschutes territory by com peting Portland eentrallsers wh are ' Invading various sectors .of the state. ; , , Little change was suggested In general local egg market trading her with prices still mixed with more or less sprinkling of storage gg being offered along' with fresh goods.' :.- " ; ;" Trading In th chicken market showed ' th usual nominal - ton after th holiday but demand and prices appeared about th nam as ruled during the last few days. , With an acute shortage of of ferings, market for country killed lambs continued to reflect a firm ton - with recent price 1 advance generally maintained her. Hut- ton was also firmer. Country killed veal and hogs wero holding up rather well with strong prices as a result of lim ited supplies appearing. Veal was cleaned up instantly. Beef showed weakness. -" Firm prices were showing for celery here with heavy sales over th holiday and country offerings decreasing . rapidly. Hearts wer higher la spots. - Hothouse tomatoes continued far below requirements while prices were firm. Both potatoes and onions wer Quiet at late nominal prices. IHST Oil WK - . . - NEW YORK. Not. 0.-(tfV Speculatlva Interest la stocks waned today . after the , Thanks giving recess and November fad ed quietly Into Wall Street his tory. The slow finish was In con trast with th lively trading and rising security prices -which char acterized most of the month. No vember turnover, around 21,000.- 000 shares, was the heaviest since July. Transfers dwindled to 801.7S0 shares against 1,168, 5S0 Wednes day. Th Standard Statistics com pany average for 90 stocks was only one-tenth of a point higher at 75.8. General American Transporta tion' moved up fractionally after directors declared a dividend of 87 cents on th common, as against 50 cents previously. Com mercial Credit benefitted by a doubling of th annual dividend, making the new rate St. Vul can 'Detinning spurted nearly 8 points on a special dividend of 84. A transfer of 100 shares of TJ. S. Tobacco was recorded at 140, a leap of If points over the previous sale. services mm !.L SILVEKTON, Nov. 80. Funer al services for Mrs. Tloretta' Lar son, who was Instantly killed Thursday morning In an automo bile accident at Salem, : will be held Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock, with Rev. C. L. Fobs of the Trinity Lutheran church offi ciating. Mrs. M. O. Gunderson will be soloist Interment will he In Belcrest memorial park in Salem. Contrary to first reports, Mrs. Larson's skull was not. crushed, there being- only a small puncture above the temple. ,' . All the children were here to day. The husband, Walter C. Lar son, is still stiff and bruised from Jolt received in the collision. Be sides the widower and children, one granddaughter, Dencel La gard of Portland, survives. S i PRfZE FOXES KILLED : PENDLETON, Ore.i Nov. 80.-6P)-Someone last night entered the Shirley Hevel fox farm near the city limits, killed 19 of the prize breeding animals and car ried them ,a quarter of a mile away to a parked truck. iOCIBIOTED SPECULATIVE STOCK FOR MRS I Business Directoryi Cards in thl directory run on a monthly hasia only. Rate: ai.QO per line per month. AUTOBItUilES Mike Panek. 279 Sonth Commercial. CATERING. Cora chicken tamalle. TeL 9141. Holbroolfs chicken tamale. Tel 4182. CHIMNEY SWEEP Tslephone 4489. R. 8L Narttree . CHIROPRACTOltS DR. a L BCOTT, PSCL Chiropractor, 2(9 N. High. TeL Ho 7a DANCING Phyllis Grant' tndio. TeL 7(17. ELECTRICAL SERVICE r BOSLER Electric, 24( Stat St. Wlr- i"5i"otormf appliance, repair, service. FLORISTS Breithaupt's, SIT Court. ALL kinds of floral work. Lots Iter 1st. 127( N. Liberty. TeL 9891. . LAUNDRIES THS NEW SALEM LAUNDRX . TH WaUDKa UAUNDBX 243 A Mia . TeL 9115. CAPITAL. C1TT LAUNDJ4Z lm la Quality, and bar v to Telephene 91(6 12(4 Broadway. : MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDLNU CO. Phoa (999. SALEM FLUFF RUG and Mattress Factory. MEW MATTRESS mad to erOer, old rmad ; carpet eleaaUig. six tog; fluff rug weaving. & l(th Wu fcuc. Tel HiL OTIO F. Z WICKER. Eat I91L emi.awssBsaaaasi"i".s"""""""""",","'"" MUSIC STORES IUBXX C. WILL Pianos, radios, swvas machine, sheet musio aa piaao ata diea, Repalrlns radtoa, p&oBograoba and sewing mju,hlne. 432 iuai aUreek. Salem, v PLASTERING 76c per hr. TeL 122F8. 1 PHOTO ENGRAVERS Salem pttoto engravtns- 141 24. Com m.rciaLTeL 51 (997. PIUNTING I e-nn HTATlOMEfil. car- it. ru books or ur kind of prtaUng, caU Th Mi teaman PrtnUaa LMpaxUuil. 216 J8. Commejcl- ?i phon 919Ljj ; RADIO SERVICE Moore'. .TeL 7993 95 N. High. STOVES j I ' repair ' stoves, rangea, circulator. Sell new aad rebuilt stoves, rang, and clrculatora, stock f noa, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 2(2 Chmekta. TeL 4774. R B. Fleming. ' ' TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storas. call 8181. Larmer Traasfw Co. Trucks to Portland dally. ! CAPITAL CITI Transfer Co. 414 State St TeL tlTSJ JDlmrlbuUns for warding and storag our apeclaity. Get our rate.,. Willamette Valley Transfer. Salem t Portland hauling. TeL 8722. I Anywhere for hire truck. Special rate on town Mauling, leu Ji s. HAND WEAVING Exclusive hand wov.n bars, scarfs. pillows and rugs, Magohe Hand W .av er, 8 N. fOtft TeL S830. WELL DRILLING R. A, West, 89 fear xpiiBC. RFO 7. Bos 998. Tel 114F5. - ' Stocks and Bond (Copyrikt.i 1984. Stao-ard SUtiaties Ce.) November SO rOOK AVBAOS 60 30 39 99 India BB'a. Cts. Total 90.1. 98.0 64.5 76.9 Today Previoa day 99.9 99.0 55.1 76.T Wk g 88.1 96.7 61.3 119 Ts ag i 90.4 40.0 66.7 79.5 9 year agVEZZ 79.8 38.8 113.3 76.4 7 years age l44.7 1S3.1 13741 133.8 High 1934 , 54.8 BOA 98.8 Lew-1984 78.0 84.1 48.8 66 4 aOXD ATBSAOSa SO 30 80 India Rli'a.. Du. 88,:88.8, 88,7 ' SO Total 95.1 85.1 84.1 71.9 79.S 93.1 74.S Today Praviooa dar 84 J 1 83.6 88.S Week ( ,, ,. 88.S 80.6 87.9 Tear ag , 70.8 09.9 V6.9 S years ate- 73.S 75.1 9S.6 Hick 1984 - 84.8 '90.0 90.8 Low 1934 73.6 74.1 77.3 Kaw 194 kith. 1 !M i Up Bestiitemellinm : - t -':--. . General Markets PORTLAND. Ore, Nov. 80. API- Produce exchange, net prieea: - Batter: extra Si: lUalinU, priae firsts, SO; tints. 28Hc im: u. B. apeeiais, zs; u. b. axirss, 21; If. a. atedisai extras. . oazaov kut raxozs POBTLAHD. Ore- Kev. SOt (AP Walaats Oregea new erep te Jekbera, f. e. 9. delivery pelatx: Nerpae grade rVsaaeettea. arte.- 80s. faacv 17. Me dia 15 Ht; toft shelL Urge. le; fsaey lSa, aieteni 14e: Majrettes large. x, Cascade grade Fraaqaettes, large, X7e, faaey 19c; eft sbeu. Urge 19 He. fsaey 15 ; Uayetus Urge, 1,7. gilberte oregea asw ere (e leDoers. 1 10-le peaad. . .. delivery peat. Portland Grain 1 POBTLAm Or Kov. 80. (AP) Graia: . . Wheat: , Ohi High Msy , 9itt sw Lew Close SS 99 -81 SI Decfeaber SS SS Cask: Big Bead Vlaesteaa. SStte: dark hard wiater, 18 per seat 93c; do, 11 per ceat, 87 ; soft waiu, hard wUter, Bertaera pnag aa western re, vc, western wklte, 79. - Oats: . s sum, Cora: X. SE y.Uow, $48010. ' MUlrma ataadare. $2L60. ' Portland Livestock POHfTLASD. Ore- Kev. 80. (A? T Can! -eoeipU. 50; ealvea, 10; steady. ween, goes, esua m s-Miaja, .w S.89; halfars. m4, eoaua.a Mediaai. owa, goea, eoauaem at bmsi a at, 3.25 4.00; tow setter catter. 1.00 8.35: baUs. seed ckeice. 8.0080 : veelera, goed A ekeiee, 9.606.60; eall, coausoa A Bedlam, 8.54,00; elvs, geed aad ekeie., 5.00-6.50; eomm.a A Mdiaaa, 8.00-4.60. t Hors Beeeipti. 800: tteady. Ugktweigkt. geed A koiee. 5.00-6.96; mediam .wsig-t, geed A ekeiee. (.50 6.25; k.avyweigkt. goed A ekoic. S.OO 5.60; packiag sows, aMdiasi good. S.60 4.35; feeder A stock . pigs, geed ehoiee, f 8.50-4.00. . v Sheep; seeeipts, 60; SMy; as changed. - Lanb. food A ekeie,' 8.25-6.00; com- tea m meeinrn, s.7-o.3; yseruag weta- r. 8.25-4.00; ewes, geed m choice. 1.79- Portland Produce POETLAXD. Or Kev- 80. (AP) Priota. A grade, 84e lb. ia pareaaMat wrappers, 85 lb. la earUas; B grade, parchment wrappers, S9e lb.; eartoas See lb. - Baiterfat Portlaad delivery, A grsd dlivriet at least twle wkly 94-80 lb.; eeaatry rentes, 32-t4e lb.; B grade, v delivery leas then -Twit weekly. 83 84 lb.; C grade st market gga Sale te retailers: speaais, sse; atras. SOe; freak extra a, brews. 80; staadsraa S6e; freak aiadiaias 36; ate. disat firsts. 88c; 'freak pmllets. 94; d f irate, alt; abcka. 84; . bakara, 20 doseaw i' i Egg Baying prlc f wkolesalent freak soeelals. 28: ezta-s. 25; extra firata,: 94 ; extra stadiasuL 38; aiadiasi firata, 80e; palUta. 19e; de. firrt. 19; ndergiad, .49 desea. Chen 93 seer. Oregea triplets, 15; leaf, 14 Vie. Brokara wiU pay H lw gs.tattsns. . Milk Coatrset prise d per at: Port land detlvery, $3.30 cwt.; B grade ereaaa, 37H lb. ; . Ceoatry aaeats SetUag price t retaU- ers: ee-try killed soga, ai sate sera, aadevi ISO lbs-- 11-11 Va lb.; veslers, fancy, 9V4 lb.; Bgbt sad tkia. 4-7 lb.; 140-170 lbs. 6-7 lb.; kevy, 4-5 lb.; M -. Ik -,A etl,.w45' lb-s a Kebalr 1994 baying price, 19e lb. ' Caeeara bark Baying priae. 1994 peel. 8 lb. . ' Hope 19 J 4 fagglM. t -) lb.; ! tors. 19-lSa lb. - I Lira poultry Portias delivery Vy iag prices: colored bena. aader a lba4 14a lb da'aadar SH Iba 14e lb.: Ler- hera fewls. ever l Iba 18-18. lb.; de j nder S lbs. 11-1-e lb.; colored spnag 144 te 9 ib- 14-15 lb.: broiler md 3 lb.. 16-17 lb.: Mestera. 6 lb.; Pc- kia dock. 12 lb.; de colored 11-13; nwiu 10-lla lb. . Dreased torkeyt Wkolesal price , teats, 20c; keaa. He. " Oaloas Oregoa, 1 1.90-3 cental: Yak laia. 9L.35-1.60. P.Utoea Oregea . Baroaa-s, o-o eeatal;-Sesppeeae Ke. 1 Gam a, POe; de No. 3. 65-70 cantal; DesckaU Oast. SI 10.1 IS. Waal issaena. nominal : nuunim Taller. median. 30 lb.: fia or half I bleed. 0 lb.; tomb 18 lb.: Eastera Oregon, 17-20 lb.; Bootnera xasoe V Hit Baring price treat predueer: : alfalfa. 'He, 1. new erep. 816.60-170; Eatteral Oregoa timetky, 917.50: eats. SIS ton: vetch, 913 tea; WUIamett Val ley tiaMrthy, 918.5 tea; !--. 913 tea. fortiaa. . . . . 1 - 1 Finer Grades of Wool Are Active ; i : v ' ,. . -: BOSTON. Nov..-30.-flV(U. Dept. Agr.)-Th finer, grades of wester grown wools were moving quletlyi Original bag lines of 84s and f inter territory woola brought 87-70 cents scoured basis for bulk average to good French combing staple, and 83-65 cents, mostly at the maximum of the range, for short French combing and: cloth ing lines. Average combing 68s, 60s and , blood graded territory wools sold at mostly 68-70 cents scoured basis. WEST SEATTLE WINS 7 " rt I-.' ESTjiiCLkvr, Wash- Nov. SO. -(,T)--Merle pubbord', former Uni versity ; of -Washington gridiron flash, got loos for two . touch down runs In th fourth quarter Thursday to glv tb West Seattle Athletic club a IS to 0 win over Enumclaw, and th Washington Stat Northwest - football leagu Utl. crowd of 8,000 saw th 'gam, -j , -. :. LIVEflPODLVillEAT SLUP.1P REFLECTED CHICAGO, Not. ZO.-Cff) - De spite! brisk profit-taking on up turns, corn prices , today averag ed .higher, and reached numerous fresh- peaks,' Including 1 2 .a bn sfiel paid for seed corn south-. west. ' ' ' . : . . No. 2, whit corn suitable for commercial us went to 81.00 a bushel In Chicago, the high est prlc hereV since 1928. All corn futures outdid the season's top price record Scarcity of avail able supplies of corn, together with predictions of a eold ware tonight likely to increase feed ing demand, led to lively price gains .- until profit-taking : brought about, reactions at the last, v Notable weakness of, the Liver pool wheat market, together with beneficial rains In domestic win ter whjsat areas, did much to pall Chicago wheat values down, v Corn .close Irregular, H cent lower. to lHi higher compared with Wednesday's . finish. Hay SSK-. wheat unsteady r at H- 1 decline, oats K-M oft and provisions unchanged to a rise of 12 cents. ' Today's closing' quotations: " Wheat December old 98-H, new 9SH-4; May 98-: July 914-92.; :- , Corn December old 89-, new 89-; May 88-; July v Oats December old 52, new 12 - : May 5r - ; v July 4T. .-y-,:. .-:v:.. prices eo m Several Items In th vegetable realm took price changes as a post-Thanksgiving move with most, of the changes downward. Exception Is local onions, which were boosted 10 cents a hundred yesterday, to 81.80. , Cauliflower dropped 10 cents a crate and cabbage was down 25 cents. Green peppers climbed from I to S cents a pound, which trend is' usual at this time of the year. Local lettuce Is off the market, with California offerings not so good ranging all ! the way from 81.75 to 8 --50 per crate, depend ing upon the quality. Lire real . dropped 80 cents a hundred, to top of 85. J Farmers Union Will Elect New Officers BETHEL. Not. -80.' Th Farmers' Union meeting Will he held at th sehoolhous Monday night. This will be a closed meet ing and election, of officers for th coming year will b- held.- , Gard t ener s ana Ranch Mart crs T PORTllND. Or., Nov. S0.-K) -Supply and demand at, today's i session of th Gardeners' . and Ranchers' market wereerery lim ited. Celery was offered at 99c and 81 per crate while the hearts were offered at 70 aad 80 cents per dozen bunches. ' Apples continued at 35 and 80 cents per box of Jumble pack. lJ1 Spinach Per ranga box, 50-70. Sninaeh Par aranra box. 85e-8L " Carrot New. per dosea knack. 19- lSVc Beets Par doxea banekes, 35-80. -Psrslay Pe de-en banebe, 10. Greea Oniome Par dosea boncbas, 30 35. . - i ' . ry emona Oregon, 81.40-1.0 fe 100 poaada. Toraips Per dosea bone-, 15-30. Retabag Per crate. 85-50. Parsnip 40 per rat. Radiahas Par doxea baacbe. 15. Pea LecaL. 6Q8. ' v Lattaee Par ersto. toeaL-. 75a; Th Dalles, $1.35. - Cabbage Far erst. 70-78. Canlif lower LoeaL Ko. 1, 40-70 fe Caslifloear Local, Ke. 1. 40 50 pet rate; Ke. 3, 35-80 per erst. Celery heart far ooiea Dnnccti, iu SOe. . , Ce!ry Per crate, 90e-9L ' Pepper" Bad. 90e per peach beat greea. 60 per Orange box. uraaa eeana ir I-, t7. Sqaatb Daaisk, 1.25 per cants leap rat; Bohemias. 81 per crate. Cera Per .tack. 75e-$l. Oseaaibers Pickling. 80385; tnciag. 40. . - " Errplaat Local. 60 Dalles, 89 a 6. Pranee Pr poaad. 8. Apples Jambl paek. per bos, 88 60c; Delleiees e . Spitseaberg. extra faey, f 1.80-1.50. , Pampkia Par antaloape rat. 65 75. Brass! Sproata Per crate, 45-85. -PoUtoea Par area fa bea. 60-70. Inearthe: NOQTH BT . At VAVT mo torVT KlTDiE, y4TA' MOUSSr-' ft i ATT- Ai aawm a W.1L "BE AT TWB ifcN- 5iR5 I Salem MarKcts ; Grade t raw 4 per cent milk, co-op pool prlc f2-t per hundred. (MUk baMd s . sd-ai9taiy botterfat gvaragaj V " . ' Distrtbator price 2.10. '. ttnttcrf at Top 82c and 83c; ,Q grade prints SSc; A grade prints S4c V friee paid t grwr by Bales bsyers. -Keveaiber 90 Tk price belee. by a toeat grcr, era ladlea-v f th daily laark.: bat are a guaranteed by Tb State . . - rauiT - (Bvylag Prto) Craaberrie. bbL ' Srapefreit. rierida te 4.5 Grapefrnit, Arixona , 3.40 te S.9S : . Orange. a vela ., , . ., 3.75 te 8.75 Banaaaa, lb ea taik .0414 iiaaa Leawa -Lin, freab . .0 S.3S U)0 1.8 f 1.00 I .78 .4A0 te Grape Eoaperer Apples, beskel .85 4 Fear. 'Aae. ba. VCSCTABLXS (Bayiag Price) . Radlah. dea, Local celery, doe, , , , Caaliflewer , 6 J29 : IX r .60 .os ;. 1.00 .68 .08 .75 .90 3.50 .40 At -0 90 jd - 8.9S J3 48 Hi ,2 JS J je . ag plant, ion I. lb. Cabbage, ewt- loeal Kraat cabbage Greea peppers; . lofral. Oaioaa, Waaalagtea, 5 lb. boeal eaieaa, 60 lb. Lettaee, California , 1.75 te Salsify, dasea Beets, local, do. Bqoaik, Habbarda aad Banana Carreta, losal dox. , J5 te Local Potatoes-- ' " , K. L haadred Ke. 3. baadred . .' . Tskhna. 60 lbs, ' Sweet potatoes ' -California sea California be - Tomato, Calif, lag . Filbert .18 te Walnata. IK US te I Tnraipaw de Kndivea. do. . Italiaa braceoH. larra ueiery jteot, dec. .. nor tSoviae Prieel Clatter, 1934 lb, lop 18 J9 snggiea. 1934. top lb. eae?s (Baying File) Extras " .26 .28 .31 .16 .28 JfS- as Standard Medioja , Pallets Wholetal Salliag price xirss Standard Medioats Polleta WOOL ASO MOBAl- tBayiag Price) Uehalr. 1994 eiip , arb Medinai weoL 1994 ' f Ceara aad tin vmI, 1994 . -IS POULT T . .tZUvlae Pitaei " Heavy keaa, 4 to S lb. . JO je .07 Jt at a ' .04 41 Over 4 Boaada Ik. Colored mediaaa. IV. Madieaa Legberaa, lb. ugat. lb. . Broilwa, eelered, lb. gaeraa, is. ntaca. I. Tarkeya, heaa, lk.. te . HUT iBaring Prlc.l . Lamb.' aader SO Iba. 4.78 to S.2S Over 90 lb. 4 to 4.50 Hog. 130-10 lb. 5.79 170-310 I be. dkA r sa ., at mm. h. j. . Ball ,., , . ,. -PJ4 9 .03 H Hifr 9 .03 Vl, t.p . . S.OO Dressed vL -y .07 DtMi Sega .1 GRAIN A"I BAT (Baying Price) Wheat, weatera red ' - .79 .90 18.00 94.0 3O.0 Wklte, Ke. 1 Barley. fd. K. 1. tea Maltiag. ta - ra4L tarn '- flay, baying prie uiover say . .6S .9.0 a loo Oat aad vetck, tea AlfaUa. valley, tint cat Clover Saad Bad, lb. ' - ' , Alsik. Ib. ' .18 . as .89.00 au.oe Vetch Med. toe Oata, Billing, toa - WOl. BETTED MARKET FOR WOOL - BOSTON, Nov. SO.-(A3)-Th Commercial Bulletin will say to- -morrow: "Demand for wool has been . distinctly broader, although th current week with Its mid-week holiday has interfered withered. Prices ar steady on combing wools and a bit firmer on scour- ' ed descriptions for th woolen ' trad. It is clear that a consid erable improvement has bcen seen la th demand for plecegoods., "Foreign markets ar a bit ir regular and inclined to a s slightly especially the primary markets. - V In the west, there is less ac- tlvlty, most of - the "low -priced wools having- been moved out of th southwest. , . "Mohair continues s 1 o w and prices are hardly "more than no-' mlnaL" - The bulletin will publish the following quotatio ? ; Scoured basis: Oregon, fine and F. M. staple 72-74; fine and F. M. Fr. comb ing 70-72; fine and T. M. cloth ing 62-66. ldohair: v . . Oregon; S0- ; . domestic grad ed: first combing,. 5-82; sec ond combing, 43-45; third comb- ' ing, 85-87; fourth combing, 28 80; good carding, 80-82; Afirst kid, 62-65 ; second kid, f 85-58. ' Rrbgraiii ' Saturday, DeaemiW 1 , -gO AO CO&VAT US 60 X g :S0 Ia Geed Taat "What 9 Wear aad Where." -19:45 Aaaieet Day. 18KI0 Ifoea rn Hear. i . 8:00 The Xsktag f aa Asterkaa Ott- sea. - 8:80 The Cltlxeaa" Penua. . 4:80 Sterie ler Boy ad fi!rU. 6:45 Yeapar Led by Dr. D. Tl-eent ' Orey. i 6:80 Sveaiag Van Bear, T:45 Scleac Hews t tb Week. A :.