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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1934)
OiiEGON STATESMAN" Saleci, Oregon, batcrday liorTiir.z, Decembfcr 1, ImU t'AG'E SIX STUDEJTS TO vrnv II IThanksgiving Programs Giv en by Pupils of Grade School, Scio SCIO. Not. JO. By an ar rangment with the Oregon City high school, a talking picture will be presented In the high school auditorium Friday afternoon, De cember 7, at J:30. The picture has not as yet been chosen. The public is Invited and a small ad mission fee will be charged to cot er the expense. Plans are being made for the showing of pictures at night later In the year as well as In the afternoons. The biology class, accompanied bytheir teacher, Cecil Elder, made a trip to the Roaring River Fish hatchery Wednesday morning. Preceding the closing of school for the Thanksgiving holidays, two programs were presented for the pleasure of the students and parents. The members of the third and fourth grades were hosts to the first, second, fifth, sixth grade students and parents at a program and party in their class room. A moving picture show present ing the lite of the Pilgrims was shown. This picture and appara tus was prepared by the students. June Cyrus acted as operator and Billy Iloagland was the speaker. .Victor Nadvornik' played an ae eordion solo;' Billy Hoagland, a fiarmonlca solo; Donna Riddle, Wayne McDonald and Robert Den Bison, readings; original skit by Betty June Withers, Richard Phillips, Eleanor Calavan, Evelyn Kendle, Verl Sims, and Helen Horton. v . ' At .8 o'clock the" seventh and eighth grades presented a ' pro gram In the 1 high school audi torium. The program was - an nounced by Jack Teager, .and in cluded : Readings, Warren Cos tella, Lowell Yeager and Hobert Todd; -piano solo, Richard Ken dle; song, Maxine Bilyeu, Evelyn Palon, Evelyn Katsel, Ruth Han nah, Georgianna Nadvornik, Nat alie Phillips and Juan ice Thayer;" two jorlglnal plays, written and coached by Caroline Flanagan; "Aunt Emma." by Willette Bur ton, Vernon Haines, Richard Ken dle, Janice Thayer, Evelyn Palon and Evelyn Smith; "Thanksgiv ing Life Saver," by Ruth Hannah, Paul Sweeney, Evelyn Katsel, Maxine Bilyeu and Georgiana Nadvornik..- . , . . 4 Following the program school iras dismissed until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Caldwell are spend ing the holidays In Cottage Grove -with Mr. Caldwell's parents. Macleay to Present Program at Waconda WACONDA, Not. SO. Macleay school will give a program at the school here Saturday night, at 8 'dock, with the two schools to I hare In the benefits. Lunch will ie erred following the urogram. f essie Richards, Waconda teach- fiy is spending ine nouaay at AumsTUie: i - IB PICTURES Gross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER 75- itr z m ?M 35 77 U f4 iip - "1 1 1 Mil l w 1 HORIZONTAL 1 pear shaped - frmt 4 ahrwb ' 8-large pouch 12-ight be-1 fore a .holiday 1J continent 14 Hebrew" measure IS enzyme in yeast cells 17 beam 19 make 20 irritate 21 -inspect closely . 2--range of perception 23 disagree ably moiati .25 merry 26- -ancient ; , sacred lit erature of the -. Hindus ' 27 hitch priest of Israel 2S prickly enTelope of a fruit 29 awing from side to sida 80 Hebrew name for God 21 ceremonf ons feast 83 exclama tion ' S 5 female of the domes- -tie fowl 6 rubber tree . " 87 af5rma.trve Tote 38 prison 40 precious stone 41 matted wool 42 sooner than 43 negative 44 game at .cards 45 note of the scale 46 not at home ' 47 regular 60 be ac- - qnainted with 62 thread like out growth 54 grow old 65 free from harm 86 location Herewith is terday'B puzzle. eaprrlsM, 1114, Ktaf 1 I III IUOiKI ill It- jWiWKIl lib, In the? i : nasi tjnttaeiah - V.rtk rwtir and Ckamaksta Strsat. EteT. Richardson Tebbett, pastor. Church mithonl at 10 m. si. Chnrch scrviea st 11, a. m. Senaoa. "Hosy lf Prophet or Demst-ofus!" T. P. E.U. nesting at 7:30 p. m. - ' ' TCKST SVARGEZJCAXt ! Corner Summer and. Marion stretts. Emory W. Pettieord, D. IX, and Paul P. Pettieord. M. JL, BiniiWra. Sunday school at MS i. m. h. 1m Thornton, sopsrin- tendeat. Moraine wonhip at 11 o clock. Anthem. Wonderful Lots," Hickman. Sermon. "Futy Chares. Members. V Dr. E. W. Pettieord. Vesper hour from S :80 to S:30 p. m. Tonne People' leagna at 0 p. m. Junior aih and ssaior - alga lee rue at 6:30 p. m. EvaBgellstie -vies at 7:80 p. m. Ooepet aong sarvies led by Rev. Paul P. Pettieord. Anthem, My Anenor noiat, -lowaer. oenaon. "The Holy Spirit la tho Bjdy of Christ.' Dr. E. W. : Pettieord. Bibls stady Thurs day at 7:30 p. as. . . ST. txxtl'b ' "" Chnrch and ChemekeU streets. Bev. George H. Swift, rector. Holy Communion at 7:80 a. m. Church school at 9:45 a. m. Hair Enrharist and sermon at 11 a. at. Toanf -People's TeUowship (T.PJ.) at 6:30 p. at.- XSIGHT IsXMOBIAXi 19th and Perry streets. EL C. Stover; minister. Chnrch school at 10 a. m. C. O. Harris, superintendent. Morning service at 11 o'clock, "Giving Thanks to God sad Appreciation to it en." looag peo ple's meeting at 6:45 p. m. Evening ser vice at 7:30 o'clock, "The Gospel Comes ta Us " Fellowanin of oraver at the onntry noma of Mr. and. Mrs.. 8U John, Wednesday at 7:30 p. nu . ' nnST PEESBTTEEIAjr -Winter and Chemeketa streets. Grover C. Birtchet. D. 1.. pastor. Cehnreh school at :80 a. m. directed by Ralph Scott, su perintendent. Moraine worship at is o'clock. "A Progresses Christian." An them. ''The Radiant Mora Hath Passed Away" (Woodward). Solo by Miss Y Tonne smith, Umi unto Jsa luoe nen). 3:30 p. m. missionary service un der auspices of Marion County C. E. Union. Guest speakers, Mr. and Mrs. Abbey, missionaries from India la charge of O. E. work la that country. C. K. societies at 6:30 it. m. ETeninr 'vrais at 7:30 o'clock, "A Maa Who Changed His Same." ,- ; . .. ' O. ft U. A GOSPEI. TABESKACUB 655 Perry street. W. II. Caldwell, pas tor. Service over KSLM, 0 to :15 a. a). Bunday school at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Service at Minto hotel at 8:15 p. m. Tonne; people's meet in at 6:30 p. m. Ereninf avannlistie service at, 7:80 o'clock. Bible study and prayer service Tuesday eTeninf. young people's' cottage prayer service Thursday night. FIRST BAPTIST Marion and North Liberty streets. Brit ton Ross, minister. Bible school at 9:45 a. m. Pred Broer, superintendent. Mora ins worship at 11 o'clock. "Christian Citiaenship." B.Y.P.U. at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeiing Snnday erening at 6:80 O'clock. Organ prelude at 7il0 p. m. Miss Minnie Miller, organist. Evening service at 7:30 o'clock, "The Greatest Joy.-" .Wednesday evening prayer meet ing and Bible study st 7:30 o'clock. XTBST METHODIST EPI80OPAL - State and Church streets. Dr. i, E. Milligaa, minister. Floyd 8. Bailey, di rector of religions education. Dr. Robert M. Gatke, superintendent. Church, school, st .9:45 a. m. Classes for all ages. Pub lie worship st 11 a. m, "Building tie Walls." Evening worship at 7:30 p. "Jesus Cbrist My Ssvionr." 6:30 p. so. young people's forum, Epworth leagues and campus vespers. , rXRST COKGBEGATIOKAX. Liberty at Center street. J. B. Sim oada, minister. Sunday school at 9:45 a. as. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sermon, "Our Eternal Contemporary." Solo, "Thou Wilt Keep Him la Perfect Peace". Oley 'Speaks, ' sung by Herbert Hobson. THE CHTTRCH AT SALEM 3. Alonso Sanders, pastor. 441 Conrt street, npstsirs. Services Snndsy at 2 p. m. Bible school st S p. m. Praise service at 7:80 p. m., "See America Thirst." ' Kvsngelistio meetings every night but Wednesday at 8 o'clock. Be- fnning Thursday night, December S, at o'clock, M. R. Tatman, evangeUft. 17 incline r the head - VERTICAL 1 Turkish cap 2 climbing shrub ' 8 constella tion be tween . Taurus and Cancer 4 lie In warmth 6 utilize note of the scale 11 Scandi . naTiaa eoin I-Noah' Teasel 18 Interjec tion 21 Idndof - flooring . 22 small cask 23 river in England ' 24 every thing 25 weapon 26 large t cistern 28- lprohibit 29 rery small 81 Babylonian deity 82 city on the Danube 83 longated fish 84 covering for the head 7 torment or distress 8 Chinese liquid - sauce f part of "to be" 10 yielded 85 hasten the aolutioii to jta- 87 petty naval officer 88 gives short p sharp pulls 89 sphere of action 40 members of ' a Teutonle - race 41 on behalf of 48 Greek letter . 44 learning 46 be indented , to 47 insect egg 48 cast 49 cuided '11 pertain ing to 63 -three-toed ale rartens IradUate. am - nurcnofl: SETBAIT REFORMED Xortk Capitol and Marion streets. Ed' win Horstman, pastors Bunday school at 10 . nu German service at 10 a. n "The Kingdom at God." EngHsk ser vices at 11 a. as, -"A Strong Personal ity Enlightened." fellowship luncheon at aeon la the church dining room. The fol lowing meeting will be held Sunday af ternoon : Consistory, 1:15 . jm mens group at 3 p. av; Womeara Missionary society at 9 p- sa. COURT STEEET CERISTIAV D. W. Daniels, vaster. Bible school at 9:45 a. m. with Mrs. Edward Waller. Su perintendent. Morning worship and ob servance of the Lord's Snpper at 11 o'clock. Special music by Miss Hawkins. Message, "Seeking tho Pae of God.' Christian Endeavor at 6:80 p. . Eve ning service st 7:80 o'clock with tb "Sacred Melody Hoar 'ander the direc tion of Dr. Epley. 8ubJeeV "Soma Contri butions tho Church Can Make to 1934-85 A Perfect Ideal." Beginning of spe cial series of sermons for those who really want to know what the church baa to offer in a day like this. Midweek ser vice Thursday at 7:80 p. as, TTB8T PBKTECO STAIi AS SEMBLT " 420 Stato street, apstalrsv H. B. Tal bert, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. at. Morning worship and Commnnion at la a. m. Peatecostsl Gleaners' service at 6:45 p. as. 7:45 p. m.. "At tho Cross Roads." Special evangelistic Servi every night at 7 :45 o'clock. FIRST GSRKAV BAPTIST North CotUge and D street. G. w. RuUck, minister. Sunday echool at 9:4 a. b. 8 am Buhinnan, superintendent, Short Znglisk service after the Sunday school. Regular servie at 11:1 a. as, "Christ the Christian IdeeX" Ckolr anthem- Lord's Supper after the morning service. B.Y.P.U. to bo held at Carl Youngheits at Lebanon, leaving from the church at 3:80 p. as. Evening service at 7:80 "dock, "Th Conquest of Pesr." Regular midweek prayer service at .8 p. as, Wednesday. AMERICAS LUTHXRAir Church street between Chemeketa and Center streets. Rev. P. W. Eriksen, pas tor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Arnold A. Krueger, superintendent. Worship at 11 a. as. Sermon tople, "Advent and Christ's Program." Special music An them, "All Hail tb Power t Jesas Kama," Kordman; directed by C. B. Glo ver. Solo. "There Were Ninety and Nine," Misa Ruth Kolbe. Juniors at p. as. Senior and Intermediate league at 7 p. m. POLLY AND HER YOU'RE WAITED ON ) I I I - ' -vH fSHAP CXJf OF IT -. I T WHH5E V'OOIN' ) tCSCSTN THE HOh4. PHONE, -J f 3CDf WAS THAT V Et-MER. WE DASSNT ) ' v WITH THAT JS ( StS5SSS? ) MA'AM. jr- ' ( AUOCKVV BE HERE VVHEN-' S- I fCHAlR ? jT Sn XTTV J MICKEY MOUSE ! For the lpV 'pirerlt By WALT DISNEY . - . r .-; .- " ; . - . - V - -.: V'- ' ' f . V , .,; ' , P . ' ' ' , WELL WE SOT HER FIXEDA j VEAH ! HO USE Ka.wa rfyori HAVE I 60rrf THE - j X f, g,Agl l YtBOVi IF THIS .itC . gHg SuRg M ' 0 THIMBLE THEATRlvlarring Popeyo THO R0FF1W6 ) .:kmMf& 'an 1 . r V ' LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY CVW KUOW, AMV POOR MAM WVO Id cam ccvme. nno-Hs exEirrcis Ar W- -TWEIV GOT CLOTHES THAT IDOMTT MAKE AMV DtPPEREUCC -THEV KIM EAT TUT i HE. 5AME TOOTS AND CASPER ; I'M JU3T 4trrTlN6; "TH3 REACTION OTS AU..VVEVC CIETI TKCytaH 1 DONfT &OPH1S; WHAT'S THS n so I WANT TO i nywJU.( tul AVJtaKI IT ALL LOOK'S L-IKb TOO ! MUCH W5A1TM nP5 PLACES ' X s7s. cHirscH or Trmra truth ; . W, ef P. ball KoriS Commercial be- ween Court and Chomereti jwet r. Gordon Fleming, pastor. Servlco Snndcy- at T :sa p. m. ajeoture, -opiraiiuni av a.Utn Uun, 'XirAiiBaadav at p. as. Ail message meetings at 1980 Ferry tree I. . ... . .. ZMMAirari, baptist ; ; Horner of asel and AesdemT Strsets. Bible ichool at 10 . m. Preaching at It as. by Kev. enj. aorn ana a i :u p. m. toy Bro. U. u. ttaaey. ppeciai na si. Midweek prayer service Thursday at 7:a y mu , - XNGLEWOOD TJ5TTED BRETHRXK 17th and Nebraska streets, R. a Mann. Jsstor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. in. Clark C Smith, acting superintendent. Worship st 11 a. ms "Wky W Love the Cbarh.r Chrittiaa Endeavor at 6 :S0 p. as. Eve ning worship at 7:80 o'clock, "A Won derful Guest st a Wonderful Door." Mid week service Thursday at 7:80 p. as. TJinOir GOSPEL MTS8I0N (Interdenominational) Bev. aad Mrs. L. E. Featon, superin tendents. Sunday at :30 p. as. song ser viee followed by gospel message. Monday at 7:80 p. as. Bible study conducted- by Raw E. P.-Sims. Berry and Commercial street ta W.O.T.U. kaU. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH High and Ferry streets, begin Bun day services at 9:40 a. m. with a grad ed chnrch school. Mrs. W. A. Barkus, mrpt. Preaching at 10:50 a. m. Sab lost: John 8:33-86, "Tho sixth mes sage from th book of John". Young Peoples' service at 6:80 p. m, - Evening farvle st 7:80 o'clockr Subject: "Th Lak and th River." . Monday, Teaeh era' and Officers' meeting. Tuesday, Bom Bulldsrs' Class soeial " evening. Wednesday, prayer service. Thursday, sholr rehearsal. W. Earl' Cochran, min ister. ' ' FIRST OHRUTTAB CHURCH Center aad High streets; Gov la. Drill, paster. - Chnreh sohool, A J. Flint, supt, 0:80 each Lord' Day morning. Morn ing worhip,10 :45. , Lord's Supper. Ser mon, "Th Romano of Living. Chris tian Endeavorers meet at 6:15 p. sa la f iv separate groups. Evening evangel istic service, 7:80. Musie directed by John Schmidt. Sermon. "Th United State in Bible Prophecy." Church night, Wednesday, 7:80. Evangelical, Salem Circuit Xablsh Center Evangelistic service, S p. m. Sun day school, 10 a, m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Fraitlaad Morning worship at 11 a. u. Sunday School, 10 a. as. Chris tian Endeavor. 7:80 a. as. -Clear Lake- Sunday School, 10 a. as. Middle Grove Morning Worship, 9:45. a. as, E an day School, 11 a. as. Christian Endeavor, 7:so p. nu . r. Licnng, pastor. PALS ClYQC rM C-TCDSslA ISfcTSO T VrrHrXVPPUE S0LO tSH Vt CANT DO ATH1H6 rB00T IT- AM V .t' - BETTER UVE IN THIS AKSTTTUTO SwUKW 1 1 SI J OUT JT5 sT en. UKSTIImS THAT Kt-TIM21 LESLIE ICETH0DI8T CHTTRCH Corner Soath Commercial and Kt My ers irrt John H. KeDonald, pastor. Dr. James T. Matthews of .Willamette university Jveaks at th 11 a. m. wor ship, ca, caarea enooi, v. m. Sackstt, aopt. Intermediate league, 6:30 p. m. cemor league, o:eo p av..: ir sing seme v:v eaiea' CHTJECH Or-THB BATAREITB . 13th 'and. Center streets; Marvin. 6. lobe, pastor; Frank M, IitwtUer supu Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Worship st 11 a. m, "The Perfectionr of Beauty." People' Prayer Hear at 3:80 p. ea. Ser vice 4:16 ta 4:45 p. m. Y. P. 8 6:80 n. as. Evangelistic service at 7 :80 p. m. Praysr service, Wednesday. 7:30 p. as. ' FIRST CHURCH OF GOD Hood and. North Cottage streets: G. T. If Ml, pastor; Mrs. Grace E. Keel, assist ant pastor. Mrs. Grace E. Neal .will preache at both 11 a. as. and 7:80 p. sa. servioe. Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Lyi Knox, tapfe. xottng ' Peoples' - meetings, 6:80 p. as. . Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:80 p. as. Singing school 7 p. m Thnrsday., ; - i ... t m 4 enmmaanB - CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH ." Eighteenth and State - streets; Rev. Amoa E. Minaemaan, A. M pastor. Ger man aerviee, 9:80 a. as. Subject; "Je sus, Advent Xing, Come Into My Heart.' English services, 11 a. -as. Subject, "The Blessedness of Knowing God.' Sunday school, 9:80 . m, Mrs. Amoa . Minne mann, anpt. 1 Lather League, 1 p. m, Th Church Coemeil, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m church jpariors. Th Laborers in the Lord' Vineyard meet Wednesday, S p. CHTTRCH OF CHRIST North Cottage aad - Shipping streets; O. T. Springs, minister. Bible study at 10 s. m. Sermon at 11 a. m. Weekly observance of the Lord's Supper. Eve ning service st 7 o'clock. -. v,: JASON LEX MEMORIAL METHODIST Corner Jefferson lead North : Winter street; H. K Humphrey, pastor. 9:45 a. as, Sunday school ; H. B. Carpenter, snpt. 11 a. m., .sermon by the pastor. Subject, "Christisn. Responsibility." Chora .choir musie led by Prof. Herman Clark. 6:80 p. m., Epworth League. 7:80 p. m.. Song service followed by sermon. OTJT-OP-TOWM CHURCHES Rosedal Friends Milo Clifton Ross, minister Chnreh . school at 10 a. m.; T. D. Trick, snpt. Morning worship- at 11. "Mad Perfect la Lev by th Holy Spirit." Christisn Endeavor societies at T p. m. ; Singing at S o'clock. Ser mon "Silence in Heaven." Thursday evening, th Bible study will be a sym posium on th Beatitudes. ' Muscle JNow Showing "A Rlany Hands - ' f I GOT TO GO ti KIM YOU WAlUE, ZERO ALL DAV, AM?. FtR AM MIS WIPE GOES AROOMO A5ClMS FOR AOKlEYOR FOOD - SO TMEV KIM CrVE IT, TO HUMGRV -PEOPLE iTMEy AlKPT A SHAMED "TD BE BEGGIMG ' cause rr Anjrr portmemselves X THINK THC.YRE. GRAND i r- a - i i ii 7 :; I;: f Back Home Again THMK Y I WANT TO tt THAT CAER. SOPHS. BACK INCUR FOR WASTE MUCH )TIMS. ON HUMOUS HOWES AS A. rule: J I ICffJ lsWBs'S'l Wfl , l'f GPB)f sWfTSVSJ TiCtf rtPWfsJ,' la ns asm: FDB'HilffllT 'i , - Weaver of Class of 1924 is Speaker For High I School Event i WOODBURN. Not. 80. Orad nates of Woodbnrn high school were honored at the school Wed nesday afternoon when the an nual homecoming assembly w a s staged, i Principal speaker was Glen Weaver, '24, who gave an. Interesting comparison between , the school at present, and the school 10 years ago. Vivian Cow an, Tice-president of the associ ated students,, welcomed the al umni present:' Mary Alice Welch and Jessie Sims, - former song leaders, led In singing some - of the old songs. Pauline O beret and Thomas Evans, former presi dents of the associated stndents, gave short speeches. - The girls booster? club gave a skit entitled, "The Ikfemoirs ; of Woodburn High." , Miss Helen Woodfin, '34, sang "A- Jriend or Two" and Peter Larsons also a '34 graduate, sang -Bells f the Sea." and "Dear est." Elizabeth Norton played a medley of old time waltzes on the piano, i Refreshments for the al umni and members of the senior class were served. The. list of returning alumni Is: Mabel Livesay, 'OS; Blanche Arn old Norton,. '20; Gladys Chapelle FRXB METHODIST CHTTRCH Xortk Winter at Market street, M. H. Pitcher, psstor. Suaday school at 9:45. Dr. P. 8. 8ehats, supt. Morning worship at 11, "The Pentecostal Life." Th T. P. M. Sv groups at - 6:80 p. m. Evaa- felistie services at 7:80. A Living aerfie. Prayer Service, Tho radar, at 7:80 p. as. Bound 1 Woman of Few Words" I Y i r-.rvTT -m t-u fUQ V OvcK TO Trw NO AT TOUJri INN f TELE&ftAMTO MR. I -Xi, i-r.l -1 &-!; t;llf Make Light: Work ;'f..!i 41 sir. 7 Tl V LOOK BEAMS AM COPFEE MOW ALL WE WEED IS SOME. SREAO AW .WEXL HAVE C5RU3 FOR. EVERyflODy AM AAAVBE BR1MC3 HOAAE SOME MEAT GCCI WICHT X COULD HELP' CM UDAi4 PLEASE ; TAKE MS KCMZ i V WANT TO UVS THSR2 ALWAYS i WITH tDU t 4 JUSt, TOU AND II. TOfitlXTHSRi I o - O M. Kt fwfw, trmam. he CJS nmm jm i . r ... 1 Shaw, '21; Myrtle Kaufman Way mler, '22; Glen L. Wearer,'24; Olive Burgess Potter, '26;' Delia Sprouse, Sllzabeth Miller .Norton, '29; Dora ; Tresidder - Gillanders, Henrietta Chapelle, '30; Qma Ga ley. Norman , Pfzaffinger, Glenn Seeley, Norene Hnne, Royal Has Ue, Jessie Sims, '31; Helen Stu lng.i Kenneth Evans, Ralph Nel son,' Helen Eppers, Lois St. Hel en.' 32; Edith Reiling,- Donald Garrett, 'Florence Logan, Lois Proctor, Paul Conyne, Delmar Hopkins, Mary . Alice Conyne Welch, Margaret - Eppers, '33; Pauline Nelson Oberst, : Edward Oberst, Mildred Grim, Thetma Hammond, Virginia Kestel, Har old Gilbert, Elizabeth Hunt, Es ther Aline, Hollis Ottoway, George Jackson; Leo Halter, Melrin Block and Mabel Norton, '34. . . Spanish Veterans and Auxiliary Will Elect I WOODBURN, - Not. 30.Elias Hutchinson camp any 'auxiliary, Spanish War Veterans, will elect officers at tile meeting to be held Monday evening at the I. O. O. F. hall. ; The' meeting will bejrin at 7:30 sharp. Following the meet ing there will be a publie card party. By IVUrN MKTFft VJtVKiOlOOV I ftrtT TO 'SEH T$ TtLCRrSrA COU-ECK OH Account op l AaWT got ho money IN ME OANCE (SAL. CUOTrtES ARF AfcF rMNT IT fXRFOu UlnftT THct CHHKtJt.- TOR TELE6cM WORDS- ETC BLA-B1-A-8Lr- ETC - Btr - TC- - ttCft- BLft- W-A- BLA ETC BtrV BLA : BUS BLA- BtA-HERL'S UHM" I UJrSHTeD TO SAV- - KrAOW CROOK UJICH STEAAJH' GOUO By THE.VU-, sJACM,' PACK OUR ,THlr4r- AND HAVU ONaOP TH2 CHAUFFEURS jjj Gs ui:aw (jt fr. If VOCRE A AM 1 HEtPlMG YOlX T 'wOMDERFUL HOMEST TT -tP X KM .-,;. Lt-TTLE HELPER HELP OUT OUST A r- j 3 DEAR r. -3 LITTLE OrTTTLU' 1 pJ!0r" AAAKEMEFEEU I VOO LTTLE CCATsP i from the vou fi6ht M2 ALLrTHB x DRIVE US TIMS5 I DNT KCK2.!- KNOW TUU , MUCH FOR3 Mav; Papal Marquis is . Guest at Mt. Angel : 1 Fpr Short Period MT. ANGEL, Not. SO. Mt". An gel had the honor of harboring a' notable visitor In the, person pt the Hon. George MacDonald of New York City. - Mr. MacDonald who was, in California on business . came to spend a day as-tbe guest of the Benedictine Fathers. M. MacDonald Is a Papal Mar- -quis.l an honor very ' rarely be stowed by the pope and then only -for extraordinary services rend ered the Catholic cause. The Mar- , aula is a benefactor of the Bene- r dietine institution at Mt. Angel, f His interest in the rebuilding of r"f. Mt. Angel College and Seminary was obtained by -Father Alcnin during the years, the latter spent In the east In thelnterest of pro- ' curing help for his community aft- - er the terrible loss of the fire of 1924V' -.'-.:' - ' A Wyoming farmer Is sjaing fos sil hunters for $25,000 for allege ed trespass". He claims an expedi tion of-the American Museum of Natural History trespassed when they exhumed 12 dinosaur skel etons and seeks a Judgment, CLIFF STERRETT By SEGAR - e,T - - i Btr - DARREL McCLURE By JIMMY MURPHY OH, DAN, DON'T tou know rrs HUMAN NATURE ,TO PlsHT THE . MOST WITH TH2 vuacr wrm PEOPLE WE UKl. . THS ES5T? ffta 7 . "f a' f . "7 -S 1 -