I A i n. n y IJ By ARTHUR SHUMWAY '.'-" - Back to the llines " V .: I "Yo Faror Stcayi tfc; No Fear Shell Aire , " From First Sutesman, March 28, 1851 , -THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. . CraIX3 A. SnUGUS - J ; . . Editor-Manager : , .'Sheldom F. Sackett t 'ifanatfina Editor ' ; SYNOPSIS r After Earl Harrow, theatrical prodacer, . attends a , Community flayers' amateur ahow and sees Kay Owen, the star and local . - Member of tha Associated Press Tba Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the oaa tor publics tlon of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited la UUa Paper.- "-. -,j ...k.--. '''V--- ADVERTISING -, , v- ' " ' " Portland Representative -. , Gordon B. Ball. Security Building, Portland, Or. Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant. Griffith A Brwnaon, Ino, Chicago, New York, Detroit, v Boston. Atlanta , , . They went aft and sank down fatal ninbM'iit . .7 " ami nun wis "fiTr; " v. 'v - " - you dire la there and risk tout life . "Things bar changed, Mr. Ear- to drag her IxraopTsS didn't Yttt f ffi?64 d Fd fc eratLnasnake! be lool u X didn t accent your titter Tva u ni .vi- . beauty, he decides to prolong his nd and well, to pot it candidly, sister, especially around a my like vieit ta Daytona Beach. He offers Uke adrantage of your renerosity." EuLi D&nt I tell yon they kept her job as his typist during his . No he said, touching the making plays for hirnt" , - - stay. Kay. feeling that this may hack of her hand lightly. "I under- Kay nodded, wonderinr If SoOta 22. sroauon.- - taourht sas was a.thi M . Wall V I tin . . . T- ' " uwwu wie ojuaei -cot yon mow." SDifca oharmtff. "there's a little toed in everything, like they say. Silver lining in every now, only worse." roar brother is fll!" ' Entered ct iAs Potto ff ice at Salem, Oregon, as Second-Clas Matter. Publithed every morning except Monday. Bueinees fice, X1S S. Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 'Man Subacrlpttoa Raua. In Advance. Wlthto Oregon t Dally and Sunday. 1 Ma it cents; t Ma. I1.2S; sla LSS; 1 year fi-OS. fclaawhere 10 eenia per Mo, or SS.SO for t year In advance. Copy S cent. On trains and Mewa Stand cents. By City Carrier t 4S cent a month; IS a yar ta advance. Per aire her an opportunity to get on ens professional stage, it thrilled. Following a party at Ida Camp, bell's., socialite member of the Players, Ida and Harrow become interested in each other to Kay's msapMintment. Citing the pre dueers reputation, Kay's mother ant hrAh Rni( np trnv m to work for him. Then Bod U taken 2 w"ftdt6 whea 1 I Ail right, yon ask, what's thi u. &ay secreuy accepxs uaxrows r-" "v414 r. "J 1 n 1 1 offer to help her family. Pete I i03 Mjf.X needed a little work Ryan, young engineering student aone wnicn, I aaspra yon, I da working as a life-guardTTs in love mor than ftat. I was interested with Kay. He receives an offer of work when I first saw yon an erurineerina- job in Guatemala the. other night at tho Auditorium and asks Kay to marry him. Kay. I 0I. 7 " 11 alOMr that I'd like imiit.tii i h.. Iam f i.. h. w hem you. What I ranlA An I fuses. On a fishing trip aboard I didn't exactly know, things , being lyoull get a load of it." He smilad. Harrow's luxurious yacht.- "Com-1 TT".U m7 business this sea-1 very pleased with himself. "If. Z mander Ml,- Ida talis overboard I Y? uopa w nee someuung and Kay dives Into the shark-in- d. Then when you told mo of fested waters to kkm her. f oar sttitiidt is the matter -Spike" Winch, Harrow's press J. understood that, too. Be-J agent and bodyguard, shoots a ive me, I did, and I didnt blame shark just as it is about to attack . But bow, if there is the girla. - ; I nyuns; i can oa to help yon, even CHAPTER XIV 2S?Ji?dd"L-f rfM" f.l0?d that W. thii Pla it all seemed to him. He must little overbcard party gets two peo- "J" ua unara-1 pie wet. vornu nil or . .t. M OOUS.-... :,-'l.v,-v , I about thirty mnt. nrk. KTf... 5. ucx BM n saia, ana aoesnt do one shark a bit of goo. All right, yon ask, what's the Fercentags in anybody's favor? It's n idea, that's what it is, and I've got it." - -Wast Is it 7- "Eh-h I Do nt m .1. at. dont rash me. Just let the massive feog of this intricate brain creak arouna in tneir own doe time and In moment, when the rescue I it. I know the position yon must line fish and that irt,.fnv party brought Ida aboard. Harrowloe u" a , - - a story on our trip, but nothinr on rushed forward and put his arm I .Kay found it hard to answer him. I the orerboard bniiML around her sopping wet shoulders. Maybe, she told herself, it was the "Why -if s all riht. of course " and clutched his arm. She seemed but whatever it was her voice be-1 afraid I dont ret you. SdiTm enable to sneak. Later when shelhaved very childishly, in hev nnfn.1 Tli . r?. v i'i 1 - . reswore kucy tcx. ucr iuauo uiu i went out anon deck azain. f eelinxr I very sober and a little riddv. Itodai b.eed. bu t somehow, ihettnra. her chance. Just wht her angle was Med through it and said. "Ill start we aren't sure. MaybTitSriS pub today or tomorrow or anytime, then, licity. retting her nam tll ZSS n mm tK ,m v.. m. I ana 1 u work as Ions bourn ai yon I EnrPa.- Ti ..ni j tieed she might as well hire been J? within I'm able to -rich Florida divorcee ,and Don naked. Her thin underwear was fla.wTte5 one thing: My Joan theatrical producer on fishinr soaking and the filmy brassiere had otnf mnstot know about it. Not trip in sonthern waters, blah-blah. bMntorn in the back. Very matter, because -af her her .attitude, be- blaX See?" of-factly-nd he remembered It " W. ve if I Kay nodded and smiled, latershe asked Harrow for some- .wntDto. J1 -ot "All right. Spike," ahe agreed, thing to put on. Spike hurried in bcu!f might hear of it, too. Back la town, Kay let Spike andeame out with a big bine robe, lehed him. Oh, it all Winch drive her home. She made wwwwe ana i nun arop ner at tan front iriv n- whkh she threw over her shoulders. cape-like, and fastened temporarily with the belt. "Kay I cant tail yon." Harrow said. "Ton were great.'' Nightgowns for Transients TTTHO shall deny that uplift has not arrived? Are not the iff transients at the Hotel de Minto to be given nightgowns to wear for their nightly slumbers ? It may be . long since some have worn nightgowns, such impedimenta not being customary in the rucksack of a traveler; and the novelty may uuce mem Dacic to "flow ! lay me down to sleep days". They may have a little frouble with the new styles also, since I mvy we 10 ue serveu wim nospitai svyie gowns, uke a coat, y tying across the back. Thus is the forgotten man remembered, j lfiougn some of them may protest such taking on of style and long for the good old tin can days when "robes de nuif j were considered the height of luxury, they will have to com-; ply with the requirements they sleep at the hotel . Maybe the nightgown edict is just strategy. Perhaps the wgn command nas it ail ngured out that there will be a re- vpit and recalcitrants will revert to the jungles and the wide open spaces where there is no such thing as a white nightgown with strings that tie in the back and thus reduce the number to be served. The more probable rebellion will be to aemana tnat a free sbave and shampoo be furnished to keep the nightgown company. . We can well imagine the vesper hour at the public lodg- , ing nouses as me white ghosts tuck themselves between the blankets and gaze up into the rafters. Before the pipe organ nore-cnorus starts tney will agree on this, that at last they uave come into tne aDunaant nie . When the Troops Turn IN Bolivia the defeated army reversed history. As the 'pres ident was en route to the Chaco front with the purpose of firing the general, the troops turned on the president and ar rested mnv also the president-elect, the president's two daughters, and the minister of war. From what little we know . of the mess the troops are risrht. The Dresideni sent tnm down in the disease-infested. land in the heart of South Amer ica, and kept them there fighting a protracted, bloody war witu jraraguay. mere were rumors the war was stimulated by oil interests. Whatever was back of the war, it was the sol- uiers wno were at the iront and got the bullets and the stink nf If - . .. The Bolivian incident is a warning signal. Modern gov- firTthiknI Swhlr commtel Ta Spik' ernments rest for their support first on public opinion; sec- l and she was falling. She -it was." Harrow said, "yea, it our on mmiary lorce. 11 tne army becomes disloyal the jig is up for king, czar or president. It was when the army in Petit siau iraienuzeawim tne revoiunonists that the end came beyond just giving you a bit of work while I'm here, I'D be too glad to do Earl with some disfinruished lair ing to be a honey, too," ha said, "--if itworks - .- - i-. "I hope it does." So do I and Hstn rf nrm T don't want you to peep a word about this rescue businMa. Tt'. anrle of my own, see? WeH have to . T P1 of Pictures shot of Harrow nodded nutlr. n v- I r.fk.. .v.. ; just how It is." he siii 'NafnrVlly; lmott hirA? yoa may tarurt ma,' I nixe him as a member of the Harrow HBwwufWT mam rescnea oat ana i parxy. 'So you're comlnsr to work for th M i looit njn nana, aaneessd n nMh -nouung. oeen prscunnK mm i insx as Snike eama with thn )rin1rk I boss, nftn nil V. of thing all my life. Glad toj Ida appeared in a few mtmf.. I "H told t- a chance to use it once in alrathn naU. bat i mA .mZI " sort eet while," she said. "But those sharks P "Never have seen anybody bitten yet." she said, her breath still rather diacnlt from her exertion. She turned, though, to Spike. "But thank yon just the same for your little act, spike. I didnt see wnat it was d looking quite cute in a "And does it bother you another Suit Of Harrow nninnnn wfiloh hail I dawi v; beea turned up at the cuffs and bot- j Spike grinned and shook his head. r don't know, baby, I still dont toms. "I'm so sorrv to hay (mm am a mesa," she said.. -wot at all,- Harrow objected. "Oh. yes. and I hat it. sfalr. . JL. jut., t v..i Irne feel so unnecessary. And Kay. ?v .1. T t. mmm w i yon Were SO darned nnL nmii.. Thanks a whole lot. Spike. As I told 'f 5"T m.fil. n "e yon at the boat tomorrow you, there's always a first time with Ur,!; iTewsen posi- men, sister.- evwrvthin." . IJl1 1' J"11! altent them. I "You bet." H I IUI know. It may at that But, person T. it doesnt rub my fur wrong; at u. ana you mmow wist , la g lad I'm not in Ida's class, or aU the others'.1 So'm L" Spike said. "Well, see m. "What I want to know Is what iiZrr.sL,nfav r r j v vt wu a i nyun bw muuier wowa DO SpOMif. He hTve had a tSulnZ for the Romanoffs. It is very doubtful if any armies will stand the long punishment which soldiers did irom 1914 to iai8. Their military morale is shot by the penetration of meas as to wny tney should be cannon fodder. And if political rulers try to put armies to the test they are apt to suffer the experience of the Bolivian president: the troops will turn, . ana a new name goes on tne government proclamations. H A Million for Relief OREGON gets over a million dollars for relief purposes during December. This will make Christmas brighter for a good many thousand people. The mention of the amount' brings up two questions: how long must relief continue: and second, wnau wouia nappen u the federal government did not carry this load? For the government has been bearing almost uie enure ouraen in tms state. The sUte has recently con tributed $275,000 from anticipated liquor profits; and there were previous smaller distributions from liquor funds. How long must government relief continue? tJntil the treasury goe broke; until people get employment for self support; or until another system of distributino- fmnria i adopted. Hard to tell which alternative will effect the ter-J uiuutuvu uj. vase reuez. ' ; If the federal government should withdraw support Ore gon would have a hard time taking care of its destitute on the scale they have now become accustomed to. The time would seem to be at hand when self-help activities sensibly directed should be extended to provide self-support and relieve the pun on tne public treasury. - The strategy In the slot machine cases Is quite conventional. The machines are owned by a syndicate and placed around wherever a , atorekeeper ' Vffl take them.. Profits are split between the store keepers and the syndicate, which is reputed to stand expenses such as Protection", tc The syndicate expects a certain number of machines to be knocked over periodically: but reUes on the inter mittent sfalvf enforcing agents to slip new ones back in place after a convenient Interval. There Is only eae effective policy which hss been followett in other counties; and that la to knock them over as soon as they appear. It doesn't require a "raid", merely orders from responsible oftkUls.plus action. The strategy of delays and appeals In the pending cases Is old stuff; and certainly should not deceive the enforcement officers - . . i . - . ' L7 . J16 ?fra WInthrop Aldrich successor to Wiggin as No 1 xnsn at Chase Kational. the country's No. 1 bank, has been touring the west to company with other officials of his bank. Their purpose were Snests for luncheon at the Arlington club and for dinner at the XSftit?1" Squires, with that environment they might m Sd ??AN eT r5r5a4 Iook thelr muT0" Se one ihouW ha" Ji to correct: happened, Earlf Spike said. winked at Kay by wa patted her shoulder. come to zau mi . I ram(it:M.r ..rj "It just happened, is. aD. that ,11 both got a good swim and a boat rldn eaa say," Marrow expxainea. -fine I back.- I "I didnt expect von'd bo a iAn. insistei on perching up on the rail I -Now that I think of it. that waa I wasrried? X lw i wasnt long, mother." Kay went into the mine room where nil. ft mn sac Kirh ama . must have lost her balance. Then I was." . T "I Cr.:?' she called tome she didnt seem to I When they happened to find them-1 and then hunz up be able to swim. And my natural selves alone for a minute. Kay said. I er said. !ulo5S-Itotwet'NoUlia'taIt' -Where did you got" "Outside. It wasnt hmA rh.t on very many, though. Who'd yon go withT- "Just some of the gang." "In your boat?" Kay wondered whv her mnffia mm uuk. naturally, she would out visiting or in bed. But as she www tne nouse, she beard Mrs. Owen s voice. "Kay I" -XesT" "Yon look as if you'd been soaked to dry." her moth- v mm 4j m a j w m ww a nsnj e aal Maej stI fjITjr f I tlW that my ifllv back sets in my way. I last time X saw vbn In th nt and this had to be one of the times. were swimming- with the best of I could have hopped in and tried to I them." get her, but I thougnt fast and real-1 Ida's eyes were oa her bare toes, feed there might then be two of us j the nails of which were lacquereda for yon to haul out, so I tried to do) bright red. She wizrled thn tM the aezt best thing. I'm afraid I wasnt very successful "Ton did the most sensible thing yea could," Kay said. "I eeuldnt aw in. either." Snike explained. "X cant swim a stroke." He looked wistfully at the water. -And I'd be a nar anyway. If I told yon I had nerve enough to jump in there with all those sharks, rdhave kept on tossing: ropes, I'm afraid." Never yon mind. Spike. Ton and year pistol. How do you know yon didnt save my life?" "Well.- Harrow said. "If an over, and noboaya hurt; thank heaven. We've some fish, we've had a lot of fun, and now let's start back, taking it easily, and 111 have same Planter's Punch stirred up and ws'U see if we can't ret our minds off sharks and drowning people." spike went in to see about the punch and Kay turned at once to Earl Harrow. "Mr. Harrow," she bezan. "This Is a funny time to open the subject, but the thing- I wanted to do today waa to talk to you about that job. We're alone now lor a few minutes, Do yon mind!" Harrows look of mud surprise turned to one of faint amusement. 'No.- he said rraekrasly. "I'm de lighted, of course. Let's ro back and sit down while Spike digs op the refreshment." slowly as she answered, without taking up. "It was lust BO sudden lrtatin I But she told thn trntfc. balancecot seared then, I guess, I "No, we left it" she said. -xe, i Know," ner moth and eeuldnt make any headway I mother said. airiea tT"1 np." I!? C? o worrying about yen and "Oh, well, no wonder you eouldn't I finally called the yacht club and wim, juy saia. -too bad Mr. I assea n tneya seen yotf and they Harrow cant either. ... Or Spike," id the Kayo was ever there; had mam aaaea. i oeen were au eay. That's rlgrht,"Kay said, prepar On the way back nn the river thai I insr to aro for her hath. evening, Kay alone with Spike ..e biZ boat was out today." Winch a minute asked: "What de Mrs. Owen added. yon make of Ida's swim?" Kay stopped and faced her Spike grinned slowly, his cigar mother, damped la his teeth. "I see," Kay said. "TouVe IhtJu ae u . a. a eaaa a. a as - - z m w m . . offwsHi oeucea . i wmeuuna; ana s enow wnat rt la. "You see it, then," she said. I Since if a no secret there's no use "Sure. Kay. Thn ane-1 f Va I Ivins' about it: X did m en Oi rm. thinks shell get a little attention I maimer. They asked me and I dont and sympathy out of Earl maybe 1 8ea what the harm was. I saved some puMicity. too. The ocean's I tuem a guiae.- right beside her. the water's warm. I "It's all righL Kay." she, never thinks about what's in it I .."T. approached her mother. ner snoniders the chair. hmn mn the water any more. His back's been I?'' really think so," she said. en tne anmrner sinea be ant ft I" ion neeon t worry about me" cracked nn in nolo last year and h'a I "I hope not." suugoiM take it easy. A dive or el'. 7? wisa a xeeung ox real guilt nmp inn tne water wouldnt do YPJ went 10 Deo thinking about . f a . aOz a mm m, . a m ft. S -.a. JiL WW . um a Dit ox eooa. sa what? Ha i ner joe wiw narrow. yeus for me. first thing. But I.caa't (To Be Continued) wuu,wu , nevcrcoaio. AOOUKI Ownaa lit. I troulS ittSfVK (lTtildea ' Mdiranl denied any lv .L"1 kn8bnd when she arrived alone in New York city She said the prince had gone oft to India to shoot Serf addina S has to do something". Right. And Princess Barbara i Zul, tA.n w ex-slster-in-Uws Mary McCormic and MaVMurrtJ whs Tsef thfltlll Mdlranis up in th oil business. T 1 g er- hoo Sgs less txvtnriro thin making a business man out of a prince. xen"Te UI,1 hiSS-iSal?6 chMtklerf tor KroVidingtte' beautiful weather Thursday, The Safety Valve Letters from Statesman Readers IjEpt-haxtjed phani . ; . ;'. Indepundence, Ore. iauor of The statesman I am enclosing a clipping from the Nov. 25 issue of The States man. The picture in this clipping must hare beea made from a photograph and therefore la an ac tual reproduction of this partlcu lar scene. : If yon look closely. the plow is turning the furrow to the left; the horse en the left is in the furrow and the plowed field is to the left of the man nenind the plow. " Professor Wtt uam a. Myers of Cornell anlrer slty U shown ia this picture be- uma ms team, plowing on his mid western farm, and ta Aaurttut i the notes accompanying the pie- 1 1 v KB- iiiaifMii in lleier Plans to Return Monday Governor Julius I Meier and Mrs. Meier will return to Oregon on Monday, it was learned at the statehouse yesterday. They expect to leave San Francisco on Sunday, ty train, and to let off here, the governor going directly to the capltol. They hare been away a fortnight visiting their two daugh ters la the bay cjty. - . .. tftTg Last Day FIRST RUN! 6nm wy; y M, be :rsmm tare as a New Deal "hrain-troit- r' and two a very successful farmer, having descended from a long Una of progressive and suc cessful farmers la New Tork. 1 He is also governor of the rarra Credit Administration which pumps credit for'seeds, machinery, mortgages and agricultural debts to aid the American farmers. This pumping business is no doubt just a sideline or diversion from his successful farming operations. I began farming la New Yorkv I also farmed years la 'the mid west and have been farming la STARTS TOMORROW Jro SoaueTSfc:" ' a sat ' as a Spy " : a snsss tzm rrrx - tfSUf rtaTOI.tTOTSfiraBTs Last Naney Carroll Donald Cook ia "JEALOUSrV Oregon better than 49 years, bat have never achieved the suecess of Professor Myers with his left banded plow, and long line of, no doubt, left-handed ancestors, I now see where I have beea wrong all these years, and my on ly regret is having missed making the acquaintance of Professor My ers and his successful method of left-handed farming, as my plows always turned the furrow to the ngnt. HV CL Seeler. STARTS SUNDAY , KRST SHOWIKO SALESI - COLLEGE r cUTIES I AND CAMPUS- CUT-TJPS--Iji a Rollickirig Romance of Col lege Life. IV. w 5 i irtm r. 0 The Gall Board . . . GRAND Today Nancy ia "Jealousy." Carroll ELSIXORE Today Helen Hayes In "What Every Woman Knows." CAPITOL Today Doable bill, James Cagney In "Here Comes the Navy," and Be be Dan iels in "Registered Nurse." HOLLYWOOD Today Will Rogers "Handy Andy." in Buck Man STATE Today First, run, Jones in "When sees Red". Ssturday (To -be announc ed later.) After an bsenco Of more than a year Helen Hares has returned to tne screen to score another treat personal triumph. . Her latest picture, "What Ev ery woman Knows. the famous romance by Sir James Barrio. opens today at the Elslnore the atre to receive tht acclaim af j public and critics alike. The charming plot concerns the efforts of a retiring but capa- om scoicn woman to rind rn. mance. although handicapped by wnat sue calls "lack of charm." When her family finally arranres a marriage contract with a prom ising young man In the villare sne aevotes aer life to seeing thst ne become i a success. After their marriage when he has become a member of parliament, she finds I herself in conflict with the beau tiful women vf London. The way she holds and protects her hap piness provides gripping screen interest. Fails to stop Robert Stew art Fisher of Dallas was arrested here yesterday by city police for laumg to stop at a through street. He was cited to appear in manlctpal court today. MA rteOvncd Beater Today, Friday & Saturday, Matinee Each Day "' 2 pjn. 15c Work on the last link of un completed road in the Salem-Pacific coast shortcut route through Dallas, was begun this week when Theodore Arens of Portland put 11 men to work clearing right-of-way over the new route to be im proved nnder his contract. The stretch he will build runs from the Fern school to the Tillamook road, connecting with the latter slightly below the present Wal lace bridge. The contract for this new bridge across the Yamhill riv er will be let in December. Men for the clearing work have been drawn from Grand Ronde, WiUamina and Buell, according to William Blackley, Polk county employment officer. Heavy con struction will await the spring weather. - ' Arens also has a contract for construction on the Independenee Brunk's corner road, but has not started construction there. eaTSTaWWraSiBasaaaaiaVH lonitev "SS ij5 W "HERE 4 "COMES THE NAVY" ) Pat O'Brien I Bebe Daniels in "Registered Nurse" 500-Seats 15c mm EffiS with PEGGY WO O 0 CONCHirA MONT tNIOtO atAKY CAttlSU e tOGCR IMMOf aOIIKt TATtOt Added - Buster Keatoa la ' , " Alrs-Ooop, Cartoon Comedy aad r -Mctrotoaw Kewe , ; : 'AdJed r" lJUCK JONES ' la Chapter. 10 of' : "GORDON OP GHOST ciTsr TODAY AND SATURDAY Sir James Barrie's celebrated play, aow brought to the screen with all the charm and heart appeal that made Helen Hayes beloved ia mvu Hvixaaca mm XuC fc v Sin Of Madlnn n.nfa" W and "Farewell to Arms." jr vi..-vs.... ? s' i Pollack i and Band News n X i 2S IMfefe fTe ase no drag or operations. Most FEMALE COMPLAIXTS, APPEXDICITIS, O LUSTOXES, and CXXERS af the STOM ACH can be removed. Guaranteed remedies foe ARTHRITIS, PILES. SKIM DISEASES RHEUMATISM, and ailments of GLANDS, KIDNEYS, URINARY BLADDER of tnea and women. en; chan ilaei 5 Chinese Medicine Company S03H Court, Comer Liberty - Salem Office Hours i 10 A U. to 1 P. IL f rv u. to 7 P. M. Every Taesdsy ; and Saturday Only Licensed 1C D. Ttiysiciaas ' -5 It Years ta Business i Consnltatioa, . Blood I'rcsanre and - Urine Test aro Free of Charge ! -j n y OsUJs Caaa QOOll sroaa