The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 30, 1934, Page 10, Image 10

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    lie- OREGON STATESMAN Salg vQreg Friday Usndngl Ncvcnter S3, 1S34
PAG2 1Z11
Klierer. do. 8.3 9 : Wlllas Math-
lea,; do, 14.92; :Zora McGonegaL
,do, 3.99; Albert wengenrotn, ao.
5.87; Garl Wengenroth. do, .99;
' . mm m I uva x . tuvvw ivjkj
Tne I0U0WUJ2 13 tue OlllCiai 8. 7 6 : f J. Becker, v labor. 1.9 9 :
publication of the record of I Barney KanziL do, .9S: R. a
rlafms before the -Marion Mra. d? John Mccaiis-
L.mieei ter, do; 13.33: Eugene Meills, do,
county commissioners- conn 1 K ,--,,,.., cnmrunr n utt-
for the November term, 11133 Donald Vinton, do. 6.17; -Wesley jtos, etc., 48.83; Gabriel Powder
with the amount allowed, bills Vinton, do, Mi; .Wm. McUwain, I Sup. Co., powder. etc. 6J.84;
Dell A ,C Son., magneto , points.
25.93; Bochsler, Hardware, tiles,
etc 2.85; U. Boyer. cash a4T.
for stamps, 1.50; A. I. Brougher,
rope, etc, 3.80; W. E. Burns,
hose, etc., 8.44 ; Frank Doollttle,
tire. , etc.. 15.45;: D. G. Drager,
cash adr; for freight, 8.45; D. F.
Eastburn. sharpening tools, . etc.,
7.49; Ray I. Fanner Hdw., asbes-
talin, do, I.I 5; Harry Butte do,
19.95; Joe LaChapell do, 1.98;
Ralph Leabo, do, r; 17.85: Boy
Lore, do. S.I 8; Emil Hanson, do,
7.38; Frank Myers, do, 9,95; jack
Plrelle, do. 1.95; Mike Smith, do,
8.18; John, Baker, do, 26.38;
Tom Coleman, do, 7.11; P. B. Col
lins, do, 31.84; Robert ColTln, do,
19.90; Rafael Denyer, do, 13.43:
Julius Hanny, do, 7.98; John Hof
enbredl, do. II.IOj; W. A. How-
continued, etc., according ; to
the records in the office of the
county clerk.
November Term, 19:M
Miscellaneous ' Accta.: ' 'J. J.
Hollett, labor, 78.59; R. A. Hoop
er, do, 83.87; Floyd Langston, do.
71.59; John Sacre, - do, 79.59;
" Nick Echab, do, 107.64; ?L. W.
r Webber, do, 78.09. Road District
No. 12: W. T. Hogg, powder, 6;
A. L Brougher, bolts, etc., 2.S3;
Ruben De Jard en. labor. 13.93;
. Maurice Dugan. do. ' 34.83; A.
Oersch, do. 5.97; Minrod Gritzer,
de. 29.12; John Kinser, -do, 5.98;
. Mike Landwig, do. 22.88; Almond
Rich, do, 19.90; - Frankie Shep-
herd, do, 6.17; Glen Shepherd do,
3.23; Lewis Shepherd, do, 4.38;
Otis Shephard. do. 19.90; Geo,
Splonskl, do, 18.42; Henry. Well-
, man, do, 47.86; Jas. Culley, fore
man. 64.28. Road District No.
24: Jos. Heuberger. jr., labor,
tnrama n . fiA 'TX'" Pnfll Citr I T V. t m... t. cv.. ufi.1,1 arA An t A Pntrtw 1 t"h ninn
Trans. Co., oil,h4,l 4 ; Hammond I curtains, 17.9 0; Hcneyman Hard- j do, 1.9 9 ; Adrian Kromwell, do,
Lbr. Co., nails, 1;S A. B. Horner, ware Co., rope, etc, 31.34; How-
f ue, etc., 1.2 6 ; MiU City Serrice ard Cooper Corp., rlyets. ; etc..
Sta grease, 3.50; Raymond Case,
labor, 2.98; A. Decker, Co, 33.83;
Lewis Elaworth, do, 4.97; Ed
Grlffa, do, 4.97; OrrlUe Hayward.
do. 4.97; Reynolds Hesseman. do,
4.97; Chas. McSwen, do, 3.97;
301.31; i- Ira 'Jorgensen,' pclley.
etc., 254.50; Geo. Lawrence Co.
battery, etc., 22.77; Loggers. &
Cont. Mach. Co., nozzle, .etc.
20.22; Nelson Bros., Inc.. Iron,
4.30; V. E. Newcomb. tub and
4.97: Ralph Landers,' do, 21.891
Art Mix, do. 15.92; J. H. Prunk,
do, 18.90; Kenneth Purdy, do,
7.71; William Van Way, do,
19.90; Herman Darley. do, 5.97;
Gus E. Newman, do, 5.97; Harry
Rashel. do. 5.9 7 A. L. Arnold,
do, 25.92; Hugh. Bilyeu, do,
Bob Trask, do, 1.99; E. J. Rich- boots, 2; Oregon State High Comf 13.11; Donald Boyer, do, 3.98:
ards, foreman, 41.85; John Baker,
labor, 5.97; Maurice Baker, do.
1.99; Robert Col vis, do, 5.97;
Henry Dokkins, do, 7.46; Julius
Hanny, do, 4.97; Custer Johnson,
do, 5.97; Adrian Kromwall, do,
7.96; Ralph Landers, do, 5.47:
Raymond Parry, do, 1.99; Chas.
Parson, do, 7.96; Earl Prunk, do.
5.97; Geo.- Rake, do, 3.98; Wal
ter Rake, do, 8.70; Joe Weitman,
do, 19.90; Henry Stelnkamp, fore-
bor, 14.42; G. W. Godwin, do,
16.41: Herk Lawson. do. 16.41:
Harre Titus, do, 13.42; Leonard
Walker, foreman, 41.86: T. A.
3.98; Wesley Starr, do, 3.73: Joa. Cooper, labor, 8; A. B. Hlnz( wire.
Tnbr foreman. K 9S Road Din- etc., 6.3Z: Wnigbt Bros.. Spark
r I m - . . Am t m
trict No. . 28 H: Louis Betten- l Pugs, etc. z.; a. jr. uaaiey, re-
valve, etc, 33.58: Pohle Starer
Co nails, etc.. 3.82; ; Portland
Gen; Elec Co., electricity, 28.15:
Pure Iron CuIt. Mfg. Co., pipe,
31.43; Salem - Bargain House,
drums, etc.. 4 ; . Fred Schwab
ConvCo., tile, 3.86; Shell Oil Co.,
gasoline. 179.70; Silver Falls
Tbr. Co.. lumber, 1043.90; Paul
So wa. sharp, nlow shares, etc.. 3;
Standard Oil Co. of Calif., gaso- Alcher. relief, 15; GWda May An-
line. 132.56: E. G. Svron Mill, thony. do. 20: Geo. H. Ascnen
man, 74.75; T. L. Coleman, la-1 lumber, 689.63; Union Oil Co.- of j branner. do, 10; Erma Baker, do,
Joe Boyer, do, 12.93; Lorenee
Clark, do, .99 ; Mahlin DeCoster,
labor, 5.97; E. E. Grace, do,
11.94; Harry Marcum, do, 17.91;
W. E. Schaf far. do, 21.89; N. M.
Simpson, do, 13.93; Oliver Steven
son, do, 2.98. .
Norember Term. 1034
Poor . Acct.: Mrs. 1 Rosanna
Calif.. gasoUne. . 370.71: Valley 15; Mrs. E. L. Barton, do, 10;
Motor Co.. lack. etc.. 51.14: Lonls I Mrs. Stella Bean. do. 10; Rnth
court, labor, 31-09 ; x- H. Bolger.
do. 27.10 l John croisan, do. 5.97:
M. Crouser, do, - 75.24; . Frank
Hall, do, 5.97; A. Hansen,. d.
23.13; Byron Hurd, do, 35.07;
Jim Ingram, do, 2.98; Julius Jor
gensen, do, 49; Bob Judson, do,
7.96; Chas. Lytle, do, 9.95; - Geo,
Orsborn, do, 18.90; John Orsborn,
do, 4.99: E. J. Pearce. do, 33.31;
Roy Rice, do, 3.98; Chas. Risteen,
do, 5.22; M. L. Salchenber, do.
16.96; Clifford Thomas, do, 3.98;
pair chain, etc., 2.20; Smith fc
Fontaine, saw. blades, 4.90; Jake
Brown, labor, 5.97; E. E. Grace,
do, 5.98; Sherman Kcker, do.
1.99; N. M. Simpson, do, 3.98;
C. C. Smith, do, 2.98; Lee A.
Wells, foreman, 80.73; James
Cogswell, labor. 3.98; P. G. Judd,
do, 4.73; Gus Oraw, do, 3.98; Ed
ward Pierce, do, 1.99; F. L. Wal
ters, do, 1.49; W. W. Westen-
bouse, foreman. 50.36; J. A. Asp-
tnwau, labor, 81.48; Omer Eart-
Weissenfels, sharp, tools. 4; W.
P. Collard. gravel. 135.20; Chas.
H. Hoyt. do, 4798.25; Ladd '
Bush, bankers, do, 39.82; Oregon
Gravel uo., ao. s v.zb; e. jug
don, do, 7.88; Fred Womack, do,
81.13; Otto Boetticher, : hauling
gravel, 129.74; L. M Case, do.
758.50: M. Crouser, do, 38.99; W.
J. Davenport, do, 157.79; G. R.
Berry, do. 17.50: A. Bierward. do.
10; Emma J. Bigler, do, 15; Mm.
Mabie Talbot, relief of John
Bircher, 15; American Red Cross,
relief of Chas. P. Boies, 15; Hat
tie Bond, relief, 10; Pearl Bonney,
do, 10; Boys ft Girls' Aid Society,
do. 25; Geo. Braugh, do, 10; Mrs,
M. E. Brooks, do, 15; Mrs. Amos
Brown, do, 10; Jeneva E. Brown,
Dickenson, do, 56.80; Roy Dick-1 do, 15; Wm. G. Bnehanon. do,
enson, do, 89.80; J. A. Kapphahn,
do. 991.10; P". A. King, do,
323.35; Cleo Keppinger, do.
108.60; John .Nag, do, 577.20; E.I
L. Rigdon. do. 12.30: Fred Stew
art, do, 418.00; Holly Lewis, do,
63.36; L. R. Tweedle, do, 290.20;
8; Frank L. and Sarah R, Burch,
do, 20: Anna Butterfleld, do, 15;
Nellie Cahlll, do, 15; Mrs. Josle
Campbell, do, 7.50; Mrs. Effie
Cooder, do, 15; Jas. W. Covey, do,
15; Mrs. Edith Cratsenberg, do,
15; Mary E. Cummins, do, 15;
Floyd Thompson, do, 15.17: Ben ruff, do, 80.36; Leslie Bates, do, A. B. Wilson, do, 82.73; SUte Ind. Blanche Cnpp, do, 25; Clara May
Townsend. do. 41.79. William
Valentine,, do, 43.03; . Albert
Weathers, do, 9.20; R. Weathers,
do, 21.94; E. C. Willard, do,
,11.97; A. W. Wilson, do. 28.45;
L. H. Zielke, do. 17.95; R. J.
Bettencourt, foreman, 28.78; R.
.J. Bettencourt. do. 50.83. Road
District No. 32: Ralph Boedig
heimer, labor, 2.74; W. J. Ditter,
do, 3.36; N. E. Marvin, do, 3.36;
I. J. Boedighelmer, foreman,
5.98. Road District No. 24: Par
ry Lbr. Co., lumber, 12.68; Hugh
Harris, labor, 20.96; A. U. My
' ersj do, 6.96; A.- R. Myers, do,
' 2.98; G. D. Myers, do, 8.97; John
Rhoda. do. 3.98: Silas Rhoda. do,
5.47. Road District No. 36: HlU
Top Garage, tube, etc., '' 11.34;
Geo. M. Streff, welding, etc., 3.10,
W. M. Booker,- labor, 64.74; Har
ry Christian, do, 53.73; Emmett
Dorothy, ao, 3.98;. J. r, sewiey,
'foreman, 71.76. Miscellaneous
Accts.: Chas. K. Spaulding Log
Co.. lumber, 6.62; P. W. Owre, la
bor, 10.46; p. p. Cornelius, do.
23.88; Ernest Doerfler. do, 19.39;
S. H. Downing, do, 25.87; E. V.
Eaton, do, 23.88; Andrew Fisher,
do, 25.87; James W. Gilliam, do,
41.86; W, F. Krenz, do, 22.89;
C. E. Morley, do, 20.89; E. V,
Patton, do, 23.88; Theodore Fish
er, foreman, 55.35; H. C. Unrnh.
labor .74; W. P. Freres. do.99;
Jno. w. Etiel, foreman," 1.43; A.
3.98; O. D. Binegar. do. 79.23: J.
A. Burns, do, 14.95; F. A. Dut-
ton. do. 80.73: John Griesenaner.
do, 87.02; Ben H. Hawkins, do.
1Z9.74; v. J-'Hertz, do. 80.73: W
T. Hogg, do, 65.02; Albert Horn
ing, do, 11.96; Earl Horning, do,
35.88; Harry E. Horning, do,
zu.93; wm. R. Klne. do. 64.48:
Geo. Mahrt. do, 51.73; Lester Mc-
Ilwain. do, 80.73; Raymond B,
Miller, do, 72.27; H. Paulson,' do,
80.73; Anton Penka. do. 43.60: E
J. Richards, do. 35.87: W. A
Rlggs, do, 6.72; Nick Schab, do.
14.95; Dan Scharf. do. 74.75: O
G. Shepherd, do, 20.93; F.- R.
Woelke, do. 80.T3; Clyde Wood
ruff, do, 80.73; Linn Co., Oregon,
joint account, 524.28; Cent
ral Inspection Bu.. instfectinz
steel, 95.56; Tow Llllebo. pay
ment on contract, 6910.56; Build
ing supply Co., Inc., lead, etc.,
23.30; J. E. Haseltine A Co..
ooiis, etc., 70.47; Jesse Bark
hurst, timbers. 24; Robert Bye..
Jr., labor, 74.75; L. M. Doerfler,
do, 65.78; An tone Feskens, do.
z.79; Marion P. Fischer, do,
71.76; Don Goode, do. 44.85: Al
bert Kennies, do, 74.75; Carl R.
Jones, do, 74.75; Theodore Kuen
zi, do, 74.75; Greg A. Robl, do,
71.76; Frank Schampier, do,
7i.7b; Geo. Tnomas, do- 71.76:
Clarence Zuber. do, 74.75: Phol
lip Fischer, foreman, 174.75;
Acc. Com., insurance. 663.17:
Darel Blanchard, labor, 15.41;
John McAllister, do, 15.41; Char
lie Sperling do, 15.41; Julius Han
ny, do. 7.46; W. A. Howard, do,
7.46; Harvy Snyder, do, 7.46;
Bert Barkhurst, do, 13.42; Paul
Biziko, do, 12.42; S. W. Brown,
do, 20.93; R. C. Fitzjerell, do,
8.95; E. Z. Kaufman, do, 21.89;
O. Lunceford, do, 13.42; J. W.
McG&e, do, 2.48; Bryan Potter, do,
2.98; Otis Shepherd, do, 16.40;
Floyd Stalger, do, 11.92; Bert
rand Iversen, foreman, 55.85;
Geo. Bent, labor, 11.44; Clyde
Mennis, do, 1.99; John Baker, do,
10.44; Maurice Baker, do. .49;
Robert Colvin, do, 21.38; Henry
Dokkins, do, 13.92; Lester Ellis,
do, 19.40; Julius Hanny, do. 9.95;
W. A. Howard, do, 9.95; Custer
Johnson, do, 16.90; Adrian Krom
wall. do, 19189; Ralph Landers,
Davis, do, 15; Clara I. Dimick, do,
25; UlysMLEUen Dodge, ao, io;
Mrs. Annangeihart, do, io; Mrs
Rose Farlow, do. 10; A. R. Fer
guson, relief of self and wife, 25;
Leonard Flelsehman. relief of
self and wife, 15; Margaret Fuchs
relief. 15; Florence L. Fnrman
relief of self and husband, 20;
Carrie Gilbert, relief, 15; Mrs.
Florence Graham, do, 20; J. H.
Harper, do, 8: J. F. Bewley, relief
of Levi A. Harris, 10; Grace A.
Hart, relief, 10; Mrs. Hattie G.
Hart, do, 20 Edna May Harvey,
do, 25; Geo. & Addle Tayes, do,
20; Annette A. Hicks, do, 20 Lil
lian Hill, do, 201 Robert Hodge,
do. 10; Effie R. Holland, do. 20;
Mrs. Lola Huddleston, do. 20;
Mary Jackson, do, 15; Rosa Jor
dan, do, 15; Sarah E. Kephart, do,
15; Mrs. J. F. Cook, relief of
Roby Kiser, 25; Katherine Kopf,
do, 9.95; Vernon McEllister, do, I relief, 15; Mrs. Elizabeth Krause,
1.49; Chas. Parson, do, 17.41;
Earl PTunk, do, 20.89; Walter
Rak, do, 17.90; Harry Snyder, do,
6.96; Earl Standley, do, 13.68;
Joe Weitman, do, 3.98; George
Williams, do, .49; E. R. Clark, do.
11.94; Herman Darley, do, 11.94;
Carl Gibson, do, 11.94; John Hof
fenrettle, do, 8.95; L. L. Hollen
hers, do, 11.94; G. E. Newman,
do, 11.94; Harry Rashel, do,
11.94; T. J. Sprinkel, do, 11.94;
J. P. Steele, labor. 11.94: H. L.
do, 15; Ruth Larson, do, 32.50;
Orpha Lee Loter, do, zo; Emma
Lundeen, do, 15; Ere Martin, do,
10; Paul Matt, do, 6; Mrs. Delia
M. Shaw, relief of Harry Meeker,
25; Carl H. Johnson, relief, 10;
Regina Moffenbier, do, 15; Mrs.
May Nelson, relief of Wm. Nel
son, 10; R. G. Henderson, relief
of J. H. Nlckerson, 10; Mrs. Al-
vira Northcutt, relief, 12.50: Mrs,
June Nussear, do, 25; Mrs. Kirsti
Odman, do, 20; Anna Ott, do, 15;
J. Puazel, labor, 35.81; Merle Henry Anderson, labor, 24.87; Ot-j Stewart, do, 23.94; Gus Oraw, do, Mrs. Louisa Paquette, relief of
Beckner, do, 17.95; R. L. Beck-
ner, do, 19.95; Herman Beier, do,
9.95; Walter Coonse, do, 11.94;
F. T. Diem, do. 23.94: F. W.
Diem, do, 13.93; Geo. Ector, do,
13.93; O. G. Garner, do, 17.95;
Albert Glrod, do. 1.99; Ed. W.
Martin, do, 33.33;. W. Panther,
do, 9.95; a M. Prickett, do, 9.95;
Fred Stolk, do. 7.96; Fred Zielin-
ski, do, 11.97; Robt. Cole, fore
man. .56.79; W. M. Bernard, posts,
3; Lester Bunnlng, labor, 3.73:
Gus Crate, do, 4.97; John Gearln,
do; 7.98; Tom Graham, do. 15.92;
Wni. J. Murphy, do. 47.78; F. P.
Myers, do, 11.93; John Scbnieder,
do, 22.80; Emil E. Van Damme,
Jr., do, 9,95; Em lie Van Damme,
19.90; Bert woodmir, do, 9.94;
J. L. cook, loreman, 76.24; A,
Knorie; labor, .99; Leroy Aman,
do, 19.94; Clement Berning, do,
22.94; Gust Bialy. do, 3.98; Geo.
Bielemier. do. 11.94; Ben Bittler.
do, 22.93; Peter Borschowa, la
bor, 5.97; Martin Buchoitz, do,
6.98;, Wilbert J. Davidson, do,
2.98; Albert Delhi, do, 13.96; An
ton Engelhart, do, 11.94; Gaylor
English, do, 5.97 ; Howard For-
dyce, do, 7.96; Anton Frlson. do,
1.99; Lawrence Germs, do, 22.67:
Chas. Gllles, do, 13,96; John Gil-
les, do, 3.98; Anton Griesenaner,
do, 19.60; Ed Griesenaner, do,
5.97; Wm. Grimm, do, 27,42; Vin
cent urosjacques, do, 9.95; Fred
Hassing, do, 3.99; Anton Hauth,
do. 4.98; Ed Hotter, do. 6.98; Al-
oy Humpert, do, 4.97; -Kenneth
to Anderson, do, 28.80; R. Ander
son, do, 25.87; Bert Barkhurst,
do, 15.92; Jesse Barkhurst, do.
1.99; Paul Biziko, do. 14.92; Dar
yl Brown, do, 1.99; S. W. Brown,
do, 23.94; W. J. Davenport, do.
t.99; Jobn T. Dunagan, do,
26.86; R. C. Fitzjerell, do. 16.91:
Joe Fritz, do, 23.94; W. E. Ful
ler, do, 1.99; Glen Haynes, do,
7.96; Holden Holm, do, 69.80;
Ed Henson, do, 12.43; E. Z. Kauf
man, do, 18.89; A. W. Lawrence,
do, 31.33; O. Lunceford, do, 5.97;
Clyde McKillop. do. 35.81: J. T.
McKHlop, do, 10.95; Ray McKil
lop, do, 1.99; W. H. Mlethke, do,
Z7.86; Frank. Shepherd, do. 19.95;
L. B. Shepherd, do. 45.85: Otis
Shepherd, do. 12.93: ,W. N. SJov-
angen, do, 41.28; Floyd Staiger,
do, 2Z.87; J. J. Stalger, do. 42.86:
Bertrand Iversen, foreman, 53.86;
Bertelson & McShane. covers. 1 :
Dougbton & Sherwln. spikes.
12.55; Ross Service Station, gaso
line, 4.09; A. C Haag & Co.,
wheel, etc., 28.65. Battle Creek
crusner Acct.: Oscar Hoven. la
bor, 2.99; Arthur Morgan, do,
6.98; otto Hoven. foreman. 7.98
Stayton Crusher Acct.: Columbia
Steel Cast. Co., steel teeth, 41.68;
Deidrich S. Hardw., bolts.. .95;
Fisher & Son, boots. 6; Link Belt
co., chain, etc., 235.73: J. H
Missler, bolts, etc., 10.05; Murphy
uaraner co., lumber, 11.15;
Portland Stay. Truck line, link
beR, etc.. 6.75; W. W. Rose-
braugh, labor, etc., 113.78;
9.95; Leland Scott, do, 4.97; Carl
Trick, do, 4.97; Lester Mcllwain,
do, 44.85; John Croisan. do.
22.26; F. Hall. do. 11.94; A. W.
Henry, do, 8.33; A. Holland, do,
self, Nora Pluard and Josephine
Jeaudin, 2.5; Wm. H. Parrls, re
lief, 10; Mrs. D. A. Parsons, do,
15; B. A. Borrevlk, relief of Olea
Pedersen, 15; Chas. Petersonle,
3.98; Jim Ingram, do, 6.46; Bob relief, 10; Anna Dugh, do, 18.50;
Judson, do, 22.25; A. Kleen. do.
11.97; C. Lytle, do, 14.30; John
Papenfus, do, 22.26; C. W. Parks,
do, 16.29: E. G. Pearce, do. 7.98;
D. Pettyjohn, do, 7.96; J. Picker
ing, do, 2.36; Elmer Pureell, do,
16.29; Chas. Risteen, do, 1.99: M.
L. Salchenberg, do, 19.95; H.
Schmidt, do, 7.96; L. Spaulding,
do, 13.93; F. Straun, do, 3.98;
ciiiford Thomas, do, 23.25: M.
E. Tingley, do, 25.87; R. Weath
ers, do, 7.98; R. J. Bettencourt,
foreman, 43.35; Herman Darley,
labor, 1.99; Harry Reishel, do,
1.99; F. H. Bowers, do, 9.95;
Henry Dokkins, do, 9.95; John
Hof enbredl, do, 7.96; W. A. How
ard, do, 11.94; Ralph Landers,
do, 11.94; Earl Prunk, do, 11.94;
G. L. Snyder, do, 10.94; Harvey
Snyder, do, 11.94; Loyd Van
Nuys, do, 11.69; Joe Weitman, do.
11.94; Raymond Perry, do, 7.96;
Harold Perry, do, .3.98; Bert
Anna F. Ratcliffe, do, 15; May
Raymond, do, 15; Allois L. Red-
fern, relief of Luella Redfern. 20;
W. L. Cobb, relief of Grant Relfe,
12.50; Eber Rember, do, 15; Mrs.
Annie Renick, do, 15; Catbrlne L,
Rhodes, do, 15; Lucille Rogers,
do, 15; Joseph J. Rondeau, do,
7.50; Alfred Rose, do, 15; Flor
ence A. Rossell, do, 25; Anna
Ruseher, do, 20; Henry L. Sags-
void, do, 10; Lucy M. and New
ton M. Sewell, do, 25; Newton
Shepherd, do. 15; Nellie Simpson,
do, 10; C. O. Sipes, do, 15; Mrs.
W. R. Slyter, do. 15; Mrs. Elean
or Steward, do, 10; Mrs. Mary R
Steward, do, 20; Hulda Stripling,
do, 8; Murtfs M. Syphert, . do,
10; Addle Tupper, do, 15 ;'Sa villa
Waldron, do, 15; Fern A. Wen
genrotn, do, 20; Mrs. Anna L.
Wheeler, do. 10; Mrs. W, H. Wil
liams, do, 10; Mary Wirtz, do.
15; Mrs. June Woodward, do, 20;
Barkhurst, do, 17.91; Jesse Bark-(Andrew Yost, do, 15; Alma Zuer-
hurst, do. 19.90; R. C. Fitzgerald.
do, 21.89; Glen Haynes, do, 18.90;
E. Z. Kaufman, do, 17.91; J. T.
McKillop, do, 19.94; Floyd Stalg
er, do, 17.91; Bertrand - Iverson,
foreman, 47.88; Chas. Dew, labor,
5.97; Marion Koffman, do, 5.97;
Joe LaChapell, do, 5.97; A. M.
Ratcliff, do, 5.97; Mike Smith, do,
cher, do, 30; .W. L. Cobb, relief
of Chas, Groening, 10; H. F. War
ren Co. Com., maint free emp
bu., 100; Dr. Verden E. Hockett,
co. pnysician,- 65. Assessor's Of
fice Acct.: R. Shelton. deputy,
115; A. W. Jones, do, 115; Eva
Roberts, clerk, 100; Alma Acker
man, do, 100. Clerk's Office
Kehoe, do,f 5.97: Alois Klrtch, do. Schleis Bros, garage, welding, etc., 3.98; James Yates, do, 5.97; Hen- Acct: C. C. Ward, deputy, 115;
11.97; Walter Koppes. do. .49; i 89.43: Jacob Spaniol, roflng. etc..
Anton Kramer, do, 18.95; Geo. I 44.35if Stayton Hardw. Co., Inc.,
Kruse, do. 17.95; Ed Landers, do. I machine bolts, etc 56.15: Stavton
' 2.98; John McDonald, do, 9.95; J Switchboard ' Assn., telephone
Ambrose' Nehl, do, 1.99; Andrew messages, 5.73; Geo. Brown, la-
uster, do. ll.4; joe Oster,, do, oor, 7Jcti D. Hetrlck, do, 29.92;
8.95; Chas. Reynolds, do, 11.94; Bert Keifchley. do. 80.72: Leland
Joe Rlchter; do, 6.97; Raymond Keithly-doJ.g 8; Wes Riggs, do,
uoinemiuscn, ao, 9.7; Aiirea .s; u. u. 5tayton-do, 77.74;
scniedier, do, 17.95; Arnold Trevor Stayton, do, 77.74; C. C,
Scniedler. do, 17.95; John Schles- SUyton. foreman, 129.58. En
ry Dokkins do. 13.93; Julius Han
ny, do, 10,94; Ralph Kelly, do,'
7.96; Earl Prunk, do. 13.93: G.
L. Snyder, do, 7H; Harry Sny
der, do, 13.93; Earl Stanley, do.
.99; E. Beach, do, 17.91; James
Cogswell, do, 5.97; Ora E. Davis,
do, 18.90; A. Hendrickson, do,
W. S. Lamkin, do, 115; J. H.
Ward, do, 110; A. M. Presnall,
do, 100; H. C. Mattson, deputy,
50; H. A. Judd, do, 50. Dog Li
cense Fund Acct.: H. A. Judd
clerk, 50. Court House Acct.: A,
H. wyatt, janitor, 70; V. w. Hill,
do, 70; L. Hdbson, do, 70; J. H
4.97; J. S. Jones, do, 9.95; Gus Kirsch, elevator operator, 35; Al
io ger, do, 7.96; Martin Seller, do.
iw.97; 'Felix Skonetzni. do. 7.96:
Frank Slaby. do, 1.74; Joe Slaoy.
ao, Z8.85; John SUhL dd,-1.99;
. Raymond Terhaar. do, 3.9 8 ; Al
fred ' Thomas, do, 9.9 5 ; 5 Clayton
Thomas, do, 15.96; Melvin Tor-
- tsdal, do, 19.94; Anton Vandecov-
ering, do, 3.99;, Ben Wge. do,;
11.69; j Charles Wampole. do,
15.41; joe wavra, do, 19.94; Loa
" is WaVra,. do, 1 1.9 6 ; ; Jehs Wru-
16.95; Miko Zeis, do,J 1T.95; Ah
; ton Zollner, do,' 13.63;- Arnold
Zollner, do, 2.73; Gerald Zollner,
ao, 13.93; Jee.Zonaer,- do, 9.95;
gineer's Office Occt.: Needham's
Book Store, stencils, etc., 4.25;
The Pacific Tel. t Tel. Co., tele-
pnone, 9,25; Glodys M. Scott, cash
adr. for; stamps, 1; Gladys M.
Scott, vlerk, 75; H. S. Swart, trav
eling expenses, 72; H. S. Swart,
engineer, 149.73; Henry Tymer
Co., books, etc., 10.42. Buena Vls-
U Ferry Acct: B. A. Snyder, la
nor. 9.6i: A. I Thomas & Co,
Oraw, do, 5.97; Edward Pierce,
do, 15.92; Ed Weetenhouse, do,
15.92; City of Aumsville. last
halt 1932 .031 mill rd. tax. 0.26;
City of -Aurora, do, 186.14; City
of Donald, do, :77.21; City of Ger-
?ais, do, 215.94; City of ' Hub
bard, do, 239,78; City of Jeffer
son, do, 297.12; City of ML An
gel, do, ,584.12; City of Scotts
Ice Danlen,-do, 35. Dlat. Attys,
Office Acct.: Lyle J. Page, de
puty, 175; Lucile Mosher, stenog
rapher, 50. Health Officer's
Acct.: V. A. Douglas, health of
ficer, 190; Irma S. Le RIche,
nurse, 110; Ethel Lermon, clerk.
66.66. Salem Justice Court Acct.:
Alma Johnson, stenographer, 75,
Juvenile Court Acct.:, Nona
White, probation officer, 109.61
Mills do, 85.35; City of Silrertoa.
do. 1794.54; City of St. Paal, do. J Recorder's Office Acct: Eva C.
67.31: . Citv Of Sublimit-. - do. 1 rntrnrilt. Atmnt-r. Iftft"- Wvrtla HL
rofing, 3. Gasoline Acct: Arrow 88.98; City of Turner, do, 206.52: 1 Beecrott do. lflOr At C. Snnd-
w ctuupanj, sasouner auis.4. t uny or woodourn, izoo.76;- City borg, do, 9 o.-Registration and El
General i Expense Acct.: Canitallof AumsTili. tint hif isaa eat I cinn ai : u n uthAn
Journal, pabl. claims 13.60; Ore- mill rd. Ux, 59.66; City of tAur- clerk, 60. Schooi Supts. Office
. . . . uw. - ow i ora, ao, isi.zo; uuy oi uonaia, i Acct: t'ert . Keld.: assistant.
"' accls.: ABsocJaieo uii uo., oo, itji; city of Gervals, do.
Steve ZoUner, do, 7.71; Mangold (gasoUne, 3.08; The General Tool 204.6
Hardware.' nails. 1.00: Leo Ban
man, labor, 6.97; ed Dobacan, do.
1 1.9 4 ; 'Kty Dickenson, -. do.' -.9 9 :
Joe Eudrigo, do, 1.93; Chas. Fou-
mai. do, 9.95;' Geo. Gent : do.
13.93; jJames Lerthri do. 3.9:
Henry Lelae, do, 2.98; Roy Scol
lard, dd, 1.99; P. E. Jensen, fore
man., 47.84; Pete Jones, labor,
5.96 ; Walter Riner, do, -1.9 3;
Jafne Ya tes, do, . 1.9 8 : Qi Zelin-
Co., steely 67.14;-Maple Park Gar
age, spark plug, .65; McAlvin Top
' Body -Shop, renair - eurtalns.
12.85. Powder Qcct: Bert Hulat,
rent or magazine, lr West Coast
Powder Co., powder,. 1170. Road
Kouer Acct: . E. p. Houghton &
Co washers, etc. .75: Larmeri
Transf. it Stor coal, 3. Santiam
Transient: Camp: Salem Hard
ware Co., sledge nandles. 7 ete.
27.37.-rsnovei-Aeets.: John A.
Roebiings Sons Co.,, steel
.67; City of Hubbard. . do.
282.31; City of .Jefferson; . do,
289.23; CUy.of Mt Angela do,
584.45; City of Scotta. Mills, do,
4.Z4; city of SilTerton; do,
1785.65; City of " t Paul,, do,
100; Cora E. Retd, truant officer.
15; -Wayne D. Harding, supervis
or, 120. Sheriffs Office Acct
Newell Williams,, deputy, 124.69
B. R. Smith; do, 119.69; W, R.
Richardson, do, 109.69; . Jl M.
Dalrymple,4o. 114.49; L. E. Neet,
- 1
ski. do.' 3.93; Grant Jones, .fore
man, 22.40; R. O. Amort tabor,
,14.44: Lars Barney do, 3.88; Jayl etc.. 27.82. Tool House Acct? or-
Bleakney, jr.. do, .1.99; Frank f egon Wash. Water Serr. Co., wa-
uurce, ao, B.9s:. Joe uing.. oo.i ter, z.Oi; T&e Pacific Tel & TeU
2,98;: Ward Ughtheart, do, 10.44; I Co.; telephone,. 5.40 rEmila Schae-
Alford-,Petersoir, do; 88; Mike fer, iodine, v etc,"- 1.04; Valley
Bhafer labor, 1.99; C. J, Strom, Mach.. 4ks.Weld.:Co oxygen, etc
do, .9.94; -Al; Tippner, do,,. 3.96; 4.35; 'Weodbury. Co.. drills; etcv
T. - Vlm:i A. n & O . T M V 7.1 I It ,f , - . . . - n. I
iwii; iuu, w, uua ivri .. nucfc wccu.;- toil i,iec- 1113. OO, 18.40; Ed Kottek-' lr
toffr do, 1.91; J, E. Kimsey, fore- trie. Inc.; lamps, 7.71; Mike Pan- do, 11.14; O. Luneeford? io.
man. 57.55: Bert Butterfleld,-' la-I ek, adjust "brakes, etc- 7:40. Alls-1 21.89: Haroiais. .nm. Hvi
65.22; Clf of " . Sublimity, ; Ho, j do, 1 0 1.H9 ; . H.v Wm.-; Thlelsen, do,
wijei lurner. ao,; I 99.69; Paul Griebenow, 4o; 100
r"y WI wooaourn, oo, -lzuz.wa; i Robert Wagers, do,' 100; T.
jonn vender, . labor, v 25.87; I Brabec, . do, 100; H. J. Thomas
Mowara iienningsen, do, 43.89; L. l do. loo.-' Treasurer's Office Aect
- - " ..... muisi, i hi . x .- xueukrasun, uepuij, , lis
Mills, do, 25.87; Tom TJurham-1 Miscellaneous Occts.; Verden E
mer, OO, Z4.87:. BUl- NOrriS, dO. I Hoekett - rHf nt Vru ' A W
25.87; John Papenfus do, 25.87; Arms, 2.60; Joseph M. Terry, re
BU Peterson, do, 51.87; R. RiafJ HefC1250; Roy C. Davenport, re-
, w, t. w- saicnen-i net, ot Alfred' Howe, 10-iRoy C
Jffs do, 51.87; W. Af Shorey. do; Davehort relief of Mrs; N. Han
13.93; E.- a Willard, dor'23.14 senr 15. ' Co.' Arent Aeet:V m a
Robert Barkhurst do,V18.l3r Jes- We1ch,-"clerkv7.50.tarcntt-Court
so Haggerd, do, l-.WF.WvHasf Acct;v CTakamM'Ci Oregon.
Jurors, Trem bath ts.' Callan,
144.20; Motel Argo, meals to
jurors. 14: Mrs. T. C Mountain
oo; 9.m I cash adr; lor hotel, l.50 Clerk'
.".-.- -". -, om wf, u, 1.1 i naiier iiougn-iery, Dtnalng, warrant dflpi I
bor. .99; Gerald Butterfleld, ao,l cellaneous Acets.: Geo. EL Allen. 1 9.95: Dalbert -staiw
.9.911 James . cooper, . oo,v. eju spikes,, etc., 23.80; . Ames Hard-1 Joo Evans, do, 1.91; Fred Gels-
j rana cronm. ao, . b.3: .vvari
Remington'-Rand, Ine typewrit-
era. 1I1.S0; Typewriter Exchange,
coupon book, 6. Coroner's Office
Aect : Dr. H. A. Gueffroy, exam..
I; pr. J. O. Van Winkle, exam.,
Co. Court 4k uommissioners-
Acct: Capital ' Jonrnal, pubt
claims, 190; Oregon Statesman,
do,-20.10; Roy 8. Melson; salary
4b ex p., 135; J. E. Smith, salary
4t expense. 135. Court House
Acot: Capital City Lanndry, laun
dry, 14 9; Graber Bros., Taive,
3.60; John B. Nathman, pipe, etc.',
.71. . Oregon wash, water eerv.
Co4 Vater, S.71; Otla EleTator
Co., elevator . malnt; 6; Packer
Scott Co., floor brush, 5.68; Port
land Gen. Elec .Co electricity,
135.47; West Coast Mfg. Co., Ine
powder, 12. Dist Attys. Office
Aect; H J. Bratzel, reporter,
7.50: Wm. H. Trindle, cash adv.
for stamps. 29.64. Western Un
ion TeL Co.. telegrams, 4.09
Health Officer's Acct: Abbott
Laboratories, supplies, 3.49; V. A.
Douglas, traveling expenses.
30.50: Irma Le Rlche. do, 25; Dr.
Wm. Levin, vaccine points, etc
33.60; Marion Co Dept. of
Health, maintenance, iO; Parke
Davis it Co.. thio bismol, 3.20
Herd Inspector's Acct: John M.
Hanrahan, assistant, 10.50; G. F.
Korinek, do, 20.75. Horticultur
Ufs Acct: , S. H. Van Trump,
alary and expense, 120.30. Jail
Acct.: A. C. Burk. board ot pris
oners, 338.86; Red Cross Pbarm-
ary, medicine for prisoners, 6.09;
Sanitary Serr. Co., Inc., removing
garbage, l: Dr. A. u. wooaman
see. extract, teeth Tbos. Savage,
4. Salem Justice Court Acct: H.
J. Bratzel, reporter, 5; S. C. Cat
lln & R. K. Page, rent 40; M. B.
Hayden, cash adr. tor stamps.
1.60. Juvenile Court Acct: Nona
M. White, stamps, etc.. 7.15. Law
Library Aect: Bancroft Whitney
Co., law books, 7.50; West Pub
lishing Co.. subscription, 6. Poor
Acct: American Can Co., lifter
plate, 5.51; Ames Hardware,
lamps, etc., 1.62; Yvonne Aufrane,
clerk, 32.60; E. L. Baker, rent.
40: Constance Bason, care of Mrs,
Bialer. 3: Josephine Baumgartner,
rent. 20: Bishop's Cloth & Wool
en Mills Store, clothes, 48.61; A.
L. Brourher. roc for Mrs.'Berk-
ner. 11.42; Bulick's. groc. for
Mrs. Word en, 6: Dora Chiles, care
of Lida Mars, 24.48: Frank U.
Clark; kitchen cabinet 25; Frank
C. Clark, board ot inmates,
136.50; Clough Barrick Co., bur
ials, 53; Doughton & Sherwin,
knives, etc., 5.64; Ekman Funer
al home, burial oCwJay Graham,
41; Evenden DrugCo., medicine,
60; Ray L. Farmer Hdw. Co.,
knives, etc., 4.90; Blanche B.
Ferguson, reporter, 6: Salem Dea-
coness Hospital Care of Margar
et Webb, 2; care of Rea Belgarde,
6; care of Richard Groketf 1;
cafe of Eugene Morris, 1; care
of La Vera Cain, 8 ; care of Law
rence Cooper, 1 ; care ot Fred
Baker, 46.50; care of Amelia
Cottrell, 46.50; care of Elizabeth
McAfee, 46.50; care of John Glan-
don, 46.50; care of OUie Olson,
46.50; care of W. S. Brown,
46.50; care ot Rolland O. Lee,
46.50; care of Jacob Gotthart,
46.50; care of Mrs. A Owens,
46.60; care of Mark T. Ray 46.50;
care of Lucille Garner, 32.95;
care of Tbos. Osborne, 46.60; care
of Earl Foster, 46.50; care of J.
N. Hornbuckle, 46.50; care of Eu-
lalia Sarty, 48; care of J. B. Ja
cobs, 21; care of Jerry Guyer, 36;
care of Isabella Douglas, 33; care
of David Drysdale, 42; care of J.
M. Hoke. 21: care of Edgar A.
Hooper, 6; care of Jas. Martin,
12; care of Mrs. A. E. Ratzburg,
3.70: care of Mrs. Belle Church
111, 4.60; Fry's Drug Store, medi
cine, 26.27; Margaret Fuchs, cash
adr. for impr., 46.80; A. W. Gaub,
wod. 12; B. F. Glesy. care of poor,
29.75; Greenbaum's Dept. Store,
clothes, 89.45; Hammond Lbr.
Co.. groc. for Nina Kahler, 9.95;
Arthur Heiney, repair tower,
1.99: Hubbard Drug Co., medi
cine, 6.50; Frances Keene, use of
car, 15; R. F. Larson & Son, bur
ial of K. Utech, 41; Alvia Love,
use of car, 15; McClean Transp.
Co.. transp. CCC boys, 45.20;
Milton McKInney, wood, 25; Fred
Meyer, Inc., medicine, .98; Miller
Merc. Co., clothing, 65.98; Moore
& Beers, medicine, 7.12; Nelson
Bros., Inc., valves, etc., 19.34;
Gus Newman, sacks, 2.25; H. L.
Oldenburg, board of Inmates,
143.08: Olsen Pharmacy, medi
cine. 4.60: Oregon wasn. water
Serr. Co.. water, 4.03; Carl W
Parker, labor. 8.97; J. C. Penney
Co., Inc., clothes, 5.23; Perry's
Druir Store.-medicine. 38.42; Jas
Plant, digging grave, 2.50; Pohle
Staver Co.. oil, etc., 13.25; Port
land Gen. Elec. Co.. electricity,
12.18: Elmer Pureell, repair roof.
5: Red Cross Pharmacy, medi
cine. 3.55: W. T. Rigdon it Son.
burial ot J. B. Jacobs, 35; Jacob
A. Rise, gloves, etc., 7.95; Harold
Rosebraugh, foreman, 20.95; Sa
lem Drug Co., medicine, 13.24; Sa
lem Taxi Service, Inc., ambulance
services;-9; Emil A. Schaefer,
medicine, .11.14; Serve Rite Gro
cery, groc. for R. L. Hodge, o;
Gerald B. Smith, M. D.. medicine,
etc., 7.76; Chas. K. Spaulding
Log. Co., hardware cloth, .84;
Standard Oil Co., ot Calif., germ
ite, 1; Mrs. Paul Stavenau, care
ot Robt G. HaU, 35; Stayton
Hardware Co. Inc., rope, etc.,
1.75: Geo. W. Steelhammer. med
icine, 10.45; Union Oil Co. "of
Calif.; spray, etc., 7.05; Mrs. C.J.
Van Avery, care of Newt Horn
buckle, 6; Mrs. Al -..Vanderbeek,
rro. for P. Lachapelle, 10; Walter
Von. Flue, xelief lor . K Utech,
2.50; Janet ;Weil, use of ear. 15;
WeodburnwWater Works, water
for Flelschaan's, 2.65;-Woolpert
it . Legg, medicine,. . 17.6 6L. . Co
Property Acct: Ladd & Bush, ex
change charge. 2.04; J. C Wage
man, commission on sale,-25. Re
corder's Office Acct:. Mildred R.
Brooks,-cash adr; for stamps', 10;
H. R. Crawford, - envelopes.
181.52: E, B. Field, clerk, 70.50;
H. C. Schofield, do, 28.60; Louise
Spalding, do, 12. Reg. ft Election
Acct.: The Capital Press,' printing
noUces, 14.45; Elliott Printing
House Inc., printing, 45: " O. J
Moisah, delivering boxes; 10; Ore
gon Statesman, printing ballots.
462.71; Oregon Statesman, publ.
notice, 6.26; Unruh Knapp Print
Co., rubber stamp,, .50; Willam
ette Valley Sup. Co socket, etc.,
.62; A. A,Jeer, reg. voters, 11.80;
A. J. Johnon, clerk, 40.40;-H. A.
Judd. do, 2.25; J. Bi, Kirsch, ele
vator operator,. t;. W. 8. Lamkin,
clerk, l; H. C. Mattson, do. 19.75
AjrUrPreanair. do, 4;. Helen ScKck
field-, do; 65r .Ralphs 8ecor,.:do
64.60; J. H. Ward. do. 1; G. E.
White, do,- 85.69. . School Supta.
Office : Aect: s Bertelson ft Mc
Shane; envelopes, etc; 48.50
Helena Estudtllo, clerk,- 3; Mary
tnte exp, 120; Mary L. fulkerson,
cash adr. forttamps, etc, 160;
Mary L. Fulkerson, traveling ex
penses, 42.72; J. K. GUI Co., ex
amination tests, 13 5.8 6 ;T Wayne
D. Harding,' traveling expenses
4-H club, 8.77: Wayne D. Har
ding," cash adv. for express, .61;
Wayne D. Harding,- use of car,
24.24; Kraps ft Long,, outlmea,
56.80: Cora E. Reld. 4-H club
work, 10; H. Schellberg, carpen
try work, 2.99; Thlelsen ft Row
land Co., print directories, 75.
Sealers of Weight ft' Measures
Acct: J. F. Jones, sealer, 30.78.
Sherifrs Office Acct: Oregon
Statesman, tax statements, 18.80;
Postal TeL ft Cable Co., telegram,
1; Unruh Knapp Print Co., en
velopes, 15 Western Union TeL
Co., telegrams, .60; J. A. Kallak,
clerk, 78.75; T. J. Brabec, ;. do.
20.21; H. J. Thomas, do, 17.39;
Robert Wagers, do, 9.40; L. E.
Neet, do, 17.39; Paul Grlebenow,
do, 11.28. Surveyor's Office Acct:
Typewriter Exchange, clean, ma
chine, 8.50. Treasurer's Office
Acct: D. G. Drager, cash adr. for
stamper 15. Wood Aect: Geo. W,
Herschbach, repair house, 12.98;
Nelson Bros. Inc., pipe, etc., 4.05;
W. G. Nichols, foreman, 14.94:
City of Salem .cutting grass, 2.91.
Dog License Fond Acct: Paul
Marnach, collecting del. lie.
144.78; J. H. Porter, inves. sheep
claims, 5.48; T. W. Beamish.
sheep killed by dogs, 14; G. M.
Belknap, do, 3.50; C. H. Clymer,
do; 7;. Wm. Finlay, do, 7; C. D.
Hartman, do, 8; Margaret Magee,
do, 7; Lewis Me II bye, do, 3.51;
G. H. Toelle, do, 17.50; - Henry
Zorn, do, 87.50. Co. Fair Fund:
Ralph Gilbert filberts. 8.20; Ja
cob H. Humberg, grapes, 3.70;
F. O. Johnson, apples, 1.25; S. O.
Kim, peppers, etc., 1.25; Robert
McEwan, making picture, 7; L.T.
Reynolds Estate pears, 12.65;
Roy E. Smith, grapes, etc., 9.70;
Oscar Stahl, squash, etc., 27.33;
Mrs. L. Townsend, peaches, etc..
28.80; Jennie C. Van Trump, la
bor. 30; Warren Gray, attending
-meetings, 3.90; Roy Rice, do,
5.10. Miscellaneous Accts.: Geo
E. Allen, knife, etc., 2.30; U. G
Boyer, cash adv. for stamps, etc.,
39.63; Building Supply Co. Inc.,
paint, etc., 130.69; A. C. Burk,
traveling expenses, 244.02; Com
Lmercial Book Store, staples, etc..
110.60; Hansen & Liljequist Inc.,
lumber, 42.12; Needham's Book
Store, stamp, etc., 37.50; The Pa
clfic Tel. ft Tel. Co., telephone
170.42; Rahn McWhorter Paper
Co., tags, etc., 86.02; Salem Hard
ware Co.: screw eyes, etc., 6.17;
H. Schellberg, labor, 29.44; Chas
K. Spaulding Log. Co., lbr., 77.24;
State Ind. Acc. Com., Insurance,
26.77; Genevieve Foster, relief,
10; Mrs. Maude Kime. do, 17.50
Mabel Lily Ross, do, 17.50. Poor
Acct: R. L. Green, use of truck
25.00; Mrs. Mathlas Smith, care
or wm. Perkins. 15: Asninwall's.
groceries. 10; Barber's Grocery,
do, 4; Bentson's Grocery, do, 9;
uontrager's Dairy, milk, 6; Broad-
acres Store, groceries, 6 ; Busick's,
do, 25.50; C. ft C. Cash Store, dev
7; Capitol Dairies, milk, 15.80;
Caplan's, groceries, 47.75; Colum
bia Food Market do, 30.50; Cur
ly Dairy Inc., milk, 3.70; Davles
Cash Grocery, groceries, 5; Dlt
ter's Gen. Store, do, 21; East Hill
Grocery," groceries, 15; Foshay
Dairy, milk, 2,80: Gurney's Cash
Grocery, groceries, 20; Hammond
Lbr. Co., do. 6.88; Walter Harris,
wood, 10.50; Harrison's Gen.
Store, groceries, 8; Hueber Dairy,
milk, 3; Jenkins-Grocery, grocer
ies, 15; Le Garie's Grocery, do.
3.50; Virgil Loomis. wood. 4:
Frank Masser, groceries, 18; V. L.
Masten, do, 6; A. Nibler ft Son.
do, 9; Pay n Save, do, 28; Chas.
W. Penrod. wood. 4. SO: Wonrv
Penrod, do, 11.25; PhilHpi'g Gen.
Store, groceries. 5: PIitkIt Wis
ely, do. 2; Pogue's Grocery, milk,
a; tiea ft wnue store, groceries,
Z8.7& ; Stanley Rogers Store, do,
14.50; Safeway Stores, do. 42;
Salem Sanitary Milk Co.. milk.
15.10; A. E. Spencer, do, 2.40;
G. Standards Store, groceries,
13.50; C. W. Standish, do, 5; Ta
ble Supply, do, 4; Thompson's
Grocery, do, 13.50; Thurston's
Red ft White, do, 17.85; Gene
vieve Foster, relief, 10; Mrs.
Maude Kime, do, 17.50; Mabel
Lily Ross, do, 17.50; E. G. Bur
rell. labor, 107.85; B. Benson, do,
77.87; W. Beutler, do, 71.88; M.
Duncan, labor, 59.90; M. Holms,
do, 59.90; M. Repine, do, 77.87;
P. Traglio. do, 85.35; W. Kenne
dy, do, 59.90; I. W. Lewis, medi
cine, 88.59; Claude McKenniV,
relief of H. P; Merrill, 8; Earl
Hartman, scalp bounty, 1.50;
Chas. K. Spaulding Log. Co., lbr.,
etc., 2.51; Marion Co.' Relief Com.,
medicine, 15; Carl B. Gllles, relief
of Ben Walcher, 15; Carl B.
Gllles, relief of C. J. Lehman, 16;
Samuel S. Yoder, relief of P. J.
DeGulre. 20; Samuel S. Yoder,
relief of Lewis Covey, 20; H. M.
Branson, scalp bounty, 2; Verden
E. Hockett relief of J. Cogswell.
25; Verden E. Hockett, relief of
Mrs. Schofield. 6: Verden E.
Hockett, relief of W. L. Baker.
15; Verden E. Hockett. relief of
H. P. Merrill. 8; Verden E. Hock
ett relief of S. B. Althardt, 15.30;
verden E. Hockett. relief of Mrs
E. Eggleston, 16; Verden E.
Hockett, relief of Ernest Drake,
7.6 u; verden E. Hockett, relief of
Mrs. Thos. McCloud, 16; Verden
E. Hockett relief of W. J. Alsruire.
7.85; Verden E. Hockett; relief
or Mrs. Frank Cain, 20: Verden E.
Hockett relief of Mrs. Jno. Gar
ner, 10; Building Supply Co. Inc-
paint, etc., 478.46; M, J..Peterson
scaip bounty, 1.6 0 ; Verden - E.
Hockett. relief of -Mrs. J.- VL
Cleveland, 12.50; Oregon State
College Extension Serv., payment
on farm, denu, 1000; W. B. Morse,
examination, 5; J; O.! Mathls; do,
; ur. verden h, Hockett do. 85:
A. Edgard .Wrigntman, Jr., do, 5.
Registration ft Election Acct:
Margaret M. Martin,1 elk.-; rent ot
polling place 4.60; Aurora Lodge
1X7, x. u. V. Y.. dtf. 5; School Dist
No. 123, do, 8; School Dist No.
3 1; do, 6 ; Fred Dentel . Treas:.
rent of polling place, 2.50 Ed Ro
gers, do.5; Roy Rice. Jr;, do,-8;
uonaia ixdze 1 6 6. A. F. ft A. M
do, 8; School Dist No. 78; do; 6;
Fairfield t Grange. v720; do 6:
Hayeaville Church, do. 1: Georaia
Keppinger, do. S t Mill City, Lodee
JHO. 144. OO. 5: Schlll Dist-No. 40
5 ; - North Howell Grangecrdo E :
H. Cv Maek. do: 5 i Masonic HalL
4 d; 10; W H. Walker; treas do,
; MAcieay Grange HalL do. S :
M.- A.. Barber., clerk, do. 5 : - Ben
4 atiuer ciera, ao,t ; cnarley- War
ner, ao, a: Hammond Lbr. Co.. do.
5; L. D. Leaon, do; l; Ford Motor
The following is the official
publication of the record of pay
men& from the Old Age Pension
fund during the month ot Novem
ber. 1934. as allowed by the Old
Age Pension commission' accord-
ng to the records in the office
of the County Clerk. All pension
payments are for the' montn - ot
October: Flora Abbot, 10; James
B. Abbott 10; Sylrester S. Ack-
ley. 12.50: Frank Adams, : 10;
Mary E. Adams, 10; Silas L. Ak
ins, 10; Berthold Albiker, 5;
Franklin B. Alford, 5; Missouri
E. Alf ord, 6; Leora A. Alllngham,
8.75; William M. Alllngham, 8.75;
Lillian G. Applegate, 10; Freder
ick Wm. Arensmeier, 8.75; So
phia; M. Arensmeler, 8.75; Dora
A. Arnold, 6; Wilford E. Arnold,
5; James R. Arthur, 10; Bert Ba-
bo, 10; Lemira S. Baker. 8.75;
William M. Baker, 8.75; Annon J.
Baldwin, 5; Edith M. Banta, io;
Joseph Barber, 10; Evan E. Bar-
nett 10;.Mllo Barnett, 7.50 ; lu-
lie Barrett, 10; David M. Barnett,
7.50; Mellnda Barzee, 5; Eliza
beth Bayley, 15; Marcust Bayley,
15; Grace F. Beaman, a; Jonn J.
Becker, 17.50; Lena M. Bellinger,
10; George A. Bennett, 5; Wil
liam Beringer, 10; Nelson Bliss,
5;. Emma A. Boatwright, 8.75;
Valentine Boatwright 8.75; Caro
line Boesch, 8.w75; Henry Boeseh, j
8.75; Clara Boje, 5; Caroline E.
Boles, 10; Clora Bondshu. 8.75;
Earnest J. Bondshu, 8.75; Mary L.
Booth, 8.75; N. S. Booth, 8.75;
George L. Bowman, 5; John Bow
man. 8.75; Katie Bowman, 8.75;
John E. Boyer, 12.50; Lewis E.
Bradford, 7.50; Emma Brasner,
10: Mary E. BrassfSeld, 6; Aslak
Brauti, 7.60; A. W. Brickley, 6;
Sarah A. Brock, 8.75; Jobn W.
Brock, 8.75; John Brooke, 10;
Elizabeth Z. Brown. 10; Fred D.
Brown, 12.50; John A. Brown,
8.50; Mary A. Brown. 5; Marion
H. Buell, 7.50; Willis E. Baas,
10; Edwin Burnett 7.50;-John T.
Caldwell. 7.50; Sam.J. Canan, 5;
David Canoy. 17.50; Martha R.
kCarden. 10; Richard W. Carey, 5;
Millie Carlson, 10; John G. Car
son. 10; Elizabeth Chamlee, 10;
Albert B. Chapman, 7.50; Eugene
L. Church, 7.50; Charles L. Clapp.
10; Ella J. Clark. 10; Mart Ha J
Coffey. 5; Franklin G. Coleman,
8.75; Martha A. Coleman, 8.75;
John B. Colwell, 5-; Charles D.
Compton, 8.75; Malinda M. Comp
ton, 8.75; Malinda M. Compton,
8.75; Andrew J. Cone, 10; Her
man B. Cone, 7:50; Frank H
Cook, 7.50; George W. Cook,
12.50; Jefferson N. Cothren, 7.50;
Hattie B. Coulsen, 5; Jesse E
Coulsen, 5; Rosie Brete, 10; Wil
liam R. Cross, 12.50; Antonette
Crump, 10; Mary E. Cummings, !
10; Warren H. Cummings, 10;
Sebron C. Davenport, 12.50; Wil
liam T. Davidson, 12.50; Allen J.
Davie, 10; Sarah Davie, 10; Cuth-
bert K. Davis, 5; Henrietta Day,
10; John F. Day, 5; Mrs. N. V.
Day, 10; Henry R. D& Guire, 5;
Mary J. De Gulre, 5; Peter De
Guire, 12.50; Jacob J. Denzel,
8.75; Minnie Denzel, 8.75; Fred
rick R. DeWitz, 12.50; Sarah J.
Dickens, 10; Oscar F. Dickson, 5;
Fredrick Dierks, 8.75; Hannah
Dierks, 8.75; Isaac A. Dixon,
8.75; M. Alice Dixon, 8.7-5; Jee-
sie J. Doty, 5; Elizabeth Drake,
10; E. J. Driscoll, 10; WUliam C.
Duncan, 10; Mary L. Dunkle, 10;
Mary Dunn, 7.50; Thomas J.
Dunn, 7.60; Octave Duval, 7.50;
Charles H. Ekin, 7.50; Maria J.
Ellis. 8.75; William Ellis, 8.75;
Frank Enz, 12.50; Louis Eppers,
10; John B. Erickson, 10; Zaril-
da J. Eskew, 10; Catherine A. Ev
ans, 10; John H. Evans, 12.50;
Sarah Evans, 5; John Feller, 10;
Mary Fielding, 10; Valentine
Fisher, 15; William B. Flagg, 5;
David W. Forbes, 5; John E.
Forbes, 10; David H. Foreman,
10; John Fowler, 15; Addie M
Franklin, 18; Henry P. Freeland,
5; Joseph Frohlich. 12.50; G. Ad
am Frohmader, 12. aO; Susan A
Froman, 10; David M. George,
12.50; William P. George, 12.50;
B. B. Gesner, 12.50; Jennie D.
Gilbert, 10; Lucy A. Gilbert; 10;
Ira W. Gilmer, 10; Mary J. Gin
ter, 10; James B. Gipson, 12.50;
Sarah E. Given, 10; John C.
Glaze, 8.75; Sylvia J. Glaze, 8.75;
Charles H. Glover, 10; William H
Goodell, 12.50; Charles Gordon,
10; Martha Gore, 10; Frank G.
Gosha. 5; Thomas C. Gosser, 7.50;
Ctanley Granatzkl, 10; Grant
Graves, 8.75; Nannie Graves,
8.75; Emilie Gremmels, 7.5D;
Rhoda M. Gritton. 10: Charles
Groshong, 10; Richard 's. Gross,
7.56; John W. Haines, 12.50;
John Hamilton. 7.50; Anders C
Hansen, 20; John L. Harman. 10;
Eliza L. Harris-8.75; William H
Harris. 8.75; John . F. Harris,
12.50; Hiram E. Hart, 7-50; Ad
die Hartley. 5; Charles L. Hart
ley, 5; Hiram. A. Hartley, 12.50;
Abram Haverly, 12.50; Mary Haw
kins, 10; Thomas Hayes, 10;
Francis J. Henson, 10; Jacob P.
Herbst, 12.50; John Hibner,
8.75; Margaret Hibner, 8.75;
William R. Hicks. 12.60; Alice B
Hildebrand, 10; Emma E. Hlnkle
5; James R. Hobbs, 7.50; James
M. Hoke, 10; James T. Holtz, 5;
Fatlma Horning; 5; Jacob R.
Horning, 5; James B. Hoss, 15;
Stephan Huber, 10; Joseph Hugh
es, 5; Thomas Hunt, 10; Isaac J
Hunter, 10; George1 R. Hurd. -10 ;
Truman H. Ide, 10; John W. Jn
man, lit Daniel .Z; : Jickson,
12.50; William T. James. lOrMin-
nie JalkderksK 5;.Edea VE. Jewell,
13.50; Julius-Johnson, 7.59; Lau-
do. 6: N. D. Elliott, treas- do.
L.' Fulkerson, cash adrrfor tnstl-4Co do,ij T. L. Davidson; do, 5 -v: r-.;: k.
5; A; M.": Anderson; do. 5 -Eva
Can thoru, clerk, do, &- 5 ; - - Sehbol
Dist No. 6, do, 6; Ralph Mercer,
cieric, do, &; 'Myroa van "- Eaton,
clerk, do, 5; C. L. .VanDewiele. do
5 ; Wm. Wengenrotb, do, 5 ; Butte
Lodge No. 126; do, r7;.50r Frank
Masser. do. 5 ; Ankeny Grange, do.
; J. a HamUVdO, ZM9y Silver
Falls Tbr. Co.; do, 5; School Dist
No. 1 0, do, 6 J.1 F. Fishwood;do,
6; Murphy; Gardner Lbr. Co:, do,
6 ; Stayton Grange;- do." 5 ; . Leon
ard Walker, treas., do, 6; C. O. F.
Hall Ass'n, do, 6 ; Pearl Lodge No.
66, rent ot polling place, 6; School
Dist.- No. 112,: do, 6r BritrAspin
wall, do, 6 ; - School Dist No. 17,
do 8; it, E. Church; Woodburn,
do, 5; Court St ChrlaUan Ch., do,
Hattie-'. B, 'Cameron; do,- 10 ;
Rev. Louis Magin; do. 6 B.; J.
Pinekney," do,' 6;- Jason. Lee Mem.
church,' do, 5; -German --Baptist
church, do, 5 1 ' Salem -v 5vomaii
ra J. Johnson 10; , August W.;
Johnson, 5; Peter J. Jonuson, ,5;
Thomas E. Johnson, 12.50; : Wil
liam M. Johnson, 10; Anna B.
Jones, 10; Hans Jorgenson; 5;
Clarence. C.1 Jory, 6; Hugh' f F.
Jory, 10; Cv Sla, Kavanaugh,; 5;
Humphrey J. Kavanaugh, 6; John
T. Kearns; 7.60; Leonora Kemp
ton, 12.50; Eliza A. Keppinger,
10; Rose H. Kimball. 6; Rebecca
Kimsey, 10; Mirah King. 10; Ka
zaire KItUon, 17.50; Peter Klein,
12.50; Ferdinand Klutke, 6; Ja
cob A. Koch, 10; r Joseph Kom
yate, 10; Elizabeth Kraemer, 10;
August G. Kufner, 7.60; Louis La
Bunte, 12.60; Gordon M. LaFlar,
7.50; George F. La Flenr, 10;
Margrite La Fontaine. 10; Louyss
Lam be rs on, 6; Augufct Lambert,
5; Addison W. Lane, 7.50; George
J. Langenberg, 5; John E. Lar
son, 7.50; George Lawton, 10;
Adelaide Lavier. 10; David Ledg
enrood, 10; Pauline Ledtke, 5;
Mary E. Led ward, 16; Anna' Lew
Is, 10; Mary Ligbtfoot, ; Jonn
W. Limbaugh, 7.50; William B.
Lindsay. 5; Elizabeth V. Llsne,
10; William A. Liston. 10; Mary
J. Littler, 7.50; WUliara J. Lof
fer, 7.50; Martin Loken, 12.50;
Eli B. Lowe, 10; Jack. Lowry, 6;
Clara Lucas, 10r James E. Lytle,
8.75; Susannah Lytle. 8.75; Mary
Mac LachUn, 7.50; William Mar
cho, 10; Genevieve Marsters. 10;
Elmer Martin, 10; Collin D. Math
enr, 7.60; Uly D. Matheny. 7.50;
Ella Matteson. 10: Donald M.
Maxfield,-10; William McCaUist
er, 10; . Angle W. McConnell. 10;
Mattie McDanlel, 15; Eliza J. Mc
Gee, io; Robert McGilchrist, 10;
Adell G. McGratn, io;uamei u.
Mclnnis, 6; Sarah McKay, 10;
Mrs. Edna C. McLeod, 10; Herb
ert W. McNeal, 6; Lucretia E. Mc
Neal, 5; Phillip J. McPoland. 5;
Phoebe McTimmonds, iz.6; ku
fus B. Miller, 10; Charles Mitch
ell, 10; Ellen R. Mitchell, io:
Nathan R. Moon, 7.50; Martha
Moon, 7.50; Elizabeth Moore, iw;
John B. Moorman, 5; Martha A.
Moorman. 6; Olevia C. Moser, 10;
Olive J. Moser, 10; Charles A.
Mote, 5; Alice D. Myers, 10; Man
Ion W. Myers, 10; George L. Neal,
8.75; Isabelle L. Neal 8.7 5; Swan
C. Nelson, 7.50; Zach Nerness,
12.50; Sofie M. Norgaard, 10;
John Norton, 5; William F. Nut
ting, 10; Benjamin F. Nye, 12.50;
Maud Ohler, 5; Benjamen Olson,
10; Anna L. Olson, 5; Nels A. Ol
son, 5; Ole O. Opsahl, 5; Steph
en E. Osborn, 10; Susannah Ott, '
10; Benjamin F. Padrick, i0;
Lincoln Paris, 6; Charles W.
Parker, 5; Hogue Parrish, 12.50;
Arietta Payne, 1-0; Edwin Parne,
12.50; James R. Payne, 5; Rob
ert Pearce, 10; John W. Pease,
7.50; Mary L. Peck, 12.50; Nancy
A. Perkins, 10; Eliza E. Perrin,
10; Neto C. Petersei,-7.50; Wil
liam L. Pettit, 7.50; Jessie Phil
lips, 10; Celina Picard, 12.50;
Calvin Plessinger, 10: William u.
Polka, 10; Alice Potter, 10; Hel
en Potter, 10; Mary A. Pottorft,
10; Jane E. Pratt, 10; Esther A.
Pritchard, 10; Susie E. Prosser,
10; Niels M. Rasmussen, 8.75; 01
lie L. Rasmussen, 8.75; William
Ray, 5; Mary E. Redding, 5; Mary.
E. Rees, 10; Christopher u.
Reeves, 17.5.0; Charles S. Reistad,
12.50; Edward B. Kenoms, iu;
Fanny M. Richards, 10; Hannah
M. Rickard, 5; Hiram M. Ricker,
12.50; George H. Robbins. 12. oO;
Harry C. Roberts,-12. o0; Charles
C. Robinson, 10; James D. Rodg
ers, 8.75; Rosie D. Rodgers, 8.73;
Daniel W. Ross. 10; Fred C.
Rouse, 10; Amy C. Sanders, 10;
Frank Scharf, - 6; Katherine
Scharf, 6; John Schlehuber, 10;
Charles E. Scott, 12.50; David T.
Sears, 5; Mary Shaffer, 5; Sam
uel Shaffer, 5; William A. Sharp,
12.50; John E. Shaveland, 15;
Louisa C. Shephers. 10; Emanuel
Shilts,8.75; Matilda J. Shilts.
8.75; Amanda J. Shilts, 6; James
M. Shilts, 5; Alice I. Shrum, 8.73;
Francis C. Shrum. 8.75; Commo
dore P. Shrum, 10; Fred Slevers,
7.50; James B. Simpson, v.oo;
Monroe Slyter, 7.50; Anna E.
Smith, 10; Edgar A.Smith, 10;
Elva E. Smith, 10; Horace a.
Smith, 7.50; Matt Emith, 12.50;
Annie Souther, 10; George A.
Spencer, 12.50; George M. btai
ford, 5; Louisa Stahl. 10; John
Stalzer, 8.75; Rose Stalzer, 8.75;
Andrew J. .Stark. 5; Annie Stark.
5; Henry Sender, 5; E. Wallace
Stevens. 16; James K. Stewart,
12.50; Rachel J. Stewart, 10; He
zekiah W. Stowell, 7.50; Kath
ern Stratton, 10; Albert B. Straw,
12.50; Herbert C. Strong. 7.30;
Mary L. Strong, 10; Joshua Sut
ter, 5; John J. Swanson, l.o'i.
Gerrlt Sweinink, 10; John A.
Swenson, 7.50; Henry L. Talbot,
8.75; Iva N. Talbot, 8.75; R?n y
Tesch, 8.75; Regina Tesch, S.T:
George R. Thomas, 5; Kathtrin
homas, 10; John F. homason, 10;
Hiram A. Thompson, 5; Mary A.
hompson, 5; Mike C. Thompson,
10.50; Jesse L. Tooley, 12.30;
John TJebel, 7.50; Adelbcrt A.
Underhlll, 12.50; Anne Under
wood, 10; Monte A. Vandenburg,
10; Morton Vanderhoof, .12.50;
Charles Vaughn, 5; Wm. Henry
Vearrier, 8.60; R'ichard D. Vib
bart, 5; Peter Waber, 10; Malin
da J. Wade, 10; Daniel M. Wag
ner, 12.50; Virginia Walker, 5.;
Emily L. Wallace, 8.75; Samuel
D. Wallace, 8.75; Jackson M. Wal
ter, 5; Mary L. Walter, 5; Mary
T. Wargnier, 10; Katherine Webb,
10; Lewis N. Webb. 12.50; Sam
uel K. Webber, 7.50; Katherine
Weissenfels, 5; Mathias Wetssen
fels, 5; Pauline Welter, 8.75; Pe
ter Welter, 8.75; Emma Wengen
rotb, 10; Caroline West, 5; Hugh
Weetenhouse, 5; Lila L. Whitcher,
8.75; Charles H. Whitcher, 8.75;
John H.-; White, 10; NaBcy J.
White,1 6; ; Dora Whitney,. 10; Sa
rah M. Whitney, 10; Martha-J.
Wiggins,- 6; John N. Williamson.
7.50; Anna Wilson, 5; Owen Wil
son. 6; William J. Windes, 10;
Mallsa T. J. Wood, 10; Jennie
Woolery, 6; Lucy M. Wray. 10;
W. J. Wrieht 10: Calvin L.
Toung, 16,60; James W. Toung.
7.50; Walter C Young, 10; Sam
uel A. ' Henry, 10; 'Capital Jour-
nai. puDl claims, i.ev; vivus -Barrick
Co., burial, 41; A. J.
Johnson, clerk, 35"r Oregon
Statesman,-pubL. claims, 15.80;
galem -Mortuary.-burial, 41; Ger
aI, B.! Smith,, medicine, 5; Unger
Undertaking Parlors,' burial. 4 1 ;
Red " Cross Pharmacy," medicine,
3.56; 8ypewriter Exchange, ent
al, 7.50.
:-club, do; 6 ; ' Hotet Senator; V; do J Ralph C Shepard of Zena-.4re Be
ing congratnUted upon ine arri
of granddaughter," Korma Dor
othy, born to Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Kime of Salem Saturday
idght Mrs. Kime (Dorothy Shp
ard) went her girlhood at Zena.
Pack. Co., do, 6; Marion Hotel, do,
5; - Leslie- E.- Church, do, - 6;
E. R. Lane, do, 5; Rev. G. T. Nea,
ZE?Ia;JIot. : 2 9, Mr. and Mrs.