f Statesman F Classified Ads ,'1 , ;.OtCall 910! i C3astfled " Advertising - Singl Insertion per Ha 10c Three insertion pr v Uh ...............It Six Insertions ir Uae, . JOe Oa month per lln..ft.O Minim am cbsrg ...... Copy for this pag ac cepted until 1:30 tbe aven Ing before publication for classification. . C p f ra selTed after MUi Urn will tu ander lb heading Too Lata to Classify. Th BUtwati . assume ao - (Laaadal responsibility tor - arror which mar ap paar In advertisements pub Uahed la Its columns, aad ta euw abtr this paper la at fault will reprint tbat part ct an adTertlsement In which t h typographical mistake occur. Tbe Statesman reserves, the right to reject objee ttoaal advertising. It far ther reserves th tight ta classify ail advertising am der th proper claasiflca-tlon. SITUATIONS WANTED iMMMassV piSt miw AAf1no Mslilnsl w-m r--aeg iwttini eta. V.vc meat, electric, plumbing. Prices right Remodel complete Job. Call 621 J. Free, nurse. A. B. W 497 & Capitol. FOR SALE Miscellaneous ! Englewood Nureery shrubs, trees. Seasonable. 20(0 Nebraska Ave. Scbrelber. Shakes. 1SS1 N. Front- TeL $13$. Apples 25c, walnuts 12 and 14c sirs. Wright. 4 mt Wallace rd. Just arrived, a load of horsea. rana-- lag from lie to 1400 lbs., for sale or exchange : aleo ose rood span of males, ! N. Com'l and River St. Old papers Its per bundle. Statee- maa eirioc FRUIT and NUT TREES, Frultland Kureery. Baleeyard and office at 140 Center. Good reliable stock. A. I. SLaitua, prop. TeL 9829. ------ -- iVrii'MWiftrtnnn n i Com position shingles applied com plete 4,7 5 square write or call 889 Oak, Host made belled eider. Full oiMrt bottle, 39c Puritan Cider Works. West Ealem. Heatlns; stove, $17.50. 1149 Union, Com and mil fed fryers. 10c lb. Mve Weight. Tel. C4FS. Walnuts i$e-2Sa lb. In and 10 lb. lota Delivered Wednesdays.- TeL 14SF1L f .. r V-W ffj Hog fuel, prompt -delivery. TeL fit. , 1 - . WANTED nsceIlaneou9 ssjai seaaaeaaae m ' 1 ,Si,VlJVsMW"'rM'KfV Home modernizifig. TeL CIS. """"""-----1 i-.-u-Lnruin WANTED Used first mH tnrm. pet 1 or wi use. sj-xb. l tL ssiz. ""-Ti'i'i'inimnrinffinnn n n Wanted 1 ar 4 ton stocic beets, Must e close to Salem or Independence. - , ruu-rt. independence, ore. WANTED Walnut meats, say quao- tjtT-ytirn. Pata Cafeteria. MISCELLANEOUS Haircut lto20a SOS a WUttr. SitV rnnllftt SsiIsmbb Cass CfKsaM Vour Corners. Pea Road, TeL 4210. . Free Wo pick bp dead and worth less horses, cows, sheen. TeL 4I(. Now fa tfi f Imm a iov wA., feolored clothes dyed darker for winter, iftes plain costs or dressed dyed for 12.6. UeirO nKv overcoats; Udies Pill" coats, dresses cleaned and press ed, 75c Free delivery. Pantorlum Dye rorfce. 41 ft. Hlrh. Tel. 7S. FOR RENT ROOMS Rlbntna rm .r. .... ?a ea laNtaa- VrVU( s, SV. Lars front ron, 254 N. Church. f esUwis BICYCLES Give a bicycle this Christmas, Terms, Harry W. Scott. 147 S. Com'L FURNITURE For Dad A nice comfy chair with "Kant-Sag" spring construction Which Insures comfort snd durability. A small deposit will hold one for Chriatmas de- It Tery, o come in tomorrow and select one. imperial furniture Col, 4(7 court etreeu . e e- -. ' Mother would be dellshted with one f these beautiful "Kant-Sag" spring construciea iJA v injKi a. a gin that would last for years. Imperial s-urn. uo ei vourt sc. HAND BAGS A fino assortment of hand bsgs. These make excellent Christmas gifts; I L00, L5. IJ.V5. Price Shoo Store. JEWELRY Diamonds, watches; lings, f onntain pens, silverware, clocks. The Jewel Box. "The store that sells for less, Before you buy. compare our prices ; 17a N. liberty. LAMPS TRAMPS TRAMPS What 'eoatd be nicer than a nice Flow Lamp for Christmas. See our selection of beau tiful lamps now on display. Imperial Furniture Co 4(7 Court St. . j . , LADIESVOSE Hoss Is always appreciated as a gift Silk hose 11 pair, s pabr for. St aad up to t par pair. Price. Shoe Store. NEWSPAPER 1 isv r - til OIFTS TK O-TB Send Tbe OresTOB Statesmaa for one year. - , i SXJBJKJRl PTIO" KATES: i By City Carrier . , ,, , per -rear iBy Mall Ia Ore,) M-0' " " (By Mali (p-taide Ore) f special. Three . Months by Mail (in IV 2 ROOM AND BOARD Room, for two. Table board. Real enable, TeL 444. Table board. Terr close In. 6 4 SI. FOR RENT APARTMENTS S n rnro an 11 fS rknlr s k. Ape. psruy rurn. Hollywood dlst. Inqulre-1045 N. 22nd St, Mod, apt, adults. 4 11 Union. TeL 6(81 Fura. t: R. SDL. bath. 23(1 Hazl. TeL 71(4. t B. aptav Zcqulrtj at 111 Maxioa 8t ' FOR RENT HOUSES - ""n "i iiiirmran iruiru-inri.il. Hoosea, Melvta Johnson. TeL 1721. t nm fnrnlatuHl Iumiml K-.K-1r preferred. Apply Buster Brown Shoe Repair Shop. we-weeeee(wwwwMWww Mod. S room house, newly decorated. Full basement, etc. TeL (14. FOR RKNT Good 4 rm. bouse, 141 8. 15th St Two furnished houses and two tbat are not furnished. P. XL BEUU 101 Oregon Bldg. I Telephone till WANTED TO RENT Wanted to Rent Service station or suto camp. Box 17 State-man. FOR SALE Real Estate FOR BALE Beautiful English type homo of hol low tile construction, stone-tone exter ior, 7 large cheerful rooms, t sets plumbing. 1 lots with several large oak trees For sale st $(,000 which is one-half value. Terms can be ar ranged. CHILD? a MILLER, Realtors 144 State Street TeL 4701. FOR SALE Ideal country home, (-room Rouse, barn, frarage. . family orchard; 1H acres. One mile from Salem. (500 cash, balance monthly. Price $2750. W. G." KRUEGER 147 X. Com'L TeL 4721. EXCHANGE Real Estate EXCHANGE Comfortable C roent house on Fair mount Hill, east front lot, large fir trees, fine view of mountains and city. Priced low at $(500. $4000 long time loan, low rate of interest Will ac cept smaller place as part payment. CHILDS MILLER, Realtors S44 State Street TeL (701. $2000 equity in fine modern home near schools for acreage house or se curities. J3ox x t a statesman. K A. J A. In hops, 4 rm. house, large barn, large chicken house; hog house, 1 mL S. K. Champoeg. Trade for small acreage near Salem. Grant-Crit-tenden, ManonIe Bldg.. Salem. Ph. 41(1. FOR SALE FARMS Farms for rent, sale, trade. Oregon Lsmtifj v.a, ric nj wrooaounu freu AN OUTSTANDING FARM 10 seres, good land, all In cultiva tion, ( room v plastered bouse, good barn, garage, gas and electricity. Equipment for . JlACfi . chickens. Three acres logans, 89 walnut trees, 100 fil bert trees, ISO prune trees, all m bear mg. Team, cow and all farm imple ments. Hay and feed la the barn. Good spring. Located north of Salem on good road. One-half mile off pavement Close to grade and high school. $1250 cash, balance of $1500 payable at $100 per year plus Interest See Clifford Harold at Chllds and Miller Realtors, S44 State St TeL (70S or if you want me Sun day come to $75 Belmont FARM BARGAIN l acre farm, good dairy ranch, buildings, some stock and equipment goes, only S miles out on paved road, price $8o per acre, some terms SEE THIS FARM BEFORE TOU BUT. W. H. GRABEXHORST & CO. Realtors 114 ft Liberty St. TeL 4(S The very best btry: 15 A .equipped, $2,000 if taken before December 1st; terms. Tou cannot beat It. H. C. SHIELDS 110 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 1902. Business Opportunities ---- - "VftViVWVWVWWWWJWI Make grease less donuts In your homo with elec baker. Sell stores, cafes No comp. $14 dally. S01 4 S. E. Salmon, Portland. Grotto Restaurant See Freeman, Room 9, 716 & Bush. MONEY TO LOAN CAN TOU USE $160 $200 $100 f Borrowing money here Is simplicity It self. Oar loan accommodations are In tended to help all deserving people. We invito your application. Tfm have your cboios of 4 LOAN PLANS 2 REPAYMENT PLANS Come In, write or "Phone. BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY OF SALEM Member of NRA, Room 119, New Bllrh Bid, fnd floor LICENSED NO. S-12J by STATE 51 S State St Tel. 3740 Loans blade In Nearby Towns --'"'- - ii-iJi-Wiwy--.1-.inn. $5 Xmas Money It won't be long now. Shop early. Alt loans quick and confidential. No security or endorsers STATE LOAN CO. til Orew Bldg. Lie by St S-165. 5 Farm Loans 5 . Plenty Of money for well Improved farms If amply secured. Improve or buy now, with cheap money. Ask for booklet "Willamette Valley Farma" Hawklna and Roberta. Inc Automobile and Chattel Loans t to 10 months to repay at lowest pos sible rates. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st NaTL Bank Bldg. Phone 155L - Licensed by State fXTT NAOPCWTERRIEVX If VOTT THINK THE. "TOLAS? m t-rxr tun usnn t -inr . rvvc m sj LOOKS TO ME LIKE HE A V0ND AND PLAVPUL MVT WAIT A TVllNUTE. WEr GETS HEW- AND WALL Stt -.v 'fyi Interesting Facts . . . Tones of piano wire buried in the Dneiproatror daxa -enabled Soviet engineers to calculate the exact stress on th dam. O Front a study of the life tpan of animals In relation to their infan cy period Russian scientists hsro concluded that th normal human life should ba 180 years. O A man waa revived by Chicago physicians after being officially pronounced dead only to die 16 hours later of a blood clot on the brain. O A new glass has been made by the admixture of a little iron which will stop more than SO per cent of the sun's heat MONEY TO LOAN mm - - i uin r n r -juin CHATTEL LOANS CARS RE-FINANCED WILLAMETTE LOAN. CO. TeL 1177 SOS Guardian Bldg- Salem S-1S4 State License Nos M-l S . LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Sale Purs, Oak Grove school Polk county. E. H. Tarpley, Route , Salem. SALE Cows snd heifers, fresh and coming fresh soon. Kepbart. op p. store, Macleay. FOR SALE WOOD 14 In. old fir, $5. 4 ft dry 2nd growth 1 cd. lota $4 cd. 4 ft ash $4.75. TeL S7S5. 1$ Inch old fir. dry oak. ash. 4 ft tnd growth. TeL SS. Dry planer and slab wood. Prompt ueiivcry. cb - " " - - -i-i-i ii ," nrm nri.nnj OUARANTBKD DRY TeL SOOS Salens Fuel Cm. Tra A Cottage. Wnl tnr mmm t K tl 11 l 2nd growth, $4.75; 4 ft $4.25 1 1 ta. oia iir, f.s. Tel. S44L Dry old fir. tnd' growth wood. screenea nog raeL STea e wens, Good dry wood. TeL 1154. r tl I -1-,-,-,-,-,-.--.-, Good dry 2nd growth. TeL $7(9. Good dry wood. JTsL 1447. Ury Sad growth, Tel. 4IYT. MAeaasSaealSsSssSS-SS-awSi TeL 1S30 for wood. R. M. Asbcroft, 170 KIngwood Ave., West Salem. Dry wood that Is dry. Tel. 11SF2S. WOOD SAWING Wood sawing reasonable. Call 8280. LOST AND FOUND LOST Bible, name Wlkje Wlnslow. Leave Statesman office. Reward. LOST Bunch key a TeL 5552. Lost bunch keeys st Crystal Garden, Sat p. m. TeL 7291. Reward. PERSONAL s-a a a s -Y"vrw-yv-h-runjrrv-! GORDON FLEMING, READER, 1980 FERRT ST. Lonesome clubs, 25c. TeL (132. I will not be responsible for bills contracted by anyone except myself. R. P. Burgess. FOR SALE USED CARS A $3500 Car For $550 1930 La Salle, 5 pass, coupe, like new, new tires, new paint and me chanically O. K. Low Mileage. DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 430" N. Commercial TeL 3189 NOW WRECKING 28 Pontlac Coach , '25 Cleveland Sedan ' 26 Chevrolet 24 Star 26 Easex ACME AUTO & TRUCK WRECKERS 130 S .Commercial USED TIRES We have the largest supply of used tires In the county. ACME AUTO & TRUCK WRECKERS 430 So. Com't St Salem, Ore. "- - - """ - -i-i-inniiririn.iuLn tlBS TRUCK- SPEmil. ies '29 Ford truck, overhauled. First class throughout Can use wood part payment 240 No. Liberty. Borrego Car Market. Tel. 3681. fob men pupils JEFFERSON. Not. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cosia and daug h- OPEN HOUSE PLA WELL-VLL LOOVi TAT)- LXXJKaTERKIE . Sr v . r- r-. m r - mc r WAGGING r f TOENDLYl Hep 3U5 BEAJ?JCAO. VF HESI HEr CAN "Be: IUl J NOT.VJEr WBT Ml&WT NTVEJ? vciiDNrr f GET TO s2EE HE VOXD V Business Directory Cards 1b this directory ran oa a monthly basis only. Bates aijQO per line per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Psnek. 17$ Sooth Commercial CATERING Corns chJckea tamallea, TeL (E4L Hoi-rook's chicken tsmalea TeL (331. CHIMNEY SWEEP TOIepboao 4419. It g Northnesa, CHIROPRACTORS DR. a U SCOTT, rSC, Cbiroprsotor, tit N. High.. Tea, Rea. 17(1, DANCING Phyllis Qranfs studio. TeL T(1T. FLORISTS Brelthaupt's, SS7 Court ALL kinds of flora! work. Lets 1st 1274 N. Liberty. TeL 9591. INSURANCE beciu. a mendr-Cks 1(9 W. High - , TeL (94T. LAUNDRIES THfi NSW SALEM LAUNDRI TUS WlODfeU- LAUNDRI 1(1 a High Tel 91SA CAPITAL C1TX LAUNDRI First la Quality and dervloo Triepnone lltt 11(4 Broadway. MATTRESSES CAPITOL. Ba01NU CO. Pbooe 4UCS, SALEM FLUFF BUG aad Mattress Factory. MSW MATTRESS made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, aia ing; huff rug weaving. & 11th a Wil bur. Tel SiiL OTTO F. 2 WICKER. Est 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL Fuse raOMa, sewtng mariilnea, shest sausle aad plaaa sws dles. Repairing radios, pbooograpa sod sew la cisghhiss. 411 State Street. Salem. PHOTO ENGRAYEKS Saleta photo eogravtn 147 N. Com merctal. TeL S197. PRINTING FOR STATION ERI. cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind el printing; sail The Statesman Prlntus Department. 11$ & CeiamorolaL Tale phopo 910L RADIO SERVICE Moore's TeL 7 495 N. High. REAL ESTATE BECKE a HENDRICKS, TeL 4447. STOVES 1 repair stoves, raagea circulators Sell new and rebuilt stoves, raages and circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 2(1 Chemeketa. TeL 4714. B. B. Fleming. TRANSFER FOR local or distant traaafer storage call 111L Larmer Iranster Co. Trucas to Portland dally. - CAPITAL CITI Transfer Co. lit State 8L TeL 7771. Dlstributlag for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. Willamette Valley Transfer. Salem ts Portland hauling. TeL 8722. Anywhere for hire truck. Special rate on town hauling. TeL S278. HAND WEAVING Exclusive band woven bars, scarf pillows and rugs. Magobo Hand Weav ers, 840 N. 20th 8t TeL 6830. WELL DRILLING R, A. West, 19 years experience, BFU 7. Box 101. TeL 110FS. ter, Patricia Elaino are here from Yreka, Cal., for an extended visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe II arris. . A. ' Barlow' of Kings Valley has opened a second hand store In Jefferson In th old Livery barn building on Main street. He has moved his family to Jeffer son, occupying the Fuller house across from the Terminal. Mrs. C. E. Tatro of Sclo Is planning to open a restaurant In the old creamery building on Second street. The Inside of the building is undergoing a o m e changes. Word has been received from Oakland, Calif., of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James Shattock. Mrs. Shattock will bo remembered as Muriel Thomas, and a niece of Mrs. C. M. Smith. - HIM -7L7T HIS UTTLE TAIL? HAVE- Wt FWJEtlTW AS' He WANTS TO rr V3E ta?EAT rULOUV? tt-Ps 23?.: v.- Ui:-i-'r coiTinui sfiy PORTLAND, Nov. 17.-(ff)-De-mapd for eggs continued about steady her although pric condi tion were mixed. Portland pric es through the medium of the pro duce exchange hare been dropping tar mora rapidly than have values at other points and chiefly New York, which is considered more or less a prle fixer for the beet grades here. Receipts of fresh eggs contin ued to gain but th Increase waa absorbed by th greater demand tor new lay rather than for stor age stock which Is reaching the end of its season. Pending the approaching holi day there continued mora or less steadiness reflected in th batter trade. Praetieally no changes were suggested in prices. Butter fat was firm. Thora was apparently sufficient chickens arriving to take care of trad wants with th possible ex ception of springers or roasters. These were scarce. Demand was excellent for light hens. There was a rather good call for dressed ducks here with fancy quality selling up to 17-1 8c lb., with geese around 16c for best dressed. Live geese as well as dressed stock were -in moderate call. Market for country killed meats was about steady with the excep tion of beef, which waa weak. Trade in general was inclined to be slow as Is normal for this per iod. I STORE, JEFFUI STAYTON. Nov. 17. Plans hav been mad for aa "open house" for high school students again thla year. Two years ago this program was carried out and each affair was well attended. This plan was made with the Idea of giving high school students a chance to get together for an eve ning of games, cards and music. The first on for this year will be December X, and will bo held at th Women's club house, where th gatherings were held before. Host and hostess on thla data will be Earl Wright and Zelpha Smith. Th affairs are chaper oned by parents and members of th faculty. The opening of Ma tth leu's new building was attended by hun dreds, both Saturday afternoon and evening. Freo drinks, sand wiches and confections were dis tributed. The free dance at th Forrester hall and given by th Matthleu's, had an exceptionally large attendance also. The Jack Reister home was the scene of a jolly gathering Thurs day night, when Mrs. Reister and her sister, Mrs. Vincent Maertz. entertained their 600 club. Mrs. Eleanor Steward was awarded th prize for high score, while the consolation prize went to Mrs. Lee KIHIan. Western Wools' Demand Active; Easterns Drag BOSTON, Nov. 7H")-(TJ. g. Dept. Agr.)-Demand was onlta active on the finer grades of western grown wools, but rather draggy on easters grown fleeces. Sizable quantities of bulk average to good French combing 64s and finer territory wools In original bags moved at 67-76 cents scoured basis, while graded lines brought 70-73 cents depending upon sta ple. Graded French combing 68s, 60s, blood territory wools sold at 68-70 cents scoured basis. A few lots of strictly combing 66s, 3-8 blood brought 65-68 cents, but lower grades were quiet. Stocks and Bond (Copyright 1934. 8tssdard StatUUes Co.) Kevember 17 STOCK AVSaAOXB 50 SO 20 SO , India BR' a Ots. Total Today 8.l S8.1 58.5 74.9 Previous week S9.7 .87.0 55.1 75.8 Week age (7.0 Se.S 49.5 7J.6 Tear sfe .. S8.0 . (7.0 7S.S 3 years ege 72.3 97.7 111.4 79.8 7 years s0 143.7 123 J 128.4 112.6 High 1934 .105.0 64.8 80.3 93.8 Lw 1S34 78.0 14a 43.9 SS.4 805TD AVEBAOEa SO ?o ?n aa fa.la UK's. Uta. Tout Today 84,1 81.8 81.4 88.5 84.8 88.3 84.6 Prsvions da- 83.0 Week ago 83.7 Tear ago 70.6 S years age 73.S High 1934 84.1 Low 1934 72.8 New 1934 low. 80.5 08.6 74.4 90.0 74.1 68.9 84.1 78.6 71.8 8S.S 78.9 0.6 88.1 77.1 74,8 II DID BkXJ&VTT OME- rVSlSriStV-Sv I TAT n IM A LT.L GEl I BO)C ON THE Se&H00j fT T?tGrTT J GET TT OUT AND WEIL J AWAV . i I 6EE If- HEUL "POLL JT tU!ZY J OUR gV -y 1 w 4-Day Slock PiFITTM I WICM'StY NEW YORK, Nov. S7P)-Af-ter advancing for four consecutive sessions, the stock market ran in to some profit taking today that resulted in what brokera refer to as a "healthy corrective." Transfers totaled 1,012.660 shares against 1,411,020 yester day and the Standard Statistics average for 90 selected Issues yielded seven-tenths of a point to 74.5. Rail stocks responded to farth er reports that Washington would take ateps to put the depressed transportation systems back on their feet. International business machines ran ap points to a new year's top on the declaration of a 2 per coat stock dividend in additioa to the regular quarterly disburse ment. This issue slipped back, later to close unchanged. Ameri can Can dropped 1 points al though the directors, after the close, voted an extra dividend of $1 along with the regular pay ment. This waa the first extra tor American since 1131. Losers of fractions to a point or so included U. S. Steel, Ameri can Telephone, Allied Chemical, Consolidated Gas, Westlnghouse, American Tobacco B, Bethlehem SteeL Chrysler, General Motors, International Harvester, M o n t gomery Ward, National Biscuit, Sears Roebuck, Union Carbide, Public Service of New Jersey and Eastman Kodak. Most of the oils were fairly steady. General Markets pomrxjurD pzoxrooi PORTLAND, Ore- Ksv. 89. (APJ Prsdaes exchange, aet prices: Batter: Extras SS; atsndares, 80 M; prima firsts, 80; firsts, IS Vie. Ens: U. a special-. 29; U. B. extras, 28; U. A aMdiam extras, 24c. omoow-Jror" raioxg PORTLAND, Ore, Kov. 29. (IP) Wsmnti Oregon new crop te jo&beri, f. e. b. delivery points: Korpse grade Pranqnettes. large, 20e, fancy 17c, -diass 15tte; soft skeU, largs. 19c, faaey 16c. wedi-ta 14c; UyeU large. 20c; Cascade grade Fraaquettes, large, 17e, faaey 16c; soft skeU, large 18 He, faaey 15c; Mayattes Urge, 17c. Filbert Oregon aew crop te io-bers. 10-lSe peaad, t e. b. delivery points. Portland Grain "PORTLAND, Ore- Hot. 29. (AP (rrela: Wkeat: Open High Lew Ctese Msy 83 83 93 SS December 80 80 SO 80 Cash: Big Send bl-eattn, 89 e; dark hard winter, 12 per cent 91 He; do, 11 per seat, 87e; soft waite, hard via ter, northern spring and westers red, SOe; westera white, 79e. Oats: Me. S white, 3S.S0. Corn: Ko. S X yellew, 942.36. MUlrsa standard, 2L50. 1 Portland Produce PORTLAND, Kev. 27. (AP Batter Prints, A grade, 84c lb. ia psrcbipeat wrappers, 85c lb. ia cartons; B grade, parchment wrappers, S3e lb.; cartons 34c lb. Bntterfat Portland delivery, A grade deliveries st least twice weekly, 34-86e lb.; country routes, 82-3 4e lb.; B grade, or delivery less then twice weekly, 82 34c lb.; C grade at market. Eggs Sales to retailers: specials, 83e; extras. SOe; fresh extras, brown, 30c; standards 26c: (reek mediama 36c; me dium firsts, 28c; fresh pnllets, 24e; do f irate. 21e; checks, 24c; bakers, 20c dosen. gg Beying price of wholeislers: fresh, specials, 28c; extras, 25c; extra firsta, 24c; extra mediuou, 23c; medium firsts, 20c; pullets, 18c; do, firsts, 16c; s-der grade, 18c deten. Cheese 82 score, Oregoa triplets, 15e; lost. 16 c Brokers will psy c below quotations. Milk Contract price 4 per cent: Port bind delivery, $2.20 cwt.; B grade eres-L, J7Hs lb. CotuUry nests Setting price te retail era : country killed hogs, best botchers, under 150 lbs- 11-11 V lb.; vsalera, fancy, 9 He lb.; light and thin, 4-7e lb.; 140-170 lbs- 6-7c lb.; heavy, 4-5c lb.; fancy Iambs, lie lb.; ewes, 3-5e lb.; cut ter cows, 4-So lb.; eanners, 3s lb.; bulls 4Vie-5e lb. Vohsir 1934 baying price, 19e lb. Cssesra bark Buyiag price, 1934 peel, Sc lb. Hops 1934 toggles. ( ) lb.; clat ters, 1013c lb. Live poultry Portland delivery buy ing prices: colored hens, under 6 lbs 14c lb.; do under 6 lbs- 14c lb.; Leg horn fowls, ever 3 fba., 13-13e lb.; do' under 3 lbs, ll-12e lb.; colored springs, 1 te 2 lbs.. 14-15c lb.; broilers aadec 2 Iba, 1617c lb.; roosters, 6s lb.; Pe kia ducks. 12c lb.; do colored 1112c; geese. 10-lie lb. Dressed turkeys Taney hens 2tc; fancy tons 20-21c: choice 18c; commer cial 15c Onions Oregon. $1.90-2 cental; Tsk Im. 81.25-1.60. Potatoes Oregon Barbanks, 80-SOe cental; Sesppoose No. 1 Gems, SOe; do He. 1, 65-700 cental; De achates Gems. $1.10-1.15. Wool 1984eKp. nominal; Willamette VeBey, ksaediina, 20e lb.; fine er half blood, SOe lb.; lamb 18c lb.: Eartcra Oregon, 17-20e lb.; Southern Idaho ( ) lb. Hay Buying price from producers: alfalfa. No. 1, new crop, 816.50-17.50; Eastern Oregoa timothy, $17.50; oate, $12 ton; vetch, $18 ton; Willamette Val ley timothy. $18.50 ton; clever, $12 tea, Portland. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore, Kov. -9. (AP) Cattle: Receipts. 25; calves, 10; quot- HB SErEMSTO U K INI HA-PtvJE LOOK EVEN WIUNG xsnpaj. we Nwit rW(VlMt L auraay have-to ivave a NAME: HE'S GOV4& AL0N& WTTH OS TO FIND PtTA X KtVJrt! WU NAME HIM F ROSTY-HOWfe I -safe M. r m V W mmS W W J 1 - V k l I 1 1 ennfi iaiiii imbim ; t Sal aiem tirade n raw 4 per cent milk. c-op pool price 2.MI per hundred. tMOk based ' oa se-U-assthrr tmtterUt aver age.) Distributor price $2.10. Uattcrfat lop 33c and 83c; B grade prists 83c; A grade prints 84c Prices paid te growers by lales baysra. Kevember 27 (The prices belo. epae by local greeer. ere tadieaUve ef tbe dairy market, bat are net guaraataed by The Statee sua.) raurra ' (Buying Price). Cranberries, bbi. ; a50 Orapefruit, Florida - , T 4 te 4.50 Grapefruit, Ariisna 3.4ft. te .6i Casabas. lb. ' j)i Orsagec. Valencies, fancy 6.00 te 7.00 Orange v Ksvela 2.75 te 8-76 Esnanas. lb oa stalk , .04 Hands .. Jt Lemons 4.50 te SJI6 Llmaa, fresh ' 0 Grapes mporen '.. , 1.50 Apples, bushel -85 te LOO Pears, D'Aajou. bo. .71 VEGETABLga (Buying Price) Rsfishes. dos. - Local celery, dos. .75c to LOS .45 te .76 ca nil flower Egg plant, local. IK Cabbage, cwt- local .90c te LIS 50e to M ns Kraut cabbags Green peppers, local, lb. Onions. Washington. SO Iba. .75 Local onions. 50 lbs. .75 Lcttace. local, crate Cslifornia Salsify, dozen fl -ft. Inn. I m Squash, Hu'bbarda end Baaana Carrots, local, dos. , .15 te .20 Local Potatoes Ke. L baadred .90 No. 2. hundred JO Tsklma. S Iba. 3 Sweet potatoes 1.85 California pets 41 California beans . .1$ Tomafoee, Calif- log 1.75 iiDw-ia , , . .is te .is Walnuts. Ib. .18 te .30 Turnips, dos. , 35 .85 J0 Eadives. dos. Iteliaa kroceoU, large Bora (Baying PHceh i-ster, ivic is, top is . Toggles. 1934. top lb. EGOS (Buying Pries) xtrss . Standards ' Mediums ; J6 .28 .21 .It .26 .26 .28 ao Pullets Wholesale Selling pr)c f-xiras . Suadards Mediums Pullets WOOL AND HOBAIB (Beying Price) Mohslr. 1984 clip ne market Medium wool, 1934 .20 Coarse and fine wool. 1934 as POUL.TBT (Barinc Price) Heavy hens, 4 to 6 Iba, Over 6 pounds, lb. Colored mediums. Ib. Medium Leghorn i, lb. .. ., , 48 ae .09 .07 j$ at ao a4 .21 ugat, lb. Broilers, colored, lb. Legheras. lb. awes. ia. Tarkeys, beat, lb- top HEAT (Buyiag Price) Lambs, under SO Iba. 4.76 te 6.35 Over 90 Iba. 4 to 4.60 Hogs. 130-160 lbs. . 5.75 170-210 Iba. 6.0 210-250 lbs. 6.60 Steers .03 te .05 Caws ,, 1.50 te 135 Balls .02 te .02 Heifers "H to .03 VeaL top 5.00 te 5.50 Dressed veal, top .07 Pressed hogs ao GRAIN AND HAT (Burlna Price) Wheat, western red .79 White. No. 1 .80 Bsrley, feed, Ne. i. ton 28.00 Hsitiaa, tea aa oa Feed, toa Bar. buying prices Clover nay . 9.00 . 9.00 a loo Oats aad vetch, toa Alfalfa, valley. Crst cot Clover Seed- Red. Ib. - .11 - .16 .80.00 -27.0 Alsike, lb. Vetch seed, toa Oats, milling, toa NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been, by the County Court of Marion coun ty, Oregon, appointed administrat or of the estate of LEAH DELL COLLINS, deceased, and has qual ified as such. All person having claims against said estate hereby are required to present same, with proper vouchers, to him at 214 United States National Bank building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. 28 November, 1934. JOHN P. COLLINS, As Such Administrator. CARSON ft CARSON, Salem, Oregon, Attorneys for Administrator. N-28-D.5-12-19-26. ably gteady; use hanged. Steers, good, eoasmea A medium, 8.00 6.85; heifers, good,: common a medium, 2.75-5.25; cows, good, eeaunoa A medi am. 2.25 4.00; lew cutter a cutter. 1.00 2.25; bulls, good 4 choice. 8.003-60 ; vealers. good a choice, 6.506.50; eaU, eommea medium, 2.50-6.00; calves, good aad choice, 5.00-6.60; eommoa k medium. 2.OO-4.50. Bogs: Receipts, 100 j fuUy steady; unchanged. Lightweight, good A choice. 5.00-6.25; medium weight,- good a choice, 6.50 6.25; heavyweight, good A choice. 5.00 5.60; peeking sows, medium A good. 8.50 4.85; feeder A a tocher pigs, good A choice, $3.50-4.00. Sheen: Receipts, 100; steady; un changed. Lambs, coed A choice, 5.25-6.00; eor mea A medium, 8.75-6.25; yearling weth ers. 3.25-4.00; awes, good A choice, L76 2.50. "BEING Hr. I Tt VVrWrfGEEE iuy SWELL IvIAVt&'I THAT? CALL, HlbA FROST pir-rt l i r iinu TS la 1M ft 91 ft, a S.A '. -te o J01 ' UUnU HDHlll lAIUO ifieniwe CHICAGO. Not. 27.-an-Cnrn was klnr In the Chicaro' rrain trade again today. The corn fatnres market, after a hesitant start, gained mora than. 2 cents as buyiag power in the pits developed responsive to aa excellent demand for the cereal for delivery at th earliest - pos sible date. Wheat and other eains shared In the boring that was aroused li the corn trade, wheat gaining" fractions to more than a cent. a bushel as early weakness evapor ated. With cash corn selling as hLrtt as 11.62 for No. 2 white, a prem ium of 13 cents over December contracts, first of which becoma aeiiveraoie th last of the week, futures rose abruptly in the final ' hour ef tradinr as bavins dis closed lack of pressure. December corn ontions touched a new season's hieh at 89 cents while Msy soared to the best ' price since last August. 87 i cents. At the close corn vi 1U in 2 cents higher than yesterday's finish. Mar 87U-c. December showing the greatest net gain. Last quotations were at the day's top. Wheat gained c to lc. May 984-7.c at the close, oats were to c Higher. Rf was to lc ud and barlesr waa e lower to c higher. Today's closing quotations: Wheat: Dec., old, 994-4c: new 99-Hc; May. 994-e; July, 9iM-t. Corn: Dec., new, 88-c: old, 88-89c; May. 81K-e; July. 83?4-S4c Oats: Dec., old, 82 He; new, 52e; May, 50-Ke; July, 46c TURKEY SELL OUT IS SI LIKELY TM A complete sell-out of turkey on hand in local markets will like ly come with today's buying, deal era reported lata yesterday onlba sis of the buying tor Tueelay. Prices wero unchanged yestergay. with top grade bens dressed, sell ing retail at a range of from 2S to 28 cents per pound, depending upon where purchase is mado. One market reported last night that its stock of 175 birds would probably be exhausted by noon to day. All mala markets reported a brisk demand yesterdsy afternoon and an exceptionally lively move ment toward closing time last night. Most markets anticipate they hare plenty of blrda on hand to meet the demand, but that there will be no carry-over. More. Salem families will eat turkey this Thanksgiving than ia several years, Judging from sales of tho prince of holidsy birds th first two daya of the week. Gardener's and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 27.-( -There wss little change in prices at today's session of the Garden ers' and Ranchers' market. Demand is rather brisk due lo the approaching holiday. Toma toes continued at 35 and 75 cents per crate and squash was offered at 1.25 per cantaloupes for Dan ish and Jl per crate for Bohem ian. Other prices remained steady. Tomatoes Per crate, 85-75c -Spinach Per ersage boa. 6O-70e. Spinach Pet orange sex, 5e-$L Carrots New, per dosen baaebee, I0 12c Beets Per desea bunches, 25-30a. Parsley Per doxea bunches, 10c. Qreea Onion Per dosea baaebee, 20- 25c " Dry colons Oregoa. $1.40-1.60 per 100 pounds. - 1 Turnips Per dosea buachee, 15 10c Rutsbsgss Per crstc 85-50c Parsnips 40e per crstc - Radishes Per dosea buachee, 15c Peas LScaL 68c Lettuce Per crstc, local, 75c; The Dalles, $1.25. ' Cabbage Par crate. 70-7 6c Cauliflower LeeaL Ke. 1, 40-70 per Cauliflower Local, He 1, 40 50e per crate; Me. 2. 25 30c per crate. Celery hearts Per dosea baaebee, 6,3 75c Celery Per crate. 90e )l. Peppers Bed, 80s per peach hoi greea, 60c per orange box. Qreea Beaaa Per lb- 8 7c Squash Danish, $1.25 per cantaloupe crate; Bohemian. $1 per crate Cora Per sack. 75c $1. Coeambers -Pickling. aO35ct slicing. 40c- Egrplsnt Local. 60c: Dalles, 80 jj 60c Prunes Per poaad. 8c Apples Jamble peek. paT box. 3 60c; Delicious er Spit-eaberga. extra fancy. $1.30-1.60. Pampkiaa Per cantaloupe crate. 66 75c Brassel Sprouts Per crate, 50-60c Potatoes Per ersage box. 60-70c KOA0-COSVAIXIS 650 Kc Wedaeedsy, November 28 9:00 Ha te f rssemlsa Observes. 10:45 Aacieat Daya. 18:00 Hoea Farm Hoar. 8:00 HeaseaMkere- Half Hear. 4:00" Oa the Caanmaac Radio Program 6:00 Opera Stories "Mar the. rpeciai, Oregon)' lt.ee 0:80 -Riming Paa He r. Le WHEEL GOODS 10 The Werl4 a Tie r ? - tor P. Merita. 8 :15 KOAO Drama CuHL t veiocrpeo wnir pcttot rm, r -'C" H1Tr W' Sc0t "T1 wcl S:46 Bearm ef Beeeate. PS:II Liafleld CmUege