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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1934)
Oil HEKER Ml Rural Community Jot : Renivizing 100 Per Gent 'Supposed Trees in Road are Cause S of Driver Losing Wheel LYONS, Not. . 27. About 6 o'clock Saturday morning the Henry : Bodeker family ; w a s shocked' by the Impact of a large wood truck plunging urough the lawn fance and striking the porch of their ' home. It aeema the truck driver became contused when be came to some trees which had fallen on the highway In - front of the Bodeker home dnring 'the night, ", The tree tops had been cat away but the truck driver swerved out ol the road to miss them and In some way lost control of his machine. It struck a drain tile, took to the ditch and broke some thing about the wheel which caus ed it to plow its way through the fence, taking posts and wire. flowers and, cement walks as it .Trent,-wrecker was necessary to dislodge the large machine. No one was Injured. The ' driver's name was not learned. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Berry and Levi Garrison went to Portland Sunday to visit relatives. They returned by way of McMinnvtlla and brought Mildred Berry borne, , She visited the past week at the home of her cousins, near Me Minnville. Harvey Shelton came home Fri day after spending the past six weeks with his daughter at Dal las. While away he was under the care of a physician most of the time, but is better now. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Julien who are newcomers here, attended Re bekah lodge in Lyons Thursday evening. They were members of the order at Redmond. Harvey Ransom came home Fri day, after being at the home of his parents In Turner most, of the ' time the past three months. Har - very helped to care for his father during his last illness and in the meantime was taken seriously ill nimseu. . Amos L. Hiatt was taken to Sa lem Saturday, where he under went a major operation at the Deaconess hospital. Word receiv ed here Sunday soon stated he was doing as well as. could be ex pected. WACOM) A. - Nov. 17. Frank Felton Js building a two-room ad dition upstairs lai ,hia home. Ample closet and drawer apace ana noors of maple are Included in the plans. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown are repairing their home. The Karl M. Brown garage has a new coat of paint. ----- ' . . JYilli&ms Honored by Children Upon Arrival From India AIRLIE, Not. 27. Sunday the Williams! family gathered at the home of.lM. G. Williams in Inde- " pendencei. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Wil liams Just arrived from Karachi, India, where he has been working tor the Standard Oil company for the past 16 years." Other sons - present were: Wade Williams and Wife; Verne Williams and son Duane, W. E. Williams Jr. and caughters Marine and Dor ice; lira. C XL Tauent and son; Mr, and Mrs. George Ploub and W. E, Williamson, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bevens, Mr, and Mrs. Ira Dueltgen of Albany, , Mr. and Mrs. Lester Stillman Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Har ris and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kes ter, attended a school reunion of the class of '22 which was held In Dundee. Bill Keene is putting up a new building on his place. Allyn Nuson is having a few bulltins added to the kitchen of his borne. - . It seems that this community has responded to the call of the National Housing Act almost xou percent. " " . III mm n HHil T.vnxs Nov, 27. Prowlers wm fHchtAiied awav from the service station and home of Mr. and Mrs.J Loria Trask Tnursaay night about 11 o'clock. There seemed to be two persons. When the family dog was loosed they ran towards the railroad back of thn Trv residence. This is the second time this winter that this place has been visited by- un known persons. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hobson and daughter, Joan, and Mrs. Or- ville Downing and cnuaren went to Mill City Friday afternoon to have the "cold shots" adminis tered by the county health nurse. Several from Lyons are also tak ing the shots as a cold preventa tive. Mrs. Pearl Kincade of Baker and Mrs. F. N. Berry of Mill City were visitors at the local Re- bekah lodge Thursday nignt. Lawrence Trask returned Wed nesday night from White Water, where he was emoloved on the road clearing work for the past moqth. He reported consiaera ble snow there now and the work has some to an end until spring. Mother Nature Has Dates Badly Mixed, Say Stayton Folks STAYTON, Nov. 26. What season of the year is this anyway? A look over some of the yards In this town leads one to believe that Mother Nature sure has her dates mixed. Mrs. E. D. Alexander has a red rambler rose blooming; Mrs. 0. L. Hagen has a clump of day lilies in bloom; Mrs. Charles Stayton has several bunches of daffodils well above theround; Mrs. J. C. Mayo reports spirea in bloom, also an abundance of nasturtiums. CLEAR LAKE SLATES COMMUNITY DITHER CLEAR LAKE, Not, n-Tlie community will give a potluek Thanksgiving dinner at 12:20 o clock Thursday at the chureh here. A nroeram. nreceedlnc the inner, will open at 11 o'clock. The entire community is invited to bring a basket and Join the event. The Clear Lake juvenile com mnnitv club is nrenarinr a parlla mentary drill which it expects to give at the next meeting of the community club Friday evening, Nov. 30. The officers of the club are: President. Kenneth Buchan an: vlcft-nresident. Jack Chanin: secretary, Vivien Lindquest. The girls of the Clear Lake school havA formed a 4 -II sewine club The officers are: President, Lois Lick: vice-nresident. Elsie Petxel; secretary, Victoria Schmalts. The leader is Mrs. Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Russell have as their house zuests Mr. and Mrs. George Martns of Nesterville, South Dakota, whom they visited on their trip through the East last year. Varied Program Feature of Outstanding Event; Circle Meets " AMITT, Not. 27. The Amity high school- carnival held in the school "buildings Friday night drew a large crowd. An excellent free program was presented con sisting of these numbers: Music by the high school or-. ehestra. directed by Miss Gladys Burgess; comical skit "Shadow Pictures" by the "Letter" Girls; "Scare Crow dance", principal characters. Iris Stephens, Ermile Lindroff and Joyce Nixon; music by the girls glee club, directed by Miss Lillian Von Pinnon; reading and fairy tale skit by the girls' league; humorous reading, Alan Tor bet; harmonette, Lois Vincent, Jeanne Abraham and Gertrude Cannell; humorous skit by the lettermen featuring one of their meetings; comical skit by eight girls representing midgets; turn bling act by Wayne Massey and Harvey McCarty. - Numerous concessions followed by a "smoker" in the gymnasium tilled out the evening's entertain ment. Nearly every student in the school had some part in the event and it is considered one of the best carnivals ever held here. The Baptist Mission Circle met Friday afternoon in the parlors of the Baptist church with the pres ident, Mrs. Harvey Robinson, pre siding. Mrs. A. W. Newby gave an interesting lesson on home and foreign missions. dancing and refreshments which followed the - business meeting. The club voted to bold regular meetings the first and third Fri days of each month.' ; v - ROBERTS, Not. 27 The com munity club held Its meeting Sat urday night' with a good attend ance. During the business meet ing Luther Chapin, president of tie club federation g a?e a short talk on community affairs. - Wil liam McGUchrlst also gave a talk on Red Cross work. - Mrs. Julia Jndson was appoint ed to work with the Sunday. school and school to arrange and plan the Christmas program. Re ception committee, Mrs. Clifford Thomas. George Higglns, Mrs. B. D. Fidler and Mrs. Joe Ringwald; refreshment, Mrs. Hsrrey Sch li bel, Mrs. Louis Salehenberg and Mra Earl Tlngley. Mrs. Julia Jndson and Mrs. E. A. Goodrich presented this pro gram In form of a radio broad cast, with Wesley Goodrich the announcer: Juvenile Harmonica band; recitation, Harold Hart- man: playlette, "Lambkin," sec ond grade pupils; skit, Buddy Zlelke and Donald Salehenberg; recitation, Marjorie Judson; pi ano solo, Mary Jane Osborne; "Congressman," by Dr. D. D. Craig of Salem Heights. Piano solos by Dorothy and Eleanor Purcell; orchestra; vocal duet, Mrs. Elsie Carpenter and Mrs. E. A. Goodrich, accompanied by Miss Julia Owery; orchestra selection SALEM HEIGHTS, Nov. 27. The Salem -Heights Young Peo ple's community club organized under the leadership of Mrs. Belle Douglas, president of the com munity club, held a pie social at the community hall Friday night The affair was successful, both financially and socially, enough money being taken in to have the piano tuned and refinished. About 75 were present to enjoy the Mrs; Rose Hodge Noble Grand for -v Dayton Rebekahs FIB1TT1D I MING DATTON, Not. 27. Many farmers of this locality attended the dairy meeting for the con trol of contagious abortion at the Webfoot grange hall at 10 a. m. Dr. -Foster and Rogers Morse, dairy specialist, talked. County Agent S. T. White and his as sistant. Rex Warren, and I. C. Warren of McMlnnvllle, were present. Men from each locality present volunteered to take the sign-up blank. Twelve members attended the Aloha Needle club meeting Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Sweeney The club will hold the annual Christmas tree and program the afternoon of December 20 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ed wards. Marion Boulden, farmer of this locality, underwent an operation Friday at a hospital in McMJn vllle. T A YTOTT Ore.. Not. 2 .- The semi-annual election of officers in Naomi Rebekab. lodge No. 82 of Dayton was held Friday nlgbt ana resulted,: ' - Noble grand, Mrs. Rose Hodge; vice-grand, Mrs. Mary Lorett; sec retary. Mrs. Ruth Pef f er; finan cial secretary, Mrs. Wesa Ross ner ; treasurer, Mrs. Yerda Duzan. The men had cnarge oi an in teresting program and served ight refreshments. Injured Girl is Given Party by Classmates FAIRFIELD, Not. 27. Elinor Lundy who fell at school, break lng her leg in two places Is re covering satisfactorily. In spite of the injury she 'was able to enjoy her birthday party Thursday night when 25 school friends gath ered at her home. The occasion also celebrated the birthday of her younger brother. Ward Jr. Jorey Leener Gets Second Broken Leg Within Years Time LA R. WOOD. Nov. 18. Jorev Leener, who was Just recovering from a bad leg fracture received a year ago, Friday broke bis leg again. The accident occurred as he was cutting wood. Rex Perrey plans to go to Bay City soon to Join his brother, Rov. who ia convalescing there. Thev will stav at the hotel owned by Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Daven port, formerly ' of . this neighbor Parson Davenport - has . been employed at Sweet Home the past week,' -painting' the high school gymnasium. His next Job is to be some sign painting for Ira Woddle, who owns a butcher shop at Sweet Home. - Fidelis Clais Has Social Evening at Gervais Auditorium GERVAIS, Not. 27. Twenty flve members of the Fidelis class, a young married couple's organis ation in the local Presbyterian church, met at the city auditorium Monday night for social evening. The class is a larger one, but the inclement weather kept many away. The evening was spent ia playing volley ball, basketball and other games, arranged by a com mittee composed of Sam E. Brown, chairman, assisted by Howard Tong, Mrs. Hamill, Mrs. A. B. Adkisson and Mrs. W. L. Regele, Mrs. A. B. Minaker sub stituted for Mrs. Adkisson who was at The Dalles over the week end with her husband and daugh ter at the home of her parents. An oyster stew was served. POLLY AND HER PALS Atlas Had a Cinch! By CLIFF STERRETT STAYTON, Nov. 26. Unless something unforseen happens. Grant Murphy, president of the Murphy-Gardner Lumber com pany of this place, will leave about December 5 for Washington D. C. as a delegate to the lumber code meeting to be held there De cember 10. Mr. Murphy will be the only man going from Oregon. WHERE WILL. VOU HIDE ) - If tXJ WOMT BE ABLE TO ) fcfvOU'RE NOT PUNlaJJI11 I I ME THAT I CAM SEE JyTo SEE VtXJR DARUNS v TO TAKE AMGEU OUT- 1 lS! ' AMGEL WITHOUT rVun?? THl! J k DAUGHTER, BUT 'M JjTZN ORS iWITVT HER ST ( jj - MICKEY MOUSE My Kingdom For a Hosal By WALT DISNEY CALIFORXIAXS ARRIVE PIONEER, Not. 27. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bird were Mr. and Mrs. Chet Gilliam and son and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Robbins and daughter of Rickreall, Mrs. Pearl McCum- ber and daughter Marjorie of Palo Alto, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Dewey and two sons of Mo desto. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey just arrived Sunday from Modesto and are looking for a location in Ore gon. He is a brother to Mrs. E. J. Robbins. Too Late MlCKEV LEARNS PROM A COP THAT THE ROBBERS HAVE STARTED ACROSS THE DESERT ON CAMELS ! AND MINNIE VvAS WITH THEM, A PRISONER ! sh. Ourlrk impossible!! CP 1X0 1 ah! if onlv Kan' wpT- -';&-V 1 fPhRI ft XSKf aUS 'S NEVER O' COURSE NOT Y THOU MADST trZL a r4rJljry . RENTED TO BUT F R PETE 8 OBTAINIEO A 5H ABUT JP S. I 3 gS? StlVCA- SAKE, I UCENSPbUT COPsToNUV ONE s A T.wfS IMVS DR-lSSS VCANT--'AA WAtT 1FTH00 N--Nf7 THING TO DO- ----- J M S ? QU'CK' 1 ; f LICENSE CAREST TO SCT D0WH 00,5 Jl VT i 31 WHERE CAN WE X i'A, HAST ' RESIDE HERE FDR THIRTY lpl LBl AIRSH1F AND k 1 fjlTli ruTr2 'lS2?f kU? U ( DAYS, 1COULO ISSUER S 2LV "! J : Jf MOJ fr, GrOSS-Word Puzzle THIMBLE THEATRiteiTing Popeye Now Showing "The Weaker Sex" By SEGAR By EUGENE SHEFFER IS M !T- piT" ""!T" rs "W1 ir 5T 31 32 7 S3 34 W 3 -Is" w " fffiT5m 5T"Tr mx:mWm (Skl l THOUGHT t BROKE ' NECK AlNTVA ASMtO? gtK Aarr ho GKVVy j WHO AIN'T NO . T yoo-Hoo: VA fcvtVXT MO LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Hash Money By DARREL McCLURE r Tm Voov ama mfaijv. wrvc- WATCHED -THE. MOUSE DAT AKfD NlmU.-rHE KID I5M-T THERE AND I'M CCRTAtM MRS, STOUT MASNT. WHERE THE KID 16 HIDING HORIZONTAL 1 appraise '-(abstains (ram food XO ahieldor ' ' protection 11 looaen 12 incompat abflitr . 16 decay 16 -converts into leather 17 moistens 18 image 20 river-in France and Belgium 22 mala child 23 antitoxin 25 Btiffly decorous 27 note of the r: - scale 3 politician -SI month of the Jewish calendar. . S3 carrative poem -84 bhint pieces 87 gratuity .89 places 41 portico - 42 set down . . '44 list 48 large cask 47 inter- breeding -W light boat f 1 robbed ' lightly for 52 beasts of harden 63 region between . France and Germany VERTICAL 1 clergyman in charga of parishes 2 past , 8 light coloring -4 attempt 5 those ' ' nndoly anxious abont trifles 6 insect ' 7 boil slowly 8 prongs 9 figure bounded by two radii and included arc 10 positive terminal of an elec tric sonrce Herewith is the eolation to yes terday's puzzle. .- ' ' ' ' vor 12 part of the eye IS overseer 14 Anglo Saxon slave 1Qjct-riTMt instrument 21 edges 24 plans 26 cloths at a door to wipe toe feet on 29 liquid measures 80 having more nai 81 Norse king wno mar- ried Gudrun 82 character in Shake- ' KDetrt'i . "Taming of , . tne Shrew". 85 limit .36 chanted ,88 fibers from ' the century plant 40 places cora- HURRY Ot ZERO VOU GOTtA EAT FAdTCAOSe IF ' DOMT WJ4T FeZrC85iOMAU DI5H-WASHETR- I I 1 I. Ill ill ill M ITf l I I 1 HOUSE AMD HAVEOMCOF U I 1 I J IVOORMEM KEEP WIS EYE OM ti, OUR A m A r- T I i Wjf MlTHATVrTSSGUyATTHS r BEST III W M 4' J - I II ; I I I CA5 3XAT10M-HE : I I J A JJFWJ1 I Wr "TtfTTiE BRAT TMAM 'tt I 'mflil.l I NA XILDCRHZHTX WdUTHERC AST MO USE SQUAWKrtJj 7CO)Vie)U GOTTA SWELL HONE AW i GOTTA REAL, HLMDR&TDOLLARS)Lt. BUT XM SCARED TO SHOW IT TO ANYONE 'CAUSE. TMELLTVHMK X MU5TVE. STOLE rT FROM SOMEBOOy r" I 1 w& - . Jrv 1 S'Siai TOOTS AND CASPER Zero Hour! By JIMMY MURPHY 1 SEH MXJ LATER, BOYS J I'LU rET THE I I I'M rONr4ATRY TO ETCAR STARTED A UNS ON VVHERC WHILE YOU'RE V ' BEH PUIKR IS y BRlNrlNr THE ! " ( 0UT' THOSE HOODLUMS MEAN BUSINXSS ALL, RlrHT THEY Grabbed me by mistake and now they're jonna finish me to keep me FROM TALKM6" I'M NOT AFRAID TO DtE.,BUT I NMSH t COULD SEE SOPHIE ONCE MORE BEFORE t Ant WE'RE rONNA TAKE YOU FOR A LITTLE. RIDE, FATTY COME ON LET'S 4ET YOU'RE A TOU6H 6UY, AREN'T YOU? IF YOU'RE SO BRAVE WHY DONT YOU . COME tN HERE WITHOUT THAT drUN? LIRE.tXTS (K! I'M NOT rOlN TO WHINE OR CRINGE IIKH YOU'LL DO WHIN TCtW. TUXN rnn AHEAD ANOj HAVE. YOUR. SAY, FATTY-- I'LL. DO MY TALK1N WHEN WE 6ETYOU DOWN BY THE yWAKEi JUST A LITTLE. WHILE COLOHXL HOOFCR WILL BE NO MORE liOTHIHA CAM AVK MIM NOW! pacuy 43 lairs 45 continent 48 fish eggs 49 mineral ...spring 11-58.