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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1934)
PAGE TEN The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Sunday Morning, November 25, 1934 Glorious Music in Two Film Offerings and Drama on Other Bills t V I f. ' f Hawaii and West Point are Some of Backgrounds of ' Glorious Romance Bringing with it the-enchantment of Hawaiian nights, the Bpirit of the United States Army, the thrill of West Point and the romance of glorious youth, "Flir tation Walk," first military musi cal ever screened and First Na tional's mammoth new spectacle ' is scheduled to open at the El slnore today for a five .day run. Dick Powell and Ruby Keeler. the nation's -most popular screen loyerg, and Pat O'Brien head on all star cast, whicn includes, in addition to a score of Hollywood's best actors, the entire cadet corps of the United. States Miliary Aca demy at West Point, a portion of the - Pacific fleet," and a detach ment of the regular army at Hon olulu. : :. . ' : - The . picture.. Is . a ' Frank Bor- sage. production which he direct ed from the screen play by. Del mer Dares based oh an original story by Daves and. Lou Edelman. Accuracy of scenes were assured by the technical direction of Col. Timothy J. Lonergan and Lieut. M. P. Echols. SHELBUR.V. Nov. 4. George C. Miller, Shelburn farmer, J. W. Lamar, Peoria merchant, and Joe Mayor, Lebanon banker, are the three men selected this year for Linn county budget committee. to meet with the Linn county court. Leonard Lukenbach has passed the Salem station for enlistment in the army. He will be assigned to Fort Douglas, Utah. W. A. Ewlng is having his farm improved by laying of tile across it. C. O. Bates and Walter George are doing the work. Big Percentage Of Voters Here Record Ballots Marion county's rate of voting to the number of citizens regis tered waa slightly higher than the average for the state. According to figures released,- yesterday by "P. J.' Stadelmaaj J secretary of state, Marion county averaged 65 per- cent while the Oregon aver age was 63.4 Toting of the total number of persons registered. Sherman county exceeded all other counties i in the percentage of rotes cast to the number of persons registered. Seventy-ser- en per cent of the voters register ed there east. ballots Novmber 6 GRAND Today Grace Moore in "One Night of Love." Wednesday Nancy Carroll in "Jealousy." r - ELSIXORE Today Dick Powell in "Flir- tationWalk." Friday Helen Hayes in ; ; "What Every Woman Knows.". - -J '." CAPITOL Today Double bill, Fay i Wray In "Woman in the j , Dark" and Tim McCoy In , "End of the Trail." r Tuesday Double bill. "Man 'hattan Meladrama" with ; Clark Gable and "Tiger Shark" with Edward G. Robinson. . Thursday Double bill, James Cagney in "Here Comes the Navy" and Edith r Wharton's "Strange Wives" - with Roger Pryor. HOLLYWOOD Today Wallace Beery in "Treasure Island". Wednesday Will Rogers in "Handy Andy." STATE Today "Of Human Bond age" with Leslie Howard. TuesdayEdna May Oliver in We're Rich Again". Thursday First run, Buck Jones In "When a Man I Sees Red Saturday ( announc ' ed later.) : - 3 . t r ., with MEN SELECTED FOR BUDGET WORK The Gall Board . . . I I m I T,- :v ; tullio cnnniiiATi L-YIE TALBOT nONA-.DARIllE .: . ... f . A COtUMIIA PICTURE "Flirtation Walk' Gay Comedy f 1 nmf -? 0 " 1 - ' i in i mSm . J mil r V, ...iw' Mini man urn A Ruby Keeler and Dirk Powell are the tag today at the Elsinore. h ) - 3 jp" "'' .. 'A Fay Wray and Ralph Bellamy make a pleasing romantic team in "Woman in the Dark" at the Capitol on a double bill. 1 -ViS" V -? F.3W. Jackie Cooper and Wallace Beery meet adventnre on the high seas in Robert Louis Stevenson's "Treasure Island" now at the Holly-wood. BUTTON, BUTTON, WHO a . Can Guess How Many? County Relief Office WANTS THE BUTTONS Button, button, who's got the the old .parlor game? The county relief office Is reviving it in a big way. It is putting on a button drive; or rather the men in the adminis trative division are. The buttons are needed for SERA projects now under way. There are Bewing projects, there are women working at repair of donated garments. And the con stant cry is for buttons, buttons. Of course buttons may be bought, but they cost money; so the men in the control office have figured out a button-contest. They know that' every house has its can of old buttons. Thrift habits have accumulated these buttons over a generation; and now the chance is offered to put thent to good use. Buttons of all kinds and sizes and shapes are desired. If they are old, the. repair ditision may have garment as old aa th6 bnt- tons and which need those but- . - i ji, s THE MOST p GLORIOUS BIUSICAL ROMANCE OF. ALL TIME stars of "Flirtation Walk" open, tons. Quantities of buttons are needed several barrels of them. The men in. the relief office, who no doubt could sew on a but ton themselves without too many punctures of the skin, have a plan for bringing in the buttons.' It is a contest. Every one who brings in a contribution of but tons will be privileged to make a guess on the total number re ceived in the drive. Prises will be awarded those guessing . the nearest the actual number. In Salem a window hag been obtained at' the Marion county housing headquarters in the Bligh building, corner High and State. There people may watch the pile grow and grow. Other towns will M A Momc&rced Theater i-v OLLYWOpU Today, Monday and Tuesday .... 15c Continuous Performance . . . ..Today, 2 to XI MATINEE MONDAY & TUESDAY; 2 P. M. They'll Steal Their Way into Your Heart! Bairnire Added Popeye the SaOor la "Sock-a-By Baby -J 'und Metrotooe News i I "One Night of Love" Packs v Them in; "Jealousy" to Open Wednesday "One Night of Love" continues to pack the Grand theatre after a run of several days last week. It will show until Wednesday. Grace Moore is the star, supported by Tullio Carmlnati and Lyle Tal bot. Music and romance combine to make "One Night of Love" one of the finest pictures of the year. It has received plaudits from all the critics whereyer shown. - Her beauty fanned the flames of Jealousy in the hearts of two men who loved her! One tried to win the love which she gave bo freely to another and their three lives were almost ruined by the spectre of suspicion! This dramatic theme receives a poignant treatment in Columbia's "Jealousy," which opens Wednes day at the Grand theatre with Nancy .Carroll, George Murphy and Donald Cook in the principal roles. 1 UK' CAPITOL A man who kills another In de fense of a woman serves a sen tence for manslaughter and when on parole vows he is through with women forever, is the cen tral male character in Dashelll Hammett's gripping drama, "Wo man in the Dark," today's attrac tion at the Capitol theare. John Bradley is the man who claims women "spell nothing but trouble." Barely out of Jail, he faces a situation almost identical with that which sent him there. A woman one whom he has nev er seen before, a woman out of the dark appeals to his chival ry to protect her. The author of "The Thin Man" once more develops a highly dram atic situation for all it is worth. Ralph Bellamy has the role of Bradley, and Fay Wray is beau tiful and moving as the girl who throws herself upon his generos ity. Melvyn Douglas is his us ual suave self as the man who forces Bradley's hand. Roscoe Ates stutters his way through the part of Bradley's comic pal. M ABBEY VISIT TO BE DECEMBER 2 A committee consisting of Ca,th ryn Eaton, Mary Kruger, and Marion County Christian Endeav or officers, Howard Cole, presi dent, is at work to make plans for the meeting in which Vere W. Abbey of India is to speak in the First Presbyterian church in Sa lem on Sunday afternoon, Decem ber 2, at 3 o'clock. Mr. Abbey is a young man who have windows where buttons, and guesses may be left. At Aumsville Cheffing's store win dow is the depository. The men at relief headquarters have agreed to count the buttons. mm s IIS INI GRAND in inn m I Now! WMfMM T-ay ililTif Hfrla v. rfi Monday If You Have Wondered Why the Best of Men Fall For the Worst of Women ... See This Heart-Searching Drama! Harry - Don't --'Sffrl " " .K Trxdy- " 'ir Story ( ContinnoM V VS'WJf " - Show Today s 1 12:45 pjn, ,r" 'ijfi'Z-A ' 'I A vj , ' ' X - " if--- i ;' ' iia ft in m'&tt L ' ?e!!'5S; '-Screen - IHJ Screei': Hi;:. Universal f, ?fiti3 ? ' , Sonvenlera - Song . : News Events CV y.t--;; j 1 ' '"' 1 g Grace Moore Scores at Grand 1 ! - .. - " x It ff 1 Grace Moore and Tullio Carminatl blend their fine voices in "One Night of Love" continuing the early part of this week at the Grand. Leslie Howard and Bette Davis deliver some of the finest characteriza tions of their careers as the mis-mates in "Of Human Bondage" now at the State. has had an outstanding record of service in India, where he and his wife serve as the general sec retaries of Christian Endeavor. They are in America on their fur lough year and are speaking to many interested audiences about their experiences in those lands, for Ceylon and Burma are also included In their territory. On this northwestern trip, however, Mrs. Abbey is not accompanying her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Abbey were fir.U sent by the Methodist Episcopal board to minister in an English speaking Methodist church in Rangoon, Burma, but for the past five years they have traveled back and forth across India, Burma and Ceylon, preaching the Gospel and organizing and strengthening Christian Endeavor societies. Dr. Walter L. Myers of Eugene, field secretary for Christian En deavor in Oregon, will accompany Mr. Abbey. Christian Endeavor era and the general public are In vited to attend this meeting. Mr. Abbey will appear at -four public meetings in 'Oregon and this one in Salem is to be the first. Peo ple living outside of Salem are also invited to attend the meet lng for next Sunday. Firemen to Get First Toys tor Renovizing Task The first batch of Christmas a cheer toys were ready last night for removal from the central fire station, where they had been re paired and painted, to the Elks club, central distribution point With Christmas yet a month away, the firemen, working in their newly-equipped shop, have turned out several dozen rebuilt toys. The stock of old toys on which to work, however, is small, fire men pointed out, and contribu tions of still more dolls, games, toy trucks, autos, bicycles and other gadgets that would delight some needy child next month is greatly desired. 5 DAYS STARTING TODAY A Story That Hits Your Heart Like the Beat of A Thousand Drums! Ifs the Screen's First Military Musical With Youth, Romance end Mad, Sweet Rhythm! r r??v xmim soo TREASURE 1SLA IS AT HOLLYWOOD A blustering plrato with bleod in his eye and friendship in his heart, and a young boy in the midst of the greatest adventure of his life these are the characters brought rividly to the screen by Wallace Beery and Jackie Cooper in "Treasure Island," Robert Lou Is Stevenson's famous pirate story, which opens today at the Holly wood theatre. The heart appeal of this great screen team that made motion pic ture history with "The" and recently in "The Bowery," has in this latest vehicle a story that carries them to stirring dramatic heights. Their adven tures together on board the good ship Hlspaniola, and later on the island in search of treasure where Beery as Long John Silver saves his young friendT Jim Hawkins, from the pirates, will stir the em otions of millions who hare read the book and bring new thrills to those not familiar with the story. Surprise Dinner Honors Matron PLEAS AN'TDAL, Nov. 24. Honoring Mrs. Ralph Hadley on the eve of her birthday a sur prise dinner was served at her home Thursday evening. Music on violin and accordian was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Winnie McDougall. Dancing and visiting were enjoyed during the evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Hadley, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Oaks and daugh ter, Ramona, Mr. and Mrs. Win- Today and Monday 15c Till 5 p.m. BIG DOUBLE BILL Another Great Crime Story From Dashiell Ha mm eft, author of "Thin Man" Tim McCoy in i m H v H ' ft - t . Plus i J Cm!c Cartoon Pelsmith. NoTelty r- News' nie McDougall and son Arland. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Willard an3 daughters. Zor a and Caroline, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Relcbstein, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. George Foster, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McFarlane Lawrence Addison, Kenneth Hadley, Gerald Hadley, H. Kaufman and Mrs. E. Alphon-so. li E" SHOWING AT STATE The combination of one of the greatest stars of the stage and screen, Leslie Howard, and one of the greatest stories in modern lit erature, make "Of Human Bond age," at the State theatre, one of the most entertaining dramatic pictures to emerge from Holly wood this year. "Of Human Bondage" poign antly dramatizes worthy Philip Carey's great love for unworthv, selfish Mildred. Philip is deeply in love with- this -promiscuous chit. He seeks for release through an affair with the intel lectual Nora and then finally with compassionate Sally. His firm at tachment to Mildred causes Nora to desert him in despair, but Sal ly's love proves to be his salva tion. The romantic action gains mo mentum as it rolls majestically to an absorbing climax. Leslie Howard's dramatic pow er and sympathetic interpretation excels anything he has done bo fore. Betto Davis comes througn with her greatest performance a Mildred. In other prominent roles, Frances Dee is Sally and Kay Johnson portrays Nora with conspicuous aptitude HES33 AXD 2ND FEATCRE "End of the Trail" Continuous Today 2 to 11 p.m. I 'imwm Ml f unfit -4