iWS EIGHT h The OREGON STATESMAN. Salm,: Oregon; 'llMagSamiSMV ISWiWA :ir ' vt ir,,. nil irrrvrn! niiiKrnrn I Mrs. Roosevelt Helps Friend Win bathroom and Installed plumbing and hot and cold water. Mrs. Stay, whose husband passed away sud denly in September, plans to leaTt about December 1 for a trip to Calif ornia where she has a niece. Music for the masquerade dance at the clubhouse Saturday night, will . be " furnished ' by Mrs. Roy Davenport, Roy Davenport and Sam Ness. Prises for the best cos tume will b awarded. Club mem bers and their friends are urged to attend.- ; Granger's News Column C0:..1ITTEES LISTED 10 FAIL AT HOTEL SUM. CIIILHI nnw JScarth Presides for First Time; Dr. Douglas Is Speaker on Health . SILVERTON, Not. 21 New 'officers presided at the NoTember meeting of chamber of commerce held ber tonight. W.. P. Scarth, new . president, announced bis committees for the rear as fel lows: - ' . v -. ' ' ' Membership Robert Goetz, Oscar Lee, Frank Alfred, Earl Hartman, S. P. Ross, P. SchmJdt, tu F. Tucker, Ed Campbell, Er rol Ross, Claire Jarris; publicity E. J. Adams, .". D. Drake, W. E. Satchwell, Alfred Coete; roads: Dr. P. A. Loar, R. B, Dun can, Joba Calrtn Schlador, J. Sorter; Industrial George Bubbs, Norris Ames; risitation Ernest Starr, Otto Legard, Eroll Ross, Rex Albright; entertain ment Zetta Schlador, Gut De Xar J. C. Hassenstab; luncheon R. A. Fish, Reber Allen, Claire Jarris, Dr. E. M. Stewart, Her man Kramer, C. L. Bonney, Har- rr Larson, Al Coote; agriculture warren Crabtree, George- Isreal on, Victor Madsenr Merlin Con rad, theodore Hobart, J. L.' Jones of Marqnam, Hairy Riches; ioll fiajr closing R. B. Duncan. Harry Larson, J. W. Jar don; ciTic -Dr. C. W, Keene; 1 e g i s 1 a 1 1 t e, George Steelhammer, TJrlin Page, M. G. Gtrnderson. Doaglaa Speaks ' Dr. Vernon A. Douglas was the principal speaker, talking on what can be done inN health control through organised effort. He poke of the helplessness of small towns a few years ago in the face of an epidemic. He pointed out that the three years starting with 1924 there were 266 cases of maUpox in Marion County, 517 cases of dlptheria; and 30 cases of typhoid, while in 1933 and 1934 there hare been no cases of small pox, four of dlptheria and 11 of typhoid. Mrs. J. C. Scheador was chair man of the entertainment for the rening. She Introduced Rev. George Swift of Salem, president of the Marion County public health association. Mrs. C. W. Keene, local tuberculosis seal sale's chairman, was also Intro duced. Musical numbers were fur nished by the four norsemen. Group singing was lead by Mrs. F. M. Powell with' Edward Syring at the piano. r Roy Davenport, commander of the local Legion Post spoke brief ly, offering the support of the Legion to the chamber of com merce. A discussion if reducing the $10 membership fee was held at the beginning of the meeting. Opinion seemed to be in favor of catting the fee in half. The deci sion was left in the hands of the directors. A rural membership fee was announced. Cast is Selected for Molalla Club Drama Next Month MOLALLA, Not. 22. "The Blue Bag," a three-act comedy, has-been selected as the Civic club play to be given, at the high school auditorium December 7. In the cast will be Raleigh Woodfin, Jack Gregory, Roberta Miles, Mia ul e Shaver, Kenneth Fredericks, "Howard Sylter, Carmen Case, -Clare Fluke, Hazel Bracken, Merle Schati and Dr. J. V. Robert son. Elton Ralston, a former vaude Tille performer, will coach the play. Proceeds will go towards the support of the city park and library. Plas Returns to Home After Hospital Stay SILVERTON, Not. 22. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Creed at the Silver , ton hospital November 20. The Infant weighed seven pounds and eight ounces. Leona White, who underwent a major operation at the local hospital, Monday, is re ported as getting along Tory well. N. Plas, who has been at the hos pital for several days for medical observation, was able to return to his home at Scotts Mills Wedes- aay. 5 KILLED, SIAMESE PLANE BANGKOK, Slam, Not. it. -Of) -Five persons were killed .today and. 1 Injured when a Siamese operated airplane crashed Into a crowd watching the takeoff at the Airfield. SHSMWIM'WtLLIAMS SEMI-LUSTE As mterkr psmc with the bari drying and wuhaUs qpa&ies oi enamel. Ikies villi half-enamel Per Quart $1.00 CELSOi'lBROS.inc. R. L. EUstrom, Mgr. Paint and Roof Dept. -861 Cbemeketa, Phone 81 . - . , : - t ' . 'y-i-JY.-:-:-:-:--, jP: J.-..-. j " ; 1 ..V Success of Miss Caroline O'Day, left, In the race for representatiTe-at-large in New York on the Democratic ticket was a Tictory as well for Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, wife of the president. Ml. Roosevelt, who campaigned for her friend, is pictured in New York City reading congratulatory messages after the returns showed Miss ODay had been elected. Sawyers, Wedded 54 Years, . Honored by Many Friends GERVAIS, Nov. 22. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sawyer passed their 54th wedding anniversary No vember 18. Friends from Wood burn. Silverton, Brooks, Hayes- ville and Gervais called to con gratulate them and distant friends sent letters and cards of congratu lation. Friends from Woodburn presented them with a beautiful floor lamp and Gervais chapter. Eastern Star, of which Mrs. Saw yer has been treasurer for a num ber of year, sent them a large bouquet of flowers. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Grafious are to be honor guests at a fare well party to be given at the church Friday night, November 23. A potluck supper will be serv ed at 7 o'clock and a social time with a short program will follow. Rev. and Mrs. Grafious are leav ing soon for Newport where Rev. Grafious will take the pastorate of the Presbyterian church. Young People Organize The young people met at the Presbyterian church for supper and social hour and to organize tor the winters work . with 20 present. Alice Turner was ejected president, Rufh Ferguson, vice- president, and Betty Stubblefield, secretary. J. B. Brown is leader for the group. Betty Stubblefield is to lead the meetin next Sun day night. On behalf of the Presbyterian Missionary society Mrs. Scott &i P. Commercial' E. H. Bingenheimer, Proprietor SALEM'S PROGRESSIVE YOUNG TENDER TURKEYS, Yeast Foam fed They are tender. They Red Mexican Beans, 4 lbs. 19c 19c Small White Beans, 4 lbs. Macaroni, curve cut. 3 pounds ... 21c SYRUP SALE Amaizo Corn Syrup for Candy Making Golden, 5 lbs. '. .35c Golden, 10 lbs. ........ 65c Crystal White, 5 lbs. ..39c Crystal White, 10 lbs. 69c If Yon Use It Yon Will ' Like It Candies Radio Chocolate Drops 2 pounds Mix, and 25 c Sugar, fine cane 10 pounds Twenty-five pounds One hundred pounds . 51c $J.26 ?5-04 Rinso Large size 19c Van Camp's -Tomato Soup, can 5c H. Bf Egg Producer with oil and greens. The kind that gets results. 100 lbs. ....... $235 H. B. Layvrell Egg . Mash.; A nigh grade egg mash , &n ia 100 lbs. . , . . . ; $1U Jones presented Mrs. Grafious a parting gift at the meeting Wed nesday afternoon. Mrs. V. O. Booster led the devotional ser vice and Mrs. Jones conducted the business meeting. Report of the bataar held October-SI showed about 75 was cleared. Mrs. J. B. Brown and Mrs. J. C. Adams, as sisted by Mrs. Lulu Wynn, served during the social hour. Prospals Return to Home in South After Shaw Visit SHAW, Not. 22. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Prospal and daughter, Jan et, and John Prospal, returned to their home at Crockett, Calif., af ter spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Prospal. A group- of friends gathered Tuesday eTening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fieber, In honor of the birthday of Andrew Fieber and daughter. Angeline. Cards were the diversion. Those bidden were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nannemann and. daugh ter, Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Perry, Lester, Rose, Marian and Jean Perry, Theresa Masser, Jim Tindell of Salem, Clarence Gofi fin, Archie Germond, Frank Mass er, Arnold Reik, Henry Hanson, and the hostess, Mrs. Andrew Fieber. are No. 1 Birds. POUND Bing's Fresh Candled Eggs Special for Friday and Saturday Mediums 24c Pullets 21c They are Good Because They are FRESH! Kerr's Mince Meat. You can't beat it for -j flavor, 2 pounds .... JLiC Economy Coffee, ground fresh every day, ' -g qi Pound -..XtC THREE rn Pounds , OoC Delicious Salted Wa fer Crackers, 0) 2-pound box ..C 2 boxes m rt A for. ....47c Oregon Milk 3 cans , 17c Kerr's Rolled Oats Q n J; 10-pound bag O I C Do not forget to order that fine yeast fed Turkey, dressed for only 27( FEED DEPARTMENT HODGEN-BREWSTER FEEDS LEAD II. B. Dalrymeal. ' i Qp 20 protein, 100 lbs. i.OD 3-Btar Dairy Feed, a good feed lor a -low prico 1 A 80 lbs. . .... . .... 1.0.U Merriman Family Moves to Home Recently Bought - at Scotts Mills LYONS, Nor. 22. Mrs. D. C. Abels of the Abels hotel, fell on the board walks about her home Tuesday noon reeeiviar a. had tar and severe bodily bruises. This is me secona quite nara iaii Mrs. Abels has had this winter. Mrs. Abels Is In her early SO's. Mrs. Nina Merriman and fam ily left late Monday for Scotts Mills "where they have purchased residence property and will make their home. The WintermuLa fam ily of Salem, arrived here by track Monday afternoon to live on the place vacated by the Merri manj. The folks st Scotts Mills moved to Salem. Miss Frances Letzo. who fa em ployed at the Harry Hobjson home, is quite 111 with what Is thought to be a spinal Infection due prob ably to an old Inlurv. Sha la a sister of Mrs. Orrille Downing. Mrs. G. F. Johnson spent Tues day afternoon with Mn. r. a . Cornforth assisting her with quilt ing. Nearly every lady in and arouna Lyons has followed the making of a quilt or quilts the past year. Also the Ladies' club have had a good many to quilt. They furnished some the past week and are to have an all-day quilting today at' the elutt rooms with a potluck lunch at noon. Alex Bodeker, who was quite painfully though not serionsly In jured last week, is Improving qnite rapidly and expects to be able to return to work In a few days. Miss Rose Schwindt of Jordan, who has been employed at the Everett Crabtree home for some time, was taken to Albany Fri day and operated on at the Gen eral hospital late Sunday for ap pendicitis. She is a younger sister of Mrs. Dellis Westenhause of Lyons. Rebekahs Get Honors at Annual Stunt Fete SILVERTON, Not. 22. Sllyer ton Rebekahs and Odd Fellows at tending the annual stunt night, held at Salem early in the week, returned with the triumph of win ning first place in stunts. The Silverton group giving the stunt included Mrs. Robert Goetz, Mrs. Will Egan, George Busch. Helvie SilTer and John Gehrke. Mrs. Goetx and Miss Silver also sang a duet. F Half Soles 75c Rubber Heels ..25c Ladies' Half Soles 60c Ladies' Heels .20c O'RIELLY'S LEATHER SHOP Right Back of Western Anto 255 Court Street 45AS1HI Phone 3527 4 Deliyeries STORE 27c VEGETABLES Sweet Potatoes OQ 6 pounds OC Bananas 4 pounds 19c Oranges, mammoth size, Dozen .. 29c Oranges, medium size, doz. 21c Cranberries Real value, 2 lbs. Potatoes, U. S. No. 2. 50-lb. bag 29c 37c FLOUR Now is the time to stock up. We have a few barrels ofu the famos Kerr's White Eagle S-g .53 ihardwheat. 49-lbs. .. JL Thompson's Red Rose, a valley blend -.45 flour, 49s Kitchen Queen flour, 49s . '1 .65 Stringless Beans AK. No. 2 cans, 3 for ....UC Also Mill Hun. Bran, Wheat, Shorts, Middlings, Beet Pulp, Whole, Cracked or Ground Corn, Oyster Shell, Grit. Char coal, v Come la and let as help job with your ferd problems, t - . (ipumli(S-10O TAOl KU t MACLKAY. Not. 2Z. At the Home Economies elan meeting at the haU Tuesday afternoon Mrs. J. Amort -was elected president; Mrs. S. Berry, vice-president, and Mrs. J. F. C. Tekenhurg, secretary-treasurer, for the e o m l n g year. The study subject for the afternoon was "The Oregon School System." UIBEHN LAIS ESTATE SOLD SILVERTON, Nov..J2. The John O. Lais estate, of which Romey Lais it exetutor, complet ed the sale of 1212 acres located between . SUverton and Silver Creek Falls state park this week when Dorothy Lais bought 00 acres and Halleck Funrue bought 75 acres. Other purchasers of the estate are: Dr. P. A. Loar of Silverton, 580 acres; K. L. Warnock, 146 acres;- James Hutcheson of Cali fornia, 80 acres; Charles Reggie, California, 243 acres. The envire estate has been sold through the Homeseekers Agency of Silverton within the past four months. SLYTER ELECTED AGAIN MOLALLA, Nor. 22. Boss Sly ter, of Molalla, who was honored at the beginning of the school year by being elected president of the Junior class at Pacific uni Torslty, hat also been chosen Tice- preawent of the student body. ALBERS FEEDS PROPERLY FED TESTED HELPS No. 48 Watch your litter, that scratch feed Is not left due to overfeeding, as it will become unwholesome in damp litter and often cause trouble with the health of the flock as well as egg production. Albers Egg Maker Paks-N- juasn, 100 lbs. S2.35 1135 Egg Maker n fir Paks. 100 lbs. .. Molasses Feed, .. 90c 80 lbs Turkey Grower An sv Mash. 100 lbs. . . . $4U MORTON'S AND SAUSAGE SEASONING AH these prices cash, f 6. b. store. -228 W NTX. f t Ferry St. ORIGINATORS OF LOW PRICES EBtmsr wSGEa (oaSMeim Our Customers are particular about the meat they buy. Accordingly, we are just as particular about the quality of meats that enter our market, and the method with which they are handled. SALEM'S ONLY MARKET UNDER DIRECT STATE INSPECTION. Tender Sirloin STEAK lb. Young Beef VEAL STEAKS perib. ESVa LOIN CUTLETS- perib. Ege ItailEJGE MEAT Fame Home Rendered PURE LARD s lb, asc Sugar Cured Sugar Cured '' "FlaTorfred' PH3EpSS Cottage Rolls D3Ar.as , Boil or Bake Easy to Carre ; DeUdously Mild ( he. Efesin?. ' S iiG). We Close at 6 P. M. Lincolns Modernize Home Recently Purchased of Mrs. Stay , WALDO HILLS, Not. 22. Evergreen school is becoming mu sically minded these days. Miss Minnie Mascher has organised her 23 primary pupils into a rhythm band. So far they have only wood blocks, sticks, bills and a drum but will later have a cymbal and triangles. However the youngsters are delighted with , the new ven ture. In the upper room the principal, E. B. Knapp has a radio zylo mar imba which together with a drum makes interesting music for the recreation hour and marching. Seven members of the grammar grades at Evergreen have organ ized a new forestry club. The members have so far learned to identify IS kinds of wood and have brought samples from vari ous wood lots. They have also done some wood graining. Officers are, president, Noah Wenger; vice president, Teddy Finlay; secretary, Milp Harmon. E. B. Knapp Is the club advisor. Other members are Har old and Hubert Rice. Kenneth Towns and BlUy McBride. The Sherman Harmon family are having their share of illness. Ernest Is out of school having lost three toes on his 'left foot when an axe slipped. Tuesday morning Kenneth was too ill to attend and that afternoon Milo was forced to go home 111. The Harney Lincoln's recently purchased the farm of Mrs. J. W. Stay and are modernising the house. They have added a. Mnn and changed a washroom Into a MUST BE High quality j vitami a 1 e d feeds mean nothing alone -thev mast be fed properly. Get a feed ing ached ale and feed Al bers feeds accordingly, and profitable production will be the result. 1935 Egg Maker Mash. 100 lbs. .. Carnation Dairy, 100 lbs. Cal Manna, 25 lbs Progressive Mash, 100 lbs .. Broiler or Poultry Fattener. 100 lbs. Molas-O-Meal, 100 lbs A Real Dairy $2.30 $1.70 $1.55 $2.05 $2.45 $1.50 Feed SMOKE - SALT Phone 6858 HIGH QUALITY MEATS AT Choice BEEF ROAST lb. Meaty MILK FED VEAL TURKEYS - GEESE Your ThanksgMng Dinner WiH B Fresh MARGARINE ib. - on Saturdays at 7 P. It Pays udmug EE Day in and Day Oof -135 N. Commercial 'St. Phone 5197 The Original Yellow Front Drug and Candjr Special Store of Salem SCHAEFER'S Throat and Lung Balsam is safe efficient-inejepensive. Good for children and grown ups too. For effective relief ... 5s and OH SCHAEFER'S COD XIVEEl EXTRACT is easy to take pleasant tasting. Contains vitamins and mineral necessary Jto maintain health and vigor. Retain your summer health this easy way! SCHAEFER'S CORN REMEDY will quickly rid you of the nagging pains and misery of corns. Don't suffer. No relief no pay ... SCHAEFER'S COLD TABLETS have been used for years. They break a cold overnight. Stop that cough now! Get as many as you need ... 2 5S $ SCHAEFER'S Nerve and Bone Liniment takes the pain right out of those sore muscles. Rub it in, and the pain rubs out. II.I.H....III,IJIIIIIIIIIIU1.I.JI1I.,U. . I 0 J HIM! JIHII.I.I.IH.I.IMIUII.J.JIIlllBII. II.LIL.,1,. t, M I. II.. Mil.. . ! Butterscotch Nut Sundae A little different, a lot better. Just what you have been wanting. This weekend special ... Remember SCHAEFER'S Fountain! They Are Minute Men ... . . . both the doctor and the pharmacist. Each trained in Kis field, and both together ready to serve your most vital need at a minute's notice. Day or night you may call them, they are ready. Service is their watchword. EQUAL OR LOWER PRICES Best Cuts Round STEAK Center Slices PRICES DOWN VEAL ROASTS perib. HO LEGO' VEAL Wibr2s - DUCKS - CHICKENS A Success If Yea Select" Your QnnaMttsr . Pork TENDERLOINS 2S(lb. M. to Buy at 'DPTA6RK 351 STATE STREET Individual Club STEAKS each Small T-Bones BW Here 2 IIGpg. 25 Country Style SAUSAGE lb- HARRY, M. LEVYProp.