.PAGET7tf G UQgggggS W SOT r 1 p ST Vlfl Iff it ; . " .r- a . Do yon fflcta to say you've errer tried Snow Flakes -the light, flaky crackers that tut ao good with soap mod salads? Do get a package today. YoaH like them! YosH fiad these soda wafers delicately light " and delldously freak ;-. ; That's why most women . la the West prefer them, v of course; "' The Uaeeda Bakers bakery la iwfchin a ihori dlataf of roar gro cery store sts Wi 4 that crsckm mvewmfntht Dotx't ask fir crackers-rsa) ' ' ; , ' .1 .V LM IE Mrs. Wayne Yoris, whose trial on charge of assault with a dan gerous weapon took three days In circuit e o a r t and cost' Marion county upward of $200 In court fees, won prompt sentence and parole when she appeared yester day before Judge L. H. McMahan. The court sentenced her to spend one year In the county Jail and then released' her to her attorney, W. W. IfcKinner. Mrs. Toris was fonnd guilty by a circuit court Jury Tuesday of shooting and wounding Harlan Bones, 17-year- KttJOKAL 11SCWT COHfAXf, o. We Handle Nationally Ad vertised Merchandise f f I I 411 ! 1 (HUMI J VI $1.50 CAKE SERVER fsr only 25C and cm 3-6. CI3SC0 wrapper CEIISCO Salad Week EVnOTHMG&SAUDS Order Yoht Mayonnaise and Salad Dressing From Us CALUMET Bak ing Powder, lb. . 25c Meat specials Friday and Saturday Beef to Boil- lb. Beef to Roast 5c 8c FREE DELIVERY 17th & Market . Ph. 9154 old Turner boy. She thanked th judge yesterday for-his consider ate action. - :v" Robert McMillan, who weired trial on forgery charge lnvoly lag a SIS check, pleaded runty and was sentenced to one year in state prison by Judg MeManaa. The court then paroled McMillan to his attorney, William J. Lin- fOOt. " , : On the other band, Robert Nealy, who pleaded guilty to forg ing ft 112.50 check, was sentenced to serve eight months In the state penitentiary and was takes there late yesterday for incarceration. . Thomas Savage, who pleaded guilty to stealing ft light truck belonging to Harry Levy, was sen tenced by J u d g HcMahaa to serre aix months in the state pri son. Savage was said to be drunk when he stole the truck. 4 Paul Harold Purdy, arraigned tor theft of personal property be longing to Earl Hatymark, plead ed guilty, bat hla case was indefi nitely continued by the court. Purdy, a veteran, is aaid to be in poor health and friends are seek ing to get him into a veterans' hospital. - 111 APPEAR M IN MONMOUTH, Nor. 2 2. David Campbell, Portland pianist, will appear in concert at the Oregon Normal school Tuesday night, No vember 27, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Campbell Is a native son of Mon month. His father, the late Thom as Campbell, was an early pres dent of this institution, and BIS half-brother, the late Prince L Campbell, also served the normal as president before he became president of the University of Oregon. David Campbell is an alumnus of the normal, has at tended Whitman college, and stu died music in Berlin for several years. He was overseas during the .World war, serving much of the time as an interpreter. He now has his own studio in Portland, but for a time was connected with the Ellison-White musle conservatory of Portland. While in Monmouth he will be the guest of his aunt. Miss Cas sia stump. Give Warning on Dangerous Drugs Widespread use of two danger ous drugs on which destroys the llrer and the other which kills the white corpuscles of the blood brought a warning this week from the federal food and drug administration. These drugs are cinchophen and amidopyrine. Cin chophen, a chemical anodyne and sedatiTe, is sometimes used by sufferers from neuralgia, rheuma tic pains, neuritis and similar con ditions: Amidopyrine Is frequent ly found In headache remedies and ether pain killer. JAY GDULD LHQ BEST FOODS HEAD Jar Gould, who la said to bare done more than any other person in the country to make salad an American habit, has just been elected president of Th Best Foods. Inc according to word re ceived here today by R, C. Blaxall, local distributor lor the company. This new 'honor has been con ferred upon Mr, Oould after ten years of distinguished service as vice-president a?4 general man ager of th company. He suceeeds Randolph Catlin, who has resign ed In order to devote more of his time to Gold Dust corporation, of which he la also president. In Mr. Catlin'g place on the board ot di rectors of Best Foods will be Mr. Henry P. Werner ot Buffalo, N. T., president of the Hecker H-0 company, Inc. UlUHT HUD IN ADULT CLASSES Adult educational classes are meeting regularly at th Salem senior high school with a fairly large enrollment la most of th classes. ' It is still possible to enroll for work;, and all adults over 11 years of age are eligible tor th classes free ot charge. The curriculum wit r-S3eiV Mother told m why Caluin bales better "Ifs Really Two Baking Powders in Out!" A QUICK ONI for the mixing bowl its action set free by Squid. It starts the leavening properly. ASLO Wit ONI for the ovenits action set free by beat. It protects the batter or dough all through the baking! That a why your baking Is bound to b9 better with Calumet' Double-Action! CALUMET tic ocBiLwcnsa lAKHS POWSEI A product General Feeds 0 Of Course It Costs Less At uplan's ( ail droeoiry I 137 S. Commercial St I PHONE ) ""v ld J Friday and Saturday and Thanksgiving Week Specials vmmm EvisrniiriG'&: SALADS Large - Fancy i !H a tesatsm -jt: y $1.50 CAKE SEr.Tl f:rcn!2SC est J-Bl CmvJ tuifV ckisco 49c 3D. C3 Haisins Thompson's ' , Seedless . 4 lbs. WIT F7F7 3 "d w can Pinli Salmon a Ec itead Rice - Fancy Blue Rose lbs. liajituauuap in cakes liiinute Tap ioca,pk., E2c Grajnut Flakes 2 Wo Grapenuts, nte. . . Carrots Lartre Bunches Fancy Quality 4 bonches torn Beef Armour's Can POREX H Gal Jug Fresh Roasted includes courses in English, public speaking, history, tnathematics. current events, other - general courses, and alao. vocational cour ses such aa sewing, home hygiene, landscape gardening, shorthand, typing, trad mathematics and blueprint making. Anyone Interested In particu lars may get th information by calling Miss Swanson at 6719, or by going to th continuation de partment in th high school build ing. siimv tops caurmr VII A. 0. C. DIE Th little town ot Shaw leads Marion county dlatrlcta outside ot Salem In completion of Its annual Red Cross roll call, campaign of ficials announced yesterday. Bhaw has. anlv finished, tta drtV first. but sent In ft substantial Increase over past contributions. Th Shaw roll can was carried on by Lloyd O. Keen, who mad hie rounds on crutches, due to a badly sprained ankle. Reports ftr that other districts are fast wind ing up their solicitations. In Salem, th business district roll call will likely be completed today, William McOilchrist, Jr., campaign director, said yesterday. Mor than has already been placed la the bank front the re sponse In th downtown district. Additional residential districts were reported complete yesterday by Mrs. Garland Simpson, Mrs. J. N. Chambers, Mrs.-George Weller, Mrs. Curtis Johnson, Mrs. Chand ler Brown and Mrs. Dorothy Mc Donald. The roll call has also been fin ished, with substantial Increases over last year, is the stat library and th industrial accident com mission offices. Sweet Potatoes 4" 1 &4J White Beans New A Crop 4 lb GRAPE FRUIT Arizona 5 for Large Ones -12 for 29c BAKING POWDER 1 PAN FREE lb. 23(3 P. A. and VeJret SMOKING TOBACCO Go All Oregon grocers this week are featuring special prices on lettuce, tomatoes, celery, fruits, sea foods and all salad items. THIS Is "Best Foods All-Oregon Salad Week"! See the special salad displays and low prices at your grocer's. Delicious fresh fruits and vegetables ; ; the finest canned shrimp, crab and tana fish. And Best Foods Mayonnaise, too, is being featured everywhere at low prices. Best Foods, you know, is real the Coast's favorite. It is made of fresh eggs, fresh salad oils, clear vinegars, imported spices. All double-whipped for finer flavor and velvety smoothness. Specials on all Best Foods Dressings All this week your grocer is featuring special displays of this supremely fine mayonnaise at its present amazingly economical prices. And you will find other Best Foods dress ings, too, at special low prices. Best Foods French Dressing, Best Foods Relish Spred, Gold Medal Salad Dressing, Best Foods Thousand Island Dressing and the famous Farming's Bread and Butter Pickles all "specials" this week. See Grocer's Displays r So see your grocer's special displays an? prices of fresh fruits and vegetables this week. And plan to serve plenty of crisp nourishing healthful salads with Best Foods, the Mayonnaise that reaches you utterly . fresh wholesome, delicious! OREGON'S FAVORITE MAYONNAISE