f The OltEGON STATESMAN, - SsSen, Oregon, Wednesdar llonslnsv Noreaber 21; 193 page srrvrrr 19 Y 5' s Statesman -; Classified; Ads' . Call 9101 ' Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line 10c Threw Insertions per - tin .80c Six Insertions r lln..S0e On month per lis. 91.00 Minimum cbsrg 21c V Copy for c this : pas ac cepted until 6:81 the even ing before pnbllcstlon for classification. Cop y re tired after this Urn will be ran .ander the heading Toe Lt to Classify. - The Statesmen assumes bo : financial responsibility tor errors ?. which may ap pear la advertisements pub lished la lta columns, and to eases where this paper Is at " fault will reprint that part ot aa advertisement la which th' typographical ' mtstak i' rr-:f The : Statesman reserve the right.: to 1 reject objec tloaal advertising; u . far ther reserve- the) right to classify all advertising an der th proper . classifica tion, ; . -. i HELP WANTED 31ALB eVsatsapasMsssawssasassssjsisse MAN TTANTED.-A HUSTLER for Marion County, to hand la surest, easl est selling articles. Go noma every eve- nmg with money in your pocket Et- pecieace not aecessary. Good reputa tion essentiaL Writ Mr. Close, t7 I Stock Exchange Bldg., Portland. Ore- 2 , , ,m m mmmm i. HELP WANTED FEMALE Urn cooroany has opening for ma tured woman. Can earn while train- lag. Permanent to right party; Must i rave car. Boa 171. care Statesman. SITUATIONS WANTED Anywhere far hire truck 8931. -. lady wants work of any kind eve nings arter ?. very capable. saw n. lath. - - - - FOR RALE Miscellaneous Old -papers lea ear bundle. Simea ntn office. Sbakaa 1U7 K. Front. TL 5816. 1500 Englewood grown ahruba, trees. Reasonable. 20(0 Nebr. Ave. Schreiber. Belcrest ' sections I reasonable. .TeL SS67. - - Sheep and cattl aer, Aumsvill. dog, Earnest Zu- - FRUIT and NUT TREES. Frultland Kursery. Salesyard and office at 140 Center. Good reliable stock. A. X Groe. flxt's. ail or singly ; A-l ToL com p. 'scale, anowcase, desk." TeL 1240. FOR SAJJ& Tba Grotto rest a a rant locate t 37 Kort! HHrti Et, Salem, j Oregon.' will ba sold at Room 9, Ladd i 4V Bush . Bank -Bldg.. Salem, Oregon, on th Jth day of November. 1934 at S p. m. Closed bids, 8. P. Freeman, as- Wgnee. - TRADE Miscellaneons Wood for Msytae motor: ' Tel. 7 sue. RIISCELLANEOUS Haircut 1 Se-lsa. , tor SV -. y ' Saw repairing. Salem Saw Shop Four Corners Pen Road. TeL 4280. Free We pick on dead and worth less borseav cows, aneep. TeL sis., TJ. R GOVERNMENT JOBS. 1105 1175 MONTH. Men 18-50. 1 will Frank lin Institute coach 25 FREE.- Apply Pot 128J P, care Statesmen. ' Sleeping rm. Men. 728 Court L St . Nick sleeping roam.-.TeL 4428 ' , Room for ladles, kitchen privilege. TeL 4846. , - . ' 1 ' Tarre front room. 2S4 N. Church. w ; ROOM AND BOARD Table board. Very close in. 8482. .-. FOR RENT APARTMENTS 2 room funv. apt., main floor. Very reasonabl. TeL 8278. t .- , smalt mod. furn. apt, 250 S. Cottaga. : Fine modern furnished 3 room bun ' (alow court apt, garage. TeL 8184. S-rm. furn. apt, 340 Union. . Nlc. email apt, 853 Center. ' - Attractir 3 R. apt, 848 a Winter. aaarfwaasatsaaa 3 Et apt, 1208 Court I R, rum. apt. 818, light and water mcmnen. T7 s. crommerclat. FOR RENT HOUSES - Houses. MelTtn . Johnson. TeL 3723. FOR RENT ' " - ; Modern T room bouse either rarnfafb d or unfurnished. Call for particular. CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 44 State Sta ; TeL. 8718. MaaaaaaiwMwiwaMWwaaWMi Snappy furn. bung- 1228 N. ltth. , : .i": ..... f : . : . v ; - - FOR RENT . - ' rm. strictly modern bouse, 361 Jer- rls St, 8 fireplaces, double garage. Will renovate. 848. - - T no, modern house, Falnnount BUL ' rsa. modera boose, Fab-mount HOT, . 335. . - - - ? rra. modern bouse. Court St. I to. 8 rnv. modern suburban home, 828. , , , WINNIE PETTYJOHN - " -- SIS Court Street FOR RENT Good 4 R. house. Call t 248 8. 2Sth Pt - - FOR RENT ' ReaS 14 A chicken bouses. It house, barn, g TeL 3320. evenings, 200 A. farm to rent train rent; re quire a little investment for equip Stent ' If .li -TV. 118 P "i pi-. Tet - FOR SALEReal Estatt VMWMWVWrAAAAAAMAMMMMMMAMk WHT RENT t Ton can buy a nice S room, modern 1 bungalow, 4 blocks from But street, I larg living room with fi replace, din L Ing room with fireplace, dining- room ; f with buflt fas, dutch kitchen, t bad- rooms. with nlc bath between, deep I TKnaomenK. furnaca. ' laundry traya Formerly sold for 88500. Today 83180. i ImDS tt'iOUJea, Realtors . Sit Stat Street . Tot 6708, FOR SALE Real Estate - LISTEN TO THIS i - 813.000 Colonial horn S blocks from I Idd ; ' Bush bank;, especially well built and modern In every detail. Own er nines force sale. Wi accept one half value. You will like tu . CHILDS A MILLER. - Realtors 244 8tat Street Tel. 0708. FOR SALE Choice It acre tract few miles north of Salem, comfortable 6 room, plas tered house, ood bars and outbuild ings. Part la fruit. , walnuts and fil berts. Stock . and implements all go tor 127 50, part terms. bkk unrrorj Harold witn CH1LDS A MILLER. Realtors - 34 Stat Street ;- TeL 708. EXCHANGE Real Estate- . FOR TRADE 359 acres level land. improved, and wen watered ; 4 mi. out or Branson, Colorado. Will trade for Oregon prop erty., rostomce aox ut. baiem. or. FOR SALE FARMS Farms for rent. sale, trade. Oregon LMoa Co.. pic. ny wooaourn. tire. 40 -acres, large house and barn, run ning water, family ore card. Terms. Price 21300. ' W. U. KKUGR, 117 N. COTa L le A nearly all under cult, little timber. i mites fitm valley -town. good hoase, good out Mags. Price Slv ioo.es ror quick sal. See George vice-, W. H. GBABENHORST CO. Realtors 134 Snath Liberty St. Tet. 6488 WANTED REAL ESTATE SmaB farm. Box 271. Statesman. Wasted to buy, t to i acres near Salem, on paved road, from owner. Box 17. PtnteMnnn. - -. j ' MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel Loans 1 to to months to repay at lowest pea slbl rates. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st NatL Bank Bide. Phone SSS1 Licensed by Stat CHATTEL LOANS CARS RE-FINANCED WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. TeL 2877 80S Guardian Bids- Salem S-154 Stste License Nos. M-1SS CAN TOU USE 1100 $200 13001 Borrowing money tier Is simollcitv It self. Our loan accommodations are In tended to help all deserving eopl. We Invite, your application. Ton have your choice of 4 LOAN PLANS t REPAYMENT PLANS Com In. write or 'Phone. BENEFICIAL. LOAN SOCIETY OK SALEM Member of NRA. i Room 111, New Blfgh Bldg. 2nd floor 1 LICENSED NO. S-122 by STATE SIS State St TeL S 7 4 0 Loans Mad in Nearby Towns 5 Farm Loans 5 Plenty-of money tor well Improved farms If amply secured. Improve or buy now with cheap money. Ask for booklet "Willamette Valley Farms." Hnwkin and Roberta, Tn. MONET TO LOAN On farms.-city or acreage property. Must be excellent security. See us for prompt service. 83000 to $5009 to losn on highly Improved farm property. Must be best of security. CHILDS MILLER. Mtge. Loans 344 State St TeL 6708. satsskBAsAAsks40S4atBM4jB,BsVaN $ S Xmas Money $ $ It wont be long now. ShOD early. All loans quick and confidential. No security or endorsers STATE LOAN CO, 212 Ore. Bid. Lie. by St. S-16R. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Turkeys wanted. Alive or dressed. Tel. 1SSF2 Te's Hatchery FOR SALE WOOD It In. eld fir. 85. 4 ft dry 2nd growth 2 C. UtS 4 c4v- 4 rt asb 34.78. TeL 9785.- -; - s -v ewesawsasassaajaigaseasassaysaatsa 18 inch old. fir. dry -oak. ash. 4 ft znd growtn. tl 8989. - Thy planer and slab wood. Prompt aeitvary. let svsa , - Guaranteed dry wood, TeL 7840. Dry wood that U dry. TeL 113F23. UUA RANTEED DRV srnnil mtml rL so as Hi snaJ tmi!. a i CoHSg. - Wood for sale, 4.28 to 38.80. 18 in. 2nd growth, 84.78: 4 ff. 24.?5: 18 in. via nr. let 4I, Dry old fir," 2nd growth wood. screnea nog iucl v red E. Welia Good dry wood. TeL 8254. ' ' ' -- - -- " ivi-i-mi-ivmnfVfvA. Good dry 2nd growth. Tel. 97. WOOD SAWING ejasaa4assa,iesisvsiwsssj Woo5 ainwfniT. r4?awonib1. OaTI 1230, PERSONAL GORDON FLEMING. READER. I9S9 FERRT BT. FOR SALE USED CARS Marmon Sedan, ftne condition 227S.00 International Pick-up C-l , , 680.00 International SF 48 2-ton , 660,00 International A-l 1U ton 600.00 Dodge three tea with body and hoist 450.00 (WE BUT USED CARS FOR CASH) JAMES H. MADEN CO. . 228 So. Com'L St TeL 8890. 19S0 Chey. Coach, 2143 N. Com, ' FOR SALE Snaa. Buldk Sedan. Standard LTke new. 80.000 rniiea, fin condition. Must aU Deror Sunday ; 1271.00. See owner. J, ifi- Bauresalg, Scotts Mills, Or. K O V 0,01 i Interesting Facts ... J There will be a coupon In Fri day's Statesman that shonld be of Interest to every honsewlie. jaiii think. . . . a 10 Inch served, a beautiful gift or bridge prise. The disco ad la Friday's paper will tell yoq all about how to get it. O Best Foods all Oregon salad week starts Friday. Waten for the j attractive ad In Friday's States man. All local grocers are display ing this merchandise. . , ' O ' . Annonncement of this week's ! winner of The Stesmaa recipe contest will be made In Friday's Statesman. See this paper for many lt&ns ot Interest on foods . . . and be sore to read the ads too. ... : r A total of 19 new elevators are being installed la the capitol, bat they replace 10 old and antiquated ones. Believe it or not some of I these old elevators had .been In service for more than 40 years. The new ones will be the last word in uplifts and many young con gressmen will likely play hooky from important meetings to rid up and down on them.' FOR SALE USED CARS Radios For Sale $ 79.00 124.00 185.00 87.10 7-tub Pbllco Midget. used . 121.80 e-tuD urosiey uaoinet. used X1.S0 8-tube Edisda Cabinet used 82.80 8-tube 1924 General El ectric used - 38.60 315.00 7 -tube Stromberg Carl son Cabinet, new . lt0.00 157.50 11 -rube Phllco 193. all wave, used 79.80 134.00 10-tube Zenith 1S4 Con sole, used 89.80 Terms on any above, fS.OO down, CC AA MMaa4VVla - - ' V W VWV IliVlllUiTt GEO C. WI! ILL MUSIC STORE FOR SALE 1920 Essex Panel Del. This Delivery Is in first class condition throughout Special at -15 HOKKEtiO S ' -AK. MARKET 240 N. Liberty TeL 2688 AMsVwwVVVVMsVMwWWMVwVJWwVwVV I USED TIRES We have the largest suddIt of used tires in tne county. . ACHE AUTO AND TRUCK WRECKERS 420 So. Com'I. St. , Salem, Or. Good Values in New and Used Cars 34 STTJDE COMMANDER 81085 4 -door sedan, run less than 2000 miles 8173.00 off regular price. 34 STUDE DICTATOR 6 2895 4-door Bedan, run leas than 3000 miles. "34 TERRAPLANE 6 DeLUXE 3800 Brand new, never off show room floor trunk and special paint Job. We have cut the price 385.00. "30 PACKARD LIGHT 8 . 2795 4-door sedan, brand new six ply tires. Original finish like new. Per fect mechanically. 34 FORD 2-PASS. COUPE 3625 Haeter, 2 W. S. swipes, fog light etirome wneeis. air wheel tvoe tire. 33 CHEV. TOWN SEDAN 8578 DeLnx model. ( wire wheels, trunk. mechanically A-L Original finish Ilk new. 30 REO 4-TXOR SEDAN $159 DeLuxe Model '30 HUPMOBILE 3 SEDAN 3358 Karl-keen trunk new paint motor overnauiea. 30 DE SOTO 4-DOOR SEDAN 1291 New paint good tires. Many others from which ta ehnoa 350 and up. - State Motors Inc. Hudson-Studebaker and Packard 625 Chemeketa Open Evenings end Sundays CHICAGO, Nov. 2 O-flPH- pro fit taking movement, uncovering stop loss orders and disclosing a technically overbought market, hammered wheat , and corn prices down for sharp losses today. Trad news was cot -as bearish as the - price rail indicated al though foreign markets were 5 1?" dme8? mitigated drought danger in some sections. Continued steadiness of the cash market helped corn fu tures to establish new season's high marks before th recession. :- . Wheat closed 1 2-4 to 2 1-8 cents lower than Monday's finish. Bay at 27 7-8 to 88, and com was 1 8-8 to 1 7-78 cenU oft. May 84 1-8 to 1-4. Oats, rye and provi sions also were lower. r Today'! closing (notations: GRAB GO HA 0 PROFIT TAKIIiG A -Tc Business Directory Cards la this directory ran on a monthly basis only. Rate; 91.0O per line per month. AUTO BRAKES . Mike Panes, 171 South Commercial. BICYCLES i Bought -sold, traded and repaired. HarrywPcottsj4jajiomxMii CATERING Coma chlckeo tsmsllaa Tel. tf 4L rT61brooka chicken tamalea TeL (Sts. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 445a. tt B. North neea. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. U scan, PsXX Ctdrepractog. i w. Htgn. th. ttea, siex. DANCING Phyllis Grant e studio? Tet 7417. FLORISTS Braltbaupf a, 417 Court. ALL kinds of Coral work. Lota raw 1st, 1270 N. Liberty. TeL 0S2. INSURANCE BJECKJB HENDRICKS 180 N. High TeL 4041. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDKB LAUNDRY tJ & High Tel. lilt. CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First m Quality and Serrloe Telephone 81 1284 Broadway. MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDD1NU Ca PhOM 4088 SALEilFLUFF RUG and Mattress Factory. JiGW MATTRESS mad to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, su ing; nufr rug weaving. & iiu at wu bur. Tel S44L -OTTO F. ZW1CKKB. Est 191L . MUSIC STORES UEO. CL WILlr Pianos, raotoa, sewiag machines, sheet muate ana piaae awt- dlea ReDairinc radios, phooocracas and wlns machine. 483 State aUrW. Salem. PHOTO ENGRAVERS Salem photo engraving. 147 N. coav merctaL TeL 6 6887. PRINTING FOR STATION ER X, earoa, pampo lata, programa, booka or any kind of printing, call The btatzma Fr In tins Deoarunent 216 8. CommarclaL Tia- I phone 910L RADIO SERVICE Moore's. TeL 7993098 N. Hlgh. REAL ESTATE BECKE A HENDRICKS. TeL 4947. STOVES I renalr stoves, ranges, circuiatora Sell new and rebuilt stovea, range and circulators,, stock fsnoa, posts. chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 883 Chmkt Xei. a. Fleming. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage, call S13L Larroer Zraaatr Co. Truoaa to Peruana daily. CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 330 Stat St Tet iTTS. i?utriuns tor- wardina and atorag oar spociaaiy. Get our rates, ; Willamette Valley Transfer. Salem te ! Portland hauling. TeL 3721. . HAND WEAVING aMMaMBMHBHMSi i MWMSSB. Exclualy haad woven bags, scarf. pillows and ruga Magob Hand Weav I era, 800 N. 20th St TeL 8830. WELL DRILLING R. A. Wear, 30 years oxperteace, RFD 7. Boa 20t Tel 110F8. Wheat: Dec old 88 H, new July 81- 88; May 87-88; 92. Corn: Dec, old tlM-Vt. now 78-; May 84-; July 82-. OaU: Dec old 52, new 52; May 48-60; July 45. Potluck Dinner Will I PreCCed Meet I OlllZht SILVERTON. NoV. 20. Pro ceeding th regular midweek ser vices at th Christian en urea wed nesday night members will hold a potluck dinner at th ehurch so cial rooms. Dr. Livingston will b chairman ot the occasion. Ev eryone is Invited to attend. An In formal discussion trill b beld or th Oregon products In th dinner. BUT BOFIDS SLUMP NEW YORK. 3 Not, 1 0-m- Stocks managed to keep above wa ter today, but most other financial markets were unable to. come up for air. ' - The Standard Statistics Co. composite for 90 selected stocks got back three-tenths of a point It lost ' ia the previous session, closing at 72.0. The turnover amounted to 870,010 shares. 1 Optimism regarding the divi dend action to be taken tomorrow by th American Telephone direc tors was reflected In a recovery In these shares of 2 1-8 points at 105. Only a few days ago this Is sue sagged to jnst above par. Tel- eephone's upturn was attributed partly to short covering. Shares of the Associated Dry Goods which owns the majority ot stock In Lord and Taylor depart meat stores, spurted on the over night annonncement that the Lord Y Taylor directors had Toted on aa extra dividend of f 50 share, in addition to the nasal holiday extra ot $5 and the regular Quar terly disbursement of 12.50. Asso ciated First preferred advanced 9 points, the second preferred was vp 0 and th common issu gained a point. Most other mer chandising shares, however, were listless. Increases or extra were also de clared by Mesta Machine, Beech nut Packing and a number ot oth er companies. Shares of Mesta ad vanced fractionally, but the Beechnut stock was not traded. fVt S a iaero was uuie news to ao- count for th softness of the rails. Delaware & Hudson was off 2 points, Union Pacific nearly a much as Santa Fe yielded more than a point. While Moranda Mines eased to a new 1834 bottom, most of th metals were not especially weak despite the apparent subsidence of inflationary psychology. .A step to solve the marketing problems of walnut growers who have only one or two trees Is seen in announcement; from the walnut control board offices la Portland that the board has a hand walnut grader which Is available now to such small pro ducers in this city as might wish to nse it. The information, received by County Fruif Inspector S. H. Van Trump, states that the grader will be furnished free to the growers, who must 4o the work. The grader will be here a short time and then passed on to other localities. It was made by W. W. Rosebraugh here. DAKOTAX8 WINTER HERB BRUSH CREEK, Not. 20. Mrs. S. E. Swenson, 80, and her son, Edwin, have arrived at the J. C. Goplernd home and will spend the winter here. Their home is in Portland, N. D. Mrs. Swenson is an aunt of Mrs. Gop lernd. TO: Jacob Miller, A n o n b y Brothers, Ray Glatt, A. G. Glatt, Win. Hardlicka, Wm. Alexander, B. Zwicker, V. Wohlheater, A. Buschkowsky, A. Hananska, W. C Winslow, Paul Simon, R. E. Richards, S. Wretllng, E. W. Powell, A. H. Horenden, Geo. Grimps, J. P. Finch, Ellen Hatch er, E. E. Bevens, C. F. Bevens, C. S. Hall, Andy Kouthny, J. L. Hopkins, Mike Bronec, E. E. Pip er, C. E. Crolsan, S. W. Zehner, M. C. Crittenden. H. Wolfer & Partner, Marlon Holding Co- Ueo. Wolfer Heirs, E. KImes, O. B. Hovenden's Heirs, J. P. Du- brava, W. L. Murray, Butte Creek Orchard Co., Glen Carothers, M C. Smith, C. L. Smith, A. J. Smith, G. Zeiinka, Arnold Chris ten. Ore. Milling & Warehouse Co. Ton and each of yon are here by notified that the Woodburn- Hubbard Drainage District was duly organised as such by order ot th County Court for Marlon County, Oregon, on th 19 th day of November. 1884. and that meeting of th owners of land situated in said district, for the purpose electing a board of three supervisors, Is hereby call ed, which said meeting is to be held December 8, 1834, at 7:20 P. M. at th City Hall at Hub bard, Marlon County, Oregon; and . Ton and each of Ton are here by notified ot said meeting.' IN WITNESS WHEREOF have here".-) set my band and th official seal of my ornc this 20th day of November. 1824. U. O. BOTER County Clerk for Marlon County. Oregon. It. 2i (Seal) m en for MUIS0FF10 mmmm Turkey Demand 'is'Gaining iiBHSsilljl SSl"ilE66 I! PORTLAND, Nov. JMV-Tur- key demand eontlnued to increase taster than the rapidly gaining supplies. In point of demand the present market is one ot th best seen in. this' state for' several years. Current call was about as good as ever shown her during any previous year although prices were not so high. Values were ad vancing a little almost every Jay with occasional premiums ot to le la. over the general price for fancy small birds. Hens were being more eagerly sought' than toms because of the huge six and weight of the male offerings. These generally were commanding a fractional prem ium.; Quality of turkeys was rather badly mixed and this was proving eo m handicap to values inasmuch aa the shipping demand was chief ly for No. 1 birds. A much larger per cent than usual was going in to the No. 2 class on account of the lack of proper feeding. Prevailing prices were 18-2 2c for dressed birds and 14-1 5c alive. General Markets PBODTOR &XOBAKQM PORTLAND, Or, KT. 30. (A?) .uuurv vxcaansa, set prices; Batters extras. 88; standards, 80 H; priH urns, sv; uros, SSs. . JB1l.: E' ,Pci1- 88; TJ. 8. ex trsa, 20; TJ. 8. audiaai extras, 28a, OKZOOV MVT PSICXS PORTLAND, Ore., Kov. 20. (AP) walaata Oregea new crop Jobbers, f. . b. delivery points r Noras grade rmaaaettea, large, 20s, faaey 17c, st- ia 15 He; soft shell. Urge, 10e, fancy le, aaediea 14a: Ksyettes large, 0e; Cascade grade FraaaBcttes. lares. 17 faney 16c; soft shell, large, 16 He, faaey 15 ; Mayettea larg. 17c . Filberts Oregoa oaw crop te Jobbers. iw-Ase poaaa, i. . s. ssUTery pouts. Portland Grain POBTX-UffD 6iar. POBTLAKD, Ore., Kov. 20. (AP) Wheat Ossa. High Low Close bTay SSi 85 H S8K 81 December 83 H 83 H 61 81 Cash: Big Bead bluestta, 00 He; dark hard winter. 18 pec cant. 04H; de 11 per seat 88c; soft white, bard wiater, aortaera spring, weatera red, Sle; wsstr d waits, sua. Oats, Ke. 3 wklla, 38.80. Cora, No. 1 E yellow, 89.50. Hillraa aUsdard, S1.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ort Kov. 20. (AP) Prints, A grade, 84e lb. ia parchment wrappers, sa in. ta eartoaa ; a graae, parehmeat wrappers, lie lb.; cartons S4e lb. Butterfat Portland delirary. A arsde deliveries at leaat twice weekly, 84-8 So lb.: country roates. 82-84 lb.: B grade. or delivery less tbaa twice weekly, 88- 34e lb.; C grade at market eggs Hales te retailers: speeiaia, see; extras, 83c; fxenh extraa, brown, S2e; ataadarda, 88e; freak mediums, 28c; me dium Iirita, 25e; Iresb pallets, S5e; de firsts, -12c; checks, 25e; bakers, 11c doa en. Eggs Baying ark of wholesalers: freak specials, 80c; extras, 27e; ferak ex tra brown a 27e: extra firsts. 26c: extra medium 24e; mediam firsts tie; pallets is, a xirsts, is: anaargraa ise do t en. Cheese 92 leors. Oregoa triplets. 15s: loaf. 16 He. Brokers will pay He below quotations. Milk Ceatraet price 4 per cent: Port land delivery, 2.20 cwt; B grade cream, J7H lb. Oeaatry meets Selling price te ratal i- era. csuatry killed aegs, beat aa tea ere, tuxder ISO lbs, 11-11 He lb.; vealers, faaey, 9 He lb.; light sad thin. 4-T lb.; 140-170 ins, e-Te is. ; aevy, - id.; faaey lambs, lie lb.; ewes, S-5e la.; eat tor cows, 4-6e is.; eaaaera, Se lb.; kails 4H-6e lb. aTobalr 1934 baymg price, I9e . Caaeara bark Baying price. 1984 peeL 8e lb. Hops 1884 faggies. SOe lb.; eiuitsrs. 11-lBs lb. Live poultry Portlaad deuvery bap lag priees: colored baas, nndet l las., 14e lb.; d aader 5H lba, 14 lb.; Leg bora fowls, ever SH lbe U-lSe lb.; d aader 8 lbe ll-12s lb.; colored syrisgs, 1H t 2 lbs, 1415c lb.; broilers, aader S Iba, 10-17e; roesters, 6 lb.; Pekia daeks. 10-11 lb.: do colored 8-8 lb. Dressed turkeys Prime young toml aad baas, lie; choice, 18e; eommereial, ic . Onions Oregon, 81.80-8 cental; Tax Ina. 1 Potatoes Oreion Barbaaks, 80-00 Mulil Rrannoaaa Ha. 1. Gem. SO-OSei d No. 3. 70-75 cental; Oeaebates Oems, 81.10-1.20. . Wool 1934 ells, aomisal; Willamette valbrv. mediam 20 lb.: fine r half blood. 10 lb.: lamb. 18 lb.; Xastera Oregoa, 17-20 lb.; Soatbera Idai ( ) Ha- Bavins narl e frem reda alfalfa. No. 1, aew erop, 310.50-17 JO; eaatera Ore con timothy. 817.60: oats. SIS toa; vetch, 818 toa; WUlamette valley timothy. flt.SO Ua ; elovsr, fia PorUaad.' Portland Ovestock PORTLAND, Ore Xv. 30. (AP reeetpts, sou; steaay. Steers, good, cimmea A tatedlam, 1.88 S.25: hell era. coed. eema A mediant 8.75-4.50; eews, good, eemmsa A medi am, 3.25 8.7S; low entter cutter, 125 3.25; balls, good choice, 8.00-3.80; eatter, eommoa mediam, .1.00-S.OO; vealera, good A ekoieev 0.0O-T.00; eH, eomma A - sMdiam, a 50-C.OO; ealves. gee, ceaamea m saeaiass, s.so-s.uu. Bogs: reeeinta 800 1 80 lower. Llgatwalgkt geed ebolca, 6-8.25; mediam wefgbt geed A eheie. 8.80-0.96; heivywelrht. good A eboiea. S. 00-5. 80: packing sew, mediam A good. 8.60-4.85; feeder A stoekee pigs, good A ehoi, 8.7S-4.50. ) Skaept reeeipt. 100; gtosdy. Lome, good A ekoie, 6.15-6.00; EW SUPPLY tirade D raw 4 per cent milk,' co-op pool price S2.0tf per hnndred. tMilk based i seauVSMntaly battarfak averagej - . f Dlstribator price f 3.10. tsntterfat Top S2c and 83c; . B grade prints- 83c; A grade prints 84c." Trie paid te grewera by Salast bsyera Keveatber 20 t CTb urtees !. atped by a local greeer. are iadleative f ta daliy market bat are aet goaraateed by Tea 8tatee- saaa.) rnuiTS -(Bvyiag Pries) Cranberries. . bbL 8.5 a Orapefrait, florid . a ta 4.50 -Orapefrait Arison . ,,, 8.40 t 8.6 S Cats baa, lb. - - - .. - .01, (Jiaages. Valencia, faaey 0.00 t 7.00 Oraaaes. Karela . 3.7S te 8.75 Sanaaas, Hk, a stalk t Haaas - -Lenwaa , -Ubh, freak -Or pes ' Seedless r Lady nager Wait MaUgas .. ..o4 ,- , .08 UA 8 S.3S 1.00 1.18 1.76 1.26 L25 1.00 .18 xeaay. Apple, kaaael .38 Pears. DAaJeu, ba. Tie STABLES (Bay las Price! Radlibea aoa. M 1.00 L0S .76 .08 8aamer soaaaa, crate -cat eeiery. aoa. TS t .48 t Jaauzlower Egg plant. leeaL ). Cabbsg. cat, local -, ., Crast cakbag Oreea aenoers. ' lb. 80s t LIS 50 t .08 .08 Union a. Waataagtva, SO Iba. , .T5 Leat aleas. SO Iba .88 Let tor, ImsL erst 75 to t.00 ualit ,. . 32.25 to 3.SS a.i.t auu. .40 Beets, loeaL des. Sqaasa, Hobbards sad Banana Carrata, local, doa, 12 te Loeal Potatoes N. 2, baadred K. 2, baadred - Takima. 60 lbs, Sweet potatoes California peas - Calif oral beaas Tevatoe. CaUt, lag . Filberts .18 t Taraips, doa Caaivea. des. 0 as J9 .80 .42 H 1.85 J8 .18 1.75 as .15 Ji .60 Italian broccoli. large aura (Baying Price) Clatter, 1914 lb., top 18 . .18 Fugglea, 1914. top . Komi-al 08 (Baying Prise) Extras . Standards Medioaas .28 JS .19 Jtt J1 .24 .20 Pallet Wsolessl Belliof pnee extras Standards Medlaau Pallets WOOL AKD UOB41B (Baying Prise) afobalz. 1984 eh ne market Mediam wooL 1034 US M Coarse sad fins wool, 1034 POUhTOT t Baying Price) Heavy bean, 4H to 5 Iba. Over 5W pounds. Ik, Colored mediam t, lb. , .. Mediam Legherae. Ib. Ugbt, lb. - Broilers, colored, lb. Legaorav lb. , . . , .10 .18 .00 .07 .08 .11 JO .04 .20 mags. is. Turkeys, bens, lb. .19 te MEAT (Baying Price) Lambs, ander 00 Iba. 4T3 t Over 90 lbs. Hora, 180-160 lbs. ., 5.28 4.00 6.75 6.00 8.60 .06 .02 .02 H 170-210 Iba 210-350 lbs. , Steers .03 H t Cows .01 t Boll .02i te Heifers .02 H to .03 H Veal top 4.50 te 5.00 .07 H Dressed veal, top eased aogs .10 GRAIN AND BAT (Baying Pries) Wheat, western red - . .81 . .83 .28.00 184.0 -80.00 Waits. Ke. 1 Barley, feed. Ke. L tea Malting, toa Teed, toa Ray, baying prices ciover uy . 8.00 8.00 .11.00 Oats sad vetch, toa .,., airaua. valley, first ant Clever Seed - Bed, lb. Alsiko. Its. . at . .10 .80.00 .27.00 Tatck seed, toa Oata, milling, toa m cn TO BE STARTED SOON The most interesting farm cen sns ot any of the many taken by th federal government since 1840 will get under way, Jan nary 1, next, for the year 1834 Preparations for this agriculture census are now being made by the bureau of census. Changes in farm lands due to th depression And conditions wrought by th drought are two ot th big items that contribute to making the coming census an unusual one. All farmers and ranchers are urged to writ tor sample blanks that they may have their Information In order when th enumerator calls after th first ot the year. Such schedules may b obtained, from th bu rean of census, department et commerce, Washington, D. C. IN HOSPITAL HE1-B WACONDA. Nov. 20. Mrs. Fred VIesco Is recovering from a major - operation at a Sal A hospital. ami medium. 8J0-S.18: yearling weth ers, S.3S-4A0; swea, geed A aiee. S.00- 8.60; n. A mediam, LT6 fJ5. "S I MABKET DISPUTED t " - - PORTLAND, Ore- Nov. 20.-(fl3l -Extreme weakness ot the egg market was suggested in down ward revised offers for supplies! although a little warfare in this; : regard was showing. While general buying and sell ing price on eggs here was sharp ly reduced for recent days as a result of demoralized trade condle Uons in New Tork. some or in buyers with, an eye to edging our competitors were quoting a higher: buying price than their selling cards call for. Just bow this condition can be. continued In face of NRA regu lations which prohibit sales at ' loss is not known. With a greater differential be tween extras and standards, the demand for butter was increasing in th second grade and decreas ing in th first. There was na! general price change for tne day. Demand for chickens holds firm but th trad was being warned that live arrivals must be rushed as the trad later will b con fined chiefly to dressed supplies. Market for country killed meats was holding fairly well la all di visions although there contUaed slight easiness In spots for heavy calves with a fairly liberal ran.. Announcement was , mad by th Tillamook association of an advance of le in loaf cheese but no change in triplets. Th dif ferential is now 2c lb. instead of Ic Further price advances and th previous loading up of the trad at lower prices, created a nom inal movement' into retailers hands according to leading dis tributors. High prices were be ing maintained elsewhere. Shading of a nickel or so eon tlnued almost general In th lo cal potato market even though n open cutting was suggested at ih source. Onion market, continued witl the chief sale her consisting ot Yakimag at a sharp cut under Oregons. Western Wools Moving Rapidly BOSTON, Nov. 20-(flV(U. a Dept. Agr.) -Moderate quantities of a few grades ot fleece wools were moving, but these lines were not as active as the finer quality; western grown lines. Fin Ohio Delaine wools brought 27-28 cent in the grease for good to choice offerings shrinking 70 per cent or less, - while heeavier shrinking strictly combing (Is and finer fleeces moved at 26-27 cents ia the grease. Strictly combing 56s. 8 blood Ohio and similar fleeces sold at 29-30 cents In the grease. Radio Program Wednesday, Nov. 21 kbx roxTitirx mo x. 6:30 Concert. i 8:30 Studio. I 8:45 Rsy Noble's orchestra. 9:00 Dance Rhythms. 0:30 Marshall 'a Mavericks. HBO. 10:03 Ronald Back. 10:15 Classical Soloist 10:80 Salon orchestra. 11:00 Broadcast te Pablie School. 11:45 Soloist. SBC. 13 :00 Dance Frolic 13:15 Western Farm sad Home Hoar 1:00 Eaat Side Commercial dab. 1:80 Financial and Grain Report 3 :00 World Bookmaa. 3:05 Musical Gems. 8 :1S Orchestra. 4:00 Pickens Sisters, NEC. , 4:15 Oriental Gardens orchestra, 4:40 8 port Flashes. 9:15 Sports Talk. 0:80 Wrestling boots. 11 :00 DeHoaey s orchestra. -11:30-12 Panes Frolic kow POETAirr--620 re - ; 7:00 HsTvett of Seng, KBCL - 7:15 Fiorenda Trio, bBa - S- 7:45 Orgae eoaceet, NBO. 8 :00 Honeymoonen, NBC. 8:80 U. 8. Army Band, NEC ' 8:00 Fields aad Hall. KBO. . 0:80 Abe Bereovita. vieliaiat 10 :0A Mickey Oilletta maaie. XBC. 13:00 Ramblers, KBO. 4:80 Personalities, XEC. 4:45 Clef D wallers, KBO. 7:80 Memory Lane, KBO. 8:00 Ames 'a Aady, NBC 10:85 Tom Cookleyi ereaestra, NBO 10:45 Archie Leveland's erebeatra, 11 :0O-r-Ambasador Hotel ereheitra. 11:30-12 Bart Weedyard orchestra. X0AJ3 COBVALUS 5S0 Xs. 10:15 Stories that Science TsUa. 13 :00 Neoa Farm Hoar. 3:00 Modera Melodies. S :0O Homemakars' Half Hoar. , 4:00 On the Oampnees. 8:00 Opera 8terie "La Bohsma.' 8:45 Vespers Led by Rv. A. U - Le-sberry. . s S :O0 Dnnner Music : SO Evening Farm Hear. 7:80 Th World ia Review Dr. TUP tor P. Xerrls. . , :5S Monlclpal Affairs "Drretoping a City Park Prograsa' f.- k. Oetkbert prefeasor of laadeeap srehitectare, U. of O. 8:15 K0A0 Drama Oaild "The Whit Headed Eagle.' 8:30 Padfie College program. Stocks end Bond (Copyright 1884, " Slaaaard Statistic C.) . ' : ' -,i ' November 30 ,; ': gT0C AVEaol '. . SO 20 29 " 30 f y. ' TBdla KB'. Cts. Total Today -- 87.0 80.8 ; 49.8 TS S Prevfam day . 08.T 30.S ; 4S.0 1 t Week age 87.0 87.1 63.4 78.8 Tear ace 94.4 41.3 64a 81.8 3 years- ag 78.1 43.3 117.0 78.1 T years eg J4SA 11 LT 126.0 132.1 Hlgk 4834 -10.e S4.8 80.8 08A Lew 1884 76.0 84.1- 46U 64.4 . :.s"..v- B0XD ATEXAOSg - t9 20 28 60 " ' V India KK's,' TJta. Total Today . 7 804 sas : S4.t Previoae day SS.Sr 0J.' . . Week are 83.8 8L1 89.8 84.5 Tear see ZJ. 78.4 : 66.8 .75.8 "70.5 t years sr 74 ' 00.3 ' 90.4 SI S J High 114 . 88.0 SO.e 90 88.1 Lew 1914 . 78. 74.1 7741 74.8 -M1