PAGE SIX 21 " TS 03EGON &i1Al.Sj.lAN; HaliX OregcTceS&y Horning, i0Tnbiriy Imf . A' lil LODGE SESSIONS Silverfon Rebekahs Planning Homecoming for December8 " SILVERTON, Not. 19. Mem ben of Trypbena Rebekah lodge ' of SilTerton toing to Salem to night at the inTitation of the Salem lodge to take part in the annual stunt night were Mrs. F. J. Ronbal. Mr. and Mrs. John Gehrke, Mrs. Robert Goets, Mrs. I Harrr Riches, Miss HelTie Sil-' rer, Mr. and Mra. George Busch and Mra. Will Egaal Sllrer lodge, order of the Odd Fellows, waa presented with the . traveling gavel from the Moni- - tor lodge at the Saturday night meeting ot the local group. De gree work waa put on and visit ors were present from Molalla. Scotta Mills, Monitor, Salem and Needy. Interest In lodge work has ta ; ken a, forward step during this . a ntnmn, officials report. Larger ' groups are attending than have done so for considerable time. A new candidate was voted In - Saturday night. Initiation will be ' held in December. Homecoming plans are also being made for the meeting to fall December 8. At first it had been planned that homecoming would be held De cember 1, but later this was - postponed one week. Saturday night of this week third degree work 'Is to be put on. Refreshments were served at - the close of the meeting Satur day night. Mudds Trade Liberty - Place for Tovn Site LIBERTY, Not. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Russell. Mudd and fon Jack hare moved to the Salem property which they traded for their place here. The Baker family has moved to the place near Belcrest vacated by the Salladays, who have gone to live in Salem Heights. Marlin Lambert and his mother will live In the home formerly occupied by the Baker family. Mr. Lambert is a newcomer here, and has been visiting his brother, Lowell Lam bert, the past few weeks. Pythian Homecoming Tonight at Hubbard HUBBARD, Nov. 19. The Arlan Temple Pythian Sisters will hold their annual roll call and homecoming on Tuesday eve ning, November 20. After the regular ritualistic services there will be a social hour. 'Arrange ments are in the charge of Aman da Dimlck. ; HORIZONTAL 1 Retained 4-Wh.t Spuuafc admiral was cownAr of i th fUat d r fUd , im Manila Bay by Americans ta 1898? -10 Vexation . . .-. 11 More precious -' 13 Exclamation , 1 Low fortified outwork . 18 One of the religions of China : 18 Equip ; - 20 Small poles 21 Who waa tka invaator of tk wia amacama? ,24 Bird's beak ; 28 Verse,-.; . . 28 Occurrence . 80 Appendage . ' 32 la what city waa aa edict 7 aifaad watch graated freedom -; . f coaacwacc to Protestants? -' Pendant ornament 88 Correlative of neither ' 40 Soar and astringent . ; 41 Fissure 45 Large vat , 47 Hence : 48 Lodge 60 Small mountain lake 62 Edible part of a nut ... 64 Waat Aatrkaa poat wrstt, "I - ' - Have ' a ReadMvaas With . ! Death"! i 67 Printer's measure 68 Struck out ' 60 Electrified particle .01 What aoWd Anericaa lUtit- ataa became : kaowa aa the . f oraMt orator ef hU tiaie ia . eppeaiag the petkiee ef Hemry day 7 . . 62 What EaglUh anm waa the - iat ef ta Stuart sevaratgaar Hty'. y VERTICAL ; - -' 1 What BritUW gaeeral aad Sec - ratarr of State for. War waa drowned aboard tha "Htap t . I Sooner than - ' 8 Writing implement ; 4- Mother 8 Worthless leaving 0 Close by - 7 Assembled company ' '. Masculine name y Cross-Word Puzzle - By EUGENE SHEFFER -J j ; . 32 3 35 36 31 ZZSr' z?5 ' T 53 55 56 . 71 3 77To : - Grangers SILVERTON HILLS, Nov. li. Election of officers at the Fri day night meeting of the Silver ton Hills grange resulted in C V. Murray, master; Donald Ross, overseer; Ida Benson, lecturer; C. P. Mnlkey, steward; Victor Hadley, assistant steward; Sarah Maulding, chaplain; L. A. Hall, treasurer; Edith Beugli. secre tary; George Gerdes, gatekeeper; Josie Mires, Ceres; Lois Alexan der, Pomona; Ethel Ross, Flora; Maybelle Towe, lady assistant steward; Ira Loron, executive committeeman. The two hold overs on the executive board are L. O. Hadley and Oscar Loe. The recently organized juven ile grange completed its election also: Bruce Alexander, master; Charlie Tulare, overseer; Maxine Ross, lecturer; Don Ross, stew ard; Lester Beugli, assistant steward ; Betty Jo Murray, chap lain; Ntlda Terry, treasurer; Evon Murray, secretary; Milton Foote, gatekeeper: Lucile Tsch anti. Ceres; Joy West, Pomona; Lucile Mulkey, Flora: Marjorie Maulding, lady assistant steward. Elections arc Held VICTOR POINT, Nov. 19. At the regular meeting of Union Hill grange Friday night the fol lowing officers were elected for next year: Master. W. M. Tate; overseer, O. W. Humphreys; lec turer, Josephine Fox; steward, Byron McElhaney; assistant stew ard, Millard Shelton; chaplain, Jennie Humphreys; treasurer, C. C. Carter; secretary. Vera Scott; gatekeeper, Vernon Patton; Ceres, Minnie Gilmour; Pomona, Ida Steinherger; Flora. Leona King Krenr; lady assistant steward. T h e 1 m a Humphreys: executive committee, new member, J. 0. Darby. Holdover members of this committee are Paul Jaquet and M. M. Gilmour. Miss Alice Jaquet was elected Juvenile matron and chose Mrs. Charles Morley as her assistant. At the juvenile grange meet ing, Virginia Conn, Barbara Rosenbalm, Mary Rosenbalm and LeRoy Downing were initiated. The Juvenile election resulted: Master, Marvin Darby; overseer, James Darby, jr.; lecturer, Len ora Heater; steward, Robert Humphreys; assistant steward. LeRoy Downing; chaplain, Verla Carter: treasurer, Gladys Peter son; secretary, Laurel Krenz; gatekeeper, Eugene Butler: Ceres, Virginia Conn; Pomona, Barbara Rosenbalm; Flora, Marjorie Tate; lady assistant steward, Mary But ler. J. O. Darby, past master of the local grange, will install the officers in a joint installation with Macleay at Union Hill Fri day night, December 14. Evans t Speak CHEMAWA, Nov. 19. The grange Home Economics club met for an all-day quilting with Mrs. H. W. Bowden. At the business meeting the members listened to 9 Who originated the law that tho strength of an uavaryinf lectrieal enrrent ia ' directly proportional to tha electro mo tiwm forco? 11 Expire 12 Dash , 15 Deputy ' . 17 Artificial laagua.-' 19 Steenflax 22 Eggs 23 Indolent tumor of the : .In 25 Stout elub 27 What city is tho capital ef the state of Victoria? 29 Number 81 Bleat of a sheep 33 Habitual drunkard S5 Landscape 36 Indian weight 37 Unit of work 39 Track worn by a wi, . . ? 4Z enunine name 43 On behalf of 44 Sounds 46 Foundation 49 Liquefy 61 Color 52 What aabnrb of London la tha aito of tha Royal Botanical Garden? 53 Prevaricate 55 Alcoholic beverage oo inaenmte period or time 69 Doctor (abbr.) Herewith is the solution to yesterday's puzzle. BNitlv t IHfe Bit. 30 Cp umn .the report of the activities 'car ried on at the grange fair and voted to make a Quilt as part of the season's work. Mrs. H. R. Hansen will be hostess to the elub at Its next meeting Decem ber 6. Mrs. John Evans - waa a guest. - V, ' The- grange will bold the reg ular meeting Thursday, Novem ber 22. For the first time the grange la holding an all - day meeting and the business session will be called promptly at 10 a. m. with routine reports and the election of officer for the ensuing year the principal' busi ness. A potluck luncheon will be served at noon under the direc tion of Mrs. Bowden, the Home Economics chairman. The lecturer announces this program for 2 p. m. to which the public is Invited. Group singing, roll call, "One Thing for Whloh. I Am Thankful"; numbers by the Kelzer school; skit, Mr. and lira. W. E. Savage; paper, "Origin et POLLY AND HER HOW LONG ARE VGOMNA KEEP UKK BOUKO MICKEY MOUSE ZSSiy VCPM! J VtSJW FBLES. f"k OUE SOCK.' ) J J te woops- J y tAf BOY ! fTLfS; f MAYBE THE SET BAC Z ) 5 e ZZT 1 Of THEM GUYS Mj 5'iN ' ) ( QUICKEST WAY'O Yjf ( DIPPY! W( NOT A SOUND? 1 ' THIMBLE THEATRE-Starring Popeye I'LL FIND OUT UMOS ,7EPvUtV MR.VPiNK1PPW.ES GOLD NOBODY KHOWS I YftMft 5PV Or ACCOUNT OF VftM DRcSbcD UKt A LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY TWAT GUY YOU GWE "THEL WBUTMf?5 STOUT HUMDReO-DOU.AR-BlU.TO WAS OM BAYS THE i THE LEVEL AU.THE ME16HBORS LtTTLE BRAT BAY THE KID LIVES HERE. pM HAS QOHe.rU : TOOTS AND GASPER I'M AFRAID ALL : V FOR PTTY Y I'LJL? THJ5 SUDDEH WEALTH I SAKES, DAN! J APPRECIATE IS TOO MUCH FOR : IF VOU A THAT, TOUR HUSBAND, SOPWEl YAWN ONCE SOPHIE1. HE'S ALL IN : I MORE J HOrRntfl 5K5 FROM OUST 1 J YVL. SEND IK! JtSXTHlHKlHcV ) NtXJ TO 7c, ' D! ( Popular Foods on Our Thanks giving Menut'' read by : Mrs. D. B. Kleihege; solo, selected, Les ter Evans. At t o'clock Dr. J C. Evans from the Oregon atate hos pital, will deliver an address on 'Some Phases of Insanity and Their Possible Prevention' Newlywcds Given Surprise Welcome by Oak Pointers ; OAK POINT, Nov. 19. About 40 friends and neighbors gathered at the Hugh Rogera home Satur day night to charivari Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wilson, who were dinner guests at the Rogers home. From there the party went to the Wilson home for a miscellaneous shower for the couple. Mr. Wilson and Miss Blanche Bates of Springfield were married November 10 at Springfield. Mr. Wilson i& an Oak Point boy, at tending school here and graduat ing from the Independence high school. Aside from running his farm here, he is working for the Rogers dairy. PALS il I rvWLOfAou.E- I l.-v ( rn sujell.biuJS 1 I "iivTr 1 i ' tuic , . .te, w v 1 7 XX.TO-DM?J . i li . V 1 I I V w vjugui li ,w,f rs5?.v o'V SusiB a m crncxtMUP, Bidr BOY, AND DONT MAKE A MXtOUNEARLV S-SCARED THE UFE OUT? OF ME T-THIS IS THE FIRST, TIMS. SOUND I WAS HELD M Of PMQUS-TEIUS BOOKS GATHEfi Youngster Drinks Denatured Alcohol and is III; Begin Lunches BROOKS, Nov. .19. The Brooks Parent-Teachers associa tion held its business meeting and program at the schoolhouse Friday night. W. B. Russell, president, appointed these com mittees: Program, Mrs. C V. Ashbaugh, Mrs. Ray DeRoche and Alfred Lauralne: refreshment. Miss Elizabeth Clark, Mrs. W. H. Ramp and Mrs. J. W. Fitta. Hot lunches for the school children which is being sponsored by the P. T. A. began Tuesday of last week. This program was presented: Trio, D. Moses violin, John Mo sea, clarinet, and Miss Mary Car Visiting Hoar Follow Now Showing "A A Good YEAH, X KMOWWHATMR5 STOUT SAy.S BuT "X "DOUrr BELIEVE. HER 3HE CAkPT" FOOL MSL SHES HOUG THE KID ALL. TMAT 608 STUFF SHE'S PUU.IMG i TUST A SAS TO FOOL t but che mwr FOOUM6 X'M WO SAP.' THIS IS HIS BED-ROOM v COME ON, BUT BE QUIET . VOU KNOW WHAT 'THE PHANTOM WOULD DO TO US IF WE CUH4UL . : I 1 S rr1L BE THE LAST I TIME TOO IF THAT'S fWT uJNsOUmiON TO VOU C1-1MB (VAR1 THAT LADDER EVER V UP! , , ZZZL.'tk oline Moses, piano; dialogue b Mrs. Wm, Hall and Robert Bail ey; solo. Miss Louis Andrus, Mrs. Ashbaugh j accompanying; - Japan ese dance. In costume, . by Miss Anna Takayama, Mrs. Takayama playing her , accompaniment; reading, Kreta Fae Ashbaugh; play, "Miss Peabody's Salad," by Miss Ruth Loop, Bill Bishop, Miss Lena Riggi and Jim Riggi; Jap anese dance, Minnie Ogura, Mary Takayama, Sumle O g n r a and Anna Takayama, all In costume; tap dancing. Bob, Bill and Clif ford Bishop, jr., with accompani ment by Alfred Lauralne. Kreta Fae Aahbaugh was op erated on for appendicitis at a Salem hospital Sunday morning. She is getting along as well as can be expected. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil V. Ashbaugh. Billie Harris drank a quantity of denatured alcohol Saturday af ternoon and was very seriously ill for several hours. He is the 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Harris. the Leader Detour on His Map" Investment WO FOOLIW! ZERO WE'RE RICH TWi5 i5 A REAL HUNDREO-OOLLAR BlU. CAUSE IT SAY5 SO IM THIS LETTER. THAT SWELL GUY AT THE GAS STATtOM GAVE HE WAS A MILLIONAIRE vTUST PRETEMDlW j ft ; LETS HIDE BEHIND ukt ixwe."a uvmtere shows ur BUT DONT &RAB HIM UNTIL: f 1 rTVB THE SIGNAL mm si'am ak - - Vio rrrrtii kzjuz iuu i .AND W !sr fc Cm mni. i . o . ou itWT K Y IF I FELLOWS THIS 1 s nnwwiwqtri DON& WE blla a 'Bk w , si m j m sri - es ( IS SITED AUMSVDLLE, Nov. 19. The work on the addition to the gym nasium has commenced, with ex cavating and hauling of materials. Til rrmBulnm nrntiw wfT! k. finished Inside as soon as ma- By a USE THIS II ' -r1- - - 'i. ..r- EXPEW5E5 IT SEEMS LIKE A DREAM se ME HAVING 100 ALL. ME -T GUESS MY OWM THERE.'', THE THE &i auk- THERE S ft eawa eraaa'v mwmr .z: j ........ ctuljl i t-uwfcjsr r mad f moment 1 TO MYSELF ALL DAY LONT AND ) ' XT CERTAINLY ' IS A RELIEF. TO . Jfli BE ALCHZ FOR A CHANCVC yJVh mi ANY TALKINCT TO BE JL DO fTT J MUST YOU'D ER START SAYIN TO.JTJ -, TUUH FATTYl. terlals for the work' are on the ground. This work is being done ? aa an SERA project. ' f Mrs. Charles Heia was hostess Thursday afternoon to the Wom en' elub. .The aprons which the elub women, made for the Parent Teacher basaar were on exhibit. Mrs. Heln was assisted in serving by Mrs. Monkers and Mrs. Lamb. The Prayer Band, an organixa tion of recent origin here, met at the home of Mrs. Otto Fuson. j Thursday afternoon. By CLIFF STERRETT By WALT DISNEY ( By SEGAR DARREL McCLURE J 1 IT5AY5 PK5HT HERE IM THE LETTER. DOUGH FOR, TRAVEL! WG AM BESIDES. X GOT r FIFTY CEMTS "THAT 5 WELL GUY A5TKUCK Ut.' By JIMMY MURPHY m t J r i ...Jim S?LCK" COLONEL HOOFER, 50CENT VICTIM OF THE ESCAPED DESPfeRADOS VENGEANCE. 1 i I