6tH Round Statesmen Eiidyp. , Tourncnisnfr on Monday . : NighHbfc 19 1 " - - . MAIN DINING KUUM - MA1UUN. HUTliL - a U'CLUUK i NOVEMBER 19 ?. . from Portland, will direct. Mrs. Carl P. Armstrong of Salem, will assist. This is the t excellent, and an excellent time is anticipated by all players. Reservations not re-; J -J J! 11J ' . A M IV. ' .'.-. ' ' - tnirtA lint 4ll.v wir.TI Miul.l.J I il.. - l'jt 1 PA -A- -r - ouuiuuiuing onage event vi me jeai. '4- - - . t j- f v -. ; r v wm w a(iucvia,icu uy me eyuusura. .mmssiunou. cents. Jl -r r - a. : sT 1 TlUE STATESMAN, with pleasure, announces the sixth night' play of the r pENEROUS PRIZES WILL BE OFFERED EACH NIGHT and at the conclusion of second annual all-city bridge tournament." Play will begin promptly at 8 p. m. at VJ the eight weeks of play. Entries are by pairs bat players Kay change partners .; th Marfan hnipV main dmlntr room Mrs. WUiiaia -U. UU1XUL UUDertSOn leacner r . iron WeeK 10 WeeiC The rooniA Will h fltt rartiTplv ilArnral1 nfovinv wind tinna win s 3 I 1 Lf Our Dictionary Says: : ; Pharmacy 'The art or business of compounding drugs and of compounding and dis pensing medicines. We conduct the practice of pharmacy i ethically, scientifically, and .with your safeguarding in mind. ." . S-R-t Hi. : p.,d. Quisenberry's CENTRAL PHARMACY 410 State AFTER THE TOURNAMENT, TRY . SUKIYAKI We : know youll enjoy It! American dishes also served. UPSTAIRS to 2 A. M. - ..2224 N. - ' Commercial - to -v t: ', Banish Unwanted ' Hair , - Marlon Treatments Remove It Safely Scientifically ' Permanently Marton Laboratories 004 1st Natl Bank Bldg. , Phono 4427 BRIDGE SHARKS Try an End Squeeze on This! COMPLETE SPECIAL, f n IZED LUBRICATION Mv on any make rjKgi V of car :.ut Batteries re- - PA. charged OXJKt 8r 6 Guaranteed for Life ' '"; f At MafI Order Price 7 a i nan uraer trice i Don Madison Dial eoes 649 N. High 9 SALEM'S ORIGINAL BEAUTY New Fall Classes Now Being ".V- Organized V Special Permanent Wave fl - gf , Offer Including 'Sham- . 41 I UU - poo, Haircut.and Finger I 1 . 6 Orcson School of Beauty Culture 218 - North Liberty ' Street TeL ,6800 ' :r's? ExciHhg - Tie Nievv 17 A BRIDGE FANS I ToaH find atihe Commercial Book Store . complete rapply of bridge Instruction booki, tarda, taUlea, acore pads, prises, farora - anything 700 might need. 4 A Commercial Book Store A 16S N. Commercial - Telephone lit 4 T A. A. GUEFFBOX crmanonf NO f.iACHINE . . . NO ELECTRICITY EVERYONE'S discussing this sensa tional ne w imethod th e; ZotoV Machine-Less T Permanentl -Who 'ever thought it would be possible to perma nently wave hair without a machine or electriciff ,r. i ItV ' comfortablel HV quick! It's safe! And best of all, you're sure of deep beautiful waves, and a wonderful lustre, no matter how deli cate your hair texture. ... Better hurry and make an appointment forZOTOS. The rush is on. M I L L E R ' S BEAUTY S HO P Emma Kalhe Haley - Phone 7053 A r-liJ imp 1 "I1 11 Distinctive Frocks 9. eVA Moderately Priced MACK'S Senator Hotel Building oa High Street 15he MARION HOTEL c : S 9 With pleasure it r welcomes the first contract .bridge tournament ever to be held is Salem. ' It invites the use of all Its facilities. Din ners at the Marion are unexcelled. ; The Rose Marie Leads Again With the Installation of the New scotte Permameinit WAVING EQUIPMENT Something Absolutely New end Different! No large overhead machine. No heavy heaters on the head Perfectly cool, you feel absolutely no heat. Yon can now have a permanent with no more discomfort " than a finger wave. SOUNDS IMPOSSIBLE BUT ITS TRUE ! Always More Advanced Methods at the SOSE MARIE 251 NoMJberty BEAUTY SALON Phone 3921 V J The Thing to'do . . fair m4 OCOXAXM v J At Your Service MM) We Do Good Dry Cleaning and Good Laundering SALEM LAUKDRY CO. (WIEDERS) . Phone 9125 263 South High Street A S T : i Court and High Street " ' Ageacy for Freah WHITMAN'S CHOCOIJ1XES mi 10 Tift! The SPA ORIGINATORS AND MAKERS OF " THE FA310CS LEMON CUSTARD ICE CREAM S?A ICE CREAM IS ALL MADE THE OLD - FASHIONED WAY WIN $1 FREE . Solve the Puzzle Hand on This Page! BeiOW ia a punie hand. The States man will pay 11 to the person anbmlW ting in writing the best answer before 6 p. m. Mondaj, No yember 1. Submit the eola tion to Mrs. Ann itron g, care The Statesman. II r a , Qalno will Judge the answers, - E x p 1 anation of the pazsle hand will be made at the tour nament Monday night at the Marlon and in The States man Tuesday morn ing, November 20. . Ton don't hare to 'be a tournament player to enter an answer, but the an swer must show, each play. Cards represent ing the hand are placed in respective positions in the ads on this page. 9 $1 It Pays to Buy FLORSHEIMS! For more than 42 years the men ol America have found; that the little extracost of Flarsheini Shoes it ood economy , Their sturdy leathers, . their fine : finish, and their careful craftsmanship . Jive you a fine appear ance that lasts longer, loolobetter. .. aiosT jOtC , - I "Strntwear Hosiery fot, V Ie mmS Womei" RISE'S BOOTERY 129 : N. Commercial :. CLOTHES Make the Man They Say . We know they make the ladies ever so much more comfortable, when effectively selected and fitted. t THE APPROPRIATE THING ALWAYS AT THE SMART SHOP 115 N. liberty - Salem W E Css x No one Vol. South dealer. North V 8 7 K76t 4 4 ' East 4QJM Q J10 KJ10I South VAUi A8 1 AQS West ' VKQJ109 4 . U1 The bidding: -South 1 No trump S No trump : West Pass Pass North i No trump -. - Pass . East Pass Pass iSOUTH The FINESSE "The Ideal Glasses for Bridge Players" 2 . Buy Your Used Cars Here . Where You Will Always Get a Good Buy McKAY CHEVROLET Co. Fl owers See Our Assortment Of - Bridge Prizes OLSON, florist Court and High Streets Telephone 7 ! . The popularity ol the bridge game has caused a demand for a distinctire type of frame. To meet this demand, we of fer the FINESSE. .The FINESSE is characterized by Its refinement and good taste ... attrac tire and aristocratic in appearance . . . Its short paddle temples make it easy to slip on and off; A flm grip Is as sured by its; Grip-tight corrugated tem ple tips ... Indispensable for erery card player who wears glasses! MORRIS OPTICAL CO. 444 State St Salem For Chriatma o Kennell-Ellis Artist Photographers - - J 420 Oregon Bldg. ' . ; Phone 780 V o 1 (- N MM V 'v v . v 1 mm 1$ $ 9V9 9 t 6 a (I V V A -At Always a GRAND SLAM if you plan to hare your luncheon with us. Ererything from tasty sand wiches to beer and skittles. Salem's Newest, Most Modern Eating Establishments The Hof Brau The Coffee Shop In Conjunction With the Marion Hotel 9 9 9V9 6 6! mt lb y Q v, ; - , ---i-ii- 0 c I IA L -A ', . .. V SHOES FOR ALL WEAR in , 7, 4V v 1 v: ' Over 18 years experience and 10 ,D0O prescriptions - together with the finest sclentifie Instruments -.mean. th. adeauat. safeguard Cobd VisiOn DONT? NEGLECT YOUR. EYES; Credit if Desired ; - x- BTlEMS:-BROWN' JEWELERS - OPTICUNS - OPTOMETRISTS 184 -N,-liberty ' i- Slea1- A V A. 4 4 v9 2 i Gome to nnfn rfhn " ; "The Store for Ladies" r ; JFor Clothes for All Occasions . 464 - 466 State -J .u -., I SOUTH