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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1934)
PAGE TEN lie OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Saturday Mdrninjr, November 17, 1934 IK KB HUT CALLED BY DEATH - Marriage of Walter Bell and ' Josephine Nibler is - ;; Event Shortly ETAYTON, ' Not. 16. -r Word has been received here of the -death of Mrs. Agnes G. McCoy, 'wife of J. W, McCoy, cashier of L the First National bank at Ash land. Mrs. McCoy died at thePort land open air sanitorium, where : she had been for the past three months. Beside her husband she . leaves two daughters, Mrs. Mar garet Norby v of - Milwaukee and t Frances. ; The Nor by s - -formerly lived here, where Mr. Norby was principal of the grade school. . There were nine tables of bridge in play at the Women's clnb party Wednesday : night High score prizes went to Mrs. G. F. Korinek - and Ernest Busch. Hostesses were ' Mesdames Beryl Betser, Eugene Spaniol. J- N. Fischer and Wen dell Weddle. Infant Passes - The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boedigheimer areex tending their sympathy, ' in the death of .their baby, born Situr day. ,. --- v i: - - Mrs. Hattie Ficklin is home from a few days visit with Mrs. ' Mable Galbraith and - daughter Janet, at Eugene. During her ab sence Mrs. Wilbur Lesley and Miss . Eugenia Neal were in charge of the telephone office, " Bette, 13, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. G..F. Korinek, and who has been seriously ill for nearly a fcnonth, is now, considerably Im- ; proved. What was at first thought to be a case of tonsilltis developed Into an abscess on one of her ton sils. Miss Agnes KIrsch, nurse who has been, with Bette, left today for Seaside, where she will be bridesmaid at the wedding Satur day of a long time friend. Miss Johanna Johnston. . Bans Announced Marriage bans of Walter Bell - and Josephine Nibler hare been announced at the-Catholic church ' here. Mr. Bell is a son of Mr. and Portland's Persimmons Come Off Second Best in Opinion Monmouth Folks MONMOUTH, Not. 18 -. A' controversy has been raised about a - persimmon free In Portland being the only tree of the kind, possibly, in Oregon. Miss Cora Smith, a resident here for more than 40 years, has a persimmon tree. In her . dooryard which stands 36 feet tall, and Is nearly S . feet in circumference at base. It has produced . fruit annually since; 1901, and, bears heavily, specimens varying ' in circumfer ence from the size of a silver dol lar to a quarter.' It "is purplish orange - In color, and Is quite sweet. The frnlt is seedless. The history of the tree is ra ther unusual. It was brought from Missouri to Oregon in 1889 by Mrs. Phebe A. Smith, mother of Miss Cora Smith. With some other choice slips and plants this tiny tree was brought west In an old cedar water backet which has been in the family longer than the tree and incidentally Is in excellent condition today. The persimmon tree was first set' out on the Smith farm be tween Dallas and Rickreall, and a few years later transplanted when the family home was estab lished at Monmouth. It Is, by the way, only one of a great many Interesting things to be seen at the home of Miss Smith. She has one room in her large house set apart for novel ties, and In "Cora's Curio Boom," may be seen many objects of In terest dating back to early col onial -days. A relative of Miss Mrs. George Bell, of this place, while Miss Nibler's home Is at Woodburn. The wedding will take place about Thanksgiving. It is said that they will occupy the Fe lix Wright home here and Mr. Wright will build a new home east of his present one. Mr. Bell was recently admitted to the bar, be ing a graduate of Willamette law school. Smith was a direct descendant . of General - George .Washington, and some of their family mem oirs and -. heirlooms were accept ed long ago by congress as be longing to the first president's authentic family possessions possessions which are. preserved for the observation of posterity. PUN TO SINK NEW WELL AT SILVEHTON SILVERTON. Nov. 1. -(Spe cial )-The Silverton water depart ment will sink a well to replace the Silver Creek system, and is today preparing specifications for a 12-inch well producing 500 gal lons of water per minute. Exact location of the well has not been decided, but will be picked within a week, according to Dr. A. W. Simmons, chairman of the city water commission, oth er members of which are Roy Morley and A. R. Eastman. Elgin McCleary, superintendent of the water company, is working "with the committee on the plans. Mrs. Ben Clagget Elected President for Women of Aid KEIZER, Nov. 16. Making garments and a QuUt for the Chil dren's Farm Home near Corvallis occupied the Keizer Ladies' Aid at an all day meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. M. E. BUres? Potluck lunch was served to 12 members and two guests, Mrs. J. A.Oardner and Mrs. Hurry Broad- Sent. Officers elected were: Presi dent, Mrs. Ben Claggett; vice- president, Mrs. H. W. Irvine; secretary-treasurer, Lois Reefer. J 00 Another Shipment of -On Sale at Johnson's i at y2TV ' ,"" ' Jy JW md from sbtokite- Sk SfyUt Tree erfo eelara vHk vfceppine. bewi, aritw far! Wk. wk akiti batt m trm - fread n.mI ead roomy doove 4tmt boody (Her w tK tfirftV mut7r fotircts of iajpirationTH Butcher Boy Tn French Porter end The . Chok Boy eclohl CUobi HeftM DoHl toRoW LSI IZES II mm Meeting Time for Endeavor Group is Changed '' to 7:30 P. M. MIDDLE GROVE, Kov. 1. A girls' 4-H clab ha been organised with these officers: Leader, Mrs. Walter ? W. Fisher; president, Generva Hammer; vice-president, Lucille Crane; secretary, y Laura Crane. The project; will be cook ing. Eight members In the first division and one In the second division will meet once every two weeks.';:. The Misses Lola an! Esther Hammer were hostesses recently for a party given for a group of young people at their new home on the Silverton road. Change Sessions The young people's Christian Endeavor society met at' the Law rence Hammer home for their No vember business-and social meet ing, with 18 members and two visitors present. The time for Sunday evtenlng devotional ser vices was ehanged i from 7 to SO. Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Allen, two sons ana a. daughter, are now living on the Perrine place form erly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Roberts. . - - Onrllle and , Wayne : II era dan have returned to their home , In Portland after five months visit with their grandparents," Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hendon. WILMS Btl 10VIZE BESIDKONFiM . DAYTON .Nov. 16.- Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Clafk and family who for - the last -1 8 months have - re sided on the farm' owned by. the late Albert Senn in the Pleasant dale neighborhood, are moving to their new home at Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Wlllard and family have purchased the farm and will re-dei&srate the interior of the honse before moving. Six members and one guest of the Dayton Needlecraft club at tended the meeting held Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Smith. The guest was Mrs. -Emily Nichols. The next meeting will be at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. James Wakefield. The Arrawannah. Needle "Club met at the home? of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flnnicum Thursday after noon. The nexr meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Gibbon. i- HUT DAUGHTER CALLED SUBLIMITY, Not. 11. Mrs. Joseph . Heuberger received a telegram Wednesday mdrning tell ing her of the death of her old est daughter, Mrs. Theresa Hames at Harper, Iowa. ' t Miss Lucille Ruettgers, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bnett gers and Bernard Mormon of Sa lem will be married on Thanks giving day at 9 o'clock, at the St'. Boniface Catholic church by Rev. Francis Scherbrlng at a nup tial high mass. A wedding break fast will be served at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Ruettgers.": The members of the Young La dies Sodality are quilting a but terfly design quilt at the home of Miss Minnie Hassler for the benefit of the bazaar Thanksgiv ing day. Guild Sets Tentative Date for Yule Bazaar HUBBARD, Nov. 16 The com munity ladles guild met at the home of Mrs. Ellen Carl Wednes day for an all-day meeting. Mrs. George Leffler presided at the business meeting In the absence of Mrs. H. E. Adams. The bazaar was tentatively set for December 7. The guild will meet again on Thursday, November 22 at the home of Mrs. 8. L. Johnson at Salem. '. -. ? PLANS NAZI MEET NURNBERG, Germany, ' Not. lHfl-This old city finds - the annual Nasi party congresses so profitable and interesting that it suited preparing for the 1935 convention a month after the 1934 gathering ended. One street on the route ot the parades was found too small, so It will be widened. - ' County P. T. A. Will f Hold Meet Tonight SILVERTON! Not. 16.-Mr8. Martin Hannan, of Silverton, president of the Marion County Parent-Teachers ; council, reports that several from Silverton will attend the "county council meet ing, to be held - at Mission Bot tom . Saturday - night. An inter esting program, according to Mrs. Hannan, has been arranged for the evening. ,'"Mnu: Carl Spechf, county secretary, is among those who plan to attend from Silver ton. -. v .. Sdem's Leading Market 171 S. Commercial v Phone 8757 mm Whole or Half 17c oys and Girls come along on a wonderful trip to the palace of Santa Claus .... through the pages of The Ore gon be sure to watch for the new holiday strip A- Qkthtnim venture by LESLIE C MITCHELL' A Christmas Adventure is going to last for five weeks right through the holidays, and it will be swell new Christmas fun. 'All die wonders of Santa's great big workshop will be shown to you in pictures every day. tftull see how the toys are made, and how Santa keeps the records of good boys and girls and naughty ones, too. Then you'll see the stacks of letters Santa receives from kids everywhere, and how he takes care of them. And for the finish, you'll go swooping off with Santa in his sleigh behind the flying 1 reindeer to bring Christmas cheer all over the world. You will want' to follow 'A Christmas Adventure every day when it starts. Be" sure to watch for It in The Oregon Statesman; ru er2S U Tks Store hr LcdUs 64-466 State St