, . . 1 ' Mil" ' mmmmmmmmmai 1 1 1 1 M iniiiii i ' n 1 1 1 1 I i mi jBr. m'0m t? '" '"' """ " "' ' ' 11 ' ''"''in' 'mi ' - ii i ii j ,i .j- ii iii . "vv T ' " T"i ii--- -Itf ,g,-rf I'm j". m1 -t"' fiT5r"Ji ' i ; fa i SATURDAY; MONDAY Agai -During the summi 'renovated' our The shoe depart: innovation that i This new shon v The new fur dep i. - i n w . r 1 -they're Merry! -they're mad! These New HATS Tiny turbans that snaggle Into fur collars . . . brims that giro one that well tailored effect. They're all hero la this sale at 11.98. Felt or crepo In the new browns, reds, greens, and black. And what values! $11 98 ii 2nd Floor In This Sale Correctly Fitted Quality Fou nd ations MisSimpUdty 2-Way Back and Other Good Makes $350 VV VyWJL JLVll A. X rtllVJ. VV VvL FABRIC FROCKS KORACH! t ARTHUR PAUL! NELLY DON! AND OTHERS! Smart Fashions For Now and Later! $7. 1 11? Values to $7.50 f These new foundations provide body freedom and give you that fash ionable, flat diaphragm and 'abdomen. Come be fitted while this sale saves you near ly half. Foundations for your formal wear or for everyday utility. 2nd Floor. SALEM DAYS . . . NOVEMBER SAVING SALES . SALEM DAYS SALE of BEDDINGS Warmth 100 ALL-WOOL BLANKETS St! WOOL O' THE WEST $3.89 Dardanellas An odd lot in different colors. Weight up to 54 pounds. Sizes 66x 84 and 72x90. A good utility blanket for sleeping, throw for daybed, etc (Other blanket bargains $4.98 and $5.89) Famous For Quality Long Wear! Just when winter begins we offer this sale of fine wool blankets I "WOOL 0' THE WEST" are soft, deep, fluffy and full of life . . you will find them here in this sale at prices- that permit everyone to own one or more. Well gift-wrap these and lay them away for you. Buy for now and gifts . . . youH save money. $7.89Northern Lights White with candy stripes. This blanket is made of long, silky wool and is 5'4 lbs. in weight. Built to endure the severe cold of the Arctic Circle. A Sale of "Three-Year-Guarantee" Sheets and Pillow Cases Size 63x99, three-year guarantee sheets .95 Size 81x99, three-year guarantee sheets L19 Size 81x108, three-year guarantee sheets 1.29 Size 42x36, three-year guarantee cases 59 1IJ 1UX USRCaNTlLE COMPANY INCT 4 Men! You may just as well succumb, surrender or yield to this bargain event on KILGPDQOP Wool DRESS SOX at BENNIOFF fa' take care of the are looking for th YOU ARE INVI' CHANDISE DISK QUALITY BAI3 STORE! 39c pair 3 pairs $1.00 Why pay S5c for Anto-Gart first quality when you can . obtain (for short period A only) the iregulars at 89c"l,ar oalr or three oairs for 1.0. New patterns. It's a hold-up garter Ue$ ALSO A sale of Holeproof silk and lisle fancy dress socks in the regular styles at four pairs for 1 1.0 Q or pair 29c. Only a few hundred pairs at this price. Irregulars of SOc quality. 29:, b v IV f How About These Jjew PAJAMAS What-A-Price! What-A-Buy! Si I U What-A-Pa jama! t-Ll"S These are . fine quality,, fast color broadcloth pajamas, come in coat style ant slip overs. New and novelty trims. Here's a great idea for gift giving. Main Floor. HANDKERCHIEFS Blow yourself to a sc of these new kerchiefs alj ICv each. AH pure linen liicj3 finished with narrow "fQ hems. Pure white JbiC M-U-N-S-I-N-G-W-E-A-R Stepins, Bloomers, Shorts Glore silk undies are scarce at double this price. Some are priced four times this figure. So come down to Miller's early today it you want to "get in" on this bargain. 79cM Dance Sets and Slips Lace Trimmed Silk Crepes Here's another grand bargain in u n m e n t ionables. Lace timmed dance sets and slips in silk crepe. Sizes 32, 34, 36. In tearose and white. Ideal for gifts. $(0) $159 AH Sizes 14 to 42 New Talon Fastening Wool Sweaters Here's your angora linlshed tipper sweater with siasn pockets and crew or Tee neck. QeTJ Q g . style. Very popular this win- v V V ter. Also lomes with leather X Or : , buttons. Kswe&t shades such , . as Tile. White, Bright Blue. Bronze, Lacquer Red, etc Early Choice Takes The Best! ... V We know v every woman wants truly smart looking clothes. Spme frock mak ers have a good reputation for fashion and xclusiveness that places them far ahead of the" average. In this sale of ARTHUR PAUL'S ORIGINAL MOD ELS, NELLY DONS, ROBERTS, KOR ACICS and others, we take especial pride in announcing these names and offeringthem to you a greatly reduced prices. " -. - Novelty wool fabrics . . . knitted ribbed, boucle effects in the new sil houettes. Plaids and overplaids. Crepes, grenadines, etc. ' Pavement : greys ' ac cented with Chinese or lacqUer reds. Vivid browns,' blues, tiles and many combinatbns of new shades. Remem ber these are all high quality . ". . high styled dresses.. "Sizes 14 to 42. Only - fifty in u the showing . . ', we advise r early shopping of course. " 2ND FLOOR Salem Days Special! PURE DYE SILK CREPE AND SATIN GOWNS Here's your gift ready to settle that problem tor her. "Just say "Gift-wrap and. place In lays way." - 100 per cent pure silk, pure dye crepe and satin l . what better, quaUty could one expect at any price? Lace trimmed, and plain tailored in bias cut effects. Delicate pastel shades. Save nearly halt on these. 2nd Floor. $50 Save Nearly Half! Bay For Gifts! SALE OF HA For formal or afteJ Handbags of fine q silk crepes, etc. Regularly 2.98 ... HANDKER Would you believe en in dark shade, applique trims . . also bright shades this lot, each LACQUERED; New serving traj i decorated with Clu in gold and silver a Chinese red, x special -J. BABY BLA Bunny patterns in size 27x36 inches. Special . CHILD SWH Sizes 3 to 6 years overs in all wool. 1 shades. Special Suede Leather suppers 79c Womn's suede leather soft, padded soles accl brown and black. 4 tci HERE IT IS! The Sale in Salem urciCDV; 1ZUU fairs or Sheer Chiffons Semi-Service NOW! CUT YOUR HOSIERY BILLS IN HALF! AU New! Direct from Factory! y y pair Two Pairs for 1.10 Only. 1200 pairs,, but what a bargain. Sheerest chiffons that .wear and wear. Semi-service . that look like chiffons. And ev ery pair the product of i Hole proof Mills. Slightly irregulars, but just say to the saleswomen, "pick out two, three or half dozen pairs with the tiny irrei gular thread in the top or foot,H and you'll be surprised at the result. All sizes . . . new shades-. -tS hern , j ill (ffl ; r 1 his Lai Nj ! : J Pottei J 7 - V.-' P ELECTRIC S; fGriIIsSteaks - Roasts Weiners J'J Fries Hamburgers :.V' 4 Toasts , t Sandwiches cEvery home should have electric grills. It is almd range. See these in tK t..i . Tta.-.. noil