A. i . i -k PACirsiiVErr 3 I ), i u V i 5 i i 1 i 0 I !' Alums Bidden to Bridge Party Tonight MRS. P.' D. QUISENflERRY will op&i her home (or a mart affair f toniiht when alumna of Pi Beta Phi gather for their monthly meeting. Contract will occupy the evening and Mn. Vera Miller, will assist the hostess at the supper hour. , Those lBTited are Miss Lillian Davis, Miss Ethel Frailer, Miss Margaret King. Miss Ruth Holmes. Mrs. Frank Deckebach, JrMw. Walter Fnhrer. Mrs. Ed win Kech. Mrs. Don Pritchett. Mrs. Carl Ramseyer. Mrs. Edward Sox, Mrs. James R. Humphrey, I Mrs. Vera Miller, Mrs. Marion Mulkey, Mrs. Everett May, Mrs. Woleott, Buren. Mrs. Raymond Bonesteele and the hostess, Mrs. P. D. Qnisenberry. Dean Hewitt to Talk on Psychology - Dean R. R. Hewitt, who has been firing lectures for the so cial psychology section of the Sa lem Arts league, will resume his talks Thursday sight in the audi torium of the Salem public lib, rax jr. The session will begin at 703: p. m. Dean Hewitt took a leave of absence during the recent po litical campaign but will take up the series where be left off. Those interested in social psychology are invited to attend. . I .Wedding Anniversary Celebrated "Mrs. G. P. Lienlng, Jr., and Mrs. Carl R. Miller were joint lost esses at the home of the former for a dinner Wednesday night In celebration of the 45th wedding anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. G. F. Lienlng, Sr. The table was attractive with yellow chrysanthemums and blue tapers. Covers were placed for the honor guests and Fred L. Mil ler. Miss Edna and Miss Minnie Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Milter and daughter, Janet, Rev. and Mrs. O. T. Lienlng. jr., and daughter, Florence. - The marriage of Maude Cal kins Watts of Hillsboro, daughter of Mrs. I. E. Calkins of Portland, and George E. Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.'W. Brown of Salem, was quietly solemnized at 11 o'clock November 10, at Vancou ver. Wash., with Rev. Keating of ficiating. The couple was attended by Letty Farmen and Oscar Farm en of Mill City.' The guests were Mrs. I. E. Cal kins of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Redding and children Charles and Norma Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Watts, Mr. George Engle, and Miss Wilma Watts, all Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER 1234 5 ' 7 " To"" 7T"" iz It VT I2T 2$ 3 33 26 37 38 w W" io 6 7 VTl "1 Wr wrW HORIZONTAL . 1 College official 6 Lateen-rigged vessel of the Orient Evil 12 Force onward 13 Decline 14 Hail! 15 Wfaat rrcat English author of tit 17th Century wroU "R lifio Medici"? 17 Half an em 18 Alcoholic beverage 19 During who term as presi dent ( th U. S. did a bound ary dispwt with Meic r garding Texas lead to a war? 21 Mixture of spirit and hot water 23 Newspaper man 27 Note of the scale 28 Frighten 29 Beak of a bird SI Barrier to prevent flow of water 84 Note of the scale 85 Of a darker brown 83 Concerning 89 Conclusion 41 Born 42 Aggregate of the animals of a - given region 44 Exclamation 48 What city U th scat of th University f- Albwta? 48 Lost color 81 Wk is th mcowI f . Corg V f EngUad: Albart, Duks f 7 ? 52 Sick , 63 Above 85 Become mOd through compas sion 89 Beverage 60 Vegetables 2 Pen-name of Charles Lamb 63 Affirmative 84 Gaelic 88 Fin earth SBspended in water VERTICAL 1 Confer knighthood oa 2 Make a mistake 3 Past 4 What city la Rhod I.laad h a f th aaost fashisaahl f svmaaer resorts? . 8 Headed - . 4 Exclamation T Unit .8 Departed Cross Stitch, Decorative Accessories 2 CROSS STITCH FOOTSTOOL OR PILLOW PATTERN 873 Cross Btiichone of the easiest and most decorative forms of needlework, rank as a great favor ite today. Quickly done, colorful, durable, there is every reason for the needlewoman to be partial to it. This design a horn of plen ty filled with flowers in a great profusion of .color is equally lovely on tootsiool or pillow. And if you like, it can be used to dec orate a chair, too. You can use the center motif alone or just the corners Instead of the whole de sign they look very well sep arated that way. The color key shows you exacily where to put of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Brown of Salem, and Miss Do lores Farmen of Mill City. They are at home to all of their friends on the bridegroom's farm oa route six, Salem. Mrs. Bressler Fetes Sewing Club Mrs. Judson Bressler enter tained members of the "Sot a Care" sewing club at her. home last week. Mrs. Jack Baker was honored with a shower. Lunch eon was served late in the after noon. Mrs. George Patterson and Mrs. Hugh Wayne were special guests. Members present were Mrs. Del bert Wilson, Mrs. William Thom as, Mrs. Lloyd Thomas. Mrs. Jack Baker. Mrs. Elton Birch, Mrs. Carroll Robinson, Mrs. Mason Chappell and the hostess, Mrs. Judson Bressler. 9 What was the chief Molen city under Harun al-Rchid of Arabian Nights fame? 10 Eager 11 Contradict lgw-Tb establishment of wkal dynasty occurred in England in 1066? 20 Who wrote "The Conatan Nymph"? 22 Pertaining to 23 Adventitious sound accom panying normal breathing 24 Dash 25 Father 24 Portuguese eoin 3Z River m Italy S3 Signify 8& very small 37 Festers 40 What city in Texas is the cen ter of th fertile black lands ot the Southwest? 43 First note in Guido's scale 45 Personal pronoun 47 What great American inven tor was the first resident el th National Academy of De elan? 48 Compassion 49 On the sheltered side 60 One easily deceived 64 Through 66 High priest of Israel 57 Nothing 68 Make lace . 51 Like Herewith Is the solution to yesterday's Puzzle. ws 9m Him. tut, gat 1 no,, each color to get the most effec tive shading and color arrange ment. So enhance your home or delight some friend by embroid ering this for her for Christmas. P&ttern 873 comes to you with a transfer pattern of a design 9xl3i inches; a color key; material requirements; and direc tions for making a pillow or cov ering a footstool. Send 10 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred) for this pattern to The Oregon Statesman Needle craft Dept. POLLY AND HER MICKEY MOUSE 1CKEV HIDES MINNIE IN A BIG VASE TO KEEP HER OUT OF harm! suddenly He HEAf?S A SCREAM, AND BOTH MINNIE AND VASE ARB. GONE t WJMMIM-1UL llJUt l-IJll,! I j-L V vtxres AcrruAijjyEi &onna be? rCGONHA BE A, I AM A IJjERlT?- HERMIT.' J ' B THIMBLE THlTREtarring Popeye SHORTV, DO VOU f a 1 AlNT SURE I I iWftJL VOuX I ( YES, MmfBfN CyS ISS VftT COMIN" DOWN ,4, I DEPENDS ON V V Si LTJAME GO j 7 IT HMK YA J XTff LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY f "S Y yog wrote: a uETTEeTOMjes-MEAwyaViJOG you 3 AW THE KID AMD TALKED TO HEX WOW. YOU ACT STUBBORM AMD WOMTTAtK! ITS AGAlkiST THE LAW "TO HELP A RUM AWAV-VtXJ KMOW, I'M A DETECTIVE- TOOTS AND CASPER YOU CERTAINLY ARE ETTIN OONfTBB SO PAMIUAR EXCLUSIVE MR. I HAD TO 6O THROUGH SIX SECRETARIES TO 6ET TO YOU, DAN A I Mrs. Shafer Hostess to Rickey Club The Rl&fcey Boaahlne dab mat hi the home of Mrs. C. Shafer re cently for sewing and luncheon. Present were Mrs. F. Beard, Mrs. F. Both, Mrs. W. F. Caroth- era, Mrs, O. Delta, Mrs. F. Falton, Mrs. C. McNeil, Mrs. F. Miner. Mrs. R, Shaw, Mrs. N. Swain, Miss Mary Tittertngton. Mrs. Millie Gassin of Portland, a special guest and the hostess, Mrs. C. Shafer. Mrs. J. C. Courtlner Is the host ess tomorrow at S o'clock. ' High School Classes Give Dinner The junior and senior high scnooi giris- classes enjoyed a Thanksgiving dinner at Jason Lee church Tuesday night. Covers were placed for the Misses Antoinette Irish, Dorothy Fro, Marie Baumgartner, Kath ryne Boyle, Charlotte McKee, Virginia Boyle, Dorothy Henry, Elaine Scott, Corliss Clark. Elean or Johnson,- Shirley Scott, Marian Moore, Jane Scouton and the teacher. Miss Ardelle Ernest. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Pinkley who are leaving Thursday for Rome. Italy, where Mr. Pinkley will be assistant manager of the United Press bureau, were entertained at dinner Tuesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon F. Sack ett, 135 East Lincoln street. Other guests were Mrs. Jay Allen, now visiting in Woodburn from her home in Madrid, Spain, Miss Julia Bene Austin, her sister. Mrs. Ralph W. Barnes and Miss Rath Barnes. SON TO 1JECHTTS J SILVERTON, Nov. 14. A son was Dom to Mr. and Mrs. Chester uiecnty at the Silverton hospital ine oahy weighed 7 pounds and PALS BUTMVSTAR FEAKE, THINK OF THE HARDSHIPS. IT. THE WHY 9 CASPER'. Y THE PLACE IS. -dFZ&'l J ouAAH! ITrSWEU.! HA' NTED TH ,V SllZT HAST BUN ME THE. WHUT it r xv.,,jry has been didjv ruowcRf now. go ye and, V iS V JI?P00H! THE RACTST OH HASTER!) ? HAKS HASH THE J -1 KJ. THAT GOT MINNIE V. ' V. UFSTARTS WHATv-rr-V V jferuAfr 3HOSTS " - . pi seeKS fXy t rr- : f IP YOU 1 HEREAFTER, WHEN YOU'RE. ' NEVER MIND INSIST; TALKINt TO ME YTXfLL u V HOJLO.T fiajajoi THE CARBOYS. BUT A SAY YESCSa AJsD aOSSi J SJSH 1 I'M 6ONNA EE l NOSa AND I VAJNT CXT -I3 WALK HOMS J V WARM YOU I!rL. lJ7" "-v CA" tcRTHE PROM NOW ON YOU'RE TO CALL ME COLONEL. HOOPER, AND HOT DAN I HAYESVILLE. Not. .14. Ida Henshaw, who- broke her hip last summer, was able to he moved to the home of her sister, Mrs. Ja cob Denny, Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Omar Cotrel. who have been residing on the Rey nolds place, hare moved to the home of her parents la South Sa lem, and will reside there until she regains her health. Mrs. Clarence Andreses has been con fined to her bed for a week. Her mother, Mrs. Bushman has been with her. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barnes of Cascade Locks spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Collins. They were also entertained at a dinner to which Mr. and Mrs. Ar nold Coffel and daughter, Marion, and Mr. and Mrs. Omar Coffel and daughter, Rosa Lee, were guests at the Collins some. . Mr. and Mrs. H. Robertson here as their house guests, his par ents, Mr. end Mrs. E. A. Robert son of Coos Bay. CaUfornians Pay Brother at Airlie Visit of Few Days AIRLIE, Nor. 14. James and Miss Selma Williamson returned to their home in Dorris, Calif., after a visit with their brother. Q. B. Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Whitaker motored to Portland for a holi 16 ounces. This is the Liechty's second son. Mrs. Llechty was be fore her marriage Miss Minnie Al bright. She's a Builder-Upper SM-V HARDSHIPS J- "Poison Ivy to y S HECK y Now Showing "Welcome, Lady GodiyaP The I DOMT CARE M9" YOU AH& THE EMPEROR, OP CHWA X THOU GMT MR 6- AAEAW VMAG KID'S MOTHER -wTHATS X WROTE THE LETTER 2M NO ORPHAM-CATCHCR. A Taying" day visit -with her. parents, Mr. ! nd Jirs, Henry Lee. . Mr. ana Mrs. L. Gardiner took their two danghters to Portland daring tha holidays for tonsil op erations at the Deaconess hospi tal. " . William Toedtemeier and son. Harold, attended the O.S.C.-Oregon football gam a la Portland Saturday. Alex Bodeker Hurt While Loading at Mill Near Mehama LYONS. Nor. 14. Alex Bode ker was quite severely Injured while at work Monday loading a truck with lumber at the Crab tree mill, east ot Mehama. Bo deker was takes to Stayton for medical aid and was found to have his bach and ribs badly strained besides having ligaments palled out of place. Floyd Monroe of Mehama, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Monroe of Lyons, was injured at Crabtree's mill Monday. His knee was dis located while working in the woods. Mrs. Ralph Trask is staying at Mill City helping -to care for her son, Darrel, who is in the hospital convalescing after an appendix op eration. Leslie Brotherhood Plans Turner Jaunt TURNER, Nov. 14. A meet ing of exceptional interest will be held at the Methodist church San- day night. November IS, at 7:10 o clock. A group from the Salem Leslie church brotherhood ot which C. S. Orwlg is president, will put on a program for the local brotherhood, which was or ganised a few years ago. The pub lic is invited. You, Mister V THOUN OH PEA-KIE WHERE j j 1 Hv! J ARE VOL), PET? VOL) J -W 1JfVW 41 A.v HAlh4T HELD ME Tfcr VN e' ON VDUR LAP FOR W4' fSW1 SHOULD j " (O-W-W-F) oho! meed tob&'1 Koon't touch MeV" A v"u ")! O-W-W-f3) f OHO! need tdbsl y-Zrr-Tp ( COAXED TO STAY, Oily Boid Compliment wow take rr easv; brother ) 3 VtXWE WO CM MILLlOWAlRE WE GOTTA GELT THE VOD . MR& AAEAMY WILL "PAY r ' S ' HZAVY DOUGH YwOTTOAAE: f SHE WONT . 1 l fdH V S IHOPEVOU Mrs. G. BogetGoes to Funeral Before Getting Bone Set VICTOR POINT, Nov. 14: Mr. and Mrs. Geof ge Boget were on their way to Sublimity to attend funeral 'services for William Zo ber, Saturday morning when their car stalled a short distance north ot the town. Mrs. Boget started. to wain oa to tne Sublimity ser vice station for assistance, when she, fell oa the pavement and broke a bone ltt her arm Just above the wrist. Although the Injury was pain ful she attended the funeral be fore going to a Stayton physician who set the broken bone and placed the arm in a cast Heinmiller Plans Dayton Appearance Before Trip East DAYTON, Nov. 14 The last quarterly conference of the Tocsl ehurch will be held next week by Rev. Carl Heinmiller, dis trict superintendent before he leaves for Cleveland, Ohio to as By DANDELION By I WA ONLY KIDDtN YOU, CASPER. vOU AMERS MY FRIEND WHSN t HAD NOTHING AND i-AlNT FORtrETTlNi? .YOU NOW ri CrONNA RASZZ YOUR &ALARYI s r m m mm v : ... -f t m si -m" sume his duties as general field : secretary. r ? ' ' Honoring Martin Braat on his 69th birthday anniversary a family dinner was served at noon Sunday at his home and was at- . tended by all of his children and grand children. Hilda Sacher Chosen Stitchers' President SILVERTON HILLS, NOT. 14. Mrs. Hilda Sacher was made president of the Silverton Hillf 8ew4ng club at Its annual elec tion meeting. Other officers chosen were, rice president, Mrs. Lewis Hall; secretary, Mrs. Wil lard Benson. The club plans to meet December 13, at the Mrs. Frank: Porter home at Dallas. IN DAH1V8 SHOES SILVERTON, Nor. 14. Sylvan McCleary was acting police at SH vertoa Tuesday nd Wednesday In the absence of Arthur DahL chief of police, who. with Mrs. DahL attended the funeral eerttcea ot the fetter's sister Mrs. Joel Beck ett, at Portland Wednesday after soon. CLIFF STERRETT, By WALT DISNEY I'M BySEGAR DARREL McCLURE 1tmSE?S7i I" srsM SOU KWOW, J1ERO -1 OUST 60TTA FlWO SOME Way OP" AAKIWS TO HELP MK5- 5TOUT- SHE TREAT5 ME SO ELLXM KIMDA 'SHAMED TO BE. EATlWS ALL "THE 6RU8 SHE WORKS SO HARD POR SHE'S GOT pLEWT KIDS Of HSR OWN TO FEED By JIMMY MURPHY THATS THE SPIRIT, DAN WHEN MY BOSS PATS MS A COMPUKZNT I UKE HIM TO sAYrr. WTTHDCU4H! CDL. HOOPER FCLLC.ir.1 tCTCH CssvojCPMCKTa m - . 1