'The 0IIEG6N STATIiSMAJf. Sateci, Oregon,-WcdnesaaV -Mcralasv November 1V 1934 PAGE NINE r if J. I I 3 I f ' f - 1 ." THEY PULL Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising . glni'.e lmertiOB psr Hit He Three Insertions pw line Six insertions r Una..S0e Ob month per -... Minimum chart 35s Copy for this pf ac cepted oatll 1:10 tha aTsn Ing befora publication for claasmeaUoa. Copy re wired after this tima will ha run ander lha heading Too Lata to Classify. Tie SUtetmui assnme ao financial responsibility lor arrora which mv ap pear In advertisements pub-. tished in its columns, and la easee where this paper la at faolt will reprint that part of aa advertisement la which t h typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserve the right to reject objec tions! advertising. It far ther mum the right to classify all advertising tin der the proper elaisifica tloa. HELP WANTED FEMALE Wasted Practical nurse to take care of elderly lady. G. G. Hewett, Indepen- Oenc. Ore. Tel. 18F4. SITUATIONS WANTED Anjrwher fop hirt truck 8912. Truck for hire. Tel. 1271. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Old papers 10o per bundle. States man office. Walnuts, Baldwins, Spies, others. ISc A SSc, bring boxes. Mrs. Wright. iVi ml. Wallace road. Shakes. 1887 N. Front. TeL 6836. Gravel 15c yard at River Bend gardens. Off Wallace road, 8 miles of Salem. Any time. Old standard make piano SO. 00. We are repossessing a piano with only a pal. of $69. Tou take one contract at . St. 00 a month or will discount lor an cash. For particulars, address Adjuster Cltn Fiano Co mi s. w. wasning- . ten. Portland. Ore. Free Christmas tree with purchase t box of Christmas cards. Box 224. Leghorn pullets, cheap. 892 N. Winter , TRADE Miscellaneous Wood for Maytag motor. . TeL 7 HO. Will trade one horse or team for wood. 1040 South 22nd. Everything must be sold at ones re- aardless of cost Furniture, stoves. suns, tools, antique;. Tou will be sur prised at our sellout prices. The Swap- are. 474 so. com !. WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Walnut meats, any quan tity, any time. State Cafeteria. Piano for storage, responsible adults, or will pay cash if bargain. Box 24, Statesman. Wanted best safe that $25 will buy. Kahle's. 475 State St. Second hand clothes of any kind. Also baby elotbes very much needed. 1510 W. Liberty. MISCELLANEOUS fSaSMMeaaaMeaassssassassaaSNssaasSaai Haircuts tie-Sea SOS a wlater. Saw repairing. Salem Saw Shop. Four Corners Pen Road. TeL 4280. Free We pick up dead and worth less horses, cows, sheep. Tel. 4ss. U. & GOVERNMENT, JOBS. $105- $175 month. Men 18-50. I will Frank lin Institute coach 2 FREE. Apply Box 1282-P, care Statesman. FOR RENT ROOMS Sleeping rm. Men. 725 Court St Nice sleeping room. TeL 441. Rooms, close In. 260 Center St Rooms at 255 Division street ROOM AND BOARD Lsrge eosy room, with board, doss S3Z N. cnoren. Te 4375. s - TOR RENT APARTMENTS SWWMW z room lurnisnsa apartment, tsl Small furnished apartment, 690 Un ion. ! ,- a- sJvivvyninsirrtrtan Fin tnodcrn rurnlihed S room bun- Valow court apt, frarazet. TeL I1S4 . Mod. apt, 142 Union. TeL 5I8L - R. apt, S4S 8. Winter. FOR RENT HOUSES ' -Fur., house, I rooms, garage, good location; b. Church. TsL 7170. t room houM. Tet S840. ' Furn. I rooms, garage, fll. 112 Highland. Inquire 1275 Laurel St , Large modern horns. 191 Union. - Houses. Melvln Johnson. Tel. 87IS. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 5 Distant owner In th city for few days wants to sell good 6-room home. Completely tarnished. Including piano. .n gooa u) strict, trie iiuu. ' W. G.KRUEGER UTN.Cotn'L TeL 472S. - For Sale Furniture and business of email apt house. 410 N. Liberty. ' Forced to sell, good house in Salem, furniture included ; wants oner. ise A. Fed. Loan, equipment Any reasonable offer: see me. H. C. Euields, lie Ore- It FOR SALE FARMS v. FOB ALE 1 81 acree I miles out en market road, I fair set of buUdlngs. About II acres In fcnltlvatlon. be la. nee outurt and some timber. Good drilled welt spring wa ter piped te buildings. Price only 876. Will take Salem home as part, balance . lo-g tlmo loan. ,. . , . r"Hii.n a. irrrvjst Healtor - 44 State Street TsL 1711. 1 Interesting Facts... The ctrl acoats of America have membership of over 315,000. o The world's net debt to the United States la $20,845,000,000 (according to George N. Peek's I peek into what foreign nations owe us). About 3,000 Indians are regu lar church attendants in the Unit- i ed States. They have around 1009 meeting places and nearly 50 pas- tore and missionaries. About one per cent of the pops- lation of the united States are morons. To make one no and of dry alfal fa hav. the crowing plant needs to hrrh anil later rive off or trans pire from 500 to 750 pounds oi water. FOR SALE FARMS "- . rnr era 1st frails. CYrmrdSi Land Co Pac. Hy.. Woodburn, or. For sale bv owner, fully stocked and equipped II A farm, good house, t good barns, other buildings. Prune or chard, other fruit : rest pasture, or cultivated. Jity water, near school. Price $5500 or part Salem property. Eight mi. S. W. of Dallas. H. F. Coo- EXCHANGE Real Estate EXCHANGE Modern 7 room house in A-l condl tlon. Priced low at $5000. Will trade for 6 room house of less value. ALSO: Beautiful IS acre tract ad jacent to city limits, fine house and outDulldlngs. aDunaance oi large trees, splendid view of mountains. Price $12,- 000. will accept good nome in jsatem, Eugene or Medtord as part. ILLAHEE GOLF COURSE, beaut! ful club house and residence. Will sell cheap or exchange for residence or business properties, vamea arouna $15,000. CIHILDS A MILLER. Realtors JU SUte St TeL :08, 17 X. acres eood cultivated land, no buildings, mile N. W. of Newberg, for small Salem house. Box 267, care Statesman. ACREAGE Bv owner. 60 acres 4 miles from Turner, small house, good barn, 185 S. ISth. Tel. 33H8. WANTED REAL ESTATE Acreage wanted. Have cash buyer for 10 to 20 acre tract Must be priced rieht and within 10 miles Jt Salem. Chas. Hudklns. TeL 9182. Room 2, over Miller Store. ; Business Opportunities Laundry In, small town doing good cash business. Priced right Lebanon lady. Lebanon. Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel Loans 1 to 20 months to repay at lowest pos sible rstea GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st Nan. Bank Bid. Phone 3552. Licensed by Stats CHATTEL LOANS CARS RE-FINANCED WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. TeL 2277 505 Guardian Bldg.. Salem S-1S4 State License Nos. M-1S9. S $ Need Money ? ? STATE LOAN CO. 212 Ore. Bids. Lie No. 5-1C5 CAN TOU USE 2100 1200 $3001 Borrowing money her Is simplicity It self. Our loan accom modatioos are In tended to help all deserving- people. We Invito your application. Ttra have your choice of 4 LOAN PLANS 20 REPAYMENT PLANS Com In, write or 'Phone. BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETT OF SALEM Member of NRA. Room 119. New BUgh Bldg. 2nd floor UL'ENSKO NO. 8-1ZZ by oi Al a 518 State St .TeL 87 4 I Loans Made la Nearby Towns 5 Farm Loans 5 Plenty of money for well Improved farms If amply secured. Improve or ouy now witn cnesp money, ask ror booklet -Willamette Valley Farms." Hawkins and Roberts. Inn MONET TO LOAN On farms, city or acreage property. Must be excellent security. See us for prompt service. ssooo to 15800 to losn on highly Improved farm property. Must be best oi security. CHILDS ft MILLER. Mtge. Loans 244 Stat St Tel. 4708. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Turkeys wanted. Alive or dressed. TeL 123F2. Lee's Hatchery. NOTICE Suiting November 27th, we will receive Livestock at our West Salem station every Tuesday, Wednes dav and Thursday, discontinuing Sat nrday. SWIFT ft COMPANT. Roy & Bwenson, Buyer. Tel. 6025. FOR SALE WOOD Drr planer knd slab wood. Prompt delivery. TeL 1988. Guaranteed dry wood, TeL 7810. GUARANTEED DRY TeL 5000 Saltn Fuel Co. Trade ft Cot tag. TmtA n ml. A E n t( U IS n 2nd arewth. 84.f5: 4 ft 14.25: II fa- old fir, 5.60. TeL 944L Good dry wood, TeL 1254. Ash, oak. fir. TeL 5278. Hog fuel and wood. By track or car lots. At mill or delivered. Dave Brown, R. L, Sublimity. TeL 8al zsa. Dry old fir. 2nd srrowth screened hoc foot Frd BL Wells. FOR SALE WOOD IS In. old fir. SS. 4 ft drr 2nd rrowth S cd. loU $4 cd. 4 ft ash 14.75. TeL 715, . IS inch eld fir. drr oak, ash. 4 ft 2nd growth. TeL ilS. Sawed ll inch old fir $1 cd. Sawed 11 fnch old fir $5.6$ ed. TeL 6$. WOOD SAWING Wood sawiny, ressonsble. Csll lift. LOST AND FOUND Lost Purse containing bunch keys and red purs with change. Reward. Leave Statesman office.. Lost Whit, wire-hatred terrier puppy. ion tail. xei. iwj ; itss Winter. LOST French Poodle named Skip per. 2145 So. Cottag. Reward. Mel Brown. I will not be responsible for debts contracted by anyone except myself. John Fetseh PERSONAL GORDON FLEMING. 180 FERRT ST. READER. FOR SALE USED CARS Marmon Sedan, fin condition .I275.ee International Pick-up C-l . ISI.II International SF 4 2 -ton . - . 510.00 International A-S 1H toa C00.ee Dodge three ton with body and hoist . 4S0.ee (WE BUT USED CARS FOR CASH) JAMES H. MADKN Ca 221 So. Com'l. St TsL ISlt. - 'ursn nnriAAn Valley Motor Co. Used Cars and Trucks 1924 1122 1$$ 1922 19J2 1021 1921 1930 1928 1928 1928 1928 Ford V-l Spt Coupe 500 miles Ford V-l DeLuxe Sedan jrora v-s uoach Ford V-S Sedan, '22 motor r ova v- ijeiuze uoupe Ford DeLuxe Roadster, re conditioned . . Ford Coach - Pontlao Spt Coupe, ever hauled , Dodg Victory Coup ,, , Hudson 4 -door Sedan Packard S Sedan 291 171 285 180 15 290 Franklin 0 Sedan 291 Trucks 1921 7hvrnl .1nt4 h l.lm. . . 1933 Ford Short W. B. 10,000 mL 500 1932 Ford Long W. B. Recondi tioned .. 4 j-ora 1 w. a. Factory stake body 225 1929 Ford Dual Tires 185 1931 Ford Gravel dump, as la- 150 1921 Ford Gravel Dump, Recon ditioned 150 1928 Dodge 1-ton delivery 76 marion and Liberty Open Sunday TeL 7110. Radio Program Weds eiday. Kevember 14 KGW POETLAND 620 Ke. 7:00 Harvest of Song. NEC. 7:15 Fiorenda Trio, KBC. 7:45 Organ concert" NBC 8:15 Tony Won, KB a 8:30 U. 8. Army bend, NBO. 0:00 Field and H1L NBO. 12:00 Ramblers. NBC. 12:50 Eddie King, pianist 3 :05 Concert trio. 8:45 Singing Strings, NBO. 4:30 Personalities, NBC. 4:45 Clef Dwellers, NBO. 7:80 Memory Lane, NBO. 8:00 Amos 'a Andy, NBC 10:35 Tom Coaklav's orchestra. NBC 10:45 Arehie Loreland'a orchestra. 11:00 Cele McElroy's orchestra. 11:30-12 Bart Woodyard orehektra. KOC POKTTXJLSTD 1180 Ks. 6:80 Concert 7 :80 Varieties. 8:45 Bay Noble's orchestra. 9:00 Danes Rhythms.. 9:30 Marshall's ktavericki, NBC 10:03 Ronald Back. 10:15 Classical Soloist. 10:30 Salon orchestra. 11:00 Band music 12:00 Dane Frolic 13:15 Western Farm and Home Hour. 1:00 East Side Commercial club. 3 :00 World Bookman. 8:15 Orchestra. 4:00 Pickens Bisters, NBO. 4:15 Oriental Gardens orchestra. 8:15 Blackbirds of Harmony. 8:45 S porta Talk. 9:15 Wrestling boats. 10:30 Dsn Bowman. 10:35 Jack Cody's Restaurant 11:00 DeHoney's orchestra. K0AO C0BVALXIS 550 Is. in1& Stnri.a That Reianea Tails. 10:45 Ancient Days by Anthony Xa- 18:00 Noon Fans Hoar. 1:00 Mod era Melodies. 8:00 Homemskers' Half Hour. S:O0 Opera Stories "Aids" Aet XT. S:5 Vespen Lea by Kev. a. n. Qrigis. 8:2a Etaninr Fans Hour. 7:80 The World it Review Dr. Yis- tor p. Morris. 7:55 Municipal Affairs. 8:15 KOAO Drama Guild. 9-9:80 Willamette University. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALB On Saturday- the 17th day ct November, 1934, at ten o'clock A. M. at the West door of the Ma rlon County Court House, In Sa lem, Oregon, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and in teresl had by the within named defendants on or after the 8 th day of January, 1932, in and to the following described real pro perty, to wit: Lot Number Three (3) In Block Numbered One (1) of Parrlsh Grove Addition to the City of Salem, as the same appears of reeord on the official plat thereof In the office of the Re corder of Conveyances for said Marion County, Oregon, at the Court House In Salem, Oregon. Sale Is made by virtue of a foreclosure execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, to mo directed in the case of Haw kins 41b Roberts, Inc., a corpora tion Plaintiff va. Dan W. Tarp- ley, unmarried; Herman E. Laf ky and Mrs. Herman E. Lafky, his wife; Josephine Whedbee; and Union Central Life Insurance Company, a corporation; Defend ants. A. C. Burk Sheriff of Marlon County, Oregon. By W. Richardson, Deputy Walter Fuhrer, Attorney for Plaintiff. O. 17-34-31; N. 7-14 I Drought resulted in a record number of forest Urea this year, more than 10,009. . fill 615 I4S 478 441 Business Directory Cards la this directory rwa on m monthly ests only. Rates 91.00 per lino per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panes, 375 South CotntnsrelaL BICYCLES Bought sold, traded and Harry2t8c2fcJ4jaiC22"! repaired, CATERING Corns chicken tamsUlea. TeL 4541. Holbrookes chicken tamalea TeL 1822; CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4481 ft 1 Northn , CHIROPRACTORS DEC a U SCOTT FSQ Chiropractor. SCO K. High. TL R . 8758. . DANCING Phylll Oranf studio. Tet 7817. FLORISTS Braithaupf s, 117 Court ALL kinds of floral work. Luta 1st. 1271 N. Liberty. TeL 1582. INSURANCE BECKS liXNDRICKS Tat 4847. 1S N. High LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRX THE WK1DEB LAUNDRX 211 & High TsL 1121. CAPITAL C1TT LAUNDBI First la Quality and Servlc Telephone 8165 1284 Broadway. MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO, Ffaon 4088. SALEM FLUFF RUO and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS mad to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sis ins: fluff rue weaving. & lath ft wu bur. Tel 844L OTTO F. ZWICKER. Est 1911. ' MUSIC STORES QEO. C WILL Piano, radios, sewing macbinea sheet music ana piano stu dlea, Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines, 481 Stat H treat Salem. PHOTO ENGRAVERS Salem photo engraving. 147 N. Com merctaL Tet 5887. PRINTING FOR STATION CRT. cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call Th Statesman Printing Department, 818 8. Commercial. Tale- phono 8101. RADIO SERVICE Moore's. Tet 7993695 N. High. REAL ESTATE BECKS HENDRICKS. Tet 494T. STOVES I repair stoves, ranges, circulators. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stov Works, 282 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. B. Fleming. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 8181. Larmer Iransfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. CAPITAL CITI Transfer Co. 211 8tat St TeL 7771 Distributing for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. Willamette Valley Transfer. Salem to Portland hanllng. Tel 8722. HAND WEAVING Exclusive hand woven bags, scarfs, pillows and rugs. Magoh Hand Waav era, 880 N. 20th 8t TeL 8830. WELL DRILLING Ft A, West, 10 years experience, RKU 7, Bos 111. TeL lllfS. Vote After Election Massacre 7-iT 1a,1 ,,.ii;iiin - j j !t v ffffgfg ,,-ses"'-'wjwwi.,4t- set. -;-Siv.vvV.-;- 1 '- a.ns iiidii ... r. $ !S"wa8srJ 's f ' - x , o , - ' i - ' . , - t r .. - - 'V - , - - 'r ' With the smoke of battle cleared after four persona were kUied and. 15 others wounded as they marched la a pre-election parade, voters of Haxelton, Pa, went to the polls under policf guard, This phot) , shows some of the residents leaving an election .booth after casting their votea. . . REGULTG iBII CBE PORTLAND, I Nov. 13-4PV-Mar- ket for butter was without visible change locally.! Prices were held steady for both prints .and for cubes with aa increasing call for tbo lower scores. Despite the talk of decreased output of batter, the midwest continued to have sufficient sur plus to roll In carload lots to the Pacific slope while locally the churning was ahead of this same period a year ago. s Whle there waa suggestion In the trade that the "war between ctfhtrallsers is getting rather weary for those offering a stiff premium for butterfat. it was still being generally paid. There was a much mixed tone and price list In the egg trade here with Quotations established on the prodece exchange some what out of line with actual sales upon the open market. vr ft v.t j . m t ti-h unu usttiD uiue was i showing for live chickens of all lorts, a continuation of the feel ing here during the last few weeks. No change In prices was suggested. Firm trading Is suggested for country killed Iambs here with lie generally the top price re ported along the wholesale way. Receipts were of fair volume. Lit tle demand waa shown for eyes at 3-5c lb. There was a good demand for country killed calves and hogs and a fair tone for beet gener ally with cutter cows around 4-8e lb. according to quality and bulls selling up to 5c lb. Farmers and country butchers as well as grange officials are no tifying wholesalers here that they will continue to oppose plans of packers here to eliminate their product from the Portland mar ket by ordinance soon to be in troduced here. One city official has been a leader in the move ment to stop the country from selling here. Weaker tone was showing for Cauliflower for both carloads and for local use. Sales of No. 1 were reported down to SOc crate which was 5 to 10c less than previous ly reported. ACTIVE. UNCERTAIN NEW YORK, Nov. 13. - -While financial markets were fairly active today, most of them were unable to move ahead with any degree of confidence. The stock list was rather hea vy at the finish, the Standard Statistics company average for 90 selected issues showing a de cline of seven-tenths of a point to 73.3. The turnover aggregated 1,131,330 shares. This was the fourth session in about a month and a half in which more than a million shares changed hands. The softness of utility equities was attributed almost wholly to publication of the' New York state power authority's report which stated that investigation had disclosed power rates in this state were nearly twice as high as they should be. Although utility officials felt that the pow er authority's claims could be re futed, the possibility of rate cut ting tended to give holders of these stocks something of a fright. Consolidated Oas lost 2 points at 24. It was down to 23 at one time, its lowest price in the last 10 years. The company's preferred issue drop ped 4 to 85. United Gas Im provement also reached a new year's low with a decline of a ma jor fraction. Others In this group, down fractions to around 2 points, Included Public Service of New Jersey, Columbia Gas and North American. Oas from ordinary moth balls is deadly. to grubs of the Japanese beetle In the soil. III BUTTER r.lARKET MARKET ITMbflP mill i, M ' f s, ' - "i ; yr s, l"-st L " 5. , aim i Sj y 's si ' 1SMW c f ' Bl FROST FIGURES IN TREfiD CHICAGO. Not. 13-P)- Strength In eorn Induced buying In wheat fatnrea In the final min utes of the market session today that transpored early losses into net fractional gains. Reports of frost In sections of Argentina and persistence of dry weather complaints from parts of Nebraska, Kansas. Oklahoma, Texas and eastern Colorado were only minor stimulants to wheat traders who paid more attention during most of the session to a sharp recession In the Liverpool market. Corn sold at a new high level since early in September. Wheat closed unchanged to cent higher compared with Sat urday's finish. May at cents. Corn was 1 to 2 cents higher at the close. May reaching -H, the result to seme ex tent of a lack of pressure rn the market, Oats and rye gained fractions and provisions were firm. Today's closing quotations: Wheat: Dec. old 1.00H, new 1.00-00 .May 9H-4; July 4-94H. Corn: Dec. old 81tt-K. new May 83-; July 81-; 83-. Oats: 49-50; new 46. il; May July General Markets PBODUCB EXCHANGE! PORTLAND, Ore, Nov. 18. (AP) Produce Exchange, set priees: Better: Extras, SlV&e; standards, 80 Vie; prime firsts, 29 Vie; firsts, 28 Vie. Ifrs: U. 8. specials, S5e; IT. S. ex fras, 32e; U. 8. mediant extras, 27e. Portland Grain PORTLAKD, Ore- tfov. 18. (AP) uraia futures: Wheat: Open High Low Closa May A 8SV4 85 Vi 85 Vi 85 Vi December 84V. 84 V4 884 84 Cash: Big Bend blnestem, 93c; dark hard winter, 12 per cant 97e; do. 11 per eent, BOVic; soft white, hard winter. northern spring and westers red, 89 Vie; western white, 82 Vie. Oats: No. 2 white, 838. Corn: No. 2E yellow, 888.25, Millrna standard, f 2 1.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Or Hov. 18. (AP) Prints, A grade, 34e lb. in parchment wrappers, B5e lb. la cartons ; B grade. parchsaaat wrappers, 83e lb. : cartons Sic lb. Butterfat Portland delivery. A grade deliveries at leaat twice weekly, 84-86e lb: coaatry routes. 32-34c lb.: B rrada. or delivery lets than twice weekly, 33-35e lb. : 0 grade at market Eggs Sales to retailers: specials, 8c; Efts Sales to retailers: aeciala, 84c ; extras 82c; freak extras, brown, 82c; standards 28e: freak mediants SL9e: me diant firsts 26; fresh pallets. 23e; do tints, 28e; checks, 26c: bakers, 21e dose a. Xggs Baying price of wholesalers: freak apedala, 32c; extras, 80e; fresh extra browns, 80c; extra firsts, 27e; ex tra mediant 24e; mediam firsts 21e; pal lets, lSVie; do firsts, 18e; undergrade. 10-ne doxen. Con a try meats Sallina; price to retail era. country killed hoga, beat batchers under 150 lbs., 11-11 Vie lb.; vetlert, fancy, 9He lb.; light sad thin, -7e lb.; i40-nu toa., e ve 10. ; heavy, -so is. fancy lambs, lie lb.: ewas. 8-5e lb cotter cowa, 4-5e lb.; canners, Se lb.; balls H-4e lb. Cheese 92 score, Oregon triplets. 18 ISHe; loaf. 14Vae. Brokers wiU pay k dciow qootauona. Milk Contract price 4 per eent : Port land delivery, 2.25 cwt; B grade cream. 7tts th. Mohair 1984 bavins nries. 18c lb. Cascara bark Buying price, 1934 peel, 3c lb. Hops 1934 fnggles, 80s lb.; clatters, 15-20e lb.; 1988 elosters, 18c lb. lav poultry Portland delivery buy ing prices: colored hens, under 6H lbs., 14c lb.; do under SVs lbs, 14e lb.; Leg horn fowls, ever 8tt lbs, 1213c lb.; do under 3 lbs, ll-12o lb.; colored spring, lVs to 2 lbs, 15e lb.; broiler under 3 lbs., 16-17o lb.; roosters, Se lb. Pekia ducks. 13-lSe lb.: do colored 5 -So lb. Dressed turkeys Mo. 1 toms and hens, 20c; mediums, ITe; Ho. 2s, 14c Onion Oregon, 81.75-3 cental; Yaki ma, 81-1.10. Potatoes Oregon Burbankt, 80-90s cental; Scappoote. No. 1 Gems, 90-95e; do. No. 2. 70-75c cental; Oesckntes Oeass, fl.10-1.80 eentat Wool 193 clip, nominal; Wills met t valley, medium, 20c lb.; tin or half blood. SO lb.; Iamb, 18 lb.; eastera Oregon. 17-10 lb. Hay Baying price from predacers: alfalfa. No. 1, new crop, 817-17.60; east ern Oregoa timothy 817.50; osts. 111 toa: veUh. Ill: Willamette vallay tim othy. 118.80 toa; clover. 111 tea. Port- lane.. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore, Nov. 18. (AP) CattUi Receipts, 150; calves, 10; steed dy. Steers, good, common and medium, 82.85-8.35; heifer, good, common ana mediant, 3.75-4.25; cows, good, co-uaa and medium, 2.25-3.7S; low cutter sad cutter. 11.25-3.25; bulla, good and choice, 13.00-8.21; cutter, common and medium, S2.00-8.00; vealer. good and choice, 8.00-7.00; call, common and medium, 12.50-6.00; eolves, good and choiea, 15.00-6. SO; common aad mediam, 2.50 5.00. Hogs Receipts, 700; steady. Lightweight, good and choice, 15.60 6.50: mediant weight, good and eholea, l5.75-e.60; heavyweight, good and choice. 85.00-6.85; packing sows, medium "and good, 83.50-4.50; feeder and stockar pigs, good and ehoica, 13.10-4. Sheep Receipts, 500; steady I strong. Lambs, good and choice, 15.35-8.00; common snd medium, 13.50-6.25; yearl ing wethers, 83.25-4.00; ewes, good and choice. 32.00-2 85: calL cosamoa and me dium, 11.75-1.18. ConSdence Seen In Wool Future On Boston Mart BOSTON, Nov. ll.-V?)- (U. S. Dept. Agr.)-Increased confidence in prices waa stimulated in the Boston wool market . by the de velopment last week of a demand for siseable quantities of choice staple wools which, in previous Weeks, had been largely neglected. The recent improvement in. the wool market was reported to be an outcome of increased activity In the goods market. Estimated receipts of domestio wool at Boston, reported to the Boston Grain and flour exchange during week ending November 10, amounted to 1.1 1 7.1 09 pounds compared with 10,017,710 during the previous week. Salem Markets tlrada tS raw 4 per cent milk, co-op pool price 92.0 per hundred. (BUIk based a sanU- atkry auturfat averagaj Distributor price 12.10. BoOerfat -Top S2c aztd 83c; B grade prints 83c; A grade prints 84c ' Prlee said t crwrs by Saless bsysra Ivovember IS (The a rices beloo. awstonet bv aleeel greer, are iadieativ f th daily taarket bat ex aet guaraataed by Th Sut maa.) TEUITS (Bkyine Price) . Cranberries, i bbt : 8.28 Uraperrait rterida -8.60 te 4.50 Orapfrait Aritona , , 2.40 t t.SS raahaa, IK . .0114 Oranges, -Valencies, fancy S.OO te T.OO Oranges, Navels S.SO t 4.50 Eansaas. Ib., a aUlk - .04 H Hands - .01 temea t 5.8 S Ustes. tresh 1.04 Qrapee Baodiess - 1.11 Lady Ha car 1.75 Whit Malagas - 1.25 Tokay 1.35 Amies, bushel . 85 to 1.08 Pears, D'Anjeo, bu. .. .71- VEOETABLES (Bariae Prieal atsdiaaea, o. .se Saauaer aqoash. crate Local eatery. ds, 1.00 .75 t 1.00 .45 te .75 tanlif lower Egg plant local lb. .01 Cabbage, ewt, local .Oe te LIS smut cabbage SO t .SS Oreea peppers, local, lb. Onions. WMhlorUa, 50 lbs. , .71 Local onieni, 50 lbs. .81 ' Lettue. iecal. crate 75 U 1.00 Calif. 88 85 t S 85 Salsify, dox. .40 Beets, local, dox. , .20 Saaasb. Habbards and Banana .01 Carrots, local, dot. IS te JS Local Potato Ne. L, hundred No. 2, hundred Taklma, 50 lbs. .ft .80 .42 H S.OO .13 .11 1.75 .IS .38 ' .85 .50 Sweet oetstoea California peas California beans Tomatoes. Calif, lug filberts - .18 to Turnips, dox. - Kadives, dot. Italian broccoli. large Bora (Bavins Prlee) Cluster. 1934. lb., top 12 Fnggles. 1934. top. Ib. j 15H .38 EGOS (Baying Price) Extras .30 .27 .25 .18 .83 .81 .28 .20 Standards ... Medians . Pullets Wholesal galling pne Extra Standards Mediums Pallets WOOL AM) MUBA1B (Baying Price) Mohair. 1934 clip .no market Mediam wool, 1934 .18 J0 Coarse and fine wool, 1934 POULTrrV (Baying Price) Hesvy bent, 4H to 5 lbs. Orcr SM pounds, Ib. Colored mediums, lb. Median Leghorns, lb. ,, Light lb. .10 .10 .10 .08 .09 .IS ai .04 ji Broilers, colored. Leghorn, lb. lb. Ktags. Ib Turkeys, hens. lb. MS AT (Baying Prlee) Spring lambs -.4.50 te Tearliags " and Ewee , B.00 .03 .01 K. Hogs. 1S0-1S0 lbs. 6.00 8.25 5.75 .05 170-210 lbs. . 210-250 lbs- Steers .03 t -Oltt to .02 te -02 H e Cows Bulla Heifers Veal, top Dressed veal, top .02 .02 .03 H 4.50 to 5.00 .08 D retted hogs Jl GRAIN AND HAT (Burins Prlee) Wheat, westers red , .81 .88 Whit. . 1 Barley, feed, Ne. 1, toa Malting, ton feed, toa Hay. baying prices - .28.00 .84.00 .30.00 . 1.00 . t.oo -11.00 Clover as y Oats and vetch, toa Alfalfa, vallay, first eat Clover Seed Bed. lb. . .17 .20 .80.00 .37.00 Alsike. Ib. Vetch seed, toa Oats, milling, toa Gardeners' and Ranchers9 Mart PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. lt.-UP) -Today's session of the gardeners' and ranchers' market was quiet with little change in prices. Local lettuce was offered at 80c and 1 a crate and The Dalles at $1.25. Tomatoes continued at 35 and 75 cents a crate. Danish squash was up slightly to 50 cents a cantaloupe crate Root vegetables and other Items were steady. The' list: Tomatoes Per erst. 85-75c Spinach Par crane box. 75. Carrots New,, per dosen bunches, 10a. seen rer aosea Dunes, ao. Parslar Per dosea beaches. 10. Oreaa Onions Per dosea bunehes, 15c utt onions uregen, 1.40-1.00 per ivu pvuaas. Turnip Pr dsn bnaehesv 15-10. Rutabaga Per craten, S5-40c Parsnips 40c per crate. Radishes Par dosen b caches, 15. Pes Local. 68c Lettuce Per crate, local, 60c l; The siies, i.i9. Cabbage Par crate, 70-75. Cauliflower Local. K. 1. 55-60 per crate; mo. a. --sue per erste. . Celery heart Per dosea benches, 75- soe. Celery Per crate, SOc Peppers Red, 80e per peach box green, 60s per orange box. Green Besns Per ib (OTe. Squash Danish, 80 per crate; sum mer. U(ffauc; crookneck. 85c, Cora Per sack. 75-l. Cneambert Pickling. SO Q 85c; sUclng. 40c EcgplaBt Local, SOc; Dalles, 50060. rrnnee -rer pena. se. Apple Jumbl pack, per bex, 80-50e; 05a; lHlidoa or Bpitsenbergs, extra fancy. 11.50. . Pumpkins Per cantaloup crate. 40. Brussels Sprout Pr eraU, 60-80. Potatoee -Per eraag box, 60-70. Broccoli Per lug. 15. Stocks and Bond (Copyright 1984, Standard Statistics Co.) November IS STOCK AV-UCAOES 60 SO 90 90 ladle. IK'S. Ota. Total Today 88.1 8L1 68.1 84.6 Previous day 88.S 8L4 89.S 84.6 Week ar . S8.S 80.7 88.8 84.0 Tear see- . 7t0 68.7 78.4 T7 3 years age 77.3 83.9 91.9 84.4 High 1984 - 63.9 90.0 90.. S8.1 Lw 1934 73.1 74.1 77.1 74.1 SOn AVT8SAQES I 30 20 10 60 India RR'a TJts. Tul Today , ST.e 87.1 53.4 73.8 Prv4ns day S7.1 S7. 56.S 74.0 Week are 84.0 S6.S 65. 71.S Tear age . 68.1 IS.t S years age Sal 48.7 124.8 85.1 7 year ar 114.5 111.4 124.6 130.7 Hig19l4 -106.0 54.8 98.1 Law 1934 7141 84,1 61.4 SS.4 JTw 1184 lew. 4 WHEAT LEAGUE TO ARLINGTON, Not. 1 1. Witlt the wheat industry once more on the upgrade after Its most serlone ' slump in history, this city is pre paring for a record attendance for j the eighth annual convention of the Eastern Oregon Wheat league which has been scheduled to meet here December ? and 8. The sec ond convention of the league waa held here In January, 1129. "The league has been exception ally active during the past year In. the interests of the Oregon wheat growers," says Charles Smith, see- . retary of the organisation and emergency assistant county agent leader with O.S.C. "We feel that ' it has lived np to its established . purpose of providing an effective medium of expression for the raea in one of Oregon's greatest agri cultural enterprises. Under the leadership of Presi dent J. B. Adams of lloro, and Vice-President Mac Hoke of Pen dleton, the leaguo assisted in a - half dosen successful developments of the past year. Smith reports. It aided ia the successful tight to have the processing tax remov ed on jute bags and to prevent low-; erlng of present smut tolerances in the new grain grades. Smith re counts. . Mr. C. L. Fowler Again President for Stitcher Club! PLEAS ANTDALK. Nov. 13. Mrs. Tom Trent entertained the Pleasantdale Needle club and two guests st her home near Dayton ' Friday afternoon. Mrs. H. H. Clark and Mrs. Prank Sparhawk were the guests. 1 Annual election of officers re- suited: Mrs. Clarence L. Fowler, . re-elected president; Mrs. Silas Johns oTn, rice-president; Mrs Henry Freshour. re-elected secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Trent served refreshments. NOTICE OF ADMJAISTRATOR'8 SALE OF REAL PROPERTY No. 34591 IN THE CIRCUIT COUKT or THE STATE OF OREOON FOK MULTNOMAH COUNTY, Probate Department IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF ELIJAH C. BAKER, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to an order of the above entitled court duly made and entered In the said cause on the 31st day of August, 1934, tha undersigned administrator or. the estate of Elijah C. Baker, deceas ed, will on and after the 15th day of November, 1934, at the office of Glos & Glos, 205 Lumbermens Building, Portland, Oregon, pro ceed to sell at private sale to tha highest bidder on the following terms: 1720.00 in cash, and the purchaser to give a note for 11. 580.00 payable on or before three years from the date thereof, bear ing interest at the rate of 7 per, annum, secured by a second mort gage on the following described real property, payable to the un dersigned administrator, and the purchaser further to assume and pay a first mortgage now on said real property In the principal amount of 1800.00, together with Interest thereon, all subject to tha confirmation of the above entitled court, all of the following de scribed real property belonging to the estate of said Elijah C. Baker, deceased, to-wit: All that certain 62.5 acre farm commonly known and described as the BAKER RANCH, situated in Section 4, in Township 9 South, of Range 1 West of the Willam ette Meridian, In MARION COUN TY, STATE OF OREGON, and more specifically described as fol lows: The South half of the South west quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 4 in Township 9 South, Range 1 West of the Wil lamette Meridian in the County ot Marion, State of Oregon, contain ing 20 acres of land more or less; also beginning at a point in tha West line ot the D.L.C. of Henry Foster and wife, 9.92 chains N. of the S.W. Corner of said claim la T. 9 S. R. 1 W. W. M., Marion County, Oregon; thence North 14.92 chains along the W. lino of the Henry Foster claim; thence N. 89 deg. 30' East 20.13 chains; thence South 14.91 chains to the N. E. corner of a tract ot land owned by E. C. Baker; thence South 89 deg. 30' W. 20.13 chains to the place of beginning, con taining SO acres of land, more or less, excepting the right of way for the Salem Flouring Mills Water Ditch as long as the same is used for such purpose, all lying and being in Marion County, State of Oregon; and ALSO, beginning at a p o 1 a C 8.00 chains West ot the quarter section corner between Sections 4 and 9 in T. 9 8. R. 1 W. of th Willamette Meridian in Marioa Connty, tate of Oregon; "thence running North 25 deg. 80' West 14.93 chains to a point; thence West 5.90 chains to a point; thence South 13.00 chains more or less to the section line between Sections 4 and 9; thence North 89 deg 30 East along the sec tion line 12.12 chains to the place of beginning, and containing 11.82 acres more or less, all ly ing and being within Marioa County, SUte of Oregon, and con taining In all of the above de scribed tracta 42.50 acres of land more or less. ' Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 18th day of October, 1934. First publication, October 17, 1984. Last publication, November 14, 1934. ALVTN C. BAKER Administrator of the Es tate of Elijah C. Baker, Deceased. Glos 4 Glos . 205 Lumbermens Building, Portland, Oregon, Attorneys for Administrator. 0. 17-24-21; Nt 7-14. (