The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 14, 1934, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon,. Wednesday Morain, November 14, "1934
ociety News and Club Affairs
3 Jessie Steele, Society Editor
' Miss White Bride
Of Mr. Trindle
A MARRIAGE of the past week-,
end - that la Interesting to
their large circle of Salem
friends Is that of - Miss Zelpba
WhiteV daughter of Mrs. Nona
White,,: to Don Trindler son of
: Mr, and Mrs. Frank Trindle of
- Loveland, Ohio.
' , The ceremony -was performed
Sunday at 12:15 o'clockla the
parsonage of the First Presbyter
ian church at Greeley, Colo. Only
. Immediate members of the fam-
; ily witnessed the exchange of
I TOWS. - rr .
The bride wore a smart taii
' ored frock of green wool ud for
'', traveling a blackf fur coat and
' matching accessories. The eon-"
-pie left Immediately for a week's
honeymoon the Trindle cabin
In the Rockies and will remain
; inrColorado until after Thanks- V
V giving. -Then .they wfll settleIn
' Houston Texas,; where MrTrln
? 'die will continue his law prac
'.: Uce. , s- .
The bride Is a graduate of Sa-
- lem high school and has been
. employed here for several years.
I Her mother accompanied her
back to Colorado for the wed
' ding, returning Tuesday. ,
Mr. Trindle Is a graduate of
the University of Colorado and
for two yean was connected with
. the district attorney's office in
- Salem.
- Amaranth Carnival
Gay Affair
Hanna Rosa court, Order of
Amaranth, held a gay carnival
banquet, dance and card party at
the Masonic temple last weekend.
The rooms were beautifully dec
orated in red, white and blue
with streamers and balloons.
Thirty-fire couples were "in at
tendance with several guests from
Portland and Eugene.
Mrs. Francis Mercer was gen
eral chairman and on the recep
. tion committee were Mr. and
-Mrs. William P. Ellis and Dr.
and Mrs. Lee Wood. In charge
of decorations were Mrs. Hattie
Busick, Mrs. I. A. DeFrance and
Mrs. C. R. Lester. "n
The refreshments committee
was made up of Mrs. .Robert
-Crawford, Mrs. J. B. Crary and
' Mrs. Iva Bushey.'
Hazel Green. Mrs. Ralph Gil
bert, Mrs. Archie McCorkle and
Mrs. Clifford Euffler will be joint
hostesses at the Gilbert home
Wednesday afternoon, November
-14, to the Sunshine Sewing club.
Wednesday, November U
The Dorcas society of the Christ Evangelical Luther
. an church, will meet Wednesday, 2 p. m. in the church
parlors for regular session. .-.f.
The Missionary, society of the First Presbyterian
church will meet Wednesday, 2:30 p. nu in the church
parlors, with Mrs. A. O. Condit In charge of the devo- '
tionals and thank ottering. Reports of synodical meeting.
The Salem O. N. S. club will be entertained Wed
nesday evening, November 14th at the home of Dorothy.
Rea, 1582 Court street All members and friends are
invited. , ... , - . - - .
Mrs. Fred Barker, 1190 North Cottage street, will
entertain members of the Woman's Home Missionary so-
ciety of the Jason Lee church, Wednesday, 2:30 p. m.
The F. O. E. auxiliary social club will meet Wednes
day afternoon, 2:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. C. B.
Shaw, 565 Center street. Bring needle and thread.
: , -Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the First
Methodist church will meet Wednesday, 2:15 p. m. Spe
; eial program and tea hour.
Annual Thank Offering service of Ladles' Guild of,
-American. Lutheran church, at church, social rooms, 2:30
o'clock.- . . , ......
- -Missionary circle of Kntght Memorial church with
Mrs. W-. W. Hill, 1808 Court, 2:30 p. m.
W, H. M. S. of Leslie church with Mrs. J. B.' 'Ul
rica, 2 p. m., 1475 Saginaw street.
Royal Neighbor sewing club all day with Mrs. Irene
Speed, 2010 Maple Ave.
Thursday, November 15
Unitarian Alliance Luncheon, Emerson room Un
itarian church. Cottage and Cheraeketa streets, Thurs
day, November 15, 1 p. m.
Merry Minglers with Mrs. Robert Fromm. 2 p. m.
Annual Artisan homecoming at Fraternal temple,
8 p. m.
Hayesville Woman's club with Mrs. A. F. Harbey.
2 to 4:30 p. m.
Fidelis S. S. class of First Baptist church with Mrs.
P. J. Blessing, 825 N. 15th. in afternoon.
Friday, November 16
Regular lobby program, Y. M. C. A. Friday at S
p. m. William McGilchrist, sr., will tell of his recent trip
to the orient. Open to public.
Annual Harvest Festival of the Sacred Heart Aca
demy, afternoon and evening, November 16th, 2 p. m.
in administration building of Sacred Heart Academy.
Harvest Festival at Sacred Heart academy, after
noon and evening.
Hal Hibbard auxiliary social at home Mrs. Arthur
D. Welch, 455 S. Capitol, 2 p. m.
Married People's class of First Baptist church, pot
luck dinner at church, 6:30 p. m.
Mrs. Buren Bids
Contract Club
To Home
Angel Food Cake Ideas
In Demand for Contest
; If ; ".;..
;;!. :s$):4 7 '935 -I
- j -By .ANNS ADAMS . ;
Here's a-dainty house frock
with lots of points in its favor!
T See the unusual way in which the
front panel juts up to an import
i ant closing and notice how the
belt, .with- its two cunning points
; In front, ties into, a perky bow t
i, the back! And the best point
V about this story is that the pat
tern is fie only smart, it's so sim
ple that ey en it you have never
sewn before, you need; Hot heei-
tate to attempt It. Use any pret
;,-vjt. cotton fabric, dotted swlss, or
I .a, soila-colored broadcloth, with
white for the exciting frillTYouH
, be delighted with the result and
'more than proud of your own clev
. ernessl 1 -; , -Z-1' . , .-
Pattern 135 Is available in
; sises 16,. 18, 20, 34, 36, 38, 40.
; s 4 2 and 4 4. s;-SJxe ; 1 1 'takes t
f yards 36 inch fabric. Illustrat
ed , step-by-etep sewing instruc-
..' tions" Included. " , ; '
Send fUUen nt (15e) ia colas
T lUap, (coin, pntrrrrA) trrr this.
Abb Adam pattern. Wril plain);
WD), ddrcra mhi tyU Boaber B
aart to itata six.
- Order year Winter Pattern Book.
Order it new! The sew Anme Ad
am Biodets ar ataaninr. and so
to make t Deai ?na tor. all af ea ana
all aeeaiioat. Prtca of book, IS cent.
Book and Pattern together, 15 cants.
Address ardera to The OregoB
' Stataamaa " Pattern Dept., 215 Soata
Cotaaereill street, Saioau ' Make aee
isary eneloinre. - Yoni order will
bs promptly attended to.
Orders eastomanly are filled vltaia
"four day from the tuao-tacaiTad, by
Th Statasmaaw v .
Banana cake is always a fa
vorite not only because of its
mellow flavor but because it
keeps fresh and moist for several
days. Receipts for this delicacy
will be welcome at the Round
Table this week as well as any
others for white cake. Don't for
get that carmel and angel food
varieties are also Included n the
topic The deadline is Thursday
noon. - -
Have you tried some of the fine
candy recipes - being printed this
week? If you laven't. by all
means clip them and file them in
your recipe cabinet.
Sour Cream Fudge
H ena brown tujrar
1 caps t-ranalated sugar
3 enps thick soar erean
1 tablespoon tatter
Vt teaspoon ranilla
1 enp walnuts
Cook sugar, cream and butter
until it forms a soft ball. Do not
stir during cooking. .Take from
fire and add vanilla and nuts.
Beat mixture until it thickens.
Pour Into buttered plate and cut
Into squares when cool.
' Mrs. R. D. Matheny
. Route 1, Sublimity
(Editor's - note: The . following
recipe was accompanied by a
sample of the . candled fruit and
it was delicious. Although it ar
rived Jtoo late to Qualify for a
prise, the recipe Is certainly
worth passing along. It will make
grand holiday dainty.)
Candied Grapefruit Peel
1 rrapefrait shell
sugar cop irster
Thick skinned grape fruit are
the best. Cut peel into narrow
strips about 2 inches' long and
Inch wide. Soak in cold water
for three days, changing water
daily. Drain thoroughly. Pat
lightly between layers or folds of
a dry towel but do not squeeze.
Measure fruit. Hare ready a rich
syrup of the same amount of su
gar as fruit and M cup water.
Cook peel slowly in syrup until
clear. Lay each segment on Wax
paper. When cold, roll in powder
ed sugar.
' C. B. Mercer f
, 5 335 S. 15th Street
" r" '
Candied Apples
.1 cap sugar
1 cop honey
S tart firm apple
H enp water
4 teaspooa salt
.Boil sugar, honey, water and
salt fAv a -,few- jnlnutes. : Wash,
core and pare the apples. Cut Into
halt-moon shaped pieces. inch
tnick, drop Into syrup and cook
rapidly until apples are transpar
ent and nearly all ' the syrup Is
absorbed. Put on waxed paper'to
dry,--Melt" sweetened chocolate
over hot water. As soon as It be
gins; to soften,' remove from, over
hot water and .'stir with.' fingers
until completely melted. : Dlp the
pieces of apples into the melted
chocolate with' two forks unta
well-coated. Place on ' waxed pa
per to dry.
Mrs. C. E. Parkhurst
Route 5,:Box 119A
preside at a charming bridge
luncheon this afternoon In
compliment to members of her
contract club. Yellow, white and
mulberry chrysanthemums w 1 1 1
decorate the tables and the guest
Assisting Mrs.. Buren will be
Mrs. George Weller and Mrs. Ken
neth Wilson The afternoon .will
be occupied with contract. Addi
tional guests are Mrs. Raymond
Bonesteele, Mrs. Karl G. Becke.
Miss Ruth Barnes, Mrs. Ralph
Barnes, Mrs. Edwin Keech and
Mrs. Vern Miller.
Club members hidden Include
Mrs. Kenneth Wilson, Mrs. Frank
Deckebach, Mrs. George Weller, !
Mrs. Wallace Carson, Mrs. Don
Pritchett, Mrs. Rex Adolph, Mrs
Gerald Backstrand, Mrs. . Willard
Marshall, Mrs. Kenneth Power,
Mrs. John Caughell, Mrs. - Frank
Chapman, and the hostess,, Mrs.
Wolcott Buren.
Missionary Society
Will Meet
An Interesting meeting is anti
cipated by members of -the W. F.
M. S. of the First Methodist
church this afternoon at 2:15
o'clock. One hundred are ex
pected to attend the session which
convenes in the church parlors.
Special guests will be the Pra
tum and West Salem societies.
On the reception" committee
are Mrs. F. A. Legge, Mrs. Edna
Lamb, Mrs.' M. D. Way and Miss
Harriett Dayton. Tea will be
served after the business meet
ing and Mrs. Ronald Glover Is In
charge of the tea table. Mrs.
Harry Swafford will direct the
serving. Presiding' at the urns
will be Mrs. Louis Magin and
Mrs. J. E. Milligan. Serving will
be Mrs. A. A. Schramm. Mrs.
Thomas Holman, Mrs. R. K. Ohl
ing and Mrs. Paul Morse.
Mrs. Gouley Hostess
to Club
Mrs. Romeo Gouley has in
vited members of the Town and
Country club to her home today
for luncheon. Bronze chrysan
themums and bronbe tapers will
decorate the table.
The afternoon will be occupied
with contract. Additional guests
are Mrs. T. A. Livesley, Mrs. C. W.
Paulus, Mrs. A. M. Jerman and
Mrs. Fred Lamport. Club mem
bers bidden are Mrs. George
White, Mrs. William McGilchrist,
Jr., Mrs. Homer H. Smith, Mrs.
Margaret LeFurgy, Mrs. Homer
Gouley. Mrs. Clarence Keene of
wrung out in cold water and tP"erton. Mrs. J. C. Currle and
form la a roll. When cold cut In T the. hostess, Mrs. Romeo Gouley.
Date Nougat
3 raps sarar
i eup dates rot in pieces
1 eup condensed milk
1 tablespoon batter
1 enp walnats
Cook until it forms a soft ball
in cold water. Remove from fire,
cool and add nuts and vanilla.
Beat until creamy. Then pour
mixture in a cloth that has been
District Conference
Wedding Bells Soon tor These Two
Anna Homyer
Apt. 606, Royal Court
After Dinner Mints .
2 caps inrar
eap boiling water
4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 teaspooa vinefar
few drops oil of pepperaiint
Mix all excepting flavoring and
boil to 265 degrees or the hard
ball stage. Pour In buttered plat
ter and cool until lukewarm.. Add
flavoring. Take up. pull, and cut
into pieces. If made two days be
fore serving, the flavor is improv
ed. Muriel Dornhecker
Route - 3, Dallas.
. .
. ' - Orange Divinity .
U teaspoon orange Juice
J4 cap water ,1
2 eops brown sagar ' -1-18
teaspooa ereaan of tartar or
M 1 teaspooa vinegar
1 eap ant meats -L
8 tablespoons batter "
H cap aulk
1 teaspooa vanilla
Boll all ingredients excepting
vanilla and nuts. Stir as it starts
to boil. Cook until it forms a soft
ball when dropped in cold "wa
ter. Add nut meats and vanilla
and turn into grease plates. Cut
when cool.
Mrs. Bertha Powell
305 S. 16th
Pioneer. A pretty home wed
ding was solemnized Susday at
3 o'clock at t jie home ot.L. F.
DornheckerVwhen their daughter
Rosena became the bride ot Rob.-
ert ; Patty, son ot Mr. and Mrs.
George Patty of Amity.- Rev. F. L.
Cannell of Amity reading the sin
gle ring ceremony.- Preceding the
ceremony Mrs.. G. C Dornhecker
sang fl Love You Truly. ' accom
panied by Miss Gertrude Cannell.
-The bride wore a tip-toe dress
of white crepe and carried a bou
quet of pink rosebuds. She was at
tended by her sister MurleL Ken
neth Dornhecker. .brother of the
bride; acted as best man. I, ..
-Only immediate relatives were
present. After the ceremony, the
couple left for Ocean Lake,' where
they will spend a few days. They
will live east ot Amity.
Pleasantdaje.. Mrs.. .George
Foster, wa delightfully surprised
on the occasion ot her birthday an
niversary- at ' her home ; Friday
night. Mr. and Mrs Charles
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Wil
lard and family, Mrs. Joe Russet f.
Miss Valera Flint and Nels Flint
were present,' A handkerchief
shower-was a feature. - - t
, .OFFERS 7. -
A Complete 3 Month Course
Modern Piano - A $30 Value
To Introduce the new Improved modern sare comrIet
stndies In popular naiisie material not included In price,
' , 12 PRIVATE LESSONS - .r''
For Information Call in Person .1863 S. Commercial St.
, Registration Mast He Made Before P. M. Sararday
Mt. Angel. The second double
wedding within a few weeks time
was solemnized at St. Mary's
church Monday morning when
Miss Marie Fisher, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher, be
came the bride of Peter J. Wein-
acht, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Weinacht, and Mi&sL Josephine
Komp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Komp, was united in mar
riage to Edward Fisher, son of
Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher.
Rev. Father Alcuin, O.S.B., of
ficiated at both the ceremony and
the nuptial high mass. The church
choir sang accompanied at the or
gan by. Miss Helen Keber.
Both brides wore - white satin
and tulle veils with long trains.
They carried shower bouquets of
white chrysanthemums. Miss Elis
abeth Weinacht acted as brides
maid for both brides. Alfred Fish
er attended Mr. Weinacht and Mr.
Fisher as best man.
Wedding dinner and reception
were held at the Fi&her home.
The past presidents of the
American Legion auxiliary will be
hostesses for an informal tea-Fri
day afternoon to be given at the
home of Mrs. J. T. Delaney from
3 to 6 o'clock. All new members
and anyone eligible to member
ship in the auxiliary are invited
to call during the afternoon to
gether with regular members.
The South Willamette district
conference ot . the Oregon Fed
eration ' Of Business and ' Profes
sional Women's clubs will be held
in Eugene on November 18.
y The Salem club Is Included In
the group and will he represented
by a delegation.
The program includes executive
council . meeting In the Osbura
hotfifetea-room at S :3ft su m.: open
forum, chamber of commerce
rooms with, panel discussion- on
current educational Questions and
a talk on vocational guidance and
plans of committee chairmen at
10: SO a. m.; luncheon at Osburn
hotel at 11:30 with vocal selec
tions by George Bishop . and an
address by Victor P.-Morris on
current economic problems; recep
tion at 3 p, m. In the Osburn hotel.
1 Members ot the local club who
are , planning to attend this con
ference are making arrangements
with Miss Ruth Buchner, transpor
tation chairman. ' :
Mrs. Craig Honored I
With Tea . :
Mrs. Charles W Craig" (Helen
Jordan ) of Seattle '"returns home
today after- spending a. few dats
as the house guest of Mrs. Henry
Meyers. ' ; . ..
Honoring Mrs. Craig, Mrs. Mey
ers gave an informal tea Tuesday
afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock. The
serving table was striking with a
lace cloth, white floral centerpiece
and lighted tapers. Candlelight
was used thrdoughout the dining
room. i
Pouring were Mrs. O. C. Locke,
Mrs. Louis Lachmund, Mrs. Frank
Snedecor, Mrs. B. O. Sehucklng,
Mrs. Paul Wallace and Mrs. Dan
Fry, Jr. Assisting Mrs. Meyers In
receiving were Mrs. M. L. Meyers,
Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner, Mrs. L. H.
McMahon and Mrs. Clarence
Keene of Sllverton,
Mrs. Keene was a luncheon
hostess several days ago compli
menting Mrs. Craig.
McCormick Class Has
Mrs. Harry W. Scott 'resided
at a luncheon Tuesday afternoon
nononng women of the McCor-
mick class of the First M. R
church. Assisting hostesses were
Mrs. John Marr, Jr., and Mrs.
Ralph Kletzlng.
uuests were seated at three
tables centered with attractive
noral pieces. Mrs. W. C. Jones
gave a talk on her recenti trip
east and the afternoon was snent
in sewing.
Covers were laid- for Mrs. S
W. Marsters. Mrs. H. D. Mmh.
lin. Mrs. Wade Ellis, Mrs. Earl
Sailing, Mrs. Emmett Welling.
Mrs. George Lewis, Mrs. Herbert
Rahe, Mrs. J. E. Milligan. Mrs.
G. W. Templeton, Mrs. W. C.
Jones, Mrs. Carl Emmons, Mrs.
Cecil Monk, Mrs. M. G. Pahek,
Mrs. Lloyd Lee, Mrs. Donald Em
merson and the hostesses, Mrs.
Harry W. Scott. Mrs. John Marr.
Jr., and Mrs. Ralph Kletzlng.
Artisans Will Sponsor
Annual Affair
Capitol assembly of . Artisans
will be hosts to all past master
Artisans of the assembly and oth
er members at their annual
homecoming Thuresday night at
the Fraternal temple, starting at
8 o'clock.
Salem Artisans will have as
special guests Supreme Master
Artisan H. s. Hudson of Port
land and visitors from Silverton
and Woodburn.
Following the degree work a
banquet will be served and a pro
gram given. Dancing will con
clude the evening. Mrs. Maude'
Wilson, past master Artisan, is
general chairman of the homecoming.
aaaBBBBaaaaaBBaaBBBBBBBBaaaaaaa -
Prevent This Condition with
Kellogg's ALL-BEAN i
The. first question your doctor
asks is whether you are constipated
or not.-He knows that this eondi
tion may cause headaches, loss of
appetite and energy, sleeplessness.
It is often the starting point, of
serious Illness. f .
I Yon can prevent and relieve com
mon .constipation so easily. Jusl
eat a delicious cereal once a day.
Laboratory : tests show that Kel
logg Aix-Ekan provides .bulkf
and vitamin B to aid tegular nib
its. All-Bran is also a rich source
of blood-building iron. ' ; ;
' Tne.folk in Aix-Bram is much
like that found in leafy vegetables.
Within the body, it forma a soft
mass. Gently; it clean oat the in
testinal wastes. ; ; . .
" Isn't this "cereal way safer and
far more pleasant than taking pat
ent medicines - so often harmful?
Two tablespoonf ula , of . AlX-BaAN
daily are usually sufficient. With
each meal Jn chronic cases. If se
riously ill, see your doctor All
Bran ia not a "cure-alL .; ,
. Enjoy All-Bun as a cereal, ox
use in cooking. . Get the red-and-green
package at your grocer's.
Uade by Kellogg in Battle Creek.
O Mi
4 )
Pretty Kathrya CrawfonL movie actress, who becomes the bride ot
James Edgar, Jielr of the Edgar sugar millions, is pictured with her
future husband at the letter's home la Detroit, where Miss Craw
ford Is the guest of Edgar's mother, Mrs. C. Goodloe Edgar, until
the wedding.
Alpha Phi Alumnae
are Feted
Alumnae of Alpha Phi Alpha
gathered at the home ot Mrs.
Francis DeHarpport Monday night
for sewing and an informal eve
ning. A pantry shower was held
for the chapter house and the
hostess served a late supper.
Members of the association In
clude Miss Marjorle Drorbaugh,
Miss Mary White, Miss Barbara
Barham, Miss Eva Cochran, Miss
Jean McElhinny, Miss Anna Cala
ba. Miss Edythe Glaieyer, Miss
Helen Moore, Miss Helen Breit
haupt. Miss Dorothy Eastridge,
Miss Lulu Allen, Miss Velleda
Ohmart, Miss Harriett Adams
Miss Mildred Leighton, Miss
Gladys Taylor, Mrs. Harold
Heath, Mrs. John Schmidt, jr.,
Mrs. Francis Earnest, Mrs. Roy
Harland, Mrs. Wilmer Wellsi Mrs.
Truman Cummings, Mrs. Harold
Elbert, Mrs. Albert Christenson,
Arriving Drily
Mrs. Edward Raffety, Mrs. George
Neuman, Mrs. Floyd Bailey and
the hostess. Mrs. Francis DeHarpport.
Judge and Mrs. J. TJ. Campbell
attended the concert given in
Portland Monday night by Lucre
zia Borl. They were also dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter F. Patrie.
Mrs. Matilda Nadon. 1760 Ox
ford street, announces a Town-
send afternoon Wednesday for all
women of club No. 3. Hours are
from 2 to 4 p. m.
Delta Phi Mothers :- ;
Complimented '".'.';:'
Mrs. Rose Babeock opened her
home Monday, for a 1-. o'clock
luncheon honoring - patrons and
mothers of pledges -of the Delta
Phi sorority. - Assisting hostesses
were members ot the Mother
club. . . ' .;
Chrysanthemums in autumn
shades were about the rooms amd
a large , yellow bouquet centered
the table. Mrs. M. C, Findley gave
an account of her recent trip east.
Special guest were Mfs. Wil
liam Foote of - Princeton, N. J
Miss Bertha. B&hgock and Miss
Beatrice Hartunct. ; Covers were
laid for the ahovav and Mrs. C. f.
Bishop, Mrs. W. T. Jenks, Misa
Grace Elisabeth Smith, Mrs. Roy
Hewitt, Mrs.' Hal Patton, Mrs.
Homer Smith, sr., Mrs. R. J. Hea
dricks, Mrs. Carle Abrams. Mrs.
James McGilchrist, -Mrs. D. W.
Pugh, Mrs. C A. Kells, Mrs. Roy
E. Smith, Mrs. B. Hulst, Mrs. Mc
Donald of Silverton, Mrs. W. H.
Bretz, Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher,
Mrs. L. O. Clement, Mrs. Gordon
Black, Mrs. U S. Bosshard. Mrs.
A. It. Dark. Mrs. M. C. Findley,
Mrs. ,E. Gilbert, Mrs. F. A.
Weil; MrsJA. Oehler, Mrs. L. U
Laws, .Mrs. A. M. Chapman. Mrv.
Lee M. Unruh and Mrs. Williaa
McGilchrist, jr. -.V
. ,
Pythian Sisters Plan
The Pythian Sisters will give
another of their card parties to
night at the K. P. hall starting at
8 o'clock.
It was decided at the last busi
ness meeting to have the annual
roll call and homecoming on No
vember 22, starting with a C:3
o'clock covered dish dinner. A
program will be given-during the
dinner hour and a business meet
ing and Initiation will follow. All
Knights Of Pythias and Sisters
and their, families are Invited.
Mrs. Mae Ratcllff, Mrs. Flor
ence Shipp and Mrs. Laura Jobs
son are on the dinner committee
and the program 1 helrc p!r- l
by Mrs. Susie Parmenter, Mrs.
Francis Greeaweou
We have Just re
ceived a number
of dresses In the
new Tile, Pea
cock and Saph
Ire Blues. Frocks
tailored for af
ternoon or din
ner wear.
Senator Hotel BuDdiag on
High Street
I - V
I I . I I , -w II w II I I
f h V -
r r
If&tA 7lew4ot77lotftai6f
Twe Ago Groaps!
: Mothers! If your child wins a prise, ,
wia! Aa ideatseai eats award goea to the
soother (or guardian) of ewry prize win-,
.oert lawr child can wia in this edoca
liooaL simple, richly -rewarding coateatl
Urre vour aoa. tout daughter or both
to eater today! Send them to
yourself tot the printed information on
bread that will help tbeaa win! - .
any piece of paper, bet this FREE Entry
Blank B&akea it asuch easier. If provides
. adequate space for a 200 word letter, aad
lists the sax simple rule of tb contest,
and 21 scieatific facts abowt bread. '
v (Sji&cuoL energy fou ciZh4jCu!
V ; FIRST PRIZE,.;aa;;;..$5C0j; -
Second Ptiie.... ...... .".$200 1W Wiaeiirto$Jtcn
' All grocers have t be m they're free!
. Doys! Girls! .
nereis All Yon Do '
Just write a short letter of 200 words or
w - - - - ' seaa so wdt oreaa as rooa so- svai
Fair for Everybody! . Tuae , D 3r k
These 2586 poe lov chfldrea are dt-. Send ia your letter before aaid-igbw
L.LmI niniwn mnna 12Q3 nrun loav . aa l n i In. L.
.hulxM im thnnirk UlC filk Crid. and f . TJ
1293 prises foe fiigh School StndenU
from the 9tb through the 12th Grades.
Only beys aad girls around the same ages
will be competing tor the same prize. A
faar field fiJ;f'fZ-
Conse In for Helpful Entry
CUnks FHEE! iC,,
Tou eaa write a oetter Bread-Letter if
yow aae one oi the baady Entry Blanks.
Of eearsc, you eaa write your letter oa
Enbxct roa Vitality" Judges, Minne-
apolia, Muinesota.
Dow ( Win
f Be sure that your letter . includes ibis
. Brvmd U aatr cutManJiitfiimergy Juod. You
. will find aO the important reasons why
' this W so on the eotry blank. And reasons '
why boys and girls aaesltbis eeergy to do -better
work in school to ptay longer aad -harder
to build aadS aaaHBtain activa
beallhy bodies. -' .' '
Thw priW.;::....:..:$ioo
S Prices (ea aaa tsd..SSS each
1 0 Pikes (9ft an 1 M). .Si 0 tech
300 Priatlitllv SHajMSa)S2 each
73 Ptuts(41toaWmMQS1 ttch
Sanaa priaea.givea ia hoik groups Mothm (ar guar- -."
Wian) mf winning mudenu races aUtpueatc prise.
HUH U: I mint mm ',;,77Ti
Sponsored in i Stdem by v. -
1 h c Master ; o'cize is
. AB,am"- saiw, v:.atii!.-i:'ifr avj,i