f .. A tret ;?M 'V-j m Al LIMA'S. KaJar;, frc.m, frrnki? Atfilfo'jsy Wiv?trncr $.i-U- 9V .... UzrtinThanks r Governor Meier Governor-elect .Martin, In a tel Hnia received at thf executive department - Thursday thanked Governor Meier lor the tatter's message of eongrratolatloa sent from Salem "Wednesday. Martin' telegram read. . 'I want yon to know bow much X appreciate receipt of roar telecram of consratilatlons on mf aleetion. I am deeply grateful for your offer of assistance, How ver, knowing rear devotion to til Interests of tn welfare ot our people, I know 70m would da t IS AM-H ED ORIGINATORS OF LOW PRICES 351 STATE STREET Repeated Again . . . Blast of our sensational prices of last week are continued for another week. Wt hire engaged additional help to serve yon. Tender . Choice Tender CIQLOIM BEEF BOIL BEEF OTEATX BOAST lb. g) lb. lb. Wo respectfully suggest that you purchase an extra supply Saturday as we will be) (5SS)GG(&1 MB EDasr naoEasr In Observance of Arrastice Day Milk Fed Milk Fed Fancy VEAL VEAL LEG O' ROAST STEAK VEAL E2l2c g ib. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS WEEK'S DROP IN VEAL PRICES Tlavorized" Sugar Cured Home Rendered IKIammG ! IPaim5G Pure Lard Half or .Whole Boil or Bake Nothing Better Effig Ib 1 flfl Ib- savfr ib. OLD FASHIONED Country Style Sausage per lb. J7 FRESH GcoiuunKui EocS per lb. 2( USELESS TO PAY MORE RISKY TO PAY LESS Wo close at 6 pan. On Saturdays at 7 p-m. HARRY M. LEVY, Prop. IB 1 WD US 0PM Instruction is Preliminary to Survey; to Continue Next Week, Plan , Two score men and women at tended "school" to study various phases of the national housing act yesterday at the chamber of commerce aa a preparatory jnove to the launching of tSa dty-wlde tome survey. . They survey Is to be undertaken ' to farther v the horn modernizing campaign ia Marlon county, directed toward the expenditure of neatly one half million dollara for.' home im- provementa. The achool, which opened yes terday, wiU be continued next week, according to C. s. Wilson, manager of the chamber ot com merce and chairman of the noma surrey committee of the campaign group, sneldon F. sacaeu, gen eral chairman of the workers. Chairman Wilson and T. A. Rat fety, who will direct the canvass ers, explained the details of the program. Records wfU bo kept of lm provements to be made and need ed improvements on each of the 6,000 homes In the city, accord ing to the present plan. The can vassers are to be known aa "Rep resentatives of the Salem Better Housing Program", and will be Identified by identification cards. The representatives are not an thorlxed to collect or ask for mon ey, the campaign officials report ed. "These representatives do not want a cent," T. A. Raffety said last night. "They are being dis patched to each home to explain the detaila of the national nous ing act and to ascertain where home ownera are interested. "Each representatire Is sup plied with a small green card, identifying him with the program. The committee ia asking the home owners of Salem to giro these representatirea a hearing- so that many of the mlssunderstood points of the program may be cleared. "We hare been very careful in our selection of workers to under take this surrey and we feel they represent a n unusually fine group." The workers will be able to ex plain all of the workings of the national housing act and to fur nish the home owners with a building directory listing eTery firm In the city, aligned in any way with the movement, which has cooperated in the campaign. Eakin Successor Not Yet Chosen The state relief committee's re commendation as to a successor to H. E. Eakin, resigned chairman and member of the Marion coun ty committee, is still awaited. It was announced at the governor's Quality Meats and Groceries cfl tag 00 :g Fresh Fruits Vegetables 975 A. S. (Pat) Johnson Phone 5073 TJarflCt CORNER MARKET AND CAPITOL ALMOST Formerly Sasnpeoa's Otocct . We have had many fine compliments on our remodeled, renovated store, also comment of our complete stock and right prices. .Look over the following prices and come in and pay us a visit These prices are for Friday and Saturday. WONDER lb. can 0 Van Camps n 1 Tomato SI Can all brands in stock tall can Preferred Stock 7 close W 2 uka s. atsc 2h. oir as Snagai? pure cane 10 lbs. 23 T "I 1 iifsai?tJGc ,Re8ular price2p.s( I ) J White - , Swift bars. o o j 0, 0 as IQ)A. :A &H a. lb. pkg. gte o Hoody Old Dutch Cleanser 2 pes. esc I Baiting Powder K. C. - Qc A MOST COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 12 g 76s. c o b o SS WE FEATURE PRIME STEER BEEF Church Leader . III! 10FFIG1SCOB TO Her. Hogn Vernon White, D. of Boston, ho will "be a guest of the First Congregational chorch Sunday. office yesterday. Although Eakin submitted his resignation several weeks ago and announced It pub licly October SO, the state com mittee has not' suggested man to take bis place. It waa said. Meanwhile the Marion tomty committee and relief department heads report themselves handicap ped through lack ot action on im portant' matters. BLAMED 1. ACCIDENT IS FINED J. H. Nelson, 1765 Hickory street, whose automobile struck Jack D'Arcy, 685 North Church, in a pedestrian lane at High and Court street! yesterday morning, iater pleaded guilty in municipal court to failing to glre right ot way to a pedestrian and paid a ) 5 fine, according to court rec ords. D'Arcy waa not seriously injured. Robert Belcher. 244 Marion street, riding a bicycle, likewise escaped hurt when his cycle waa hit by a machine driven by John Erans, 860 Chemeketa, at High and Marlon, a report to police in dicated. Lesser accidents reported yesterday Involved the following: Gerald rFeeman, route 1, and A. B. Wilson, route 4, on Commer cial between Court and Chemek eta; R. W. Hans Seits, 2040 South High street, and aa unidentified motorist, in front of high school on Marlon; Emery Dehut, 1145 Rural, and an unidentified Cali fornia driver, on State between Commercial and Liberty; A. O. Eld, 1065 Erixon, and Mrs. C. B. Sicgmund, route 4, at 15th and State SALEM CHURCH Two' denominational leaders from Ut4 east will bethe gnests of the officers and the young people of the First Congregation al church on, Sunday. Dr. Hugh Vernon White of Boston, is the educational secre tary of the American board of commissioners for foreign mis sions. He is a native of Califor nia, a former pastor of a church la Stockton., and member of the faculty ot the College ot the Pacific. Mrs. Helen Ranney is well known to Conrrentlonalista of Oregon having formerly been lo cated on the coast. She is sow a regional secretary of the commis sion on missions with headanar- ters at Chicago. She has recently returned ; from a tour of Russia with the Sherwood Kddy party. . Members ot the church cabin et, with their .wives or husbands, will ' ba boats to Dr. White and Mrs. Ranney at a 4:10 tea, Sun day 1 afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. a Clarke, 725 N. Capi tol. Both visitors will apeak brief ly and will lead an Informal discussion of the extension work ot the churches. At 7:3d Dr. White will meet the members of the W. C. Kant ner Chapter,' Comrades of the Way, and of the Fortnightly club at a fireside meeting at the par sonage. 440 Center. Mrs. Ranney will apeak: at the evening ser vice of the Knight Memorial church. Salem Grangers Gather Saturday Salem grange will hold its reg ular meeting Saturday at Miller's hall, with the morning business session starting at 10 Mock. Aa Interesting program, nas been pre pared for the 1:30 o'clock lectur er'! hourto which the public is invited.- , : School District Squabble Heard In State Court Arguments of attorneys were heard Thursday In the state su preme court In the suit brought by school district No. 1 against school district No. 45. both in Multnomah county, Involving a recent change in the boundary lines of th former district. In changing the boundary lines the district boundary board consoli dated the two districts. The suit originally was filed in the Multnomah county circuit court where a decree waa handed down favorable to school district No. 1. The directors of school dis trict No. 45 then appealed to the supreme court. To)T?1Wr5( I 294 N. Commercial E. H. Bingenheimer, Proprietor Phone 3527 4 Deliveries SALEM'S PROGRESSIVE STORE Valley Boee Flow, i M r valley blend, 49s ... Kerr's Hard Wheat Flour, White Eagle . Kitchen Queen Floor 40 lbs Kerr's Rolled Oats 10 lbs Kerr's Graham, tine or coarse, 9s Kerr's Farm 10s Triplet Clieese lb Kellogg'a Corn Flakes S Pkgs Peas, field ripe 303s S for Pare Cane Sugar 10 lbs $1.59 $1.63 35c 39c 59c 15c 21c 25c 52c Bins Fresh Candled Eggs Medium 29c Doz. Extras 36c Doz. They are Good Because They are Fresh 25 lbs. $1.80 Crown Patent Floar 49 lbs H. B. Egg Producer, milk, oil and greens, new low OC price, 100 lbs $LoD H. B. Egg Producer with yeast added. New low price, 100 lbs. . . Lard 2 lbs Rockwood's Cocoa 2 lb. can Morton's Salt, Iodized or plain, 2 pkgs. Fresh Ground Coffee, satisfac tion guaranteed. 3 lbs. 65c; 1 lb Kern's Cat&up per bottle KC Raking Powder 25 oz Doable Refined Borax Powder, 40 oz Fresh Gingers naps 3 dos Calumet Baking Powder 1 lb. can FEED DEPARTMENT Hodgen Brewster Feeds Lead H. B. Laywell Egg Mash, milk oil and greens, new low price, 109 lbs. . . H. B. 3-Star Egg Maah, a good mash, low in price. QC 100 lbs 19 Our Store Will Be Closed All Day November 19 When Yo Think of Feeds Think of. Bug's 100 lbs. $3.10 $1.85 35c 19c 15c itisfac- 19c 10c 19c 19c 13c 23c i Lead i ntflk $2.10 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Bananas, fancy fruit -t n 4 lbs lifC Lemons 2 dos Cauliflower head Cabbage for Krant weight about 75 lbs. re Get ft now DoC The Dalles Solid Lertace A 2 for ; VC 25c 5c Here Is something you cannot miss! This fancy Arizona Grapefruit, large 80 size for 30c dos. or 6 for 23c; or we have the same as above fruit ia lOOs for SSc dos. or 6 for 10c. Include a dozen with your order of groceries. Soda Crackers, N.B.C., plain or salt, 3 lb. box. Celery Hearts bunch Snper Suds Wash Pow der, 4 pkgs 39c 3c 29c $2.45 H. B. 3 Star Dairy 80 lbs Big Six Dairy 80 lbs White Leghorn Shell, the shell with life. a 100 lbs Oi.UD $1.30 I 4r1 IP I wc 'wii We Close All Day Armistice Day fell ireeory 137 S. Commercial St. PHONE 4010 We Close All Day Monday Nov. 12 THESE PRICES FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND TUESDAY FancyHeadRice 3 flgc Brown SUGAR 3it. Hgc Corn Meal, yellow, 9s sack 29c Rex Lye, 2 cans :.15c Old Dutch Cleanser, can 7c Armour's Milk, 3 tall cans 17c Thompson's Seedless Raisins, 4-lb. pkg. 22c BulkVlince Meaty fancy, 2 lbs 19c iirnii'jvhiisw flVrnn 4 3 ""MVSaa flczrhx Toilet Soap MET LARGE SMALL 23c 9c WQ LARGE! SMALL 39c HEALTH SOAP 3 cakes ;..19C P. A. and Velvet Smoking Tobacco can Fresh and Krisp SUPERIOR CRACKERS Post Toasties Calumet i BAKING POWDER Maxwell Coffee PMREX iyz gaL jug Morton's Salt 8-lb. sack...... (g J va OVALTINE Small Size ..... ((g Large Size J Watch es - r . Winner ; , H Boxes to Cartoned One Carton Diamond Crystal Salfc G box CAPLAN'S CLOSED ALL DAY' ARMISTICE DAY J i I A