i i 4r ' A v PAGE SIXTEEN The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Friday Morntag, November 9, 1934 112 N. Commercial St. Phone 5151 Sensational Valise : Grape Fruit 6 for 25c Dozen 49c K H ase $1.08 CARROTS 4 Hunches 5 c LETTUCE, solid, crisp 2 heads 9 c LEMONS, full o juice 3 doz. 25c "SWEET POTATOES, No. 1 . 8 lbs. 25c . . . . 3 pkgs. 20 c CORN FLAKES CRACKERS, Superior Sodas . 2 lbs. 24 C TOMATOES, CORN, PEAS, SALMON, HOMINY . . . can 1QC MINCEMEAT, Knight's Best, 2 lbs. 25c PUMPKIN . . . . . lg. iy2 cans 9C K Flavor Foods Products Salad Lemon Fluff, Qt. Dressing 27c Chicken and Egg Noodles with Mush rooms 16-oz. jars 29c in m Oi'llDII POETS ' K ' " - ' ' -. ' "' -' I .. SoderhoJms of North Dakota Locate In Recently Bought Home ; HUBBARD. NaT. S.- Tne Hoi bard Woman's club met' at the borne of Mrs. Ellen Carl with Mrs. Ida Garland and Mrs. Sadie Seholl assisting. Mrs. Sadie Rich rare report of the county eonTentlon at Gate. It was decided to 'tire a series of - card parties and two committees were appointed: Gen eral, Mrs. Dorothy Garron, chair man, Mrs. Audrey Wells and Mrs. Anna Stanffer: refreshments,. Mrs. Cora Smith, Mrs. Ella Stanffer and Mrs. Nera McKenile. - ' A program consisted of a duet by Mrs. Ella Stanffer and Mrs. Sadie Sen on, accompanied by Mrs. Nera McKenxle, and an Interest ing: paper on "Modern American Poets" by Mrs. Doris Sllke. The next meeting will be at' the home of Mrs. Louise Grbnps, . Noyem ber 11. Mrs. J. B. Stanffer has been confined to her home the past few days due to Illness. . A. O. Soderholm and family from North Dakota hare mored into the home of Mrs. Catherine McDonald which they purchased Just recently. - CARRIES ARM IN SLDTO SILVERTON. Not. Mrs. D. C. Barber Is carrying her left arm In a sling as the result of a sprain receired when she slipped on the linoleum on her kitchen floor. She Is. howerer. at her office at Hnbbs Planing milL Exquisite DIAMONDS . RET IN THE VERY LATEST RTYT.E ffl Coin Gold White Gold, Two-Tone and Platinum Mountings At 1 Regular About 72 Prices CREDIT WILL COST NO MORE THAN CASH Sag J l ,11 Z Mb J We Carry a Very Large Stock of Genuine BULOVA " ILLINOIS JLiXULTON ELGIN See the New BABE RUTH . Shock-Proof WATCH with Metal Bead A WONDERFUL GIFT FOR HER waltham ROCK CRYSTALS $.95 GUARANTEED AS LOW AS In All the Latest Cuts 85c M enus FOR FALL LUNCHEON (Recipes Eerre. Eight) j . . The Meaa Cream of Mushroom Sony Bread Sticks Ollrea t . Radishes Fruit Salad . Marlborough Dresstng ' Cheese Bars. -.. Indirldlal Lemon Pits - Coffee ' FRUIT 8ALAJX. ' Cup diced pineapple s Cap diced peachitt Cup seeded red cherries -Cup diced pears Mix and ehlU ingredients. Drain oft Juices. Arrange fruit la cups of 1 1 1 lettuce and top with Marlborough dressing. MARLBOROUGH DRESSING t Em ,k Cap sugar t Tablespoons flour teaspoon .salt , . yL teacpoon dry mustard U. teaspoon celery seed 4 teaspoon piprlea U Cup rinegar Cup orange Juice S tablespoons lemon Juice Cup whipped eream Beat eggs, add dry Ingredients. Add Jrinegar and fruit Juices. Cook In doable holler until dress ing becomes thick and creamy. Stir frequently. Beat, let cool; chill. When ready to serre add cream and arrange Oyer fruit. Serve immediately. 1 4 4 CHEESE BARS & Caps flour ' teaspoons baking powder : Teaspoon salt tablespoons fat Cup milk Mix flour, baking powder and salt. Cat In fat and, mixing with knife, slowly add milk. When soft dough forms, pat It oat antil H Inch thick. Spread with the cheese mixture. Turn other half orer onto cheese and press well with spatula. Using sharp knife, cut Into bars, by 1 Inches. Carefully rem ore to greased bak ing sheets. Bake 7 mlnutea in moderate oren. Serre warm. CHEESE MIXTURE 4 tablespoons soft butter Vt Cup grated cheese 1 tablespoons salad dressing " teaspoon salt .. Mrs. Kendrick is Honored by Group of Stayton Women STAYTON, Not. 8 The shower Siren for Mrs. A." Kendrick, who owns and operates, the hospital here, waa attended by about 75 persons. - A, rarlety ,of gifts both useful and ornamental for hospi tal uee were receired. . Nurses who poured during the tea hour were Misses Anna Stoat and Agnes Klrscfc. and ; Mrs. D. Parberry, ' teaspoon paprika Lightly mix Ingredients with fork. Guests were shown through the building ' which had undergone considerable remodeling and reu-oyating. ggsflj Half Soles .....75c Rubber Heels ..25c Ladles' Half Soles 60c Ladles9 Heels r.20c O'RIELLY'S LEATHER SHOP Right Back of Westers Aato : 255 Court Street EVERY DAY AT THIS STORE Am J )Iw More Shopping Days And Unly Christmas BETTER GET BUST FOLKS, AND CHOOSE NOW1 A SMALL DEPOSIT win secure ANY ARTICLE UNTIL CHRISTMAS Visit Our Optical Rooms Tow Will Be SvprUed at Ow Reasonable Prices Orer IS years experience and 10,090 prescriptions together with the finest aalentifle instruments ... means the adequate safe guard of GOOD VISION Bhthstone Rings 65c For Children Sterling Special .... Mens Silver Rings $-95 Initial or Raby Bay Now ...... Cigarette Cases 95 c Flwmeled Sereral Styles ASK ABOUT OUR NEW EAST PAYMENT PLAN! Tea dont need all the cash at Stareus - Brown. Fay tor, your glasses oa easy terms. Scdt and Pepper on Tray . Antimony IadfTtdaal Close-oat 35c SEE US IF YOU DONT SEE WELL NO OBLIGATION TO BUY IKcfcii Bracelets 50c With Ratchet Buckles Worth More . Br. Harry A. Brown , will personally snake too a complete exaaUnatloal WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SOLE AGENTS LN SALOI FOR THE AMERICAN-BOSCH Slabs, a tabs. . - . MofJ430 paaasBsi ausasssse bsspsj fssjsnciosjs, kMo Me Noo Uecrd wfcfc spotfat fccas oa yoiics $39 Other Models 9295 . to 9149JM Gem Wrist Watch $245 For the Boy or Girl S5 Talae.... f"4 rl I Thrilling... Hlr Rskhwl rrrTrvrxii-i- radio RADIO Oyer SUtlon E6W at 2:30 Jewelers . V t-I.J-LJIW .VV I N OptometrW, QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT POPULAR PRICES ill ' , , II I O 1 D " : 1PT 1 y TFT) Same Low Prices Both Markets . T.3ot?Esett Closed AH Day Monday ORDERS OF $1.00 OR OVER DELIVERED FREE. PHONE YOUR ORDER IF YOU LIKE, PAY THE BOY AT YOUR POOR. BUSICK'S SUPER VALUES NO FARTHER AWAY THAN YOUR PHONE. California Star Sweet (SEaocoHattc H lb. 23G Walter Baker's Premium Caltinc SIliisollatl:G Thompson's Chocolate TV7fi f TV Molted iiVedliilL E lb. can Calumet - EJaEiSnag Powdlei? 2y2 lb. can S2C Calumet Baiting Pv'd 5 lb. can 82 Calumet E lb. can 2G GS)SDA MAHi? H lb. con S7 tall can. Sor Snow Drift O Ea o i? tt ciBiliiii o 3-pound can 6-pound can 02 Weccoia SB pint quart JjJ MARS HM ELLOVS I 3 Packages 73 & oz. jar g oz. jar H2JS 14-oz. bottle a a Rolled Oats 9 SS To) lb. Meaf Departments BOTH STORES It is our pleasure this week to offer the public Prime Young Steer Beef, Government Inspected, at the lowest price it has ever been our privilege to offer for such fine quality. Sirloin StteoCs T-Donc GttGOEl D00G EIgoi?Gc DggC Doocttc 11- !('. - PUX?0 'f:"::1till i Swift's Premium ; j ei w Vw? Half or Whole SHORTENING, PURE VEGETABLE ..........3 lbs. 29c A PORTRAIT utith each puhckale dj LUX TOILET SOAP 2 G1? ASS LIFEBUOY SOAP 6c BAR Large Pkg. Lux 23c Large Rinso 2 for 39c Again Vegetables and Fruit in abundance. Track load after track load displayed continuously all day long, always fresh, new stock to choose from. Celery Hearts 4c Celery Bunch Jumbo Slse 4c Young Carrots 3 bunches Sc Turnips 3 bunches 8c '' Beets 3 bunches 10c Endive" - Egg Plant Chinese Lettuce Celery Root Italian Broccoli 5c eacK Greens Onions or Radishes 2 for 5c Apples 39c to 89c per box Grapefruit Jumbo Florida 3 for 25c 1 risona Seedless Grapefruit dozen 37c 6 for 19c Juicy Lemonettes 3doz.25c Artichokes 2 for 15c Hard Shell Squash Hubbard . Banana Bohrle Head Squash Choice 2c lb. 5 i mm iiwiini' i in . i i) in ii nu - ' Many Other Fruits and Vegetables to Select BOTH MARKETS lMN.LmERTYv; 27m w SALEM t - - -.-..' . k v " . . i . - -