The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, November '9, 1931V PAGE FIFTEEN - I Inflation Talk is Wxtmng la 4. k V ) Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 . Classified AdT erttsteg - Single Itasertioa per 11a lte Tare Insertions pr r iin .;............. Six Insertions r line. .20 Ob tft pT Ub..$1.0 Mlni-an chart ......tie ' Copy lot thla par ;a-'-opted untn f :39) tb evB tag befprt pnblleaUoa . tor classification. Corf re set Oft this Urn will BO PUB IBdW th BdlBf Too Lata to CUififr. - - Th Statesmaa bo financial responsibility Cor error which my ap pear la adrertlsemeats pub lished - la Its columns, ui ta cum wher this paper it at fanlt will reprint that part ot b adrtt$mai 1a which th typographical mistake ocean. ' The Statesman reserrw th right to reject ob ttooal advertising. It far ther reserres 'the right to tlasslfy all adrertislag dcr , th proper; classifica tion., HELP, WANTED FEMALE Teachers wanted Established tudlo at musk: haa aa opening for two peo ple to take up a training course aa teacher In the studio when course la flsis hed. Box 111, car Statesman. Thoroughly experienced girl for gen eral housework. 1Z xraoe tst. jslii mora in fa. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Salesmen to sell frater nal life Insurance, apply to Bos No. 368 statesman. SITUATIONS WANTED Wood ut hi, or split Basement clean log. Tel. I09L . Exp. lady cook, restaurant or home. m. 5115.-Ask lor Mrs. Jt, Apt. z. Girl wants housework lq pleasant Home. 1904 N. Firth. Kiddle aged woman wishea house keeping. Call at Arlington HoteL FOR SALE Miseellaneooa : Apples - Spies, till a Cottage. Delicious, 25c-40c, Old papers SUM office. 10a par bundle. States- Walnuts. Baldwins. Spies, others. tte 15c. bring boxes, lira Wright. 4tt ml Wallace road. , Goose feather bed, $10. TeL 4511. I 1 ! T kinds ornamental shrubs, trees, etc. Lota of apples. S040 Nebraska T . vvviriiAV 'ii-niiri JiniTii'iSiiiiiriiiri in nrv Shakea 1817 N. FroBf TeL tllf. : Gravel 25c yard at River' Bend gardens. Off Wallace road, ! miles of Salem. Any time. r ' Piano for storage, responsible ad- jclts or bargain for cash. Box 144, 'Statesman. TRADE Miscellaneotjs Wood for Maytag motor. Tel. 7810. Gold watch, perfect contUtlon.. for stanaard typewriter. ' 4 jr court sc. WANTED-Iiscellancoiis Ubabycrn,-.-C SUtesmao. : WANTED Household fura. - and atoves from private parUe., 4 4 Church Street ..- i WANTED Walnut meats, any uaa- -tity, any time, state- juatetena. . WANTED Sewing machine, shoves and furniture.-414 S. ConHnerclaL TeL ; MISCELLANEOUS : Haircuts 14o-lfta. tei & 'Wteter. 1 Saw repairing." Sal- SawShep. Four Cornera Pen: Road. TeL 4I. Free W pick up dead and worth less norses, cows, sneeo,' ' Joe's barber shop haircuts,' J5c i la observance of Armistice 4ay. The Ewaparee, 474 9.- Commercial, win be closed all day Monday, Nov. 12 th. ' BOOKS: El Ray, 111 SW Park Ava. Portland, Ore.,, pays' cash for family libraries. Stamp collection aad civh war envelopes aiao bomcti. FOR RENTr-ROOMS Sleeping rm. Men. 721 Qpurt St Nic sleeping room. TeL 4411 Room and apartment-, 117 B. Commercial. Room, cloee m. tO'Centef Bt ; ROOM AND BOARD Table board. Tory close In. I4IJ. Room and board .for two. Reason able. TeL 4445, 405 Marlon. - Board with or Without room, doe to court na. Tel. us. FOR RENT APARTMENTS ; 2 room furnished TCS4 22(1 HaseL apartment TeL Fine modern furnished I room bun galow court apt, garage. TeL 1154. I R funvpU TeL I40. -j Mod, apt, 4g Union. TeL SUL t R. apt, 141 "Winter. FOR RENT HOUSES Fur, a rooms, gar Highland. Inqulr S27S FOR RENT 1 Center Street home ot I room with basement Newly renovated. Prio 20 per month. . A irrr.T.irw Realtors 144 State St - , TeL 7l EpUodld Urge home, Ml tJplon.j I Houms. Malvte Johnson. TeL 1781. .: t-room house do to achools, f 14.04 per mo. Tel. owner 7J4. Six toom fwrnlshed house, fairly eloee In. p. H. EKI.U 101 Oregon Bld& X age. fit. hi Laurel St a., sin.-. .. : -. ( Interesting Facts Met "Sum Andrews, aalea rep resentatlTe for General Foods yee- terday. This la the flrst time he has been out since kU recant Ill ness. "Slim- tails as he will be an risht now as soon as he gains some weight Among other things I he says he eats eight eggs' one day and ten the next. O J. W. Ambler, district sales manager, R. Blaefcrwell. salesmanJ from the Eugene district and I Axllnd, assistant sales manager for General foods were Salem guests Thursday. They were checking np on the Calumet ad which appears la this piper. . o Ed Schroder, popular Payn Taklt manager for the South Com mercial street store la back on the Job after a month's racation. O H. R. Robertson, local sales representative for snowflake crackers tells us that thla la the time ot the year when people eat more crackers. O November It to 24th will b Oregon products week. O Saw "Nate" Elliott down town yesterday. He told ua that he had been missing oar column lately. He said that when the Townsend old age pension passed he would give his print some to someone. O Armistice day will be observed Monday. ' o Thanksgiving comes on Thurs day the 30th, the last day of the month. O Christmas comes on Tuesday this year. There are something like 100 grocery stores In the city of Sa lem. O Frank Rogers, well known Sa lem meat cutter is now selling shoes at the Price shoe store. FOR SALE Real Estatt wp-m... WHT RENT? $1450 buys 5-rm. house. N. E. seo Gown, mo. rr wuici gains, SEE VAN 1L GREER 519 Court Street Tel. 1514 TLnj-utru'L-u-u- . w w . . MTTST BE SOLD At - Owner non-resident, here to sell his cosy S room bungalow. Fire place, basement, garage, in North Sa lem. All furniture and piano goes at a sacrifice price. 11600. Hurry and sea LOUIS BECHTEL, 341 State . Shown by appointment FOR SALE OR TRADE Cash, terms. Salem property, 4 H acre room modern house, city water, SaOO -Klamath Falls, call tstner -ueut- meler, 9713. FOR SALE OR TRADE Cash. terms, Salem property, rent 11 acres, I7D00, 7 room modern house Grants Pass. Call Esther Kielsmeier, 1711. aaiaMiaaaaeea)eBaSaaea FOR SALE - OR TRADE Cash, terms, Salem property or share liu acrej rSWSR fi6, nmgauon aw i a m a, k b Distant owner writes us to get offer on modern t-room nouse in norm Salem. Has been priced at f 20. Sub mit your offer. W. O. KRUEGER TeL 4721 147 N. ComL FOR SALE OR TRADE Residence in McMInnvtlle to trad for acreage Bear Salem or residence property in Salem. 201 acres, well improved, creek, small amount timber, electricity, on pav ed road, X5 acres clever. 100 acres ready to seed. Thi 1 a wonderful farm and can be bought right Will accept ; a tittle trade. Party wfll ell stock and equipped If desired. Better investigate. Hare good buy and trades m both farm and city property. Call and see me, CHAS. KUDKINS, Tel. fll S, Mlllen'. star Building EXCHANGE Real Estatt S EXCHANGE Have arood small house on larc lot doe in. Will trad for larger bouse offer liberal discount lor cash. Want good horn In McMInnvtlle In xchang for Salem -property. What nave vanT . r Modern s room tnrogaiow m uni versity Heights. Eugene,- Oregon. Worth 15500. Will trad for good Sa lem horn; I equal value, ask air. Harold. i CHILDS a MILLER. Realtor 144 State St. - TeL 701 FOrt SALE-lFARMS Farm for rent sale, trade. Oregon Land Co., Pac Hy- Woodburn, Ore. This Is serious, but your good luck I i 1C9 A. farm with fed. loan, pay .for stock and eaulctnent and make a Prop osition on the farm, mis is gooa. H KHTKI.I1S : tit Orwon Bldr. Tel. 9I ACREAGE Br owner. 19 acres 4 mtle from Turner, email house, good barn, IIS a lth. Tel. IS 88. MONEY TO LOAN " Automobile and Chattel Loans ' 1 1 to 10 month ta repay at lowest p uoie ratea GENE SAL FINANCW CORr. .. ... A local corporation 1 1st NaTL Bank Bids. Phono till . Licensed by Btat CHATTEL LOANS CARS RE-FINANCED WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. TeL 1877 SOS Guardian Bldg. Salem 1 9-154 State Ucense Noa. M-lt, Money ta loan on Improved real e- tate. Chaa. HudUna. TeL sill. Booas I, Miller1 a Stor Bidg. $ $ Need Money ? ? STATE lit Ore. Bids. LOAN CO. Ua. Na S-1IS. FOR SALEUSED CARS 3 3 0 6 x use'd C A R S r . We Have Sold That Many Used Cars There Is a Reason McKay's Fair Treat Fair Prices 8$ Fori Coop ,.. - 2 Ford Pickup II Chevrolet Touring Ford Coape .,,,.., 3 Willys Sedan '2 Cbevrolet Bedaa '19 Chevrolet Bport Roadster 'II Cbevrolet Coach , 'It Rockn Coach 'IS For V-9 Coup ., . , 13 Jh.-rMe. Coup 'It Chevrolet Coach. Trunk 'II Buiok Sedan 'It Chevrolet 8edaa ; , ,,. II Chevrolet Coach 'SI Chevrolet Town Sedan II Chevrolet Sedan " . 'II Chevrolet Special Sedan, IIS radlev trwnk, six wheels, spot 'II Pontiac Sedan , large aeleetSoa of trucks In various makes both long and short wheat sue irons fee up. Terms Ope -Cveaiags and Sundays. Telephoo till , 411 N. III Center McKAY CHEVROLET CO. Special Prices Today. Saturday and Sunday 15 Fords and Chevrolet Beat Assortment of used Cars he Salem To Choose From Look these over before you buy, Open Evening aad Sundays Used Car Exchange lit N. liberty Street Bonesteele's Used Cars 193S Plymouth Tudor f595.M 1931 Dodge DeLuxe Brougham 716.00 1083 Chevrolet coupe 650.00 Hil Ford Coup V-S 445.00 Itz HupmohUe. Beoaa, wneia send trunk, new rubber 825.00 1929 Chevrolet Sedan I3S.00 1921 Buick Coupe 16.00 1929 Studebaker Sedan I wheels 895.00 1911 ltt-ton Ford Truck, dual tires .. z&o.oo 1921 1-ton Chevrolet Truck, stake body Bonesteele Bros Inc. Telenhon 4444 391 Chemeketa St Salem Visit Our Used Car Lot Marmon Sedan, fine condition ..$375.00 International Pick-up C-l , SKO.OO international SF 48 Z-ton isv.o InternaUonal A-8 1 ton 100.00 Dodge three ton with body and hoist 450.00 (WE BUT USED CARS FOR CASH) JAMES H. MADEN CO. Ill So. Com'L St TeL 1890. MONEY TO LOAN CAN YOU USE 1100 1200 13001 Borrowing money her is simplicity It self. Our loan accommodation are In tended to help all deserving people. We Invite your application. Tbtt hav your choice of 4 LOAN PLANS 20 REPAYMENT PLAN! Come In, write or 'Phone. BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY OF SALEM Member of NRA. Room 119. New Bllgh Bldr. Znd floor LICENSED NO. S-123 by STATE Sit State St TeL 174 4 Loan Mad In Nearby Town 5 Farm Loans 5 Plenty of money tar wen tmeroved farm If amply seuwied. Improve or buy now wttn cheap money. Ask for booklet "Willamette Valley Farma" Hawkins and Roberta. Tn- LIVESTOCK and POULTRY FOR SALE Leghorn frvera. 4 for 91.00. 1 mL north of Keiaer schooL Circumstances necessitate selling our Hanson trapnested pedigreed Wr leg horna. R. E. Henry. Route 7. Box 177. Salem. FOR SALE WOOD Dry planer and slab wood. Prompt delivery. TeL 1914. Guaranteed dry wood. TeL T8C0. GUARANTEED DRY woodcoal Fuel Cm Trad TeL SOOt Salem Cottage. Wood for sals, 34.35 to 85.50, if in. Snd growth, ll.fS; 4 ft 4.t II la. old fir. 15.60. ' TeL I44L . WjyWeMVMMWaWMMWs 3ood dry wooL TeL t25 4, Aah. oak; flr TeL 6371. Hog fuel and wood. 'By track or car Iota At mill or delivered. - Dave Brown, R, L Sublimity. TeL Salem 1213. ... ....... ; Best old fir. TeL 6999. Dry old fir, ind growth wood. screened nog ruL red e. weiia - 1 i-t irurvs'vvLrui Dry wood that is dry. TeL 113F2A II In. old fir. 15. 4 ft drv 2nd rrowth i ca tots 4 ca. zt asn 14.76. TeL 785. -a WOOD SAWING Wood sawing.' reasonable. Call 8590. LOST AND FOUND - " " " -,-i-iii"iiniii"nrirn rn i"tri-vxn Toggenburg milk goat strayed from 1719 N. Summer. LOST Boy horn-rimmed rrs rlarr ea. Reward TeL 7870. asjs library hook Moor' Hist of Re ligion" VoL 1 between llth and 17th on Market Now. 6. Finder return to J. t Torren 1396 y. 16th. PERSONAL GORDON PLEMma. READER. 1980 FERRT ST. FOR SALE USED CARS swMMWMMwmawwww FOR SALS er trade 193 S-tow Dodga, Van body, 1-ton capacity. 1931 Hudson Sedan. , DON UADISOM . v---141 N. High Model A Spt Cp. new battery and paint Y-l wheel Price I1IS. ISO down and 111 ma See this snappy Job at 103$ Garnet St TeL 3663. FOR SALE-USED CARS -a ss v a er . IIS . tit . its . sit . Ill . tf - 41$ 4S 411 . 41$ . Ill t HI - - worth of special equipment, light, dual horna, etc. MS SIS 711 Trades Commercial. Valley Motor Co. Used Cars and Trucks 1914 Ford V-t Spt Coupe too miles -1441 1911 Ford V-t DeLux Sedan . SIS S4S mi jrora v-i coach 1981 Ford V-8 Sedan, '38 motor 471 1832 Ford Y-8 DeLuxe Coum 441 i3i jrora Deluxe Roadeter. re conditioned . f 1911 Ford Coach 171 is rwnuac apt coupe. hauled - III 1IS Dodge victory Coups - 180 izs rtuason 4-door Sedan lis 1921 Packard f Sedan til is ranmin e sedan 181 Trucks 1931 Chevrolet closed cab, pickup til 1911 Ford Short W. B. 10,000 mL 101 ora Long w. B. Recoadl tioned 411 jpora i. w. . jraotorr stake body 2 1129 Ford Dual Tires - , l mi ord Gravel dump, as is 110 ixi irora t-i ravel iTump, Reeoa- dltloned , SB izo uoage i-ton delivery TS Mam on and Liberty Open Sunday TeL 7910. -- ii-arr-unjnrjxru's 4 C" Shrock ... To Buy Or Sell Tour Car 642 Chemeketa St TeL fill Plenty of good buys to choose from ai prices mat are right. 1929 Dodge Special Sedan 1930 Ford Sport Coup 1929 Chevrolet Cabriolet 1921 Pontiac Sedan J9SI Pontlao Coupe 1131 Willys-Knight Sedan 1917 Essex Sedan 1921 Nash Sedan 1921 Oakland Sedan 1920 Chrysler Roadster Several cheap transportation priced under ISO that run good. ears "Don't Waste Tour Time or Money, - iiitf iiriT"ijiri We have the largest supply of used 8 uie cuuuij, ACME AUTO AND TRUCK WRECKERS 430 Sa Com'L St Salem Ore. Borrego's Better Buys 1938 Cher. Coach 42S . IIS iZ Chev. Sedan 1929 Essex Sedan 126 izt Studebaker Sedan 175 izs ussex Coach . 125 . 45 iz ford Coupe 1924 Dodge Touring BORREGO'S f!AH Uinrpn 45 J n. Lioerty St TeL 1(11. Radio Program SEX PO XTLANI) 1 180 E :I0 Ceaeert 7:S TsrieUes. 8 :4S Olalsieal 8alail t .?:? KtloaaI ran aad Beats Hems. 10:02 Danes Aatioae 10:18 Tango Time. 11:00 Bud Mali 11:15 Perm and Home Boor, KBO. 1 :00 Orcbeitra. I 1 :10 Fiasscisl sad Unix Xeport 1 1:05 Macieat Gems. S :00 Seraaaders. :45 Lcsgae el Hstioas Assodatloa, 4:15 OrienUl Garden Orchestra, KBO. 8:15 BIsekMrd ef Harmony. 9:30 'Book Chat. 10:00 Lonesome Onk. 10:16 Orchestra. 10:50 Archie Levelsad's Orcbeitra. 11 U0 Ambassador Orchestra, KEflL 11 :80-12 :00 Daaee FisUe. row yoBTLAim 2o x 7 :00 Harvest ef Son, NBC 8:00 Muaie Appreeistioa Hear. KBO. :00 Fields and HsU, NBO. 8:30 Abe Bereovits. 8:45 Cookiag SehoeL 11:45 Aldaa tdkias, KBO. 13:00 Johaay O'Eriea, KBO. 13:45 Eddie Kinf. Pianist. 8:05 Michael Arenrtein, Osllo. tUO Dorothy g NBC. 8:45 Elmore Yineent, NBO. 4:SO Eileea Pisgott. NBCL S:00 TUrtatlom. NBO. T:00 Pirrt Kigkter, KBO. 7:10 One Men's Psmily. KBO. S:0 Amoe a' Aady, HBO. . 11:00 DeHoaey's Oreheitra. 11:30-13:00 Cole MeUroy'e Orchestra. KOAO COiYAIXIS 650 S ; 9 :00 Home Economics Observer. 10:15 World Affairs ia Brief. 12:00 Noon Yarm Honr. 1:15 KOAO School ef the Air. 8:15 Gosrdinf Yonr Hesldu ' - 8:00 Horn emmkert' Half Hear. 4:00 Ob the Campuses. -e - S:00 Opera Stories "Aid" Art IX 8:30 Evening Ysna Honr. 7:80 Modern Composers "Alex Seria Wns." 8:15 What Trast Compsniee Do. 8:45-9:00 Pfcysles ta Everyday life. NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLE MEJTT. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed In the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the Connty ot Marion, his duly rertfled Final Account, as Exe cutor of the last will and testa ment and estate ot Mary R. Wood nflf, .deceased, and that - said Court has fixed Saturday, the 1st day of December, HS4, at tha hour ot ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room la the County Court Bouse at Salem, In Marlon County, Oregon, as the place for bearing said final accouat and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 2nd day of Norember, 1984. - C A. WARN It, -i Executor of the last win aad testament aad Es tate or Mary R, Wood ruff, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executor, Salem, Oregon. N-2-9-1 8-2 8-88. siness Directory Cards la this directory run an a' monthly basis nly. Rate: a 1. bo per 41ie per month. j AUTO BRAKES I ! Ill .1 Mike Pawely 376 Bonth CommerrtaL BICYCLES BoughVsoid, traded aad repaired, Harry W. Scott. 147 & Com'L CATERING Corn chicken tamall, TeL 664 L Holbrook' ehlcken tamalea TeL 6311. CHIMNEY SWEEP TelephOH 4460. It 8. Worthne, CUIROFRACTORS DR. O L SCOTT, P8C, Chlropraete S6 N. Htyh. TeL Rea 1711. FLORISTS Brelthaapfa lit Court ALL kinds ot Oornl work. Luu tlae tst. 30th Market TeL 9698. INSURANCE SECE-t HENDRICKS 111 N. High TeL 4947. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY. THE WELDER LAUNDRY 341 & High TeL 913. CAPITAL OH LAUNDRY First In Quality and Service TelephOB 1186 1364 Broadway, MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 406A SALEM FLUFF RUG and Mattrea factory. NEW MATTRESS mad to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning. Us ing ; fluff rug weaving, a. llth Wil bur. Tel 144 L OTTO F. ZW1CXR. Est. 1111. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Flan oa radio, sewing machine sheet must aad piano stu dies. Repairing radio, phonographs and sew Las machine 431 Stat Street, Salem. PHOTO ENGRAVERS Salem photo .nxrartng. 147 N. Com mercial, leu 6887. PRINTING FOR STATION ER I. card pamph let, program, book or aajr kind at printing, call The Statesman Printing Department 81 B. commercial. TeM- phone 91 PL REAL ESTATE BECKE a HENDRICKS. TeL 4947. STOVES I repair stoves, ranges, circulator Sell new aad rebuilt stove ranges and circulatory stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stov Works. 262 Chemeketa. Tel. 4774. R. SL Fleming. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage, call tilt Larmr Transfer Co. Truck to Portland dally. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 831 Stat Bt TeL I77A Distributing for- warains ana moras ear spec ity. ut ear rata WUlamett Valley Transfer. Salem U Portland naming. TeL 6713. HAND WEAVING Exclusive hand wovea bags, scarf pillows and rug Magoh Hand Weav era, 860 N. 20th St TeL 6830. WELL DRILLING It A West. 19 year experience, RKD 7. Box 203 Tet I10FS. HISS SHERMAN RETTJRXS SHAW, Nor. 8 Helen Sherman returned Monday to th horn ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sherman, because ot Illness. NOTICE TO HOTJSEMOVERS Sealed bids for moving aad re constructing of bolldlngs la Mill City, will be received Jointly by the Marion County and Lina County Courts at 1:00 o'clock p. m., November 14, 1984; in the County Court room at Salem, Ore gon. Each bid must be submitted oa a proposal form obtained from tha County Engineer of Marlon or Linn County aad mast be accom panied by cash, certified check or bank draft In an amount not less than fire per cent (5) of the total amount bid. r" The right la reserved to reject any or all proposals or to accept the proposal deemed best for the Conn ties abore named. MARION COUNTY COURT By U. O. Boyer, County Clerk. LINN COUNTT COURT By R. M. Russell, County Clerk. 026N-2-9 13XECTJT0R8 NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT Notice la hereby given that the utTOwrslgiied has oeea" duly ap pointed .by the County Court of the Stat of Oregon, tor th Coun ty 9t Mgflon, as Executor of the bst. Will and testament aad estate of L. C. Denison, deceased,' and that he haa duly qualified as such Executor; all ' persons baring claims against th estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present tb same, duly rerifled, to me, at my office. 20k Oregon Building, Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, witma six moatna xrom tb data ot this notlc. . . . Dated at Salem, Oregon, this lltH day ot October, It !4. v RONALD C GLOVER, Executor of the last will and tes tament aad estate of L. C Den ison; Deceased. O-19-2I-N-2-0-18. " S1E DEM IS SLIGHTLY LOWER NEW YORK, Not. t.-Elec-tion demand tor stocks slackened today and the market told off a trifle after a four-day advance. Th upturn In the preceding sessioa tempted proflt-tgklnr. As stocks eased after the opening, trading qulted and the turnover dwindled to 841,110 shares corn- Hr 1,111,010 yesterdar. 1 .11 V. .tm. VnI.V .n.Kl m I new p-a wut iiauaeu i tracuoaauy aigaer. Mcurory . ,. ... ... . i Stores preferred. E. G. Badd, Fel-1 aIm sail InarWi Ta rranca I ZZ ' 7 . T V , . . - " nares icatiot lor toasen ui jrnc- tions to points la thla markets fouowinr sham advances. II. H. 1 Smelting lost I H. Kleettie power output last week I was 5.4 ner cent ahead of th I 11V. 191 uV MmiMMl wltfc ai gam vi . w vrwucuja wwe. 1 A l -m . , . 1. - il t 1 uu iron. g saia am way 1 had been cleared for further lm. I ft.ATirant I. I.nn .t.kl A- I maad and forecast a "steady and! par nap acceiraung uywara 1 ... ! . ll . trend" la the lndastry the rest of I the -mar. It la animated current 1 ontput at 21 per eent ot eapae- j liy, a gaia ox i-t ot on percent 1 age point. General Markets PXODTJCX EZCHAFOa rOKT-iXDi Or. Nv. 6. (A? PTsme zehaag set prices: nectar Extra xe; staaaare Sla; Brim, first Oe: first 18 Vic gg u. a. special see; u. a. ea na lie; U. a. aaadiaa extra 1. SI Portland Grain PORTLAND, Or. Kv. I. 1P) Wheat Oeea Hick Lev Oleas May a. sfe 8S S Deeember S4U. S444 S4 S4 Oasb: Big Bead klaeataa, 92 e: dark hard winter, IS per at 95t; i 11 per cent, 90c; soft whit bard wiater. aortharn apriag; weatera red, 83c; west- era white, SZ Oats No. 2 white, 938. Corn Ko. IX yellow, 917.71. Millran Staadard, 21.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Or. Kev. 8. (AP) Bauer Print A xrsoe. see lb- u Mrcbmant wrappers: SSe lb. ia earteas; B grade, parchment wrapper SSe lb.; aartoaa. See lb. Bntterfat Portland delivery : A grade delivery at least twice weekly. 34-8 Be lb.: eoaatry route 82-84e lb.; B grade or delivery less tbaa twice weekly. 88-S5e lb.: C grade el market. Xgg Sale te retailers: Specials, tee; extras 84e: freak extra, hrewa. See: staadarda ISc; freak mediaau 8e: nedi m firita SSe; fresh pellets ISc; de first 30e: cbecki 26c: bakers 31 Zrrt Baying price ef wholesalers: fresh 85s; extras 83e; fresh extra brown. 82e ; extra first SS: ex tra medium. 25c : medium first 22c: pullets, 18-19c; de firsts. 18c; uadsrgrade 10-lTe doien. Cheeae 93 score. Oraroa triplet 18- tte; loaf. 14H Brokers will pay Ha below quotation Milk Contract price 4 per eent: Pert- lead dflirary, 2.85 cwt. ; B grade cream 37 He lb. Mohair 1934 bnyins arise. 18c lb. Oaacara bark Baying pries, 1984 peeL Se lb. Hops 1984 fugglee. 80s lb.; clatter 15-30c lb.: 1938 clusters, lie lb. live poultry Portlaad delivery buy ing prices: colored hen anoer 64 ia-. le lb.; Co under 5 lb, 14s lb.; Leg bora fowl over IK lb. 13-lle lb.: do under 8 lbi., ll-12e lb.; colored spring 1 to 3 Ibs, 15e IK; broilers aader S Ibe- 10-1 7c lb.; rooatw 6c lb. PeUa dock.. 10-llc lb.; do colored 6-6e lb. Drcued turkey No. 1 toml sad sea 20c: medlftm 17e: We. I 14. Onioni Oregea, 61.75-3 cental; Yaki ma. $1 1.10. . Potatoes Oregon, Barbaak S0-t0e eeatal; Scappeos Ko. 1 Oems, 90e-l; da, Ko. 8, 70-75e cental; Deschutes eaa. fi.oa-i.i9 eeniai. Wflnl lSSa cli. mmatn.l Wl!1mtk valley, medium 20e lb.; fins er hslf- bleed. 80s lb.; hot. 18a lb.; eaatara I Oreeoa. 17-20e IK Hay Baying -price from pi Baying -price from producer: alfalfa. N 1. aew crop. 91717.60: era Oregon timothy. $17.50: oat. $11 tea: vetch, $11; Willamette valley tim et T. $18.50 tea clover, $11 ton. Port ing. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore- Vot ra 8. (API CatUe Becet -Becaipta 80; ealve ; steers higher teaaea aey. tod. Steers, rood, common and media 91.006.15; bailer good, commea stadium. 83.75-4.35: cow rood. aad mediaat. $3.35-8.75; low eutUr aad i ets.r. fi.S5-3.35; hall good an eaote 58.00-S.36; eetter, eemmea and mediam, ) aa Aa . i a SSeTJS! 3JS; .00-3.00; vealen, rood tni efcotc $3.50-6.00: 85.00-8.50; S.00. ..! ...a ..a -..... aa meoium, gs - Hoxs Bscsipt S0O; steady. lightweight good aad choie 85.50- $.80; medium weight good aad casts 85.T5-o.50; aaavywsigbt good ad ekeiee, f5.0O-5. 85; pecking sows, medium ead , ge. $8.89-4.60; feeder wad stoeker pigs. gaee aa eaaae . - - ' : Imb, good and ehoie 9S.00-S.7S; eoasmoa sad medium. S8.60-5.oo: ysarl- fa whethen. $8.36-4.00: ewe gee aad ea. lea. 82.00-3.S5; eaU, eommoa aad diam. $1.75-3.35. Stocks and Bonds (Oepyrigbt 1934, Staadard Statistics Co.) Vevember 9 STOCK AVBBAOZS 60 30 20 SO ladl BE' Ot Total Today S6.1 86.6 65.6 73. 4 Psevious dsy 86.S 87.0 56. ,73.0 Week age 81.6 89.S S4.S ' 69.7 Tear ego , , S7.S 41.4 . 7LS f 7.S S years age 88 SL1 180.3 S0.S T years age 18. 12 LI leU 139.6 High 1994 .105.0 64.8 90.8 : SaB Low 1984 - 16 JO 84.1 . 68.6 CM aon atkaaozs 5 , -S 8 - S .- $ - ladl BR'e U Total S BOVO AVXBAQES Today 1 83.$ 81.1 89.1 84.8 Previous dye S3.S 80.S 8.l 84-S Week ago- , 8 814. . 8 At Tear ago 7LS . 70.S 78.7 73.5 9 year at , 76.1 88.6 91.9 , 94.0 High 1984 esa o.O 90.6 88.1 Iew 134 - 73. 71 77a 74JI . (1936 avenge equals 100) . Conduct Services : at Bethel CHurcH ATJMSTILLX, Nor. 8 Rrr. Fraak Prtr of Mm City,. -IP conduct orangellatler serrieea at the Bethr chnrck each Sunday, at 11 a, ia. Mr. and ' Mrs. S.S a Rynlda hara moved from Salem to the Browner farm. .Their daughter, Emily Reynolds,' ha enrolled . In tha sixth grade at schooL Markets Grade B raw 4 per cent milk, co-P pool price f2.ttf per hundred. (Milk hues on seial-noBtfcly katterfat average.) Distributor price $2.10. Bntterfat Top 82c 4 SSe; B grad prtnU 3ct A grade prints 84c pricee paid ta crearere by Salem bsymr . xaovsmeer s (Tie ertces Io. spae by S local p. uaieeuf w uy !", . s, .i.. p;.. - . CraaWrrie bkL s.2i Orapefnit. rierida .so to 4.50 wiapeinui, anwu .... . v. a.oa Casabas. IK .01 Otaagss. Valencia faacy S.00 ie 7.00 hotaagea, Ksvsis te as Deaaaa 1. ea staia , . . - m Haaa , , .06 .4.50 to S.8S , ' 1.00 Lew on ue trash Grapes Seedless . Lll , L75 . 1-tS . 1.8S -wt . Whit. MaUaas .Tokay Apple bushel is M Leo FeT D'AsjoO. bn . .TS - t55SSAS!" aaaisae, o .31 Ssmmer sqeuh. enu 1.0 .T6e 4e 1.0 .60 ---1 .es "" ewy. . jptoit leealTiar 41 Ml cabbage, ewt-ieeal . 90s te 1.15 50c U .65 A Kraat cab bare Oreea pepper leeaL ia. Oaios Waahisgtea. 6 lb .76 Leeat eaioa 60 lb , -, .65 Lsttuc toesL nt .71 t Lee Beets, teeal, de .50 Saaasa. Habbards aad Baaaaa M Carrot loeaL do 13 te .18 Lees fatal eos K t. hesdred ,- ' , M K 1. kaadred .80 Yakha M Dm. .43 U Sweet potatoes - , , S.00 Calif era ia pea .11 California beans -' .11 Temstee Calif, tr 1.T5 rue ana .1 e .is Taraip de . .36 AS .SO Eedlvs ce ' I IUU- hmcli, brre aora (Bartnc PMee OhuW, 14, lb, tep It fsggle 19S4, top. Is. .15 .11 KQOI (Baying Price) Extras .83 .2 XI 41 J4 JJ .3 .81 Standards Hediams , Pallet Wbeletale Sellias pn ExVas Btsadards Medium Pallet WOOL AKD MUBAia (Boriex Price) Mohair. 1984 clip e market Medium wool. 1934 .IS .80 Coarse sad fine wool. 1984 POULTRY IBnyiar Price) Beavy bea 4H te 5 lb .10 .10 .10 .08 .09 .IS .11 .04 .11 Orar peond.. lb. OeUred medlns lb. , Medism Legbornt, lb. , , Light lb. aolered. lb. Lean ore. lb. max lb Turkey heat, lb. MEAT Baying Price) Spring lambs -4.50 te 6.00 Yearlings kwss 08 aad .ei .,, S.00 6.35 I.T8 .03 H te .OS 01H te .01 H .02 H te .02 .03 H te .08 H 4.50 to 5.00 Hera. 130-160 lb 170-310 lb . 310-350 lbs.. Steers - Cows . ,-' Bulla Heifers VeaL top Dressed veaL tea .01 M urease bogi grTin iil HAY (Boylns Priee) i Wheat, wertera red .81 - .88 .18.00 .14.00 so.oe WhiU, No. 1 Barley, ed. No. 1, ton Maltinr, ton read, toa rTay. buriiuc prices Clww bay . .oe .0.00 J1.00 Oats sad vetea, toa - ITsU valley, tint cat Clevsr Seed Bed, lb. AUik I. . .17 . .30 .80.00 .27.00 Tetch seed. tea Oat milliag. toa 11 .IfAf Srtial ta Held to Get Fund for School's Gym AIRLIE, Nor. 8 Th basket social given by high school stu dents recently was quite success ful in spite of weather. Proceeds amounted to .840, to b used on schooj gym Improrement. ' -Bill Cootea Monday made a bus iness trip pertaining to his saw- mill PorUaud. . , ...... , 5 Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hadley, Mrs AMf srup.-. 3. piou t weu( ao roiuaoa -neuneauaT vim 1 turkeys for th i TnaiiksTlog mary TZ.t7 1 to Tlsi I Brookl. eu mrs. aunt uaaiey remained her daughter, Mrs. Ralph 'Raps College , Lala Lwdtey Trtttf Louis - Lackey, : abev. - dropped a bembsheB tat -: th ttldst f th Soutbera Baptist students' conference la Memphis, Tenawhea sheTfbarfed that moral conditions at the Unlver sity of Missouri are "at a rery low lb la relation to what the" Chrlstias Ideal f morality U". UIss Lackey, student reprtsenta tiv at th conference. Is a grado ' at gtadeat at th university. , :.-y0v.rL .x:-.. . " " ". , CHICAGO. Not. 8.-(ff-Abate- ment ot Inflation talk appeared to be largely respoasible for all- . around setback of wheat price today to below $1 a bushel. Possibilities of wheat imports Into the United State from Ar gentina counted also as a bearish Influence. It was contended was wtereas the lncentlre for yesterr day's late bnlg In wheat price had been talk of . Inflation. tn fact was that coagf est does not meet until Jannary, and that as an immediat market force suea talk seemed at least prematura, v. Wheat closed unstable at about tha day's lowest level, 1ft. 14 aader yeaterdara finish, May 8-, cora. down. May 80V4-H. oats olU aad Tro- rlslons unchanged to 30 cents de cline, v.. Today's closing qnotations: Wheat December-old tt. aew !!-; May IIH-'.-iulf, Cora Deeember eld 784-. aew 71 -'. May -MH-.M: 80. . Oats December old 51. ew 51; May 9V4; Jaly 44. PORTLAND, Ore., Nor. t.-yP) -Prices were fairly steady at to day's session of the gardeners and ranchers' market. . Celery beans were back ap to 90 cents a dotea bunches aad celery stock was np to SO and 90 cents a crate. Tomatoes war steady at 31 and 75 cents a crate. Local let tuce was offered 80 and 85 cents crate. Carrots were holding steady at 19 aad 12 cents per dosea bunches. Brussel sprouts were offered at 75 and 85 cents per crate. Tomatoes Per erst 13 & 75c; Ke. 2 30e per erste. Bpiaaea Per eraage bea. cue. Carrets New, per dezea buochea-100 13 Eeeta Per deaea baacke 025 Parsley Per dosea beaehe 15 Ores Onioas Per dosea benches, 15c. Taraips Per dosea buaehe 30 Rutabagas Per crate, SOe. Radisbee Par doiea bunches, 15 Peas Local. 6Q8c. Lettuce Per erat local. 40 80c: The raUe SOe-l.OO. Cabbac Per erat 00 75c. Cauliflower Local, Ke. 1. 4075e per erste: he. 3. 8035e per erst Celery Hearts Doiea beaehe 609 roe. Peppers Bed. 25c per peack bos; greea. 60e per ersnrs box. Ureas Beaas Per IK, SQ7 Sauaah DsaisK 70s per crate: suae- mar. SO SOc- creekaeek. S5 Htnwberrlss 63 3.25. Cera Per sack, 75 Cueumbeie Pickling. S035e; slleing. 40c -r- Eggplaai LoeaL 50c; ialle 80Q60. CaaUieapes Per erat SI 1.85. Peaches Oalway 60l75e per box. Prunes Per pouad, 8e. Pears D'Asjeu 8065e per hex. Apple Jumble pack, per box. 50 tf 65c; Oelleioas se Spitxeaberg extra, (sacy. $1.50. Grapes Ceecer SOe Per leg; Zia- fandtl 6065 per lug. Pumpkin Per cantaloupe crate. 40a. Brussel Spmta Per erat T5(g85c Broccoli Per lu 23e. OF SOILS IS O OAK POINT, Nor. 8 The Ru ral federation of women's clubs will meet at the Oak Point school Saturday to complete plans for the Christmas seal sale campaign. All clabs, organisations or Indi viduals Interested in this project are invited to attend. Mrs. Saldi Orr Dunbar of Portland will b the main speaker. Mrs. George VanSanten, seal sal chairman for Polk county,' will nam her committees and provide .material for the campaign. The ersante-oa -as cet ar goal for this year fir cents per capita. During the ensuing year, tha association with the aid ot county organise tioha plans to emphasise the Importance .of health for th school .child, and to urge an early diagnosis ot tuberculosis. Girl Scouts Troop Organized With 18 Woodburn Members i PBICESEH onmtiiT C1PH FOiSUE ; WOODBURN, Nor. 8 A troop C of Girl Scouts has been recently organised, sponsored by the Amer- ' lean-Legion auxiliary. Mrs. Vira -Beechler Is leader for the 18 gtrls, V who hare chosen the name of Abi qua troop, Patty Smith Is leader '., ot the first patrol, Helen Sebern, ! the second, and Mary Jane Dunn -is . secretary-treasurer. Meetings are being held erery Friday af ternoon at the home of the mem-" bers. ". . a ',' , ' , .Members enrolled ar Patty, Smith. Corlnna Gill, Aileen Bent ley, , Donna Dunn, Mary Jane Dunn, Elsie Yoder, Helen Toder.K Viola Mills, Patty Sims, Eileen Le rebrre,:AaiU . Hoef er, Lilliam Pomeroy. Nelda Trullinger, Helen ? Sebrea, Ines Hermanson. France" BaDard, Haxel ..Haagea and Ina ' Clair Rena. The girls will con duct a candy booth at the auxil iary dinner at the armory oa Arj mistlee day. f , Farmer Grain ' . Warehouse L. Liberty at Trad Sta. . . iDMll DEALERS 100 l-v Egg Prodacer I Protein . ... $1.95 90 tbs. thAry: Ration : A-VBtWM $1.35 IS Protein