Oresron, Thureday Morning, November 8, 1934 PAGE SEVEN PJK.TEUS ROBERT MODUS Michigan Cells Reveal Weapons VISHG IT IIS eu m ens t " V- The OREGON "STATESMAN. Safexru LVAUfEH HAS SUM Granger's News Column polk County Follows -' Rest of State in Voting; Spaulding Wins DALLAS, Not. 7. Complete unofficial returns from the 85 nreeinets In Pollr county followed closely the retains from the bal ance of the state, giving the pref erence to Martin for gwernor; Mott for congressman; SneU for secretary of state; Howard, sup erintendent of public instrnctlonr. and Gram, commissioner of labor. R. W. Hogg, democratic candidate for state senator from the ninth district, took a. lead .of SIT to tea over Deanr Walker In this coun ty. . L . However, , In Benton and Polk counties combined unofficial re- tarns five a 14-vote lead for Walker. Benton county cast 3000 -votes for Walker and 2419 for Hogg, which gives Walker a com blaed &33f against 5325 for Hogg. The race between Bract Spaulding, Dallas attorney, and Elmer D. Cook of West Salem for the office of district attorney went against predictions when Spanrding carried the connty with an edge of over 500 votes. Spauld ing. who got the highest vote here of any candidate, took a lead of 451 votes in the four Dallas pre cincts, gathering 771 votes against 329 for Cook, and held his oppon ent to a small margin In Cook's own territory of West Salem where the count in the two pre cincts was 302 for Cook and 117 for Spanldlnr. Lyle D. Thomas of West Salem gathered a 'safe lead over his Op ponent for the, state representa tive orrice when he received 2829 votes against 2287 for Taylor A. Dunn. Frd Gibson, democratic candidate for connty commission er, defeated Frank Farmer, re publican and Incumbent, by a vote of 2860 to 2543. The three measures on the bal lot did not fare well in this coun ty, all being defeated by good margins. .;" Complete Returns from the 35 precincts in the county, unoffi cial count, were as follows: Congressman, first district Mott. 2908; Turner. 2242; Gul ley. 474; Richard, 51. Governor, Martin, 2057; Zimmerman, 1952; Dunne, 1342; CorrelJ, 17; Silver man, 9; Wirth, 4. Secretary of state, Snell, 2863; Walter, 2034; Steward, 14 ; Talbert, 141. Superintendent of public In struction, Howard, 2792; Leon hard t, 1947; Meyer, 241. Com missioner of labor, Gram, 2785; Shuholm, 1836; Waer, 214. State senator, ninth district, R. W. Hogf. 2856; Dean H. Walker, 2339; . tate representative, Lyle D. Thomas, 2829; Taylor A. Dunn, 2287. " v District attorney, Bruce Spauld- 'if 1 l,'v; . iVw . WlttfiTi Warden Peter P. Gray, left, and Deputy Warden D. C Pettit, of the state prisoa at Jackson, Mick, are shown examining part of the 200 deadly weapons found by guards In a search of 6,000 Inmates and their cells, following the fatal stabbing of a convict. Many of the knives were improvised, and others were stolen from the work shops of the penitentiary, the world's largest prison. lag, 2908; Elmer D. Cook, 2338. County commissioner, Fred Gib son, 2860; Frank Farmer, 2343. Power bill. Yes. 22S6; No. 2558; Tax limitation. Yes, 1973; No, 2792. Healing arts. Yes, 1481; No, 3257. Mt. Angel Votes $2000 Warrants to Add Fire Service MT. ANGEL, Nov. 7. By a ma jority of 102 votes in the city election Mt. Angel decided in fa vor of the issuance of warrants to the extent of $2000 for the purpose of purchasing new equip ment for the local fire depart ment. Three couacilmen were elected, Joseph L. Wachter with 212, William Predeek with 176. and William J.'Kloft with 128 votes. For the city election 248 votes were cast, Pajul Bucholz was reelected constable. Mennonites Already Practice for Dec. 25 PRATDM. Nov. 7. The choir of the Mennonite church is prac ticing twice a week on a Christ mas cantata. Mrs. Lorena Thompson and Helen Mae Thompson were din ner guests at the Antrim home at Aloha Sunday. In the afternoon they visited with relatives in Portland. Mr. nd Mrs. George Klesn. Nellie and Waldo Kleen visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kleen In Brownsville Sunday. Edward Fischer Hurt as Rocks Skid Auto SILVERTON, Not. 7. Edward Fischer, four years, of Marquam, Is at the Silverton hospital re covering from facial wounds re ceived Monday afternoon, sustain ed when the car of his parents skidded in soft gravel near Mar auarn and rolled over. No other occupant of the car was injured. 250 Attend, Discuss -Plans for Christmas Tree; Church Improved GERVAIS, Nor. T. The first meeting of the year for the Parent-Teacher association was held at the auditorium Monday night with attendance of about 250. Thirty participated In the pro gram. The Rhythm band, under direction of Fern Foster, primary teacher, gave two numbers with Roger Regele as band director. The grade school chorus of IS boys and girls g a t e a pleasing number. Mrs. R. L. Wright, of Sa lem, gave an Inspiring talk on the plans, the work, and the need of a live P.T.A. in every commun ity. The community Christmas tree was discussed. Committee will be appointed at the December meet ing. Mrs. J. B. Brown Is president. Knlarge Cfanrch The basement of the Presbyter ian church Is being enlarged. A new concrete floor is being laid In the north end and other im provements are expected to fol low. , Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schwab of Silverton, and Mr. and Mrs. T. H, Cannard were guests at the P. W. Seely home Sunday night, helping Mr. Seely celebrate his birthday anniversary. Members of Fidelity lodge. A. F. and A. M., were Invited guests of the Woodburn lodge Mondar night when they put on some de gree work. Those who went from Gervais were Richard and George EVENS VALLEY, Not. 7. The Evens Valley community club of which Albert Funrue Is president will hold Its November meeting Friday night at the school. Mrs. Oscar Johnson la chairman of the refreshment committee. A small Edwin Lofthus; Tlolin solo, Ven dahl toe; guitar selection, Lyle Krng; instrumental selections, Fletcher girls; piano solo. Marvel Grlnde; reading. Otto Dahl; num bers by the girls quartet composed of Bernice Langsev, Thelma Loft hus, Helen Brenden, and Loreae Funrue; reading, Mary Loe; ac cordion solo, Melvin Kaser. RICKEY, Not. 7. A basket so cial and auction sale of donated articles, to raise money to fence the school yard, will be given in conjunction with the community elnb meeting to be held Friday night Among the numbers on the program will be a Yiolin solo by Vernon Shelton; a number by the Junior B community club, and a skit "Yes Caleb" and a one act play. "Nora's Mlxup" to be put on by Hazel Sheridan, Ann Fits patrlck, Patrick FHzpatrick, Elis abeth Fitspatrlck, Dorothy McEl roy, Margaret Magee and Hazel Magee. benefit club fee is charged at the door with no charge for refresh ments. The program arranged by Nor- Harrlson, C. M. VanZuyen, Blaine Brown, Scott Jones, B. J. J. Mill er, A. B. Minaker and Arthur and Chester Keene. ris Langser, Edwin Lofthus and Tom Snydar includes: selections by the Oregon Loggers, musical numbers "by the Sunde Sisters; reading, Harlaad Loe; guitar so los, Dick Carson; playlett, "The Empty House", featuring Law rence Brendon, Raymond Fanrue. Thelma Lofthus, Norrls Langsev, Parent-Teachers Invite Chamber for Dinner Meet INDEPENDENCE, Not. 7 The chamber of commerce members were guests of the Parent-Teach ers' association at dinner Monday night in the dining room at the training school. Approximately 80 attended. The program consisted of a wel come by Mrs. Omsv Belle McBee and a response from Tom Smith. Miss Doris Hendy sang three num bers accompanied by Mrs. Melford Nelson. President Churchill of the Normal school, spoke, comparing the modern school and the old time system. Thomas Gentle and Dean Walker also spoke. Mar garet Eddy and Mrs. Fay Mort played a violin duet accompanied by Audrey Baker. WALDO HILLS, Not. 7, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton (Jean Calllster) have returned from Honolulu where. they have lived for many years. For the present! they are living in saiem. it was Mrs. Morton who gave the land for the Waldo Hills club house.. Frank Bowers has returned from a three weeks' visit to his brother, Harry, at Bandon. The Community clnh will meet Friday night and Mrs. Frank Bowers, refreshment chairman, announces lunch will he potluck. Funeral Services for Town to Be Today SILVERTON, Not. 7. Funeral services for William Towne, who passed away early this week, will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Ekman chapel with the Masonic lodge in charge anfl interment in the Miller cemetery VICTOR POINT, Not. 7-Un- a mi. m . . . . . . ion u.iu juvenile grange aeia ma afternoon party Saturday at the grange halL Clever place cards were used to mark places laid for for the afternoon were arranged by Lenora Heater, Mary Butler and Walter UcElhaney. In charge of the luncheon were Verla Car ter, Robert Humphreys and Eu gene Butler. Saturday night will be social meeting i night for Union Hill grange members and their guests. Dancing has been arranged for, also potluck supper. SCHOOL CENSUS GAINS GRAND ISLAND, Not. 7. Mrs. Louis Will, district clerk, has completed the school census for the coming year with a total of 13, 31 boys and 82 girls on the census record. This is a gain of seven over last year. ROBERT 6HEPARDS HERE ZEN A, Nov. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shepard are entertaining his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shepard of Chltina. Alaska. Mr. Shepard Is road com missioner in Alaska. Robert Shep ard visited here six years ago. Gross-: Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFEIt 1 I2 I3 l4 I VXA 6 I1 I Is l I'O 2 " ' 7Z I32 r I W HORIZONTAL 1 What prophet was swallowed by a whale? 5J What ia the eldest .aatvenity ' la America 7 11 Dutch eneese J2 Who was the iaveaUr ef the wing Machine? 13 Gazelle ef the Tibetan plateau 14 Kind ef doth 15 Ascend IS Of great extent 17 Plural pronoun 18 Cast off capriciously 19 Wigwam 20 What actor appeared with Us : wife la . the tnetioa picture, "The GwrtltM"! Alfred? 21 SUb deeply 22 Amid 24 Great nomber 25 Exclamation 27 Slender 28 Twining stem 29 Son of 3foah 50 Unit of work 51 Long sharp tooth 52 ODe ot a great Bantu tribe 53 Possessive pronoun 54 Darkness $5 Female persons S3 One of a Slavic tribe 87 Sharpen a razor 88 Soft, dry and friable 40 Part of the skeleton 41 Like - T 42 Street urchin 43 Grain steeped ia water 44 Native compound : 3 What cewatry -has fceea e gaged ia a dispute with Bolivia aver the Chace region t tft At what time ' - VERTICAL 1 What le the "iWy Gty? . 2 Poems . 8 Short sleep , , 4 Part of "to be . : R One who entertains rnetts 6 Inspire with, reverential fee 7 Note at the scale 8 Lore feast of the primitive . Christians 9 Flower 10 Fruit of the pals " v JS Sword 15 Resound 16 To a great degree 18 Chinese Teasel 19 Quality of a sound 20 What senator ia kaowa as the 'Xiacfish'? 21 Group of persons working to gether 23 Feminine name 24 Animal related to the weasel 25 Robust 2 Who dUcovorod the Sooth Polo ia 1911? 28 Appendage suggestive of a beard 29 What Scottish historiaa and philosopher wrote the "Trea tiee ef Hasaaa Nataro" 31 Rage 32 Encircling band 84 Tho stage aaaao of what Am- trafiaa praaa aoaaa was taken from her native city, Melbourne? SS Custom 88 Region between France and Germany 37 Sacrosanct 38 Plan 39 Period ef time 40 Cry ef the sheep 41 Land measure 43 Greek letter 44 Exclamation Herewith, is the yesterday pwtrle. solution, te POLLY AND HER PALS Peakie on the Scent By CUFF STERRETT 'COME INSIDE ANT OSH ME THE ) J 1 1 1 v PHCXDESHElL. rvB j U4G BlCK HAIR, AM' ) . ( I NEVER TPUDvJAHCME ) T f DIRT ABOUT THIS HERMIE, f THIS LOOKS DISCOVER THAT TM A SUSHV BEARD? BUT CMCE I KAARRIED V HONEVf I ONCE KMEW A fffiyGyS LIKE VDUR VKr HER LjOMG LOST ) YKV? THEM IT r-CPTV ?1p LA POI":fJ.K?Ta: 1-HERMIEAN'HOVV rds1 FINISH, HOSBAND.I W&S CANT BE Mj- ( ff HERMAM HICKS.' -f - tfj y Pl MICKEY MOUSE A Bird's - Eyevkw ICKEV, RY1NG "TO LAND HIS BUMP IN THS FOG, FOULS A STEEPLE AND The. ship is PERCHED HELPLESSLY ON TOP OP ONE at 5TUMSOOLS MANY minarets! rfi-THO WE'RE? STUX WHAT Xfgtf OS'SOMEPN R?fPTHS TOO, tS IS IT, MrW ALU THE SAS CLEARlN' SOME- are. we V: Tf y-.f rWMBRa.vs j By WALT DISNEY KOOGGONSI WE'RE HAN41N' FfiOMi THE TOP OP A MINARET AND WELL, l'MA !1 THERE GOES THE CROOK WITH THE ar-w I T y-yKJ CCC THE BIRO WITH HPCK ! AND US MAROONED WYB?E LIKE STfTCHOOS! A I A TWISTED H THIMBLE THEATREtarring Popeye "Beast of Borden BySEGAR AKOV.STRfSKGERSl tHt Thct fW WATCR I 7 I V I I I VUP-THERE'S cv V Right caer t3L UlA. TfVKE HIM OVER) 4 h (IhtSndIoe?) S LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY A Midnight Performance By DARREL McCLURE ( "R.EMEMBER, HOKlCv MO Vj BUT OAOD DEAR X KJEW5 ISGOODWEW5-.JP' f SIWCE XaVIW THAT" ' ANVTHlMG HAPPEWEOTD CUEL AAKS. AAEAWV AMKiie, rr would bc vny afraid shz-ul THETAPEgs Jy-rM catch Amne-. AMD TfirlffiMCl Witf Wfr4 "T WILL BREAK j V WOVASery.REMEMBERM30 1 "Promised you wouldmt vjokry APTER ALLTHE CHILD 15 ACCusrmeDTO haroship. AMD WE A4UST MOT FORGET THAT AARSkMEAMr I5AMM3SS LECAU IS si CUASTXAM A rczs;KJ f GU&ZHOSM. ZERO 1 HAD THC SWEU-EST ORCAM 1 WAS DWCAMtWe MX1 AM' ME VA5 STtLL LIVIMG WITH OET5y POLKS X MAO Swell Clothes am oj had a pile of BOWES AS MiCH AS A HOUSE-- V KCOuRSErr was ohlv A DREAM iSUT WHCK1 X CPEKMED MY EYES, X PELT 6 LAD AU. OVER,- W0UE5T, X W15HT T COULD DREAM BOUT BETfJX tSVECY MJGHTU.SHE WAS A SWELL. UTTLE KIO n r- 1 v I 1 M -M a . a fn tfi nn.tt.C ami iiiif i. Imwn TOOTS AND CASPER t CBMEBAOCHERB " II f f COLONEL HOOFER! I -A TOtTRE OUST THE Sr MAN I WANT f fL& rnuEtnFj-nALiv mraffi my wtCEL AND I LARS 6C4N6 ANfiff FOR A LONr TJM3 AND I NEED AN EPFIOENT uDSITlVav TO TAKSMY PLACE DURlNa MY ABSENCE- "THS MAN MUST BS CAPABLE CP TAMNlr COHPLETE CHARTS OP BOTM MT BUSINESS AND MY HOMS "THS HAN WH9 OCCUPIES MV OFFICE MUST ALSO nANSicn A Willing Target By JIMMY MURPHY J YORS, sNTERESTTtlD (1 b lta-4jIValTOUTHS 5; awBKK: COLONEL HOOPER. O I THINK YCUlCZ THS f v a A a, a a a. asaatajaaaiv am Sv aaa r . Yffn fT ,twivniiT PELLOW, , :- SAY THAT ALL OVER WHAT A4AJN , MR. PLUNKER! do you a rT lottos 206000 SAY? ) rlL HAVB TO HEAR li A it Tvrxa to . SarrTLB DOES ..: COLONEt, HOOF&R KNOW THAT ! HS MAY SOON BS A FOR THE TCSN'rHT. PHANTOMa wLLETS! CONTtNUCD eVaasaV 'sst4,Ssuj" tTCMORROVV.