31 PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN. SaTcm, Oreson, Wednesday Mornlnjr, November 7, 193i ititJTiiE SHE AS EVER Demos Jubilant; Republican . ;: Leaders Ask Bank and - File- to : Carry on ...v 5' Washington. . not. " 6.-(p)- Tbe single national "certainty- em erging, from the congressional margins I -.voted .'.today was that '; President Roosevelt won right-o"--way. for .the new deal. for two 'mOre ftkH.-;t CT" '.v:.V' -.- In a- sense the; acina! ballptlng Iwas- but- jthe passing of ; known r horizon, Ever since, the ? Maine results In. September,- the tallying of ; those senate; and -house major- Hies Jot the democrats had been about, taken tot-granted even by i Innumerable repu blicans. v,. Now the event was over. v Far ahead gleamed t another horizon, with the figures .'1S3 6" beckoning-.- ": ,-','. - ' ' ' ' - - ' Far from resting back the dem ocrats through Chairman Farley already had announced the new deal waa going-the same as ever. He mentioned, the relief and pub lic works policies especially. ; : And Chairman Fletcher for the : republicans said the ; party's na tional upbraiding of the sew deal Innovations would, be continued. He beseeched . the : party's rank and file to keep the faith, for the t nert. two years. Hi KEEPS V I ST. PAUL.' Nov; 6.-i)-Over-. whelming pluralities from his strongholds in the north,' shot Minnesota's self-styled "radical" - governor, Floyd B. Olson, into the . lead over his republican opponent ' tonight. v . " ' -. ' Side by side with the farmer labor chief executive, ran United States Senator Henrik, Shlpstead, ; seeking . reelection as the only . man of his party In the nation's highest house of legislators. -:T. Farmers and laborers from r northern Minnesota pushed Gov ernor Olson's margin over Martin A." Nelson ; (R) to. about 18,000 -with .John E. Regan, the demo- erat;' who ? opposed support of ; President Roosevelt at the 1.932 , state democratic convention, trail ing a poor third. , - Interfering' with. watchers at the polls. " iv -, Two men were kidnaped In Chi cago but were liberated, quickly and unharmed. ; . .' . .. Albert Vines, 48, was shot to death as he left a polling place at Lowe, Mercer county, W, Va. but police said the shooting was the outgrowth of family quar rel, rand not connected with the : election. '.. "t " I '. . miOSc(Won;f, : By Democrats in A Idaho's Election v.-y s BOISE, Idaho. Nov 7-(Wed-- nesday )-Ay-Idahos voters . have ; pledged the 'state to the new I deal. I . s .. With a sweeping vote that ear , ried; every democrat!? , state and .- congressional candidate Into of Jice,; the majority of the electors disregarded the warning' of Sen ator I William E. Borah that man . phases of the Roosevelt admin-i lstration policy were nnsulted ' the west or . to the country. ; -As the tabulatio-progressed this morning, democratic major ities grew. . - : -. , - .. , . MontanaSupportu fCWjiDea; is ; ; Gaining Steadily HELENA,- Mont JJov. T -V' Deinoeratle supporters-: of -5. tie .nw deal in Montana, headed hy , the senior United States senator, Enrlon K. Wheeler, swept Into a formidable lead as reports' trick le In t f rom f 187 ' of the state's 1387 precincts tonight.- ,c TJie- senator's margin over for- . mer- Federal. Judge George M Bovquln, outspoken f republican adversary t the ' recovery proi gram; Increased with each added report. - : Vanderbilt gift, "flats Sunderland House, In Mayfair, London, which -was the wedding gift of the late W. K. Vanderbilt to his dacghter, Consuelo, on her marriage In 1885 to the Dukke of Marlborough, is shortly to be re ooened as residential .flats. The beautiful ' reception rooms . and ballroom will be available tor fe cial, and other functions. The " mansion " has .been more or. less derelict for nearly 30 years. It itand3 oa an island estate of 1,000 njuara feet, and its original cost was nearly 32,500,000, - The fa mous ballroom, 89. feet long, 20 feet wide and .27: f eet TUgh, Is claimed te berths. finest in May- fair. : It cost izso.qoo, ana nas car lla pilasters, a painted eell- ..vlsg.aal a musicians' gallery. Sev- i tus&ii. people ' have danced t-ere tt cse tisae.. ;i In Tight Race Above, Joe E. Dunne, republican 4 nominee; - below, Peter Zim merman, independent, who are engaged in a close race for second place behind Charles H. Martin In the governorship count, Zimmerman was about 700 votes ahead on the latest available count. FIXSETH IS MAYOR DALLAS, Koy. . City ticket elected here today Included: Leif S. Finseth, mayor; J. R. Craven, auditor and police Judge; council- men: J. . Wick, ward one; J. tt. Allgood, ward two; A. B. Star buck, ward three; Earl Richard son, ward three; C. B. Sun d berg, councilman at large. Edward J. Hlmes was elected county sur veyor. I .A." k4 . r : ... ... s--' rf .: . :r . i.-' . ... .Secy.of, . 8npt. of ..Labor '- - Congnu .Governor State Pub.Inrt. Com. SUte Senator RepresenUtive' Precinct """" g. 'r I II I I I I I I I Name E - J a ' j a ; 5 J I f I ? I I J 1 I 1 I J i I - j 1 West Mt. Angel 8 149 52 20 144 49 160 Monitor 24 103 59 2J. 69 112 110 North HoweU . SO 83 86 20 21 115 72 AcottsMilla 33 98, 48 . 35 41 111 84 Scollard 13 85 67 21 62 101 90 Aumsville 28 61 56 86 40 75 81 East Gervais 17 103 57 28 61 25 105 West Oervais 11 67 4 . 5 23 SO 43 St. Paul 9 S5 SS 20 152 17 121 Turner 19 148 86 78 81 142 186 r ' " ' - 'r ' " ' ' ' Central Howell 14 85 62 28 29 104 92 Jefferson 40 165 60 89 66 122 179 Salem No. 12 68 128 98 76 112 103 208 Salem No. 4 92 162 10 103. 105 170 220 SalentXo. 18 51 128 104 75 134 80 213 Salem No. 24 Stayton - . - East Stayton East Salem Aurora,.--:.'; Qnlnaby - Eaglewood DOnaM East Hubbard West Hubbard BrtKtks. 61 182 37 95 36 136 47 . 108 23 104 28 86 77 164 29 21 29 77 62 82 80 94 89 146 Salem No. IS Salem No. 20 Salem No. 11 Cbampoeg Shaw ; Sublimity East Woodbuns West Woodburn Salem No. fl North Sllverton East SRvertoa East Sit. Angel Salem No, 21 : Salem No. 22 1 Salem Ne. 17 Salem No. 8 Salem No. 7 Salem Jfo. 9 Salem No. S' "r Salem Ne. 10 ' V Salem No. 16 Chenutwa -Riverview Fairfield South Silvertosi West SUvertOB . Silver Falls Woodard '- -Salem No. 23 " Salem No. S : : 22 102 61 205 6 26 ' 2 18 73 49 79 88 49 IS 82 16 68 71 . 46 IS ; 83 15 17 41' 1 33 61 3 - 89 48 81 ' "I 128 83 11 42 20 42 43 165 145 139 83 239 163 262 139 310 34 79 105 110 69 .131 12S 137 120 47 206 113 156 .83 165 145 187 " ,83 182 ,163f 160 143 141 123 128 67 19 . IS . 86 18 96 43 208 204 29 12 1 17 97 80 124 89 ; 63 . -: 49 257 Salem No. 15 Victor Point' ButteviBe .J Salem No. 1 . ' Salem Xo. 19 Waeond .. ';. Macleay Marion- - -"-,-v liberty - McKee . Pringle Sidney v Rosedale ' Salem Height Salem Ne. 14 Salem. Ne. : u .r 214 66 ,95 14 63 18 .70 ' 39 100 . 4 -M3; 75 .. 17 : 86 , 103' 159 115 .118 C9 193 ; 201v 114 257 .151 ,225 W 48. IS H11ID OREGON GIF Snell Certain, F.lott Ahead By Fair Margin; Gram -. And Howard Lead ., ., (Coatlad fro pat lead over Joe E. Dunne, the' re publican, and Peter' Zimmerman, independent. . Martin's ' lead over Dunne was greater than the re publican candidate held over Zim merman, r 'V J? Walter M. -Pierce, democratic congressman from the first (east ern Oregon) district,-rafter hav ing trailed In the early, tabula tioos, -was found late . tonight to be leading Jay H. .Upton, republi can, by a narrow margin. . ; James W. Mott, republican In cumbent from the second (west ern Oregon) district, t was ahead of, but close to, R; R. Turner, the democratic nominee. . ; r ?v ! In the third (Portland) con gressional district William A. Ek walL republican circuit Judge, .had a-narrow lead over '-Walter fB. Gleason, a democrat.- i i. ' i , ):: Earl Snell, republican for sec retary of state was Increasing his gains over Horace E. Walter, democrat,- to continue leading the party ticket. His election was virtually conceded when early re turns' indicated a safe margin for the speaker of the house of the 1933 legislature; , : In the race j for superintendent of public instruction, Charles' A. Howard showed 1 ncreased strength for Teelection for his third term in office over J. W. Leonhardt of La Grande. i Charles H. Gram, state labor commissioner was also gaining as late returns from upstate gave him greater margins over Wal fred Shuholm of Portland. All. three measures placed on the ballot apepared doomed. The healing, arts measure was receiv ing the greatest negative vote. The tax limitation measure like wise appeared definitely killed, while a closer vote, with affirm atives trailing, was cast tor the so-called grange power bill. RITCHIE FAR AHEAD BALTIMORE, Nov. 7.-(Wed-nesday)-(fln-With only 103 of Maryland's 1351. precincts report ed early this morning. Governor Albert C. Ritchie, democratic can didate for reelection, led his re publican opponent, Harry W. Nice by 3034 votes. - How 73 Marion SS 64 56: 69 19 50 64 69. 13 66 80 69 11 68 ' 108 111 152 63 '62 .4 74 64 109 93 276 62 66 - 114 78 s 77 117 113 53 41 44 44 53 120 125 73 14 118 117 73 51 82 43 60 44 16 58 111 105, 48 7 71 199 211 - 102 29 60 76 87 49 29 33 69 . 75 54 61 48 54 87 49 41 132 32 34 102 110 48, 82 142- 142r 228. 116"199 138 222 118 246 141 88 62 95 108 173 161 68 151 . 63 67 307 65 20 3 33 17 9 20 43 17 104 148 ' 73 96 168 77 119 108 36 64 150 22 21 37 "29 , 151 113 i 190 : 114' 203 81 125 107 62 171 88 144 20 327 64 ' 106 293 45 123 165 17.112 62 145 131 117 99 142 136 149 ' 90 108 50 44 ' S 17 S 13 18 "39 47 310 7 14 4 8 72 90 281 125 68 : 183 85 '113 : 117 . 155': 84. 195 S6 .186 147 12 . 66 TiY. 179 26 31 85 300 191 300 215 316 198 1321 102 j 106 r .37 1 107 i . 76 272. 212 214 ; 257 26.9 139 . 14LJ 271 -79 199 114 ' 138 - 70 16' 16 - 38,::. 39 94 66 214 233 20 1 15 11 22 158 67 114 . 89 113 35 194 14 84 ' 82 86 ;124 -;149 100 19; ' 17 "17 51 ' 66 .33 29 : J 11 49 37 . 48 V 38 171 144 185 233 264 181 137 ; 152 , 80 -26 - 45 1 17 34 10 151 145 34 ,- 47 31 ; 141 , II'- 72 43 -78 306 117 66 36 ' 94 66 " 49 . : 43 11 61 36 28 18 40 10 37 SI 85 63 61 111 65 109 - 78 . 87 ' 118 .78 - 69 4 ,61 118 , 64 266 i 108 39 56 129 -14 1 99 50 115 138 182 151 24S 180 110 12: . 94 :288 :uv 321 111 86 : - Be Lonesome? i i i n ii in iiiniii.l..rouin"""iin"' James ; W. Mott, who was -ell ahead; ta hia -content for re-election to congreas en late re tarns ' this morning, but will have mighty little republican company In eongreec - - Virginia Elects -New Dealers to -Congress Places RICHMOND, Nov. Senator Harry F. Byrd and nine democratic congressmen were re elected today In Virginia's demo cratic landslide. It was a new deal victory. Senator Byrd', although opposing certain features of the new. deal program, as did Virginia's senior senatoy Carter Glass, was never theless the new deal candidate in the race. Lawrence C. Page,, re publican and former Norfolk post master, ran on an anti-new deal platform. ' Seven of Jurors In Insull Trial Unable to Vote CHICAGO, Nov. .-P)-Maybe it does seem like discrimination, but seven of the Jurors trying Samuel Insull and his associates couldnt vote today. The other seven there are two alternate Jarors did vote. Reason: In your own county you can't be an absentee voter, says the law. Seven of the Jurors live in Cook county,- so they're not absentees. County Precincts Voted on State, District and 140 S3 65 68 57 63 164 93 107 63 76 SI 81 94 , 74 64. 90 83 . 89 69 66 86 160 115 66 111 113 52 65 111 65 78 80 75 88 , 88 40 83 86 62 104 117 35 45 76 73, 77 32,' 91 S3 108 62 133 57 83 ;i51 US, 167 14 159 161 76 69 82 149 106 176 190 75 203 41 76 91 66 169 142 66 204 134 220 136 237 101 228 159 203 t 66 199 71 206 152 260 73 25S 106 81 .117 125 101 129 62 281 179 68 121 102 82 120 115 69 105 113 65 114 100 97 94 113 103 84 120 68 74 167 143 67 78 56 74 85 62 90 56 85 98 187 114 171 169 84 60 77 6S 55 76 57 II 106 80 64 87 82 62 X96 49 105 94 130 64 121 59 144 78 289 66 .284 73 289 200 26 24 '- 25 21 62 33 25 100. 127 118 s 109 ; 168 a 199 23 9 T 171 . 324. 231 203 236f 345 14 . 149 174 112' 107 's . o 126 US 145 137., 26. 36 164 169 108" 127 ' 304 : 197. 278 vi94-: 297.' 31 132 195, 185 127 190 202 297: 210 331 . 32 166 178 143 115 . 193 163 242 161 290 "113 ; 113 142 115 ill; 237 ; 87 2 46 76 144; ,272 87 220 V 63 211 12S ,242 r 71 .250 .345 ' 248 90 178 115 139 .70 11 15. 37 23 100. . 46 -.249 121 38 13 15 ,17 162 . 57 285 . 174 220 - 155 .232 149 259' 161 279 v 193 250, . 90 175 - 1 SI 122. 87 16 IS "19 66 79 66 226, 2 03 13 - 26, - 7' 27 162 " 69 266 160 104 166 , 142 128 - 18 11 1 II 14 . 81 233 169 26 19 . IS 16 151 ,117 .178 16 118 119 34 39 . 42 853 176 J 8 7 "-III ' 55: -41' 69 " 85 36 -66 75 . 60 '. . . 38 120 . 95 79 40 , 63 -100 79 240 134 192 .78 131 104 r 56 20 - 45 sS9 , 372 156 298 . ili, ' 65, " 33 :.98 61 , 64 46 - 93 43 69 86 108! . .68-. v 60 : 38, - 113 .67 : 245 .-111 208131 145 125 66. ,50 ' 46.. 45 857. 248 294 "70 95: . II S8 3 -J, ? 201 78 lio ;bo 31 100 105 .66 121 265 96 -10S 86 ;io4 135 244 115 -283, 169 302. 225 381 125-v 373, -lU,nS80..285. 63. 95 -: 87 84'-'S3 ' NEW DEAL TIDE Biggest . Bourbon Majority In Senate Since Civil r ;War Is Forecast V (CoaUao4 from t) Davey (D) leads Brown (R) for governor. . . - vt.- - VERMONT: Republican : Aus tin , has , diminishing . lead. - .- f ; '.. Pennsylvania: Reed, after lead ing Democrat Guffey, falls far be hind. Schnader, republican, leads democratic gubernatorial candi date Earie.,.,;!r,v-"!.;3 . t - WEST VIRGINIA : Holt, liberal democrat, apparently ; set .to : be new baby "senator to succeed old Quarder Hatfield, "new deal" en emy. . ... . . INDIANA: "New deal" menace, Robinson, .apparently booted ont of senatorship by ' Sherman . Min ton, democrat. .' ..' NEW JERSEY: Veteran repub lican Senator Kean trailing A. Harry Moore, new. dealer, for sen ate.' '" ' ' MICHIGAN: G. O. P. Senator Vahdenberg slightly leading Pic ard. democrat. MASSACHUSETTS : A preon vention ' Roosevelt man James M." Curley wins governorship; Senator David L Walsh leading Republican Bacon. RHODE ISLAND: Democrat Gerry leads Hebert, republican for senate. WISCONSIN: "Young. Bob" La Follette and brother Phil leading for senate and governorship. MINNESOTA: Farmer-laborite Olson , re-elected governor. Ship stead ahead as farmer-labor sen ator. ..CALIFORNIA: Republican Mer riam gained early lead over for mer Socialist Sinclair for the gov ernorship. Pittman is Easy Winner in Nevada RENO, Nev., Nov. C-()-Neva-da voters save Senator Key Pitt man, Incumbent democrat, a commanding lead over two op ponents in today's senatorial race, and were giving substan tial leads to a'l democratic can didates for state offices on basfs of returns, complete and incom plete, from 141 precincts of 246 in tne state. At it at poiat n the tabulation, the vote stood 37 13 SI 64 63 S3 64 IS 44 SWEEPS rJATIOfJ 154 165 141 95 , 37 63 91 27 27 41 103 45 62 51 60 151 62 131 74 122 100 98 113 71 69 84 93 60 44 62 77- 63 47 63 100 75 93 74 53 112 76 66 111 75 40 48 78 64 26 79 46 59 26 59 100 43 63 72 48 52 76 46 69 77 83 S3 80 76 50 75 59 66 41 62 103 63 62 101 51 114 67 73 34 40 87 100 90 69 46 71 63 78 40 41 82 68 83 65 34 101 71 62 64 68 66 68 58 65 29 61 65 57 27 65 " 68 89 76 - 63 71 64 27 f9 7 87 124 87 .64 79 92 59 54 74 67 ,72 52 63 86 85 65 96 27 125 89 30 73 22 26 75 61 27 17 66 , 21 -33 43 25' 67 28 66 29 43 46 91 112 100 34 69 77 109 41 33 47 103 76 78 20 35 . 135 94 75 17 144 158 136 151 153 94 86 - 98 96 71 123 104 100 58 119 116 116 119 141 146 107 49 188 85 64 92 63 64 66 83 67 34 67 49 46 29 74 66 49 94 52 81 66.-60 89 137 102 133 136 94 108 183 103 63 67 159 98 56 ; 104 100 140 93 151 47 176 160 161 168 149 87 72 90 90 681 26 132 59 ; 113 . 100 167 98 116 156 116 152 70 199 204 184 187 170 131 143 141 138 1081 155 112 111 103 48 171 185 157 178 134 200 116 223 190 183 185 149 89 75 81 82 54 98 137 , 51 130 (100 169 108 89 169 97 174 47 216 236 226 231 189 80 SI 90 73 60 105 181 49 184 104 329 104 92 235 116 218 46 284 122 114. 112 106 77 59 '86 68 34 73 90 62 35 98 : 66 125 49 146 61 122 118 115 104 104 118 104 125 117 42 88 116 93 38 96 97 113 75 153. 69 164 94 96 108 94 77 87 102 70 69 92 52 65 51 " 84 92 93 116 76 104 S 60 123 108 110 104 117 80 79 69 If 68 74 60 51 93 62 108 93 87 97 70 120 71. 78 114 60 68 60 73 61 , 44 82 46 69 59 64 74 74 81 76 56 81 26 118 177 168 184 139 120 188 142 10 9 85 144 98 94 85 133 167 117 151 152 131 174 85 269 68 69 71 68 61 81- 73 68 31 78 37 54 49 ' 36 74 68 74 58 45 89 68 65 68 65 67 73 61 68 47 47 63 63; 36 41 73 58 73 59 34 96 S 85 93 80 53 62 62 46 32 44 74 jt7.' 26' 69 52 ,87 64 86 13 125 63 73 120 62 53 16 1 61 44 71 61 66 41 53 4 61 65 78 65 79 53 89 310 187 191 166 . 127 114 124. 120 92 142 127 65 156 128 189 158 141 192 125 216 68 276 181 134 118 86 73 73 , 63 68 .47 , 61 108 51 75 75 100 85 . 68 140 76 128 49 16S 277 221 233 195 87 84 93 7 7 65 76 226 46 180 1X8 228 108 92 249 109 ZZ.0 57 231 20 21 21 19 25 27 34 82 15 . 23 14 15 24 15 " 27 22 30 16 11 38 27 IS 28 20 27 41 S3 2 9 16 29 25 30 16 20 19 31 42 21 35 22 21 36 135 98, 128 64 133 115 158 81 49 113 104 116 72 62 142 113 139 113 79 181 157 188 167 163 127 136. 149 119 88 111 130 107 78 124 147 140 142 141 91. 184 149 127 1 156 111 131 117 121; 87- 61 101 129 110 39 80 85 185 124 123 60 188 111 , 102 109 79 10.8 118 113 10S 72 139 i 3 3 6 7 8 6 8 5 1 04 1 23 1 3 8 7 6s 96 116 68 132 60 86 162 73 125 133 176 131 161 99 131 113 79 165 68 73 SS 61 39 86 42 62 13 17 43 103 133 128 130 ' lllV 157 141" 160 54; 16 66 20 .71 167 184 101 77 90 12 205 186 280 204 Sit 165 I 183 .279 171 396 . 312 156 ltr 212. 228 189 163 232 199 288 '236' 192 194 -229 331. 235 151 143 183 175 159 137 . 79 137 143 134 261 24 164 :127 1J6. -81 146 157 196 49 188 150 ) - . ' 191' 93 133' 123 108. SO i 23 23 22 67 61 79 49 110 12 60 IS 11 20' 16 201 16 '21 60 173 249 209 145 167 163. 105: 142 100 ' IS 14 13 28 41 23 65 84 82 103 76 270 195 199 188 197 16 20 18 20 12 24' 12 12 10 11 107 162 126 133 111 69 .81 13 39 138 86 .18 30 ;"42' 87 60 60 15 46 .69 127 114: 146 174 121-17 7 127 .122 . 118 130 80 124 122 29 53 -43 66 41; 31 37 41 -. SS ,' 40 .40 ,41 . 44 . 61 290 848' 288 318 275. ,182 115 121- 270 38 64 76. , 88 54 - 40 65 . 78 84 99 88 94 '61 45 '95. 16 "192. 235 249 262 114 V 860 91 "75 227 64 .29 - 69 ' 45 87 : 28 - SI. 197 i 226- AH 30 258 222 142 71 46 28 105: 76. 46 52 41 42 12 12 46 SS 104 40 86 61- SO; 19 96 312 115 142 .85 '31 374 216191 348 : 157. 119 82 63 . 69 TastesDeleat jSWJ.vwMiiagg.B tkw jevy.n 1 JAY UPTON for sensor:- George : W. Malone,' (R), 1994; Pittman (D), 3815; John P. Reynolds; Independent, 113. ' : ' " - ' DeLong Defeats Roy Mclhtire For Constable's Job , W. E. Walf DeLong, repub lican Incumbent, defeated Roy W, Mclntire, lemocratic conten der, for the position of constable In the Salem justice of the peace district,, near complete returns made It certain this morning. DeLong received 6838 votes to Mclntlre's 4477, or a majority of 1311. A few precincts in this dis trict were yet to be received but it was virtually certain in view of the trend through the night that the outcome would be in DeLong's favor. Frazier's Lead is Narrow in Dakota FARGO, N. D Nov. .-P)-U S. Senator Lynn J. Frazier, re publican affiliated with the non partisan league in North Dakota, held a small lead over hi demo cratic opponent. . Henry Holt, In returns from 35 out of the state's 2242 precincts in today's elec tion. The vote was: Frazier 2, 125; Holt 1,932. County n I u V -a s 191 212 187 127 160. 213 138 115 18 23 lis- "lit. 98 101 142 142 71 '75 175 183 96 98 183 115 96 SO 93 75 65 111! 131 . 16 212 120 61 144 67 - 8 4 145 107 139 95 176 94 15 39 18 48 15 53. 43 17 79- 226 234 254 16 14 - 18 ' 21' 33 24 71 7) 81 26 - 81 17 12 60 17 24 79 98 84 75 97 116 10 6 SO 107 - S3 '11 - 8 " ' 39 "45 4 8 - 31 - 31 201 18 3 174! 230 137.' 152 13 6 112 148 49 . - 47 . 15 : 16 1 54 67 32 IS 50. 80 , 81 83 60, ' 47 39 61 . 61 6 7 l 1 65 74 . 105 . 67 ' 42. ' 64 86, 85 - 70 , 69 ' 71 40 -11S . 16 - 27 58 72 99 71 i i67j 80 118 128 117 81 -170 200 3 180 "17 8': 171 216 1SI 147 13 8. f!4 llf .64. 60 , T6 , .16 ,141 105 .77 . 48 72 138 T 1 SMS BUOflD (By the Associated Press) . Three of the seven states ballot. ing on. prohibition repeal were giv en wet majorities in partial - re-. turns from yeserday's- elections.' They xere West Virginia, Florida, and Idaho.- S.-: . v . Two others ' historically dry Kansas and its sister state of Neb-' raska appeared beaded to retain their prohibition" laws". South Da kota- and ;Wyommgwere- late'in reporting' -vv-'- i- " :': - i ; West Virginia and Florida were giving - commanding- 'majorities v repfeaT,'-the fonner showing 1 51,-, 452 for repeal to 110.846 against in 1073 out of 2338 precincts, and the peninsula' state' 15,4 3 7 for and 8292 against in W 5 out of 1 28 4." T Ten precincts out fit 792 In Ida ho gave only a- slight lead - to re-, pesllsts 745 to 720. ... ; ? ' -.The Kansas returns we're 28,657 for and 34,449 against in 243 of 2891 precincts. One precinct in Nebraska' gave 105 .for and 216 against repeat v ' Marion county precincts out side of Salem probably- set up a record last night on quick re porting of completed election re turns. The entire vote yesterday for the . St. Paul district was in The Statesman office in less than 30 minutes after the polls closed a 8 'o'clock. Before 10 o'clock, compiee re turns had been telephoned to The Statesman from 28 of the 55 pre cincts In county points outside of Salem. The first completed re turns received at the county clerk's office here last night were from the Brooks precinct. Curley is Ahead For Governor in Massachusetts BOSTON. Nov. 6-UP1-James M. Curley. (D) thrio mayor of Boston held a steady lead and claimed victory over Lieutenant Governor Gaspar G. Bacon (R) for the Massachusetts governor ship as retuxxs .continued to mount tonight. Returns from 414 County Races Judge County Com. CBBt'ble -a s B I mm 00 w e e X B a I 127 150 264; ,'106 279 165 129 180 102 '41 Bun 77 173 - 254 145 48. 133 . 134 181 132 122 ' 76 313 107 121 1169 149 170-133 76 235 283 5811 1: 222 166 122 218 145 122 245' 113 114 164 118 209 145 125 115 157 "183 152 181.: 130 140 209 8T 395 -209 143 :i53 218 -177, 193' - 200," 163 92 101 ' 63 86 101 180 48 131 114 179 ' 71 - 124 143 i tli 119' 32 235 91 232 68 237 100 .93. 123 94 163 129 137 155 -110 169 101 186 64 81 73 75' 104 107 137 : 82 112 109 66 157 -9 13 6 11'' 20 12 14 18 10 22 8 22 i 25 : 19 29 27" - 64 12 58 12 31 41 53 45 29 7- 85 70 89 3 44 99 181 234 67;164 196 261- 170 276 178 276 ' 16 16 19 19 23-14 19 17 12 20 10 17 13 13 A 37 4 16 20 18 21 95' 56 97 9- 113 101, 85 132 71 150 52 169 108 73 101 97 144 121 ;99 161 101 158 71 197 68 79 - 87 83 108 136. .119 ,104 90 134 79 l47 ' 38 18 18: 35 - 62 24 26 43 21 54 . 28 36 1 25 32 . 53 38 43 47 36 62 165 124. 212 20-S 2S4. 243 ,:54 268 193 336 146 380 178 105 149 ! 166 254 143 . 144 . 253 137 271 171 304 28 26 31 47 , - . 43 59r 59 42 ' 20 v 78 45 i 43 38- 80 70 71 102. ' 54 65 89' 41 113 i 31 ' 55 il6 86: T. : . 691.- 37 1 48 63 .35 42 : l-! 59 .36 - 65 69 61 '86. 53 39 94 26 110 i 74 1 . 61 78 83 44 " 41 - 63 ' 82 150 ; 96 124 ; 142 27SV . 92 . 23 64 68 44 81 39 j H 4-''.;- -72 70 44 - . 78,81 142 ' 148 - 216 146i 190 246' 191 - 221.- 224 46 . 66 7 66 precincts cut of 1716 Including auia 905j 155 in Boston gave Gaspar 220; Curley 131,2 65.,-. The' United" States . senatoria race, showed Uv S. Senator. Davk L Walsh (Dy a candidate for rc election, far in the van. Robert M. Washburn (R) consistent! i ran far behind Walsh, who,' wit! the exception - of two years, hai been In' the senate since 1918. PfiGET DEFEATED PORTLAND, Nov. . 7-(Wednf s-day)-P-The- race .for speaker of the house of the 1935 legisla ture was changed, when Multnoi mah county results early taxLr.y showed Lowell Paget, prominent candidate tor that position, trai lng far in the legislative race for re-election from the fifth district, Earl Hill, Lane county repre sentative, on . latest, returns ap peared assured of election to the house.: He was likewise promin ently mentioned for the. speaker ship. George- .Winslow, .the third mentioned candidate, was lead ing his opponent, J. R. CaufitJtf, democrat, for election to the house from Tillamook county, by less than a hundred votes in re turns from 21 of the county's 23 precincts. The vote was 1.073 for Winslow and 985 for Can field. Washington Picks Schwellenback as Dill's Successor SEATTLE, Nov. 7.-0P)-A 40 year - old bachelor. Lewis B, Schwellenbach, Seattle attorney, who has pledged his support to president Roosevelt "wherever he leads, takes Senator C. C. Dill's seat in the U. S. senate next Jan uary. Washington state voters de cided yesterday. The new senator, former state commander of the American Le gion, and former president of the University of Washington board of regents, has never before htld public office although he has locg been prominent in democratic ranks. FUTRELL REELECTED LITTLE ROCK. Ark., Nov. 6-7F) -Governor J. Marion Futrell (H)i' swept into his second term by one of the largest majorities ever given in this traditionally demo cratic state in today's general' election. Power Bill 20-Mill Limit Healing Arts as H in es O K 8 C as o es D o PS s 69 171 117 122 131 103 131 112 131 28 158- 196 195 187 122 264 102 175 109 236 52 192 203 285 202 272 298 19S 223 246 170 195 219 256 69 85 97 57 244 115 TS6 FOR flEELECTf i :,cv-76 13' .98 94 94 : -' - SI , 18 'IS - 97 90 .148 144 f 223; 225 245 228 156 t"j 110. . 823 80 . 27 43 136 32 63 . 97 . 79 108 42' 144- 61 li 31 67 77 104" r 42 v 136 158 208 -77; 262 134 280 146: ; 317 163 333 193 404' -67 U "'- 83' 93 ' Croisaa '