TliS OREGON STATi:S?IAJ7, Salcsi. Oregon, Saturday Llorninsr, November 31S34 TOGii i;o;:oi! list SM PUPILS Exchange Club Enjoys So- , c:! Utis nt Stuekey 1 - Horns In Voodburn ' . T700DBURN, ;Not. l.Forty ene students - ot , Woodbnrn high school have made the grades ne cessary to attain membership to the Torch, honor society, for first period of the firit semester. In cluded la the society are .seven indent from the freshman class. 12 from the sophomore class, 14 Juniors, and cUnt seniors.' v :. ' - Tkey ara KtUrt AHa. Vfarial Eaefc Baa, Jaaa Bmh, Morria . Bears, . Hl Carotaara, - "VlTiin - (ria, Bo Dmi. Mary Ixwpei Wilau. Doac.' Jwi Irae rfC Batty Tmix, KanaetV eIUfher, Mrrl Grafta. RoiMlt Gala. , Onata Harr, afarjoria Eerr. It1 HilL Vera Job Baber, Barbara Jeatea, . Enaie Johsjoa, Marjorie Jtaee, Monte KettaL Carl Uadakia. HarTirct LlndeVIa. . Vir ginia Miller, 04att Uortnm, Joka JJr en, Idwia Navharta, Brant Loa Ffaf finrer, X alalia Beiliajf, Le Jane Rlnia. Irline RiTenaaa. Leroy BchotU, Koran Seetaoff. IiOia 81iaw. Edaa Bhreek. Mar-, rarat Taarent, Haxal Tralliarer. Hilda TralUnier. Vane Watt and J1U Mae Weber. :i . ? -...- The Past Matrons clnb of Evergreen Chapter 41, Order of Eastern Star, -will Lold Its-next meeting at the home of Miss Gladys Adams on West Lincoln . street, November T, at 7:80 p. : -Mrs. Mande Scott will act as joint hostess. - 5;v-Ci ; -v - The Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist church will hold a ba saar and chicken dinner in the basement f the chnrch Tuesday, - November f, -St.. -ting at 1 p. nu, with chicken , dinner at p. m." .The Home1 Exchange dab met with Mrs. George Stnckey at her home on , Harrison street Thurs day, afternoon. A short business meeting (' was held after which a social hour with hand work, and the exchange of quilt blocks was - enjoyed. The next meeting will be held at the- home of Mrs.' Trank Corey NoTember IS.. School Census For Brooks. Has Slight Increase This Year BROOKS, Not. 2. School cen sus has been completed by Mrs. H. H. Bosch for district No. 31 and ishows, 78 boys and 76 girls, between the ages of - 4 1 and 21 years, a decrease of 18 from last . r George Ferrel, who suffered a stroke of paralysis at his home here, Is a little Improved at this time. - . ' " Frank : Rose, who . disappeared from , his - home here Thursday, was located Friday by state po lice In Salem at the home of a relative. - , . , , POSTPOr E MEETING SILVERTON, . Nov. 2. The - Immanuel Young People's society -which Is headed by "John Over land has postponed the regular : meeting date to November 11. The postponement was made In deference to the 60th anniver sary observance to be held at the Nldaros church near 'Monitor, and which will be attended by a number ttt the ImmanUel mem bers. - i i Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHJSFFER .27. 26 - . 32 33 2 34 S3 3 11 1 I i Bm 1 1 LI HORIZONTAL; - 1 short inter mission T medicine " man - IS -talisman .. ' 34 Ikjuid alka. . loid found in hemlock - 15 obtain : 16 tiUe of tht : - shogun 18 note of the ; scale 19 correlative . of either 20 very warn 21 ctout ....... 3 exclama- ' tion of dls gust 4 cause the ,skin to mck 3 fish of the - carp family 27 instructor 23 Greek crla foct . 23 living fcird 21 card game 3 short sharp sound 24 ccrtro- . versy 27 stringed in- stmmcEt 3 twist out ef shape CJ morsel dipped in liquid i"i native compound 41 animal's -foot ' 42 negative 43 birthplace of Abraham 44 feminine , name 47 concealed - 48- pertaininr to a certalo . ease of a noun - ' 50 fame :;....; 63 young hogs , S3 large -. wicker ' .- work con . tainers - Herewith is the solution to yes terday's puzzle. CfA 11 : ma RU Lii-' . i&'O t Ti RlfT'i 1-VTtD CamW. II! . EX Sentenced Murray HampbrUa Taken Into custody after a two- - year nation-wide search by fed-' era! agents, Murray Humphries, above, Chicago's Tublic Enemy No. 1" and successor to the un derworld exarship of AI Capone, It i pictured in Chicago following his' arrest. Within a few hours after he was seized Humphries pleaded, guilty to a federal indictment charging him with income tax eva sion, and was sentenced to Leav enworth penitentiary. WASHINGTON, Not. 2-(ff-The. big job of buegetlng next year's governmental expenditures set President Roosevelt and his aides to work: Thursday as huge emergency outlays carried the de ficit s for the current year Into the billion dollar class. Harry L. Hopkins, In charge of the most uncertain Item ot all governmental disbursements re lief lunched with the chief exe cutive.. The latter then went Into conference with Secretary Mor- genthau and Daniel W. Bell, act ing director of the budget. The deficit stood at a -point al most three . times as great as a year age, despite a sizeable In crease in revenues and the fact that RFC loan repayments were considerably greater: than dis bursements to new borrowers. For the present," budget makers' concentrated upon routine expen ditures of the various departments and bureaus, in an effort to chip them to the lowest -point compat ible with efficiency, a procedure always attended by some wailing from the heads of the agencies af fected. VERTICAL -1 stew -; ; 2 come out Into view " 8 elice ; 4 Hebrew .. name for God 5 place . 6 pig pen . ; 7 large ladle 8 utter a loud shout .. 2 feminine name 10 note of the .scale 11 old broad , form of dagger . 12 tidier - 17 burn par- - tiaUy , . 21 well known. 23 native salt 24 hew ,25 female of the domes- . tie fowl 26 hamlet 28 central part 23 fastening : - as for a door - 21 evergreen v- tree 82 obscures '- 83 shout of triumph . 84 daybreak j 85 explosive . '.r- used for . blasting 88 species of r - lyric poem ' pU. 88 declines .41 make . - ' -smooth : 44 strike . . 45 part of a , i curved line , 4$ possessive ' pronoun . '47 rude dwelling -49 towards L Pr- fr QS III DEFICIT IN BiLUOH CUSS ratat Ijx&cat, aM. HOLICO HOLD m. poui kui Dunne. f,1ott end Sne!l Are iVUainSpeakcrs at Dallas L!eet DALLAS. Not. 1. A- larga crowd of republicans and other Interested : parties met at the courthouse Wednesday night to meet and hear the. -republican candidates for sUte and county ottlees. This was the first big republican rally held here for the general election this month., ana also the first time a large num ber of the people . had a ' chance to hear some of the .candidates for state .offices. s - Principal speakers were Joe E." Dunne, candidate for governor; James W. Mott, candidate for congressman from - the first- dis trict, and . Earl Snell, candidate for secretary of state. All three were Introduced by Mayor Leif . Finseth who presided.-Q; ' Other candidates who were . in troduced and who gave short talks were: Dean Walker.' for joint senator; Lyle Thomas, for state representative; Elmer Cook, for district attorney; Frank Farmer, for county commissioner, and E. J. Hlmes, republican democrat candidate for surveyor. Upper Grades Elect Officers For Quarter SCIO. Nor. 2. Officers for the' present six weeks', period hare been elected in the seventh and eighth, grades as follows: Jack POLLY AND HER DOM . mAVE METOOUON& I'LL. BE - SOOHS WHO'S vtxa- gWtai fcafaa, fcc. C Mai. MICKEY MOUSE ( YtHJ SHOULON'T J iTouSVY J STOWED AWWOIPW! l THAT M W WHY, I OlONr EVEN U AjfrViAY? ffat?& BRING FOOD ENOUGH f J XcJfcZVl THIMBLE THEATREtarring Popeye ON tfKTH lHfc hVaTEK WITH KKOW-BOT HE GOT SOME KIND OF 1 ft i i " 1 ?s LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY . VEAM 2ME. OT OUT OP "THE GROCER'S WACOM a BAeecL Aky rTOLO-rHE SAP SHE, WAS "PLAVUkS WOE-- 1 I P I9H Kirn Feamm Syndcrt. lac. Cwat TOOTS AND CASPER WONT vai rrwfx N f VVHtJ THATS TH2 MY HUSBAND'S IsurrcASE, "J t.anw arnica, lac. Cwat n li II L. II - Ilesvtsst HczzfcZl . h H Yesrs, 7.52 , . : hchss,id Ddlcs DALLAS, Kot. 8 Rain fall daring the ; month of October tm this vicinity wae the heaviest tm 11 year, avc cording to figures compiled1 by Ceeil lUss. amateur weavther obeerver. The total, for the xa o a t h was 7JJ2 Inches, according' to Mr. RiggB records." The. rainfall; ta October, 1924, was aXOl inches ' while the average for that month sver per iod o S3 years was 8.10 incheav:. . . v i;ihe fall for : the 244iocr' period ending Thursday inornlng was inch de spite the deluge here: Wed nesday night between 8 and 7 o'clock; : The rainfall - in .September of this year was only .53 inch but the heavy : fall, last month pot the two months ahead of normaL . Teager, president; Lowell Teager, Tice-p resident; Natalie; PhlBips, secretary-treasurer; Carolina Flanagan,- librarian; Maxlne Bil yeu, room i attendant; Wllford Mortersergeant-at-arms; Evelyn Palon, girls athletic manager, and Robert Todd; boys' athletic mana ger. Of fleers serve for sfx weeks. CHARIVARI KINGS - ; VICTOR POINT,' Nor. 2. A group of friends staged an old fashioned charivari Monday night In. honor: of Mr. and Mrs. Verle King (Vayle Rodgers) who are making . their . home ' on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. King," who have moved to Bilverton. PALS BACK XSSB y mm. j r GOSH oAtsE, STOP FOOL1N' WITH THAT Oltr CAN AND USEFUL Tb OOl - - WVlCEBEK6S, VA ' aaBBa ft aS-ft. f Aa, ll I IS I - - v Mt IT M0ST BEEN VI I MttA X&OOO HEPsVENSAJ I MDNtv ANrT IDOHT CARE I I f DAfevtSKD KEWSiTOO 1 I rWnERri f rAMA1M LOSlKG 1 I I JuS LOOK AT HIM I CAhiT VAk J I M1U-IONS IN GOLD 1 1 1 l y I I "NVi- 1U BLACK r I I SsT V. I- 111 T 1 III- aa-r-a- II irTS 4JL-V-a- THE HOUSE. l HC WtO IM tJO-TAUC Bmna riha wtfua jj; OTHSR DM AND l OUT DROPPED E3Y TO KSTURN IT! I HAVENT" TIMS TO II COMS1M, KL. BUT -lTEU- HIM I'M MUCH COINED! ITT a. Bntaw njtha fcaarf f WindJBlpws. i Tree Across Passing Car PARKERSVUXE. Nor. 2. A plne tree that has stood for years along the narrow pavement liigh way was "broken oft, during the storm and fell across the high way causing . two ear accidents. William - Pfaa was driver of one ear and was hurt .when, .thrown out the windshield. His ear was badly wrecked.. Franklin- Tedder was : hurt when the ear : ho - was riding in struck the tree. ; t The worst wind storm tn years struck hero about f p. m. Wed nesday. George -Harrison's barn; chicken house and woodshed were blown - almost completely '. down and the house was damaged. Five windows in the' house were bro ken. No one was at homo : dur ing - the storm but it is ' thought that -. limbs : from -a nearby tree and pieces brown from the other building br ice the ' windows. A gas drum that was In the wood shed was; blown away..-.; Evergreen Pupils v v .. t Enjoy Hallowe'en - Frolic at School WALDO HILLS, Nov. 2. Pu pils at Evergreen were entertain ed Wednesday afternoon at a Hal lowe'en frolic planned 1 by ; the principal,' E. B. Knapp, and Miss Minnie ' Mascher. Refreshments were served by the mothers. : , Julius Gehring, jr., hopes to go back to school next week after be ing absent two weeks due to In testinal flu. The youngster Is In the first grade at Evergreen. Mrs. Rudolph Stadell, Jr will Just a Palsey Walsey A BlrePs-Eye FIND SOMEP'N MM . r ALL RISHT I I'll be .the LOOK-OUT! GOTTA QS -ag flf. t Now Skbwing .wis 1 The Lost and Found Department THE UTTLCaarrWDtnj)n'iRE6 fOOMrr CtZt UCMSmr1" " " "T-sJ I MOW TXJTCWAMVVAOaC.-.VDO AM ME. t. BACK. TOWARDS THX H08SS -SO SUE. f '-TELL AE WHATS YOUIZ f X UVE WITVI MAMA .' AM 2ERO WILL. VALK UP AM UOWM" ft MU&T KaTAKEMTHtS R0AO OUTOf fcZ MAMET WWeCE -QQ Jl .VJZA!SC TAKE.ME SOME gTOEETg UMT1U Wg rJO y TTt "tOWMwen.L6ErACAlJOFDUy ; 10UUYEU-i -rtS AAAAAA . MAMA DOMT WORie WE1U ill i rd "p Too Good oh, rrs ALL CLXIAU TO MS KIOWDAN WASNTT UIAVUSI MS TH2 OTTHSR uur?ki t XAVX UM MY -5r6lMr OUT WTTH THAT I tjrrCAd. K TAKINdr U ITtn AMI I iIIMui-u . AT CONCLUSIONS Li be brought home from the Silver ton hospital tomorrow after being there a ' week under, observation. Wee!r Tvlissfon is Slated FcrXhurcli ? Membres of Shaw -SHAW, Not. 2.- After a long period of years." Shaw will again have a whole week's mission of in structive discourses and sermons. The mission win start Sunday eve ning, November 4, and will close on Sunday, November 11. The mission will be given by an expert missionary-of the Redemption or der. Rev. Father George Thorn mes a&& R. :' i? Friends of neighboring parishes are invited. Each evening's dis course will, begin at 7:80. ; ;t 3 Mri"and Mrs. Andrew Fie her received word of tbe.-blrth. of a daughter, Joan Elizabeth, to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fleber of Tole do. This Is the second-child, first glrL -' - ,.-'' - ' - Neals Located on Caldow Ranch Now; Meirimans Moving LYONS'; Nor. 2.Mr. and Mrs. John Neat took possession at the Caldow farm Thursday and fin ished moving their household fur nishings there. The Caldow's al so moved to their new location. V Several, families were out of lights for some, time - Wednesday night, all that were connected to one transformer suffering the In convenience, as a fuse being turn ed out. ."Mrs. Nina' Merriman and fami ly are moving to Scotts Mills in a few days. She traded her farm property: east of Lyons for prop erty there. View y' KNOW. Wt MUST 6E fRETTY NEAR TO THE COAST OF UMBRELLASTAN AND NO SIGN O THAT BOAT UNLESS DIPPY . MISSED IT! "Nobody's Goat" MONt rVNTTXlDOHT CARE HMPORTiNK-U fcBOOT VOSIN6 Y(K GOT GOftDV THE MONt.7 HEAXTiAlKTCHMVrS8eiN6 KUDDLU It lT-ll to Lose 171 WAT7 WVIf r 11 rgrglV- ' - W2rO. ILK Jfc&KKMl .1-1 50PHlS.rWNDMS;i V VOL) HAT AND MY CAN5 1 C2T OUT, AMD OOfT ASK : f iirOlN MS. WHO?t I'M 6rOtsir, ( I ; OUT! aVBkaaaaa WAMmLM ate . COM3 kCSACK! SD5ISESHL CESUS SIB 43 SUNNYSIDE. Nov 1. The Sunnyside school held its weekly dub meeting Friday and decid ed . to name the-clu!: the Sunny side Booster club. A .short pro gram .was given consisting of book reports, current events and health reports. .The elubl elected these officers: President, Lewis Brown; vice-president, R obirt Rarry; secretary, Jlmmie Chand ler. The president appointed these committees y for f, the ' n a x t two weeks : Flag, June Larson ; tem perature, Lewis Brown; s e h o o 1 grounds, Charles , Tony, - Lovlna Clark, h Hope i Larran; v program, Francis - Barry,- Carmen Willis, Virginia:' W r i g :"a t; 'blackboards. Dale Clark ; indoor ball, ' Robert Barry; beachbaT, HuMa Peckley; primary; ball, Bruce Taylor; re porters, June Larson f and Hulda Beckley. . ' " HC-i'"'1' I'w-r School census has been taken for. this district, reporting 43 names.-: Mrs..: Clare Reese is - the teacher. : - 1 By Kl GIVE FWTv,rALUON AfefR TO CKNm-rtt NO f-HStK! I GETS YER. IMt-1 WOPfTJ Point, t sees STftND IT! . VfMJ YA FEELS By By i m aaaaj - w m. -- - X) SHIP AHOV' .- JrC&ZZ SOME AND YOU CAN STAY CUT. TOOli CrET OUT OF MY SlHTT f IsCXT TIMS YOU LOAN cpso a surrcASH yolto blli ilr TELL. HIM TO RETURN IT when rM r;oT Maxy E; Snuth, 8i; . Called at Woodburn WOODBURN,' Nov. 2. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Smith, 81, passed away at her home, 1242 North Second street, at 7:40,aJ m, Thursday. - She had resided ta Woodbura the past two , and half years. She is survived by her widower, John J. Smith; daugh ter, Mrs. Rose Irrt t Wood hum; two . sons, Clarence - of Bend,, and William of Grand Is land, Nei. She was a member of the Bethel Presbyterian church. Funeral services will be announ ced later , by Beechler-KIlUn. Mrs. C. H, Moll Diet 1 ; At Home in Portland VICTOR POINT, Nov. 2.Rela tlves here received word lata Wednesday of the death at her Portland home of Mrs. C. H. MolL Funeral services were held Friday at Lenta with interment in the Clackamas cemetery. Mrs. Moll formerly lived here and was an aunt of Mrs. Phillip Fischer, Mrs. M M. Gllmour, Mrs. O. W. Hum phrey, Mrs. C a Jones, Mrs. J. C, Frens and H. E. King. CUFF STERRETT By WALT DISNEY '(IKtTsney- By SEGAR THE rAEXT STRVP V4U- BE THE "BGWUiHG OF f m) STOW EHTYTLEO OR'OlRTVWORKOW THE HllJLSOE"-THE MOST AWFUL, THE MOST MELLOW MELODRAMA WE HAVE DOPED UP - 50 "fas . rrs terrible; L3. DARREL McCLURE JIMMY MURPHY WELL,. 1 MlfcHT HAVE KNOWN THAT MS B05ft' was TOO 6QC3 - -TO LAST, BUT I POUND OUT SOPHIS L0VTM2 AND THAT'S 1 V -4 4 -4 i r V 4 V