The OREGON STATESMAN; Saleia. Oregon, Tfiursday Morning; Koreraber I, 1934 PAGE NINE . r . they .for? A (nr?n Trft A TrnN cQwscrr- j ; pull, I JJZ-AjiLy J U fyJ U rSlWJ nEsm,?o , I ' .... . . . Statesman Classified Ads Call 91C1 CTaalfle Advertising Start insertion per Its lOe Tbreo Insertion per tin ...... Six insertions 'or lino.. Sic On month per ilo..$l.s Minimum charge ...... XI - Copy lor ta!a pag ac cepted until t:20 the even lag before publication for classification. Copy r seiTed after this time will be run under the needing Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility tor errors which may ap pear In advertisements pub lished in Its columns, and In eases where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake ocean. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objee tional advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un- , lcr the proper classifica tion. HELP WANTED FEMALE High. Class Local Establishment has opening lor 2 reilned middle aged la dies. Can earn while In training. Per manent to right party. Address letter to Box 156 c-o Statesman. , i-i r - - i i i i . . . WANTED Girl for housework for y.Miu and small wages. Box 258. care Statesman. doable maid to do housework, or couple. Man to do orchard work. Tel. isirz. SITUATIONS WANTED Truck for hire. TeL 5278. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Apples Spies, Delicious, 25c-40c 1315 & Cottage. wiru,nrwwM-iiiniiiMiiiri i ii ------ Old papers 10c per bundle. States man office. Walnuts. Baldwins. Spies, others. 15c A 35c. bring boxes. Mrs. Wright, 4 ml Wallace road. For Sale Fertilizer for lawns and flowers. TeL 514 s. Radio For Sale S tube Edison Radio: re- Jossessed : balance due $31.20 : terms, down. $4.09 monthly. See Mr. Jan. Will's Music Store. SWAPAREE BARGAINS Overstuff sets, new, $29.50: used Mohair Set, a beauty, $30: Heaters, $l.5e up: Beds, $1.50 up: Chairs, 50c p: Wood Ranges, $11 up: Bicycle, $12; Victor Cabinet Phonograph. $5; Portable, $3.50; Solid Maple Breakfast Seta, beautifully finished. $8.95: New High Chairs, J1.75 : Circulating Heater, large size. $30.00: Dressers, $5 up: new 40-lb. Mattress. $5.25: Antique Gists and Dishware and Ours. A Thousand and One Bargains at the Ewaparee. 474 S. Com! Ph. 6414. Farm machinery. 63F15. tfcfMerasraOirsrisii nifufyir" i ------- SENSATIONAL PIANO VALUES Uprights as low as $35.00: Grand's. $265.00. Terms to suit! See Potter or Van. WILLS MUSIC STORE Apple 2? 140 Harden Road. TRADE Miscellaneous fsjTj-rLTuuut-f ri.ri r"ija i r-Y"i i-" -irr"" Wood for Maytag motor. Tel. 7S60. Trade windmill for wood. TeL 757 0; High grade gold watch, perfect con dition for standard typewriter. Box 157. care- Statewrmn. WANTED Miscellaneous GUNSRI FLES, PI STOlXmurtcal Instruments slightly used. We buy Id gold. Star Exchange, 311 N. Com'L 1nnnnrwMViiV-i-r - ""---- -"--" Wanted Used but good-conditioned Burroughs or other standard bookkeep ing machine. Address proposals to Box 241. See Ashcraft, 370 King ood Ave. Moving or hauling, any kind. TeL 8380. Wanted two passenger to share ex penses to L. A., Calif. Tit a 12th at gho anop. MISCELLANEOUS Haircuts 15c-20c. 303 winter. EWlOtrMVMV"Tr"'""ir"ir,r"M"p- " mmm a Saw repairing. Salem Saw Shoe. Four Corners. Pen Road. TeL 4280. 9sBassaBSMWSaa4akaaasAAatatBSsaaBsstASa Free We nick no dead and worth less horses, cows, sheep. TeL 4 Sis. FOR RENT ROOMS BaVMMMsWs1jABs Sleeping rm. Men. 72 S Court 8L Nice steeping room. TeL 4431. Warm sleeping room. 1 block north f State) Hons. 09 Chemeketa. ROOM AND BOARD Table board. Very close In. 4$t. FOR RENT APARTMENTS 8maU mpU 1S3S Sttc New. mod. forn. act. Frigldsire. prlv. bath. (43 Union. TeL S6S1. Mod. fnrn. act. S rooms. Close, tn. $30, Including Frigtdalre and garage. TeL 7S4.- . . Fura. heated apt. 433 Marion. 3 room turn, apt., bath, private en trance, dose In. S3S Division. Small fan. apt, 190 Union. Attractive S R. 315 a Winter. t room furnished apartment, TeL T644 2211 HaseL 1 (if B. fom. 25 S. Cottage. FOR RENTHOUSES Modern t ' room furnlahed bouse. close in. ISI Division. Five-room house, close tn, near paper mm; low rent. Tel. 4ts. Nice room modern, . 1165 N. list Adults, $23.60. TeL owner 7Se. Two splendid suburban homes each vza. on e no. ti., weii xuni. oouse, close in, 1 30.00. Others fnrn. and unf., ill to iz ana up. Business putces. TOR-REN S. 303 First National E rooms unfurnished, also 3 rooms lcely furnished, 440 Union, T MetntlXUl, BOH T b Houses, Mel via Johnson. TeL tfla. WANTED TO RENT WanUsd To rent a modern, six to eight room house, furnished, beginning In December and extending through the 125 Ugiaiative eeseton. Inquirer ts a member ot the state senate. Address replies to Box Hi. FOR SALE - Real Estate Beautiful wooded, close In home site. with water, gas end electricity. Very mall payments. TeL IIS4. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF A NEAT SUBURBAN HOME Buildings like new with plumbing and water system ; 1 acre of land. Price 12200. Liberal terms or will ac cept vacant lot or small city home as part. CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St. TeL 6708 SACRIFICE $10,000 home for half price. This Is a fine Colonial home In A-l condi tion: 8 large airy rooms, lot 50x165 ft., close in. will sell on terms or trade for-small house. CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors seIJS-t: - -.--.-L-njWLWJ-.u? tlCOS A. bargain In a 6 -room home, basement, furnace. 2 larpe walnut trees, corner lot, east front. $100 down. $100 down, 5-room home, plastered. east rront. eriraxe and pavinr pd. $900, MRLVIN JOHNSON' 725 Court St. Tel. 3723 Modem 8 room house, full siie base ment, furnace. 1 14 acre with two lot 50x200 ft. faring on 24th street Priced to sell by owner. 4S0 K. 24th street. Moved my real estate office to Sa lem Heights, Liberty Road. Route 3, Box 95, Tel. 89F23. J. LINCOLN ELLIS S room house on N. W. corner of Market and Church. Lot 60x61. Price $1350. W. CT. Kmeirer. 147 N. Com'l. FOR SALE FARMS SPECIAL 15-aere trar-t. well located, only $.1500. Nicelv financed. Price Small payment will handle. CHILDS A MILLER. Raeltors 314 State St. TeL 6708 I FOR SALE OR EXHAKGE 160 acres at one of finest beach re sorts on coast, beautiful streams and timber with plentiful fishing and hunt ing. Nothing like it for sale. Priced low at only $8,000 or will accept good home In Salem In exchange. CHILDS & MILLER. Realtors 344 State St. Tel. 6708 Farms for rent. sle. trade. Oregon Lnnd Co.. Pac. He . Woodhnm. Ore. Business Opportunities Rest. Beer Parlor fixt. Fine back bar, counter, stools, tables ; 223 N. Cr.m'1 St. MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and C&iattel Loans t to 20 months to repay at lowest pos sible rates. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st Nat'L Bank Bid. Phone 2553 Licensed by State CHATTEL LOANS CARS RE-FINANCED WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. Tel. 3S77 505 Guardian Bldg.. Salem S-154 State License Noa. M-159. S $ Need Money ? ? - STATE LOAN CO. 212 Ore. Bldg. Lie. No. 5-165. CAN YOU USE .$100 $200 $300! Borrowing money here is simplicity It self. Our loan accommodations are In tended to helD all deserving ieoole. We invite your application. Ttm have your choice of 4 LOAN PLANS 20 REPAYMENT PLANS Come In, write or "Phone. BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY OF SALEM Member of NRA. Room 119. New Eftgh Bldg. 2nd floor LICEXsKU ISO. S-1ZS ty S1A1B 18 State St. Tel. 3741 Loans Made in Nearby Towns Mortcaee loans on Improved Salem houses. Abrams A Ellis, Inc. Masonic Bldg. 7o Farm Loans 5 Plenty ot money for well inmroved farms if amply secured. Improve Or buy now with cheap money. Ask for booklet "Willamette Valley Farms." Hrtwklno an1 Rortert. In" FOR SALE WOOD Old fir, 2nd growth. TeL 37C. Guaranteed dry wood. TeL 7SI0. 4-ft. ash, $4.75 cds TeL 0785. GUARANTEED DRY fei. MOt Salem Fuel Co Trade 4V Cottage Dry planer end slab wood. Prompt delivery. TeL US. Old fir, IS in $1.00. TeL 1785. Dry wood, all kinds. TeL toss. 'in i i. 'i iiriiiiiii i " " WiwmI tnr uU tl IS tn 15 SO. It In. 2nd rrewth. t4.ft: 4 ft 14.21; 1 In. old. fir, Si.e. TeL 1441. Good dry wood. Tel. 2254. Ash, eak. fir. TeL 1272. Hoc fuel and wood. Br track or car lots. At inDl or delivered. Dave Brown, R. t, 8-bilmity. TeL Salem : 2283. Best old fir. TeL MS. Dry old fir. 2nd growth wood, screened nog fueL Fred E Wells Pry wood that ts dry. TeL 112F22. WOOD SAWING Wood-aawmg. 2080 N. Com'L tsis. Wood sawing, Teasonsble. Call 829. LOST AND FOUND Found Cocker SpanieL Inquire Statesman. ' Lost bundle of bedding on South Rlvef road, wrapped In canvas.- Re ward. J. J. Hartman, Rt. S, Box 109. LOST Boston buIL answers to -Tyres." TeL 89t. 3LOST Brown billfold containing u. or u. atuoent ooay ucaet, ariver s lieTW, etc Kefam to Statesman. PERSONAL GORDON FT.EMING, 1K0 FERRY ST. - READER. FOR SALE USED CARS FOR 8ALB ar trade lt2 3-ton Dodge, van body, t-tea capacity. 112 Hudson sedan. . DON M ADISOIf 141 N. High Marmoa Sedan Fine condition 2171.09 TRUCKS international A-2 1 ton . 00.0I International fi.F.4 two ton 550.00 Dual tire trailer 1M.S 14t-S yd. gravel body and hoist- 140.60 JAMES H. SfADKN CO. 131 ft. Commercial BU TeL I5 FOR SALE USED CABS Bonesteele Bros., Used Cars Inc. HIS Chevrolet Coup fti ns 122 Ford V-S Coupe 471.00 ' 1I2S Dodee DeLttxe Broua-faam. nun i,vu bum . iii.vv 124 Plymouth Sedaa DeLuxe, run (00 miles -, , - 751.00 1SS1 Plymouth Coach ., , 291.60 im Ford Coup ,, ., ,. 2H.00 129 HuDmoblle Sedan, new - - rubber " - 221.001 lzs Chrysler Bedaa , , ... "" 1928 Nash Coupe 126.00 1928 Dodge Sedan S5.00 110 Chevrolet Coach , 210.08 1928 Chevrolet Truck. . 20.000 miles , 110. VO BONESTEELE BROS. INC. PHONE 4444 391 Chemeketa St. Salem, Ore. Visit Our Used Car Lot DALLAS, Oct. 31. Polling places for the general election on November 6 -were announced this week by Sheriff T. B. Hooker There are few changes In the lo cations of the pools In the 35 pre cincts in this county but voters are urged to determine the location of the polling place in their pre cinct in order that there will be no mix-nps. Ballot boxes will be placed at the following locations: First Dallas, city hall : second Dal las, court house : third Dallas, Dallas water office: fourth Dallas, Bolton Stinnette residence, 315 Clay street ; first Independence. A. G. Baker resi dence. North Independence ; second In dependence, city balL Third Independence, Woman s club building; fourth Independence. Inde pendence Laundry building; SW Mon mouth. Christian Church; SB Mon mouth, first door east of post office ; NE Monmouth. Wlnegar building : NW Monmouth, community building; South ana uity, Christian churcn : isortn Falls City, city hall ; first West Salem, public school building; second West balem, AL E. church ; Spring vaney, basement of Zena school : Brush Col lege, Brush College school; Eola, Eola school. Rickreall. grange hall : McCoy. I. O. O. F. hall; Salt Lake (Perry dale), Yorum hall; Jackson (Ball ston), L O. O. F. hall; Salt Creek, North Dallas school building; Buell, Buell grange hall: Gold Creek. Gold Creek school; Douglas (Grand Ronde), New Grand Ronde community hall ; Oakdale, Mrs. S. II. Butz residence, Uglow Avenue, East Dallas; Bridge port, union hall, Bridgeport: Lewls- vllle, old church building, Lewisvllle ; Pedee, Union high school building; Alrlle, W. E. Williams store ; Suver, Larson's hall : Buena Vista, W. O. W. hall. Buena Vista: Rock Creek (Val sett), V. A S. R. R. Depot. Valsetx. Lorence Critically Sick at Residence North of Monmouth MONMOUTH, Oct. 31. C. Lor ence, 75, well known Monmouth farmer, is seriously ill at his tome north of town. Mr. Lorence ac companied his son, Jennings Lor ence, to Bend last week where he visited his daughters, Mrs. S. R. Peoples and Mrs. Fanl Hosmer, while his son went to Arlington to Join friends for a wild goose shooting: party. Returning Sunday, via the Mc- Kenzle pass, Mr. Lorence, sr., be came suddenly 111 and is believed to have suffered a partial stroke. He Is being; cared for at home and It is said that his condition Is only slightly Improved. Mr. and Mrs. Lorence celebrated their gol den wedding: anniversary this fall. They have been residents ot this community for 46 years. CONDITION IS CRITICAL GERVAIS, Oct. 31. Mr. and Mrs. P. "W. Seely were in Portland the last ot the week at the bedside of their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Howard Seely, critically ill. A son. born to Mrs. Seely Saturday died at birth. Mrs. Seely was reported In an Improved condition Tues day bnt not yet out of danger. Howard Is In the TJ. S. navy and Is stationed out from San Diego. Radio Program Thersday, Kereaber 1 6X rolTD liso Xa, 6:20 Concert. S:20 Beaee-ChemeL 8 :45 Warinj-'s Peansylrsaiaas 9:00 8ont of the Past. 9:45 Press Radio Ksws, TOCL 9:50 Piano Vicnettea. KEQ. 10:03 Case Loma orchestra. 10:15 Classical Soloist 11:00 Band Mnaic 11:45 Hawaiian Serenaders. 12:00 Noontime Dsnee Frelic. 12:15 Westers Farm aad Bone Hear. 1:00 ProjTeaaivt Batiaees ilea's Club. 1:85 Onerane Gems. S :45 Orchestra. 4:15 Hotel St. Srls Orcieatrs. KBO. :bo Bysspaeay. 8 :80 Stndio. . 9:15 7th Infantry -Bead. :5 iiout stark Hopkins orcaeatra. 10:00 Lonesome Club. 10:45 Dsnee Taaes. 11:00 Wood yard's Orchestra. 11:30-12 Cole MeElroy's Orchestra. ' XQW-OBTTTD--420 Ss, T : 00 Gospel Singer, NBC TslS Caatlee ef BtosaaBee, KBO. 8:00 Johnny O'Brien. KBO. a:15 Tony Wona, NEC. S:S0 Ui. B Kstt Band. KB a 9:15 Merry -fees, KBO. 4):45Cookuir SehooL 12 :00 Hotel Syrseuse Orchestra, KBO. 1 :05 Piano. 8:15 John aad Ned. CT30. 8:80 Danny Halone. KBO. 8(45 Slating Strings, NBC. 4:80 Dsany Halone, NBC. 8:00 Amos 'a' Andy, KBO. 8:15 Standard Symphony. KBOL 10:15 Archie Loveland's Orehestra, 10:45 Bart Woodyard's Orchestra. li:oo Ameaisaaor iiotel urenestra. 11:3012 Hotel Eiltmore Orchestra, KOAO COBVAIXIS 650 Ks, t :00 Home EeeaeaUea Obaerrer. 11:15 What Xdaeators are Doing. 12 :0O Koon Fans Hoar. 1:15 KOAO Sckeel ef the Air. t :S0 The Home Gardea. S :0O Homemakers' Half Honr. :00 Dick Kote sad His O.tlfti Btatera. 1:45 Terpen Led by Hildred Ber tnektmew. :00 Mrs. Breee Spaaldlng. Cos trait. :BO irening Sana -tear. .15 Lev la Medera Seelsty. POLLING PUCES IU POLK ARE OUTLINED Business Directory Cards la this cUrector em a monthly btuls oily. Rstci tl.00 per Mn per month. ANNOUNCEMENT E. E. GETZLAFF. M. XX Physician and Surgeon Announce the opening office In the First National Bank Building. Room 818. Office TeL t4t. Res. 7771. AUTO BRAKES Mike Pa nek. T7i Couth CommerdaJ. BICYCLES Bought, sold, traded and repaired. Harry W. Scott 147 S. Com'L CATERING Corns chicken tamallea. TeL 6541. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4480. R. K. Northnesa. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L SCOTT, PSC, Chiropractor, ZG6 N. High. TILKM. S7S1. FLORISTS Brelthaupfa. 657 Court. ALL kinds ot floral work. Luts Flor ist 14th A Market TeL 1(92. INSURANCE BECKS A HENDRICKS 1S N. High TeL 44T, LAUNDRIES THE NEW BALEM LAUNDRY. -THE WELDER LAUNDRY 2C3 a High Tel. Ills. CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY ' . First In Quality and bervlce Telephone 3145 1244 Broadway MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDD1NU CO. Phone 406 SALEM FLUFF RUG and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sis . ,4,1. A. IV" i I l n K . iiuii run NMf UA. C itlU , bur. Tel 844L OTTO F. ZWICKER. Est 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, aewtns machines, sheet music and piano stu dies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sew Ins machines, 432 Stale bLreei. Salem. PHOTO ENGRAVERS Salem photo engraving. 147 N. Com mercial. Tel. 68S7. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind ot printing, call The Statesman Printing Department. 2 is a. .ouuuercuu. iwr phone 10L RADIO SERVICE Moore's. Tel. 7993095 N. High. REAL ESTATE BECKE A HENDR1CK3. TeL 4947 STOVES 1 repair stoves, ranges, circulators. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 2(2 Chemeketa. Tel. 4774. K. B. Fleming. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage. call till. Larmer transfer Co. Trucks to Portland daily. CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. Ill State SU Tel. 777s. Distributlns for warding snd storms ear specialty. Get our rates. Willamette Valley Transfer. Salem to Portland hauling. TeL 2712. HAND WEAVING Exclusive hand woven bees, carta pillows and ruga Magobe Hand Weav ers. 849 N. 1 Oth 8 1 I eLI 1 10. WELL DRILLING R, A. West, 20 rears xpsrlesoe, RFD 7. Box 2a Tel lXOFa. Ellen McAdoo V.JSV i This photo shows ECea Wilson McAdoo, l-year-old daughter of TJ. S. Senator W. G. IfeAdoo, and Iter actor-fiance, Rafael Lopes Da Onate, 88, whose proposed marriage has been delayed, after Cali fornia officials started a probe to determine whether De Onate was of Idalsy or Filipino blood, which would prerent a marriage union under law. PORTLAND, Ore., Oct ll.-tfV -The supply was smaller At to day s session of the ' gardeners' and ranchers market, bat prices neid. steady on most articles. Tomatoes continued at 35 and 50 cents a crate. Spinach was of fered at 0 cents a crate and cel ery hearts were down a dime to 60 cents a doxen bunches. Brnssel sprouts dropped a nick el to 80 cents a crate and lettuce held steady at 40 and 00 cents a crate. TonstoeePer erate, 15 Q 50c: Ko. is. 40e per erste; green. JOe per crate. npinea rer erate, 60e. Carrots Ksw, per doses bunches, 15e. Beets Per dotea bonches. 80c Psrtley Per doses beaches, 15c. Oreea Onions Per dotsa beaches, 15e. Green Oniena Per 50 peaada, Labish, 3e. Turnips Per dosea bunches, 20a. Ratabsgss Per crate, 60c. Rediihes Per doiea bnnehee, 15e. Peas Local, 6 8c Lettuee Per erate. 40 60c Cabbage Per crate, 50 60c Cauliflower Local. Ko. 1, 0fi45e mt crate; No. 2. 35c per crate. Celery Heart Dotes bonchef, 60e. Peppers Red. S5e per peach bos: green. 60c per orange box. Ureen Bean Per lb., 6 0 7c Sao ash Danish. 70e per crate: sum mer. 30 50c; ereokneck, 85c Strawberries f 262.25. Corn Per mcV, 751. Cucombera Pickling. 30(25c: ilietar. S035e. Eggplant Local. SOe: Dalles. 50 60c Cantaloupet Per crate, $11.65. Peachei Galwayt. 5075e per box, Prnne Per pound. 8c Pears D'Anjoug, 8085e per box. Apples Jumble pack, per bos. 60 4 65c; Dellelona or Spitzenbergi, extra fancy. $1.50. Grapes. Concord. 60e per he: Zin- fandel. 6065e per lag. Pumpkini Per cantaloupe crate, 40c. Brastel SprouU Per crate, SOe. Improvements Made to Summit's Church ORCHARD HEIGHTS, Oct. SI. A new porch and steps for the Summit M. EL church hare been erected by volunteer labor. The neighborhood gratefully acknowl edges the gift of all the material from the Copeland Lumber com pany. The church and Sunday school membership recently ac quired their first piano. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON In the Matter of Delbert Brock, Bankrupt. No. B 19454 To the creditors, of Delbert Brock, of Salem, in the County of Marion and District aforesaid, a bankrupt. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 13th day of October, 1934, the said Delbert Brock was duly adjudicated bankrupt and that the first meeting of his cre ditors will be held at Room 301 in the United States National Bank Building in the City of Salem, Ore gon, on the 13th day of November, 1934, at 2:30 o'clock In the after noon, at which time the said cre ditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and. transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. WILLARD I MARKS, Referee in Bankruptcy. N-l. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON la the Matter of Eugene Gritton and Olive Gritton, Bankrupt. No. B 19499 To the creditors of Eugene Grit ton and Olive Gritton, of Salem, In the County of Marion and District aforesaid, bankrupts. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 25th day of October, 1934, the said Eugene Gritton and Olive Gritton were duly adjudica ted bankrupt and that the first meeting of their creditors will be held at Room 301 in the United States National Bank Building In the City of Salem, Oregon on the llth. day of November, 1934, at 3:00 o'clock In the afternoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupts and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. WILLARD L. MARKS, Referee In Bankruptcy. N.-l. and Her Fiance V TvaSSt)w,)( . ..y.;. .j, jt y I i " if f - - j y , y - s L r. -.. . jsf 7?-ootv- . Local Butter at Up 1 Cent PULLET EGGS RISE; Butterfat prices locally Vera boosted another cent yesterdsy. to top of SI cents per pound, the highest fignre which has ruled for some .: time. Batter took a half cent increase. : Pallet egts vera Quoted up a cent to 10 cents for the producer, and extras were up a cent also. to S3 cents per dozen. Dressed Teal was weaker, at 18.50 a hundred. Other markets were unchanged. PORTLAND, Ore, Oct Sl-flP) -There was another general ad vance In the price on cube butter during the late session of the pro duce exchange, values being lifted to le lb., with top and bot tom scores, showing .the smallest rise. Make of butter continued to re flect a decrease, dne to the small ness of the butterfat supply. The latter was not, only due to the sea sonable influence but to the con tinued big request for sweet cream for Ice cream and so-called rrv. .al a 9 $ ll A f.n 1 7pn Rwppt instead of decreasing the demand for butterfat as some had charged, has liberally increas ed it. Butterfat values continued to advance, the official price being lc higher at 32c lb. for No. 1 Portland delivery and 30c for country stations, although actual business was shown 2 to 3c higher. Market for eggs showed a gen erally firm tone under leadership of late advances announced by Oregon Laid Eggs & Poultry. An advance on the exchange follow' ed the announcement. Demand for live chickens was holding firm and prices were be ing well maintained in all depart ments. Ducks were slow and there was no call for geese at the mo ment. Well held trade tone was show ing for country killed meats of all sorts even though late receipts have been generally liberal with the exception of hogs. General Markets PBODTJCB EXCHANQB PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 81. (AP) Produce exchange, net prices: Batter: extras, 80e: atandarda, 10c; prime tirsta. 38Ke; firats, 28 He. Eccs: u. b. speeiaia. 8oe; u. a. extree. 33e; U. S. medium extras, 27c Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 81. (AP) Wheat Open Hign Low Close May 83Vt 83tt 88 88 December 81 81 H 81 81 Cash: Big Bead blnestem. 80 Vie: dark hard winter. 12 per cent, 92c; do. It per cent, 87e; toft white, hard winter, northern spring and western red, 80c; western white. 79e. Oata No. a white $32.50. Cora No. 2B yellow S86.7S. Millrnn Standard 121.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct. 81. (AP) Batter Prints, A grade, 32e lb- in parchment wrappers; 83c lb. in eartoas; B trade, parchment wrappers, SI He lb.; cartons, 81c lb. Butterfat Portland delivery: A grada delivery at least twice weekly. 32-34e lb.; cotintry routes, 80-33e lb.; B pade or delivery less than twice weekly, 31-82e lb.: O trade et market. Egg Sales to retailers: Specials, 88e; extras 34e; fresh extras, brown, 34c; standards 28e; freah mediums 29e; mcdi am firsta S6e; fresh puUeta 23c; do lints 20e; checka 26e; bakers 21c Eggs Baying price of wholesalers: fresh specials, 83-34e; extras 31c; fresh extra brown. Sic; extra firsta 29e; ex tra medium 24c; medium firsts 22c; pullets, 19e; de firsts 18e; undergrade, 16- I7e dozen. Cheese 92 score, Oregon triplets, 18 tte; loaf. 14 Vie Brokers will pay He below quotations. Milk Contract price 4 per cent; Port land delivery. $2.20 cwt.; B grade cream 27He lb. Country meats Selling priee to re tailers: country killed hogs, best butch ers, under ISO lbs 10 10e lb.: veslere, fancy, 10-10 He lb.: light aad thin, 6-7e lb.; 140-170 lbs., 6-7o lb.; heavy, 4-Se lb.; fancy lambs 10 H -lie lb.; ewes. 8-5 lb.; cutter cows, 4-5e lb.; eaaners 8c Is.; bells 4H-5c lb. Mohair 1934 buying priee, 18e IV. Cascars bark Buying price. 193d peel, le lb. Hope 1914 fugglea. SOe lb.; clusters, 17- 20. IK: 1S11 claatara. 18e lb. live poultry Portland delivery buy lag prices: colore nana, aaaar oy ins. 14a lb.: do under SH lbs., lie lb.; Leg- sera fowls, over 8H lbs, 10-lle lb.; do eader 8 lbs.. ll-12e lb.; colored springs, 1H te 2 lbs.. 13e lb.; broilers under 2 lbs.. 12-lSe lb.; reostert, 6e lb. Pekla J.oki 10-lle lb.: da colored 5-Se lb. Dreaaed turkeys Ne. 1 toms aad kni. 20-2 lr. Onions Orafoa, T0-80 per 50-1K bag; Yakima. 86-70. PotaAoes Oregon, Burbaabs, 80-85 eental; Beappoose, Me. 1 Gems, 90; de Ne. 2, 70-75e eeaUl; Desebates OemS, SOc-Sl eeeta- Wool 1934 elip. aominal; WUUmetU valley, mediuaa SOe lb.; fine me Salt blood. SOe lb.: Uuab. 18e lb.; eestera Oregon, 17-30e lb. Hay Baying pries Irons producers alfalfa. Ko. 1. new eroD. 817-17.80: east era Oregon timothy, $17.60; oata. $11 ton: vetch. 811: Willamette valley tim othy. $18.50 ton; clover, fll tea, Port land. , Portland Livestock wisTT.iwn (v, n ai . i AW Cattle Receipts. 60; calves. 10; steady, aaehanred. Steera, good, common m medium, s.OO S.65: heifers, rood, common A, medium. 8.O0-4.S5 ; cows, jrood. eemmoa a asedi an. 2.25-80: low cutter cutter. 1.25 2.26; bulls, coed choice. 8.10-8.50;' cut ter, common medium, 2.25-8.10; real era. good A choice, 8.00-7.00; call. eemmoa k medium, 2.50-6.00; calves. rood a choice, 6.00-S.60; commas see slum, 2.50 5.00. Hogs Receipts, 800; 15e klgber. Lightweight, good eV choice, 4.7S-8.00 medium weight, good choice, 6.25-4.00 kee weight, good choice. 4.50-5.35 Becking sows, medium A good. 8t5-4t5 feeder gtocker pigt, geed A chelce, 8.00-4.00. - Sheep Receipts, 400; steady to strong. Lambs, good A choice, 6.00-5.60 ; year Use wethers. 8.60-5.00: ewes. -rood A choice, 8.35-4.00; euU, cosmos A me dium, .75-3.00. WESTERN WOOLS MOVE BOSTOH. Oct. 81.-P)-(TJ. . Deot, AT.)-Moderats - Quantities ot a few lines of tho finer qual ity western 1 grown wools wer moTing. Short French combing 64s and finer territory wools in original bass sold at C3-C5 cents sconred basis. Inaairies wero be ing receired on tho longer comb-in- iiiiem at ids sad finer terri tory wools, out most Bias were below aeceptablo prtcos, Salem Markets Grade a raw 4 per cent milky co-op pool price f 2.0 per hundred. ' ,' (Ifllk tMi ea sssri-Brntar satterUt average.) Distributor price $2.10. Batterfai - Top SOe andT 81c; D grade prints Sic; A grade, prists 82c Prices pali te crewera by Saless kayers. OeteDer-Sl 4Tke d rices belo. nppae4 by a local rrecer, art Udicatire ef the daily aasrkst, bat are net guaranteed by The Statee- maa.) ' (Buying Priee) Craaberriea. 4 bbU - , , ,, 1.75 Grapefruit, Florida ; 3.50 te 4.50 GrepetraJt, Ariioaa 3.40 te 3.65 Casabaa. lb. ' . ,, .01 Orangea, Valencies, fancy 5.50 te 6.50 Bananas, in., ea stalk , .03 Hand . .00 Lesaens , , , 4.50 te 5.35 Uoiea. fresh LOO GrsBs Seedless 1.15 1.75 1.25 1.25 35 te 1.00 .75 Lsdy Fingers . White Malagas Tokay Applet, bnatel Pears, D'Anjon. be. VEGETABLES (Bijmg Price) Radishes, dox. ,. , .. .30 Summer tqnash, erate Local celery, doa, Cauliflower Egg plant, local, lb. -Cabbage, ewt., local Kraut cabbage .. 1.00 .75o te 1.00 .60 .05 SOe to 1.15 50c to . .65 .OS Green peppers, local, lb. Onions. Washington, 50 lbs. .75 Local onions, 50 lbs. - .65 Lettnee. local, crate -.75 te 1.00 Beets, local, doz. .20 Squash, Bubbards and Banana .01 Carrots, local, doa. 13 te .15 Local Potatoes . Ko. 1, hendred No. 2, hnndred ' Yakima, 50 lbs. Sweet potatoea Coast Peas. lb. Filbert .13 te .90 .80 .43 3.00 .03 .15 .25 .35 .50 Tnrnips. dox. Endives, dox. Italian broccoli, large - HOKS (Boring Price) Cluster. 1934. lb., top. 13 Fugglea, 1934, top. lb. EGOS (Baying Price) .18 .83 it rat .38 .29 .27 .19 .35 .32 .29 .21 Standards Medinma - . ullets Wholesale Selling price Extras Stands rda Mediums Pallets WUOL AKD MOHAIR (Boring Price) Mohair. 1984 elm no market Medina wool. 1934 .22 Coarse aad fiae wool. 1934 40 POULTRY (Btyinc Price) Heavy heas. 4H te S lbs. .10 .10 .10 .08 .09 .18 .11 .04 .22 Over 5 pound, lb. . .... Colored medinma, IV Uedinm Leghorns, lb. I,lt. lb. Broilera. colored, lb. , Leghorn, lb. ... Htara. lb Turkeys, hens, lb. ur.iT (Boying Pricef Spring lambs 4A50 te 5.00 Yearlings . , Ewea -.03 aad .03 H .01 H 5.25 5.50 ; 5.00 .03 H te .05 01 te .02 H .02 te .034 .02 H te .03 H 4.50 to 5.00 .08 H .11 Hogs. 130 160 lbs. 170 210 lbs. 210-250 lbs. Steers Cowi . Bulls Heifers Veal, lop Dressed veal, top Vressea bogs GRAIN AND HAT (Buying Priee) Wheat, western red ; White, No. 1 a Barley, feed. Ne. 1. toe , .77 .79 28.00 34.00 20.00 Malting, toa Feed, toa TTsv hnTiitv Brl Clover bay S.OO 9.00 -11.00 .17 .20 80.00 ..37.00 Oats and vetch, toa Alfalfa, valley, flrat eat Clover Seed Red, lb. Alaike. lb. Teteh aeed, toa Oats, milling, toa Stocks and Bonds (Copyright, 1934. Standard Statistics Co.) October 81 STOCK AVERAGES 50 20 20 90 India. RR'a. Ota. Total Today Previoua day Week ago 81.7 36.1 55.0 69.8 81.5 86.0 65.0 69.8 84.5 38.7 57.1 72.6 79.6 37.6 68.8 71.1 Year ago 8 years ago 81.6 49.2 121.2 83.0 7 yesrs age 133.6 117.4 121.1 125.4 Higb 1934 105.0 64.8 90.8 93.S Low 1934 76.0 84.1 63.6 66.4 (1926 average equals 100) B05TD AVERAGES 20 20 20 60 Indls. RR'a. Uta. Total Today .. 82.4 81.5 88.7 84.2 Prerioas day 2.5 81.8 88.T Week age 82.6 83.9 88.8 84.3 84.7 74.0 61.4 88.1 74.8 Tear age 71.6 T1.4 79.1 8 years age 78.5 su.o vo.s High 1934 . 63.9 90.0 90.0 Ijpw 1914 . 7.o 7 .a (1926 average eqnais it0) Bassett Building Garage Addition as Office Annex LYONS. Oct, tl Floyd Bas sett is building- am addition to his garage, the annex to be an office and accessory shop. Mr. Bassett has tho work well under war and will soon hare it ready for roof- ins and interior finishing-. Roland Berry, accompanied by his mother. Mrs. George Berry. and Delbert and Mrs. J. H. John ston and Hugh Johnston, drove to Rose Lodge Sunday and visited tho Clair Humphreys family. Evi dence of last Sunday's storm was yet visible along the coast high way between Grand Ronde and Rose Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen and Newton Allen returned Tate last week from a visit with relatives in Idaho.' Silverton Readers Give Miller Novel Leave Over Allen .' SILVTONv Oct. . 31 Nine teen newsreaders wero signed up at tho public library d urlng tho past woek Tho library's busy season Js well under way and Sat urday afternoon lit books wero charged out Reports from tho library are thaf Carolyn Miller's "Lamb in HU Bosom, ts almost replacing Allen's "Anthony Ad verse" in popularity. Gifts of books wero received during tho past eek from Ruth and Edna Minor and from Vera Jenkins. Gifts ot tnagaxlnos wero receirwa from Mrs. Timothy Brownhlll. LOW PRICE RECORDS OKE BY WHEAT CHICAGO. Oct ai.-W)-Outdoing- season low price records, wheat la Chicago today parted company with corn, which devel oped notable strength. Wheat underwent a fall of I cents a bushel In some eases, largely responsive to cheap offer ings of French wheat and to weak ness at Buenos Aires, where tho Argentine government appeared to be removing trade restrietioni at practically tho same time th Canadian government seeks to in c re ase regulatory measures at Winnipeg. Prospective freezing temperatures apt to enlarge feed ing demand gave a stimulus to buying of corn. The close tor . wheat was ner vous, -1 under yesterday " finish. May 94-, corn of to 1 cent up. May 76-77, oata at decline to 164 advance, and provisions varying from 5 cent setback to a rise of 32 cents. Today's closing Quotations: Wheat-December old 9 5 , new 95-; May 94-; July 87-88. Corn December old 78-', new 75-7; May 7674-77; July 76-77.. Oats December old 50, new. 49; May 47; July 43. STOCK PEE STEADY AT flil'S FIN NEW YORK, Oct. 31. - (A5) -Stocks held a steady pace as Octo ber made Its exit quietly In finan cial markets. Transfers dwindled to 416,809 shares, the smallest since October 3. The total turnover for tho month on the stock exchange was only 15.658,331 shares against 39,372,212 in the same period last year. Oils hardened on Improvement In the gasoline and crude price structure. Eastman Kodak rose) more than 2 points on the newi tho company had sold part of its large silver holdings to the gor ernment. Noranda Mines closed a point lower after touching a new 1934 low around 31. Timken Roller Bearing ad vanced nearly a point. The com pany declared an extra dividend ot 2ji cents a share. TJ. S. Steel, Bethlehem and Am erican Rolling Mill edged fraction ally higher. Santa Fe, Pennsyl vania and New York Central wire among rails improving slightly aided by indications rail traffic was holdng fairly well In tho face of seasonal influences toward decline. American Can, American Telephone, Montgomery Ward, J. I. Case, (Jeneral Electric, General Motors and other stocks of that calibre showed only small change es up and down at the finish. Gain of 10 Found in Enrollment for Mt. View District MOUNTAIN VIEW, Oct, 31. A full house enjoyed an excel lent program Friday night at tho first Parent-Teacher meeting. Dr. David B. Hill, assisted- by Charles Wilson, secretary of the Salem chamber of commerce, showed moving pictures of dental hy giene and also of a six weeks 7000 mile auto trip including Yel lowstone park, the lead mines ot Idaho, the Chicago world's fait and scenic beauty spots ot Ari zona. At a brief business meeting plans were discussed for several outstanding local talent' programs ior ma viuicr. ius ictttucn im port an enrollment Of 42 pupils as compared with 32 last year. MOVE TO SHERIDAN AMITY, Oct. 31. Mr. and Mrs. John Zahler and family have mov ed to Sheridan where Mr. Zahler ia employed in the creamery. Mr. Zahler was manager of tho Ma rlon creamery here for a number of years until it sold out recently. Urges Aid 1 V X V ; ; " lswideat Roeserelt " Urging- American bankers to "re new your confidence in tho peo ple", President Roosevelt is pho tographed ai Wasiungton as fco addressed delegates attendiatr thai annual convention of tho Ameri- sea . . J ' can can-en associaaon. ..