The OREGON STATESMAN. Salent. Oregon, Thursday Morning November 1,1934 PAGE FIVE i -V 1 J 4 r; i. iff f, i i i f V" 1 .V I?; . - H -J t L 6 c a I N e w s B r i e fs - 10 Cases Disease Tea cases i of communicable diseases were reported x for Marion county for the week ending October 27, ac cording to the weekly check of the state department of health. The ten were segregated: Two each of pnenmoni a, chickenpox , and mumps; one each of infantile par alysis, tuberculosis, flu and meas les. For the entire state, 75 cases of scarlet fever were reported, though Marion county escaped this column last week. Cirll Case Today Difficulties of George W. and Kathryn Bloom, -plaintiffs In action against H. and Anna Bowders, oyer a promissory note will be aired in a civil action before Jndge Hayden today. Plain tiffs claim there is $105 due them on a $150 note; and defendants allege they hare paid in cash and goods all but $13.12. on the note, which $13.12 they hare- been will ing to pay. Ton will miss an event of a life . time if yon fall to hear Horace E. Walter, democratic candidate for Secretary of State at the Salem Armory Friday night November 2.' ' Honck Arrested R. L. Honck, arrested on charge of operating three motor trucks without license plates, pleaded not guilty when haled before Justice of the Peace Hayden yesterday. Houck, ar rested by state police above Mill City where he is engaged in log ging operations, posted $50 cash bail. The case will beset later. Accident Reports F. E. Loose, 226 State, yesterday reported to police that an unknown driver collided with hia car as he was driving out of a State street gar age; and L. E. Fischer, Portland, reported his car and that of an un known driver came together at Front and Center without serious damage to either. Fudge sale, fresh made, 19c. Spa. Afternoon Pictures Planned -In order to accommodate grade school children, the evening per formance of the living pictures being presented by the Salem high school are classes will be shifted to 4 o'clock in the afternoon. There will be an evening showing Friday night at 8 o'clock as planned. For Pete's sake (Zimmerman) rally. Pie and cake social. Union hall, 8 p. m. Frl. Entertainment. Bring pies and purses. Courthouse P la tins' On Paint ing of the interior of the Marion county courthouse is proceeding steadily with a crew of men at work daily. Sale chocolate nut fudge,' pound box, The Spa. 19c Lanin Jailed V. A. Lanln was picked up by city police yester day and held for check investi gation. Urgent call is being issued for all stockholders of the Oregon Linen mills to attend either-in person or by proxy the adjourned meeting of the stockholders at the chamber of commerce here Satur day afternoon, November 3, at 2 o'clock. At a special meeting held last Saturday, sufficient stock was not represented to ratify action of the board of directors In amending the agreement between the Oregon linen mills and the Salem Linen mills,, and to approve reorganiza tfaa of the Salem Linen mills into a co-operative association to ob tain a government loan to finance tan : flax industry. . Efforts are being made to se eare sufficient representation at the meeting this week to assure .vote on the proposals. Capacity Audience Enjoys Civic Club Comedy at Dayton DAYTON, Oct. 31. The Wom an's Civic tUb three act comedy "His Uncle's Niece" brought a ca pacity attendance to the opera fcouse Monday night. The proceeds amounted to $75 and will be used to aid' in -preparing the new club tnarters and the park and library foods. - Earl Coburn directed the play. Cast was: Harry Stretch, Earl Co fearn, Mrs. Fred Matches, Dora Hale, Mabel Cupper, Mrs. Wilfred BUbbert. Em melt Filer, Keith Co tarn, Theodora Jtossner and Dr. Orr c.; Goodrich. ; ; - TJXDEB MEDICAL CARE - LTONS, Oct, 31. Mrs. Leon Smith' went to Portland Tuesday to. be with her sJster-in-law, Mrs. Bessie Talbot, of Mfll City, who is- under the care of a physician. Coisxnz Events November 2 Democratic rally Amonr, 9 p. nu November S Willamette vs. Pacific, night football Same, i ' " . ' ; November 5 City coun cil, x regular meeting, city ball, 8 pjn. November a Sons of American Legion banquet, :SO pnu. Fraternal tem ple; pjnn latoa. regular meeting. ";0- ""V - November 8 t 13 Na tional . art "week, with Ore eon nalnters exhibit. L November, Second Me Dowel! dub concert. November- S Chrysan themum show, Salem Gar den Club. - $- . November G e n e r'n 1 election. - - November 1 laaak Wah ton league meets at Marion, hotel, 8 p. m.- ' November 1 O Polk eonn ty Federated Rural Warn aa's dab roeetluc at Oak' Point school.-' - y- STOCKHOLDERS OF , LIB Mill HIED All Clubs to Meet A mass meeting for members only of the f four Salem Townsend clubs is slated for Thursday night at S o'clock at Nelson hall. Liberty and Chemeketa streets. The meeting has been called by Dr. E. Davis, who has directed much of the or ganisation in this section. Hemstitching moved from 1253 State St. to 1210 N. 16th. Mrs. Hlday. Hear "Will Case Taking of tes timony in the Marcia Cusick will case continued yesterday before County Judge- SiegmundV Briefs will be asked counsel from - both sides before the court decides the case. The validity of the will of the late Mrs. Cusick is in question. Hear Senator Sam H. Brown, the Gervais farmer. KOIN Thursday 9:15, Nov. 1st, "State? or Party?" Tranel Trial Today J. G. Tran el, accused of obtaining money under false pretense, , denied guilt yesterday and will have a trial in justice court this morning at 11 o'clock. He 'continues in jail in lieu of ball. At the Armory, Salem, Friday night. November 2, R. R. Turner, candidate for congress. The pub lic is invited. Brown to Speak Sam Brown, Marion county senator, will speak tonight over KOIN at 9:15 o'clock. His subject will be "State or Party." The address will be the second Brown ha made during the current campaign. Shipley's Annual Clearance sale now in progress. Every garment including all kaitted wear re duced. Scout Troup Meets Boy Scout troop one, holding its second fall meeting Tuesday, heard a talk by Major Miller of the United States army and also a first aid lecture by Jack Baker. A model airplane contest was held. Now. every coat and suit substan tially reduced at Shipley's. Union Workers Here Kelley Loe, Portland, representative of the Portland Teachers' council, was in Salem yesterday to confer with members of the local teach ers' federation, No. 283. Obituary Sell Stephens Sell at a local hospi tal, October 31, aged 76 years. Survived by a brother, Frank Sell of Banks. Announcements later by the Clough-Barrlck company. Hassett At the residence, 195 West Su perior street, Monday, October 29, Martha Abi Hassett. Survived by brother, Elmer Remington of Min neapolis, Minn.; daughters, Mrs. M. Widdlfield of Halsey, Mrs. A. E. T r a p p of Grass Range, Mont., Mrs. Fannie Palmer of Brownsville, Mrs. J. J. Cameron of Tulare. Calif., Mrs. R. M. Walts of Salem; son, F. B. Hassett of Brookings, Ore.; 36 grandchil dren, 38 great grandchildren and six great, great grandchildren. Services will be held from Clough- Barrlck chapel Thurdsay, Novem ber 1, at 1:30 p. m. Interment Bellfountain cemetery at 3:30 m., Dr. Schulze officiating min ister. Holt Ulysses Grant Holt at the resi dence, 1032 Oak street, Wednes day, October 31, aged 7 years. Survived by daughters. Miss Beryl L. Holt and Mrs. James B. Young; son, Archie B. Holt; granddaugh ter. Patsy Holt, all of Salem: brothers, Fred' L. Holt of Dayton-, Charles Holt of Chewekvh, Wash., and Arthur Hplt of Newberg; sis ters, Mrs. Fanny Butler of Albany and Mrs. Mary Niccolson of Sa lem. Funeral services will be held from the chapel of W. T. Rigdon company Friday, November 2, at 30 p. m. Rev. Fred C. Taylor and Rev. James E. Mflllgan will officiate. Vocal selections will be rendered by Kenneth Allen with Professor T. S. Roberts at the or gan. Interuent will be at the City View cemetery. Hill William Hill, at his residence 198 N. 14 th street, on Tuesday, October 30, at the age of 80. Those surviving are, bis wife. Lovle Hill; sons, Thomas B., John C, of Salem, and a son,- Willis, fn Canton, Kan.; daughter, Mar garet May Phillips of Salem. Fun eral announcements later by Sa lem Mortuary, 545 North Capitol. Birth Simmons To Mr. and Mrs. Ir- vin. Simmons, route three, box 413, a boy, Wayne LeRoy, Octo ber 29. Sfcort To Mr. and Mrs. Laur ence L. Short, 1328 Hoyt, a girl. Mildred Johan, October 28. Pepper To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Papper, 51? RJchomin. twins, Dar ren Lloyd and Dorothy Rae, Oc tober 23. Rice To Mr. and Mrs. D. D Rice, route eight, a boy, James Raymond, October 3. Clayton To Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Clayton, routs four, a girl. Virginia Darlene, October 3. CbOQUlNOLK f PUSH WAVE t , R!ogktEndt ' 75c . Complete J Castte JVrtiMment Wavers- Co. 807 Est Satl Bank BMfe IMS PILES CURED WBfeMt opemiea er toes ef ttsM DR. MARSHALL ax.Ocsaaa 1U - Tbtas W i II rs Echo, High Card Followed by Low Discard, Found ; One Useful Device (Editor's Not; Below Is one of a series of articles on contract bridge written by Mm W. H. Qumn, Port land Culbertson expert, who Is direct ins The Statesman second annual bridge tournament, held each Maodar night at tbe Marion. ) . Do you read your partner's sig nals correctly? Do you recognize the red lights telling you to stop. fer ine green iigms ""V 1 w v ahead? Signals fall .Into two classes the en couraging and the discourag ing. The en couraging sig nal is asking for that suit to be contin ued, the dis couraging ask ing that you discontinue .. Mrs., Qnina that SUit. We used to think of the six spot as the line of separation. Any card higher than the six was consider ed encouraging, any card lower than the six discouraging. The six-spot Itself was the only doubt ful card. This cut and dried sys tem did not work. What could you possibly do If the lowest card that you had In a suit was a seven yet you did not want that suit returned? Or Just as puzzling, holding the A K x x you wish your partner to lead that suit, and yet you hare no card with which to give an encouraging signal. Mr. Elwell solved this problem by inventing the echo. The discarding of a high card and then a low card, asking that the suit be continued. The only trouble with the echo is that sometimes we dp not have time to complete the play. Sup pose your partner leads the K of which you hold Q 8 3. The 8 would naturally be played on the K. The 3 cannot be discarded or led, so the 8 must be interpreted as the beginning of an echo which could pot be completed. If you wish your partner to switch to another suit you try to discourage him by normal dis carding, In other words the play ing of a low card and then a high one. Partner leads the K of spades and you' holding three worthless spades do not wish to continue. For example, from the holding of 9 6 2 you carefully dis card the 2 and then the 6. A very valuable method of sig naling Is the trump echo. If you hold three trumps, discard the middle and then the lowest, tell ing your partner that you ori ginally held three trumps. Part ner knows that you hold another trump, which you may use for ruffing purposes: (J C 4 of trumps discard the 6 then the 4). Warrant Seeks E. S. Olson on Larceny Charges SILVERTON, Oct. 31. War rant Tor arrest of E. S. Olson on a grand larceny charge was issued out of Silverton Justice court to day by complaint of his partner in the garage business, Richard Holm. Olson is accused of driving off with Holm's light ear Tuesday night. According to story told Consta ble S. A. Pitney, Olson appropri ated Holm's car and left without any word to persons here, so far as is known. No arrest had been made early last night. De Armond Herd of Cattle Bought by Hoffman, Versteeg INDEPENDENCE. Oct. 31. Ivan De Armond sold his dairy herd last week to W. T. Hoffman and Dick Versteeg. Mr. DeArra- ond has a- job with the govern ment on reclamation work and has been attending school in this connection for the past three months. READING M SIGHS i rt n i mm 1 1 n 1,11111 Oregonians Are Proud of Their Homes Already the United States National Bank and its Branches have made almost 200 loans to property owners under the Federal Housing Act plan. Most of this money is going into repairing and remodeling homes. ,; . , ;. ; - , . If' jrouf " home needs repairing or reinodeling, let r us explain how easily you can finance that work by :" - " an easy-payment loan. -r t D. W. EYRE UC. SMITH Sclem Branch l C CMfCCiCCC otthe C fJnited States National BanK ot Portland' Head Ojcer Portland Oregon - -'" f 1 ? " ' . t " ' , as, - 1. t - A .f vrVssrl - I t if t , X.- -f - Jf f'' . e? -it s . -iSt? Success In the move of George F. Temple Santa Monica, Cal, banker, to win a $1,250 weekly sal ary for his five-year-old daughter, Shirley Temple, already a movie star, puts little Shirley in the elass of the highest paid child performers in the world. IGI1 NTH DIES. LOS ANGELES Word of death of Virginia C. McKlnney, 89, in Los Angeles, has been received here by Mrs. A. N. Tracy from Mrs. Olga Brid ges of Van Nuys, Calif. Mrs. Mc Klnney died in the Hollenbeck home October 22, following a stroke of paralysis suffered a week before. Mrs. McKlnney was an Oregon pioneer who crossed the plains with her parents and brothers and sisters. She was married to Rev. Samuel Condit and after his death attended Willamette univer sity, graduating with the class of 1871. In 1872 she was married to E. E. McKinney of Turner, after whose death she went to Califor nia to reside. Funeral serrices were held in the Hollenbeck home and the re mains cremated. Ashes will be de posited in the McKinney lot in Twin Oak cemetery, Turner. Barker Elected To Position of State Director Herbert E. Barker, president of the Salem trades and labor coun cil and member of the meat cut ters' union, was elected to the executive board of the State Fed eratloh of Labor by a margin of 30 votes, Ben T. Osborne of Port land, executive secretary of the state federation, informed union leaders here yesterday in a short visit while en route to Eugene. Barker was elected over F. J. A. Boehringer of the operating en gineers and J. M. Rlckman of the carpenters. Mrs. Arthur Dahl Returning Shortly From Journey East SILVERTON. Oct. 30. Mrs. Arthur DahL who was called east two weeks ago to Garretsbn, 8. D.. by the illness and death of h e r father, Halror Julson, will return to Silverton within the next few days. She left Garretson early this week and will visit for a short time with her sister, Mrs. IF ! you want a roof that is fire resisting, colorful and factory guaranteed see the Salem Paint Roofing Co. at 474 Ferry St., Expert repair work. Phone 4642. Bass-Hueter Paints. . . Manager Asst. Manager Their Baby Faces are Their Recommendations on Ballot Measures to Be Voted on General Election, Nov. 6 Grange Power Bill sorx No 20-Mill Tax Limit 80S X No Healing Arts Amendment 305 X No J. F. Beckett at Butte, Montana. Mrs. Beckett returned to Butte week ago and has been ill since. She had also gone to Gar retson to be with her father. Mrs. Juleson, past 80 years old, will remain in South Dakota. Hallowe'en Party is Held for Youngsters LIBERTY, Oct. 31. The e?v- enth and eighth grade pupils of Mr. Meyer's room held a Hal lowe'en masquerade party Satur day evening at the hall. A school room skit was given by Patsy Dasch, R o w e n a Westenhause, Wilma Sargent and Mildred Leek. Jacqueline Judd received first prize for best Costume, Tillman Hauser, second. Judges, were Mrs. R. C. Jory, Mrs. Cecil Sargent and Mrs. Dave Cogswell. II Quality Meats and Groceries Corner Market and Capitol Almost OPENING THURSDAY, NOV. 1st. A completely remodeled, renovated store New shelves, fixtures painted and clean. YouH enjoy visiting this new store. More complete stocks. Opening Feature: CORN FLAKES Fresh and Crisp 3 for OC KRAFT CHEESEE SS5Q MORONS Seagal? Lettuce, lg. heads. 2 for '-7e , Celery 3-tie-hearts 2 bu-9e Spinach clean, fresh, lb. 3C 'm&&mMX- PRIME STEER BEEF Fortunes This layout shows the outstanding starlets of the past and present, who have made their parents wealthy by their winning ways on the screen left to right, Jackie Coogan, at the height of his fame; Jackie Cooper. Shirley. Baby Lerov Weinbrenner. 1HI Fill HELD FDR PUPILS SHELBURN. Oct. 31. Miss Lottie Lamb, teacher, gave a Hal lowe'en program this afternoon for her pupils and their mothers C. D. Harris was plowing with his young team near the railroad when a freight train frightened the team. The horses pulled Har ris over the plow, incapacitating him for a time. One of the hors es received cuts on the leg. Charles McDonald recently pur chased a team of horses in Port land. W. H. McLain also has bought a new horse. Farmers are commencing their fall plowing after the recent rains. The early sown grain is up and some fields are green. Rally for Members of Church is Sunday ORCHARD HEIGHTS, Oct. 81. The Summit church member ship and the Oak Grove church will hold a rally Sunday. Novem ber 4 at the Summit church. A potluck middsy dinner will be served in the school house base ment and an appropriate program given. A. S. (Pat) 97S r.2AOESEir SITHaEEx 5073 qt. . a a i0::r....(3 OI3E1EIIDM5ID The OW Standby, pkgs. A Complete Line FiSesh Fruits and Vegetables! i5S Structure Condemned; Rain Pours in; Hope for New Building Expressed Work of wrecking the 40 year old building at 241 .State street, which for the last 15 years has housed the Salvation Army, was started yesterday as the first step of an improvement program, in line with the Marion county mod ernization campaign. For 15 years the Salvation Army, workers have found it dif ficult to carry on their meetings in adverse weather because of the dilapidated condition of the build ing. The place had been con demned and during .the heavy rainstorm last Sunday the sched uled meeting was 'rained out" be cause of the leaky roof. Captain Lewis MeAllen reported yesterday. The- army meetings now are being conducted at 190 Commercial street. Lyle Bartholomew, one of the Marion county housing commit tee workers Investigated the pos sibility of obtaining financial as sistance for the Salvation Army but it developed loans, at this time, are being made only for home and business property reno vation. It is expected loans for the new structures will be made next spring, at which time the Salvation Army leaders indicate they will erect new quarters. Preparations for the new of fensive of the county housing committee were being perfected today with sales clerks and store managers scheduled to meet to night at the chamber of commerce in the first public session. The meeting has been arranged by R. D. Slater, committee chairman, In an attempt to acquaint all sales personnel with the various phases of the national housing act. Pies Converted to Cash for Articles Needed for School ELDRIEDGE, Oct. 31. Sale of pies brought 319.70 Friday night when a splendid program arranged by the teachers was en Joyed by a large crowd. The money will be used tor school equipment. Entertainment included music by the Mitchell Entertainers from Salem; songs by Mrs. Pearl Pat terson, Mrs. Thompson, the Thels sen Bisters, the Keene sisters; vio lin solos by Doris Schindler; song by Russell Sahli; tap dancing by Wyoma Thompson. Mrs. Olive Jones and family have rented the farm owned by Mrs. Boarn, Al Keene having pur chased their former home near Arel .corner on the Salem-Cham-poeg highway. Johnson, Prop. A Generous Bag of Groceries Will PRICES EFFECTIVE Be Given with Each 12 Purchase! THROUGH SATURDAY in every 3 lbs., 7 oz. One of the 57 Varieties RUBY CATSUP .I- 2 None Better, 15-ox. can . . Not a Cheap Brand Golden FUSS Glass Jaty -- lb. Comedian Gives Medicine Show Stunts, Rotary In imitation of an old-tine med icine show, Joe Forrest, comedian, gave an entertainment program for Rotary club yesterday as Hallowe'en special. . Miss Kevah Channell. who was with him, sang some vocal numbers. - The meeting next, week will be Wednesday evening with ladles a guests. Dr. Bruce Baxter, presi dent of Willamette university and a Rotarian, will be the speaker.' Clubs from other towns have been invited. "PliT" JOHHSOH TO What he plans to be a model community grocery store and meat market will . be opened at 975 Market street today by A. S. "Pat" Johnson, who has been in business In Salem for the past ten years. Johnson has been busy the past several weeks overseeing th complete remodeling of the build ing, attractive repainting and in stallation of all new fixtures. Johnson's, as the- store will be known, occupies the former loca tion of Sampson's, on Market Just1 west of Capitol street. The new proprietor will sell only Quality meats, groceries and! fresh fruits and vegetables, he says. Mr. Johnson wag connected! with the First National bank dur ing hia early years In Salem. Later he served as manager for the Sa lem Navigation company. Sammonsto Speak On Radio Tonight E. C. Sammons, member of the state board of higher education, will talk over HEX tonight at 9:45 and will discuss the 20-milI tax limitation measure. Mr. Sammons is a leading business man of Port land, manager of the Iron Fire man Manufacturing company. Opening Sit 1 w IoveiTrl3cr 8 rBpncmber the 'Vote Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Phone ALBERS ROSEWARE OATS S o m e t h lng new in glassware. One piece package. 26c 2 ST ST SS...;.EGO pkgs. - &$ Carnation, Pet, Alpine, Nestle, Morning, tall can. . . 0(3 2 for C3 ,2ib.Q3iib..ft( Vcstt ( ! S-o