The OREGON STATESMAN, Satera. Oregon, Tuesday Morninir, October SO, 1934 - y PAGE NINE W:hea t "Mew::SMsbn-Low THEY PULL 0 Am PP ; ' I ... : . i 3 I 3 ! 1 i i I 5 r a, V ( I ; Statesman Classified Ads ; Call 9101 Classified ' Advertising ; Single insertion per lis 10c Three insertions pet vt , Ua . . .; . . . . . .20e Six Insertions er ine..2le Oat moots per lint.. $1.90 Minimum charge .......SI Copy for ta!s page 'ac cepted ttatfl f:ll the ren in before publication for classification. Copy r seired after this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes' ae financial . responsibility tor errors which may ap pear fa advertisements pub-- Hahed Is Its columns, aad la cases where this paper la at faalt Ul reprint 4 that part of an advertisement la wblcb the , tjrposrapbleal tni8tak eecQrs. ; ... The . Statesman reserree tbe right - to reject objec tlonat adrertlsins. It far ther reserres the rlsht to classify all adTertlslnf un der the proper dealloca tion. : . . HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED woman for practical finraln-r and iimi hnnnurlr l ti t ant home Giv ax and telepbona. Box i. siunnno. -., - -ri-,-,-Vi)-irAiiMm. . Higb Clan Local Eatabltshment haa opening lor I reOned middl aged la dieo. Can earn while In tralnlne. Per manetit t right party. Address letters to juox c-o tsutesman. Girl or woman, for fuU time houae- work, fis N. Bummer. SALESMEN WANTED frrv,v-rv-rJ-t,ii-v Good Knalewood grown, ornamental tree and shruba; bare good roota. 'twaaonaDte pacta, uea. . Scbrelber, SITUATIONS WANTED Truck for hire. Tel. 527S. WRtl work In mntftArlMa tinma 1221 Lealie St- .- ' Yeumr man wanta work oa dairy iarm. experienced, seferencea. 179 it. urn Pt. FOR SALE MiseeOaoeons uwoa. nruc ana reawooa. tceaaonaote. till & Cottaga. . '" ir.i ciaer, zc per gal. nam it, MeL Trade street . ..........-,..- .rl-lir irru-Ln Bargain ?6ffer.' -Th Orcoa States. ;inan one lull year Dr man only to any ..uunm u uregon, x.vs i or a limited urn, ' - -i .-in n.nj-i.nnji-nji. Old papers 18c per bundle. St.. man office, - - - - -m i-i j-u-u-u-Ln Walnuts. BaldwtnK. Rnioa .v... JJf ,5jf. rtng boxes. Mrs Wright, 7 uifc it uutcv road. t-uwera,- iei. 1S. Radio For Sale ! $171.00 tube Edison Radio: re- roMessed: balance due $J1.I: terms. 5.0 down. $4.00 monthly. See Mr, Jans. Will's Music Store. iw SMkAMU VAfUr JLlll 0 Mohair Set. a beauty, $30: Heaters, Beds, $1.50 up; Chairs. (0o T?P.: ?x Rans, $11 tip: Bicycle, fit: Victor Cabinet Phonograph, $ j. Portable, $3.S0; Solid Maple Breakfast Pf t. beautifully finished. M5 ; New High Chairs, I1.7S : Circulating Heater, Jarge size. $30.00: Dressers. IS up; ew 40-lb. Mattress. , S41S; Antique Glass and Dishwars and Gun a. A Thousand and One Bargama at ths fiwaparee, 474 & Com'L Ph. $414. Pupa, males, $7; females, $4. !$. -h--innnrinrit Farm machinery. tiFis . e-.M M-a--Ari ft r. PENSATIONAL, PIANO VALUES :..Whi. " low " $35.00; Grand's, 1808.00. Terms to suit! See Potter or Vary WTT,T,S MTTSTC STORB. ' TRADE Miseellaneoas "---- --nn -i-i-iin i .iihi t TJITAA-f 1-. If A . - c IMt - . . . ..ww ivr U tuowr. . CL. Ttas. - -1 . -w-w-- r, nj ini Bicycle for painting. TeL. 4510. wet trad bicycle for wood, 351 8. 1?th Pt WANTED fillseellaneons - -i-innnhn.ri.nnn - GUNS, RIFLES. PI TOIS. tmiel ; tnauvmests eUtrhtly weed, we boy eld gold. SUr Exchange, 311 N. Com'L Wanted Used but good-coadltioaed Burroughs or thr standard beofcJceep. , fng machine. Address proposals to .Box I4L . . Sea Aahcraft. 7 Ktogwosd Are. TfTifg or bT.liT.g. i-T kind. T1. $80. BnSCELLANEOUS vfr - -i.---,'vvnnrij'Lr,rrijr v Subscribe now, renew now. The Ore gon Statesman annual bargain period la now on for limited time. To maH subscribers only, limited to state of Oregon, -$3.00 per year. Haircuts ISc-SOe. $01 & Winter. - 'eia-)a-ywwfc Saw repaiiing. Salem Saw Shop. Tour Cornera Pen Road. TeL 4130. - - -i ii-rn-iririir--rw'.irinr-n.nili Free We pick up dead and worth less horses, cows, abeepr .SM. 431, s JoV mr1xr gbM hftfrrtrtn. tSe. FOR RENT R003IS 1 Z 1 steeping room. 1 with eookhtg prtr. Men. 4i N. Liberty. -.T- - Bleeping rra. Men. TJS Court St.- - : Nice sleeping room. TeL' 44$$. . ' r-i.-w-i0aMiMWMMMMfc - Warm sleeping room. I block north ROOM AND BOARD , Room and board. TeL S441 0w4-SaiWaili TaWey fxrL Vrr- In. I4t3. FOR RENT APARTMENTS - Small apt. 1335 State. - . v 4 ' New, mod. furn. apt, Frfgldalrs. prlr. bath. 443 Union. TeL SC8L -w. Mod. furn. apt, 3 room. Close ta, ISO. including frigldalrs and garage. eL S764. - - - - tews - fcini-)rir Fum, boated apt 432 alarloa. ; FOR RENTAPART JXENTS "" 1 Attractive f R. M s. Winter. ' ----- - -i-M-i-iririrui.irLnrin.iuu Strictly mod. 1 T fum t cs ia ralrgrounda Road, TeL 183$." ? . room furnished apartment. TeL --' -i-i1v.-nnnH)uu STiraisiiea Apta, IS montb, SSt Bell. FOR RENT HOtlSES juiisea. ateirta Johnsoa. TeL 8733. WW iwaiw .- u u-Juuut For rent. ftnn(af.ui nnfN.i-..i . Utlt U -41CM uwuaca. . . R. A. Forkner lisi r. Capitol . Phone tail i iii-irii-mii.iLiin.iiui ...... txjrw rort. in. a. FOR RENT ' , L-.nj-j-Lriji -M-rge store building, second floor ' oaeemeni. weu located. $4i Wirmie Pettyjohn. 61 Court sTreet 1 WANTED TO RENT w .... r -i-inrg-urxnjuu Wanted To rent a. ntinUni ai-r a f riLlS0!? hU8e' 'ornlshd, beginning u urjcauwr ua exxenainar inrontrn th. wwajsiaiiTe session, inquirer is a member of the state senate. Address FOR SALE - Real Estate. " i - .-. n nnnsj i Beautiful wooded, close In borne site, withwa ter, gas and electricity. Very wan pay ii tenia TBI. SI 34. PllT Tav T7.n, $50 4 mi and nook, end-'furnace. r-nr tim. basement . $1100 A real buy, plastered 1 rm. ae: good repair; in north Salem. Double plumbing, could be used for uuuoie apt Loan was $2000. Sacri liclnr for oulrlc baTa p,ri-. $2300 S rm. home, hardwood floors. u" oasement, furnace and fireplace, A. Forkner N. Cap4toI Ehone " ,-s'sa-a,eat -Laj-inEiJJiATJS POSSESSION OP A i BUBUKBAS HOME Buuaings ince new with plumblne iCT .Von 5i5m : 1 acre 01 'ana Price $2200. Liberal terma or m cept vacant lot or small city home as ..CHrLDS A MILLER, Realtors etate Ht. XeL 470$ S-tS'SjaSSaai SI aiaa m. a -yfSfytnnn n , i 0,000 tiorae for half price. Thla line colonial noma fn A l tion; 8 large airy rooms, lot 80x15 ft., close In. Will sell on terms or trade wr Binnii nouse. CHILDh & MTT.TPP T. st 1 fciace Bt TeL (708 7U A ft mi uintii m .t i Good 5 A. trai t RsUm TTit... . "'.'ho, laiu- 1 Av " to eaiem. tr!ce $1250, W. G. Kruearer. 174 K rrom'i . l'9V- v $1500 A. bargain to a 5-room home, fVlTac walnut trees, corner lot. east front $200 down. - -i-,-.-nn.xaaji $1 down. rK-i-nom Kim. Til a erf mtmJt i . " "r ana paving pa. 0. za v""- t- Tel. t723 EXCHANGE Real Estate Properrr ta Mnnf n. - - -irn-rrii-hnn n . . 1 t!nbr Uni aear Roseburg sas uatjsi mu -vr for a Tem r rnrt nl awnio caaa f. Tel. owner 414. FOR SALE FARMS y" -- - -,-,-in i-i n.n-'uijui SPECTAT. 1 5 -acre tract, well Wrrf TrtM only $3600. Nicely financed. Small imjrment wui Dandle. CHILDS A MnA.VTt Ps.ll... otate 8t TeL 6703 FOR SALE OR PTHlvnr -i - -,----w-rHrfji 18 acres at one of finest beah r. SOrtS tt COast. beatltfflll atraama mr,A (uaner wrtn pientirul rishing and hunt ing. Nothtog like It for sale. Priced kw at oniy s.vvo or will accept good uvuio m oniern in exenange. ' ..CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors Bute St TeL 708 nrUM rnr rant. anl. mi. r. wn Business Opportunities ax. ,a,a.. . a . . ........ ,---innr)afLnJut rw tsais small mn in Salem. Box 447, Good location. Low rent Statesman. Kfttt Beer Parlor f-rt xin. v.b ! - - - . .-... . ... V oar. counter, staoia tahi.. ... u - ... MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel Loans tO tl mot) thai ta rfr Slf lnwr4 .Mok. SWW1SJ THICS, GENERAL FINANC8 CORP. A local rarnantlim ist Ran Bank Bid Phone $568. ucensea oy stats .......... ri CHATTEL LOANS CAR3 RE-FINANCED WILLAancTTK t.iv rv " IBL XITT IBS Rnaitla CM. a.1. 8-154 - State Licenss Xaa . xt.ics I . . - $ $ Need? Money STITfl liMM rv-k XII Ore, Bldjr. Lie. Na. S-iea a.'axaaaaMMaamaaiajaji can rnrt rrsn. 110 tsoa L itnat BorrOW lllX Bioner hara la alniiiltiitf. - self. Oar loan ccommod tieae are in tended to help aU deserring people. Wa Isvlts roar annllcsHm. Ttm taw. ka.u'ae '"T"! - " x 4 LOAN PLANS -t REPAYMENT PLANS Come in. write or 'Phone. - - - BENEFICIAL LOAN -"r" - ' SOCIETT V OF SALEM , - Member nt KB A : yI. New BUgh Bide. 2nd floor LICENSED Na 8-133 by STATS 816 8UU St ' - TeL 37-4 Leans Made la Nearby Towns .......... ..... -t.(-..n ri luxTLrxji MortasKS loans m tirmraura1 SaImi bouses. Abrams A Ellis, Ian, Masonic Biaa- a. ........ ....... L.L. . -tjtj 5 Farm Loan 5 Plenty of siaim Mti tmnMV.s I 7M . w w.e NiaTsrw I farma If amply secured. Imprsvs or new wni cneap money, ask for eoauei -nuiasaette valley Farms." . nnwumi nnti ftotierta Tim UVESTOCK and POULTRY CSrat far aejav xhatn. River Road. - - ' - -- -- --iwywinnnnn.frt nj-i a Sale. 1400-th. mam. a m. AM. Ltecatea is 7 as. east ef Hasel Grsea FOR SALE WOOD fcfc "" -''-d'TrTsirarsTsi nrvyi riranjuiei ve a, sua growrn. .-xai. 1768. I - i-n-ii-ii-i -mi- 1-i.ri.ri.n.i-i.rLru-ui I Old fir, 2nd growth. TeL 1711. Goaraateed dry-wood. TeL 780. 4-ft ash, $4.78 cd.V TeL $785. GUARANTEED DRY wnnrt iimI tsL S0d Salem Fuel Ca, Trada a UDttaga. a-: v: - t -.' - - Dry planer and slab wood. Promnt aeiivery. xst Old fir, II to, $L00. TeL $785. Dry - old- fir.' 2nd growth wood. -I screenea nog rueL Tsa u. wejia, - - - - -1- -i-i- -i-i.'i'-rYwywvirtfinn)uxji i Dry wood that 1 dry. TsL 113723. f FOR SALE WOOD - mmm m . . . - , r -.-TjTjmjTj! Dry wood, all kind. TeL $033. Waott fnt Mi f 1 is tc ka e Ind growth, $4.71 ; 4 ft $4.33 J 1 in. old tlr, $5.80. TeL 044L ,m " iiinixiT-TtrtxJnja Good dry wood.. TeL $284. Aab, oak, fir. TeL 27t - - - rLT). r nnjinnn lS-m. eld fir, $8.8 ed. TeL 634. Bog fuel and WAOd. Rv trnMr or car lota At mill or delivered. Dare lown. , k. L BuMlmtty. TeL Salem ........... rnnrLruuijuut Bst old fir. Tel. BS f , WOOD SAWING " ..-- -ii'inru-Lruvui wooa-iawing. 3080 N. ComX 411$. Wood sawing, reasonable. Call $$. LOST AND FOUND j Tree Ross bush on Wallace Sc.plrkl11 l0T,5 rward; re turn to Statesman. I Found Cocker SpaaleL - .M... .njm Inqnir ouuesman. "' i -- j-ost miMUe of bedding en South XUTV r2 wrapped in canraa. Re- wgrq. j. j. rtarrman. Ht 8. Box 10. PERSONAL GORDON FI.FMINn READER. 1980 FERRY ST. i n nur - - - wrfranlzlntr I wn.anrvw. -In- All- . ly people ellaible. ZSa fM ran . I cite, u-imueiii ana eats, Tnuraday eve- jjl;iioBo. jam gt. Tel. 6332. FOR SALE USED CARS rUt HALJS nr raia lota a Dodge. Van bodv. l.tnn niii mo II,. J ..ji. a,.. DON MADISON 88 N. High 192$ Oldamohlla Tinta . - ceueni eonaitlon. TeL 6012. Call $36 11. . mwi. W.UOU, RA' Bonesteele Brotiiers. Inc. Used Cars 1933 Chevrolet Con na $545.00 1932 Ford V-8 Hnura 1S33 Dodge DeLuxe Brougham runs 14.000 mll.a 475.00 1334 Plymouth Sedan DeLuxe. .... E?n 8000 miles 1933 Plymouth Coach 1981 Ford Coupe 1929 HupnaobUe Sedan, new rubber 499.00 750.00 385.00 296.00 325.00 150.00 125.00 95.00 1928 Chrysler Sedan 1928 Nash Conn 192 Dodge Sedan 1930 Chevrolet Coach $50.00 jnevroiet Truck. 20,000 n j i r M Bonesteele Brothers. &t 00 Inc. Phone 4444 ! wnemeaeta St -. Salem. Ora. Visit Our Used Car Lot ntarmon Sedan Fine condition 3275.00 . TRUCKS Internfttlnnal 4.1 1 iz . ... .. I uwu e.c. (WO ton 660 00 I Dual tire trailer . 160 00 -a body and hoist. 150.00 , ' JAMES H. MADEN CO. 335 S. Commercial St tl asss Valley Motor Co. foro coupe, R. seat $(S ruiu ont. ,'OUPS 300 iz DeSoto Bpt Coune 1938 Ford DeLuxe Coups J!?! Eord 4 Pt&- CoupeT IH "Victory CoGpT 1983 Ford DeLuxe Sedun " 19SI Ford Std. r!(Kh 265 465 415 180 0 660 495 850 390 u f ora Std. Sedan 1930 Packard j I 8 7-passenxer 192S Packard 5-passenser 1928 Franklin . S-n,...,.." 1927 Dodge 4 Sedan 1927 Chevrolet Coach . 395 125 100 100 nuason sedan Trucks 19S.1 VnrA Am TB J933 Ford 4 L. W. hT $500 500 S0'!" with $ yi a dump oo iS;S l-ton delivery 75 19J4 Ford delivery w JJ " o f ura rnnai 1 aait-wakww a t Marion and Liberty vpen Bunaays TeL 791. "n'l'.n-wnan.,, Will tr 85 easti for best dosed 1 car of fere. II i BROOKS. Oct. 18. Clvda War. fls.and Prank Weinman spent the wieaat i -WaldDort 5 f ehfr. Harris la DronHntn- nf - , w WMW Wft ,U Urge warehouses. Mrs. Ann Dardie of nreat Pan. MonUna, arrived Sunday morn is g to visit. hr brother and als-tr4n-law, ; Mr. and Mrs. JL J. Rumnssea. . ' Lela Hall and dans-nta r.r.. bare gone to Tumwater, Wash!, to Tislther sister, Mrs. Joe Wonch and family. .:v?..f-- Thr Methodist Ladies' -Jd so eley plans to bold a program, ba saar nnd supper tbe first or De cember, with its program, commit tee In charge: Miss Thelma Reed, Miss Muriel Gafarer aad Mrs. C V. Asbbaagh. A sneclal alUdav meeting will be held Thursday, wiuz jivuuci oinner. ' - mm jtius mm -' . -. - - r SCOTTS MIIXS. Oct. 21. A I "Pooucan rally will be held at the I. 0. O. F. hall Tneadav vo. nlng. The Scotch Kiltlea band of Salem will play and county and state republicans on the ticket are expected to be present, . v lit. and Mrs. Raymond Kellia and family, left for Crescent City, nUf 2 'Z WUCI " uiey eipecc lo $pcnd the winter. Mr. KelUa will help bis father; with? some carpenter work on his campground near Crescent City. " A card party suonsored br the Royal Neighbor wiU be riven Wednesday night in the L. O. O. F. hall. A small admission will be charged, and lunch will be served. ' TO BEAR OF PEXSIOJT. MIDDLE GROVE, tfct. ! Tuesday, October 10 at 7:45 I SOCIETY PIS FOR IVirJIIR BAZAA REPUB Business Directory Cards la this 4Urectory rna oaa monthly basis only. Rate; tlAO per lino per rnoath. ANNOUNCEMENT S, E. GETZLAFF, M. D, Physician and Burgeon Annetincee the opening of effleee ta the. First National Bank Building. t S aTVSefl- en . . a. . a, h a. T. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek, $78 South Commercial. BICYCLES Bought, sold, traded and repaired, jLLLLZlZrr',T. a. VXm L CATERING Corns chicken tamalles. TeL 541. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4460. ft R Korthnea CHIROPRACTORS DR. a L, SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor. St N. High. Tel. Rase. 76x. FLORISTS Brslthaupt's, 887 Court ALL kinds of floral work. Lota Flor- ist. istn a Market TeL 8693. INSURANCE BECKS a 189 N. High HENDRICKS TeL 447, LAUNDRIES THS NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE WELD KB LAUNDBX 26$ 8, High TsL Ills. CAPITAL Cm LATJNDRZ - First in Quality aad Service Telephone 3185 1344 Broadway MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 40(8. SALEM FLUFF RUG and Mattress Factory.. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, ail ing ; nun rug weaving. B. 13th Wil bur. Tel S44L OTTO F. X WICKER. Eat. 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing aiaohlnea. sheet music and piano atu dlsa. Repairing radios, fttoaoarasns aad sswtAg machines, 433 State Street, saiem. PHOTO ENGRAVERS Salem photo sngrartaa. 147 N. Conv merclat. TeL 6667. ' PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph- iets, programs, book a or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department, Sis a, commercial. Tai phone 910L RADIO SERVICE Moore's. TeL 7993 696 N. High. REAL ESTATE BECKE HENDRICKS. TeL 447. STOVES repair stoves, ranges, circulators. SeU new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, stock fence, posts. chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 363 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. B. Fleming. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage. call S1IL Larmer Iransfar Co. Trucks ta Portland daily. CAPITAL CITT .-.Transfer Co. 23 State St.TsV-Iffl Distributing for warding and sstorage our specialty. Got our fatesv-i&r . Willamette - Valley Transfer. Salem to Portland hauling TeL 8733. HAND WEAVING Sxcluaive.haad wovea bags, scarfs, pillows aad nun. Maarohe Hul Wui. era, 660 N. 80th St TeL . WELL DRILLING R. A, West, 8 rears sxpertsaca. RFD Box 301 Tat in Fa, - - p.m. at the Middle -GroTr school houso. Dr. E. Davis will dsliver an addraw on "The Old .Age Pension Bin. :.L . ' Gntl. TO XBAMEBS -1 8 I X T IBT bit. Oct, 89. A daughter;, weighing 9 pounds and is ounces, was born te Mr. and Mrs, Herman Kramsr at the Sil- vertoa hospital Saturday morning. Thla ta Ue JKramej's-fourth chUd and first daughter v.t;.-, i , GOIU0RATION DEPARTMENT OF THE STATE OF OREGON EEAIJED PRCPOSitXa WILL BE RECEIVED . '"' 05 OH BXTOIU2 DECEJIBETt 13,. IPSA a.,-, At The Office ot the Corporation Commissioner, . . - 221 Corbett Building, " Portland, Oregon ' j ' ' For The Purchase Of , ' r .. i The Whole or Any Part ot the Assets of the Following Named - " -iv- SAVINGS ANTJ. LOAN ASSOCIATIONS s . 1 I 41 No- In the Hands of the Corporation Commissioner . , As Liquidator and Statutory Receiver: , j - FEDERAL UNION SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION J: ; r WESIERN SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION . J Description; Any ant' all of the .. tnog inciuaing easn or. bonds on hand,) -but including land, . ani improvements, mortgagee, eauiUble lute eats and rights J Lists and.descrlpUona may teseea at Ihe pfflce at SSICon bett Bnlldias, Portland. ltrlattdin urcbAsers. Conditions; Offers must be lu writing enclosed in sealed envelopes j aaareasea 10 tno ; vorporation i swis, aoareaa prjoyo) :rojj r. AL, voa , the date above ; mentioned, at which time bids will be opened.1 Purchasers will V reqnijrea .to xurnish satlsiactory references or security If demaaded. ., r -. . -: -. ': - - Terms:-Cash, or part cash: deferred Installments tt a he spenred tit ths satisfaction of the Corporation Commissioner' -" The right to rejecfany and an off era -Is reserved. . Dated at Salem, Oregon. October 22, 192. ' -' Charles H. Carey ' xJ -.-''- CORPOBATIOIs COMMISSIONER, V IIMCEMI 1 T . PORTLAND. Ore., Oct, -Tbere was little change in prices at today's . session of the garden ers and ranchers' market. Pumpklna were offered at 4 0 cents a , cantaloupe crate and moved fairly; well. A little com was offered at 75 cents a crate and celery was heln offered at 70 cents a dosen bunches for hearts and 70 -cents a crate for the stalks. Cauliflower ahowed a top of 41 cents n crate and lettuce was up to ft cent a crate. ,.. Tomatoes Per crate, 550e; Xe. Sa, e Pr crate ; frees, 20e per crate. Spiases Per eras re bex, 80 70s. Carre tKw, per ies.a buaekec. 16a, Beets Per deaea bsnekea. SOe. . , Parsley Per oea baaekea. 16e, ' Oreea Oaleaa Per deaea saaebes, 15a. flrsea Onions Par 10 pemnda, Ubisk, 71..,.. , - Turnips Per doses bnnekea, SOs. Ratabagas Per erate,, SOe. Radiahea Per doaea bascses. 15s. Peas LoeaL S8s. , Lettaee Per erate, 50 3 75 1; aorthera, S5w75e. Osbbags Per erate. S0 SOe. . Cmli flower Local. Re. 1, 804Se per erate: No. a, 85e ner erate. - Celery fissrts Doaea bnaeoea, 70& Pappers fisd, 25e aer greea, 0e per eraafa bex. BH.i Per SCITe. Sqaaah DaaUk, 70s per erate; nai aw. 8050e; erookaaek, 15a, Strawberries $2 2.25. Cera Per sack. 751. Cnenmbent Piekling, 80Q35e; sUelsg, 80($35b. Krgplaat Local, 50e; Dallea, 80 & 60s. Cantaloupe. Per erate, 1 1.05. -Peaehea Oalwaya. 0T6e per box. Pronea Per ponsd, 8 el Pears D'AaJosa. 0QS5 per box; Apple Jamble peck, per box. SO O 65c: BeHclons or floitzaabarn. n fancy. $1.50. Grape Concord, 80s per lni; Zla fssdeL 605e per lag. rampstna f er esatslevpa erata, 40e. Braaaela Sprout Per erate, T080e. ON SLOW MARKET NEW YORK. Oct 19-(JP- Stocka retreated a little further today In the face of scattered liquidation but trading vraa tha smallest ia nearly a month.. After tne market had displayed firm mg tendencies, traders shied away from the share list In late dealmgo as wheat tumbled sharply. Turnover decreased to 42S.47e sharea. t.j. smallest since Oct 8, compared with 719.850 Friday. The Standard SUtlsUcs Co. st- erage for 90 stocks was four- tenths of a point lower at f 9.4. Safeway Stores. Standard Cfl of California and other so-called California stocks nicked - no ad ditlonal gains as financial Inter ests heard from latest re ports on political trends in that state. Safeway gained a point Other chain stores. Including Kroger, yielded a little ground wane the market watched derel opments In the Great Atlantic & Pacific'! Cleveland difficulties. Baldwin Locomotive preferred recovered more than 1 points after lta severe decline last week. Kails eased. Santa Fe, Pennsyl vania and New York Central closed fractionally lower. Tha break In wheat brought a little selling into Montgomery Ward, J. I. Case and Sears Roebuck. American Telephone: Bethlehem Steel, General Motors, Ameri can Can and Du Pont sagged a bit with the general list. Oils were steady, aided by improve ment In the gasoline market. School Orchestra Aids in Program of Lincoln Club RICKREALL. Oct. 27 The Rickreall grade school orches tra of 17 pieces made the trip to Lincoln Friday night to play two numbers for the community club meeting. Those In the orchestra are: First nouns, Katie Whaley, Jean Burns, Jane Findley, Dick White. Donald Letteken, Barbara Kester, Robert Kester, Billy Arer, Wal ter Bill; second violin. Catherine Loary, Jeanne Adams, Betty Arer; horns: Hal Fox, Charles AdAxnt, Robert Findler, Denie Ross; pianist, Slots Findley; director, Mrs.' Rose J. Pence. : V SES PAWNS IN HERDS J . DAYTON, Oct, 29 Eira Dix on, Royal Hlbba, Ralph Turner! and E M. Maxwell returned homo Friday after one week vacaUon hunting trip spent near Prinerllle. Maxwell killed a buck; many does and fawns were seen,. 2 5 la some of the herds. . real and personal property owned- Commissioner,' and recelyed at, O-2J-30-N-I HIS SB .0 LOWED I'EIPEG IEP01T WE FOR SLUMP CHICAGO,' Oct 2.-flWVnieat collapsed 2 3-8 cents a bushel maximum hero today largely ow ing to reports that Premier Ben nett of Canada would recommend restricting Winnipeg grain spec ulation. - . : ' . ' ' ; - Announcement ot Canadian cor- ernmeht Plans came Just . before trading here was about ended for the day, but the Chicago wheat market -suffered an, immediate fan to' low price records hereto fore uneqhaled this season: Th tumble of values was accompan ied by a general ware ot Uauidat- ing sales on the part of holders of wheat future delivery contracts . With-many stop-loss orders be ing executed, wheat in Chicago closed weak at prices ranging all the way from 1 cent to 1 cents under yesterday's finish. May corn. X -s dowiu and provisions unchanged to a rise of 7 ceata.. 1 . Today's closing Quotations Wheat: . Dec. old, 95; new, 94-95; May, 94K-X; July. 89-. Corn: Dec old, 744; new 73- 4-TS: May 75T.-75; July 76 Oats: Dec new, 49 1-8- ; May, Jar 42.. General Markets PSODT7CE BXCHAKQE POBTLAys. Ore, Oct. 20. (AP) rronvce exenaage, net price : Batter i extrai, 29 ; ataadsrda, 28; inne tints, x i y ; iirst. zoc. trrit V. a. apeeiala. 84; U. 8. extraa. at; v. a. meaiam extra, zee. Portland Grain POSTXAXTD OUAIH PORTLANO, Oct 29. (AP) Grata Wheat Open Eigk Lew Cloa Msy . 84 H 84 88 88 December SS 83 81 81 Cash: Big Bead bluest m, 80; dark hard winter 12 per eeat 92 ; do 11 per cent, 87 ; loft white, hard winter, nor there apriag. weetern red. 80; west- era must, Oats, No. 3 white. 32.50. Corn. Not 3 E yellow. S5.50. Millroa standard. 21.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND. , Oct 29. (AP) Batter mat. A grade. SI He lb, ia parch ment wrapper; 82 e lb. in eartoaa: B I grade, parchment wrappers, 80e lb.; canon oije 10. Entterf at Portland delircry: A grade delivery at laaat twice weekly. 81-S4 lb.; country rentes, 27-3 3 e lb.; B grade vr sauTBir iewer inaa twice weexiy Porttsad, 28-82 lb.; eoontry rontea, 27 $ls lb.; C grade at aisrket. Eggs Sales to retailera: Seelsla, 86c; extraa 84e; freak extras, brown, 84e; staadarda 28c; freik atedium 28e; ntedi am firat See; fralleta le; do first 18c; checks. 28e; baker, 21c; extras $1 doaea. Xggs Baying price ef wkolesslers: fresh epecials, 83-3e: extraa 81e; freab extra brown, 81e; extra firsts S9e; ex tra saediaaa S4e; saedioa firsts Sxe; pallets, 17-18: do firsto 18s; aader grade l-17e dessa. Cheese 0$ seore, Oregoa triplets, 18 e; loaf. 144. Broker will pay e below ejaeiaUoas. Milk Contract pries 4 per eeat ; Port ias delivery. $2.30 ewt; JB grada creasi $7e lb. Coaatry aaeats SelUag pries te re tailers: country killed sort, beat batch er, aader ISO lba 10-10 e lb.; vealere, fancy, 10-10 e lb.; Ugh sad thia. S-f lb.: 140-170 lba S-7 lb ban A..r,m lb.: fsaey lsntbs 10 -lis lb.; swes. $ 5 lb.; satter sows, 4-5e lb.; csnnera 8e lb.; ball -8e lb. Mohair 1934 baring pries. 18e lb. Cssears bark Bavins- nriea 1BI1 naat Se lb. - - . . Hop 1984 focsle. 80 lb.; nix Kara 17-20e lb.; 193$ claatera, 13 lb. Lirs nealtrr Portland delirm . ing prices: colored ban, aader 5 lba. 14e lb.; do aader 5 Iba., 14e lb.; Leg. bora fowls, ever 8 lbs, 10-lls lb.; de ander S lbs, ll-12e lb.; colored spring, 1 te S lbs.. It lb.; broiler seder $ YK. 14.11. IV . . . . , , dock. 10-11 lb.; de colored 5-ftc lb. Dressed tnrkTB No. 1 torn, 9.2a. Va 1 ktas. lie. Onioaa Oreron. T0-80e mt Kft-lh .. xahima, 05-IOc. PoUtoea Oregoa Bsrbanka 80-00 cental; Scappoo, Ke. 1 Genu. S0-95e; do No. 2. 70-75e cental: Bascbata Gnu. 05-1.00 centaL Wl 1B14 elh). anminnl- Wltl.natta allay, aaditua 80s lb.; fias sr half blood. SOe lb.: lamb. 18a lb aaataa Oreeos, 17-20e lb. . j Hay Bsvmx uriea fram itnuin f alfalfa. Vs. L new erop, $17.60-1 S; eeet- .7 v f .? m" eats, sis tea; vetch. SIS: Willamette vallav ti.ota 8H.80 ton; clever, $1$ tea, PortlaaA Portland Livestock PORTLAirD. Oca. SS - AVI Vttlai Reeeipts 8000; sboat steady. 'Steers, geod, connaoa a medium, 8.00 5.65; heifers, good, common sasdlssa. 8.00-4.85; cow, good, eommoa h modi "J. t !7 tt eattsr. LIS 3.25; bulls, rood h eeoiee, 8.10-8.50; sat ter, common A saediaaa. 9.15-8.10; veel ara. geed .A eheiee,; emll. eemmea A ' madlam. aafraa. rood A choice, 8.00-8.50; eoauaea me ainm, s.w-eiMi. , Ha rat araimta lSAO; 9S.SA. Vt.t. for kiUer. ..... " Tl Lightweight, good a choice; 4.78-4.08; ediasi vsirkt good eseiec, 5.35-8.00; ksary-eirht go ekeiee, 4.60-6 J6; faekiag sews, steditua A goei. 8-5-4.25; ?m a- c"' ". sooa castes, ' Sheen: Reeelnta 00; nbaat ataail Lambsv geed ekeiee, SA04.60:yei nag .5 weuters. 8 JO-8.00 j ewes, . good A enotes, s.aa-.w; call, eoauaea A diom, ,75-8.00. w HaUowejPajrty' Slated by Artisan "- Unit on Thursday , WOODBTJItN., Oefe J 2t.--Me hers and friends, of the Wobdburn Artisaa. assembly No. 411 held a card party mnA dance at the Arti san hail ThuriuIar Tenln Fire hundred and pinochle were playi "d. prises for high acore going to urs. Harry Hefling. Donald Jonas. Mrs. Max Warring and Joseph KusL ' Consolation t prizes : were given to Wy las Freeman, George Kudna r and MarJorie'FanieOner. The next meeting of th4 Artisans will be heldThursdAj2ilght.lffftJ yemberrli AfUr the hpslBess a Hsllowa-eiTparty win pa held, v air. tna Mrt. J. F. van Allen. who hare', recently .moved . tA Woodburn i, from; Rosebura : haTe rented the- John-. Nolan bnildinr at 1S2 iWest Lincoln street And nave opened - A Innca room and conrectionery- They have remod eled and refiniahed the Interior Of the bnildiitf. ' , . Vj. J ; . . . - -3 - - CLUB POSTPOXED '.' HAZEL GREEN. Oct. 29 The Sunshine Searing "club Till not meet thla week. Next meet ing date will be announced later. Salem Marlccts : Grade D raw A per cent milk, co-op pool price S2.US per bnndred. - - (MOk eased es aami sientbly amterias svarags Distributor price $2.10. Jiatterfat Top 20c ana SOc; B grade prints SOHc; A crado prints, SI fie. Prices psli W grswsrs by galsai barer. - ,-. October $0 , . (Tks erfeea la. aaepaag by a teeat areeer. are tadieeUve ef she dally market, bat are as gasrsstsed by The Sutes awa.; - -, - i FRUITS ' - " " (Buying Price) - . Crssberries. kbL J J.T8 Orapefrsit, ITorida - - a kq to 4,59 Orapefrait Arlaewa S ao i. Caaabaa, lb. ,01 ' Pvaagea, Taleneiaa, fancy 4-78 te S.00 ; "-"aaaa. tn n SIS1B - ; ,OS ' ' Baada . " .o - t"M 1 1 SAO te 8.25 Urn, fresh - 10a Grape . f-'-aa 1.1$ Lady fingers - L7S Whits Malagas . L25 Tossy . : v 1 s Apples, bbel ... , , ., , S to LOO Feera, D Anion, bu. . L .76 VEGETABLES (Barinc Prieal RadJikes. 4W8. . - - .20 8snuaer sqasth, erste, 1.00 -75 te 1.00 an tjecat celery, ee. vaallflewer Egg plant locat lb. i ng Cabbage, ewt local 1.00 te 1.50 ureea peppera. local, lb. .OS vroiona. Y ibinrtsn so na .76 .65 1.00 .20 .01 .15 .00 .80 .42 S.00 .08 .15 .23 .85 . .50 cai onions, 60 : lbs. Lettnea. loetL erato 75o to Beets, local, dot. Sqaaah. Hubbard, aad R.aan. Carrot, local, do. 1$ t IjOcsi fotstees be. 1, haadred No. X, hendred Takima. 50 lba. Sweet potatoes - , -, , - Rna.t Peas, IK Filberts . .1 ta Turnip, do. , , Endives, do. Italian broccoli. large - BOP8 tBnvina PHat CTnter. 1084, lb, top. 18 .1 .88 oggKa. 1934, top. lb. EGGS (Baying Price) Extra Standard Kediasaa , .82 .29 .37 .17 .84 .83 .8 .80 Pallet Wholesale Sailing pnee a-xra Standard Mediums - Pallets WOOL AJf MOHAIR (Burin. Prieal Mohair. 1984 clip .se msrket Mediaai wool. 1934 .88 Coars ead fins wool. 1034, JtO POUl.TKy IBavine Prlral Besvy hen. 4 to 8 lbs. .10 .10 .10 .08 .00 .19 Jl .04 .88 Ore 5 Doondi lb. Colored medians, lb. . attaiam Leghorn, lb. -- , LrtXBt. 10. Broilers, colored, lb. . Lcrborn. lb. MS. lb ... Tarkey. bene. lb. MEAT Baying Prieal Spring lambs -4.50 te 8.00 Tesrliags Ewe . .08 sad .08 .01 Bog. 180-160 lbs. S.2S 5.50 6.00 J)3 .02 .024 170-110 lba. 810-130 lba. Steer - Cows -08 te to -01 Ball 03 te Heifers .02 te .08 VesL top , 4.60 te 8.00 freaaed vesL ton , J09 vrsatea sag .11 GRAIB A5D HAT (Bavins Price Wheat, wet tern red .. . . .77. . .TO .28.00 .84.00 .30.00 wait. e. 1 Barley, feed. s?e. L tea staiusg. ton -reed, tea Hay. barins Drici uiover ssy . S.00 . S.00 .11.00 Osts sad vetch, tea ,, -A If alia, vsllev. firat cat Clever Seed - Red, lb. . .17 - .20 .80.00 -87.00 Alika. lb. Vetch seed, tea Osts. milling, toa Stocks and Bond, (Copyright, 1984, Standard Statistics Co.) October 20 STOCK ATOXAGES 50 20 $8 SO India IK'S Cta. Tatal Today 81.1 86.0 SS.S 00.0 Prsvioas dsy 81. .l 55.8 70.0 Week ago - 88.7 86.J 5S.S 71.8 Tear sge 83.7 89.6 71. 74. years age 7B.0 47.4 117.8 80.8 years ase 182.6 118.7 12ft s 12 7 High 1984 105.0 54.8 00.S 98.8 Low 1984 T8.0 84.1 68.8 89.4 S0KD ATRXAGSS 10 20 30 India BB'a. Dts. Tetsl Today 82.6 82 0 88.7 84.4 Prsvioas dsy 82.4 88.1 88.S' 84.4 Week sge 82.0 08.4 . 88.8 84.6 Tear age . 72.0 71.4 70.8 74.7 S years sge 7S.7 ' 80.1 00.1 81.0 High 1034 83.1 SO. 90.1 88.1 Lew 1084 T2.6 74.1 77.3 74.8 (103 average eqnala 100) . a. YOUTH BILEAKS A1UC BICKIUtALL, Oct 19. Dale, lS-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Wilson, broke his left arm Just above the wrist Fridsy at the Greenwood tehooL He was on the back of a fellow playmate and when slipping off put hi hand on tne ground.. - . - . , , . NOTICE OF MEETING V OF CREDITORS; .. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE . UNITED STATES for the District of Oregon, In the Matter of Elmer -Ferguson, Debtor. In proceedings for a Composition or Jbtenslon. . , To the credlton of Elmer Fer- Susoa of Sllrerton in the County oi Marion, and district aforesaid: Notice la hereby gives that on the 19th day of September. A. D. It 2 4, the petition of the said El mer Ferguson praying that he be afforded an opportunity to effect a composition or nn extension of time to pay his debts under Sec tion 7f ot the Bankruptcy Act. i i i ,&..- t m.a a wa ajrproTca py HUB COUIV SS properly filed under s&ld section; aad that the -first meeting of "his creditors will he held at Saiem, uregon, jtoom 2 la Federal Poit- oioce Bonding on the 7th day of November,: A. D.. 192 4, at 19:99 o'clock fa the forenoonTat which time the said! creditors may at tend, PROVE THEIR CLAIMS, examine the- debtor, and transact such business as may properly come before said meeting. At said meeting, tali Elmer Ferguson, debtor, proposes 16 offer terms ef composition or extension of his debts. v - . , SEYMOUR JONES," - Conciliation Commissioner. October 27, 1924.' , Q-20 BUFATUBS cEnTiiEa r Butterfst climbed n cent pound on the local market yes terday, to top ot SO cents. Bute ter took a half cent boost, B trade prints emoted at 29 cents ant! A grade prints at 21 H cents. Hogs were np 25 cents a huv dred. - Other markets,, were un changed. v,V- S1.25 OFFERED FOR PORTLAND. Oct. 29-JP--A- vances la the eastern cheese trade were general, the chief cause being the tighter holding of distributors. - - Trade in the butter market was strong at the almost general advance forced on cubes- by the produce exchange. There was also an advance in butterfat hut the price, was still showing a spread. Market for eggs continued - te hold firm here. A boost of le was quoted on the exchange , tor me dium! bat all fresh eggs were well held with storage stock - weak. - ' , There was a good demand for live chickens in the local trade and prices were being well main tained generally. Buyers were keenly seeking leghorns which were scarce. In general there remained a good tone for country killed -meats but without price changes of any sort for the week's open ing. The liberal showing last week was generally taken care of. Seattle Interests with local connections were again trying te stop farmers from shipping and selling country killed meats te Portland. Such an ordinance wag due to come before the council after election.; ; , Rather alow trading -tone Is shown for po.atoes here with eontlnnance of the- fight between large retailers. The country however, was not inclined te push sales at relative values. Onion prices In general ware being stiffened here with the country freely offered up te $1.25 net at Oregon growing points and. little selling resulting at that, Yakimas were practically unchanged. NOTICE OF MEETING OF CTEDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT GW THE UNITED STATES for the District of Oregon, in the Matte of George H. Colgan, Debtor, la proceedlnga for a Composition or Extension. To the creditors of George H, Colgan of Salem, In the County ot Marlon, and district aforesaid! Notice Is hereby given that on the 21st day of July. A.D. 1924, the petition ot the said George H. -Colgan praying that he be afford ed an opportunity to effect a com position or an extension of time to pay his debts under Section 71 of the Bankruptcy Act, was ap proved by this court as properly filed under said section; and that the first meeting of hla creditors will be held at Salem, Oregon, Room 2 In Federal Postofflee Building on tbe 7th dsy of Nov-j ember, A.D. 1924. at 2:00 olclock1 in the afternoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, PROVE THEIR CLAIMS, exam ine the debtor, and transact sueh bnainesa as may properly coma before said meeting. At said meet ing, said George H. Colgan, debt or, proposes to offer terms of com position or extension of his debts. SEYMOUR JONES, Conciliation Commissioner. October 27, 1924. - 0-2 JfssBdsy, Octsbss SI ROW POETLAHU ga 7:00 Ooepel Binger. HBO. 7;ll Caatla ef Romance, NBC 7:80 Piaso. - 6:15 Brsekfatt auk. 9:00 -Concert Trie. 0:45 Oookiee SehoeL 10:08 Army Bead Ceaeert, KBO. 11 ISO K.tng's Gaard, Ea . 13:00 Rotal ayrscass Orchestra. KBO. v 86 Pisae, - -'- . 8:80 Slices sf Tjfs, ITB0. , - 8:36 Deretky Page, MB0. 8:45 Harold Tea Horn. KBO. :80 Tee sad Tear Geverameat, KBflL S:0S Nemada. KBO. - . 8:00 Ames V Aady, KBO. 10:80 Bert Weedyard's Oreheatra. 11:00 Dwight Johasea's Orchestra, 11 :80 Bsl Tsbsria Orebestrs, h'BC Kia-POBTLAJTD X1S0 Xa. 8:80 Concert . f ;45 Varieties. -' 8:30 U. S. Marias Baal ghnt-U Boat. 8:80 Orekeetra. JS Clay Landoa, ITBO. -10:01 Ronald Bask.. - -- II :3ft Oregoa Psdarstioa ? Womsa'a ; Clubs. 11:00 Baed Vaate. - - -11:45 M alii Bret KB 01 - "': ' 1 18:Oe Noontime Daaoe Prolle. - 13:15 Westers rant sad Seats Hon'- 1:00 Orchestra. . 1 :45 Rosa Poaselle. .' . I t :00 World Beeksasa. - t , a) s:w-vrenaair. . . , , -'.J . 8:188 mnhenv. - ' U - 4:15 rlaatal Orchestra,? FBa '" 8:15 Sieeea Bros. 10:85 Piaao. 10445 OlympisBs. ' ' ? - 11:00 lmbsitador Hotel Orchestra. . - v,flv--f lira, . ; , .. U;30-13:00 Dsnee Jfrolle. -X :OAO 4TOBT4TTT8 BSS - r (00 Home Xeeaeeaies Obsarrer. 10:46 Aadent Bst AaUosv lavtt. 11:15 What EdaestoTi ars Polar. 13. -00 Noon Tana Rear. . . .s DuS. FEW SOLD Radio-Program 1:15 KOAO Bcluwl at the Air. ' 8:15 Oaardiag Tear Health. 8 :00 Homemaksra' Half Bear. f;00 Opera Stories "J oris de Da Jiae." " $ :4S Teapen Led by Dr r'rsak B. ' Mathews. 1:80 Sveaiag Fann Hear. 1:00 Musitais Loals Crow, Balto. 8:15 Onr Oerioas Ways ef iHrfsr ' Prof. B. H. Dana. - . - 8:45-1:00 Soieaes vs. Hokam--pr. J. W. Par-.