TLa CnZGON STATEST-lAITj. OrecSatcrdayIcrnir? OctcLcr 27, 1S31 Local News Briefs - Y. M. C. A. Find Grows i One hundred 'five members and 1107.71 were added to the 7. II. ! C. A." membership campaign re- 1 ceipts during the last week bring- ana fll.Ul. IB ori(mni goal I was $15,000 and the solicitors j expect to go "oyer the top" , be- tore next Friday when the cam-j palgn ends. ; '1 . - Dance. Masquerade al . tonight. - .: i s::-j:: Gerrals 1 Wants f 227 Robert Thomas yesterday filed suit to. collect 1227 from P. F. and Hettle Thomas. Plaintiff asserts the de fendants employed film ; to take 'care of stocL' on their farm near Boardman, Oregon,; He asks .175 attorney's , fees In . .addition to moneys . due him for work per formed. Dlnty Moofe's corn beef, 'cabbage, -. . Recrnltlnat Officer Here Ma jor W. R. Mann of Portland,' spent-Friday at the army recruit ing office here. The coast offices are endeayorlng to fill q.uoias or recruits for Philippine -and Ha-1 wanan serriee. 'i Transports sail i NoTemberiC and Some from I thia eonntr hate already enlisted: 1 'ur."' r:- ' 's I iiunung ana tresspassing signs at i Tho Statesman office.. Barldson Bound Orer-r- Lamon Davidson, accused' of shooting a heifer last month belonging to Fred Vols of the Silver Creek falls area, was held to -answer to the grand jury following preliminary hearing In justice court yesterday afternoon. Vols continues at lib erty on bail. Rummage Sale, 512 State St. Daughters of Union Civil War Veterans. Oct. -26-27. 1 ; Schwab Report Made Annual report of the estate of the late Cora D. Schwab was filed yes terday - by the United States Na tional bank of Gal em. administra- tor. Chief asset of the estate is real estate valued atl 3 01. Free hat with each tiJt or over- Files- Answer- Answer of J. A.' Best, co-defendant in a . suit:', recently", brought against Best and J. H. Alexander by the Associated ; Seed ' Dealers,, Inc., , was filed In circuit court yester day. Best claims negligence on -the part of plaintiff. Notice to Statesman subscribers: , The statesman office - is open nights, subscription pa y m en t gladly accepted any time. Annual Bargain period now on One full year by Mail - to any Oregon ad- . Hrace nnlr IS All ' . - goes on Certificates Suit to collect on tax delinquency certi ficates totalling more than $700 was filed . yesterday, -in circuit coure oy'uenruaearaxe, against Hunting and tresspassing signs at 1 The" StstMmsn nffli Reed Arrested Harry. Reed paid a S2.S0 fine and costs' in justice t court Friday for operat- Itio ha wtith fmrtrnnsr IfronaA. Earl Carter was fined a dollar for lunula. I"lu wu wur iichuuii bis car, but the fine was remitted Free hat with each suit or over- enil ' fl TXT Jnhninn JB- C.n File . Report Income of $180 and outgo of $165 for the yerri wsJ reported yesterday by ' F. E. , 8ylvester, guard'an of the estate : of ErickA. Ml' e en. Insane. H fifed the report in v bate courL Tresspassing signs, bunting signs. at Tha Rtstesmsn fla .. Granted Permit, - Sue - Per mission to sae for moneys alleg edly due under a war risk Inst. "ance policy wat granted yester day to Brazier vcr Small, guar- dUn of the estate' of. Gerald K. Allen, incompetent. - Final Report la Carl .Foss, administrator of .the estate of the late Ole Hovde, filed bis final . report yesterday in probate court. " Income ; wf 73l2 and outgo of .$8045 was reported. Check Flue Fire Only one fire : alarm called the fire department out yesterday, that a flue tire at - 235 South Commercial at 8:15 . m. " .!..'.. (: . ' Coming Events , October 26 Homecoming play, Willamette university, at high: achool anditoHom, 8 p. m. The Perfect Alibi". October 28- 27 Home-, coming at Willamette anl versity. ; . " ' October 29 Joe . E. Donne speaks aft chamber of . commerce loncbeoav. ' October 29' A capella choir of First, Presbyterlaai church, Portland, at Presby. terlan church, 8:13 p. isu ; :-l October SO Public re ception for Dr. aad Mrs. Brace Baxter, Elks temple, 8 to 10 p. in. November , 2 Democrat! rally. Armory, 8 p. nu - - November 5 City coun cil, regular meeting:, dty hall, 8 pjtu . ... . November ' 5:" Bona of American Legion banquet, 6:30 Fraternal tem ple; 8 p.nv. Legion regular Bueettngv : .. November 8 ' to"" 12 Na UoniJ art week, with Ore gon painters exhibit.- November S Second Mo Dowi;Il club concert. Kovember 8 Chrysan thensiiun show, Salem Gar des club.' -,.'-' 5 November 8 Q e e r a I election. - v- Nevember J4 Iraak Wal ton learne nierti at Uariom hotel, 8 p. m. ' November 10 Polk coun ty ' I'ederated Rural Wotn anV dab meeting, at Oak Point school. " Eve m Score The tall toot- ba.ll tournament being fought out each Friday noon at the Credit assoclitaon luncheon, resulted in I a . tie yesterday, with each side la yuiuis jeaierua. , ruti nuiines and Ralph Glover are captains The contest runs ., several . more weeks. Sunday, the Argo will serve an- other of their famous .Roast Tur key, dinners. . Cranberry sauce, mince, pumpkin'' pie,, etc. Only 5Qc. . Plan. Bible School The Salem ! Mennonite church, Chemeketa and 17th streets, will conduct a bible I school each Tuesday and Friday night at 7: To o'clock during the winter months, starting Novem ber . the congregation decided at a business session this week. ' ; f"6 h 'yer-bect COat. G. W. JOhnson & CO. Daschlea Freed - Assault and battery charges against Earl Dus-I Ichien, arrested on charges sworn to by William Mulligan, were dis missed from Justice court yester- dar on motion of th district at. torney. f nd with consent of the private prosecutor. '- , - t Court to Pendleton - The fall term oi the state supreme court I for eastern Oregon will open at 1 : Pendleton next Monday. Arthur t Benson, clerk, announced today, j There are 10 cases on the docket and . three days will be required to complete the term. Tresspassing signs, hunting' slgns. i at The Statesman office. Accidents Total 831 There Were 831 Industrial accidents In the state of Oregon during the week ending October 25, accord ing to a report prepared Friday by the sUte Industrial accident commission. No faUliUes were i reported during the week. Campbell Fined - Jack Camp bell, arrested at 1:10 a. m. Friday for drunkenness, yesterday, was fined $5 by Municipal Judge Mark Poulsen. , .' t Tresspassing signs, hunting signs, at The Statesman office. Tweed Fined S3 Municipal I Judge Mark Poulsen yesterday as sessed a $5 fine against John Tweed, arrested for falling to give right-of-way. Forfeits Ball R. L. Williams, slated to appear before Judge Poulsen yesterday for alleged drunkenness, failed to do so and forfeited $16 bail, i Tresspassing signs, hunting signs. at The Statesman office. Girl Injured as Car Hits Truck Catherine Aronson suffered a broken ankle and other Inlurina Friday when an 'automobile dri- Thielsen was lacerated and bruis 'X "M r-?" -, m"iar ed. Thielsen told the officers that he was talking to passengers in his automobile and did not see the truck in time to stop. . Swegle Votes 28-20 Atrainst Busses for . n -j i e a . A-upilS or LISUICI SWEGLE, Oct. 2$. Supt. Mary Lw Fulkerson visited school Mon- day. Frederick Klein enrolled In i the -second grade this week. .The I vote - was 20 to 28 against bus transportation at - a meeting held i Wednesday . night. John S. Marshall is sick with i a severe case of Influenza. Obituary Caldwell Mrs. ' Elizabeth Caldwell, r at Cimarron.- Kansas. Survived by son, W. C. Caldwell of Portland, and daughter, Mrs. Gladys Bun-' nell of Kansas. Services will be from Clough-Barrick Mortuary on. Monday, Oct. 29, at 1:30 p. m. Interment will be at Belcrest Me morial Klcinke At th rAf,ni-: i si a rr.rr street, October 25, Frank Erhart remember affectionately all these Klelnke, aged 87 years. Husband Pop. -nd wlU receive with ro of Louise Klelnke. father of Lor- tne PsIng of Miss Brug- ance Kimer 1. Rmmatt TP . ant Wesley A. Klelnke, all of Salem. and Mrs. Lllah A. Antrlcan of Los Angeles. Funeral services ' Mon day, Oct.-29, at 1:30 p.' m., at Rigdon's Mortuary with Rev. Pettycord officiating.' Interment at Cityvlew cemetery. Scott Harry Scott, at the residence. 1 4 IS South Liberty street, Octo ber . 24, at the age of i 4 years. Survived by -widow, Mrs. Emma J. Scott, Salem; - daughter, Suvilla Scott, Salem ; sister. Miss Su vllht Scott, .Greencastle, Pa., - and a brother. Ralph. Scott, of Pitts burgh.: Pa... Funeral servlcea will be held from the chapel of Clough Barrick company, Monday, Oct. 29 at 11 a. m. Rev. Ouy Drill officlat- lng minister. Interment Belcrest Kuuuiiu ws. sacoscu mm the operator of the Safem HelghU or. formerly Wiggins store.. i CARD OF THAXKS ' ' We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and beautiful floral " offerings in .. (... wirit that they are not sufficiently reavement. also tha members of Bthav RAforrnei riinrrh and tho Rev.. . Horstman for the beautiful sermon. ' - - r - Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Tohner and Family, 19(0 Royal St., Salem Ore. Shanghai Cafe - Chinese and American Dishes - Beer.- Fried Chicken Open fl to 3 M M. 1S2H S. Com! Tel. 0747 TO IFEt! HQ BIDS DlHaff TvVfl fif LarOSst PrOlficts in - - l - XL . . . 1 . i Polk, Announced ' . - - Bids ' tor the construction ' of roads and bridges aggregating , a cost of more than 1300,000 will be opened by the state highway eom-1 mission la Portland next Thursday . . Xfaiaoca. siaio njgnway en gineer, announced yesterday. VIr- tuaiiy au or the projects win oe paid for-out ot federal funds. Two of the largest project are In Polk county. One of these will require 2.12 miles of grading and three miles f -oil ' mat - surface. treatment on - the McNary-Oak f Point section of the Independence secondary highway. The other pro- U ata of J and surfacing and 7.8 Xniles Of mat surface' treatment on the Yamhill river-Salt creek section of the Dal las-Coast secondary highway.' . Other, projects follow: Bridge oyer Burnt river and ap proaches thereto on ' the Baker- Unity highway near Unity, Baker county. - ' Grading of 2.31 miles of the South Fork-Bummer creek section oi ine Aisea-ueaawooa seconaary highway in. Benton county. ' Concrete bridge over the South- era Pacific tracks at North Bend, I i wva WUMfc. - Grading of .42 mile of the i church section of the Cape Blan- co secondary highway 4n . Curry i county. Grading of .(2 miles of unit No. 4, Redmond-Bend section of The Dalles-California, highway in i Deschutes county. Grading of .2 miles of unit No. 4, Redmond-Bend section of Pe Je-California highway In "cuaies county. Furnishing approximately (000 cubic yards of crushed gravel in stock piles at the Mystic creek- Winston rock production project on the Roseburg-Coos Bay high- way in Douglas county. Grading .40 mile of Barron creek-Torrent section of the Pa cific highway In Jackson county. Grading of .97 mile of unit No. 2, McCalliBter section of Little Butte secondary highway In Jack son county. Furnishing approximately 19.- .000 cubic yards of crushed rock in stock piles on The Dalles-Cali fornia and Green Springs high ways. Grading of 5.8 C miles of Blue mountain pass section of Idaho, Oregon, Nevada highway In Mai- beur county I r, . .. . I urauiug oi 4.1 miles ana SUM lacing oi d.Z miles Of the Hard- I man-Chapin creek section of the xteppner-spray secondary highway in Morrow county.- ' I UIIL.U1.U UUUUU1LI Miss Minnie Brugcer and her sister, Mrs. Clinton H. Monroe. visited Salem recently, guests of Mrs. F. P. and Miss Cora Talk- ington, and left two weeka ago today. Thr alan aYtatttaA thalr trtn a .nv.ra t.. 'w v.v I Word yesterday reached'' the Talkingtons of the unexpected death on Thursday of Miss Brut;- ger, in Milwaukie. Oregon. She was. a former resident of Salem, but for yeara was employed ta the leading jewelry store of Erickson's In Portland. She and her sister had written the Talk ingtons after their return borne of their fine impressions of Sa lem, after the lapse of years. C, H. "Clint" Monroe in the eighties owned the Monroe hotel in Sa lem, in the west down stairs room of the present Miller store building; later ran the Cheme keta. or Willamette hotel, now the Marion, and still later the Monroe house, that stood where the Bllgh building is now, south - east corner of State and High streets. The Monroes a long time ago erected a home on land they owned at Milwaukie, formerly the property of Mrs. A. J. Monroe, wife of one of Salem's early may ors, both long since deceased Mrs . . ... . M . . . Monroe naa Been . isopnia. Stalger, a member of . the old Aurora colony Old timers here I ser, woo naa tar a lenerauvo "Te,wlth he M."oef. heTe n MilwuVe'e . Mo-,?ro? ' long retired from quite deaf now. Absentee voting Is larger this i year1 than at any recent voting period, County Clerk Boyer an nounced yesterday. A great many i Marlon county voters have al ready cast their ballots; many mnrm wilt n IIVswIu Ttafnr tn fmlJ dty tcr sucll T0tlng. Octo- t II ..... ' kV' ' wh!fwui. t f iba NoTemlter . t-nd are now registered may vote as wen Persons whose health will not permit them to come to the polls. I The latter must have , an af f ida- t to vote Boyer said, before c0 get. uauioia, .When an absentee voter . has cast his ballot, it . is sealed' and then delivered by .the sheriff, to the -counting board whieh . doea not open the seal nntll the regu lar ballot counting starts. . : re-roof; repair - repaint - . FREE ESTIMATES fllem Paint & Roofing Co. 474 Ferry St. Phone 4643 MISS iKR IS mmrnE . ME PlffllBfT in me unurcnon JASOX XXB aTXltOBXaJ. SC. S. Coraer Mmn aaeY Xorta Winter 1 street. H. e. Bamparey, pester. Sunday icoooi tt s:45 a, b. u a. m- "ni Ke- o t Ut Hum Kee.' eWr Epjoh ir. at followed ay addresa by Bev. . 3. Hue- ton, f'ortJsna, ropenateadsat u ' Abu laqaer leer? ( Orafaa. nasi chitxch or cos Head ea4 North Cottace atreeta. Q. T. Nasi, puMr. Bnliy ackeel ll It I. a Lyle Kmc, BaaeriBteaaeBt. Morning aer- lk. .oi. eie wkie iH a auteal pracraja, kt lastraaaal iB(traBiellUl ,Ue lr th PaeifU St- io 0, gatoai. py eetiBr wds- ur t . -m. buciag ti mw day ml 7:80 p. . rr. PAtrii'i : Ckarek and CkeaMkata i tract. ' S. 6a. B. Swift, rortor. Holy coiamaaioa at Trao a. m. Maraiaf prayer aa addrau. ' MTb. ntaifal rji..MH.a ' ..11 . m Ckartk ackoo! at 9:45 a. rXXX 1CBTHODIST Jtekool at 9:49 . m. Dr. k. &' Sckutz. I Coraer Kortk Wiatet and faperiateadeat. Ifaraiac worship at ll a elaek, "Tke Dittereaea af the Saaeti' fled." T.PJt.S. r"wp t :S0 p. m. (.aagauitia aerriee at T:89 p. at. t v ttrst ran; CO STAT. 430 Suta ttreet. aoetaira. H. B. Tal bert, paater. Sunday aeboel at 9:45 a. 11 a. ib.. "tyany ta Cariat.', 8:45 a. - m. PntMMtal niiiaBFa' - aiMiine 7.-4S p. as., tubject, "earea." Midweek aerrieea Taesday, Tharaday aad 8etar day aighU at 8 clock. V OOTJBT STREET CHXJSCH OT CHBIST D. W. Daaiela. paater. Bible aehoa) at 9:43 a. m., with Mra. Edward Wcller, an- periateadent. aterninf wonhip- at li o'clock. Theme. The Watte Baaket.' Chriatiaa EadeaTer at S:45 p. as.. Cob- aia Wadell. leader. Krealaf warahip at i 7:45 o'clock. Sermon, "The S:1S af I Maaie." Bible atady Tharaday at 7:80 CHTJBOH OP CHBIST North Cottare aad ' Shinvinc atreeta. C T. Bpriit. aaiaiater. Bible atady at 10 a. . Talki at 11 a. a. Obierraaee af the Lord 'a awaser. E reals r lerrlee at 7 o clock. Kefiilar atlniater will be ia Port- laad. CHURCH OP DIVINE TRUTH Marion hotel parlor. T. Gordon Tlta- Ini' pastor. Sen ice at 7 :45 p. m ' lee- tore. ' Birth. Ministry had Crucifixion, of IJeaai. Taeaday. w edaaaday and Thara day at 8 p. m.. meetuic at 1980 Perry. CHBIST 2VAKOEUCAL lVCTHEBAjr 18th and State atreeta. &er. Amoi B. Uinnemaon, A. II, pat tor. German at I :30 a. m., "Bow the Graciooa Lord Dealt. With Bia Debtora." Enrliah at 11 a. at, "The Life With a Goldea Patare Before It." fiaaday school at 9:30 a. ta. Mrs. Amot E. Mianemaan. SBperiatea- eent. Juatker leare at 1 p. m. MZKHOBTTB Chemeketa at 17th street. Ber. B. B. i Dick, pastor. Saaday school at 9:45 a. so. H o r a i a r worohiD in eernan at 11 e clock. Zranfreliatie aerriee at '7:-30 ia Enrliek. Tonic "Ta Hast Be iora Acb. Bpeeial Basic TTBIT MXTHODIST BPISCOPAL SUte and Church - ttreets. Dr. J. E. Milliraa. aaiaiater. Fiord 8. Bailey, di rector of religiona edaeatioB. Dr. Bobert M. - Gatke, aperiBteadeat. Church school at. 9:45 a. at. cut for ail are. War- tUB a( 11 - ai- VT- one jsaxter at wu- lamette, apeaker. Worship at 7:30 p. as.. "Some Bad Bargain. " Teang people'a Xoraai, campus reapers and tpwortn jle1,ei e:3tf ptmt tbttabxab Forth Cottage aad Chemeketa atreeta. Ber. Richardson Tebbete, paatar. Church aekaal it IS a. at Chareh aerriee at 11 . Senaea. "What ia God!" Toner l people a meeung at. 7:80 p. as. TOST CHTJBOH OP CHBIST 8CIXKTIST Chemeketa aad Liberty atreeta. Sunday and 11 a. aa. Chare a ser- as. Sabiact af fassea ser- Prabatiea After Death." Testi- waetiag Wedaaaday at S a. Beading raaas. Maaeaie Teaapha. apea 11 a. as. ta 5:80 p. av. except Saadaya aad aeudaya. PTBST BTABOBXICAI. isnem, um Lnte jae. jowaer. Ber- I IJO . . M M 1 -on. "The Karmrs aa the rrasa." Dr. Eatery W. Pettieerd. Xraagelieal reaper radio hoar broadcast turn the aaditariam at 1:80 p. m. Teang paaple'i learae at 6 p. m. Jnnier aad senior high league at 6:30 p. a. Evening eraagelietie serriee at 7:30 e'eloek. Mixed aaartets. "Won't xo Say 'let' ta Him Mow I" Sermon, "The Bible Exploded." Be. Paul P. Pet- deord. Bible atady Tharaday at 7:30 a. as. O. a at A. GOSPEL TABSENACLZ 655 Terrv street. W. H. CaldwelL nss- tor. Berrtee arer BLiM. I to CIS s. a. tsaaaay acaoai at :5 a. aa. Moraiag warahip at 11 'clock. Special aerriee at I P. m. Xoung people'a meeting at 6:80 p. m. Erening erangelistie aerriea at 7:30 e'eloek. Ralph Underwood will apeak at all the serrieea. Weekly prayer meetings at maaai. PTSST COHasXOATIOirAX. Liberty at Center etreet. J. R. Sis oada. minister. Sunday acheol at 9 :5 a. m. atorainc worship at 11 o clock, oer- l"". 14M a liatera la the Kigbt."- PjaST CHXISTZAS Center and Hlrh atreeta. nr L. Drill. auaiaier. uaarea sebool at :80 Mr. Haatoa,. superintendent af Anti- Liaaor learae. neat aaeaker for adalu. JtorniBs worship at 10:d5 a 'clock. Com- maatoa. Sermoa, "UBmashtna; Oar Coo- feaaioa. Christiaa Endearor ' ia fear .whk. m " v.ww w. mm ajwhuj V. J- ipiaw. MM...... . t .Qfl i u. x rt v x l,t :80-p. m. Ereninf eyaneelistie aer- nee at 7:80 e'eloek. Sabjeet. "After the Towaeead Plea, What? Midweek ehnreh night Wednesday at 7:30 o clock. ajaXBZCAV I.TJTlTXAjr Church street between Chemeketa aad Center. Ber. P.- W. Erikaea. paator. X. A. I avraerer. aapenateaaaat of Sunday achool. trt ,Nr. ' lWekV " (u rector at maaie. Maaay MerBiar warahip at Dr. A. 8. Jeasea ef Mon- month Normal, will apeak. Solo, Tom All- pert. Lmtaer searaea at 7 p. as. 8 Corner Summer aad Marion atreeta. 1 "nary W. PetUeord. ft. and Paul P. Gtz : .ttieord. M. A, miaistera. Saaday school . ?? ' ! J? :45 a. as. U U Theratea, aapariatea- i5ki" St"day aight an. "The Maa lat w.i. ..rakS. iw'.lZTv a.. That Stopped Jeeua." Mrs. Emma aa NOW OPEN n Newly Rcnoviscd JEISINI IE Tca'I Uke the lleiv Jerjae lJnd at 260 N. High Opposite the Police Station " 1 : r . ; : We serve quality foods and serve them in a way that makes eating a rea pleasure. - ; All of our waitresses wear replicas of the original ' . . - Jennie Lind Swedish uniforms. . 1 - .New booths for couples. New private room. seating '25t ' w 1 -. - New banquet room seating1 75.:- -. ' f; , ... We large and small parties. . -v . ... , - :, We want names for our new private rooms and will give, a dinner for two people submitting the. name ",we use. . . . y v - - - ' ' '- -' - , - : ' ' '. THE JENNIE LIND 260 N. High SU Opposite Police Station - Phone 3061, . ' i " ' mil BAPTIST - Varies, ui Nona Labartr streets. Brit- tea Boit, BiaUUz. Bible staool at 9:45 i a. av Prd Braer. npariateadcat lra lag veraUp at 11 a'claek, "Oad'a Pat twra Warkad Oat la tka Beltaran." B. T. P. U. at 6:10 p. a. Saaday vrealas prayer aaaetias at 9:S0 at'doek. Orfaa pretada at T:10 p. as. Ktcniag aerrie at T:IS CtMck. "l-ka Miaaint Uik aa4 Why it Haa Kever a feaad." Mid- raak prayer BMetiag Wed see day at T:S0 s aa, ' v ' . - ' Coraer at Heiel aad Academy tfareett. Bible ackeol at 10 a. m. Preaekiat at It aa. by Her Benj.vIora aad at T:S9 ; a. av by 15re. v. . U. Kaaey. HKetet prayer aerriee Tharaday at 1:30 p. m. TZXaT 6SUCAH BAPTIST Kartk CatUca aad. D atreata. O. W. Batata, auaiiter. Suaday aekeel at 9:45 a. . am. 8aat Sckinaaa, aapariataadeaU Skart Zocliak aerriee after tka Saaday eeaoaL Betalar aerriee at 11:15 a. an. Bar. Fred Eleia at Waakbaaraa. H. D., will apeak botk aaarafaag aad at T :M p. ai Bpeeial ataaia by the -eheir. Hid- t week aervica at S p. as. Wedaaaaay. -; . rZBBT rBXSBTTEBZAV ' at :30 a. av. directed by Blpk Scott, Wlatar aad Cheatekcta atraata. firaTer- taperinteadeaU , II oraiar worabio " at 11 e'eloek. . Qaeat apaakar. Dr. Silaa Joha aoa, M-T aaiaaieaarr ta Africa far 40 yeara. Aatkexe, -ea Uot Thy UgBt" (Ueaaod). Bala by Mr. MollowelL "Hew -tBeaatifal Cpoa tka MeaaUlBe'.' .(Bark- er). C E. societies at 6:80 p. aa. Ere- laiBf praise at 7:80 e clock. Meditatioa, 'Whea Vther Belpars rait".- - .; , ; Hi rh land areaae at Chareh afreet. T. CH Brewav paatar. Saaday achool at 10 a. aa. Clifton Rosa, flvperiataadeat. Mora iar warship at 11 a' dock. Junior C E. at 5:80 p. a. Iataratediata O. B. at 6:80 p. as. furaaxelistie aerriea at 7:30. p. as. Prayer jaeeting Tharaday at 7:30 p. at. C . UESXIB MBTHODIST :, .: Coraer Commercial aad hfyera atreeta. J. H. McDonald, paatar. Ckarek sehoel at t:45 a. as. V. M. Ssckett. so verin ten dent. Mem in a worship at 11. e'eloek. 8er asen by Ber. McDonald. Epwarth leajenee at 6:30 p. as. Breaiag aerriea at 7:30 'clock. Prayer aneetiag Tharaday at 7:30 P- nv - CAXVABT BAPTIST Birh aad Perry atreeta. Ckarek school at t:0 a. aa. Mrs. W. A. Barkaa. super in tendon t. Preaching aerriea at 10:50 a. at, "The Gospel of John." Tonne pea- ale' aerriee at 6:30 p. as. Ke ports af the state . T. eonrentioa. Preaching aer riee at 7:80 p. aa.. "The Two Natures ia Man." Ifsyer aerriea at 7:30 p. aa. Haa aeaday. Chofr rehearsal at 7:80 p. at. Tharaday. W. Earl Cochran, paatar. CHXTBCB Or THB TOTBBQTJABB ' e08PEI 867 Coart street. Special ateetiaga con- daeted by EranfeHst W. W. Clark, ren tinning eTery aigkt ' eaeept Saturday. Bible school at 10 a. as. T. B. Cashioa, anaerinteadent. Moraine worshio at 11 e'eloek. Yotug people's czasader aerriea t :45 p. a. Meaaage freni w. W. Clark at 7:80 p. m.. "The Ooldea Text af the Bible." . GBACB 008PSX HAXI - 15th and Mill atreeta. 8onday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 7:30 p. Bible class Taeaday at 8 p. am. THE CHXTBCH AT SAIXM J. AIobso Sander, patter. 441 Cenrt i street, apataira. Serrieea Suaday- after noon at 2:30 e'eloek. Erening eraageUa- tiea aemee at 7:80 e clock. Meetings "Tery B,,bt 8 cloek- KBTOHT MEMOBIAX, 19th and Perry atreeta. H. O. Storer. Buoiater. Chareh school at 10 a. m. Morn. 5ng aerriee at 11 e'eloek. Sermon. "The Maa af Generosity." Aatheas, "Appear, Taoa Ught Dirine," Morrison. Y-oan people'a meeting at 6:45 p. as. 8 sere concert at 7:30 p. as. Prayer Wednesday erearng. Beth ' Parker program Taeaday areaing. . BBTHAST BEPOBMZO Berth Capitol aad Marion atreeta. Ed aria Horstmaa. paatar. Saaday aehaol at 10 a. at. Uarmaa termeet at 10 a. au English aerrieea at 11 a. m. Sabjeet 'Jesaa Kailaing ilia Chareh." Ia both aerrieea the Keroraeatloa tBema Will pre dominate. In eoaaeetioa with the ag- aaa aemees the sacrament el lloiy com mantea wiu Be obserrea. EVAJTOEUSTIO TABEBBACXE Parry and 13th atreeta. C O. Weil on. Jtraageustie campaiga with Em- Dales-Jonea will apeak Suaday at 11 a. m. aa. "Joy. the Christiaa Heritage." And at 1:45 p. a. aa. "The Life ?iring Teach af Christ." Bemeej every sight at i:ea e clock except Monday. ST. JOHS'a BTAVO. XtTTBBBAV (Missouri Synod) 16th and A atreeta. On block north af Old Polk Horn. B. W. Gross, pastor. Sun day aekaal at S a. as. English aerriea at a:o a. aa. uermaa aerriee at 11 a. m. GLAD TTDIHOS MISSION - 359 Coart street Her. D. L. MUler pastor Firat' stor. Saturday. 7:45 p. an.. "Safety prayer for the aiek. Saaday. 3 i p. m.. Saaday achool. Saaday, 8 p. m aeyetioaal, sermon topie, "Excaaes." Saaday. 7:d5 p. m "Three Crosses." Taesday. Tharaday and Saturday at 7:45 p. an.. Bar. Stilton will be preaching. At Macleay achoolbonaa at 11 a. m. San- I day. Saaday achool tt 10 a. at. mnov oospet. mzssiobt (Interdenominational) Key. aad Mrs. L. E. Fen to a. anperia- teadente. Sunday at 2:30 p. m. ia W. O. T. U. hall. Bar. W. Hnlet, Pree Meth odist . minister, will bring gospel mes sage. . - OUT-Or-TOWW Taaertsle Prteada -Milo Cliftoa Itoaa, minister. Chareh achool at 10 a. m. T. D. TriekTfpptrintendent. Worship at - 11 a. aaBeaeageT'Tha Callings of Pod." uansttaa JMidearor at 7 p. as, tjBoras aongfest at S'p. m. lira stra ted sermon. "Pamine and Death." Prayer aad month ly business meeting Thursday erening. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, READING BOOM 305 Masonic Temple . - Free to the Public Authorised aad approved literature aa Christiaa Scieace may he read, borrowed, ar purchased. Pint Ckarek af Christ, Scientist. Salem. LIND he ncras T One riot-True Bill Returned by Secret Tribunal; No Report on County j ; Five . true and one . not - true bills were handed down yesterday by the Marlon county grand Jury. No report was made of an alleged investigation of - courthouse . af fairs which had been under lay, according to courthouse rumor, i The grand Jury reported a true bill against Ira Cocahran, charg ed ' with assault with a : dangfr out weapon. 8he is accused of as saulting Bertha- Tennis at; the girls' training school October It, using a glass fruit jar. She Is in all now, unable to furnish S200v bail.' , . .: ;-- James Allen was Indicted for burglary not In a dwelling, having allegedly taken property belong ing to J. EL Long. He was in Jail yesterday, not being able to fur nish 1100 bail, . . " J , Ethel Voria was Indicted on the charge of assault with a danger ous weapon on Harlan. Bones, -at whom she allegedly discharged a loaded gun; She furnished bail, j The grand jury Indicted Tracy Hatch for allegedly pointing a gun at H. D. Massey on September 18, 1934. Carl McKlnney was indicted tor allegedly causing a minor girl to become delinquent. Unable to pro vide 1600 ball, he was in jail yes terday. : , Edward F. Wright served as foreman of the jury. . ' The grand' Jury reported a not- true Jill against W. F. Fulta, who had been charged with' passing a check with insufficient funds: - Morning Service Slated Over Air Sunday morning from t:4K until 10:15 o'clock, radio sta tlon KSLM, Salem, will Intro duce a series of church broad casts to continue through the season, with Allen Hess as the director. Sunday morning, Dr. James E. Milligan of the First M. E. ehnreh, will speak and Miss Minnie Miller will act accompanist at the piano. . TEACHES AT CONNER RICKEY. Oct 26. Kathleen Fitzpatiick, who graduated from Monmouth Normal this summer with high honors, is teaching the Conner school. ' Zyangflistle Bales Boral Labish Cea- ter: Moraiag worship at 11 o'clock. Saa day school at 10 a. m. Christiaa n dear or at 7 p. as. Clear Lake: Moraine worahin at t:45 'clock. Saaday ackeol at 11 a. v. Bally day program at 1:30 p. ta, Praitlaad: Erangelistie aerriea at p. as. Saaday achool at 11 a. m. Christian Endearar at 7 P. as. Middle Groye: 8aBday school at 9:45 a. m. ChrisUan ndearor at 7 p. as. fj. r. Lieaisg, jr.. pastor. Ifberty Saaday achool at t:45 a. m. Prajik Haaaer, auperintendent. Chareh serriee at 11 a. aa. Sermoa by J. K. Reason er af Pirst -Chrietiaa chareh ef Salem. Christiaa Endearor at 7 p. Paaliae Daeatar. leader. Midweek I riee Wednesday, October SI. at 7:80 p. aa. at P. Q. Jndd kerne. Men's LADD I K r. -I-' K samet SawSaaaw2S : assets;: Loans .. . .-w . . ...... . . Banklnr House and Fixtures Other Resources . . . -; I.. .... Deposit- with Federal vDeposit Insurance Corporation . Produee Drafts In Transit'.'. . .'. Customers Liability Under LC -Drafts and Acceptances . . . Bonds and Warrants .. ...... . : U. S. Bonds ..,.$2,234,000.00 Cash'.... 2,787,236.74 5,03336.74 no V A r Wiu. S.' Walton, "l Ceo. Ii: Riches,' Goal of 225 Set For Rally Event Oi Court Church Special lerrlcei at tho Court Street Christian church Sunday. The - day will 'mart.- one of the most . outstanding rally day - ob servances - in the history ef the church. The goal baa been set at 225 with a strong anticipation of meeting this record. ' - There has-been a large card board ' clock . placed in the front of the ehurch upon whleh are In scribed the numbers ranging rap to 225. The pastor has promised ta. make the . clock ring ; It the attendance reached the Jdeslred goal. The - special mr sic 'for x the service will be given . by - Daniel Schwiber - and ' Mr; Leander. r a Open house for . the Turner Memorial - home was . held . there Thursday atternoonwith Dr. and Mra.' H. C Epley of Salem aad Ber.' and ''Mrs. E. . J. Gllstrap. Turner, receiving. Epley is chair man .- of the board of ; trustees and Gllstrap Is secretary, and, re sident superintendent. -. - Many friends called during the afternoon,- and enjoyed thia pro gram: Readigs by Mrs. F. P. Del sell and IU L- Norton; songs by Mrs. -W. H- -Lyman, Stayton, and Rev. and Mrs. Jack Balles.of the Turner Christian church; address on work on different phases of the . institution ' by -Rev. Gllstrap and ' presentation of the guests. Mrs. Frank. Parr and Mrs. Joe Holt, wives of the farm employes. assisted in the serving. The. Memorial home has been opened a little over a year under the present trust, and received Its first guest October 15, 1933. Correll Meeting Is Sunday Night, Nelson Building - Harry J. Correll, 'Salem. Inde pendent candidate for governor, carrying the slogan, "Commun ism vs Fascism," will speak on the Issues of the 'election' cam paign Sunday, at Nelson auditor ium, 381 Chemeketa, 8 p. m. Cor rell haa just returned from an ex tensive and vigorous- campaign tour-in Lane, Douglas; Josephine and Klamath, coanties and reports that his meetings were' well at tended and enthusiastic. He is the state organiser of the United Farmers league of Oregon. Earl Steward, of Umatilla county. In dependent candidate for secretary of state, also carrying the slogan, "Communism vs Fascism," will make a short talk relative to the election campaign. Both have been endorsed by the communist party. - - - -' - r - PLAY ON MONDAX , DATTON. Oct. 26. -r Monday evening at the Dayton Opera House the Civic club play, "His Uncle's Niece," .will be presented by nine local people. ' .- : - Copper-Riveted. Waist IIOIIS DEW Heavy 8-oz. Blue Denim Sanforized Slirunk? Here) one of the strongest waist-band overalls made! Copper riveted at pockets and sit all other points of strain.; Has suspender buttons and belt loops. Triple-etitched and the best part of It, they sure Sanforized Shrunk. j ' ! ' ' REPORT OF CONDITION & BUSH Bankers SALEM, OREGON V At'the close of businesa:0ctbber;17a 1934 .". 29,724. 110.74 - . . ; 250,ooo.flu : 172.C5; 10,500.60 248,481.91 f- f.158.95 . 410.232.21 19,211,483.84 OFFICERS: A'. N. BtMh, President f 7 Vice President Cashier, -V . - 3. Fuhrer, Asst. Cashier ' H. V. Compton, Asst. Cashier, . Roy Barton, Asst. Cashier - - "... - t. .:- Tlakhaiai GHbeH, Aaci. Caafair C Mo Cox, Asst. Cashier : Roy 'elson, Asst. Vice president Bin List Chance for Teams to - Get Into Championship ; , Phase of Contest - Contract bridge players will ea ter the third round of The States- . man's second annual bridge tour- . nament Monday night af 8 o'clock at the Marlon hoteL Thia marks " the deadline under which teams may get into the grand champion- . ship competition as scores for six r of the eight games are counted .. Play last Monday Bight was dl , vided Into ' two sections, whieh will continue - to ' prevalL, Taia. speeding op of the play met with- general approval, says Mrs. w. u. . Quinn, tournament director. 'An Interesting sidelight on the ' tourney last week Is the fact that three husbands' and. wives, play ing together, made - first or sec- -nd places': in their positions.. These, were Mr- aad Mrs. Oliver Huston, top ia section B, north, r, and south; Mr. and Mrs, Clayton r Bernhardt' top in the other B see- . tlon, and Mr; and Mrs. J. E.' Al brich; second in Ihe B north and -south division.' , ' Further upsetting the idea that married couples can't agree at . bridge, three-couples played third ben in their sections: Mr. and Mrs.' Don Madison,' Mr. and Mrs. ; Gunter and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Newmyer, and fourth couple, Mr. -and Mrs. Earl Fisher, played to a fourth poaition. Players who nave J. had some tournament experience will find , keen "enjoyment and good prac tice In the games each - Monday - night, and even though they care not: to compete tor the grand prises are welcome to register tor , the weekly play, fee for which is 50 cents. Nor is registration es- , sential, though this detail makes it easy 'for the director and' her assistant, Mrs. Carl Armstrong. First and second prizes are -awarded In each section for every Monday night's tourney, and door prises are also given. - ' Shorter Week at Courthouse Issue The proposal - of a 44 - hour week for courthouse employes is almost eertainwto eome np at the forthcoming Marion county bud get meeting, it was stated yester day ' at the ' courthouse.; Marlon -county employes now v'ork 41 hours a week, an average of eight more hours than is permitted un der most NRA codes. Certain members of the county court are understood already to be favor able to a 44-hour week. Whether more help will be needed to take up the slack win be a matter for the budget committee to deter mine. , : ' ' COUGH DHop , . ; . Real Throat relief! Medicated with ingTedi-' 'tints' of Vicks VapoRab, - Band ISO North Dberty Street J- id taiuvccgi LIABILITIES; Capital , .... . . ... . . 9 SO0.OS0.OS Surplas .:...,..'.........' J50.000.OO Undivided ProfiU : 40.52S.61 Reserves .......... . i . . ...:.. 3,470.60 Letters et Credit . :- : 1,777.00 Domestic, and Foreign . Drafts " -, . .:. ' and AccepUnces Sold .v:. .. ' ' 331.95 Deposits . . o.0lira2&M ;".' " ' - " -' : ' ' ; ' s 19.811,483.94 . ' - '