TLa OREGON STATESMAN. Calea, Oregon,' Thursday. tloralag. October. 25 f ACS aUL Arlington, Wash., before her mar riage. Mr. Kimmell has been em ployed as druggist at the Ham mond store In Mill City since last April. The Klmmella will be at home In the Hall apartments with in a short time. Methodist Choir to Hold'Parker Program Sunday SrLVXRTON, Oct. 14. The Methodist senior choir wm give a "Seta Parker" erening at the church Friday night under the di rection of Jena Howard ant Trad Baker. The east of aaaraeters wag selected by Mrs. Harold Da vis. Mr. Howard win. aet aa Seta Parker and Mrs. Sdson Comstock win take the part ot Mrs. Parker. Others taking characters In the evening- of song are; Mas. W. P. Scarta Mrs. Harry Rlehee, ' Mrs. U Lewis, Mrs. J. Carrie, Mrs. P. B. Sylvester. Catherine Harrtsoa. Elaine Clower, Mrs. P. A. Moore, Max Scrtber, .A. H. Smith, L W. Alfred. W. E. SatcaweU. Bill Dix on, Bert Day, W. a Cain. . ; - Group From Point Sees Great Storm Near Rose Lodge .VICTOR POINT. Oct, l-Ur. and Mrs. O. W. Humphreys and children Thelma and Robert and Mlas Xva Humphreys of . Shaw spent, the weekend at the Clala Humphreys home at Rose Lodge. Oa 8unday the party visited the ocean and witnessed; the severe storm which according to a 7-year-old resident of that section was the worst storm known. : The entire , neighborhood was shocked and saddened by the death of Lenora Orren at her home la SUrerton Sunday. The ten place before moving to Silver ton.. .. ' - ,' ? SeM(is f H ED nam puk Eastern Star Fetes Many ' j Past Heads at Big : t.. Event Monday - WOODBURN, Oct. 24. -Dr. JL . X. Caswell of En sen e experienced a narrow neap Tuesday morning about 1:45 o'clock while driving nortn en the Paelfie alghway near WoodDorn. Doe to wet and allp- - pery parement and trying to stop to arold hitting a conpe which was tarniar in to Wood bam from the : nigh way, Caawell'a ear skid ded and got out of control and made a wild dash for the south end of the store and restaurant owned by C. D. Smith, known as the Arch store, wrecking that end and a' section of the west side of the banding. When stopped the car was inside and a good deal of the store's stock 'Scattered on the ontside. The fire department was called, as there wag danger of (Ire- from the damaged car. No one was hart. 1 Wright Leaving Harold Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Wright, will leare Thursday for Vancoarer and from there will go to Sad Francisco to san, November 1, for Honolulu where he will be employed as technician for the government in radio service. He will serve an enlistment period of two and one half years in the signal corps of the United States army. - The Wood burn high school second team played a scoreless tie with the Gervais high school first team Monday, on the Gervais field. This was the first game for the local second team this season. Katherine Ann Becker, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Becker, , celebrated her fourth birthday Sunday by inviting a few of her, little friend3 to spend the afternoon. Present were Gerald Christie, Evelyn Becker, Brenda Hanrahan, Margaret Donelly, Den nis Miller, Joseph Becker and Thomas Becker, and Katherine Ana Becker. Card Winner Listed v Twenty-six tables of "500" were In play at the card party giv en by tne bt. Luke s Altar soci ety at the community hall Sun day night. Prises were won by Mrs. Frank Weiss, first; Miss Syl via Huffman, second, and Mrs. J. O. Jensen, third, for women, and Fred Miller, first. George Kudna second and Joe Serres third, for the men. Evergreen chapter No. 41, Order of the Eastern Star, en tertained the past matrons and past patrons of that chapter at their meeting held in the Mason ic temple Monday night. Venus chapter from Donald and Gervais chapter members were also guests. Refreshments were served to about 80 members and guests. Mrs. Edna Lytle was chairman of the dining room committee. Lows Renovizing Recently Bought Hollywood Place HOLLYWOOD, Oct. 24. Charles E. Low, who purchased the E. E. Lucas place last summer, moved recently and have been busy ever since, making it a mod ern home in every respect. G. W. Robert's residence is al so undergoing renovizing. Roberts Is residing the house with shin gles and adding a fireplace. E. 0. Holler added a new wood abed and fruit room on his place. iC S. Thomas re-shingled his house recently. W. M. Davis has also had his room re-shingled. Kimxnel Takes Bride to Mill City to Live KILL CITY, Oct. 24. Mr. and Mrs. J. C Kimmell have returned to Mill City from Seattle where they were married October 19, at Plymouth church, the Rer. Charles L. Williams officiating. Mrs. Kimmell was Helen Coe of E ciw . STATTON, Oct. 14. The Ep worth Players of the M. E. Ep worth league will present "Don't You Dare Divorce Me," a two-act comedy Monday, October 29, at the Grange hall at 7:80 p. ra. sharp. A small charge will be made. In addition, there will be vaudeville acts and musical en tertainment. The comedy drama Is being directed by Rer. D. George Oole. The young people are raising money for their Insti tute fund. The play cast .in cludes Donald Alexander, Aalta Meehen, Hortense Stayton and Wallace Wright The regular church night pot luck supper was held in the base ment of the M. E. church Monday with Mrs. D. George Cole and Mrs. Claude Booker in charge. The welcome to new members and to Mrs. H. J. Rowe, who has re turned from an extended visit to California, was given by the pas tor. Rev. D. George Cole. Speech es were also given by Howard George, Mrs. H. J. Rowe and others. I 1 1 S 11 E SCOTTS MILLS, Oct. 23 Mr. and Mrs. Levi Kellis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kellis and family have returned home from a two weeks visit in Crescent City, Calif., where they visited Mr. and Mrs. John Kellis, parents of the Kellis boys. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crites have an 11-pound daughter, born Fri day, October 19, at their home. Mrs. Mamie Mull has returned to her home in San Francisco, after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hettwer at Crooked Finger. The heavy rain and wind Sat urday and Sunday caused quite a bit of damage to telephone and light poles in this vicinity. Book and Thimble Club Has Election At First Fall Meet KiNfiwnnn nt 2 Anni election of officers in .the Book and Thimble club was held Thurs day, their first tall meeting, at the home- of Mrs. Charles Schwartz. Mrs. C. H. Temple ton, as last year's vice-president. automatically succeeds Mrs. Schwarti as president Mrs. A. L. Applewhite was elected vice president, Mrs. Ray Lacey, secre tary and Mrs. C. N. Hatfeaway, treasurer. Mrs. Applewhite will entertain November 1. Mrs. Joe Matthews who has been a guest for several weeks of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. England, left Friday night for her home at Yreka, Calif. Her de parture was hastened by a mes sage reporting the serious Injury of her husband while working with a highway construction crew. He is now in a San Francisco hospital. Hunters Overcome by Monoxide Gas Poison DAYTON, Oct. 2 4. -Harry Stou tenburg, Raymond Palmer, Glenn Felton and Harvey Robertson re turned home Monday from hunt ing near Prlnevllle. While going through the McKensle pass Harry and Raymond were overcome with monoxide gas poisoning from the engine while the car windows were closed, but they have fully recovered. Remarkable Formula Helps To Prevent Colds Samples Free at Local Drug Stores Tested in Clinics by Practicing Physicians, and Proved in Everyday Home Use, Vicks Va-tro-nol Helps , Millions in Avoiding Man Colds FREE TRIAL PACKAGE Also Contains Other Medica tions Used in Vicks Plan for - Better Colds-Control FOLDER EXPLAINS PLAN Every family in Salem interest- ed la having fewer colds has a . chance sow to get acquainted with the unique aid la preventing colds Ticks Va-tro-noL Va-tro-nol Is especially design ed for the nose and throat where most colds start. It aids and stim ulates the functions provided by Nature- la the nose to prevent colds, and to throw off colds In their early stages. Va-tro-nol Is easy and conven ient to use any time or place at home or at work. Jast a few drops op each nostril at the first sign of discomfort in the nose ir ritation or dryness, sniffle or sneese. TJsed Is time, it helps to avoid many a eold entirely. Where irritation has led to a logged-op nose (a stuffy head cold or nasal catarrh) Va-tro-nol penetrates deep Into the nasal pas sages reduces swollen mem branesclears away clogging ma ins brings comforting: relief. - - Va-tro-nol's remarkable effec tiveness has been proved in thou sands of clinical tests supervised by practicing physicians. Equal ef fectiveness la shown la its every day bomb use aiding millions to greater freedom from colds. (Kote For your protection: The remarkable success of Vicks Drops for nose and throat has brought scores of would-be imita tors. . Don't contuse Vicks real medication with mere "oil drops." The trade-mark name "Va-tro-nor Is your protection In getting the original and exclusive Vicks formula. Always ask for Vicks Va-tro-nol. It Is available now In two generous sixes 30c and 50c.) Get low Trial Samples Now Your druggist baa a limited supply of de luxe combination sample packages. These contain trial samples net only of Va-tro- nol, bat of Vkks VapoRub (fam ous external treatment for colds) and other Vick aids to better Con trol of Colds. Also, a modern, practical guide to mothers to help yonr family to have fewer, abort er and milder colds this winter. All yoars for the, asking at the nearest druggist's. Or if his sup ply is exhausted eend for your package direct to Vicks, 2014 Mil ton SL, Greensboro, N. CW enclos ing Se In stamps to cover mailing. , , ... , ..... ., ... . . - .. ..... ... .... ..... . -At hp-hpi .rrtirn. The store for Ladies Have a FREE Ride! f; 1 For a free ride downtown this morninr, between 9 and It, just tell the 4 1 xiX v TP"' A driver that yon art going downtown for Dollar Daj shopping. AD dty II T , 'j busses are fret comlnc downtown. . r XO) V '" '? fAt THURSDAY ONLY KhA r Day Sale ilMPtX M h hr 1 ! wssssm A m- JpotlaT Da, p4! ML rurses l ;M-,-"' -a ?.- .yM sea I ,.v'i:V mMdWi 1 Johnson's Main Floor Dolla Dollar Day Dollar Day Jacket Special Dress Special $5. $5. These are genuine Suede These dresses formerly eold Jackets, regular value up to ap to I I.I I. Silk dresses, 18.11. Believe it or not, wool dresses in this group. Dollar Day Dollar Day Dress Sale Coat Special JS1 sio. f IVs Plain tailored eoats. Dress These dresses are of the bet- coats galor, Car trimmed and ter grade and we must say all Interlined. For this sale that they are outstanding ftnd this sale only, 1 values regular up to $11.75. These silk dreasee are regu lar value ap to tll.Tf. Sites 14 to 41. Gennlne Leather Purses for this sale, LOO. Dollar Day ' Coat Sale S14-95 Believe us when we say that these coats are positively the best values ever offered by as this tune ot the year. Look at the price. These are all dress coats regular val ues up to flt.TI. Dollar Day Sale of Gloves St'8 Genuine kid gloves, extra special ... Doffcr Day Odds a Ends Dresses slightly soiled by handling. Out they go. Each ... 50c Dollar Day Sale of Silk Slips For this sale only. Limit t slips to a customer and these are all our regular 11.11 slips for this sale and this sale only price 1 1.11. Johnson's DOWNSTAIRS DOLLAR DAY SALE Dollar Day SILK DRESSES These dresses are slightly soiled and messed from handling but they art regular values up to 12.75. Out they go at one flat price. Each 100 Per Cent SILK SLIPS Specially priced at 82. Outing Flannel Gowns and Pajamas J7 These are all fresh and crisp. Regular values up to $1.98. Out they go. Each . Wool Skirts A big assortment to select from. rtT OC! II BaHy worth up to 3.50. This Dollar Day sale , ' L3 Dollar Day Sdt cf LADIES HATS Aajr ht in th, downsUtn (tore.. rt7 .fiiffii Tour eholc '-'V HOUSE DRESSES STREET DRESSES! All guaranteed fast colors. For this sale , '-- LADIES, DRESS Only a handful left and small sizes only while they last. Your choice e. COATS SILK DRSSES that are going to. sell if we have to give them away. These art values up to $9.95. Out they go, all at one flat price. Each ; , ,. ,,, , ., , ,, ,99 We always aim to please our customers and when we ad vertise values we give just that. Signed, O. FV JOHNSON. Oh yes, we forgot to mention we have just received over 20 dozen brushed wool sweaters. Zippers, twin sets etc SAY FOLKSOME EARLY TO AVOID THE BIG CROWDS During this great Dollar. Day sale there will be no charges, no approvals, no refnnds. , v : 464466 StateThe Store for Ladies During this great Dollar Day sale there will bt no charges, no approvals, no refunds.