THEXf . Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advmlslag Btngle insertion Pr line 10e Three Insertion 1t line SU Insertions er Une. .20e One month per line..!-."" Mlnt-aum charge .,'..... Copy tor this cage ac cepted until :S the even ing before publication , for classification. Copy re elved after this Unas will berun ander the beading Toa Late to Cluslty. The Statesmaa assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear la advertisements pub llsbed in its columns, and ta cases where tbl paper Is at Unit will reprint that part of aa advertisement la which the typographical mistake occurs. Tha -' Statesman, reserves the -.right to reject objec 'clonal advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classifica tion.' I HELP WANTED FEMALE Girl for housework, apply in person t 333 Wyatt Court. WANTED Woman for practical fcursing and some housework in pleae aot home. Give age and telephone. Box Si, Statesman. SALESMEN WANTED Can you sell ? CalV 61 J Statesman Bl. or Tel. 71g Mon. or Tu. SITUATIONS WANTED aLn.aru-i.ririi A Tmrk for hire. Tel. S278. FOR SA LF-Misce!laneoaa Hanson pullets cheap. Rt 1. Box 53. Bargain offer. The Oregon States man one full year by mall only to any address In Oregon. $3 00 for a limited time. Old papers 10c per bundle. States jn-L0,jn - -.j..ix.nnnr.riirr Walnuts, Baldwins, Spies, others, arlns boxea Mrs. Wright, 4 mL Wal lace road. Poaltrv fertilizer, with straw, 15c per yard. Also clean, by the sack. Tel. 18JF2. Lee's Hatchery. fWaakastfaveVsvahsisaSjNrawMBAsatssAsasa, Used electric washer, good order. 117.50. Wringer rolls for all makes of washers. E. II. ELLIS E57 Court Street asruLruruxrin-Lii uiji -usi"-, "" - m Sale 10 Chester White pigs. S wta Id. 830.00. Carl V. Booth, R. - Z, Ba. ti. Turner. - ' For Sale Fertilizer for lawns and Cowers. TeL QUO. Kala ar Trade Registered Collie papa, pigeons, bantams; 2295 N. Lib- rtr. : TRADE Miscellaneous "tTfll trade men's" clothing for 4 ft trdgrejjthrwoodOjoi ' WANTED Miscellaneous TSUNS. RIFLES. PISTOLS, musical autraments sMghtly used, we buy M gold. Star Exchange. 811 K. Com'L WANTED Home In country for 10 MISCELLANEOUS Subscribe now. renew now. The Ore- goo Statesman annual bargain period Is now on for limited time. To mail Mbscribers only, limited to state of Oregon, 83.00 per year. Haircuts ISe-SOe. 203 a Winter. Saw repairing. Falera Saw Shop. Four Corner a Pn Road.. Tel. 4280. Free We pick up dead and worth less horses, cows. she!v . TeL 4849. Joe's barber shop haircut, 25c WANTED: Names men-women, II 89. wishing government Jobs. 8105.00 S17S.00 month. Fail Salem-examinations expected. List positions sample texts, FREE. Fraakiin Institute, Dept 881 N, Roohter. N. Y.- ' FOR RENT ROOMS Sleeping rm. Men. 725 Court St ' Kloe sleeping room. TeL 4498. ' Furn. 8 rooms. 43C N. Water. Room for 2 ladles. Comfort of borne. Kitchen privileges. TeL 4S45. Tab!" r)oard.' Verr close In. 5488. FOR RENT APARTMENTS 1 room furnished apartment TeL T444 214L HaaeL 1 R. furn., 191 S. Church. 1st floor, 293 Summer. Nice furn. apt, 530 Union. 1 R. furn. apt LT5 wk. Gar. arall kfe .7! .:..;..:..-. . . 3 room furnished upstairs apt- $9.00. 413 ?L 31st St ; Nicely furn. apartments, 4 4 8 Union. Fiir-. beatM srtr . 444 S. High. FOR RENTHOUSES Houses. Mel Tin Johnson. TeL 3723. Mod. R. country home, furnace, sook. bath. f25. C C. Anderson. TeL 104F12. - Snappy mod. 4 R, bungalow. 1829 N. 4th SL - ; - Some good houses turn.-and unfur nished. TeL 4161, Grant, Masonic Bldg. Sti1tkSI1 ler hww, 891 TJntotl. . . FOR RENT -Rent, 38 A. chicken ranch, good tlAgai. paved highway, 3 nL aast of Aomsvllle. R. 1, Bt. 11A, Annris-llle. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED By gentleman, sleeping room. In- South Balenu Box , 28. V FOR SALE - Real Estate ( FOR SALE Furniture and business f a small apt -bouse. 191 S. Church . Street FOR SALE Real EstaU IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF A NEAT SUBURBAN -HOM1S ' 4 roomi and nook. cloeets and bath with good plumbing, plenty of built las. rtrepiare, electrM ugnta, garage ana i wooded, well and water irttem. IK acres aot Car out on food road. Price tor a short time 33I80, liberal terms. 1 CHILDS MILLEK. Kaltw TeL' 8708. WHT RENT? Wbn rou can buy a nicely furnished room home for only' f 2250. Furnish- lhg Include piano, electric washing machine, rood rugs. bed. etc. Owner leano state ana must nave s-; 11709 at 1 can be assumed, balance in monthly payments. Hurry end sea this bergs in. CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Tel. (70S Must sell food J-acre suburban home. I new nn. house, on pavement will sacrifice for $3,009; you cannot beat tiiuv fine location. I tl Oregon Bldg. TeL 8903 Beautiful wooded, close In home site. with water, gas and electricity. Very mall payments. Tel.- 6154. FOR SALE Neat, little home of 4 rma. located at 84$ Norway. Vacant Nov. 1st Price $1100. Easy terms, or will rent for 114 per month. W. O. KRT7EGER 14T N. ConVL TeL 4718. EXCHANGE Real Estate EXCHANGE S neat homes, one 1 and. one 8 room. clear. Trade tor or T room, modem ; notise. must oe a-i location. Can to see It ALSO Neat 8 room, modern bun galow for home of equal vahie In Bill ings. Montana. Frlce 32600, or will sell with 100 down payment. chill's A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Tel. 8708. Trade, two business tots. 25x14? each, in small central California town. on highway. Oil refining, oil wells sur rounding. Much fruit raised. Desire nan acreage. Improved, near town. w. Forthim. Riv-ra. CaMfom la . FOR SALE FARMS . -i , -M-.-ii-M-wv-vtirnirirj"xi GOOD FARM BUY STOCKED AND EQUIPPED ' HO acres not far out on market road, 80 acres In cultivation. 10 acres timoer, balance pasture. Fair 7 room house, good barn, springs, running wa ter, btock, machinery, feed and grain an go at the sacrifice price of 57500 casu izioo, balance long time federal loan. CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 244 State Street Tel. 8708. Good farm buys, with 10 cash bal ance on 10 years time, anywhere In the state. F. L. Wilkinson. Field Man. for Federal Land Bank, U. S. Bank Bldg.. Salem. ssaaasarfaaahaaaa FARM SACRIFICE Good 95 acre farm with good bottom land, some cnland for pasture, excel lent spring, about 80 cares in cultiva tion, C room bungalow type house, barn with silo, and other out buildings, located close to Salem on paved road, walnut grove consisting of 58 bearing trees. Includes 14 head of young cows, one team, harness, wajron. harness. harrow, mower, one plow, 10 ton of ensilage, price for immediate sale 385. per acTf, fisoe. down. baL easy terms. IF TOtT WANT A REAL FARM AT THE RIGHT PRICE HERB IT ia See. W. H. ORABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 124 3. Lfherfr Bt. Tel. 81 8. ACREAGE Wanted arreage. Box 349. Statesman. Business Opportunities Sale Dressmaking establiahmenL tn good location. Box 348, car States man. MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel Loans l to to months to repay at lowest nee slble rates. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st Nafl. Bank Bldg. Phone S551 Licensed by state CHATTEL LOANS CARS RE-nXAXCED wir.i.wpi rrts m Tel. 3S77 E05 Guardian Bldg.. Salem S-1S4 State License Nos. M-159. S S Need Money ? ? STATE LOAN CO. 213 Ore. Bldg. Lie. No. 5-185. CAN TOU USE 3100 3200 3300t Borrowing money here Is simplicity it self. Our losn accommodations are in tended to help all deserrlng people..We invite your application. Tou have your choice or 4 LOAN PLAN JO REPAYMENT PLANS Come in. write or 'Phone. BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETT OF SALEM Member of NRA. Loom 119. New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED KO. S-122 br STATES 618 State 8t TeL 87 4 Loans Made hi Nearby Towns Mortgage loans on improred Salem houses. Abrams A Ellis. Inc. Masonic Bldg. 5 Farm Loans 5 Plenty of money for well tmprored ! farms if amply secured, Improre or buy now wfth cheap money. Ask for booklet -Willamette valley wnn- - Haarklna end Hnlwwt In LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Pigs, six -weeks old. Roy Black. Dal- las. Ore. TeL 9-F21. -Tootur Jersey cow. freahen soon. ; 830.00. or will trade for wood. can Davidson, Monday, 6. Sale or trade 10 stock ewes, cheap : 519 N. Front Bt 75 R L Red Pullets. 8 mo. Old. 1L Holdredge. R. 4. Bx. 115. Salem, FOR RALE--Tntuur horse and Hol- steln bulL Jos. Schaefer, Rt 1, Box JofcJ"tijj2toreiiiMj FOR SALE WOOD Bos Wck I Just the thing for Quick hot fires. a real value in ruet SALEM BOX CO. ; Telephone 7123 Old fir. Sad croth. TeL 97CS. 4-ft. ash, tin cd. TeL 73Si "X UUARAJ4TEBD UB1 rt seas Babna Fuel Oe. Cortege.: Trada a ' Dry planer and slab wood. Prompt deli verr. TeL 3988. oidi tnv y-,Q- -T-e.L- Dry id fir. 2nd -growth wood. screened hoc fneL Fred fc Welia 18 to. old fir. 85 cd. TeL 89.38. . .Hog -fuel and wood, . By truck Or I ear lota, At torn or delivered. - Dava I Brow. H- L Subumltjr. TsL Salt SZ88. . mm. &m FOR SALE WOOD Dry wood, all kind Tel. SOIL Wxill nm -.1- ! S . K II 1 l Ind arowth. 84.fSt 4 ft 34.35: IS in. old fir, 8a.S0. TeL S44L Good oak wood, cheap. XF4. Good dry wood. TeL 8284. Ash, oak, fir. TeL 6378. All klnda of wood, reasonable. Also woodsawlng. TeL 8933. WOOD SAWING Wood aawing rtA-otjabl. CU tS90, Wofxl-nawtnt?. 108ft N. ComTy .t. LOST AND FOUND LOST Brown leather bag, nickle plated nail fastener: containing cash. glasses, keys, etc. Keep cash. Return or buu oag not ovale 'BL, Jip- i. ---- ni "i iiini i "i n ii.n m n i ii'u'h. n LOST Olassea in case on Summtr or state St bus or at transfer point. aionuay. Tel. salt, FOR SALE USED CARS FOR SALES or trade is SO S-ton Dodge. Van body, t-ton capacity. 1928 Hudson Sedan. , - DOff MADISON 54t N. High- Harmon Sedan Fine condition 8878.00 International A-S IK ton . ' (00.00 International S.F.48 two ton 650.00 Dual tire trailer . . 150.00 1-J yd. gravel body and hoist. 150.00 JAMES H. MAD EN CO. MS S. Commercial St Tel. 8590 State Motors Inc. Quality New and Used Cars 1934 Studebaker Commander Se dan with 8 wheel equipment, trunk and other extras less than 7.000 miles S95 l3f Hudson etd. Be dan. brand new car, never off show room floor; trunk and F. W. 1934 Studebaker Dictator 8 4 -door Sedan, less than 500 miles 1934 Terraplane Sedan, trunk and other extras, run less than 1500 miles 1920 Packard 8 Sedan 1934 Ford Business Coupe 1833 Chev. Town Sedan 48 903 836 795 625 575 1930 Reo DeLuxe Sedan 450 1932 Ford Business Coup 425 350 295 195 175 175 i3v Hupmobile 8 Sedan 1929 Hudson Std. Sedan 1928 Hudson BrouKham 1929 Ford Sport Roadster 129 Durant 4 Coupe .. 1924 Hudson Speedster 1924 Dodee Coup 95 C5 1924 Maxwell Touring 60 State Motors Inc. HUDSON and STUDEBAKER DEALERS 5SS Chp eketa WANTED USED CARS WANTED Best pickup tso wui boy. 1584 Chemeketa. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE On Saturday the 17th day of November. 1134, at ten o'clock A. M. at the West 4oor of the Ma rlon County Court House, in Sa lem. Oregon, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash, all the right, title and in terest had by the within named defendants on or after' the 8 th day of January, 1932. in and to the following described real pro perty, to wit: . Lot Number Three (S) in Block Numbered One (1) of Parrlsh Grore Addition to the City ot Salem, as the same appears of record on the official plat thereof in the office of the Re corder of Conveyances tor said Marion County. Oregon, at the Court House In Salem, Oregon. Sale Is made by virtue of a I foreclosure execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, to me directed In-the case of Haw kins it Roberts, Inc., a corpora tion Plaintiff vs. Dan "W. Tarp ley, unmarried ; Herman E. Lar ky and Airs. Herman E. Lafky, nls wife:; Josephine Whedbee; and Union; Central Life Insurance Company, a corporation; Defend ants. 1 IA. C. Burk Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. "By W. Richardson, Deputy Walter Fohrer, Attorney for Plaintiff. O. 17-24-31; N. 7-14 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OP X-XECUTIUX. Notice is hereby giyen that the undersigned has bees duly ap pointed by the County Court of tne State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marion, as Executrix of the last will and testament and es tate of Anna M. Junk, deceased, and that she has duly Qualified as such Executrix; all persons hay ing claifhs against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly rerified, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glorer. my attorney, 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the date ot this notice. Dated at Saiem Oregon, this i 40th day of October, 1834. - - BERTHA JUNK DARBY, - Executrix ot the last will and testament and estate of Anna M. Junk, Deceased. RONALD. C. GLOVER. . . Attorney for Executrix, Salem, Oregon. O. NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTRIX Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of .Via ct. t rsrov nn TTn the (innn -"KSitt,: of Caroline Mccracken, deceased, and that she has duly Qualified as such Executrix: ail persons hay ing claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, ; duly ten- tied, to tne, at the ftfflce of.Rcfn- ald C. pioyer. my attorney. 205 Oregon . Building, Salem, Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the date ot this notice.: - Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 3rd day of October. 1S4. ENNA GTJEFFROT, . Executrix ot the last will and tes tament and Estate of Caroline McCracken. Deceased. - , RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executrix, Salem. Oregon. - O. 3-10-17-2 4-S 11. Business I Directory Cards ia thia directory run on a monthly bauds only. Rates S1.QO pear Una pgr month. ANNOUNCEMENT X8 E. GETZLAFF, M, D, Physician and Surgeon Announces the opening of offices ta the First National Bank Building. Room 818. Office TeL 4948. Rea T71. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek. 370 Bout- CommerclaL BICYCLES Bought sold, traded and : Harry W. Scott, 147 & Comt repaired. CATERING Corns chicken tamallea, TeL 4541. . CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4480. It Ml Northnesc CHIROPRACTORS DR. a L. SCOTT, PSC, Chiropractor, f N. High. TeL Rea, 8788. FLORISTS Brelthaupt's, EST Court ALL kinds of floral work. Luta Flor let 10th A Market TeL 9893. INSURANCE BECKS A LOfcN D RICKS N. High TeL 4947. 189 LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THJfi rVUlDKB LAUNDRT 363 a High TeL 0188. CAPITAL C1TI LAUNDRT First In Quality and Service Telephone 3185 1284 Broadway. MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Pbona 40SS. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade; carpet cleaning, elxlng; flutl rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rug A Mat tress Factory. & 13tb A Wilbur. TeL 844 L OTTO F. ZW1CKER. BsL 191L MUSIC STORES UCa C WILL Plan oa, radios, sewtaa machine- sheet musle and piano ato dlea. Repairing radios, phonographs . ' -----r ana sewing macninea, i-s sw ww, naiem. PIIOTO ENGRAVERS Salem photo engraving, 147 M. Cose itierctaL TeU 8481. PRINTING . mn STATlONttRT. CMT&L imOOM lets, programs, Doo-a or any una - - . - -- r. printing, call Tne stated naa rroaa Department 3U & CommereUL Tee- phons 910L RADIO SERVICE Moore's. TeL 7998898 N. High. REAL ESTATE BECKE ft HENDRICKS. TeL 4947. STOVES 1 repair stoves, ranges, circulator-. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Store Works, 282 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. B. & Fleming. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 313 L Larmer Transfer Co. Truest to Portland daily. CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 214 State St TeL 7773. Distributing for warding and storage .our specialty. Uet -our ratea, Willamette Valley Transfer. Salem to Portland hauling. TeL 8723. HAND WEAVING Exclusive hand woven bags, scarfs, pillows and ruga Ma gone Hand Wear- era, 860 W. 20th St TeL 5830. WELL DRILLING R. A. West 30 years eapartesca. HKU I. Bos 208 Tel 110F8V Demand Slower In Wnnl Market BOSTON, Oct. 23.-P)-(U. S. Dept, Agr.) -Demand was slower than last week In the Boston wool market on Ohio and simi lar fleeces, although scattered lots ot a few grades were mov ing. Strictly combing 68s, 60s, y blood Ohio wools brought 28 29 cents in the grease, while strictly combing 56s, blood moved at 29-30 cents. The vol ume of business on the actire grades, however, was tery mod erate, and several grades were not receiving calls for more than sample bags. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the Coun ty Court ot the State of Oregon. tor the County ot Marion, ner duly verified account, as adminis tratrix of the estate of wnnam Lemley, deceased, an that the said Court has fixed Wednesday, the 7th day of November, 1934, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. ot laid day, as the time, and the County Court. Room in the County Court House, at Salem, is Marion Coun ty, Oregon, as the place for hear ing said final account and all ob jections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 3rd dsy ot October,' 1934. ' . , HALLA D. GILLESPIE, Administratrix ' of - the state ot ' William Lemley. -Deceased. RONALD C GLOVER Salem. Oregon. " - Attorney lor Administratrix, O.3-10-17-24-31. QUICK I1B01DLSQ ISM III DUMPS NEW YORK. Oct. 23. - UP) - Financial market continued to amble along- doll and somewhat Irregular pathways today as fresh 8eeulattYe Incentives failed to appear. The llstlessaess or trading in stocks was exemplified by a total tarnoyer of 142,230 shares, which iwas about SM0 nnder yester day's unimpressive aggregate. The Standard Statistic company arer aga for 90 selected Issues regis tered a decline of two-tenths of a point at 71.4. In line with the sagging tend encies displayed by the gold ex changes, the heaviness ot gold mining stocks was an unsettling factor In today's share transac tions. Norahda mines, Mclntyre and Dome dropped about z pomts I each in relatively active dealings. TJ. S. Smelting. Howe Sound and American Smelting were only slightly lower. There were a few outstanding Stock gainers. Among these was the preferred- Issue ot Mccroryi stores which spurted 7 points to a new 1034 high at 47. Am erican Can. Continental Can and Eastman Kodak drew following! tor gains of around a point each. Case, American Telephone, U. s. Sieel. Bethlehem Steel, Consoli dated Oas and many others were about unchanged to slightly higher. VISIT KIRKWOODS WHEATLAND. Oct. 23 A. M. Kirkwood and daughter Phil- oma of Portland are guests of the, former's brother, Walter Kirkwood and his wife. BOULDEN IN HOSPITAL. DAYTON. Oct. 22 - Marion Boulden, who has been ill at his home the last two montns is at the Reltzel hospital in McMinn- Tllle for treatments. NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OP REAL PROPERTY No. 34S91 TV THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON FOR MULTNOMAH COUNTY, Probate Department. IN THE .MATTER OP THE ES TATE OF ELIJAH C. BAKER, Deceased. tr-o-o- ntroM i . . . . . niniL.Ej ia nEiivuoi u that pursuant to an oraer OI am k- -tt1et rnnrt ilnlv midi - ana enierea in tuo.aaiu hum uu . . - - . , Ala nMA M the list day of August. 1934, the undersigned administrator oi tne estate of Elijah C. Baker, deeeas- art w4fl -vtrl f rr th a 1 Kt fl tiT cue v aaa vat w www v - a9 Vnftmluir. 1814. at the office of Glo. Glos, SOS Lumbermen. - f waat Ji. Tk --1 -.-- fawnn WT-4. I !UllwUaSp rIWUw VlCftVU, yar- I lwafa sola ta th i luuu a. naa a uiiiahv ascaao w fclrfl, l.j M tB- foiiAwrln i ---- V 1ZZ terms: . 72.0 1ft Cash, and the purchaser, to (ire a note tor ii,- S 8 0.0 payable on or before three s ev K-yvr K--. y..r. lw w " iar interest at the rate of 7 per annnm. secured br a seeond mort- ggga on the following described SV v real property, payaoie , w tne aersigueu saiuiuuuaiui, mu I- purchaser runner to assume ana pay a first mortgage now on saia real property in the principal amount ot S800.00, together with Interest thereon, all subject to the confirmation of the abore entitled court. all of the following de- scribed real property belonging to the estate ot said Elijah C. Baker, deceased, to-wit All that certain 62.5 acre farm commonly known and described as the BAKER RANCH, situated in Section 4, in Township South, of Range 1 West of the Willam ette Meridian, in MARION COUN TY. STATE OP OREGON, and more specifically described as fol lows The Sotttb, half of the South west Quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 4 in Township South, Range 1 West of the Wii lamette Meridian in the-County of Marlon. State of Oregon, contain' ing 20 acres of land more or less; also beginning at a point in the tt- a ,L. nr n tt wgst line Oi me yi nouw Foster and wife, 9.92 chains N. ot the S.W. corner ot said elalm in T. 9 S. R. 1 W. W. M., Marion County, Oregon; thence North 14.92 chains along the W. line of the Henry Foster claim; thence N. 89 deg. 29 East 20.12 chains; U. E. corner of' a tract of land ownea oy v. xtaaer; iucuco South 89 deg. 30' W. 20.12 chains to the place of beginning, con. talnlng 20 acres ot land, more or less, excepting the right of way for the Salem Flouring Mills Water -ditch aa long as the same Is used for such purpose, all lying and being in Marion County, State of Oregon; and ALSO, beginning at a point 8.00 chains West ot the quarter section corner between Sections 4 and 9 in T. 9 S. R. 1 W. ot the Willamette Meridian In Marlon County,. State of Oregon; thence running North 25 deg. SO' West 14.92 chains to a point; thence West 5.90 chains to a point: thence South 13.00 chains more or less to the section line between Sections 4 . and 9; thence North 89 deg 30' East along the sec tion line 12,12 chains to the place of beginning, and containing 11.82 acres more or less, all ly ing and being within Marios County, State of Oregon, and con taining ia all of the abore de scribed tracts 62.50 acres of land more or less. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 18th darof October. 1834. First publication, October 17, 1134. .Last publication. Norember 14; 19 S 4. V-ALVTN C. BAKER Administrator of the Es . tateef Elijah C. Bkers - i --v. ueceasea. , Glos ft OToe 205 Lumbarmens Building, 1 Portland." Oregon, . ? , -' Attorneys tor Administrator. 0. 17-24-21; N. 7-14. Wheat Prices Up COtii J PHOVES DBA6 CHICAGO. Oct .-(PV-meat prices giined fractions today on baying stimulated by bnlllsh for eign sews, but corn showed weakness and acted as a drag on the market, The early spurt ot wheat bay ing followed a sharp recovery of the Liverpool market In which price losses were erased and re placed by closing gains of 1 to 1 1 cant. Firmnaas at Buenos Aires and Winnipeg also encour- aged local buying that continued until pront-iasmg appeared near the close. The day's adrances in wheat ranged from to 4 cent a bushel, with May closing at 07- cents after touching a high ot 08. Corn showed a net to cent loss. May going to 71 other grains were about steady. Today's closing quotations: Wheat December old 07, new 07-; May 07-; July8uaer sqauk. crate 02.' Corn December old 75-, new 74-7S; Mar 71-: July 77. Oats December old 50. new 50; May 48-; July 43. General Markets PBOSTXCE EXCHAHOB PORTLAND, Ore., Oct 28. (AP) Produce exchange, net prices: Butter: extras. 28H: standards, 28: prime firsts, 27 H; firsts 25c EffiLU. S. (peciali. 84; u. a. eztras. 33; U. 8. Btedinm eztrai, 28c. Portland Grain . FOBTZAKD QBATJf PORTLAND. Oct 23. (AP) -Grain: Wheat: Open High Low CIom Mar 85 85 85 85 December 88 83Va 83H 83H Cash: Big Bead bluestem 92; dark wUter 14 v ceBt 9i. do n v cent 89 K; soft white, northara spring ! amd wostara red, 83 H ; wet tera whit 81H; bard winter 82. Oats: Ao. 3 white 33.00. Corn: No. 3 B yellow 35.50. llillrua standard 31.50. Portland Produce 1 PORTLAND, Oct 23. (AP) Butter Prints, A grade, SOc, ia parchment wrappers; 81e in cartons; B grade, psrehmeat wrappers, 39 He; cartons 30e lk. Batterfat Portland delivery: A grade delivery at least twice weekly. 89-81e :;--7' - Tiers IS.; country rentes zs-sie id.; u grsae i mr aeiivarr iww w twiv , , - .w . . . . irmma, ., r -- w i .af" .. i Km HaiM ta retailers: sneeiais. I ' " . . . " 3Se; extras S8-84s; fresk extra brows, SSe: atsdnards 37e: freak mediama 25a; i nediam finis 38e; pulleU 19c; de firsts, 17e; eheeks, 3cj oaken' soe soiea. lira Bnrisg price el wheiessiert: I juu -.i.i. .i9aV..k,. 1 . mV . urn rwusstv w mm w w ? w Itra brew. Sle; extra firsts SSe; extra ! tYL ??ZlL tw I - I dosc. I -,. n . iS-m t1-m tj u erca o m m swa a vivwa usvavw. I loaf. l4V4e. Brokw will pay e below I aaotattoaa. I "l!3o,ti.e yriee 4 per ceat; Pert- und deUrery, 3.30 cwt; B grade cream 37tt is, mn I Couatrr -Mats 8eluag price re- tailors: eoaatry killed hogt, best butch I nl iB ,b. inTioua ih Teal anL faaer lo-iowe iK: light sad thin. S-7s lb.; 140-170 lbs- -7e; kea-y. 4-5e Ilk f..t kadi lOU.lla lb.; awaa S-5a ug;; m 4-5 lb.; BD.r., . ib.; l balls, 4H-Se In. Mobaii 1934 baying price, 18e IV Caseara bark Baying price, le poet Se Ib. Hops 1984 raggiss, toe io.: ciaiters. 17-S0e lb.: 1938 clatters. 18 lb. Live poultry Portland aeuvery bay ing price : colored hen, ander Sfc lbs- lte Ib.: de ever S lbs- I8e lb.; ins hore fowls, ever 8 lba 10-llc lb.; de aader 8 lbs., 10-lls lb.; colored broil ers. 1 to 3 lb a., lSe lb.; broilers aader S lbi, 13-lSo lb.; roosters, So lb.; Pekia dneka, 10-lle lb.: do colored. 5-e Ib. Dressed turkeys Ho. 1 torn zsc; tfe. 1 heat 22c Onions Oregon, T0-80e per 50-Ib. bar; Teklra. 65-70e. rota toe. uregoa cnroaaKB, ovvue cental; Sesppooae, No. 1 Gems. 95c 31; do No. 3, 70-80e cental; Yakima Gens, No. 1. 81 eeiftal; Besekntes Gems. 31.05 1.20 ceataL Wool 1934 clip aomin-l; Willamette valley, audinau 20e lb.; fine er ball blood, 20e lb.; lamb, 18a Ib.; eaitera Oreros, 17-20e lb.; soothers Idaho ( ) lb. Bay Boring price from producer: alfalfa. No. 1, new crop, 817.50-18; east era Oregon tinothy, $17; eats, 818 tea; vetch. 812 ; Willanette valley timothy, $18.50 toa; clover. SIS toa. Port ad. Ok-OOV WOT PBXCZS a ivti s- r l i ei iii I x w,i -t- w.. . m i lOregea aat qnotaUoni: Walaats: Oregon now crop te Jobbers, if. e. b. delivery points: Korpae grade: i Praaoaettes. large 30c faaey 17c. me- dina 15 tec. Soft shell large, 19c, fancy I lSe, nediam lee; -layettes, large aoc Cateade grade: TYaaqaettes, large, 17c; feaey lie. Soft shell. Urge, 16 He, faaey lSe. auyettes, urge. no. filberts: Oregea aew crop, te jobbers, 10-lSe poaad, t. e. b. delivery points. Portland Livestock POBTLANIX Ore- Oct. 23, (AP) receipt 175, calvee 10, fairly steady. nogs: receipts .uu; siesoy. Steers, good, common A mediaat, 8.00- 6.00 ; heitera, good. commoB a aaediaaa, S.00-4.50; cows, good, eommoa h taedi- n,; low eatter a eatter, 2.35; balls, good A choice, 8.10-8.50; eatter, eommon. A medlnm. 3.25-3.10; vealersr good A choice, 0.00-7.00; coll, eommoa A medium, 2.50-6.00; calves. good A choice, 6.00-4.50; common A me dium, Lightweight good A choice,; Lightweickt goedJk ehoiee. 4.60-5.00; medium - weight, good A ehoiee, 4.90- S.50; hearytr eight, good A- choice, AA S.00; packing eews, mediam A good, 8.00-4.00; -feeder A stecker pigs, good A choice. 8.00-4.O0. Sheept receipts, 50; steady. Lambs, good A choice, 6.00-5.85; year ling wethers. 8.25-4.00; ewea, good A ehoiee. 3.35-4.00 ; call, coamom A medi- 79-S.OO, StocksandBoncb (Copyright, 20S4. taadard SUUsties October SS - STOCK ATEBAGXS - 50 20 20 99 ladls. Atfs. TJta. Total Today ' ' , SS.S SS, ,8541 VL4 Previoaa sy . tg. Week age 84.1 8T.4 ST.T Year ago 7S.S tV.t 7L9 8 years age . 84 4 81.8 3At ii.e V3.S tl.S 8S.2 7. vears ace. 133.0 117.S 330.S J25.S High 1084 105,0 54.8 S0.S Lew 1934 ,-,, . . 3S.0 SA1 SS.S S3.S 6S.4 V v r B0-TO AVXXAGM -t . v '-:. . 20 ' 30 ' 80 s f: '- India Rife. TJts. Total Tedsy S3.S SS.S S8.4 CS4.8 Pre-MML ety es.e : Week fit, r-.r 83.4 S2.S -S Tear aV-! TLS T8.S V.e Is yeerT ege -T8.4 83.8 . 90.8 High 1934 88.S ee.e SO. Lew 19S4 1S.S 84 17.S - S4.S J4.S 83.9 88.1 V4.S Salem Markets x Gnde b raw 4 per cent sailk, co-op pool price $1.91 per hondred. (VUk based aa ssaO sstaly battarta8 avaragaj ; Dlstrlbator price $2.10. - Batterfat Top 27c awl 28c; B rade prints, 29c; A grade prints, 0c PrUee paid to growers by Bsleat fcsyera October 28 (Tke prices bU. eapsSeS by a leeal. grecec. are ladies tirs at tke dally eurket. Ml are set gaaraateed by Tke States- I FRUITS rBv, ' Mf1 "" S.7S erspefrait. rlirSda 8.50 to 4.50 .01 i caaeba, i. Oris get, Valencia, fancy 4.75 to 0.00 Bsaa-as. IK oa stalk .05 Heads - , .08 Lento-1 to S.2S Lima. Crete 1.00 wrapee Seedless . 1.15 Lady riogere . L75 Waits XsUgss 1.35 A.ti-T'kT Tokay 1.25 ..85 to 1.00 i Pean, D'Aajoa, ho. . .75 VEGETABLES (Buy lag Pries) I BadUhes. doe. Local celery. CanliftowM' Egg pUat, (ocai. IW Cabbage, ewt local Qreea pepeara loeaL la. 1.00 to 1,50 .08 .7 .63 1.00 .20 .01 .15 .00 .80 .42 Mt 2.00 .08 .15 .25 .85 .50 OaioBS, Washington. SO lbs. LoaI nioaa, SO lbs. Lettaee. local erate 76 te Beets, loral, dot. : ; 8qnaah, Hnbbards and Banana Carrots, local, dos. ...12 ta Local Patatoes Ka, 1, hundred - - No. 3, band red Yakima. 50 lbs. Sweet potatoes Coast Peas, lb. Filberts .13 te Turnips, dos. .. Eadives, 4x. Italian broccoli, large (Baying Price) Clutter. 1034. Ib.. top. 13 -,, , ,. Fuggles. 1934. top. Ib. .18 .39 EGOS (Baying Price) Extras Standards Hadioma .83 .29 .27 .17 .84 .83 .39 .20 Palleta Wholesale Selling pn Lztrms Standards Mediums Pallets WOOL AXD MOHAIH (Baring Price) Mohair. 1984 clip no market Medium woot. 1934 S3 Coarse sad (ins wooL 1984 JO POULTttY t Baying Price) Hesry hens, 4 to 5 lbs. Orer 5tt poandt. Ib. .10 .1 .10V .OS .00 .IS .14 .04 .33 Colored medians, Ib. , Medina Leghorns, lb. , Light lb. Broilers, colored. Leghorn, lb. lb. "tags, lb Tarksyt, bens, lb i meat . . . . I ibbiibi rrnii I Spring lambs , - tta te 8.00 I TaarlinM . TearUags ..03 and 03 Mi Ewes .01 Hogs. 130-180 lbs. 170-310 lbs. 310-350 lbs. Steers Cows BaUs S.00 S.3S 4.75 .03 H U .08 ..01 H te .03 .03. te .03 Heifers .03 tt te .03 i VeaL top ... - , . 4.60 to 5.00 .00 Dressed reel, top urates aegs 11 OKAIN ASO HAT (Bsyiac Frtee) Wheat, wee term sod . .TS .80 28.0O -80.00 -20.00 White, Ko. 3 Bsrler. feed. Ka. , tea Malting, ton . . , reed, ton Bay. baying prices QoTer bay t.oe M 1.00 : .60 Cross-Word Puzzle Bj EUGENE SHEFFER m m tlVw it " mmm-" " yy? IT" " " Z. W If: : TT so t vr & Trr- r w I I W I I l b HORIZONTAL 29 territorial division ta Great Britain SI apparition 34 look slyly 35 member ships ia the . Stock Exchange 86 have exut , ence 87 vase with a pedestal 88 i-dreada 39 permit 40 proposed universal language 41 vigilant 42 long slen der piece of I adhesive preparation ft-maintain II murderoua robber in India 12 made a aharp aibilant sound 14 having the color of un bleached stuff 15 otter faint shrill sounds 17 Greek letter 18 piece eat 19 started sud denly aside 20 . carcring . for the head f . : 21 rnyaeLf . a fine or tat adulter- ted. t8'.i tacloeare . ' x for birds ' Herewith la, xeraay-s pux-ue. b 24 stationary - ;" parts about : : which ether parts re- .-: voive k ' ct-ierees ' i27 eounterw used In de !'termini nc -. r : - a qoestioa ...I ' . -ky.chanee ' ' 2 central - part MIC Sligtitly PORTLAND. Oct. H. - MPi - There was a weather note In the dairy products market generally -tor the day -with strength gen erally suggested for cubes al though in spots the print market lagged somewhat. The only price change for the day was a rise of He lb. ia first butter, which has been genera 11 neglected while other grades and scores hare been advanced. Market for butterfat continu ed to reflect more or less compe tition with prices still showing a widespread bat' local centrallsers generally offering the extreme top. The controversy was said ta have broken out la tha coast re gion of southern Oregon, Trade in the egg market was holding firm with an additional advance of lc Quoted for specials on the Produce Exchange, The entire fresh egg market was be coming firmer. Well held price aad demand waa showing for live chickens in the local trade with receipts -Just moderate and a call tor more ia all lines being received. Market for country killed meats was held steady and without price changes generally for the day. There continued a small supply ot old mutton. Potato trading was marking time here with prices nominally the same as they have been dar ing the last few days. Complaints of grading or central Oregon stock were becoming more numer ous. PORLTAND, Ore., Oct, -S-GP)- Prices were steady at today's ses sion of the gardeners' and ranch ers' market, despite the email number of growers and buyers present. Tomatoes continued to be off ered at 25 and 60 cents a crate while spinach was offered at 00 and 70 cents an orange crate. Beets were up slightly to SO cents a dozen bunches while the ' top price of local lettuce and cab bage was 80 cents a crate. Brus sel sprouts continued steady at 70 and 80 cents a crate. LICENSE ISSUED DALLAS, Oct, 23 A marriaga license was issued here ta Peter P. Lowen, 22, laborer, and Rn biena Quiring, 22. housekeeper, both ot Dallas. Oats aad -etch, tea Alfalfa, ralley, first eat . Clerar Seed Red, lb. , Alsika. Ik. Vetch seed, tea Oats. a-Uiag, tea B.00 -tLoe . .17 . -SO .80.00 j7.oe horse's incisor " tooth . 45 gloomy -space through which the souls pass to Hades 47 quotes 48 storms . VERTICAL 1 vessel con veying snaQ 2 unit of area S French coin 4 note of the scale 5 artists 6 college yell 7 told a false hood 8 serpent 9 exists 10 household 11 think 13 cheats 16 hsstens 19 young hog 20 mark indi cating an emission - 22 Urge wad ins bird 23 aalta alight 25 foreigner ' 28 vessel 28 Instrument in writing cuarantee- " lag rights 29 reject with disdain the solution to yes- 3-irtrw,t 31 fruit . S2 mark used . te denote a !- doobtfnl passaga S -aa-anrea I out ; SS prophets ' 8 ran away PRICES STEADY OTJ 1 MARKET Jd rwunded - projeetio-i -U-e-iUbla : . 42 projecting r-" piece tt wood 44-ireeilett; 45 .Cetptian ' eon od :..