The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 24, 1934, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. -Oregon, Wednesday Morning. October 24, 1934
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Unocal News Briefs
' Orders Given Several orders V Bale ob Dental Ads Adver
ia connection with banks In pro-1 Using matter containing such
cess f liquidation were entered para8es as . "low prices-, "prices
la circuit court yesterday, upon UrasUcally reduced" and "rich
petition oi A. a. Bcurimm, inn i
banking superintendent. Schramm
-was authorized - to surrender a
nota for fUOO on which 1571.45
remained unpaid. In the state
tank of Aurora, to J. S. Fisher
upon payment by Fisher of J 00
against Fisher in the state bank
of Hubbard upon which I 822 re
mained, unpaid, upon payment by
Fisher . of 3203 cash. . Schramm
was further authorized to surren
der a note and chattel mortgage
held by the state bank of Scotta
Mills to Lorenzo J. White and
Minnie T. White, f or I $7 5 cash.
Hunting and tresspassing jigns at
The Statesman office.
M : a .
iuui veiayinK vonsiraiuon i
The present rainy weather to hold-
'I!H" !n9e!;5"
City bridge. County Engineer
Swart stated Tuesday. It is im
possible to go ahead with the
" pouring of the cement aa long as
the rain continues, he stated. The
deck and the wooden structures
hare been completed, with; only
' the pouring in the 200 foot' main
span and the concrete aidewalks
remaining. All riveting and steel
work is finished, and with dry
weather the Job would be brought
to an end within a month. Swart I
estimated. The bridge is 600 feet
long. "- v
Windshield swipes, repairs, parts
and service. E. H. Burrell, 464
North Liberty.
Hickman license Suspended
F. W. Hickman, 1298 North
Church street, whom city polk.
automobile had collided at Mis
sion and South Commercial streets
with one operated oy josepn Mar
tin, 1145 Saginaw, yesterday j Foreclosure Allowed A tore
pleaded guilty in municipal court I closure decree was granted in clr-
to a charge of reckless driving. I
Judge Mark Poulsen suspended
hisdrivers license for 20 days.
The arresting officer in his report
stated Hickman had admitted!
driving at better than 40 miles
an hour and had assumed blame
for the accident
Cooked food sale, also ice cream.
Thurs., Oct 26, 387 State.
Hearing Postponed The hear-
tne before Judge Siegmund in
connection with the contest of the
will of Marcia M. Cuslck, which
was begun Monday, was forced to
discontinue temporarily yesterday,
since one of the witnesses for the
contestants waa ill and unable to
appear. Only the one witness re
mained to be heard. Blanche Bar
rett Ferguson was appointed offi
cial court reporter for the case
New models Philco Auto Radios.
Close out prices. E. H. Burrell.
464 North Liberty.
Appointed Guardian The
United States National bank ot Sa
lem has been appointed guardian
ot the estate ot Laura Rose Mary
Hin, a minor following petition
by her mother. Hazel Ann Ullman.
K. Qi Thompson, Alice Aufder
selde and Harry Detlefa were
named appraisers ot the same' es
tate, . . - -
Tresspassing signs, hunting signs,
at The Statesman office.
Seek Sale Permit Hearing on
the application of the Natural Gas
corporation of Oregon to sell its
Wasco county plant to The Dalles
Natural Gas company was held
here Tuesday, with Charles M.
Thomas, state utility commission
er, presiding. : The corporation
previously sold its plants located
at Marshtield and Cottage Grove.
Tree hat with each suit or over
teftt, G. W. Johnson ft Co.
JErock Hearing Set Hearing ot
the-application ot C A. Bonney
ef Eugene, for permission to oper
ate as aa anywhere for hire
freight motor common carrier,
wJU be held here October 27,
Charles M. Thomas, state utility
commissioner, announced Tues
day ? . - c
"Boots Orch. Mellow Moon Tonlte.
Bock is Fined F. M. Rock
paid fines ot a dollar each on
two counts la' Justice court yes
terday, i Charges were- no tail
light and no headlight
' ' TO THE .
Has Been
Challenged to a Debate
at the Armory ;
Dr. Frank Richard Margetts, na
tionally known speaker under the
auspices of the Peoples Health
League, will give a versatile,
sparkling lecture full ot wit and
wisdom on the subject, "Shall We
Have a Doctoring Monopoly."
He will clarify all such subjects
aa "Is the Amendment Fair, to
AU?' VWIll it Benefit ' the Peo
ple?" "What Will it Cost to Oper
ate?" It you would like to hear all
these' truths about, the Healing
Arts Amendment be out at the
Armory this evening,' 8 p.m.
v Music by Thomas Bros. Or
. - ehestra featuring R a thy a
Thomas. ' -' ,' ? x .
Sure .You'll -
Ukelt! : -
The wife will like It, too.
All we ask is that you
: try. it once Then we
know you'll be back.
We Serve American Dishes
-. Also .
222 Yi H. Connercial
- Upstairs
Open1 11 sum. t3 Jn.
dentlstrv at bed' rock
prices", constitutes unprofession
al conduct as contemplated by
the dental practices act. Attorney
General Van Winkle held in an
opinion handed down Tuesday,
Vail winxla was adviaed that all
adrertlslng dentists hare ' aban
doned the use of definite prices
in their adTertiaing matter- but
that several dentists had. resorted
to catch phrases to attract: the
public. The opinion was requested
by the Oregon state board of den
tal examiners.
Bargain Dance, Mellow Moon To.
nite. Ladles Free, t: 30. Adm. 25c
Bate Set November 23 at 10
. , .- .
. , nf
AUen J. Zimmerman, executor of
the estate of Catherine Zimmer-
man. The total appraised value of
the estate was 3,, Amount
collected was listed at S334.4S
and the amount paid out at 1429
57, with 3,7IS.14 remaining. Of
this amount 21,900 has been set
aside in trust f unfa, leaving
balance due the heirs of 31,396
Free hat with each suit or over-
coat G. W. Johnson & Co,
Swarta Gets Credit Governor
Meier issued an order Tuesday au
thorizing Palmer Clarence Swarta
arrested for driving an automobile
while intoxicated, to pay his fine
of 3100 in installments of 10 a
month. Swarts already has served
30 days in the Marion county jail
- ott.
Hunting and tresspassing signs at
Tn0 statesman office.
cult court Tuesday in the case of
Its B. Mitchell vs. Clinton M. and
Ethel C. Cameron, E. A. Rhoten,
Ross and Eula Powell. The suit
was' brought in connection with a
31,597.23 mortgage.
Free hat with each suit or over
coat G. W. Johnson & Co.
One Couple Apply A marriage
waa ,nnH,i1 fir t tha
COnnty clerk's office Tuesday by
I Eugene Tupker, 27, a physician
and surgeon residing on route 6,
Salem, who wishes to wed Eliza
beth Cheshire, 21, 500 North Sum
mer street, a stenographer. '
Boots Orch. Mellow Moon Tonlte.
Grants Extradition Governor
Meier Tuesday authorized the ex
tradition of Elmer Stary, who is
Minn., on a charge of grand lar-
... . . .
under arrest in Portland.
la New York City, Walter R.
Yohner, aged 42. Survived by
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs,
Walter Yohner of 1960 Royal
street. Salem; brothers, Emil
Yohner of Salem, Rudolph Yohner
of Los Angeles, Arthur Yohner of
Florida: sisters. Miss Alice yoiv
ner of Salem and Miss Freda Yoh
ner of Switzerland. Funeral ser
vices will be held Wednesday. Oct
24, at 1:30 p. m. from the chapel
of W. T. Rlgdon company. Inter
ment Lee Mission cemetery.
At the residence. 1085 Madison
street, Oct. 21, Francis Edgar Cro
ker, aged 50. Survived by moth
er, Mrs. E. R. Croker. Salem;
brothers. William P. Croker of
joniw. Croker, both ot Callfor-
nia. George
Lt. uroaer or saiem;
sisters, Mrs. C. L. Conners of
Vancouver. Wash., Mrs. Rose
Brown of Silverton. Funeral ser
vices will be held from the chap
el of W. T. Rlgdon company
Wednesday. Oct. 24. at 3 P. m.
Rev. Humphrey officiating. Inter
ment Belcrest Memorial para.
Smith To Mr. and Mrs. E. W. !
Smith, 1315 South Capitol street.
October 23. a 7 pound girl, Dar
lene Marie, at the Bungalow Ma
ternity Home.
Cross To Mr. and Mrs. Harley
Vernon Cross, 1195 North 17th
street, a boy, Ronald Vernon,
born October 20 at Salem Deacon
ess hospital.
checks show that
abont one out of each
three dollars spent
(or gas ...
Is -wasted through
w r n n o rarrirrrei Inn
-. . - .
Wasteful . carburetion
is unnecessary for .
We can adjust your
carburetor to s a e
that dollar for you.
E. H. Burrell
Carburetor, Ignition and -Battery
44. N. Liberty St. - TeL 817S
Error Jlade In the "divorce
suit filed by Goldie Belieu against
George Belieu, In which, the cir
cuit court returned Judgment for
the pUintiff ton October It, it
was Incorrectly stated in . this
paper that the plaintiff was
awarded $2S a month support
money. As it should hare -read
the slaintiff was awarded a di
vorce from; her Husband, . sz
court costs : and $75 attorney's
tees. She was farther granted
permission to change her name
to Goldie .Weathers.
Tresspassing signs, hunting signs.
at The Statesman office.
Klamath Woman Hurt Alice
Martinss Klamath Falls, received
leg i in jtrtes as the result of a
collisions at uoon ma v imcr
streets yesterday of cart driven by
Nelson Smith, Klamath Falls, and
J. P. Church, Brooks, according
to a report to city police, i Min
or accidents reported invoivea
the following: John F. Snow,
Yakima. Wash., and Jacob Rlngle,
Sheridan, at Market and Capitol ;
M. V. Aronson, Stayton route two.
and G. C Solterbeck, Salem; A.
P. Erpelding, 495 South 25th, and
J. H. Bagley. West Salem, at
Court and Waverly. "
Masauerade ' Crystal ; Hallowe'en
Prices. - Dance Wed., Sat Old-
time,- modern; 2 floors, 2 bands,
25c.. Jack Hills, 14 NBC" artist.
Frt, Nov. 2, 35c.
Supplements! Complaint Filed
Jess W. Davis, plaintiff in the
suit tiled In circuit court against
the Massachusetts Bonding & In
surance company, tiled a supple
mental complaint yesterday, in
which he stated that due to an
accident July 20, 1933, he is now
totally disabled, and h asks 350
a month alleged due from Aug
ust 29, 1934, and 3100 attorney
fees for the institution and pro-
secution of the action.
Guitar Players! Popular music
band. Men only. Join how. Tel.
7186; 569 Statesman St
Starts Suit The Metropolitan
uasuany insurance company 01
New York filed suit in circuit
court yesterday against W. W.
?ead4valleged iL?j?m
der the assumed business name
of W. W. Head Construction
Co., in which it asks Judgment
in the sum of 37,832.26 and in
terest due on contract bonds!
from October 29. 1929. at six
per cent until paid.
New! Cos. Jwlry. The Fashionette,
Asks Order Iola Peterson, de
fendant in the suit brought ln
circuit court by Andrew Peter
son, entered a motion yesterday
for an order directing the care
and custody of minor children
of the plaintiff and defendant
to a suitable person to be desig
nated by the court, during the
pendency of the suit,
" p"1 "'a1"'
I T)i, Ctataaman Africa.
To Sell Bonds A. A. Schramm,
state banking superintendent was
authorized ln circuit court yester
day to dispose of four City ot
Burns water and sewer general
bonds, held by the Bank ot Wood-
burn, In liquidation, to Conrad,
Bruee and company of Portland,
at 50 and accrued Interest The
bonds bore a par and book value
of 31000 each.
L - .s-,r, wi -- uVv:.-v;--
1; 'v.'-v:: v--. yr:r,;:.y vrv- -..; - :u :y, ' -' vu-v.v-.'-v -
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? iosa ,.nino. cirrs
j 6 P.M. (p.T-)-coLCirBUNrrwotx
! 'Ofc'-V.'
' Coming Events V
. October 25 Marion-Polk
county federation of com
munity clubs meets, Salem
chamber of commerce, 7:80
p.m, . ! 7. r;":'- -r - " .r
October 25 General Mar;
tin speaks at Armory, 8 p.
m. . ; ... ;
. October 2 - 87 . Home
coming , at Willamette uni
versity. . : - ' ;
October 29 A capella
choir of First Presbyterian
church, Portland, at Presby
terian church, 8:15 p. m.
Nevember a Democratle
rally, Armory, 8 p.m.
November f City coun
cil, regular - ueetlng, city
ball, 8 pjn. r- . -
November 5 Sons of
American' Legion banquet,
6:30 pjn Fraternal tem
ple; 8 pjxu, Legion regular
November 5 ' to IS Na
tional art week, with Ore
gon painters exhibit
November S Second Mc
Dowell club concert. -
November 5 - Chrysan
themum show, Salem Gar
den club. - -
November 6 General
election. ,
November 7 Izaak Wal
ton league meets at Marion
hotel, 8 p. m -. -
November 10 Polk coun
ty Federated Rural Wom
an's club meeting at Oak
Point school.
George Wilcox File The fil
ing of George H. Wilson of Grass
Valley, Sherman county, as dem
ocratic candidate for state sena
tor from that district, was re
ceived at the state department
Thursday. Wilcox was nomlnat
ed last Saturday following the re
signation of J. P. Yates. The
district includes Sherman, Wheel
er and Gilliam counties
Files Intervention Winifred
I T? Uillw fllart a Mmnlilnl' In 1n.
tervention in circuit court Tues-
day ln tne case ot A H. AYeTnit
in,nr,.M ,l,mn,ininn.r nf th.
Bnfna c. Holman. Rtt
treasurer, involving disposal of
Constitution Indemnity company
bonds posted with the state treas
Tresspassing signs, hunting signs
at The Statesman office
Scouters to Corvallls Boy
Scout Executive James Monroe of
Cascade area expects Friday night
to take an auto load of Salem men
Interested in scouting to Corvallls
to meet Oscar H. Benson, national
director of rural scouting. They
confer with him relative to a rur
al scouting program being organ
ized for Polk county
Hunting and tresspassing signs at
The Statesman office.
Transient In Asylum William
J. Rogowsky, 20-year-old Polish
transient, waa sent to the state
hospital yesterday for observation
At Hotel de Mlnto where he had
stopped, it was said he seemed to
be sufferng from hallucinations.
Kerb Named EUa Kork has
been appointed as administratrix
of the estate of J. S. Korb, and
R. H. Scott, Richard A. Lawrence
and Almond Rich have been
named appraisers of the estate.
. . .v .a a i- nv f- r j
The state supreme court Tues
day affirmed the decree ot Judge
Brand of the Coos county circuit
court In a suit filed by the Home
Mortgage company involving
mortgage foreclosures against the
properties of the . Sitka Spruce
Pulp and Paper company. The
lower court held for the mortgage
company. Attorneys said this was
probably the most Involved suit
appealed to the supreme court la
recent years.
Court records show that in
July, 1932, the Home Mortgage
company brought suit against the
Sitka spruce concern, the Fidel
ity Warehouse corporation and
the Anglo - California National
bank ot San Francisco to recover
approximately 34000 on 28 as
signed claims for labor performed
on behalf ot the Sitka company
and to foreclose laborers' Hens on
lumber, pulpwood and other prod
ucts. Plaintiff alleged la the ,29th
cause of action that there was
pending against . the Sitka com
pany not less than 16 suits and
that la nine of these writs of at
tachment had been Issued and
levied on the property amounting
to 356,000. It also was charged
that labor liens had been filed by
110 different claimants and these
unsatisfied Judgments aggregated
To Safety Demonstration Two
Salem Boy Scout officials. Exe
cutive James Monroe and Com
missioner T. C. Roake, will go to
Eugene today to attend a demon
stratlon by Captain Fred Mills,
scouts' national director of health
and safety, of latest methods
first aid and life saving.
Missionary Here Rev. J. A.
White, a former Cal portage mis
sionary who is visiting here for
a few days, will speak tonight
and Thursday night at 7:30
o'clock at the Immanuel Baptist
church, Hazel and Academy
Notice to Statesman subscribers:
The Statesman office is open
nights, subscription payment
gladly accepted any time. Annual
Bargain period now on. One full
year by Mall to any Oregon ad
dress only 33.00.
Bishop License Taken Munici
pal Judge Poulsen yesterday sus
pended for ten days the driver's
license of Bill H. Bishop, Brooks
route one, after Bishop pleaded
guilty to a charge ot speeding, ac
cording to court records.
Inheritance Tax Big The state
treasury Tuesday received an in
heritance tax payment of 323,810,
from the estate of Walter Bowne
Beebe ot Portland, who died Feb
ruary 23, 1934 The estate was
valued at 3520.890.
Salem Paint & Roofing Co.
471 Ferry St Phone 442
Townsehd Given :
60rDay Term On
'Disorder Count
Harry Townsend. bronrht be
fore Judge Haydea on a bench
warrant when he failed to appear
of his own accord aa ordered CO
days ago, was yesterday given CO
days la Jail and fined ISO on a
disorderly conduct charge.
Townsend waa arrested last
summer . when he burned up
clothes of the J. E. Mills family,
swimming In the river near Inde
pendence. Brought before Hay
dea at that time, Tbwnsend's case
was continued for 0 days. When
he failed to appear last week, the
bench warrant was Issued. Town
send was arrested in Polk county.
Robertson Isn't
Candidate, Says
Col. C. A. Robertson of West
Salem Tuesday issued denial of
reports emanating from that com
munity that he is a candidate for
mayor , there. He explains that he
was nominated at a recent mass
meeting; but declined the nomina
tion because he would be away
part of the time and unable to at
tend to the duties of the office, if
elected. In view of the fact that
ethers who are candidates had
been assured Col. Robertson
would not run, he was embarrass
ed by the published report that
he was a candidate, he said Tues
day. Mot t Will Speak
At Albany Today
i congressman james w. MOtt
I who has been ln Ashland and
Medford the last two days speak
ing before different groups and
making radio addresses, is return
ing to Salem tonight.
He is scheduled to speak before
the Albany chamber of commerce
at noon today.
The Chesterfields you're
smoking now are just like
they, were! last year or any .
other year because we al :
ways buy the. right tobaccos f t
uormly - ripe and " mild. " '
Chcstcrfiddi crc wilder .
Automobile liability Insurance,
e o v er lag ' approximately 1400
state-owned motor vehicles, was
awarded by the state board of
control Tuesday to the General In
surance company of Seattle. The
cost of the insurance was approx
imately 317,000.
Forty per cent of the tire re
quirements ot the state was awar
ded to the Lee Tire and Rubber
company at approximately 340,-
000. Other contracts for tires will
be awarded later.
A claim ot $200 filed by George
Neuner, attorney for the state li
quor commission, who appeared
for the state in recent litigation
involving the validity of certifi
cates of indebtedness, was approv
ed. Money derived from the sale
of these certificates will be used
to match federal funds for unem
ployment relief.
Governor Meier and P. J. Stad-
elman, secretary ot state, attend
ed the meeting. Fufus C. Holman,
state treasurer, was unable to be
present because ef a major oper
ation perforated upon his brother-
in-law, J. 0. Watson, Roseburg at
torney. .
James Reynolds
Of Yamhill Dies
Word has been received here of
the death in Portland last Wed
nesday of James A. Reynolds of
Yamhill, Oregon. He was a broth
er ot Mrs. George E. Allen of
this cit yand spent a week here
before going to a sanitarium in
Portland where he later passed
away. He is survived by his wi
dow and by a brother, T. C. Rey
nolds of Newberg. The deceased
was a man held in the very high
est esteem by all who knew him;
and he had many acquaintances
through the lower Willamette
A 4-Star Penney Value
Heavyweight Cotton!
Penney'a does it again ! Union suits in a fine rib stitch
that fits so comfortably without binding:. Military
shoulder, long sleeve, ankle length legs.
,0 'A
; Zj'
Bud Baer Winds
Up Training For
Six'Round Bout
OAKLAND, Cal, Oct, ti-iJPh
Buddr Baer puffed as he wound
up his training today for his six
round main event tomorrow night
with , Jack : Petrlc of Mountain
View, but trainers ot champion
Max Baer's brother thought noth
ing ot It. - .
"That's because of his extreme
youth." said the fighter's father.
"It will be another year before
the boy has his, full strength.'
Buddy will weigh 247 to Pe
tric's 200 pounds.
Shoes Dyed by Ma
chine the Factory
. Way
We have Just installed a spe
cial machine that will dye your
shoes the desired color ....
leaving the leather flexible,
even In color (no streaks or
light spots) no strong dye odor.
Come In and get acquainted
with this new type of Shoe
The Health Spot
115 N. High
Repairing, Shine
Hat Cleaning
Low Priced!
160 North Liberty Street
Fee tustfimv m in?
r- --rl