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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1934)
tag:: or Ta CnrCON STATZCr.IAN. tzlzTi. Crt -en, Tuy Ulcmlr.r, CctcLcr 23, 1S34 ociety Rotary Luncheon : Smart Affair - Monday XX TOMEN of Rotary . fathered VV at Baslck's tea room Mon- V day afternoon . t o t ' a 1' o'clock luncheon. The tables wen colorful with Trench marigolds, yellow tapers and autumn leaves. Shanaon Horne spoke on tbe national housing act and Mrs. ' Hannah Martin explained the bal- lot measures of the coming elec ' tkn. -' ? v Following t h e . luncheon the group, was entertrlned . at .the '. home of ' Mrs, -. 0.: P. ; Franklin with bridge andsewlng, Mrs. George Grabenhorst was appointed to the : position of ' see- retary;'' formerly- held -by f Mrs. - Harry 'Miller. i Mrs. . Miller, will ' retain ; her - plaee on the ' board, :' however. , .. , -. ,,-.'"" '7- The - urogram committee for yesterday's meet'ng was Mrs, . J. E. Bllnkhorn, Mm Les'ter Barr, . - Mrs. -Laif Ber;sTik, Mrs.-C. P.. ; ,Bishop . and Mrs. v George ,--Ar- 'buckle. : ' ' In attendance were Mrs. Hal Patton, a special guest, and Mrs. G P.- Bishop, Mrs. Lelf Berrs- vik, Mrs., Lester Barr, Mrs.' W, J. Busick, Mrs. J. E. Bllnkhorn. Mrs. J. T. Delaney, Mrs. H. ?. Epley, - Mrs. E. S. Fortner, Mrs. . D. J. Fry. sr., Mrs. Earl Fisher, ; Mrs. - George Grabenhorst. Mrs. C. A. Howard, Mrs. A. F. Hayes, Mrs. W. G. Morehouse, Mrs. A. F. Marcus, Mrs. William McGil- - Christ, -Jr.; Mfs. 'E. M. Pa?e, Mrs. ; W. Lv Phillips, Mrs. K. H. Pick- - ens, Mrs. Homer Smith, sr., Mrs. Erwln Smith, Mr5. J. L. Steed, Mrs. B. E. SIssod, Mrs. H. O. - White,. Mrs. Iran Stewart. Mrs. George Arbuckle, Mrs. ' Frank : Meyers. Mrs. Robert. Hendricks, ; : Mrs. T.VT.j.McKenxle and Mrs. Silas Galser i t ; . , . . ... . - ' , Mrs. Stephen fc'tone and Mrs. R. J. Hendricks will entertain Jointly at a 1:40 p. m. dessert luncheon this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Stone. Guests will be from the - Women's Press club. . -u ;, , The Pythian Sisters will be hostesses to Knights of Pythias members and their families for a potluck dinner tonight at 6:30 o'clock In the K. P. ball. Pattern .'. By ANNE ADAMS f Today we show a blouse : and aktrt which are Tery' attractive In :' themserrea smr go rery nicely' to gether." Number i048 will look well In anything from "null wool jersey-to shiny sating It Is avpep lum blouse' rery smart as to sleeTM and 'having a shaped pan el, front and back, extremely flat tering to the figure. YOU can omit the six buttons on the front It you like, but they, emphaslxe its good lines. Number ; 2049 It a skirt . which la equally-etfectlVe In a niLied tweed or one of the .more dressy, smooth woolens. The way -if crosses over and buttons with five ..big ' buttons In the front serves as a simple, and effective form .of trimming. . vj- Pattern 2043 is. available In sisea 12, 14, 16, 18. 20, 30. 52, 34, 36. 38, 40. and 42; Six 16 takes 2 4 yards 39 Inch fabric - i . 'Pattern : 2048 fat" avaDableVln . waist sizes 26, 28. 30. 32 and 34. Size 28 takes. 1 yards 64 inch fabric. - Illustrated - ftep - by - step - sewing Instructions Included -wittt : each' pattern. . -.'.V,- 4 fiftMa cate (1S) , na. r ctesip (eHu Mfm4 for tfcia m,AHm pattata. Writ plainly Mate, a4dm and ttyle aaabex. -are U state sise. . ' . -v BH tot tlw jiw vtaitit Inw et ta Aaa Adams Patuts JSk ana ka wbt la aw ta tvart ciothM. I takes ya taroosa ta vaat Xaaa tos frna liageria to enure armeats . . . ax rrlaoklag bm allnr log aw Bona frock . . . a4 kwHlag la - mini tk sds t .- ta yeaag i gcMratlam. file , os IS MBta. - nok-aa4 ura totkez eata;..4 - .. "txi.. ! A4drM erden to Ta Oregon 8UUSBUB Patters Dept. . 91 S Sota Ccnanerdal (trvct, Salua. Mak n ary ncionri. Tour erdet Eili k proaaptly sttended te. .- : Crder cuttomafUy ara fUlad vltkis tat day from tk tim Yceiva v Ta EUttiau. . ... -,' l '"' ! News and Club Jessie Steele, . - SOCIAL CALENDAR Tuesday, October 23 - Chi Delta Delphlans with Mrs. J. Vinton Scott, IS Statesman,' 9:39 a. m. ' North Salem W. C. T. TJ. at home Mrs. JAargaretha Erp, 1380 N. Winter, 1p.m... . A, A. V. W. music - appreciation class at Melton studio, 193 Court, 7:30 p. m. 1 " Juveniles of Neighbors of "Woodcraft, 4:15 p. m Installation practice, at Fraternal temple, - Centralis, Temple No. It, Pythian Sisters, hostesses for potluck dinner, 6:30 p. m. in K. P. hall. - Women's Press club dessert luncheon with Mrs. Ste phen Stone, 1:30 p. m. . ' " W. R. C social and tea at home of Mrs. Era Mar tin, 32S S. Winter, 3 p. m. B. and P. W.' club dinner meeting, Masonle tem- pie, 6:30 p. m. , t Wednesday, October H ' : : :x : : Auxiliary to F. Q. E. entertainment at Fraternal : : temple, 8 p. m. . - l " . . ' . . " " - - Ladles' Aid of First Presbyterian church with Mrs J.tP. Frizsell, 248 N Summer, 2:30 p. m'. - , ' I '.Ladies of Knight -Memorial church, tea In. social. : room. 2:30 p. m. ; - .-; ; Sweet Briar club with Mrs, K. G. Kugee, 1 p. m. - '.. w-. General Aid . of -First ' M. E. -church,- -corered . dish -luncheon, 1 p. m. In church parlors. ' : , ' . - Thursday, October 25 . ' - Catholic Daughters of America, 8 p. m. In St. Jo seph's hall. . . . : ' " Town and Gown club at Lausanne hall, 2:30 p.- m. Berean chapter of W, W. O. with Mrs. Fred Erlx son, 7:30 p. m. ' r Brnsh College helpers, 2:30 p. m. with Mrs. PauL Wallace. Friday, October 26 Daughters of Union' Veterans In Woman's club room, 8 p. m. A It K inds Egg Recipes Wanted by F odd Editor Egg custards are fine desserts for school luncheons. They are not hard to make but may be decorated or flavored in such a way that they are even more en ticing to childish appetites. Re cipes for custard . will be wel comed at the Round Table this week. '; -. T. - Steamed eggs are - gaining in popularity because they are healthful ; and non - fattening. If you know' an attractive break fast plate arrangement which in cludes steamed eggs, send In the idea to the Round Table editor before Thursday noon. Any sort of egg recipe is eligible. A contribution from Boise, Ida., was received last week, which gives some idea of the scope and extent of Round Table readers. Incidentally, have you ever tried fixing ham this way? Stuffed Ham - hast brrad eronbs v mind en ion r earory . milk Have 2. slices of ham cut about 1 hi Inches thick. It too salty, soak for an honr. Make a bread crumb stuffing,', rather .dry, not nslng - any liquid. Season with - a little minced onion or - savory. Put a thick layer of this on one sliee of ham and place the other slice on 1 top, holding the two together with - toothpicks. Place in a baking ' dish and bake . two hours, gently turring at the end of an hour and adding more hot milk as the' first cooks, away. When ham Is nicely browned and cooked through, lift out with two cake turners to a hot plat ter, v- Thieken gravy with flour, season and pour over the hap-. Serves four, " - - - Mrs. Lois M. Gilbert " 1412.N. 16th' - Botae, Ida. '- ' " ; .. m . 4-V Baked Ham la Gray Ifathed potatoes Aiparifoi Tips i Het RolU . : Coffe Kaaterd Pickle Lettae Salad Lemoa ' Sherbet 8paffe Cake Baked Ham ia Gravy .1 thiek slice kam V j' 2 tablespoons Hear ' 4 ' ' 3 ropi aiilk. - . v. - Have ' a slice -of ham cut 1 6 inches thick." Trim off some "of the fat, and fry out in skillet. This Cutwork CUTWORK LINENS'! The latest in . outwork a de sign covering the entire surface is as rich a piece of needlework as one could wish. Unusually decora-tire,- Jt is at the same time . no more work than many a far less ornate piece. No bars are needed in this lovely 'poppy design, a feature that, of course, simplifies the encciiy. The pieces in this pattl1tlend themselves to many uses. They are especially lovelv as a chair back set a buffet- set pillow - scarf, -the Society Editor Brown the ham on both sides in the Bklllei. Remove to bak ing dish and add flour to grease. Then add milk and stir until t thickens. Pour over meat and bake until tender. Tore milk may be added after the meat taken out to make gravy. Mrs. Geneva-Biles Route 3, Box 137 Ham-Lima Casserole 1 cap chopped boiled ham 1 medium tweet pepper chopped 1 eaa lima beans , 3 tablesoona batter . i cap canned milk or cream dilated witk 1 cap water, salt and penper Drain the limas, place one half of them In a covered baking dish. Sprinkle half of the chop ped ham and pepper over them, then rest Of limar and eover over top : with remaining , ham and pepper. Sprinkle lightly with salt and - pepper. Dot with but ter "and pour the cream over. Bake -20. minutes. Serves six. This Is a good ' way to use left over ham and when served with a crisp salad and Tolls It makes a delicious luncheon. Accompanying-baked potatoes and a simple dessert make the ' casserole suit able for a dinner menu. ' Mrs. Olive Carter ' 677 S. Commercial Turner Mrs. D. S. Riches en tertained informally S a t a r d ay. night , for - the pleasure of her weekend guest. Miss Ruth Clark, who is teaching in Jefferson this year. During the evening: she showed- pictures : taken on her three months auto trip going as far east as - the .Atlantic eoast. Present were Mrs. J. -8. White bead jr., Mrs. R E. Stewart, Mrs. Margaret.. Riches, Mrs. --? Agnes Bear. Misses Ruth Clark,- Claire Stewart, .' Catherine ; Barker and Helen Peeti. - e. r-v- - , r- . : ' - . ' '. ' ' '. . . ' . ' ' Silverton, Oct. ; 22. The 1m mannel Guild, of which Mrs. 8am Lorenxon is -president, will meet Tuesday afternoon at the social rooms of Immanuel church, with Mrs. Cr E.- Jorgenson and Mrs. Os car Overland hostesses. .The pres. tdeht Is urging all members to re member -their . mission ., boxes as this is mission day. - -s, . Simple To Do PATTERN 852 r larger piece forming a center pan- ei .aura mm smauer ones tne ends, and then, of course as dollies. Pattern' 85 2 comes to you with a transfer pattern of a. piece 10x14 inches, and two pieces 6x10 inches; m a t e r I al requirements and suggestions tor uses on a va riety of articles; ; complete direc tions; illustrated stitches for do ing outwork. --7;.-V; v;. i Send 10 cents In stamps or coin (coin preferred) for this pattern to The Oregon Statesman, Needle craft Dept.'"''iV'-::--''.."..;--'. Affairs HcLoughlin Home Restoration in: ; "Progress rpHE historic home) of Dr. John I . McLoughlin, who was known , as ."Oregon's First Friend," is the .center of extensive plans for restoration being m a d e by various patriotic groups through out the state. - - , . . ; Fifty - four members - of the stats hoard of the Daughters of tbe. American Revolution gather ed In the McLoughlin home Sat urday. The Susanna Lee ' Barlow chapter of Oregon 4 City was the hostesr group. Luncheon at the Masonle temple preceded the meeting. Mrs. Eva Emery . Dye," author of ; ?MeLoughlln and - Old Ore gonV .was the - principal -speaker. The'gnrUp" voted to write a letter of commendation to Wil liam . F. Green president of the American Federation of -Labor, for "his stand , on eommnnlsm. . Those, going down front Salem were Mrs. C Clark. Mrs. W. H. Byrd, Mrs. a.C. Geer, Miss Ruth Geer. Mrs. H. G. Smith and Mrs. J, W. Harbison. r - . The McLoughlin :h o m e was built in 1846 . on ; the site now occupied by the Hawley pulp and Paper company In Oregon City. The D.AR. will furnish the parlor and two adjoining; bedrooms, much of the original furniture still being available. Further improvements will in clude the Installation of a heat ing plant and the building of a caretaker's cottage,- fire-proofing the house and renovlzlng the yard. . Scottish Rite Dance Formal Event r Their first formal dance of the season, by the Lodge of Perfection, Scottish Rite, Thursday night at the Masonic temple. The ballroom was beautifully decorated with baskets of autumn flowers and foliage. - . Frank Valaflc appeared In a group of accordlan numbers and Miss Lucille Shannon gave a fea ture dance, accompanied by Mrs. M. F, Rogers. ' .. The committee In charge of ar rangements was made up of Dr. B. F. Pound. E. J. Scellars, Ed ward Miller, Lynn Lambeth, Wal ter Lansing and Curtis Johnson. Mrs. Brunk to Fete Sewing Club Mrs. Estill Brunk has Invited members of her sewing club to her home on North 19th street Wed nesday afternoon. Tea will be served by , the ' hostess following the informal, hours., Mrs. Norman Cook of Juneau, Alaska, will be a ' special -guest. Members bidden are Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mrs. O. L Paulson, Mrs. O. D. Adams, Mrs. Charles McEI hinny, Mrs. Fred Wolf Mrs. Fredi Duncan, Mrs. George Rhoten.-Mrs. George Hug,. Mrs. Keith Brown, Mrs. Earl Cooley and the hostess, Mrs. Estill Brunk. -.- Sponsor Social Evening A dinner and social evening are being sponsored by the J. T. P. I Saturday night, November 10, at the Hayesville church. Funds will go toward sending; delegates to the Northwest Toung People's Christian conference in Se&ttla during the Thanksgiving holidays'. uours wm; be from 6 to 9 o' clock and a musical program will be given. Martha Oku da Is gen eral chairman assisted by, the fol lowing: Em Tada, foods; Hoshle Watanabe, program; Mary Kan eko, service; Minnie Ogur and Shlg Watanabe, tables; Taul Wat anabe, tickets; Tom Mlo, cleanup. Mrs. J. P.rFfisteirwlU he host ess to the Ladles Aid of the First Presbyterian church' Wednesday at 2:30 o'clock; . Assisting host esses are Mrs. L. M.' Purvlne, Mrs. Jr H. Albert; Mrs. John - Griffith, Mrs.' Ronald- FriiseU, Mrs. H. J. Bean, Mrs. S. P. Kimball and Mrs: M. Thompson. i - Silas Galser, superintendent of city schools, - will apeak to the Business' and Professional Wom en's : club tonights at their ' dln ner r meeting In :the "Masonic temple, 6:3 0 'cloek.' Reserva tions are'.belns; made wrth'Mlsa Hnth McAdams, 1M$. rv'i ' - . ' THE 15! S..S.5W -.i t- w wmmwmwm , -ft ' Complete Musical Service r Pianos Radios Band and Orchestra Instru ment of All Kinds and a -..-of Musical Supplies . We Invite. You to Visit Us! Mrs. Hendrickson Shower Hostess Mrs. Emery Hendrickson was hostess for a shower given in hon. or of her slater, Mrs. Frank Luk inbeal. Friday night. Five hun dred was In play with nigh scores going to Mrs. A H. "Wilson and Mrs. John Olson. Refreshments were served with Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Alson and Mrs. John Kufner assisting the host ess. . .Present to -fete' Mrs. Lukinbeal were Mrs. John Hendrickson, Mrs. A; 1 May field.' Mrs. Walter Smith. Mrs. Henry Gortmaker, Mrs. Leo Kenny, Mrs. R. W. Fisens, Mrs; Bud. Lakey, Mrs; Harold Winger, Miss Vlrglnalee Brown; Mrs. S. M. Wright. Mrs. Ruth Wilson, Mrs. O. L Donaldson, Mrs. E. A, Van Os dol. Mrs. Lola Alter and daughter, Jackqnellne, Mrs. Elma Dickey, Mrs. A. H. Wilson, Mrs. John Ol son, Mrs. John Kufner, Mrs. Mary Grimm and the hostess, Mrs. Em ery Hendrickson. Z latheMalley, Social Rdlrri Stayton. The Women's club opened the Thursday meeting with a dessert luncheon at 1:30. The clubhouse had been attractively decorated ; with suggestions of Hallowe'en, and the luncheon was served at small tables. . Following luncheon the regular business meeting was held, and later Mrs. Marian Thornton put on a soap demonstration. The program consisted of num bers by Mrs. Ralph Curtis' kin dergarten - class, several magic skits put on by R. G. Woods which were must appreciated, and read ings by Mrs. Curtis. Hostesses were Mesdames W D. Adams, Ralph Curtis, M. S. Hunt and Miss Hannah Nowley. , Stayton. Mojt enjoyable was the tea given Friday afternoon be tween the' hours .of- 3; and 6, by Mrs. J. N. Fischer, and compli menting Mrs. Wendel Weddle, who has come here to make her home. Pouring at the attractively ap pointed table for the first hour were Mrs. V. R. Tuel and Mrs. Hattle Flcklln and for the second hour Mrs. George Bell and Mrs. Ernest Busch. Mrs. Dave John was assistant hostess. Th regular meeting of the Hap py Hour, club was held at 'the home of MrsHarry Porter Spe cial guests were Mesdames A. For ette, W. G. Nichols and J. Rueck. West Salem A lovely post-nuptial miscellaneous gift shower was tendered Mrs. Kenneth Hol ler, nee Luella Rees, Sunday af ternoon at the home of her sis ter,. Mrs. Lyle Thomas.-Mrs. Nich olas Brlnkley and Miss Ruth Bed ford gave pleasing vocal solos. Readings were presented by Mrs. Phil Hathaway and Mrs. Al. C Hennlngsen and Miss Trula Grant and Miss Roberta Peterson played a duet on the piano.' Accompani ments were played by Miss Ruth Bedford and, Miss Betty Bedford. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. E. H. Holler. . " Silverton Mr. and Mrs. E. Hol den entertained at dinner Thurs day night in honor of their 24th wedding anniversary at their home on North Water street. In vited were Mr. and Mrs. Alt O. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mof fett and Rose Barr. Mr. and Mrs. Holden were mar ried at the First Lutheran church la Willmar, Minnesota, with the Rev,. A.' N. Anderson officiating. Rev. Mr. Anderson, who now lives in Minneapolis,' recently visited at the Holden home here. WacondSf Mr. and Mrs; Henry C Stafford entertained with an enjoyable M600" party Saturday night, the occasion being their 16th wedding; anniversary. Pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. C. ' M. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Man ning, Mr. and Mrs. Jullian De Jar din, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brun didge,;Mr. and Mrs.' Ray Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Felton, Mr.' and Mrs. M. J. Mahoney, Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Nuaom, an of this com munity, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan GOod enough, Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tune, North HowelL - . ;:' - - Hayesville. ' Twenty - eight members of the Hayesville Wom an's . club were present, at the meeting held at the home ot Mrs. Elisabeth Slddall. v.Mrs. Gaylaa Slddle waa assistant, hostess.' ; : - Mrs. Hanpah ' Martin was : a (nest- and spoke, on ballot meas- OO OPENING OF Full Line - Yife of Regent !isMt. -' : -' ;: PriBceis'Olga Princes' Olgv abovc attractive ' '; sodal favorite -on the continent, comes into the European political limelight now that her husband, Prince Paul, has been appointed ' one of the three regents to guide the destinies of Yugoslavia until youthful King Peter becomes of age. Harvest Home Dinner Jolly Affair The young people ot the Jason Lee church gave a harvest home banquet Friday night with older people of the community and sev eral from the Old People's home as honor guests. , The program Included a reading by Velora Williams, songs by Mrs. Mltchel, a trumpet solo by Warren Biggerstaff, a reading by Mr. Bel ter, a violin solo by Ruthyn Thom as, a Vocal solo by Ardelle Ernest, a reading by Mrs. Burkhart and a violin solo by Albert Chrlstensen. . , Miss Schrack Talks on Saturday Miss Amelia Schrack, one of the three Willamette university stu dents who attended the Japanese American student conference in Tokyo, gave an interesting ac count ot her trip before members of the J. T. P. L. Saturday night Vocal numbers were given by Tommy Allport, accompanied by Miss Hoshle Watanabe at the -f i- ano. Pleasantdale Mrs. Henry Freshour entertained the Pleas antdale Needle club at her home Friday afternoon. Special guests were Mrs. D. C. Tallman and her granddaughter of Beaverton, Mrs. Vernon - Foster and : her niece of Dayton, Mrs.' 'Clifford Gibbon, Mrs. J. B. Crabtree. . Rickreall. Mr. and Mrs. John Vanghan went to Mill City Sun-, day where- they, were entertained at the home of their son, Fred and . family, in honor ot John Vaughan's 80 th birthday and Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan's 46th wedding anniversary. ' Women ot the Knight Memorial church will be entertained with a tea Wednesday - afternoon in the social room, beginning at 2:30 o' clock. The committee In charge lists Mrs, E. B. Daugherty, Mrs. Ralph Gefner, Mrs. E. C. Bush ness, Mrs. J. C. Sande and Mrs. W. C .Carender. - . " . .. The .Woman's Relief Corps and friends will be entertained with a silver tea and social afternoon at the home ot Mrs. Evallartin, 326 South Winter street, Tuesday af ternoon at S o'clock. . The monthly business meeting of the Berean chapter ot the World Wide, guild; First Baptist church, will be held Thursday at 7:30 p. m.! at the home of vMrs. Fred Erlxson. - ' - Forknei Sign Approved By lo cal option under, the city sonlng law; erection ot a sign on lot 9, block 3 ot Highland addition by R. JU Forkner has been approved. it' wu reported at the city engin eer s . office yesterday. Forkner yesterday-paid the 310 filing fee required in aueh a: case. Erection of a sign In a restricted sons re quires' the signature of ' owners representing- f 6? per cent ot the property - within 300 feet of the nroposed. location. O w ; Instrument Dept.-': i' We Will Maintain a' Service and Repair De partment Operated by Factory-Trained Men Using New Equipment DflnjEfjj 1-P PDEIiT Former Residents of Amity ' ... Gather 300 Strong in ..A, Annu2l Meet . AMITT, Oct. 32. The 20th annual nteetlnr of - he Amity Thirty-Tear;, club was held Fri- Amt nnlie In that hlsh school auditorium with Hon..W. U Gra ham, nresldent. of Portland pre- txiding. About SCO pioneers and near pioneers of tne raeisie northwest were present.' , . The Invocation was given by J. A. Ruble, 'a - pioneer of 68. The ; address of welcome w a s given by J. D. Woodman, mayor of Amity. Short talks were made by W..R. Osborne of Amity. Jesse Jones of ; Portland; H, D Rich ardson," newspaper man ol ' Port land, and J. M. Umphlette f of AmUy.: Mrs, Maud Springer Bowen of Portland, whose grand fa th mrfl Jnda " tt It. Snrtnrers name appears In the first - Porfc-J land census, s a a g vocai sojos. Mrs. Bowen has sung for 25 con secutive years before the Oregon Pioneer association and la' a tor; mer: Amity- glrL-.?1" K i X-V-Fred Emmett of Albany sang two solos.? W. W.'Nlckell. ex coanty Judge of Yamhill county, nlaved numbers on a violin that was, made by ' J. J. Putnam cf Corvallis, who is an early Ore gon pioneer.. Election of officers for next year resulted as follows t Presi dent, J. M. Umphlette; vlce nresldent. O ' E. Roth: secretary- treasurer, J. ; A- , Ruble, -- all of Amity. A banquet ' v; as served in the corridors of tte high schooL Carnival Complete as Turner Youths Win at Basketball TURNER, Oct. 22. The high school student body had a good crowd at the carnival Friday night. A short program of skits and music by the Glee club cas put on . which was followed by two basketball games. The local girls won 29 to 19 from Aums- ,ville and from a Salem team, 10 to I. After the games ice cream and cake, hot dogs and candy were sold Various booths had displays for sale. , Sheep Refuse to . Aid AAA, Report Sheep on the Roger Williams farm, Woodburn route one, aren't helping the farm curtailment program a bit, ' Williams report ed . while in town, a day or so A DOLLAR WAVE is it worth a penny to save it? DANDERINE insures your hair for a penny a day. When you pay a dollar for a wave, Danderine will help you keep it-It isn't a sticky dress ing, or an oOy tonic, and ft doesn't leave any telltale odor. Its ht$h fragrance is gone quickly after " applying, but not' that insxvelons ' effect ol freshness and cleanEnessl .When yon've washed yW hair, a little Danderbe wifl keep it from . - rke!terielUr.Af --tr-: Use a dash; of Danderine every. ' day every ' time hair to be rur$ of your hair all day long! To know it's'clean, and looks " ' clean. To know it will stay as yoa v 'a2rsAged,H.'And to know thai it's 'i ! free from dandrtmV: fit"i :- !-;'-? I -TbsA'gwhat moistening your comb with a few drops of DaJKlerine ; will da And what no amount of 9r, ' " SF jT" Another Good Bout 3 Big Matcjies : Salaiii Armory , Tonigfttf 0:30 PRICES: Lower Floor 79c Balcony 50c (So Tas) - . - " A Woman FREE with Each raid Admission ' - Unescorted Women S5c Etttdcnts'.sae ' - Tickets at CUff Parker's Auspices Amerkaa Lrgtoa : Herb Owen. Matchmaker ago that one of his ewes drop ped twins October 11 and that he also has several ' other lambs ot about the same age. The :we with : the twins' also , produced twins last 'April. SIB QUIET I'JIHI NEW YOTIS. Oct. 21.-()-Stoeka Idled throngh another slow sessions tedayv heidlng closely to' the groove fa.Ttlte "market has oc cupied forrta(irelihan a week. . A modest gala. In 'the- share turnover war dv partly to renew ed Interest in some of the low priced merchandise shares. ; VoL ume totaled "574,080 ihird against in.sirFrtday. . National department -' stores common and pfef erred were 'ac tively traded 'again at rising pric es. The sealer. Issue rose more than 2 points 'to m new top. for the year. 'Sehulte stores chimed la on the-activity. American can, Bethlehem' steel. Consolidated gas. General Motors. - Chrysler, Mont gomery Ward.' U. S. . Steel. Inter- ; national Nickel and General Elec- : trie finished with negligible chan ges or none; at aTf. - vTbe. American Iron JL Steel In stitute estimated steel operations at 23.8 ' per cent of capacity against 22.8 a week ago. In con junction with a firmer tone la the scrap market, the rise In output was accepted as evidence of a turn for the better. Attempts toward peace In the gasoline war helped to steady the market for petroleum shares. MONMOUTH. Oct. 22, El mer Olden, about 35. a farmer living a "few miles southwest of Monmouth en the Elkins market road, was taken Into custody late Sunday by Sheriff Hooker on a charge ef, ai 1 1 eg e d accidental shooting efatyoith named Ug low of Dallas. Report - said 7 that young Uglow , disregarded a,,o trespass" no tice on the Olden tarn this af ternoon and Olden fired a shot to scare-, the boy oft the plaee. The bullet assertedly struck a tree and glanced, hitting Uglow in the arm. . SURPRISE KXOWLES BROS. OAK POINT. Oct. 22. Friends went to ' the !Knowles brothers' home Sunday 'morning laden with baskets of good things to eat and completely surprised the brothers and sisters. Miss Cora Knowles and Mrs. Georgana Heidecke. drybtojfirulmr da Nearly a9 hair needs the hebp.that Dasdmae gives iL A dash of Dandcrmeaoni ing and ight: anakes aa amsring difference in the way any Eshaebi' aS the timet It eoea't affect tSa color. With all tki care you give year hair, it's a pity to omit this last touch that means so moch.lf trouble! Yet you can hardly bdwre . anything so mM and pleasant aa Danderine could .bring such a change Ja the condilion and ap-' pearance of your hair and scalp. Just try it. Tou can buy Danderine at aay drugstore for only thirty-five cents; larger sizes, 60c and tlM. 3 BIG MATCHES Pascual Costillo Bob Castle -i-i .Hours. t ' " t': Robin Reed ' -''" -TSi". '- - ' Rbbt-XIeyert QUOTATIONS STEADy SSd'g v . I. V i i f t - -4 lit