The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning, October 21, 1934 PAGE SEVEN ffflLBYBK SURPRISES 0 Didn't Know Conviction Was Filed; Drunken Driving Cases are Elusive Much . to their surprise,' city police yesterday received , notice that William Baeke, whom they arrested July 3, 1934, ' on a charge of drunken . driving, fol lowing an accident at 14th and Center streets, has., appealed his 'ease - from municipal , to , circuit court; The appeal notice adTised that In municipal cbjart he had been" ordered to pay a ll 00 tine and spend 30 days In jail. ' -This was the first we had heard of the Judge'veven decid ing the ease, commented Chief t Police Frank A. Mlnto. re ferring to Municipal Judge Poul en. He then dug Into hia re crds and brought :out;ptIlcera re port on fo or other, men charg 4 with drunken driving, ; of whose disposition no : word , has been glTen him. -' ' There was the case of Carlton Both. who had a trial .several weeks ago. Judge. Poulsen , has aot yet announced his decision. And the judge cays he finds in hia files no record of E. A. Car- row, Portland motorist whom io- Uce here hooked.. June zs on a charge of drunken driving. Police are still wondering, the chief said, what ha been done about the cast of William White sides, route two, whom a foot pa trolman arrested August 26 on a rhirrA of drunkpn driving. All they know is that Whitesldes was released, ny oraer oi me juuge, on S500 balL - The fourth case is that of E. ft. Bedwell, .arrested . June 2. who was ordered to pay a $180 one ana eerie- v u;i iu ant on July 12 appealed to the circuit court. Former Leaders Of Scouts Asked To Attend Meet All former scoutmaster? of Boy Seoat troop 12 have been invited to attend a parent-scout meeting la the fireplace room of the Jaaon Lee ehurch at 4:15 o'clock, Monday night at which James E. Monroe, scout executive, will give the- main .address. The newly termed second Jason Leo troop. Ka 8 will assist In- the- program, which will be as follows: ; Presentation of charter to troop-- 1 2 presentation of scout certificates "-and honor badges, talks by older scouts and by f or- nter scoutmasters, address by Mr. Monroe, patrol stunts, and mo tion pictures ' of scout actirities In Seattle. ' v Sllverton Budget Proposed at $21,000 SILVERTON, Oct. 20. The grand total of the estimated ex penses for the city of Sllverton as outlined by the budget commit tee and city council for 1935 are 321.245. . City salaries total, ?5, 529;. material and supplies, 13, 513: maintenance and repairs, .32.250; indebtedness. 35,500; in terest nd bonds, 11300; fire-department, 31100; park mainten ance and repairs, 550; emergen cy, 31000. . , The Sllverton: school district aaa. named M. G. Gunderson, Earl Adams, H. : W. Preston, H. . B Latham and Dr. C. R. Wilson to servewlth them In' drawing up the IS 3 4 school budget. ' , Sage of Salem T o- : o . (Continued from page 4) not of sorrow in his TOice that h has tried running jumps and everything, but la yet unable to complete his reading of "Anthony Ad rerse." Courage. Stan ! With year -youth and rigor nothing is , impossible, s . it y.-r1. ;4 .? - There are unpleasant sermons, dear- friends, which do us good, anil there are disappointing mov. tag pictures well worth the see ing: , Salem has beeome a city. The loafers about the depots, don't know half of the streets any more. Open ': season ' for ' pheasants, docks and lambago. THE t- Jli Monday, October 22nd 214 North High Street - In Senator Hotel BUg? Complete Musical Service . Pianos - Radios Band and Orchestra Instra ' menu of All Kinds and a Full Line ':- : - of Musical Supplies, X We Invite You to , - Pattern 1 gl CI By ANNE ADAMS When Paris says simple lines and richly Interesting fabrics, what could be a better design to use than the smart afternoon dress sketched here? Don't yon lore the way, the raglan sleeves are set off by the bright oblong buttons? These are also used to fasten the blouse together at the neck. You may make the frock with, the simple, round neckline or. If yon prefer, use the chic tab bed collar shown at the side. The gracefully paneled skirt is just as slender as can be. We suggest a plum-colored velvet, rust col ored canton crepe, or mixed wool They would be stunning with brass buttons And buckle. Pattern 2017 is available la sizes 12. 14, 16, IS. 20, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 and 40. Size IS takes 2 3-8 yards 54-inch fabric, and 3-8 yard IS loch contrasting for collar. Illustrated step-by-step sewing Instructions Included. a4 ftftaca tnu (15c) la eoi t aUmps (catas prferr fM tfcK Aaa Aaaas pattwn. Writ plstaiy nam, addma asd style aaaiter. aura t gtat six. Bmd fr fh aw winter Um at a Aaa Adaw rattsra Beok sad fcaaw waat Is aaw tai amart elotata. It take y throve the whol Xaah ioa froai 41axeri Xm enterfarntnts . . . . not evsslMnlng sons allur tng atw adM tracks . . . sad atlBK la mind tka naada at aaa ranacar Prtc at ooc IS casts. Book aad pittara together 88 Mats. AddiaM" feasts ta Tat Oregoa WiUmih return IXpt-, 21S Bovta CemexcUl treat, Salem. Make aee Mary aaclaasraa. Toar order win at pranptly stteadad to. Oraan castoatarUy t flUad witaU tooz daya frm taa Oa xtcdvad ay TIm Statamaa. Players to Give Entertainment Tuesday, Leslie Chemeketa Players Inc. will present an evening of entertain ment at Leslie Memorial church, corner of South Commercial and Meyers streets, Tuesday Bight at 8 ; o clock. ' Miss Beulah' Graham, director, is preparing the cast for Weakness tor Nurses" and also a skit, "It Pays to be Poggle". Clifford Hurt and Miss Graham will apepar in a play, "A Marriage Has Been Arranged". In addition to the three one act plays Intermission numbers will be given by The Song-Men, a male chorus of 40 voices direct ed by Calvert Glover. SEMI-FINALS TODAY SILVERTON, Oct. 20. The semi-finals will be played Sunday at the Silverton country : club. Earl Chalfant will play Clare Jar Vis,' and Claud Hampton will play Norman Eastman. In the club championship med al play, Chalfant is 'leading by four strokes. In the defeated eight. Duncan will play Simmons and Goetz will play DeLay. , OPENING OF iiitli Iisic PLAYfflS PERFECT mm of con Painstaking car la being taken by Miss Beulah Graham, who is directing ChemekeU Players, Inc., production of Oscar Wilde's elerer comedy.. "The Importance of Be ing Ernest. to perfect the cast la the typical English scenes, accord ing to reports from the rehearsal room on South Commercial street. where the cast is busy working. Although a definite date hat not been set for the presentation, it Is expected that it will be decided upon within a short time. .' Miss Graham Is reported to be well pleased with the cast that la to present, this delightful play. Several changes hare had to be made from the original lineup, but the characters are declared, to be well taken and earefnlly sus tained. As the rehearsals smooth out into polished action, the scin tillating cleverness of Wilde's dia logue emerges, and , it is expected that the presentation will prove to be a delight, not only for those seeing the play for the first time but tor those who hare witnessed other productions. - Rehearsals have been under way all week for the program to be presented Tuesday night by the players in the Leslie Methodist church. Three one-oct plays and a chorus of singers are to be fea tured. Dress rehearsal is 'called for Monday night on the ehurch stage. With these extra rehearsals the rehearsal room has been a busy place this past week. 1ST Will IS MED Out-of-state automobile regis trations for the first nine months of this year showed an increase of 7624 ears, or 11 per cent over the same period In 1933. August was the heaviest traveled month with an increase of 2572 cars, or 17 per cent, over August of last year. In September, 134, the registrations of out-of-state, cars showed a gain of 1371 over the same month in 1933. California continued to send more tourists to Oregon than any other state with Washington a elose second. Approximately 250 Canadian cars registered In Ore gon last month while one car was registered from Haiti. The Pacific highway was the heaviest traveled artery f last month with S064 foreign permits Issued In towns along this route. Car registrations totalling 956, issued In Portland daring Sep tember, were not included in any particular - highway figures. Officials said that with the completion of the five new bridg es on the Oregon Coast highway considerable of the present trav el on the Pacific highway would be shifted. During the past tour ist season thousands- of . per sons from Washington and Cali fornia used the Ccast highway either going or returning. O L . p, Bits for Breakfast o o (Continued from page 4) Many were the handicaps and struggles in Oregon's early day school affairs. There were sacri fices and inconveniences, and the teachers generally received pit ifully small pay and "boarded around;" but, with all that, cou pled with short terms, they turn ed out generations of ; men and women who, lined np against even the living and shining-products of the present supervised and regimented . machine age, would stand fonr square to all the winds that blow, without' suffering much from the comparison. They transmitted some quali ties of erudition, true culture and good citizenship worthy of emu lation by their children and chil dren's children. BUSH Private Kindergarten Daily - 9 to 12 1343 South Commercial St. Opening Date, October 1 Limited Registration Essential Fundamentals and Cultural Arts taught by suc cessful instructors in child training. Supervised outdoor play. Dial 3282. : . Jessie F. Bash Margaret Evans e ra TOUR Instrument. Repair Dept. We Will Maintain a Service and Repair De partment Operated by. Factory-Trained ' Men Using New Equipment Visit Us ! Crocheted Gloves CROCHETED GLOVES Every woman who has cast an eye at the glove In the shops this tall, knows A that ; .the smartest ones ''; are enlorfjat-rgaydilf er- ent; that the' wdolen glove, cro cheted or knitted, is at the top of the list in favor. This pair is crocheted, all In one color in a fine wool, making a warm hot light-weight glove. The cuff make it dressy for it Is most or namental in its lacy openness, set off by the popcorns that form the design. If you, yonrself, are not given ,to wearing a glove like this. Since Armistice day, November 11, falls on Sunday thia year. Gov ernor Meier has been presented with a petition, in the form of a resolution, asking that Monday, November 12. be proclaimed a le gal holiday in Oregon. The resolu tion, which had been previously adopted by 33 posts of the organ isation In the state, was adopted by the Department of Oregon Vet erans of Foreign Wars and was presented by the authority of State Commander Bryan H. Conley. The full text follows: "Whereas, as Armistice day is one of the most sacred days of the year to the ex-service men of this nation, and as many states have declared this day a legal holiday, ""Therefore be it resolved. That as the governor of the state of Oregon and the mayors of the cities of the state of Oregon have the power to declare a proclama tion to the business firms and cit izens of the state of Oregon, and "Be it further resolved, . That they use this power declaring Armistice day, November 11, or where it falls on Sunday, they de clare Monday, November 12, a le gal holiday and that all business firms shall be closed in honor of the veterans of this state who sac rificed their lives that this coun try might live, and PROPOSE ARMISTICE HOLIDAY BE MONDAY Greenwich Village Started It All - - This Brand New Vogae for LITTLE SHORT SMOCCCS they're saucy and gay and romanticaly "arty" and incidentally they're simply swell to slip into work-a -day wardrobes. Whether your Job is at a desk, an. easel type writer or just "puttering" around the house, you're 90409 to love these amazingly smart, practical, CtHe germentst $11.95 1 1 Sac Sty! True arfat cellars with wfeeppieg bews, pertly fiarW backs, wiik a bit U in fret ersnd hw cuff aad roomy sleeve details Msey ' poclotil ', .. . Caecbt PUUW Dehl . laiteeml L . Exclusive, Design 1 i PATTERN 861 you'll certainly enjoy making them and delighting someone else with them. It yon are smart, you will gets right at . them and. put them aside with that collection of 'early Christmas gifts. . Pattern 851 comes to you with complete directions for making the gloves in three sizes (large, medium and small); illustration of the gloves and of all stitches used; and material requirements. Send 10 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred) for this pattern to The Statesman, Needlecraft Dept. "Be it further resolved, That in their proclamation, a request be made that there be a flag on dis play on every home on .all holi days." Earl Hill Still In Running for Speaker's Post Earl Hill of Lane county. while at the state capitol last week, let t be known that he was still in the race for speaker of the house of representatives at the 193$ legislative session. am not claiming a majority of the SO votes in the house at this time." Hill said, "but I do con tend that the situation Is en couraging. Other candidates, for speaker include Lowell Paget of Multno mah county and George Wlnslow of Tillamook county. All three -f the candidates --e traveled ex tensively over the state and have contacted most of the prospec tive legislator in the lower house. RETURN TO ROBERTS ROBERTS, Oct 20. Mr. and Mrs. John Ofsborne returned from a two weeks' vacation in California. They covered 2400 miles going as"far south as Las Angeles. Mr; and Mrs. Buster Kleen re turned from Hood River, where Mr. Kleen has been employed through the apple season. at Johnson's Sizef 14-20 i hiA keesste we've I Aal'fwfl l" - tot te S. prsc- I Xj ' V I !. wol let yoa I -rr I know ht they're ! TOi V md from abitotuto- teiJ IwU SOWS STATE LOATi SETUP: One ot tholmportant bills now being prepared here for intro duction early in the 1935 legisla tive session will provide for an amortization plan In connection with the payment of all loans made through the state land de partment, A . somewh at similar bill was presented at the 1933 legislature but died on the desk In the house. - Governor - Meier declared 're cently that such a law would speed - np loan payments, make it easier for the borrowers, and at the same time save the state a large amount ot money. '. Under the present system a number of borrowers have paid more interest than the amount ot their origin. - loans and still owe the principal. Under the amor tisation proposal all borrowers would be compelled to make an nual ' payments oi interest and principal, with the result that their loans would-be retired with in a reasonable time. ,! Some loans previously . made ' y the state land department have run as long as 30 years. Interest received from these, loans ..goes into itne irreancioie scnooi juna and is used for the benefit of t" e schools. Under the present law the Interest is apportioned annu ally to the school districts. Go tr emor Meier indicated that he al so would request other amend ments which would have a ten dency to make more efficient the operations of the state land de partment. Snow Reported, McKenzie Road The cost of removing 'snow from the Oregon highways is no small item during the winter months. A report prepared re cently by R. H. Baldock. state highway engineer, showed that the cost of this work had ranged from $100,000 to $200,000 annu ally for a number of years. In addition to this annual expendi ture the highway department has a large amount of money in vested in snow fighting equip ment. A recent Inventory showed that the department now has If light push plows ot which 45 are of the intermediate type and 40 are installed on heavy trucks. There also are 20 power grad ers, seven large truck rotary plows, three light truck rotary plows and two caterpillar rotar ief Most of the difficulty en countered from snow is confined to the mountain passes. QUILTING DRAWS 12 WHEATLAND, Oct. 20. Twelve members attended the all day meeting and quilting of the Wheatland social service shower club held Thursday at the home NIKOLA ZAN YOICE TEACHER and COACH 1104 First National Bank Bidg. Tone in Over KOIN Every Sunday, 9:15 P. M. 1 (Here are thV4Kree amusing source of insplration--The -Butcher - Boy k . Jne French Porter and Th e Choir Boy) : - v - THE STORE FOR LADIES ' - 464-466 STATE ST. . Barnes Articles on -California YM Appear This Week . The second and third ar ticles on the California po litical situation, written by Ralph W. Barnes, have been delayed in airmail transmis sion to The Statesman. The second will appear Tuesday and the final ar ticle Wednesday. BIr. Barnes, . former Salem young man,: la correspondent at Moscow, Russia, for the New York Herald - Tribune. He wrote the California articles ; on special assignment for this paper during hia .first Am erican visit In 10 years. The articles, released by special permission of - the Herald Tribune; are appearing In a, national syndicate. The first article appeared October 19 in The Statesman. of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Michael and quilted for. the " hostess. Miss Mae Mitchell was a special guest. A noon' luncheon was served.., -The next meeting will be held at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. An drew Gilchrist. - Good attendance Is being; maintained at the Wheat? land community hall at 3:30 each Sunday afternoon. j NEW TWEEDIE FOOTWEAR JUST ARRIVED! $ Vit5 FASHIONABLE! LOW PRICED! V ALL MODELS EXACTLY AS SKETCHED BROWN CALF TIE FOR SPORT With crunched calf trim and simulated lea ther lift heels. A smart shoe for all purpose wear. All sizes and widths. . BROWN, ONE-EYELET TIE PUMP With rich trims of beige stitching, grosgrain ribbon,, etc. Match your brown costume with this num ber for smart style. V'''""'." REMODELING SALE I SHOE DEPARTMENT RELOCATED FOR BETTER -CONVENIENCE! - Pumps, ties, oxfords and straps in this sale that were formerly priced. up to S.OO pair. Some Jow heel oxfords for school wear. High heel pumps for party, etc. t A GOOD RANGE OF SIZES, BUT NOT ALL SIZES IN EACH STYLE . UST-l'MDim COATS dill uMB Of all the animals which have "laid down their Uvea? that wo men may have fur coats, - right now the lambs that live in the province -of Caracal in eastern Russia and western Asia are. the most popular, , Their fur, called kid caracul, is most widely demanded by wo men this season, according to Mrs. Fred Beniotf who is here this week establishing a permanent fur department at Miller's. Mrs. Beniotf an authority on good furs, is associated designer of the Fred Beniotf ! furriers of San Francis co and will be with Miller's alt this . week helping arrange the new department. A cordial Invi tation is extended to the women of this vicinity to call and try on these lovely far. coats, Jackets and neck pieces. "For coats are becoming- in creasingly popular X find, every where I go' Mrs. Benioff said-: "They are- more attractive, more lasting and therefore more eco nomical than any ether coat. , We ful ttt tTita fv!a (farlr nf flint ia ! outstanding and we .want the wo-, men of Salem to see ltJ!;S"', ir EMBOSSED CALF AND SUEDE PUMPS This new "model ia the perfect foot dress for afternoon, dinner and other dressy wear, b to aaa widths np to 8's. HI-RIDING TIE PUMP ; This dufl black kid with patent trim is a versatile num ber because it finds so many uses. Snug- fit ting;. - DULL BLACK KID PUMPS With slight piping of: silver and a sun bursttrim making them lively all pur- p o s e dressy pumps.. Re member these new foot fash ions come in 'all sizes, b to aaa widths. Just before moving Our Bhoe depart-' "ment we will display a table of broken sixes, lines, etc., at one low price! 1