The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, rriday Morning October 19, 1934 PAGE SEVEN . . ' - ai f ' GATHERING AT Of Past Matrons' Club of Eastern Star for .Gervais Area - GERVAIS. Oct. 18.Mrs. Rom eo Goaley opened her homo Tues day for the opening meeting of the season of the past matrons' club of Gervais chapter, O. E. Si Members living in the south sec tion were joint hostesses with Mrs. Gouley at the noon luncheon 17 afternoon and later a social During the afternoon the womeu completed a. quilt which they will offer for sale and made clans for the Norember meeting when the woodburn club will be the guests. ; The St Rita's Altar society met at the parish ball, Tuesday after noon. Quilting occupied the ear hour was enjoyed with Mrs. A. Kibler, Mrs. Ted Nibler antt Miss Sophie Nibler as hostesses. The community, club 500 party scheduled for next Tuesday night has been postponed 'till Tuesday tiignt, uctooer 30, because or a wedding dance to be given at the auditorium the 23d. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kh& have im proved their home with hew paint and paper and sanding the floors in the living rooms. ' An eight-pound daughter was born Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carmical. This is the first child. Mrs. W. C. Snyder whose hus band died last week, has sold a part of her household goods and Is moving to Dallas where she will live with her daughter, Mrs. Cal Carbaagh and family. Farmers Union News SCIO. Oct. 18. The three Linn county -locals were well rep resented at the quarterly meeting of the Linn County Farmers'. Union at the Rlverview schootf house Saturday. F. A. Gallegly of Scio ia secretary of the county unit, and J. W. Motlej of the Aberdeen local is president. J. W. Potts of Marion county,' state president; L. H. McBee ot Polk county, and members from other counties attended the meet ing and several of them addressed the audience, both at the closed session and during the public meeting. C. F. Stringer presented his in terpretation of the grange power bill; L. H. McBee discussed the proposed constitutional amend ment relative to the limitation of taxes on taxable property; Frank Perry talked on the "healing acts" amendment; W. J. Turn idge explained the Townsend $200 -pension proposal; C. A. Schooling of Lane county present ed some of the tssues of the pres ent campaign in Oregon, as did also Fred Harrison of Browns ville. . The first quarterly meeting of the new year is to be held in January with the Santiam central local. HI HELD ASSAULT DALLAS, Oct, 18. Charles L. Moritz, 38, of the Red Prairie district, appeared before Justice ot the Peace Gregory here Wed nesday and was released on $50 bail to await hearing on a charge of assault and battery on the per son of George Stewart, 51, also of Red Prairie. The alleged assault took place at a sale in the Red Prairie dis trict last Friday when Moritz is supposed to have struck Stewart and knocked him down. Stewart Is in the Dallas hospital suffer ing from injuries received as a result of the alleged assault. He was reported as being in bad shape yesterday but has improved. BETHEL, Oct. 18. An officer on the highway to check up on hunters who shoot from the road was promised by the sheriff, ac cording to the report of John Zak, member of the game reserve committee of the Farmers' Union at Monday night's meeting. A movement was initiated look ing forward to a concerted effort to rid the district of earwigs. Dr. S. B. Laughlln of Willam ette and Mr. Halliday spoke on the candidacy of Emniett Gulley for congress. By special invitation Otto Paulus was present and dis cussed the ballot measures. The Hamrick quartette sang with Mrs. Cass A. Nichols accom panying. The Beardsley Boys' or chestra played a group of selections. HONOR MRS. HAUGE BRUSH CREEK. Oct .18. Mrs. O. S. Hauge was honored Sunday, the occasion being her birthday, when a group of neigh bors, relatives and friends called. Her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hauge of Eugene, and her daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Randall of Portland, came Sunday and re mained over Monday for hunting. mm T IBIIS PROPOSAL - CLEAR LAKE. Oct. 18. Clif : ford Orey,. D. Eby, Don Orey and Ted Girod returned from eastern Oregon the first of the week where they had been deer hunting ; in the vicinity of La Grande. Only one deer was bagged. Don brought ? down a fine three-point buck. A special election was held at the schoolbouse Tuesday night to "i Tote on increasing the District .122 school budget in the amount -of $500 to. provide, for a school ' bus for high school pupils. Owing to anlrregularity which was dis covered after the vote had been taken and a number had gone ; home the. ballot was thrown out . and a new election called. Dr. Ruth M. Dougherty EYES EXAMINED . GLASSES FITTED - first National Bank Bid. Phone 0114 Salem, Ore. PUBLIC ALES at Linn County Fairgrounds Albany, Oregon Tuesday, Oct. 23 1 P. M. 20 Head Horses 20 2 Yearlings B Mares 13 Geldings from 3 to 10 Tears 16 Head of Cattle 16 5 Cows Fresh Soon 11 Heifers BARRETT BROS. OWNERS Ben Suttell, Auctioneer First National Bank, Clerk For Terms Apply to Bank ORWIG'S MARKE' 254 N. Commercial St. Phone Pound I?0S!ffluSS Sugar Cured lb. 3LS3 EL & R ID) lbs. . , - HENS AND FRYERS . SOLUTION Banish offending body odors with PX Solution. H deodorizes instantly -protects from 3 to 5 hours longer. H ia odorless, colorless, non-poiion-oui wiS not injure garments nor irritate tender tains even after Hav mg. . Just , spray or sponge it oa and let it dry. Hendy chromium atomizer comes with ec)i bottle. - . Featured at feVe .Toiletry Dept. Il rtJgfffttxWi) Latest reports are that cigar prices will be p fixed on October 29 th at the prices listed below. If so, you will save 42c to $1.25 a box by stocking up before the 29th. In the past, the date and prices hare sometimes been changed. Bat if .you bur now, you'll be on the safe side. Tobacco Feature! :: 3 plxpcl Elcllb Dlcnd & so 6 Oilli Pouck 5 For less than the regular price of the tobacco alone you re ceive this specially treated oil ed silk pouch that won't crack, stick, harden, la heatproof, wa terproof, and can be laundered. Price PwbaWa You Name of Cigar Xow gTe Oct. 89th 5c White Owl Cigars, box of 50 $1.88 $2.30 42c 5c Van Dyck 1932s, box of 50 $1.88 $2.30 42c 10c Van Dyck Bankers, box of 25 $1.88 $2.30 42c 1 0c El Sidelo Bon Tons, 50s $3.75 $4.60 85c 10c El Sidelo Bon Tons, 25s $1.88 $2.30 42c 2 for 25c Robt' Burns Invincibles, 25s $2.38 $2.88 50c 10c Rob't Burns Supremes, 25s $1.88 $2.30 42c 15c Sam'l Davis 1886, 50s $5.65 $6.90 $1.25 15c Sam'l Davis 1886, 25s $2.85 $3.45 60c Save ooa TMet&nes & Beimsedines 15c Gerber's Strained Baby Vegetables 9c Mineral Oil and Agar Emulsion 49c pint 100 Pure 5-Grain Aspirin Tablets 15c Full Strength Antiseptic Sol.- 15c pt. Mission Bell Toilet Soap 3 bars 10c Modess Sanitary Napkins reg. 12s 2 for 29c 35c Stanton's Menthol Shave Cream 15c Pints Miff in Rubbing Alcohol 17c 2 lbs. Kraft's Malted Milk 49c $1 Armand Face Powd. and 50c Armand Lipstick for $1 Full Size Sturdy Card Tables with Fireproof Top 98c $1 Polyp One-Piece Hardened Steel Padlocks for 49c 25c VaL Allen's 50 Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste 9c Full Size Rubber Shower Capes, clearance at 29c Men's Metal Lunch Kits with Pint Vacuum Bot. $1.19 New Wondersoft Kotex Sanitary Napkins 2 pkgs. 29c 200 Sheet Packages Kleenex Absorbent Tissues 13c 2-oz. Ambrosia Cleanser, Cream & Tightener, all 29c New Jumbo Tube Palmolive Shaving Cream for 37c Fitches Shaving Cream tnd Talc, 50c Val. 19c 32 pc. Adams Dinner Set with S5.00 to Fred Meyer Cash Register Receipts from Any or All Depts. Handsome dinner sets In seyeral pleasing designs. In clndes cups, 6 saucers, 6 plates, sauce dishes, 8 sal ad plates, 1 yegetable dish and 1 platter. Hare an extra set for the breakfast nook. 80 Paper Napkins 9c pkg. Palmolive Soap 7 bars 29c Glentx Sanitary Belts 9c lxl Adhesive Tape 5c 1-oz. Zinc Ointment 10c 65c Pond's Creams for 39c RUBBER GOODS 2 Qt. Reliance Fountain Syringe 39c 2 Qt. Reliance Hot Water Bottle 39c 2 Qt. Niagara Hot Water Bottle 49c 2 Qt. Red Parisienne Hot Water Bot. 69c 2 Qt. Supreme Red Hot Water Bottle 69c 2 Qt. Over Capacity Red Flame Bot. $1.29 $1 Ladies Douche Syringe 49c Guaranteed Household Rubber Gloves 9c BABY NEEDS 8 oz. Wide or Narrow Nursers 5c Med. and Large Baby Pants 9c 15c Heinz Strained Vegetables 9c 50c Mennens Baby Oil 34c 25c Mennens Baby Talc 15c 25c J & J Baby Soap 2 for 25c 25c J & J Baby Talc 19c 75c Dextri Maltose. 59c Buddy L Truclic Sturdy dump trucks, ladder trucks, auto wreckers and city baggage drays com plete with electric lights each Cachmcpc Doquct 3 bars as The former. 25c cakes now at a price everyone can afford. SICK ROOM NEEDS $1 Fever Thermometers 59c Lb. Hospital Cotton 19c 5 Yds. Sterile Gauze 29c 2 Qt. Douche Can Complete 89c 1x5 Adhesive Tape 15c 1 in. Gauze Bandages 5c Va oz. Mercurochrome 5c No. 8 Invalid Cushions $1.49 Rectal Tubes 19c Colon Tubes 23c TOILETRIES 50c Hinds Honey Almond Cream 37c 50c Santiseptic Lotion 39c 60c Italian Balm 44c 35c Dreskin 25c 60c Mello Glo Face Powder 34c $1.10 Coty Face Powder and Perfume 79e $1.10 Coty Assorted Perfume 79c 65c Lady Esther Cream 37c $1.10 Hoppers Restorative Cream 74c 50c Junis Face Cream 37c Water- Glasses ea. Libby't sum taakl.rt wiU Mllad dft tftt rttiatf chipping. CrrU clear. Cream and Perfume &5 ' - ' :. 5 a Jar Peek Bilttk Oraam a4 tt-os- kattla Cariaea Parfoma. FEQDEElAlL Loads Box af 33 Fa aral -Haaark gar, anneal t p a 1 fled ataalla. Ckill td iboi Size aa4 a. 5 lbs. Malted Milk DoU niltid adlk wit a iweat a. Kiddie tare it. Long Bath Brushes Iftm'ia. Iff 1m a.rak'Taw Back wiU Uaaa. Paatel afcadc. $3.75 Hair Dryers 0 XI a trie kair . ryr tkat Bake k a at a akaapaaa aa p 1 a a tnimbla. Apprva4 appU-aaca. Bridge Cards, 2 for A t e decorated J lariat a r d . .9 few deck kandr. Table Tennis Sets Coapleta vita 4 paddlaa, kalla. aa, aad kaldera. It's raa. My-Te-Fine Blades 10 Co? 29c Ani 1 klada f i T a a, Doakla til. tiTII iaifktT ia akaraa. m Long Ggdreites i i Head Plays 59c ctn. 11-inch long cigarette. Carton equals 200 reg. ci garettes. Discontinued number. 10c Longchamps Cigars 5 for 29c Box of 50 for $2.89. A Sensational Value 3 Union Leader and $1 Pipe 29c Regular 10c size Union Leader tobacco and 1 Bakellta pipe, all tor only 29c In thia thrifty combination. 16-oz. Prince Albert and Pipe 79c Also the 16-oz. Half & Half amoklng tobacco with COe briar pipe.- 5c Stud Tobacco 6 pkgs. 19c Roll your own and Bare with Stud cigarette tobacco. Chesterfields, Camels; Lucky Strikes, Old Gold and Raleigh Cigarettes 2250 8pS96c $1.20 10c Wings, Twenty Grands, Domino, Paul Jones, Avalons or White Rolls 2' 19c ?795c ir?r'$1.02 At Fred Meyer Tobacco Dept. " For Hallowe'en Parties! Hocus-Pocus 29c in OASC0 Hocus-Pocus takes the place of ice cream and saves you 11c a quart. People keep telling us it tastes better than ice cream, too. ft :4 Of 6m25 Quart Dipped in Finer Chocolate! Halloween Novelties 10c The same expensire chocolate that is used In finer can dies goes on these fresh, crispy peanut dusters. No won der they taste better. Hallowe'en Pack 59c box Fancy box of assorted Hallowe'en candies and Fifth Avenue chocolates. Others at 69c, 89c and 98c. 5c Wrigley's Gum 5 pkgs. 15c Also Beerman's, Dentyne, Beech-Nut and Life Savers and Fruit Drops. Orange and Black J umbo Jelly Beana 15c lb., 2 lbs. 25c Hallowe'en Buttercream Candy, Witches, Cats, 19c lb. Chocolate Filled Thin-Shelled Jack Straws 29c lb. Broken Chocolate 10c lb., 2 lbs. 85c, 10 lbs. f 1.75 Witching Sweets A Tacked Ensemble 69c Hershey'a 8-oz. Chocolate Bars 2 for 25c At Candy Dept. Aa bif around as a baseball with life saver eyes and sum drop mouths they're a scream for party fa Tors. Orange or black. Hallowe'en Novelties 10c Orange and black gum drop animals that nev er came from, the too. Orange - Black Cream Wafers 29 c ib. Colorful after - dinner wafers for the party. Kiddies' Box 25c Special Hallowe'en candies for the party. At Candy Dept. u Ash Tray I IOC I ' TT M . 1 t . - 1- -ibc auT J black aia, tray irith broaia Csaraa. At Taitotry Sapta. Told ; after Vawlay, Oct. 22, D Prices for Friday Morn Thru Monday These prices effective the first thing Friday morn ing. Ad copies posted in our stores. No mall or ders except on Toiletry Dept. Items. - - 5 . Food is a Wise Investment! Prices Are Tending Up! flat cans for large My-Te-FineMorClams 2 My-Te-Fine 2 Corn 2 My-Te-Fine Pumrjkin Skyflake Crackers White Star Tuna 2 & 19c; 2 29c Hill's Bros. Coffee t 31c; 60c Calumet Baking Powder - 24c French's Pure Vanilla & 10c lb. 25c 25c 10c 18c My-Te-Fine Pineapple 2 15c My-Te-Fine Family Flour $1.59 Happy vale Pink Salmon 2 19c Standard Tomatoes urM 3 29c French's Bird Seed per pkfir. lie Libby's Home Made Style Pickles, pint jars for 15c Ry-Tak, 2-lb. pkg. 23c; Grapennt Flakes 2 pkgs. 19c Market Day Seedless Raisins, (4-lb. bag) for 25c Snider's Tomato Catsup, large bottle for 15c White King Toilet Soap, 3 bars for 14c . Kleen Brite Pot Cleaners, 5 each ;; , Rex Iff? for Deasing Drains, 2 tall cans for 15c -- Hersheys Baking Chocolate ( V4-IK bars) 2 fcrlle Hearts Delight Whole: Peeled Apricots; 2 tails 25c - . Swansdown Cake Flour, large package for 25c Lana Brand Pineapple, (No. 2 tins), 2 for 25c Wild Rice, 1-lb. cellophane package for 39c French's . 'Wordiestershire Sance. 1 fknr hnHU 11 Flavorade 3. pkgs. .10c; Libby's Sauerkraut, lg. can 12c i t a m & v . . . no7U oranir xomaio juice XiO. Z lUtSJ'4 cans Z9C Walla Walli Valley Peas (No. 4 sieve), 2 cans 25c A B Brand Naptha Soap, 6 large bars for 25c Toilet Tissue, (1000 Sheet), 6 rolls for 25c Libby's Meatwich Spread, 2 tins for 15c At Fred Meyer Grocery Dept. TTl. J 0 aco ir Jm cmrme 170 North Liberty St. ; , (Between State and Court Streets) A" few everyday deep-cut prices are included in thia ad. V pfecea No.' 2a. Good eookera 50 37c Cauliflower 2 ,or 7c ' : Good alie, well bleached lieada. : Danish Squash 7 for 10c Fine bakers. Bananas 4 lbs. 1 9c Golden ripe Fine in lunches. Celery Hearts 5c bu. Well bleached, fine tor stuffing , Lemon ettes 2 doz. 13c Fine for Jalce.7 Prevent colds by uslnr taese. ;. - : At Fruit Dept. Boiling Onions 1 25 lbs. 28c . No. la. Now fa the time to stock up.