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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1934)
PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem,.. Oregon Friday Morning. October 19, 1931 P. T. CQTTEE j TO THE GETSDS "; -j v- .- wf Mrs. Crabtree, President, ; Lists 43 Women' to -) -Handle Job , - f SILVERTON. Oct. 17. Headed V by Miss Hannah Obea as chair 'man, if members "or tbs Silver ton Pareat-Teschers ; asseciatioa have formed' a . eommittea on membership drlTe and at tfc same f j NaHey's Are the Makers of Salad Time Dressing Nalley's Ketchup Nailer's Mustard Wonder Pickles Nalley's Breakfast Syrup MRS. ANNA ALLISON 227S Trade SOLOMON F. ANDERSON - 1710 Bellerne BAILEY GROCERY 10 Breys Are. FRANK R. BAILEY 405 S. Winter BASKET GROCERY 815 8. Commercial BINCTS CASH STORE 294 8. Commercial CLARENCE J. BROWN . - , 140S N. Cburcn . BUSICK7S SUPER MARKET Court and Commercial Marion and Commercial BUSY CORNER SERVICE 1817 8. 12th ' CAPLAN'S GROCERY 187 8. Commercial CARL AND BOWERSOX ' 287 Court CHURCH ST. MARKET 484 N. Church COLUMBIA FOOD CO. State' and Commercial E.W1COOLEY 2810 State CORNER CASH GROCERY 8sl N. Commercial OLIVER COTA 1218 8. 12th WJL W. CRAIG 88 N. Liberty CROSS MARKET . 288 N. Liberty BENJAMIN A. DAVIS 2220 Falrgronnds O. P. DRIGGS 2080 N. Commercial ECONOMY GROCERY 112 N. Commercial J. LINCOLN ELLIS , Route 2, box if PAUL A. FICKE 1828 Fairrronnds Rd. IIRS. GRACE FROmiADEB ' 11C N" Cowclal WALTER B. GERTH .1211 Edgewater. West Salem WSLELGHUNGS - 1805& mgh time will take the school censos ta the Sllvertoa district. - The gronp has been divided Into two sides with Mrs. Henry Over oss and Mrs. S. A. Pitney as cap tains. The losers will treat the winners. . Serving on the committee, as It was originally announced by Mrs. Warrea Crabtree. president of tbe Parent Teachers association are Miss Olaen. Mrs. William Mac Neill and Mrs. R. A. McClanathan. Tbe 40 more members of the com mittee selected by these three are; Mrs. Martin Han-nan. Mrs. J. Bal lantyn, Mrs. S. P. Rose, Mrs. Ar thur Dahl, Mrs. J. L. Stanton, Mrs. Earl Bennett. Mrs. Arthur Nelson, Mrs. EL Giveaa Mrs. P. J. Roubal, ; Mrs. I. R. Neal, Mrs. J. W. Jor- J Urm rvn r- n rk r-nrv-yr , vi , v ' If ; ; YOUR GROCER is an excellent judge of merchandise. He knows what is popular. He hears the comments of your neighbors. He is familiar with the character of the manu facturer. Take his tip. He'll tell you honestly. . . that Nalley's Mayonnaise and Nalley's Salad Time Dressing are two products that always S lease his customers. Two dependable pro ucts that are asked for by more people each year. BUY NALLEY'S! Always ask for them by name! ROSS GOODMAN 2446 Fairgrounds CHARLES M. GREENE 1690 S. Commercial CHARLES G. HALL 1984 N. Capitol HIGHLAND CASH GROC 648 Higbland HIGHLAND MARKET 800 Highland MDIO JENSEN 151 Edgewater West Salem GEORGE W. JOHNSON - - 1305 N. Summer KENILWORTH GROCERY 158 8. Chnrch EDWARD KLUKIS 241 Union A. A. KRUEGER 1181 S. Commercial LEMMONS MARION SQUARE MARKET 598 N. Commercial Joseph h. Mcdonald 610 N. Cottage WM. M. McMORRIS 975 N. 18th JOHN G. MARR 1898 Market FRED MEYER 170 N. Liberty GEORGE W. MISCHLER 1204 N. Commercial GEORGE W. MOORE 2280 S. High FRANK A. NELSON 1191 Chemeketa NOB HILL GROCERY I960 8. Commercial NOBY GROCERY 1895 N. Summer JOSEPH O'BRIEN 608 Market FADE'S GROCERY 1244 State PALM GROCERY 471 N. Church PARKER'S CAPITOL ST. GROCERY 80S N. Capitol PAYN TAKTT . Court at Commercial 225 8. Commercial don. Mrs. S. A. Gay, Mrs. James Scarth, Mrs. Ernest Palmer, Mrs. Harry Ness, Mrs. M. 8. Chandler, Mrs. Derericks, Mrs. A. P. Ryan, Mrs. F. B. Renwlck, Mrs. F. Glenn McDonald, Mrs. Henry Button, Mrs. F. Mllllgen. Mrs. Fred Baker, Mrs. Clifton DIckerson, Mrs. B. Swanson, Mrs. W. E. Hope, Mrs. Carl Specht, Mrs. George Winch- ell. Mrs. Carl Foss, Mrs. E. R. Ekmao, Mrs. R. Scott, Mrs. Roy Hayes, Mrs. Martin Haiteberg, Mrs. F. Rann, Mrs. Ernest Bark er, Miss Blanche Hubbs, Miss Ethel Hardy and Miss Marie Kiev, The, drive got nnder way Tues day night, it Is to be completed by November 1. Z'3 'lD '&ca3. 1 L . - , v v., ,S 1 - , Ik 4 ky ? Vv sv J. - J ifmioiQuatifa FRED C. PETERSON 1275 N. Church PIGGLY WIGGLY 245 N. Commercial C. WALTER POGUE 2217 Lee E. S. RICH 1701 Center THOMAS R. RIVETT 2082 N. Capitol CM. ROBERTS 720 D Street CAROLL M. ROBINSON ' Rt. S, at Pacific Highway ROTH GROCERY 2060 Market ROYAL COURT APT. GROCERY 1190 Center SAFEWAY STORES 1980 N. Capitol 1927 State SALEM COLUMBIA MKT. 269 N. Liberty SCHALLER'S MARKET 190 8. 12th LOUIS E. SCHNARE 1198 N. 17th SHAMROCK GROCERY . 20? 8. 25th DANIEL SHEETS 2265 Mill SOUTH 19th ST. GROCERY 605 8. 19th STATE STREET MARKET 1312 State STEUSLOFF GROCERY Court at Liberty ALBERT STRINZ 805 N. Capitol TABLE SUPPLYv 262 N. Commercial FLORENCE S. TAYLOR 558 8. Winter ALEXANDER D. " ; THOMPSON , 718 K.. Commercial CHARLES H. WHITNEY- 878 N. High WOOD BROS. 151 N. Commercial ZWICKER CASH MARKET "' 1120 8. 12th HUTS HEW ; BUILD rillESf The last 10 to 15 years haT seea many new Pacific northwest Industries-spring Into existence, bat tew, if any, har mod more rapia sxnaes tnatt Nalley's, Ine with headquarters at Tacoma and with 4 distrlbutlnsr warehouses throughout Washington and Ore gon. ,.. - . The remarkahle growth and ac ceptance by both consumer a a d dealer tor Kelly's lino ot food pro ducts Is due in almost toll meas- are to the high standard ot qual ity that has been maintained, say company officials. Nalley's May onnaise and Nalley's Salad Time Dressing are the .leaders. faYor- hites alike with tbe consumer and mo grocer, ana rneir popularity nag been a decided factor la pop- uiariung rue entire line. "In building- oar own business," says M. NaHey, president or the company, "we feel that wa hare not only maintained and increased employment and payrolls In our own institution, but by reason of our targe purchases of farm pro ducts of the Pacific northwest hare been ot real benefit In the' growth and development of this,' our own home territory." useiks SCOTTS MILLS, Oct. 18. Fu neral services for Norman Oleson, 28. son of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Ole son, were held at tbe Methodist chnrch Tuesday afternoon. He was killed Saturday evening in an au tomobile accident on a turn this side of Albany. Mr. Oleson was born and rear ed at Marquam, but was a resi dent of Eugene the past seven years. He leaves bis wife. Bar bara Oleson, two small children, his mother and father, one sister, Mrs. Louie Lorenze of Salem, three brothers. Donald, Clarence and Harold Oleson of Marquam, besides other relatives and a host of friends. Interment was in Mil ler cemetery. BUILDING PICK-UP WALD HILLS, Oct. 18. Ever green district Is showing some building activity. Martin Ingle son has just finished a new wood shed at his farm south ot the school house. Fred Easer, next to the scoool house, is reshingllng his attractive bungalow. O. O. Shockley, on Drirt creek, at the bridge is reshingllng and also adding a gable on the east end of the house making two nice upstairs rooms. The Happy Hour club ot the Evergreen district Is to meet Fri day, October 19, at 8 p. m. Elec tion of officers is scheduled. Half Soles 75c Rubber Heels ..25c Ladies' Half Soles 60c Ladies' Heels ..20c O'RIELLY'S LEATHER SHOP Bight Back of Western Auto 255 Court Street MAYONNAISE ts. 35c pts. 23c SALAD TIME DRESSING Quarts 29c STATE STREET MARKET 1S12 Stale St. r mm. mm u UN l ffli " f MAYONNAISE Pint 21c SALAD TIME DRESSING Pint 19c Table Supply 283 N. Commercial St. Big Lied Wrapped VpvLSpud Dug by Johnsons of Gates - GATES Oct. la Gar dens and orchards hre. done exceptionally w 1 1 here this season. A potato which would make meal for some families wm grows oa the C D. John son farm east ot Gates. It measured 10 H inches Ions. H inches In diameter and welshed 82 ounce. It was smooth and would be a de light for any cook to pre- The garden of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Carey prod need some very Inrgw hell pep. pen, one 11 Inches ta din sneter and was 8 inches tan. A Bear tree at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gard ner In Gates is In full bloom for the second time uaie Thomas Nominated Again for Mayor of Independence INDEPENDENCE. Oct. IS. At the mass meeting of Independence citisens Tuesday evening, A. L. Thomas was re -nominated for mayor. Other nominations included: A. J. Phelps for recorder; Guy Walk er, carl Groth and J. E. Hubbard tor councilmen. These candidates win be voted on along with the state candidates on election day. W. M. Callaways Will Move on Fisher Farm SCIO. Oct. 18. W. M: "Mark" Callaway, who recently returned PERRY'S DRUG STORE 115 8. Commercial St. if Course It's Less at Ganlan's E3 Special on Potatoes 50 Oregon No. 2 36c P. A. and Velvet Tob Sheets 3 Armours & Morning Will; 3 cans EO Peanut Butter GingerSnaps GOLDEN WEST COFFEE A glass 30c from the Lebanon locality to his mother's place near Bclo, has leas ed the former George Fisher farm near Frank Cary's and he and Mrs. t Callaway will occupy the place within a week er two. The Fishers moved recently to Port 0 tm4m ORIGINATORS OF LOW PRICES 'IMfWtLSs. Good9' In fact every cut of meat in 6or market ia equally tempting to look at. Bat its real value is not apparent until it's cooked and ready to serre. Then the tenderness and fine flavor truly bespeaks its prime quality. REGUtAR' PRICES NOT "SPECIALS" Tender --Choice Tender Sirloin STEAK BEEF ROAST . SWISS CUT US1- 'b- lb. lb. EASY TO COOK AND JUST MORE THAN EASY TO EAT Sugar Cured "FlaVOtized" picnics Kylc ib. DflADas52(o)cib. Young Pig PORK STEAK I Fresh Ground BEEF lb. Hgc Ib. Our Ground Meats Are a Trifle Higher Than Some, But They Are Worth It Useless to Pay More Risky to Pay Less WE CLOSE AT 6 P. M-ON SATURDAYS AT 7 P. M. HARRY H. LEVY, PRQP. mm is 137 S. Commercial St. PHONE 4010 For Less of Course at Caplan's 50 Deschutes 2s 43c acco can rolls Tan Cans ib. a Fresh Stock H, lb. 3 86c Ib. glass . Mortons Salt 2 pkgs. Iodized GOOFIB FREE land where they received proper ty in exchange for the farm sear here. Mrs. Fisher Is a nurse, r. - BBOW2TS SOX ILL GERVA1S, Oct. 1 . -Mr. Md TWO REAL VALUES Whole or OREGON'S FINEST GRAIN Dainty Lean LOIN CHOPS Pure Pork SAUSAGE 3 Ib. ireeoiry - i a!Ila2Ilws, Factory Deal Imitation 8-oz. bottle for 4-oz. bottle FREE Pink Salmon Post Toastles- OA 3 Pkgs. ZUC JtHO, all flavors 18c I boxes Sweet Potatoes n Superior Crackers. 24b. box - 23d Palmolive 4 cakes ... 19d Crystal Whit Soap ChipsJ 27c NALLEY'S Salad 1 Time Dressing NALLEY'S Mrs. Sam H. Brown were called to Scappoose the last of the week because of the lHness of their son, Kenneth, Who , is farming . there. They -brought him home where he is recovering .; satisfactorily from aa attack of malaria. "!?SStt 351 STATE ST. Half FED PORK Fresh HAM ROAST Pure P.ork LITTLE LINKS Ss lb. fllnays tbe Lowest at Ganlan's Large Fancy Heads each on VANILLA gclb. New Crop Fancy ..--A Ib. Premium JChocolaft 21c Cake Calumet Baking Powder, 1 Ib. 24c i 4 . Super Suds-. 27c 4 pkgs. Peeis Granulated Soap, 2 pkgs.C.1 29c One Caso Crystal White Soap nrr 100 bars ib&.JD igtf. Relish ... spread . v qt.