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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1934)
- - . '- - -1 (i PAGE SEX Society lrs. Shipley Bids Leisure Hour , To Affair An informal afternoon of chat tins and tea was enjoyed by . - member of the Leisure Hoar dab "Wednesday afternoon at the home ot Mrs. U. G. Ship-; ley. Assisting hostesses were Mrs. Max O. Buren and Mrs. J. W. Bev cridge. .' r'-r-- L Members of the club are Mrs. John Albert, Mrs. J. W. Bever idge, Mrs. John ScottMrs. Willis Moore. Mrs. George J. Pearce. Mrs. Charles Weller. Mrs. H. J. Clements, Mrv Charles. Park. Mrs. Dan Fry, Sr., Mrs. Fred Steosloff. Mrs. Kittle Grayer, Miss Oda Chapman, Mrs. Rex Davis, Mrs. - D.-.A. -Hodge, -"Mrs.- D. B.' Jarman. Mrs. Seymour. Jones, Mrs. W. D. Clarke, -r Mrs. '. Max : Buren,- -Mrs. Clarence Hamilton. Mrs; R. EL Le Steiaer; -Mrs. Milton 'L.f "Meyew and the hostess, Mrs. U.- G. Ship-' Communiity Club Lists Program Friday Friday night at 8 o'clock the Middle Grove Community c 1 a b will meet at the school house. Mrs. Orton Hilf iker. president, will preside. The program will be as fol lows: ;;.,.. Ji : - Musical numbers by Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Slentx; dance and song by Gloria Ann and Barbara Lee McClintock; address by speaker on the Townsend bid age pension plan; a play by the women of the Hollywood Ladles Social club, en titled, "Manners and Modes." the cast including Beatrice Fisher, Edith, Low. Or ajohnston, Maxine Ladae. Alice Forgard, Carol La Due, Phebe Wagers and Lucille Warner. Mrs. Lee Clark is chairman of the refreshment committee, assist ed by Mrs. Ed McMahill and Mrs. F. P. Phipps. The committee has asked members to bring either sandwiches, vegetables salad, ap ple or pumpkin pie. "-. All residents of the community - arelnvited to attend. - especially new people in the district. All republican women visiting In Salem today are invited to an informal tea at the Marion hotel i from 4 to 5:30 - o'clock. Mrs. Charles E. Runyon. national com- . mittee woman will, be the honor guest. Marion county republican women are the hostesses. r Pattern ..' ' - The woman with a flrnre eoin- - ' Plexr (and ,what,eman; over .size eighteen ihasn'tfdevejoped'one) 2 r, ..couldn't do. better than to-choose v - i this- becoming gown."' Every- Jine , , of it points i Its., way.o. figure .' flattery--the surplice collar.', with soft - double Xrill of ccitrasting, C v olor; falling rromiuiderjit- In - 4..t. the -front; and -the paneled -Tskirt v - ;-. ;1 wblclf does -.such? " pleasant,- things .of larger psr-Thia dressmade 1 t satin" would -I be "dellghtlnUiot afternoons., or In a sheer .wool ; - -i; Jof .Ihe; office, or forownCNote .'w-viV ;arefally " jlaced :v)fckt for . i fullness'; where it is-to8t weded. 'v.5--'Pattern-::2 Ollt-la' available In sises-34. 3: 1141.741 1 nl :: i 4 1; lz 3 f-taies U;l-8 7rds: 33- U-;.:C" fabric wtd 54 rd, cojxtrast- lag. Illustrated 'Step-by-step sew 1 i lng Instructions' included. Bu fiftMs jMsta !5eV ta t (tamp (isa preferred) for tM Aaaa Adasts patters., Wrtu plainly same, address and styte sautes. . Jt Jmtt atate alxa. x Send far tie stw winter taass t ia 'Asa Adaau faUerm Bsek sad kacw wast is sew ta esart clotaaa. It takes yes tiiroaxa a whale faak toa from Unsartd t euteezatasesta v . . . . . . set eTerleoklBi bm ,allnr tnr sew kouae frocks.. V -,aa4-seartBf ja stlnd tks seeds ot ' tas ravag-a .feaaratios. 'C fries c: see .IS cent. See sad together 25 enU . a ' Addreaa . erder ie Tks Oreftm Buusiaan Pattern Dpt tl'5 SouU CommercUI street, Salem. Make aee ary encloenre. - Tew srdes will e promptly atteaded te. ' Crdera cBstoaaarily are filled wltila foar rt frem tks tins xeceived y Til tutesi News and Club Jessie .Steele, SOCIAL . Thursday, October 18 - v:v ""Faculty Women's club with Mrs. R, W. Tavenner, v 290 W; Superior, 2:30 p. m. . - v ... , . Annual child welfare tea, Liberty community ball. , 2:30 p. m. , , . .-. Comrades ot the Way, election ' of officers, 7:30, p. m. at First Congregational church. . . Salem sub-district Ladles Aid rally. West Salem M. E. church, 10:30 a. m." - Hayesville Woman's lb at Mrs. Elisabeth Sid- - , dall, 2 to 4:30. Mrs. Hannah Martin will speak. ' Comrades ot the Way, 7:30 p. m. at First Congre gational church. Pringle Pleasant Point social club all day with Mrs.- George Grabeahorst. Chapter G. P. E. O., 1 p. m. luncheon at Tea House honoring Chapter O from Albany. Merry Minglers club at 2 p. m. with Mrs. C. C. Col well.' ' .v ' . . FideMs S, S. class of First Baptist church with Mrs. ; L.G, Prescott, 254 N. Church,-2:20 p. m. ' .a-Delta Phi alumnae with. Miss Brenda Savage. Strat ? ton apartments, 7:30 p. m. , - ' - - -v-' ". :. V, Woman's Benefit association at 3 p. m. in K. P. hall. ' Women's Council of . First : Christian , church in -church: 'pallors, afternoon W Friday, October 19 Hal Hibbard Auxiliary, 2 p. m. at home Mrs. John Bertelson. 110 E. Lafelle. South Salem W. C. T. U. at Leslie hall, 2 p. m. Unitarian Women's alliance luncheon, 1 p. m. in Emerson room. Pringle Community club, 7:30 p. m. Rickey Sunshine clnb, 2 p. m. with Mrs. William Carothers. route 6, box 116. Auxiliary to Patriots Militant, 8 p. m. with Mrs. J. C. Siegmund, 155 S. 17th street. Westside Ladies Aid ot Jason Lee church all day meeting, potluck dinner at noon, quilt tying, at church. Monday, October 22 . Second night's play of Statesman annual contract bridge tournament at Marion hotel, 8 p.- m. . - I. Ham Recipes Statesman . Be sure that favorite recipe for ham reaches The Statesman office by noon today since that is the deadline for the Round Table con test this week. Recipes and menus will be judged this afternoon and winners of the three cash prises totaling 2 will be announced to morrow morning. Concluding the cranberry series which has prored very popular with Salem housewives are the following recipes: Cranberry Jelly Pick oyer and wash 4 cups of cranberries. Put in .a stew pan with 2 cups of boiling water and boll tor 20. minutes. Rub through a sieve, add 2 cups of sugar and cook 5 minutes. Turn into molds or glasses. Mrs. A. E. Oldenburg Route 8, Box 261 . Cranberry Salad 4 eups eranberriee Juice of 1 can pineapple He vatir S tablespooas gelatin cap cold water 2 cup sv par 1 eup mlaot veats chopped fin 1 enp rrtpe,-halved sad teededT 1 enp pineapple, diced - Cook the cranberries in the pineapple, juice, adding enough hot water to make 3 Vi cups. Soak the gelatin in the cold water, add the cranberries, then tbe sugar and cool. When cold add nuts, grapes and diced pineapple. Stir well. This is attractive if set in individual molds. Turn out and serve on lettuce leaves with may onnaise. ' Mrs. Cass A, Nichols - - Route '6, Box 141 ' . Cranberry. JVleringue Pie 114 cop rranulat4.orat evp cold water 4 cop cranberries . 2 tabtapoont floor 4 eisv'- - M teaipooa aalt. 2 tablespoon batter ' V teaspoea ramlla extract 4 tablespoon powdered togar Cook sugar and water to a sy Enhance Your Home With Crochet UVwa;:t.r.?wfrt I' - S&lUfeii - FILET CROCHET , '7;:; pattern est;, ; v. ';.;r; Filet crochet has aJwsvs hn bopular needlework and -today comes to the fore, as one ot the smart ways -of -adding decoration to a home.' This design striking as a chair - back, i is equally ef fective as -a scart 'end and other accessories, jn it, the garland of roses Is set eft by the lace sUtch; this Is done, throughout the back ground .roan4 the flowers. It is a simple form of filet crochet as shown vin - the - detail - and - adds greatly to the beauty of the pat tern, Ttls , design -Is one that is Quickly done, and It Is the wise Society Editor CALENDAR to Reach Before Noon rup. Add cranberries and cook un til they stop popping. Cool a little. Mix the flour and 'salt and yolks ot eggs to a smooth paste and stir tn S tablespoons of the cranberry juice. Then add the berries and simmer tor 3 minutes. Stir in bat ter and vanilla and set aside to cool. Turn mixture into a deep pie e r a s t shell, previously, baked, cover with meringue made from stiffly beaten whites of the eggs and powdered sugar. Put in cool oven to set and brown lightly. Mrs. S. E. Turner 1295 McCoy McCormick Class Has Social Meet " The McCormick clasB of the First Methodist church was en tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lee Tuesday night. The Hallowe'en motif was carried out in decorations and refresh ments. The committee la charge included H. D. McMillln, Mrs. Waldo Marsters and Lloyd Lee. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McMillln. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Acton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry W, Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kletzing. Mr. and Mrs. Mar ion Curry, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Morse. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Mars- ters. Prof, and Mrs. Herbert Rahe, Rev. and Mrs. Herbert Rahe, Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Milligan, Mrs. F. L. Odom. Emmett Welling, Mrs. Lil lian Ellis and the hosts, 'Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lee. Members of the social psychol ogy section of the Salem Arts lea' gne will meet. Thursday night in the auditorium of the Salem pub lic library for the second session in October. Persons interested in the study of social psychology. with its relation of mental hy giene of the individual to the com munity hygiene, are Invited to at tend the meeting and-become ac quainted. . eroeheter- who ! wHl get started earjj on this article and add it to car store or Cbritrmn rttaTn chair back measures' 1 2x1 S aid iw ,eu iu ratia uiimre tzxa Inches.-"- "'-rv-r --- , i 1 -Pattern 8tl comes to you with complete. directions for , snaking tne.'aet Shown lnclndinr: charter Urustratlonn of all atitches ;used; material reaulrements; r sugges tion for variety et uses. - . -. ' - Bend 10 mf m in liimn. mI. (coin! preferred) for thlrpitterif to iue urezon statesman' nsi(I1aj ;crs Aepu The OHEGON STATESMAN, Sakia. Aff airs Sieuslofi Honie is Scene of Pretty Luncheon pretty luncheon affair ot yesterday was that given by Miss Juana ' Holmes and Mrs. F. W; Steusloff in their home on North Commercial. Bright red geraniums 'made np the attractive centerpiece. . .z Contract ' occupied the . after noon.' " ' . Guests were Mrs. Dan Kella- her, Mrs. Nellie Harris, Mrs.' Ar thur Moore, Mrs. Evan Hall, Mrs, James Lewis, Mrs. Rose Babcock, Mrs. D. C. Minto, Mrs; Kittle Gra ver, Mrs. Walter Bnchner and the hostesses. Miss Juana Holmes and Mrs. F. W. Steusloff. War Mothers Gather on Tuesday r C ' A meeting of the American'War Mothers was held - Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs. Myrtle LlUlenela. Mrs. Jennie Erixon. Mrs. Carrie Beechler and Mrs. Jane Evans were special, birthday, guests. - zinnias, geraniums and other fall flowers added to the attrac tiveness of the rooms and at the close of the social hour refresh ments were served by the com mittee in charge. Those present were Mrs. Mary Walling, Mrs. Amanda Mollencop, Mrs. Maude -Tallman, Mrs. Ida Traglio, Mrs. Mettle Schrsia, Mrs. Carrie Beechler, Mrs. Jennie Vin cent, Mrs. Ida Aldrich, Mrs. Mary Sim. Mrs. Minnie Humphreys, Mrs Sarah Peterson, Mrs. Mary Wat son. Mrs. Ada Skiff, Mrs. May Salisbury, Mrs. Jennie Brixon, Mrs. Matilda Nad on. Mrs. Mary Ayers, Mrs. Llnnie Lee, Mrs. Ed' mona Mathews, Mrs. Agnes Bobb, Mrs. Jane 'Evans. Mrs. Lillian Christofferson, Mrs. Mary Cleve land, Mrs. Mrs Ivie, Mrs. LIzbeth Waters, Mrs. Carrie O'Neill, Mrs, Mabel Lockwood and the hostess, Mrs. Myrtle Littlefield. It' was decided to advapce the next meeting to October 30 be cause the regular time coincided with election day. Miss Heckinger Feted With Shower Miss H e 1 e n e Schneider, Miss Nora and Miss Mabel Lens were joint hostesses for a miscellane ous shower- honoring Miss Ther esa Heckinger Tuesday night. Miss Heckinger will wed Frank Miller October 28. The rooms were decorated with lovely baskets of fall flowers and autumn leaves. Bridge occupied the evening and a late luncheon was served. - Bidden to honor Miss Heckin ger were Mrs.. Don Woodry. Mrs, Sherman Bostrock, Mrs. Henry Kaiser, Mrs. Marie Schneider, Mrs. Hugh Heckinger, Mrs. A. Lenz, Mrs. Martin Gehlen. Mrs. Charles Hawkins, Mrs. Elmer Klein, Mrs. John Llndamen, Mrs. Chlrs Schneider, Miss Alberta Heckinger, Miss Merrion Wil liams, Miss Marguerite Feddern, miss Victoria Schneider. Miss Vir ginia Goldade, Miss Frances Ro senberg, Miss Cora Mae Dolke, Miss Margery HumDhrers. Miss Mildred Heckinger and the hos t esses, Miss Helene Schneider and Miss Mabel and Miss Nora Lenz. Mrs. Heckmari Fetes Bridge Club ? Mrs. Eunice Heckmaa presided at a Bridge luncheon Tuesday, aft ernoon m her 'Home on Hood street. The Hallowe'en motif was carnea out in decorations and. cara accessories. Alga scores were won by Mrs. Milllcent Kirchoff and Mrs. Eliza AUbrirht. Bidden were Mrs. Milllcent Kirchoff. Mrs. Sylvia Schaunn Mrs. A. S. Kertson, Mrs. Nellie O'Nlel, Mrs. Mabel Hauser, Mrs. tsaDeue Kutherford. Mrs. Eliza Allbright and the hostess, Mrs. Eunice Hickman. ' - " - , SUverton HUla- . Mr a' H. E Brown complimented Mrs. Claude Brown, a recent bride at , kitch en snower , at the Brown hornet Present were Mrs. Claude Brown, Mrs. uasper Towe,"Mrs. Deggler, Mrs." .Waiter,; Parish, Mrs.- John Mauiaing.Mrs; Ira Lor On. Mrs: John -Tschants, Mrs. Eldon' Mul- kerrMrs. VlrgU -Tschantx. i Mrs Hubert . Elliot.' ? Misu' Lewis' Hall. Mrf;.JohnVail Gorier,: MrsC JJes- ter -Binoit, Mrs. sam Bauer; Mrs. Andrew Pederson. Mrs. L. O. Had- ley, - Mrs. - Roy BrownBetti: Up-, norr.:i)ora uuarainee. irma Bai ter ana tne hostess.: .; . Woodbu'rn Mrs; Marr?' Allen daughter- ot Mr.and. Mrs.-rOscaf Allen 'of Woodburn was thehon or. guest at a surprise pre-nhptlal shower, given? In: her.: honor by Mrs;- Forbes'Le Flore, Miss Beat- jlce Brown: and?Mlss Fred Hall at thme-Hall home Saturday aft ernoon.' Miss -Allen1 is the bride elect of ' RnsselL . Blevens : ot Jos eph:"'' Their .wedding will be 'an event of November 4 r-j-t .- wCentralia-rtemple,- of;' Pythian Sisters" have njade- arrangements to entertain C e n t r a 1 . Lodge, Knights of . Pythias; ; and - their families -with a pot-luck dinner, the first v Tuesday night' ot - each, month, t 6:20. m. fa the Knights of Pythla lull. : j - You are Invited to 'Attend - ; . " "TIi6rmal;( ' - Thiixiday ' Oct; 17th V- : 1328 State St - . Oregon; Thursday Horning, Eastern Stir Honors i 1 . Patrons, Matrons ' t . k stellar event "of the week la lodge circles was the Chadwick chapter. Order of Eastern star, meeting Tuesday night honoring past matrons and past patrons or the order. ;. ; . - All the. honored guests were es corted to the east and presented with flowersv Mrs. Lillian R. King; worthy matron, , presided. The Masonic tenfple was profusely decorated with gladioli, chrysan themums, and other autumn flow ers. - v- Mrs. King and her officers ex emplified a degree called, "In the Garden of "Memory." Mrs. Jennie TJtley sang three original numbers during the ceremony which -were seC to the nrusle of "Memories; 'In the Garden" And "Blest .Be the Tie That Binds. Signal honor was . bestowed upon Mr. and Mrs. Milton Meyers. grand patron and grand Ada re spectively, Mrs. Josie LaFore, the oldest charter member of Chad wick chapter, and upon Mrs. Em ma Murphy Brown, president of the. Past Matron a association. A program followed the cere monial, miss Aline A Moored ap peared in a vocal solo and A quar tet made un ot Jack Billeter Billy Utley, Delbert Andersonand - Er vin' Potter sang Accompanied by Miss Doris Sehunke. . : " Mrs. N. A. Tyson gave a read tng and Mrs. J. A. BernardI pre sented Mr. and Mx. Meyers with a gift. - : v 'v" Refreshments were served In the banquet room at the close of the evening. Covers for 200 were laid at a large U-shaped table decorated with autumn leaves, bronze, yellow and red flowers and overflowing gourds. Lighted candles in candelabra provided the light. Mrs. Emma McCarter and Mrs. Elmer Cook were in charge of the refreshments and decorations. f e Miss Cheney Honored With Shower Miss Laura Cheney, bride-elect. was the inspiration tor a miscel laneous shower at tbe home of Mrs. Hulda V. Lledstrom Tues day night. Mrs. Forrest Holladay, a recent bride, was also presented with a gift A Japanese- motif was carried out in decorations with the gifts concealed under a large lantern. A late luncheon followed the in formal evening. Guests in addition to Miss Che ney and Mrs. Holladay were Miss May R. Seely, Miss Corrine Mc- Timpeny, Miss Gertrude Cheney, Miss Hazel Allison, Miss Jo Gray, Miss Elva Allison, Miss Kathryn Carthew, Miss Erma Wilcox, Miss Glenna Bassett, Miss Bessie C. Smith, Miss Edna Lucker. Miss Tessie Cupp. Miss Ruth Wirt. Miss Virginia Semler, Miss Ada Simon, Miss Ruth Dougherty, Miss Wilma Taylor, Miss June Jackson, Miss June Dunne, Miss Genevieve Mor gan, Miss Alice Ma they, Mrs. Car olyn C. Jensen, Mrs. Edna Town send, Mrs. Mabel Wassam, Mrs. Marie Ling, Mrs. Hulda Elfstrom, Mrs. Hope Bassett, Mrs. Amy C. Adams, Mrs. Ella Foster, Mrs. F. E. Backman, Mrs. Florle Was sam, Mrs. Elsie Holman and Mrs. Hulda V. Lledstrom. e, Delta Zeta Alums Entertained Miss Clara Mielke was hostess to Salem alumnae of Delta Zeta sorority Tuesday night. Plans were made for a Founders' Day banquet, October 24. Bridge was enjoyed with high scores going to Mrs. Mark Wald and Mrs. B. Bradley. The hostess served a late supper. Mrs. Clayton V. Bernhard will entertain tbe group next month. Present were Mrs. B. Bradley, Mrs. George B. Campbell, Mrs. Clayton V. Bernhard, Mrs. Mark Wald, Mrs. Frances Dennisori. Mrs. J. Elliott, Miss Helen Louise Crosby, Miss Maxine Poulsen, Miss Verneita Herron, Miss Msrjorie Young, Miss Margaret Burroughs and the hostess. Miss Clara Miel ke. Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gub8er accompanied Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Crabtree to Salem Monday for the golden wedding annivers ary ot Senator and Mrs. Charles K. Spanlding. Mrs. Crabtree and Mrs. Spanlding are sisters. Scotts Mills -A miscellaneous shower was given tor Miss Mary Splonskl. fiance of Marlon Gro- shong at her home at Crooked Fin ger Sunday afternoon. .The Order of Eastern Star so cial club will have a benefit bridge at .the Masonic temple next Tues day . afternoon starting. ; ,at . '2 o'clock. The public Is invited. " SUverton Hills Mrs. Stanley Swahsdn : was s the f- tnspiration ; of a" lovely shower.-Tuesday after noon at the home ot Mrs.' Edwin Overland.. '-' , . '?' West Stayton - Mrs.l Herman Darley was an .inspiration ; at- a party at the home of Mrs. Goss, Tuesday Af ternoon. Zi' . f Foment t First-; paymenton the-lf 24 corn-hog contracts vfor Marlon countv . holders Art " due Almost momentarily,' County- Agent :Har? ryi Riches "said 1 yesterday.. The first payment will -total l 2,S0 or . two-fifths - of - the. $S2,000 which' will county Inr-the 'three -payment" for the yeAr. - Salem, Ore,- October 1SV 1934 y Her BruneUe Beauty Wins Title f 1 " ,( -. -l w iy t -t ' . ' "s" , - ft' S - " J'-i ft' " - ' l Szi 1 I- - - i ' t 1 ' I " S " ' , f f r. V ll u im ' ' " ,.S'I Mexican cowboys, who have won lavishly dressed cow handlers In tne.worw, nave seiectea oenoriui Maria Dolores Parra. above, as the most beautiful girl in the state of Chihuahua. Mexico. Senorita staged by Vex de Chihuahua. ' TEXT READY S A summary-digest of the Ore gon statutes and decisions, in cer tain fields, written and compiled by Roy M. Lockenour of the Wil lamette college ot law, will be ready for distribution within the next few days, according to Dean Lockenour. This book is primar ily for the use of teachers of busi ness law In tbe high schools and colleges of the state but commer cial law students or any other resident of the state should be able to read it with profit, he be lieves. Most teachers of commercial law. Dr. Lockenour says, have little legal training and few law books available for consultation, and are required to use a textbook written for all over the United States; hence, the necessity for a book like the above for use on local law. The name itself, gives an idea as to the contents, "Outline-Digest of Oregon Law", with a sub-title. Answers to a Thousand and One Legal Questions". The author spent the summer working on 4his treatise, sur round by all the aids that the uni versity law library and the state law library could give. Ditch Engineers Protest Limit on SERA Work Month City and county engineers have registered protest over the SERA rotation system in handling la bor on the Shelton ditch project. under the ruling workers are permitted A limited number of days work a month and are com pelled to remain idle for the re mainder. This causes contusion and disturbs continuity of the Joh. say the engineers. Four engineers on the Shelton project, after doing much pre liminary design work, were or dered a few days ago to stop for the rest ot the month. This re moval left the crew without di rection. One of the. engineers was em ployed on city and county pay to take charge while protest was mailed to the SERA division head and taken up verbally with the local office. High School Will Hold Aft Exhibit The v aKxliftitconslsting . ot iBO 'world ' masterpieces will ; be held 'at Ithe senior high school November- first .and second.. The reproduction ATeof therflnest type, produced, fshowintthe .or- riglnal color, as . well as the. brush LOUOi'S LAW strokes of rth - orlitlnai- eanvaseavtern star. The public, is Invited And"A4malH admlfifiloit . charge, wm, be made. aM ' ' . -m . A A. ILIA A V Ihtr6clucmg;tKe.M .ft - -Take your cue : from the little South American :Cnchillaif the most perfect curl in the world!. W Tare mtrucinj this hew curl to Saleiii'woin--,'.,t en, audi girls, this, week;, at : a very special low v Ijricel.It's the wmlng curl . : ready .with. "yours7 or Ibe anioiiir the first to have it, -. JALSO; O0R "POST - GRADUATE : V. r FINISHING SCHOOL" r : ;Thls OST GRAJJTDATB COURSE' for resist ered opera .tors places them In, a much' better atandlag to command , the, best, positions' In cosmetic therapy. - Enroll ; now I r Earn while' yotr learnt ' See Mrs Haley, for complete' deUils.' ' -' ' - , . . !MlLllE(VSBEAU tbe. reputation of being the most Parra was selected at a fiesta broaden the students' apprecia tion of art, and to gain a pic ture fond for the high school. Polk and Yamhill Coast Roads Bids Listed, Next Call Bide for the construction - of roads and bridges . aggregating $850,000 will be opened at a meet ing of the state highway commis sion to be held in Portland No vember 1, R. H. Baldock, state highway engineer. announced Wednesday. One of the largest projects In cludes 2.9 miles of grading and surfacing and 7.8 miles of oil mat surface treatment on the Tamhill river-Salt Creek .section of the Dallas-Coast secondary highway. This project will require 84,000 cubic yards of excavation, 17,000 yards roadbed topping, 4100 yards crushed gravel surfacing and 92,- 000 yards of oil mat surface. Another of the projects calls for grading of 2.12 miles and. 3 miles of oil mat surface treatment on McKary-Oak Point section of Independence secondary highway in Polk county. Jessie Nelson is Back From Army ; Vacancies Noted Jessie W. Wilson. local youth, has received his discharge from the United States army at Fort McDowell, Calif., after three years of excellent service, all but three months of which was spent in the Hawaiian Islands. Nelson is vis iting his parents In Salem at the present time. Special vacancies are now open in the army in the following branches ot service: .Clerks and stenographers for the 30th Infan try, San Francisco,-Calif. Survey ors for enlistment in the 29th- en gineers, Washington. The unit is now engaged in mapping the Olympic. peninsula and the Olym pic mountains. The local army recruiting office is In the postoffice building. Helen Sadler is Temporary Postal Head at Aurora "Mrs. Helen Sadler has been "ap pointed acting postmistress At An- tot a, according to Information re celved "here. . Mrs. Sadler? is the widow .of John W; Sadler, Aurora postmaster who passed away early this' month after a short - illness. Mrs.' Sadler is known. to many Salem residents, particular! , in. women's club circles as she has been prominent in-local and state work of that-club for a number of years. Ehe has Also held office in the grand: chapter of the? East- 8he has lived in Aurora for. many -years-and. has been kc-s. ute in the town's social-and civic - I W " . t . , ' " ' - WWW rrk po;:,i BEQUESTS I, Marlon County Pomona grange. meeting Wednesday all day at Onkeny, adopted a resolution ask ing that the national booster night the ' grange h changed from September' better" to aceom m oda te-the crops of the -western section Of the country. - No speci fic date was offered. The meet ing drew 1 5 -Members. ' - - Resign wois'ef Mrs. H. carver of TurtierEtfrjrise: grange as chairman-of the home economics committee was accepted and Mrs. Van Cleave- of -Monitor was ap- pointed- to.the'vaeancy. , C I, BUrelthaupt of s Oregon state college; gave the- main' Ad dress. , on- farm debt Adjustment In Oregon. and Marios eounty and urged grangers to work for pas sage pf?the Ff azier MIL Frank Judd. IJbfcrfyv TTave a report on the grangel'power bill and urged members .ta work for Its passase Othei program nmbers; vert reading ;tyP.; O. :JudT and Edward Sehulttr instrumental number by "Mrs.- Eugene Flnljiy, Jefferson;1 group 'singing led by Roswell-Wrights Ankenyt " A A d winning song at Red Hills. grange booster night, sung by the com poser, Frank Judd. ; The next Pomona meeting will be held at Buttevllle, the t h 1 r d Wednesday .in January. J. O. Fair, Ankeny, Is Pomona master, and Mrs.; Anna Hadiey, SUverton Hills, secretary. Two of three Oregon counties which reported their registrations for the November election at the stat e-vdepartment- Wednesday showed1 tains' ,w h e n compared with these forfhe general elec tion In 4 21E These were Clack amas andMalfienr counties. Ben ton county showed a decrease this yearT' k " - Clackamfcl cnty'sregistration for the NovefiiSer election this year is 24.275 as compared with 23,712 In 1932. Included in this year's list: were 14,2 republi cans, 1036, democrats and 315 scattering. ."' - Malheur county reported a reg istration of 6252 thla year Is against 5745 in 1932. There-Were 3809 republicans. 2228 democrats and 122 scattering. Benton-county showed a de crease from 8951 In 1932 to 8278 this year. This year's registrations Included 5755 republicans. 2940 democrats and 183 scattering. Twenty-six of O re go n s 24 counties had reported their 1934 registrations at the state depart ment last night. PROTECT ijouh'CtuIdX. VISION At work. or-play, eye fatigue - And. laulty vision are handi caps not so. easily overcome. Consult :our. optical special ist. " -;. t-.r ' " " - l.v ' . ' : ' . w. r r yy CURL ; . special v INTRODUCTORY i OFFER ( Pkofic 79S3 i BOOSTER 'SmTlOFf ' ' - i 7 1 V ( T 1