Cora Grains. Rise ir i -41 Statesman -- Classified Ads "'i : " foasified AdtcrtUIas Single l-sertiaa per ltu lOt Thrw tMerUonaper; ; lino ...- tre sis Insertions er lino. .8o n month net licaMll.OO Minimum chart v. . . tfa . Copy for this . pas - in cepted ontn :2 la aven iag before1 , pobllestkni for classification. Cop; r seived after tato Urn will b rua under th beadinf Too Lata to Cttatlfy. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility tor errors which tnay tp pear 1b advertisements pub llshed la IU columns, and in eases where this paper la at fault wQl reprint that part ot an advertisement la which itK UPOtraphlcU mistake ocean. ; .The Statesmen ' reserves- Uie r it lit to reject objec tions! advertising. It far ther reserves the right to, classify all advertising an der. tho -t proper , classifica tion.; J ' . '' ' (SB Interesting Facts.. . FOR SALEUSED CARS I FUR SALE USED CARS McKAY'S USED, CARS SALE - 36 CARS SALE Every October We Offer the Public Our Complete Stock of Used Car? at BARGAIN PRICES 1126 Chevrolet Sedan, air wheels . 1Z4 Btudtlieker Coach, rims tin I92T Naah Sedan, looks fina 1S2S Chrysler Sedan 75, overhauled r ,r 1931 Chev. 6 wheel-Sedan, reconditioned 132 Ford V-8 Coup, reflnisbed 13 1 Cher. oop, perfect condition, ., , It it Cher. Coach W, trunk ' 1931 Cher. Cabriolet. S wheeU. ,- 1933 Cher. Sedan, like new HELP WANTED MALE auuirxjijLn-TLnririi-""' ' - - - - " ' Married, experienced tanner. C A. Hoover, Brooks, LOre.- ; : nr arm CorDO'-atlon deairea two ain- vi.mi' zO-25. with' references, to travel; training given .man selected. Salary during training- period. Appty Mr. Murray, Central Hotel, Salenv 9 to 12 a. tn.) (3 to p. m.) Wednesday. ajrrwTss'Tatv""T"ri"' -----a----. .- Want ' first class mechanic, lor steady position, fair charge of shop. Must have own bench' and band tools. I "refer man with following. Real op- Sortunlty to right party. See Glen lathis, 250 Court Su, between 9 and 11 a. . m. Wed. v , J HELP WANTED FEMALE anrinmiririi--i-i--i-i-i ------ - Wanted Girl or woman for gen. housework. 122 Leslie SU Wanted LadT, coma live with me. Ella Finney, xu l, jsrooaa. un.:j. SITUATIONS WANTED i Graduate nurse wants work. Rea- sonable. Miss Wagner. , Call 14F33. FOR SALE MiscenaneoDS AUCTION SALE Rany, Parade, at the open air market, corner High and Marion streets, Salem, all day " Sflturdflv.: Oct- 20 . . " . . Beautiful, mad. 7 R. 3 baths. 1940 Ilollyweoa uowdot m i Virginia. In 250 a Cotage. participating In the paraA at 11 -60 i JMwwwMMwMwm ,' Bt sure to read the advertise ment of MUler'a In today' paper about the large number of fine fur coats that are to be on display here. Such a showing ot tar coats does not come to Salem rery of ten.' K'.'' o . ' Koiic acid. a deriTatire ot su gar. Is now considered as a possi ble cause ot convulsions. ' o Dr. James M. Hutton, ot CW- eago. belieres : that- high blood pressure can be rednced by less ening tire activity ot the pituitary and the adrenal glands by expos ing them to X-rays. o In an effort to find a method for long range forecasting to aid the farmer the Weather Bureau is now studying the positions of planets to determine if they have any relation to weather conditions. . 0 : ' The Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science is begin ning an intensive study of the air and its contents in an effort to learn more about hay fever. Classified ads on this page bring good results. A few days ago Merle Gwynn, local barber, advertised his house for rent. He was kept busy answering the tel ephone all day,' and needless to . . . awe. say the house was reniea. xne cost ot these ads are very nuie and they are. very well read by readers of the paper. FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and unfurn. -houses. R. A. FORKNER 1BS N. Capital TeL lOJL How. Melvin Johnson. Tel. I72S. FOR RXNT IS unfurnished houses. 4 to S rooms each. Also T furnished houses. Call at office tor information. CHILDS k. MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street 1933 V-S Ford Coach. 15,000 anile 193 Chev. Town SeOan. with trunk .1933 Chev. Sedan, angina 1 finish 1933 Pontiae Sedan, low mileage 1934 Chev. Sport Sedan, 4000 miles $47.e 37,69 in: 4 IIS 437.0 4i7. 4S7. 4S7.S S17.0 37.6 S47.0 t7.S , S97.0 t7.0 E.. E. OETZLAFF. -M. D. . Ananunces the oneninar of offices in the First National Bank Bulldlnc Rwm 811 Offtfg Tet 44. Re. 777). VISIT OUR SHOW ROOM WRITE OR CAIX ITS Open Evenings and Sundays Telephone 3189 420 N. Commercial Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. r3odge. Van body. 8-ton capacity. 192S Hudson Sedan. DON MADISON ' ' : . 4 N. Blah BARGAINS ON USED CARS 1933 Fontiac Sda. wh. rP'saa 1933 Nash Coupe 1931 Bulck CS S Cpe. 1931 Bulck 47 Sedan 1927 Packard Sedan . 1928 Dodge - Sedan . 1928 Ford Sedan 1928 Chev. Coach 1928 Ford Roadster 865.00 545.00 625.00 315.00 195.00 165.00 165.00 45.04 35.00 192 Oldsmoblle Coach OTTO J. WILSON Bufck. Potitlac Sales and Service 388 N. Com'l. Tel. B45T MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel Loans 1 to to months to re car at lowest-Des- slble rates. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st NafL Bank Bldg. Phone 8551 Licensed by State. $ $ Need Money ,.? ? STATE !12 Ore. Bids. loan ca Lie No. 6-165. REASONABLE CHARGES ON LOANS UP TO $300 You'll save time and effort by nsma oar convenient loan service whenever the need arises. 4 LOAN VLANS 20 REPAYMENT PLANS Come tn, write, or "phone . BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETT OF SALEM Member of Js'RA. Room 119, New Bligh Bldg. fnd floor UCKSSED NOt S-123 by STATE SI 8 State St Tel. 344 . Loans Made tn Nearby Towns, Mortgage loans on lmnroved Salem houses. Abrams ft Ellis, Inc., Masonic Bid. oVIorJc. weather termlttlog, Zimmerman r Independent Candldata -for Governor, win rMk after the narade. at 13 o'clock sharp. Dinner served on the smuiiHa fnr , tha benefit of the cam- palgn. Bring baskets well filled. Over 150 contributors Among me orienngs at the sale will be Plows, Pigs, Wheat, Corn. Oats, Barley, Wood, Apples. Po tatoes, Jelly. Jams. Tomatoes, Chickens, Turkeys, Eggs and merchandise donat ed by the merchants of Salem. This nmmm jirut mla beinsr sDonsored by women supporters - and friends of Senator Peter Zimmerman. . Special feature of this parade A Crowing Rooster perched on top of each car, made secure la a small box with open inr for head and tall hoisted for action. 'nrn mnA Krlnar vonp contributions to the big circus tent, corner Marion and- High streets, Salem, Oregon. Barsain offer. The Oregon States man one full year by mall only to any address In Oregon, 13.09 for a umiteu time. - . Old papers lOo par bundle. States. man office. Apples, 2Sc and up. 343 Marlon. - Jiuitfunjsrfru,,j' " -"i Shotguns and rifles. Must be sold. Bargain prices. The Swaparee. 474 8. Com'L Sure, we swap. . Special prices oa picked winter ap ples. Tel. 100FZ3. Koute S, VOX ; Mrs. Cernlk. . Apples. Spies, oth. 2315 S. Cottage. FOR SALE As long a stock lasts. : 30-06 SDrinafleld 81 box. 30 ange Shot ; gun shells, box 75c. Broken boxes 4c shell. Sport Shop, ISO B. Commercial. WANTEDaiiscellatieons GUNS. RIFLES. PISTOLS, musical Instruments slightly used. We buy old gold.; 8tar Exchange. 311 N. Com L Cssh for'magastnea. TeL The Swap- arec. S 4 1 4. 474 S. Cowl. WANTED To buy for cash. Grand pfano. Tei. 6490. 4 j Want 800 second hand brick. TeL CtotJ. or writ 1189 Edrewater. MISCELLANEOUS ; Sobscriba now. renew now. The Ore gon Statesman annual bargain period Is now oa for limited time, To mail subscribers only, limited to state of Oregon. 8100 per year. - Haircut 15c, Joe's Barber Shop. Haircuts Ite-lOa 808 8. , Winter. Saw repairing. Salsm " Saw Shop, i . Four Corners. Fen Road. Tek 4ZSB. Bird doga. A. Ftsh. Tel. 0670. WANTED : Names men-women. 1 1 60. wishing Government Jobs. $108.00- 8175.00 month. Fall Salem examina- . tiona expected. - List positions ea pie tests, FREE. Franklin Institute, lTt 3?y. Rochester, N. Y. ' ; . FOR RENTROOMS' Sleeping rm. Men. 725 Court SU Nice sleeping- room. TeL 4498. ' Sleeping rooms, pleasant home, $LS0 to 2.00 per wfc garajre. breakfast. Call before 2. p, m. . 710 Cross, near jesiM scnoou - - - . : , Fnm. 2 tiwim, 436 N. Water. ROOM AND HOARD - r Room, board, near P. a TeL $115, Room -board, 3 33 N. Church, k TeL 6 R. mod. House, close In -I B, mod. Suburban Home f R. mod. N. Salem 8 R. strictly m&dern 3 R. nice furnished Apt. s R. fur. Bungalow 6 R. Fur. Bungalow -820 j $2S -823 $50 -315 1 -826 -430 IVR SALE WOOD i i i -i-i-ii'i ii ri-iii-ii-,'irn.iinari See Bechtel. the rent man. FOR SALE - Real Estate SPECIAL Fine, well-built Colonial home, close to business district. Owner must have smaller house. Ask us about it. CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street TeL 6708. Walnut grove, 0 ml south. Would consider light sedan. Ina. 600 Locust Street. LISTEN Distant owner offers special price on cherrr tract. Fine for subdivision. Will make 12 fine building sites. Price onlv 11 280. Call to see this. ALSO z acre tract close to cuy urn- Its, abundance of fruit and nut tree. house needs some repairs but priced low at $1300. part term a Call te see this. PHILD8 A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street TeL 6708. Beautiful wooded, close In home site. with water, gas and electricity, very small payment a TeL 6154. Furnished modern 6 -room suburban home, water system. Good condition. Near bus and store. RL 3, Box 97, Sa- . lent Heights. v 8PECIAX1 Choice $1000 lot for $800. Has a $150 garage. Sewer piped on lot Sev eral choice fruit trees. - Ideal location. Best buy In the city. Bee Bechtel to day at 311 State. Mod. 4 room house close in. a -good buy for investment; rented now $25.00 per month, urant, Masonic Bldg. Tel. S1CL WHY PAY RENT when yon can buy a cosy 4 R. house completely furnished. Has bath, hot and cold water. Electricity 4 floored attic, garage, corner lot Paving paid clear title, small payment down, baL like rent. Shown by appointment only. t TwnTet, i urate. Box Wood Just the thing for Quick hot fires. A real value in fuel. SALEM BOX Ca Telephone 7122 Old fir. 2nd growth. Tel. 9769. 4-fL ash. 34.7$ cd. TeL 7981 OUARANTRSCD URT wood com! rl tec gales Fuel Co. Trade Cottage -1-1- -i i-i-i-,-M-,-iriiTrM-i-rii-iiirinni"i n rxoo Dry planer and slab wood. Prompt aenvery. TeL Old fir. IS in, $5.00. Tel. 7983. Dry old fir. 2nd growth wood. screened nog iueL jrrsa is. wena - -- -- -- - i" nnrm 16 in. old fir. $S cd. TeL 6936, Hog fuel and wood. Br truck car lots. At mill or delivered. Dare Brown. R L Sublimity. TeL Salem 3Z53. Dry wood, all kinds. TeL 8088. Wood for sale. 34.35 to 95 SO. IS In 2nfr growth. 34.7S; 4 ft. $4.25; 16 In. ma nr. . 'lei. Sf f L I " ' - -I-, 1- Trwninniwi Special on dry oak and mania nhtu ix lasts. TeL 1175. " '. -i-i-, ,-y,-M-.-lrwirnrij Fir, oak, ash. Reasonable. TeL 3841 Good oak wood, cheap. 2F4 wMM'1taSSaMsSaSaksBagislssa'W All kinds Of wood, reasonable: alao wwwmwntf. lei. 8932. WOOD SAWING - - - - r - injoru,ii Wood sawing reasonable. Call S290. Wood-sawing. 2080 N. Com'l. 691 LOST AND FOUND i . .i i .......... . .in n r nj1j JLI , SCiPOOSEPH TflADlfJG IS ACTIVE PORTLAND, Oct. 1-6P)-Gen eral dairy produce trad contin ued without noticeable change In values in the local market. On the. produce exchange there was no change in prices .tor the late session. Tho butterfat situation which resulted in an advance of . 2 to 3 cents In the buying price was attracting more attention today than the price on butter inas much as the recent warfare start ed bolstered values on fat to such an extent that some of the smaller creameries were com plaining they cannot possibly pay such values and remain In busi ness. Reports In the trade suggested truce between the warring fac tions. It was suggested - that plans were under way to prorate the buying territory but this was generally considered against pub lic policy and the state dairy laws. There was a teener call for really fresh eggs. Oregon Laid Ezirs & Poultry reported that Monday was the greatest sales day since the organization start ed to operate, Ail prices were held for fresh, others weak. Despite the talk ot some kilt ers ot a weak and badly depress ed erice. there was an actual shortage of light and medium weight leghorn hens. There was a demand around 10-llc. A slightly weaker tone' was suggested for country killed veal and bogs with a fractionally low er nrlce in both lines. Lambs were about steady for Quality but heavy stuff was easier. Purple cauliflower was begin ning: to attract attention ot th trade because ot sheer favor, Sale np to 11 crate reported General cauliflower market was weak. Active trading was reported in Scanoose netted gem potatoes here with supplies now rolling from the source. The stock was washed and presented a good ap pearance. It was th lowest pric ed good potato on the market and fast finding favor. Telephone 44S0. it K. Korthnesa Business, Directory Cards to this directory rua oa a'tnoath)? basis only. lUtet 1MQ per tine' per month. LANNOUNCESIENT AUTO BRAKES Mllra- Pa nek, f76 South COmmerclat BICYCLES Bought, sold, traded and repaired. Harry W. 8cott7l4T . Com'L CATERING Coma chicken tatnallea. Tel. 6541. CHIMNEY SWEEP FEEO SITU.1TI0; IS B.0Fj)1GCE CHICAGO, Oct, HffHJnder the leadership ot corn, .prices ot the major grains acored material gains In a late market rally today, an advance of two cents in corn stimulating sympathetic : buying especially in wheat and oats. Independent strength in . the corn! pit,, a feature throughout the session, became the dominating bullish factor in tho general mar ket upturn during the last hour of trading. . Purchase of corn, according to some observers, reflected improv ed sentiment accompanying belat ed recognition of - th' acuta feed situation and disappointing husk ing returns Today's closing quotations: Wheat: Dec. old, 1.01: new, 1.01 May.. July. Dee. old, TSts-ts; new, May, S0.. Jnly Corn: 80-81. Oat: 60. Jly 4H. Dee. new, 62. May, CHIROPRACTORS DR. a U SCOTT, PSC Chiropractor. SS8 N. High. TeL Res. 8751 FLORISTS Brelthaupt's, $67 Court ALL kinds of floral work. Lots 1st. 16th ft Market TeL 0591 Flor- INSURANCE BECKS 189 N. High HENDRICKS TeL 4947. LAUNDRIES THE NEW S A LICU LAUNDRI THE WK10ER LAUNDRI 268 & High lei. 1128. . CAPITAL C1TT LAUNDRI First tn Quality and Service Telephone 3168 1364 Broadway. MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEUDLNU CO. Phona tiCS. NEW MATTRESS mad to order, eld remada: carpet cleaning, siamgi flutt rua weaving, aislem Fluff Rua ft Mat tress Factory. 8. 13th ft WUbur. TL 844L OTTO ZWICKElt Est 1911 MUSIC STORES GEO. U WILL Pianos, radios, swing machines, sheet music and piano stu dies. Repairing radios, phonograph and sewing machines, 431 State btreet, Baietn, 4H0T0 ENGRAVERS Salem eboto enaiavtng. 147 N. Com. merciaiTjeLSr PRINTING FOR STATION CRT. cards. tMunBh- lets, programs, books or aay kind of printing, call The statesman rrintug Uepartment, $1$ & Comma ruial. Tals- RADIO SERVICE Moore'a TeL 7998695 N. High. REAL ESTATE BECKE ft HENDRICKS. TeL 4947. LOST Boston Bull Tnv Rfi,..'. 179$ & Winter. TeL $482. aii.,. . ...... , . - -L-- rul EXCHANGE Real Estate Nicely improved S acres trade for city property. See me at once. 365 N. Com'L Room 10. Mudd. EXCHANGE Comfortable 6 room house. 2 lam lota, fruit and shade trees. Will trade for modern house oa small lot No mortgage, CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 944 Ftat Street Tel. 670 FOR SALEFARMS : REAL VALUE - 4$ acres, lanre bouse and barn. Run ning water, family orchard. Price 89.09 per acre. T W. CI. KRL'EGini Tel. 475S 147 N. ConVI St ACREAGE ! Eoultv for sale ar rmt 9 ami. nidra., cioae In. Rt 4, Box 450. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED 3 to S room home, not over. $1000, not over $160 down pay- men v must . nave jrooa garden spot ttocoiOTBiry ar Son. 1st Nat I Bank Bldg. (Business Opportunities ----" - -- irn -n i . i n n txjsj For Sale An established Feed and Seed buslnesa Excenttonal ormortun- ity, and will stand thorough Investiga tion. Jehn B. H. Leyen, Box 26, Rogue reiver, uirron. IjOSt SInaer PnrtnW. xr.. chine. Report Police Dept Reward, ..... r mv.JJU iAjar Biack rimmed glasses la case. Name Dr. A. R. MlUer tn case. Reward. 697 S. 16th. J. H. Mmmm EGG PRICES MOVE CENT HER HERE Egg prices advanced a cent a dozen here yesterday for the high est quotations that have prevail ed in many months. Extras were SI cents to the producer and 33 cents on the wholesale selling end. Standards were two cents lower and mediums five cents un der extras. Pallet eggs were worth 16 cents per dozen to the pro ducer and 19 cents wholesale. Wheat was np two cents a bu shel, to 82 cents on red and 83 vents on white. - , . Potatoes, locals, were lower and Deschutes offerings- were around $1.25 a hundred. Hogg were off 25 cents a hun dred, to top Of I - MOTORCYCLES iiariey Davidson Vnhmwu overhauled.; $40 cash, phone .8588: B3 tjnwnoicetw. ; . LOANS WANTED FOR RENT APARTMENTS '5 Farm Loans 5 i I - Piojiatr of moMr tat w!l trntm I room furnished apartment Tat 74442261 Haset 1 or 2 R. furn. 26 8. Cottage, Plenty of money for wall tmoroved farms If amply secured. Imprevo or buy now with cheap money. Ask for booklet -Willamette vauey rarma. Hawkins and Roberts, ine, Best Information available through Saleta feed dealers dis counts report -t hat gorernment buyers are la the field nere fqr grains and hay. , Some reports have come in from certain parti of the county that buyers repre senting themselves as sent out by the government have attempted to buy wheat and hay in the county, , bat apparently ' without success."'; - -. . No such buyers hare come la contact with dealers here, who, ft is presumed, would likely be their first source of contact. Some hay buying for drouth areas was don here recently, hat this was said to hare been carried on through individual enterprise, not through any government guidance. Dealers here opine that If the goVernment were out buy Ore gon wheat, such purchases would be made ta eastern Oregon, where a superior crop was harvested, FARMERS TO TRY LIMB ALBANY, Oct. Is. To de termine the reaction of alfalfa in Linn county to applications ot lime, three tons ot this material have been obtained from the Dal las lime plant bf the Linn county agent, and will be distributed to about 2d farmers of the county tor trials on one-fifth acre plots. Farmers who have already indi cated a desira to cooperate in these trials are Clarence Brown. L. O. Weber and Walter Hense of Shedd; Vincent Grimes, Har- risbtrrg: J. 3. Underwood and Wil bur Evans ot Halse, and E. C Mc- Claln ot Lebanon. . - NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby gtren that the undersigned has tiled la the Coun ty Ci urt of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion , her duly verified account, aa adminls tratrlx of the estate of William Lemley, deceased, an that the said Court has fixed Wednesday, the 7th day of November, 1934, at the hour ot 19 o'clock a. m. ot said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County . Court House, at Salem, la Marion Coun ty,' Oregon; as tho place for hear ing said final account and all ob jections thereto. . Dated at Salem.' Oregon, this 3rd day of October, 1934. IIALLA D. GILLESPIE. Administratrix ' of th state ot . William Lemley, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Administratrix,. Salem, Oregon. ; O.3-10-1 7-2 4-31. STOVES repair stoves, ranges, clrculatora Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, stock fence, posts. chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove Worka, 262 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R, B. Fleming. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage, can sisi. Larmer iraaatar Co. True at to Portland dally. CAPITAL C1TI Transfer Co. 214 State St TeL 7773. Distributing tor warding and storage ear apeclaltf , LSet our ratea Willamette Valley Transfer. Salem to Portland heullng. TeL 8732. HAND WEAVING Exclusive hand woven bass scarfs. pillows and ruga Magoho Hand Weav ers, 860 N. 20th SL Tel. 6830. WELL DRILLING a A. Weac 80 years axperieoge. RFD 7. Bos 301 Tel II0F5. sn FOR MARKET TAX One organization that has col lected more in taxes than it spent during tho past season is the Oregon-Washington Melon and Tomato Marketing Agreement. Beginning November 1 , the Agreement will return to each grower in the two states a portion of the Agreement's unspent fund, collected from a stamp t a x on each crate of melons and toma toes retailed in Oregon and Wash ington. The refund will be made on a basis of stamps purchased. determined by receipts issued. The money returnel Is in excess of all expenses for enforcing the Agreement, for advertising and publicity, and a reserve sinking fund for next year. "All uncancelled stamps in the hands of growers will be redeem ed in cash provided they are re turned before November 1, ac cording to Morton Tompkins, chairman of the Agreement. Mall stamps direct toSlSOregonBuild- stamps direct to 616 Oregon Building, Portland, and checks will bo sent to them Immediately. General Markets raOSUCB SXCHAHCUB FOETLAJiD, Ore, Oct 16, (AP) Predaee Eseaange, net prices: cotter: Extras, 21 standards, 27; prisM Iirsts, 26iie IiriU, 2c text: V. S. specials. SSe: u. 8. ex traa. Sle; V. & median extras, 23. Salem Mcrlccts ; ; Urade B raw 4 per eat xalUc. co-op' pool price f 1.91 per hundred, ' . . milk baaed es tosxt-SMatary . SotterUt average.) I Distrlbator price 92, 1 0. ;- Batterfat Top Sfio anil' .27c; B grade prints, SS.ic; -A grade prtats, 29 He, . Pricas pail to crarers ft Sslea boyata (Tk prices beloa. saptnS by a leeal greeer. are ladiearlve at tbe dally market itt art - not guaranteed by Tk Stales aavt . - , FRUITS - t BbTina Prieal - Cctaberriet. U bbt . S.T5 drapetrait crate , B.S0 to 4.50 . taMbas, .02 H Oraarts. Valencies, fancy to 4.&0 n ananas, in a Hands : - ' . J) Ltsaoas , 450 to 6.25 times, freak , 1.60 flaaappka. doa 9 rapes iAci uoocorat. mg ,, t .55 Lady riagars - ,. .. S.7S Red Malagas 1.1 S Tokay - 1.35 Hoaeyaaws, ' .08 Apples, bulbs fears, leeau b. &0e se 1.00 . 40 and AO VEGETABLES But1b Price Pleiling nesaben. IV, .03-te geaas. lb. ' , atadlaaea. doa. Samnxr sqnasa. crate . Local celery, doa. . laomioarer lb. OS .05 .20 .S0e te .70 75e te 1.00 1.00 OS 3.50 Err Plant, local lb. Cabbage, cat. local wasbiacten. tvt Green pappara, local. Onioni, Waablsgton. 80 lbs. i-eeal onion. 0 lbs. Lettuce. loeaL erate 75a te Onioni. CaUL. 60 lbs. ., n, ", neetx. weal Cm. Sqasih, HabbaH and Banana Peaa. Seattle. lb. : Carrets. local, doa. , en- ta Loral Potatoes No. 1, hnndred -No. 2, band red ' Takima. 60 Iba . 8wet notatoea - tfnaat Peas. Is. -Quiaca. bo. . Filbertt .13 to HOKS tBarmr Prieal Cluster. 1084, lb., top. 12 XBZflea. 1934, top. lb. Extras Standards Medinms . Pallets ECOS (Baying Price) Wholesale Selling pi tit rat Standards Medinms , Pullets .OS .75 1,00 1.00 .00 .17IA .01 .0$ .25 .00 .80 .43 . 8.00 .OS .75 .15. .18 .88 .81 .29 .36 .10 .33 .31 .28 .10 SEUIffll BETTER Oil FII1CE IBTS " - NEW YORK,' Oct, lf.-Jr-Fin-ancial markets took a new grip on recovery today: and seatlmeat, which was rather cloudy yester- , day, improred nottcesWy under , the stimulus ot advancing prices, Without any especial news in fluences to aecount for the change of front, stocks, staples and. bands stepped Along side by side in the gteady forward movement. " " -- Tho turnover In stocks amount- ed to 877,530 shares against 608. 17 S on -Monday, snd the Standard SUtlstics Co. average for is sues registered a net advance ot eight-tenths of a point ; at -73.1. ' This average was off a similar amount yesterday.- - ; Tho strength of TJ. S. -government securities doubtless stiffened the morale of the sound money force and expanded buying la prime investment loans as well as in equities. With Inflation talk dyiaf down to a mnrmnr, prOpon ents ot currency stabilisation were disposed to seo hopes for a better stock market . on a more firmly grounded dollar. ' - ; - . WOOL AKO MOHAIR (Baying Pries) Henslr. 1934 e1ii " narkrt Madiam wool 193A. Coarse end fine wool. 1034 POUl.TKT I Buying Priee) Heavy liens, 4$ te 5 lbs. Over 5a posnda. Ib. Colored mediuaas, Ib. atediom Leghorns, lb. , l-trnt. Ib. lb. Broilers, colored, Leghorn, lb. taes. lb - . Turkeys, kens. lb. UK AT (Bnyiag Pries) spnng la oib a Yearlings Ewea Hog. 180-160 lbs. 170-210 . Iba. .28 .10 .10 .10 .08 .09 .15 .14 A4 Sit Portland Grain FOHTLAXD. Ore Oct 16. (AP) uraiat Waaat: Open May : 87 Deeesaber 84 H High 87 85 Low Close 87 87 4 84 85 Big Bend blnestem, 94c; dark 6e; do, 11 ask bard winter, 1$. per cent, per eeat 01 He; soft white, western red, Bortaera sprier, 64V4c: western wkite, 83 He; hard wiater, 87c Oats: se. 1 white, I33:oo. Cora: Ke. SK yellow $30.75. -UUran aUadarda, S21.50. 1 Portland Produce Outlook Hopeful On Wool Market BOSTON, Oct. 16-(ip)-(U. S. Dept. Agr.)-Greater Interest was being shown by buyers in the Boston wool market and senti ment was becoming more hope ful. Sales of fair quantities of 84s and finer territory wools were reported. Occasional ' sales ot, strictly combing Ohio Delaine were made at 18 cents or at around 68-71 cents scoured basis. Sales ' of strictly combing Ohio Delaine wero made -of 58s; S4s,-4 y blood clothing wools gold at 24-25 eents grease basis and 48s, 60s, K blood t clothing wools moved at 24-28 cents. Stoclcs and Bonds POKTLAXD. Ore Oct IS. ( AP) Batter Priat, A grade, 29 e; parch- -int wrapped cartons, 80 He lb.; quan tity pnreaasea, a lesa; B grade, pares naaat wrapped, 30e lb.; do, cartons, 80a lb. Batterfst Portland delivery: A grade at least twice weekly, .9-Sle lb.; eoon tiy roatat, SO-Sls lb.; B grade or de livery fewer than twice weekly, Pert- land, 38-S0e Ib.; eonnty routes, i-auc lb.; C grade at market. Eggs Sales te retailers: Specials, 84e; extras, SSe; freak extra brown, 88e; ataadarda, 87e; fresh saedinma, 26e; saediasa firsts, SSe; pallets, 19c; do, firsts, I7e; ckecks, 85c; bakers, 20e del ta. Eggs Baying priee ef wholesalers: Fresh specials, 80e; extrss, 28-20e; freak extra fcrewa, t8-39e; extra firsts, 28-29c; extra medium, 24e; medism firsts, 20-22e; pallets, 1718c; do, firsts, l$ej aadergrsde, 15-16 desea. Cheese OS score, Oregon triplets, 18e; lost lae. .Brokers wiU pay He belew qaotationa. KUk Contract priee, 4 per erst; Pert la ad delivery, $2.20 cwt; B grade eraasB, 87 He Ib. Country masts SeUiag price to retail art: Country killed kegs, beat botchers, madrr 150 Iba, 10-10 He lb.: vaalert, fsa ey, 9H-10e lb.; light sad tbia, tV7e lb.; 140-170 IHs.. S-7e lb.: keavy. 4-5e Th.; ttmej laataa, 10-lle lb; awes. S-Se IK; entter eews, 4-6e lb.; eaaaara, Se lk.; halls, 5-8 H peaad. Maaair 1934 banae? snea. ib id. Oascara bark Baying priee, 1984 peel, 3 lb. Heps 1934 faggles, 80s IV.; elnsten, 17-20 lb. i 1088 rlseUre. 13a lb. Live peaHry Portland dsllvery bnyiag ? rices: Colored keaa, -mnder SH Iks. Se Ib.i do. aver S lbs. 18e lb.: Legbera tawls. ever IH lb.. 10-lle lb.: do. under lbs.. 10-lla lb.; eomred broilers, 1 te 2 lba 13e -lb.; hreiiers, aaaer s is. 12-lSe lb.; roosters, 5 lb. Pekia dneka, 10-lle lb.: da. ealortML 6-6e Ik. - Ooiaas Oregon. - 70-80o P 50 lb. bar: Walla Walla. 68-70. Potatoes Oreroa Borbanka. 80-90 cental: Sesppeose No. 2 eems, 70-$0e cental; Deiehotet Gems, $1,101.15. ; " CsnUlospas Standarda, f 1-1.25 per erata: Baaebora-. Sl.25-1.50. Weal 19S4 sUp, aendaal; WiTUiHa Vallay. mediam. 20a lb.; fiae or half blood. 20e lb.; laab. IS lb.; es stern Oregoa, 17-20 lb. Har Bariae swiee fiom pfodaeeras At falfa, Ke. 1 aew crop, f 17.50-18; eastern Oregea timothy, $17; eats, $18 ton; vetch, $12; Will matt vsUcy tiasHhy, $18.50 teaj alover, $1$ tea, Portland. (Copyright, 1934. Standard . StatisUes -Oa.) -- ' October 10 ' - ". . STOCK AvajULOBS V . ... 60 80 20 90 i ladlx RK's- Dts. Total r stoox AveatAoss Today 84.1 S7.4 57.T ' T2.8 day 88.1 s 87.1 67.4 TL4 sls 8sx se.a tto.2 81.S $8. 72.S 78.1 70.1 63.S 110.083.8 PrevieBS Week age lea ago 8 years age 7 years aga High 1984 Low 1934 BOYD Today Previous day S2.S . Week age . 83.8 Tear age .,. 73.3 8 years age T2.3 High 1984 8S.S Lew 1934 72.0 140.S ltl.8 lilt 1S1.J 10S.O 4.S; BO.- OS.S 76.0 ,84.1 ; S3.S 60.4 AVEBAOES ' . ttt 20 to se India. BK's. 17 ta. Total 82.4 82 08.9 S4.8 8L9 88.0 84.0 80.8 S7.6 83.S 74.S 80.8 70.0 82.9 90.2 81.8 90.0 90.S "88.1 74.1 77.2 74.8 (1920 sveTsge equals 100) Portland livt-stock POETLAITD. Or, OeL 14. (AP) Cattle Meeeipts, 400; calves, ,J; aoeai sUsdy.----- . - - J- e tears, geod, common and mediam, $$ 6.25: kelfasm. good, eoouaoa sad medium. $3-4.60: cows, gvodl -eaanaoa aad med ium. gl.25-8.T5; low ratter aad entter. 8L25-2.25: balls, good aad choice, $8' 8.23; cutter, common and aasditfm, $2.25 8; ,vealsrs, good and choice, $0-7; call, conawa aad -saediaaa. 820-6: calves. good smd rfceieav SS-4L50I eomaoa and mediass. 92.80-8. . - Hogs Receipts, 100; abeaf sttady far killers, weak aa ether grades. -LigktweigbL seed aad -ekolea. $4.50- 5.50; aaadiam waigbt, good aad ebolee, S5-5.SO: koavrwelcht. -coed and-ekoice. $4.50-5.15 1 packing sows, aaedtam aad good, $2.75-8.80; feeder aad stacker pig. goea an choice, s.u-. , -Bhrep Boceipts 1200; about ateady, Lamb, good end ebeicfi, $5-5.50; year, ling wether. 83.15-4: awes, good sad ekeiee, $3.75-4; coll, eommoa and med lam, 25e-$2, 210-250 lbs. Steer . Cows Balls Heifers Vesl. top . Dressed veaL OP Dressed kegs GRAIN AND BAT (Baring Price! Wheat, westera red 4.50 to 5.00 .03 and .03 .01 5.00 - ,. 5.85 .1 4.75 .03 to .05 ..01 o -02 .02 to .08 .02 te .03 H 4.50 to 5.00 .09 .11 Farmers' cash Income, from sales of farm products, AAA ben-' fit snd rental payments, and from cattle bought by the government totaled 1572,000,000 in August, or $78,000,000 more than in July, and 4159,000,000 more than in August last year, according to es timates by the'Bureau of Agricul tural Economics. Income from these sources dur ing the first eight months of this year totaled $3,642,000,000, or $717,000,000 more than .during the corresponding period, last year, income irom sales or larm products alone the remainder of this year will, it is expected, ex ceed that of the same period last year when sales totaled $1,965, 000.000. The estimated income for Aug ust is composed of $499,000,000 from sales of farm products, $47. 000,000 from the AAA, and $26 000,000 from emergency purchas es of cattle by the government ia the drought areas, making a to tal of $572,000,000. Grays H a r b or , Washington, snipping in August was the larg est in respect to tonnage for any month slnee Septembr, 1531. ' White, Ko. i Barley, feed. Ko. 3. tea Malting, tea Feed, tea Hay. buying prices- Clover Bay .83 -2 8.00 ..86.06 .20.00 .83 Oats aad vetch, ton Alfalfa, vallay. first cut Clorcr Seed Bed, Ib. Alsike. lb. - Yetea seed, ton -Oats, milling, ton . P OO . 9.00 .11.00 .17 . .20 .80.00 : .27,00 Cross-Word Puzzle ByJEUGENE SHEFFER 75-- 777 P1" W.wy, vs. - -3-- HORIZONTAL 1 incomplete 1 . paralysis . -tai4Alaa frwwwBWlSs7av8W - from age 13 fourided pillar, ta- :rSs" 14 narratives - 15 Hlnrnkard - ' 16 Greek let .ter 17 assault lo-cextaln , ,dsys in the - Eoman calendar 20 piTnented . layer of. ' the iris 22 Anglo- ' - Saxon money of account 23 symbol f ot tellur- ' inra 4 24 otter faint shrOt - sxrands ' 25 pronoun 27 Bound made by sheep v . 25 French coins i SO number -gl company - . ; of singers J4 omail . . twigs -gS propel with oars - STXS3rC-9 : rupee . ' 85 be affected ' ' with pain 40 part of nobe" 41 lariat 43 exclamation 45 Japanese coin 47 case for ' smaU articles 4S unit of weight ia India 60 bay win- dow . 82 dry; said of wines 84 having a -central po ; sitioa 85 baseball teams 6 aJugive 53 measuring instrainent 59 reduces to a lower - grade VERTICAX 1 assert as fact 2 dwelUng 8 network , , 4 Hebrew name for God 8 drink ia - small quan - titles - : outcome 7 cuts off in 1 thin layers 8 portico a convert Into leather Herewith la the solution te terday'g puzzle. - ' 10 4n addition 11 looking obliquely 12 large tracts of land 19 mark re maining after a ' wound is healed 21 epic 2 transport by drawing 27 forward , part of a 'vessel . 29 tall Javan ese tree , 80 lubricate 81 colored , pencils ' S2 pertaining . ; to a Greek - epic poet 88 condiment 85.- ejproar resulted fa 42 Btensil - . with w OsenUtt. lltt kOa rwnma 8adleata, tse. 43 tree eulti. - vsted for its fruit 44 abode of v . the dead 40 feminine -' ' name .47 otherwise ' 49 - leave out 81 elongated - - fjj . 83 routing piece oa a -'. wheel , : 87 therefore .