Tlfg OIirGON STATESMAN, SaUcu Oregon.. Tuesday Morning, October 161934 L ocai news 'oners IK6P16B Clinics Scheduled Clinics scheduled ' for the remainder of this week by the Marion" county health department are: Tuesday morning:, girls' health examina tions at Parrish junior .;. high school, And all day at Silverton, school and pre-school clinic; Wed nesday afternoon, school : and chest clinic at Salem health cen ter, 201 Masonic building; Tburs-j day morning, pre-school clinic at health center, and alt day at Par rish, girls' examinations; Satur day morning, . immunizations at health center. Hunting and tresspassing signs at 8 Permits, Build Eight build- t ing permits -were issued her yes terday as follows: L.. M. Ramage, reroot building at 810 North U- berty street, 1100; V. E. Kuhn. reroof dwelling at 555 North 14th, S0; J. W, Hunt, reroof dwelling at 1J74 NorthCapitol, $90; Leo Doerfler, repair dwelling root at 2305 North Fourth, 220; W. O. Allen, reroof , dwelling at 1CS5 South Liberty. 235; Barney Kohler, rsroof dwelling at 1060 Hood. - $45: O. Beardsley, alter dwelling at 87 & Columbia, $45. IRE WEOB Traffic Violations Albert I Rowland,' charged ' with driving his car with bnt one - headlight. pleaded i guilty in justice court Benefits Frori Campaign in yesterday and went to jail in lieu I . . r .. of payment of the $5 fine; C. E, kitten. Lost Gray, part Persian Reward. 338 S. 18th. Order ReleaseAn additional 10 per cent release in the com mercial deposits of the Eastern Oregon Banking . company at Shaniko. Wasco county, has been ordered for today by the state banking board. This will make a total of unrestricted deposits , amounting to 35 per cent in the institution which has been under restriction since the national bank moratorium. Hunting and tresspassing signs at Tlio fitatmtmsn nfffrn "Slate to Quash Summons At torneys for Cleo Prather. defend ant In the divorce suit brought by Gladys Prather. entered a motion In circuit court Monday to quash the sendee of the summons and complaint on the defendant. The motion stated . that the plaintiff ' waa not now or had not been a resident of Marion . county, but lived in Clackamas county. Tresspassing signs, hunting signs, m TVi m sj 1 1 1 op man fTTipa BWIM1MI.W- www , '.. Wilson Assigned Judge Fred W Wilson of The Dalles was as signed to Burns to hear the case of the City of Burns against i. Welnstein in which Judge W. W. Wood was disqualified. The as signment was announced by Chief Justice John L. Rand of the state supreme court. 40 et 8 to Meet The monthly dinner meeting ot Marion county Toiture No. 153 of the 40 et 8 societe, American Legion, will be held at 6:30 P.m. Wednesday at the Gray Belle restaurant. The new chef de gare, Dr. G. E. Prime, is expected to preside. Hulda Helps Hostesses. Tel. 4791. .Order Entered An order was entered in county court Monday approving the ' final account ot Milton E. Richardson as adminis trator of the estate of Mary E. Richard, filed September 6. The order stated that no objections were heard at the final hearing of the account. Hearing Date Set The county court yesterday set Monday, Oc tober 29, as the date for hearing the petition ot George R. Duncan, to be appointed- aa guardian ot the estate ot H. A. Sharpies, alleg ed Insane. Tresspassing signs, hunting signs. at The Statesman office. i v Superintendent Visits County School Superintendent Mary L. Fulkerson, was absent from her office at the county court house Mondar. while visiting some of the county schools in rural com munities. - File Cost Bill George W. Wil son and Julia F. Baeher,-defend ants in the suit brought by the Woodburn Lodge No. 102, 1. O. O. filed a cost bill la cir cuit court Monday, totaling I26.G0. Tresspassing signs, hunting signs. m . iWv . 4 Appointed Administrator T. J. Brabec Monday was approved by the county court as a fitting ad ministrator for the estate of Sarah WilmeL His bond was fixed at 100.: ' '.:-' On Vacation Eric Butler yes terday started two weeks vaca- - tion. With Mrs; Butler,' he ex pects to spent a portion of the time at their cottage at the beach. Hemming improved Robert Hemming, 440 MM street, wno has been JU tor over three months. la reported much improved. , Parkhurst. for the same offense, paid a $2 fine. Case ot Carl Trick, arrested tor - improper lights, was continued for sentence until November 8. Harold Mar- iels, arrested' for no license; ad mitted guilt an the case was con tinued until today. Mariels was released on his own recognizance. Bnchholz Dismissed Mnnicinal Judge Poulsen yesterday dismiss ed charges ot not having a driv er's license and of operating an auto without a muffler, preferred against Walter Buchholz's Sheri dan; route one. The judge said the muffler was found to be satis factory and the man was to se cure a license. Notice to Statesman subscribers: The .Statesman office is open nights, subscription payment gladly accepted any time. Annual Bargain period now on. One full year by Mail to any Oregon ad dress only $3.00. - 9100 Fine Paid L. A. Morrln- son, San Francisco motorist book ed by city police early Monday on a charge of driving wnile drunk, paid 30 cash and a $70 check as his tine In municipal court after the charge' had been changed to reckless driving. Judge Mark Poulsen announced last night. Motorists Arrested Two mo torists were arrested by city po lice Sunday on minor traffic law violation charges. William H. Bishop, Brooks route one, was booked for speeding and Charles Maden, 331 South 17th street, for having an Improper muffler on his car. Allan Waives Hearings-James Allan, arrested last week for al leged burglary of the Dr. J. E. Long home near - Hayesvllle, waived preliminary hearing in justice court yesterday and was ; bound over to the grand jury. He was unable to put up $750 bail so is still in the county -jail. Hunting and tresspassing signs at The Statesman office. Townsend Club Tonight A meeting of Townsend Plan Club No. 4 will be held tonight at 7:45 o'clock at Shrode's hall, Sonth 12 th and Leslie streets. All in terested in the Old Age Revolving pension fund are invited to be present. Reckless driving; O. K. How- arth. Portland youth, admitted a reckless driving charge yesterday when haled before Justice of the Peace Miller Hayedn. He was fine $25, which was remitted and the youth placed on six months probation. Case Dismissed Robert Smith, arrested: by State Officer Mogan on a vagrancy charge Saturday, was found not guilty when haled into justice court yesterday, and the case was dismissed. Smith is aTortland youth. Here Today Fil L I FH in lirl msbsm i ss pea . . sbsj sr ; w mm m MDWODI! This County Forecast By Edgar Freed Marlon county is undenlablr in the toad ln,Oregon in the housing, program, and the national housing administration - headquarters in Washington, D. C., is taking note -of the campaign here4 Edgar Treed, state administrator of the national, housing : administration,' told the luncheon assemblage at at the chamber of commerce yes terday. - , Freed, rspeakin'g here only a few hours before going back to Washington on housing business, told of the benefits this area should derive from the program. as well as explaining some of the details ot the , act. - - . Marlon county, on basis of the national expectancy that $3 per person will be borrowed through the campaign, will see $490,000 in loans under the program, Freed said. Sheldon F. Sackett, chair man of the Marion county com mittee and who introduced Freed, stated that indications are every borrowed dollar is being matched with another building dollar, in dicating ' that a probable -million dollars will be expended in this county. "This is not a distress program or a gift, for loans are made to people who have jobs and will be able to repay", Freed declared in pointing out that the government guarantees every loaning bank against loss to extent of 20 per cent of the total loans. This broad guarantee is consid erably in excess of the average losses on such loans, for never in history of the nation has losses on similar loans exceeded 6 or 7 per cent, he said. Interest rate on the housing loans, obtained through designat ed banks, on basis of $5 discount for each $100 for each year, fig ures 9.7 per cent, Freed said, but urged people to realise- that this Interest Is only about halt of what would be paid for an Installment loan through ordinary transac tion in the country. The nation al average for individual install ment loans is 19 per cent. . Banks can't make money at the figure the housing loans are made. Freed said, for out of the interest the banker also bears cost ot making investigations on the borrower. A borrower need not have a deposit in the bank from which the loan is made. With repairs placed on an In 8tallment basis through -the FHA investment in many buildings will be saved to the owners and in addition many homes will be ma terially improved from a living standpoint. Freed cited, adding too that the campaign is bringing a social reaction in renewed inter est to the home. -: v ...... -.v. ; " :: -. , . : :-. -. . " " ' ' i 1 General CAaries K. Martin, dem ocratic Candidate for governor, who; addresses the Elwanis dub this boob. . SALVATIOI. ARMY'S Tresspassing signs, hunting signs, at The Statesman office.' Talk Corn-Hogs All farmers i in Marion county interested in corn-hog contracts hare been no tified to meet at the chamber ot eommmerce Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, with County! Agent Riches to be in charge ot the session. Operated Upon Mrs. M. R. Milborn. wife ot the manager of Fred Meyer's store here, under went a major operation at the Deaconess hospital Monday. Her condition Is reported as satisfactory. Slate Auction Another Zim- merman-for-governor auction is slated here for next Saturday aft ernoon at 3 o'clock. A recent auc tion held here netted the. cam paign fund about $65. C1PHSWED r A meeting of the Oregon Milk Control board to hear arguments pro and con from the general pub- lie on its considered action to gov ern by the basic pool suddenly in creased production in milk by any i producer, will be held Monday ' morning in the chamber of com merce building at 10 o'clock. Approximately 100 mUk produ cers and interested persons .are expected to attend. The confer ence will break up at 11:45 a. m. A meeting ot the Dairy Co-oper ative association also scheduled tor Monday, has been postponed to allow holding of the control board session. - The conference will be held la the front rooms ot the building, since the dining hall and audi torium will be in use. MARTIN TO SPEAK ITKIIMEET General Charles H. Martin, democratic candidate for govern or, will speak this noon . at the Kiwanis club luncheon, at the Marlon hotel. Martin will choose his own sub ject, which it is expected will in elude something of his 10-point campaign platform announced in the past few days. Kiwanlans will hear Joe Dunne, republican opponent of Martin, a week from today. FI LOSSES ARE LOWER TH YEAR Demand for Jobs Increases, Calls For Men Dwindle Inquiries for lobs are increas ing in number daily at the nation al-, re-employment agency, 357 ! North High street. Manager D. D. Dotson and Statistician Lois Bar ker reported yesterday. At the same time calls tor laborers are dwindling. Yesterday three men received ordinary labor jobs and one was sent to work on tne isortu Santiam highway. Many ot the Inquiries, Miss Bar ker said, are from men who ap parently are not yet In dire need of work, due to summer earnings, but are looking ahead to the win ter season. Qukk! Get These DOUBLE . -L. : : i Terry Towels; for the Unusual Price of Hardly seems possible to get good, soft, DOUBLE terry towels for such a little price! 20x40 inch too ... a' handy size, and easy to launder. White in the center: color-striped borders! ) 160 N. Liberty Street ; JIMthnmv(cffr. I Comini Events October! Salem; grange meets MUier.naiJ. . October 13-14 County 4V E. convention. First Chris tian church." . vr V October 15 Salvation Army annaat. finance cam paign begins.- '-' ' ' ". October control board meeting chamber et commerce, 10 a. m. October 15 Second a n n a 1 StateinmaB contract tournament pena, R a b Monday nights for ; elgh , weeks. :. -,; f 'Z, : October 17 Boy Scours court of honor, eourthonse. October 1SJ Connty re publican rally at Marlon ho tel. -'1 October : 23 Chemeketa Tlayeni ne-a plays, bene-: fit Leslie M. 13. church. J.. November 8 4o IS N . tional art week, with Ore gon painters exhibit. . November f Second Mc Dowell club concert. - November tt Chrysan themum show, Salem Gar den clob. r' November 6 G e sre r a 1 election. - Conley is Chosen Department Commander Bryan H. Conley has been invited to be in Roseburg November 4 to install officers ot Patrick W. Kelley Post, Veterans ot Foreign Wars. Graaa, Brash Blaze City fire men were called upon to put out a small grass fire at Market and 1 8th street and a minor brush blaze at 1525 Fair mount Monday forenoon. To Have Operation Mrs. Christens Kewburgh ot 440 Mill street, left Sunday afternoon for Portland where she will undergo a major operation In St. Vincent's hospitau .- Ferris Released S. M. Ferris, Salem, arrested by city police Sat urday night and booked on a charge ot being drunk, was releas ed from Jan Sunday morning. Tfmme Arrested C. E. Ttmme raid a dollar fine in justice court yesterday for driving his car with defective brakes. The advisory board for the Sal vation Army here today will en ter the second day ot its annual campaign to raise the budget for the coming year's operations. Yes terday's results were quite satis factory. Chairman William McGII christ said. The budget sought is $2500, the same as last year. "Many persons do not realize that the Salvation Army is now the only emergency relief source aside from the federal agencies existing in Salem," McGllehrlst stated. "And there are many cas es where the Army's services are needed despite the work of the federal agencies." Captain- Lewis Me Allen, com mander of the Army post here, declared there were many cases where deserving persons would suffer if the Army did not assist them. As a few examples out of many, ho mentioned that the Sal vation Army the past year had glren 1112 families fuel, furni ture, groceries or clothing, and aided in various ways 649 single persons. Fire losses in Oregon during the six months period ending June 30 ot this year were $694,041 as compared with$l,216.487 during the corresponding period in 1933, A. H. Averill, state fire marshal reported Saturday. The number ot fires was reduced from 2125 during the first six months of 1933 to 1783 during the same period in 1934. Losses actually paid by the insurance companies were reduced from $1,047,828 to $597,600. During the six months period this percentage of fife loss to the value of property at risk in the entire state was 3.45 per cent as compared with 5.6 per cent for the same period in 1933. In six counties ot the state, in cluding Columbia, Grant, Hood River, Linn, Multnomah and Yamhill, the percentage of loss to value was less than the state average. Averill s report showed that 11 deaths resulted from fires during the first six months of 1934 as compared with seven deaths dur ing the same period In 1933. Eighty-four persons were Injured this year aa compared with 91 in 1933. Averill said the substantial re duction In tire losses was due to Increased efficiency in the fire- tighting organizations ' and the tiro prevention campaigns that have been conducted through his department. ?Sat do your feet sayytHtH THE CLOCK SAYS FOUR Are yoa oa your feet most ot the day? Do your feet ache and pain? Are they all fagged oat at four in the afternoon? Then it's high time yoa had our toot analyst look at your feet and prescribe the HEALTH SPOT SHOE which will give yoa im mediate and lasting relief. PARIS The Health Spot Store 115 N. High Repairing, Shine Hat Cleaning www which means tfttimetotet this DeLost lot Water Heater with the exclusive GOODRICH HEAT DEFLECTOR Don't ride around in an ice box this winter. The new Goodrich DeLuxe Hot Water Heater can be instantly ad Justed to throw glorious heat to off parts of the car. Can't be duplicated at any price. Come in and see it todayl Yes! You Can Buy On Easy Terms To Suit Your Needs Walter H. Zosel 3442 MAKAGER 1QQ South IV O Contl Phone MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS ' Goodrich bUvertown mi oar orJgiaaf BUDGET PAY PUM Equip your car with new tires and pay ae you ride on easy terms. Just select what , you want and show us your license certifi cate It only takes a minute to open your account. Don't let unfavorable experiences elsewhere prevent your finding oat about our plan. It Is designed for everyone. NO RED TAPE-NO DELAYS IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION 98 mt of every 100 cutlomera complete their purctunm in about 9 minute remit to drive mwoy with purchase itutmUed m 20 minute. Thrnt' -ur service! OF COURSE Every Goodrich Tire used on a passenger car la GUARANTEED against road hazards FOR 12 MONTHS (business use, e mos. As for our Budget Dept. 1QQ South - ... VO Commercial Walter H Zosel 3442 IS B1ANAGEB 'iNiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiiiiumvw MUSIC TOIIUT ClfflPREIICr TOTALS AHUNCED Obituary Hammang Marie Hammang, accidentally drowned near her home on route 7. Oct 14. aged 10 years. Sur vived by parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. -Hammang, Salem; two broth ers. Charles of Vancouver, Wash., and George of Salem; grandpar ents. Mr.- and. Mrs. George H. Harden of Howe, Okla. Services will be held from the chapel of Clough-Barrlck company, Tues day, October IS, at 2 p. m. Inter ment, Ciiyview cemetery. - Birth Hewitt, To Mr. and Mrs. Allen William , Hewitt, 47S South 21st street, a girl, Marilyn, born Sep tember 29 at saiem General hos pital. . Ilalseth To Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Halsetb. route five, a girl, Patricia Marie, born September 28 at Salem Deaconess iospttaL Total precincts ia Oregon where votes will be cast November ; 6 will be 1.647.. it was announced by the secretary of state yester day. Revised figures received from the- county clerks showed changes in four counties, Multno mah, Baker, Clackamas and Tilla mook. : Complete precincts by counties are as follows: 4 Baker 38, Benton 22, Clacka mas SI. Clatsop 43, Columbia 32, Coos 60, Crook 14, Curry 18, Des chutes 33, Douglas 49. Gilliam 8, Grant 21, Harney 29, Hood Hirer 14. Jackson S9, Jefferson 18, Jos ephine 27, Klamath 68. - Lake IS, Lane 96, Lincoln 30, Linn 54, Malheur 37. Marion 79. Morrow 13, Multnomah 438, Polk 35, Sherman 10 Tillamook 33, Umatilla 41, Union SO. Wallowa 20. Wasco 24, Washington 48, Wheeler 10, YamhiU 21. . Daughter Is Born A seven pound daughter. Nancy Elizabeth, was born, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson ot Woodburn yesterday at the Bungalow Maternity home. Walker Fays. Tickets Stanley Walker. Salem, paid S3 penalty on four overtime narking tickets in municipal court yesterday. . Maccabees to Meet The Macca- bees will meet Wednesday night in the K. P. hall at 8 o'clock. CARD OP THANKS We wish to thank the many friends who. assisted at the time of the death and funeral of our beloved husband and tatber. Mrs. Marie Jacobs, . James Jacobs, jr., .., Desslo Smaller,. ... . EHIES MINCED Announcement has been made bv Miss Lena Belle Tartar, in structor of music at the high school, of the girls who will par ticipate next spring in tne statewide-musical tournament at For est Grove, Mae Tucker has been elected nresldent of the girl's glee club with Jean Doege vice-president. Betty Rae McGahan secretary, Le ona Lelsy, treasurer and Betty Fargo, librarian, complete the list j of officers. Club members include: Evelyn j Becker. Pauline Berry, Harriett Coons. Cora EdgelL Helen Lath am, Ruth Maerz, Iris Mason, Evangeline Millard, Jewell Mlnier Aileen Moored, Florence Pugh, June Scon ton. Mae Tucker, Jean Bartlett. Lucille Bennett, Fran ces Chrlstenson, Jean Doege, Em- lyn Griggs. Clarice Kolbe, Leona Lelsy, Elizabeth Lewis, Virginia Mason Helen Ramsden. Loretta Sneed. Helen Schuls, Daphne un derwood, Dorothy Williams, Doris j Barnett. Doris Cassldy, Erma Cole. Betty Fargo, Flavia Downs, Florence Foster. Dorothy Jsyes, Pearl Jones, Verice Griffin, Mar garet Keefer, Betty Rae ucuanan, ; Doris Schunke, WUletta pneea, and Doris Taylor; ' 3 ; Fall Classes in Adult Education Will Start Soon Fall classes in adult education I under the SERA are expected to I get underway within the next two weeks, although no definite date has as yet been set. according to T. T. Mackenxle. director of voca tional educational at tne saiem hirh school. Prosnectlve instructors wui at tend an institute early next week and 15 of the group ww be aw lotted to Marion county. Eight will be located in Saiem. , V IS CONTROLLED POWER" r , v says Dean B Crqm well ' OF JT. 8. WORLD FAMOUS TRACK COACH x "I use Ked Lion gasoline because it has the same Controlled Power principle that gives athletes speed. Pve found out it doesn't waste energy with sudden bursts of power but gives a steady, smooth cUivc on the piston head for the full stroke That's why the pistons in my mo tor car work as smoothly and effec tively as a record breaking track man." GET COIITROIaLED POWER tHo Gasolino with" tho Full Power-Push! CURED Wltbont vtm&ee. m toM et tae DR. MARSHALL tt Owfoa SMg.' V Tbon S5W PLUS AT INDEPENDENT DEALERS Mm w .1 r ia. mmmn TETHAETHYL ; t TP : ,1" Ft 1 Radios1 vS Easy 1 '"M I w or