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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1934)
- v The OREGON STATESMAN Sale. Oregon, Tcesday Monday, October 16, 1934 PAGE ELEVEN Cotm 3 igiier,: Whea i Sown- ": ;ff i:MgQMlIllpBl 4 : I 1 . "I ,4 i i 4. 1 i , a t r A T t V - i ' "V 'r 4. ( il' -1, r ,,. - V I 1: V ; t' 'A - , ; . ' ; .ni i i Statesman . Classified Ads ; Call 9101 ' Cbusiricd Advertising Single insertion perils lOe Thre lnerUon pr lino ............ Six insertions er Mho. .30 One month per lint.. 1 Ml Minimum charge ...... lis tp? for this page, ac cepted. ntll 1:30 the tea lug before publication lot classification, c p y -1. 2eived mfter this Um will b ran under the heading Too Late to CUtttfy. 1 - Th SUtetmaa ubn so . financial responsibility for error which mar ap pear 4u advertisements, pub lished In its columns, and la caaea where thia paper la At fault 1U i reprint that part of an advertisement la which t a typographical mistake . bccora.; ' The Statesman reserved the risht. to reject objec tional advertUtng. - It ' far ther reserve the tight, to classify all advsrtlaing un der the proper classifica tion. : SITUATIONS WANTED banking, business msagiment exper ience, desires local connection In small firm. Character and-past record will stand very rigid axaminattoo. Box 214, care Statesman. FOR SAI.E-Mi'jcellaneous Barraia offer. The Oregw States man one full yaar by mall only. t any ddreaa In Oregorv 3.6 for a limited time. ' - sjjnjnjTJrunvirvrinfy"i"i sisisaisi Old papers 10 par bundle. States- tnan office. wjli MKJ''w-"0'.M"irBir' Apples, 2 So and op. 343 Marlon. aji mjsisnfi rri nn n fihotzuas and rlflfa Must be sold. Bargain prices. The Swaparea, 474 8. Com'U Sure, we swap. a Sntetil BriMi on nicked winter ap ple TeL 100F2J, Rout C, Box 23. Mrs. Ceralic Shot sun, doubla, 13 ra.15nS.Ub. Apples. Spias. oth. 231S & Cottare. Pointer dor, 2 yra, old ; a real hunt er. Inquire Rampa. Corner, miles norm on nignwHj. POS BALE As lemg as stock lasts. 20-SI SDrinafield SI box. t Knee shot gun shells, box 7 Sc. Broken boxes 4c sheiL Sport Shop, lit a. Conunsrclai. Be'rre'. 1W C"rT. Tel. S3 47. , TIU15E--aiiscenaneons Kxperienced mechanic 5 will swap overhauling for household goods, wood, cash, er what nave yon? Work guar anteed. 1147 N. Front St. WANTED Miscellaneous GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLa musical Instruments slightly used.- T buy old gold. Star Exchange, 211 N. Com'L Cash fr magasines. TeL The Swap area, 414. 474 S. Com. WANTED Hauling, wood, sawdust, hog-foel, -or what nave you? New truck. TeL 2283 or 1342 N. CapttoL WANTED To buy for .cash.. Grand Mrtti". TVl. 3490. AIISCELLANEOUS v Subncrib now. renew now. The Ore gon Statesman annual bargain period Is now on for limited- time. To mail subscribers only, limited to stats of Oregon, 13.00 per year. Haircut 25c Joe's Barber Shop. Haircuts lte-3, 83 a Water. 8aw repairing. Salem Saw Shop. Four Corners. Pen Road. TeL 4280. Bird dogs. A. Pish. TeL 987. l&a wanted with' fair education, mechnnicalir inclined, now - employed. desiring to better his position by qua lifying as an INSTALLATION expert and 8ERVICB engineer en all types f ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS. No experience necesa. but applicant saust be willing to train during spar time for a few months. Write giving age. phone, present occupa. and addreta L'UlItics Eng. last. Box 4, car States man. FOR RENT ROOMS Sleeping rm. Men.' 725 Court St. Nice sleeping room, - TeL 4493, --' Sleeptar rooms, oleasant home, $L5 to 2.00 per wic,- garage, breakfasts can before p. m. 710 Cross, near lesll school. Fnrn. 2 rooms, 43 N. Water. ROOM AND BOARD Room, board, near P. O. TeL 8185. Room-board. 332 N. 'Church. TeL 4S7S. t FOR RENT APARTMENTS t room furnished apartment. ,TL Tlf zjii Hazel. Small turn. apt.. 690 Union. , Kurn. 2 room apt.. 444 8. High.' jBesBMBis1isVlM1B Furn. 8 R. apt. TeL 8458. 3 room apt., lights and water, fur- nianeo. iz.uv. z a. uoorco. 2 -room furn. apt. $L76 wk. Garage wnnW. Tt; dZV. 1 ' " FOR RENT HOUSES ' Furn. and nnfnm. houses. - 1232 M. Capitol , TL 808L Houses, Melvla Johnson. TeL 8728. FOR RENT IS unfurnished houses. 4 to 8 rooms each. JVlso 7 furnished houses. Call at of See for Information.- x CHILDS 4k MILLER. Realtors 844 Stat Street - ' t. Mod. rm. hoi. 1498 N. 17th, 323 FOR SALE Real Estate- Beautiful wooded, close In home site, with water, gas and electricity Very small payments, TeL 6154. SPECIAL Fine, well-built Colonial borne, close to business- district. Owner must have mailer house. Ask us about 41 v 1 CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Tel. 8708. Furnished modern 5-room suburban i tiome, water system. Good condition. 4 Near bus and store, Rt. 8, Boa 97, Ssv seai uignta FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Modern na. house,. tt4 location; 33190, term. . .1 -r. Suburban borne to 5. 7, or A. tract, extra good buys ; easy ' pay ment : v.-- - -v- It C SIIEt2S 21 Orecon Bid . . Tel. 02 i f -acre tract. 2 acres fruit, balanca garden and Jsturr. Barn and well, close to Sslem. Trky $12S. r ? W..G. KRtTKOEB TeL 472f - 447 K. Commercial S1!0 bora a (-room houaa oomoWa. lr (urolatved. . W. G. KRUEGER T ' I HT N. Commercial i . Walatit rrava, aaL aouth. 170014 conaidar U(bt sedan, laik (09 Locust Street.' ; - Distant owner offers sneclal orlce nn cherry tract. Fin for sabdirision. vriu make 12 fin baiidtn eiua. Fries only 31290. Call to see this. , Jkl&U s acre tract ios to city Um Ks, abundance of fruit and nut trees, house needs some repairs but priced low at siiwb, part terms. van to see this. - CHILDS aflLUTR. ReaHors 244 Stat Street TL (708. EXCHANGE Real Estate Nicety tmprered S acres trade for city propertr. fee m at once. 2CS N. com Li Room 10. Juudd. EXCHANGE ' Comfortable C room house, 2 large lots, fruit and shad trees. Will trade for modern bouse on small lot. No mortgage. CHILDS & MILLER. Realtors 244 State Street TeL 4703 ACREAGE Eautty for sale or rent 9 seres Mdgs.. close In. lit. S, Box 184 A. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED The best 1 acres with buildings near Salem that $1000 will buy. $29. down, baL at 3100. per year. Box US, care Statesman. MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel Loans 1 to 2 months to repay at lowest pos sible rate. GENERAL CT2CAKCS CORP. A local corporation 1st Katl. Bank Bids. Phone 8S33. Ucensed by Stat Any Kind of Loan Yqu Want W arrange Auto. Co-Maker. Furnt rare, or Combination Loans np to $300. ia 24 to 43 hours. . Choose the Loan Plan yon like best. Reasonable charges. Small monthly payment to suit rou Income. Com in. write, or 'phone. - s ; BENEFICIAL LOAN ' SOCIETY 'OF SALEM - - Member of . NRA Room 179. New Bltgh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED HU ' S-1 1 1 by STATE . 513 Stat St. , Tek. 87 4 Ixanr Mad" T?TTearby Towna .. $ $ Need Money ? ? ' STATE LOAN C. 21! Ore. Bldg. Lie No. 6-13 S. S Farm Loans 5 Ptanrr "f nmner for well tmprored farms if amplr secured. Imprer or buy new with cheap money. Ask tor booklet "Willamette vaney -arma.- Hawklns and Roberts. Iat tMSjM111i. 0t REASONABLE CHARGES 0?, LOANS UP TO 8300 Toull save tune and effort by using oar convenient loan service whenever the need arises. 4 LOAN PLANS 2 REPAYMENT PLANS Com fai. write or 'phone. BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY OF SALEM Mpmbw of NRA. Room 119. New Bligh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED NO. S-123 by BTATK 51 State St. TeL 87 4 Loans Mad la Nearby Towns. MONET TO LOAN Mortgae loans en lmnroved Salem houses, Ah rams A Ellis. Inc. Masonic Bide FOR SALE WOOD Box Wood Jurt the thing for Quick, bet fires. A real value in fuel ' Telephone T112 Old fir. 2nd growth. TeL 7(9. -ft ash. $4.76 cd. Tel. 7483. 4a-NsS,s GUARANTEED CRT - wood oal rL 600 Salem Fuel Cm. Trad Ooetag.- - ' . ' Drr rlaner and slab wood. Prompt delivery. TeL Sf ss. yyeWVMWwVwwWl Old fir. 18 In. $5.00. TeL 7983. Drr eld fir. 2nd growth wood. screened hoc fuel Fred E. Wella 1 In. old fir. $5 cd. TeL 6938. Hog fuel and wood. By track or ear lots. At .mill or delivered. Dave Brown, K, X. Sublimity. Tel. Bai Dry wood, all kinds. TeL 8083. . Wnnl (w nU II IE n U CA. 1CK Sad growth. $4.f5: 4 ft. 4t6j 16 In. old fir, $549. TeL 6441. Special en dry oak and maple While 1 l-Stli IClt lief. , .a v Flr oak, ash. ReajWBabte. T45L SS43 ssese-eeaseesSMseaeaeeew-ees" CfI oak wiyxt, ch?9p. 2F4. WOOD SAWING Wood sawing reasonable. Can 8294. Wood-sawing. 2080 N. Com'L 8918. LOST AND FOUND LOST .White pig Weddle's garage, vista Ave. reward. FOUND .Several pieces silver tied in Handkerchief. Owner call- 725 13th. Bert a Mitchell. ' ' IXST Boston " Bull Toy. Reward, 1798 w. winter.- Tel. 482. FOR SALE USED CARS - USED CARS -1932 Chevrolet Sedan Master 1931 Chevrolet 'Coupe , ... 1932 Plymouth Coupe , 1931 Buick -Sedan , 1929 Hupmobile Sedan .$545.0 . 625.0 . 545.00 . 625.00 . 250.09 . 250.0 1930 Chevrolet Tudor 193 Studebakr Coupe . . 825.00 Savings or jV to ii en new JJod- ges and pirmoutns, BONESTEELE BROTHERS. INC. Visit Our Used Car Lot Corner Liberty A Chemeketa, TeL 4444 v I "J Interesting Facfev. . By RALPH IL iOSTZtNO Clifford. Wold v tod Charles Wilson representing N a 1 1 t mayonnaise and - salad dxasains are 4a the city calling on the local g r o c e r a. Watch tor Friday's Statesman for Nalleys ad . and also local ' grocer , ada on thia item - ' . ' ;: .- O - - ' - Perry's Drag; store are announ cing their anaaal two tor one sale in thia paper today. , o . Boys and girls should be inter ested in the announcement made by local grocera this Friday aboat the Carlo secret club sponsored by "Pearls of Wheat". Be aur to read the grocery ads Friday. O Mr. Nadea Of Hogg Brothers tells us that he sold five refrig erators from a small ad in San day's Statesman. - FOR SALE USED CARS xi Ford Coune for sal or trade. Want"' sedan or coach same year model or later. Prefer cnei or sTrmouin TL 1553, 1140 14. Capitol. FOR SALE or trad 1930 3 -ton Dodge. Van body. S-ton capacity. 1123 Hudson Sedan. DON MADISON 544 N. High ' Valley Motor Co. TJsed Cars and Tracks 1934 Ford DeLux Coupe . 1933 Pord DeLax Coup 1923 Ford DeLax Coup 1991 Ford Sport Coup 1933 Pord DeLux Sedan ,,, ... 1935 Ford Std. Coach 1913 Ford V-l Sedan -,. ... 193 Packard Sedan . . 1923 Packard Sedan -192 Franklin Sedan 1933 Continental Sedan .$450 . 375 444 . 300 - 676 . 49S . 84 . 296 23 - 426 .10 10 192 Hudson Sedan 198S Hudson 7-pass. Sedan Trucks 1933 Ford T-S dump truck 1933 Pord B4 S. W. Base -$700 . 60 . 450 186 1932 Pord B4 U W. Base 1929 Pord A4 Duar tires . 931 Pord Gravel dump, as ia - 15 192 Far with Bnxtell .--as 1939 Dodge Gravel dump . :.4 1924 Dodge 1-Ton Delivery 85 35 95 iszs uodge -ten Delivery isis rora -anei aeiivery Marion and. Liberty Open Sundays. - TeL T91. BARGAINS ON TTKV.n C.ATfft 1983 Pontiae Sdh. wh. $74S. 1932 Nash Conn. 686.00 19J1 Bnick SS 8 Cpe. 1931 Buick 47 Sedan 1927 Packard Sedan . 1928 Dodn Sedan 645.0 626.S 815.00 195.00 1928 Pord Sedan 145.00 1Z8 Chev. Ourh 145.00 45.00 35.00 192S Ford Roadster 1926 Oldsmoblle Coach OTTO J. WILSON Mt3lk. TVtntlaM Rala mwiA T. .1 . 388 N. Com'L TeL E4S1 NOTICE OF SALE IN THE COUNTY COURT OP! THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR MARION COUNTY " In the Matter of tha Estate of Reese E. Anderson, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, as executors of tbe estate of Reese B. Anderson, de ceased, will from and after the 20th day of Angaat, 1834, sell at private sale at the office of Edward K. Piaseeki, Ladd & Bush Bank. Salem, Marion Coun ty, State of Oregon, all of the following described real property, to-wlt: Beginning at the S. E.' cor ner of Lot 17 In Lon's Hill Fruit Tracts in section 15 in T. 8 S. R. 3 W. of tae Wil lamette Meridian Inii&I a rlo n County, .Oregon ; t h e n e 0 W. along the S. line of said Lot 17 1.59 chains 4o the 8TW. corner of said lot: thence N. 13 W. in tho State Highway 2.037 chains: thence E. 17.237 chains to an iron pipe In the E. line of said lot; thence S. 2.053 chains to the point of beginning; containing 6.00 acres of land. Sale shall be made for cash to the highest bidder, and sub ject to confirmation of the above Court, .. - Earl J. Anderson ' T. I, Davidson '. ! -.Executors of the Estate of, Reese E. Anderson Deceas.d. Edward K. Piaseeki, . Attorney. S 18-2S O 2-8-11 IN THE DISTRICT COURT, OF THE UNITED STATES For the , District of Oregon, Ia tho Mat ter of Clarence 0. Davis, Debt or, In proceedings for a Compo- , aiuon or Extension. t, To the creditors of Clarence O Davis of Jefferson in the County of Marion, and district aforesaid: Notice is hereby given that on the 2nd day of October A. D. 1934 tho petition of the said Clarence O. Davis praying that he be af forded an opportunity to effect a composition or . an . extension - Of time to pay his debts under Sec tion 75 of the Bankruptcy Act, was ? approved by this court as properly filed under said section: and that the first meeting of his creditors - will be held at Salem. Oregon. In Room 3 in U. 8. Post- office Building on the 25th day Of October A. D. 1934. at 2:00 in the afternoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove tneir claim, examine the debtor, and transact such business aa may properly .come before "said meet ing. At said meeting, aald Clar ence O. Daria, debtor proposes to offer terms of composition or ex tension of his debts. , SEYMOUR JONES, - . Conciliation Commissioner. Oct, 13, 193. CKU - Business ; Directory fJarda fa thia lrectoty m em a montnly basis only, ttatet XX per 11 per taoreth. ANNOUNCEilEKT .B. E, GETZLAFP, , Phraidaa and Surreoa ,. . ' Announces .the opening . of offlcca ta the First National Bank BuUdtng. WOW SIS. Office Tel. 448. TS. T77I AUTO CRAKES MTe Panefcy TT tloutli Coinmarelal. BICYCLES Bought, sold, traded and repaired. CATERING Ctrrrm chicken ttmalles. TeL 4541. CHIMNEY SWEEP THephono 445. R. 88. Kertlinasa, CniROPRACTORS DR. a 4 SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor. It ti. High. Tel. Res. S748. FLORISTS Brelthaupfa, 65? Court ALL kinds of floral work. Luts Flor ist. 14th Market. TeL 9131 . INSURANCE ' BECKC A UCNDaiCKS IS9 N. High TeL 4947. LAUNDRIES THBS NEW SALEM LADNDRT THE WElDsCa LAUNURX 288 a High ; xeL 9116. CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRT First la Quaiity and Berrlc Telephone 3166 124 greed way. MATTRESSES CAPrrOL BEDDiMJ CO. Phoae 4963. NEW MATTRESS mad to order, old renwdei carpet 4ueaalnv slxtng; Cuff rug weavtng. Salem Fluff Bui Mat tress Factory, 8. 1SU a WllottC. TeL 64 4 L OTTO P. gWICKER. Eat. 19 It. MUSIC STORES UEO. a WILXr--Ptaaoa, radio, sawlnc maeouiss, n enuaie aaa piano sew diaa. Beredrina radios, nteiacvraefcs and sewlitg atacbbiea, 433 State Street, Salem. PHOTO ENGRAVERS Salem photo engmvlag. 14? N, Com- mercial. TeL 87. PRINTING FOR STATIONER!. psjnph- lata, nmarama books er any klad printing, eaU Ta btataaman Printing Department. 316 8. Commentisl. Tele- 22J-Bma RADIO SERVICE Moore'a TeL 7993395 N. High. REAL ESTATE HECKB HENDRICKS. TeL 4947. STOVES repair stoves, ranges, circulators. SU new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, stock fence, posts. chicken wire. Salem Fence and Btev Works. 862 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R B. Fleming. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 8131. Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks ta Portland dally. CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 114 Stat SL TeL 7773. Dlatrlbutlns (or wardlna and storage ear soeeiajiy Get our ratea WUlamett Valley TransXor. Salamto Portland naming. TeL 87 8 Z. HAND WEAVING Excluaiv hand woven bags. - scarfs. pillows and rugs. Magoho Hand Weav- er; 1, ge N reth St. Tet. S83. WELL DRILLING R, A. West, 30 years xprtoe, RFD uox sua - at. it re. Seth Parker Hour Is Planned Sunday For Me E. Church eVBsaasaaaaSsasn SILVERTON, Oct, 1 1. An nouncements were made at the Methodist church Sunday to the effect that tta choir is starting an extensive winter program. Oa the 26 th the choir will begin its Seth Parker programs. Oa November 5, the choir will sing at the old people; home at Salem. . .. The Christmas cantata has also been selected and work begun on Jt. 'Tho, Infant, King,- ia the choice of the choir aad it will be giTen December 28. --. & - NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR r Notice is hereby gTveh that the undersigned has been duly ' ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the Coun ty of Marlon, as Executor of the Last Will and " Testament and estate of Edgar T. Bar kus, de ceased, and that he ha duly quali fied a such executor; all persous having claims against th estate of said , decedent are notified to present the same, duly? verified, to me, at tbe office of Ronald C. Glover,: my attorney, 206 Oregon Building, Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, within six months front tbe date of this notice. ' 'v... t Dated at Salem. Oregon, thia 25th day of September. 1934. :. is- Walter-- A. Barkas, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Edgar T. Barkua, deceased. . RONALD C. CLOVER, Attorney tor Executor. t - , Salem, Oregon. S 25 O 2-9-16-28 ojnensoF OiDilMllOiD PORTLAND. Oct. 18-(ff)-Mar ket for batUr showed anchanged prices at the week' opening, the Into lestJon of tha ttfodace ex change - being , stationary as to price. Top scores were firm bat others 'vert Just about holding. Cutterfat continued 'tar warfare; t Egg market prices wera with out change tor the weak open ing. Walla strength hag been dis played by the New York trad, local operators report that tha public was begianing to curtail Its purehaaea. ' . Low chicken prices were being held hero for lightweights, . the local market being oaa of the lowest la the country and far be low what California points were .noting.. What was believed to be ths last of ths famous Clatsop peas for th season wero reported. Quality was extremely favorable aad the price at 10c lb. . Country: killed Teal, beef aad i T..n .HA. a o. .! try killed Jambs were firmer at tie general top.' Ewes about steady around S-Sc lb. Potato trade was sluggish for shipment. . Yakima waa still supplying the bulk of Oregon's onioa needs with local growers holding. OF PBB SOU Though th northwest dried prune market continue extreme ly dull with a genuine scarcity of new business from foreign and domestic sources, packers are not alarmed, due to tho vast amount of prunes which have moved into trade channels la the past month, saya Market News Service. Tho percentage of this year's crop which has been aold is still considerably ahead of the corres ponding date last year. For this reason, members of the trade are not forcing sales, but are content to await for the expected upturn la baying which asualy occurs In December. . Movement over the Portland docks continues heavy. Recent shipments were made to tbe port of .Hamburg, Germany, for reshioment to noints In Swit- zeriand and other inland markets. several lots of small sized prunes in sack hare been shipped to Danzig and Gydnla, the port of entry for Poland, where there are large packing plants that repack the prunes in boxes before resell ing to the trade. The -Baltic states, the Scandinavian, countries. and the United Kingdom bare al so been taking quantities la ful fillment of orders placed earlier in the season. Established quotation are gen erally being firmly maintained. Packers are quoting Italians, packed ia boxes, f, e. b. Portland docks, at the following prices: 30- 40s 6 l-4c per pound, 40-50s Be 60-60s 4 1-2. -70s 4 l-4c; la sacks 1-4 cent per pound less. Official figures released by the divisloa of crop aad , livestock es timates, for October 1, Indicate a downward revision of about six million pounds In the estimated size of the crop since September figures were released. Stocks of dried prunes In grow ers' hands are being firmly held. Occasional sales of large sizes are being made at a alight premium over the prescribed code mini mums. Encouragement Being ReBected In Wool Prices BOSTON, Oct n.-OOlU. S. Dept. Agr.)-Encouragement, orer the recent scattered improvement ia demand tor greasy combing do mestic wool was derived partly from the fact that actual purchas es were made 1a territory lines. The firm asking prices on the bulk of the territory wools in Bos ton vera relatively Blgher taaa quotations on fleeces aad the pric es at which wools could be bought direct from Texas, Estimated receipts of domestic wool at Bpaton, reported to th Boston grain and flour exchange daring week: ending. October 13, amounted to 394,200 - pounds compared with 299,400 daring the previous week. POSTPONE RALLY ! SILVERTON, Oct. -15. Th Loyal' Guard' clasa of ' the - Metho dist -church postponed its class rally because of the serious illness of the class president, Mrs. Clar ence Simmons, who is confined to the Silvertoa hospital. FROM SOUTH DAKOTA KEIZER. Oct, 15. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wolfe of Watertown, S. D., hare leased the Eugene Llbby place.' -.. IN , THE . DISTRICT . COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, For the District of Oregon In the Matter .- of Joha Zehaer, Debtor, In pro . ' ceedlngs for a Composition or v Extension. ' L - To the creditors of John Zeh- ner of Jefferson, in the County of Marlon, and diatrlct aforeaald Notice is' hereby given . that- on the 14th day of August A. D. 1934 the petition of the aald John Zeh ner praying that he be afforded an opportunity to effect a compo sition-or an extension of time to pay his debts under Section 75 of tbe Bankruptcy Act, was approved by this court as properly filed un der said section: and that the first meeting of his creditor will be held at Salem. Oregon. Room t la U. 8. Postoff ice Building on th W1HE ffiCII PLfli FOB SUBSIDY BEARISH CHICAGO. Oct., 11,-UEVCorn prices west ' higher; today and Wheat lower. ; . ; '-?-: For tho first . time In many weeks, the corn risible supply to day . fell below tho corresponding 1122 total Besides corn trade au thorities stressed statements that the supply of corn la pitifally small, and that there are no aub- atltutea. On the Other hand, the 1 wheat market was bearlshly at-1 fftA v rennrti that th Trmeh I goTernmeat has arrauged f o? ad- aiuonai large auDsiaizea exports i of wheat. , ... , , . . ... , I A disturbing factor as to aU cereals was a Washington report of proposed governmental tight ening np of trade restrictions on grain futare dealings. . Today's closing quotations: Wheat! Dec. old, 19, new, 88 T, -1.00; May, T,-1.00; July, . Cornr'Dec. old, 71, new, 1 May, 78-; July, 79. Oats: Dec. old,, new, 51- ; May, 48; July, 45 Ti. rxooves sxcaAVGs POETLAXD. Ore. Oct 15. CAP) Presses Exeaaage. set pnees: Batter: Extras, 27 He: standards, 27c; prime lints, Z8H; firsts, 2&e. Bsxs: U. B. specisU, S3e; C 8. ex trasj 81e; U. S. soediura extras, 25c. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ort, Oraia: Wheat: - Opea Msy 87 Oct.- 13. (AP) Hick 87 Low 87 Close 67 Deeeaber 84 V, 84 H 84 84 Cash: Big Bend btaestem. 3e: dark hard winter, 13 per cent, 5He; da, 11 per sent, 90He; soft white, 88 tie; west era white, 82 He; hard .winter, 86c; aerthera prist sad western red, 83 e. Oats; No. 2 white, 382.00. Cora : No. 2 E Ejellow, 830.25. Millroa staadards, $21.50. Portland Produce POBTLAKD, Or, Oct. 15. (AP) Batter Brint. A grade. 29 psreh steat wrapped carteas. SO ft th.; goaa tity pure tee, He leas; B grade, pareh meat wrsppea, 20s lb.; do, eartens, 80e lb. Batterfst Portland delivery: A grade at less twlea weekly. EB-Sle lb.; eooa try route a, SS-81 la. ; B grade er de livery fewer taaa twice weekly. Port- lsad, 2S-S0 -lb.; county stes, 27-S0e lb.: O graaa at market. Eggs Sales t retailers: Speeisls, 84c; extras, 8Se; fresh extra brown, 83c; staadards, 7c: fresh media ma. 2Se; mdia firsts, SSe; pallets, 19c ; do, firsts, 17: saecka. X5; bakers, 20c dea- sa. Err Burin price of wholesalsrs: Freak sMciaia, 0: extras. 28-29e; fresh extra brewa, 28-29e; extra firsts, 23-2 9:' extra ' siediaaa, 24e; siedinm firsts, 20 22c; palleU, 17 18e; do, first. iSe; aaaargraaa. 28-18 deaea. 'Cheese 02 score. Orecoa triplets, 13e; leaf. lie. Broker win pay belew qaotatfens. Milk Caa tract price, d ver eent ; Portlaad delivery, 20 cwL; B grade cream, 8716 -lb. Coontry meets Sellint price to retail ers I Ceaatry killed hogs, best aatebers, aader 150 lba 10-lle ib.: vealers. f ea sy. 10-1 H lb.; Ught aad tkia, 8-2 lb. 10-170 loa -7 .; aeary. -e I.: fancy lsmbs, 1H-H ft; ewes, 8-6 lb.; cotter ew. 4-e lb.; canners, Be IX; DaHs, S-c poasd. Mohair 1934 bBTmar vnca. 180 ID. Csscara bark Boyhif price, 1984 peeL 3 lb. Hep 1934 ferries, 80 lb.: elaitera. 17-20a lb.: 1933 eloster . ISe lb. IJt poaltry Portlaad delivery baring prices : Colored kens, under 8tt lbs. 18 lb.: da. ever e let- ISe la.: Leghora fowls, erer 8ta les, 9-10e lb; do, ander S lb e lb; colored broilers, 1 to lba 18 lb.: breilers. sader lb. 18 Ib.: nestar. 6 lb. pekia ducks, 10-lle lb.; da, colored, 6-8 Ib. Onions Orecon, 70-80 per 60 Ib. bar: Walla Walla. 45-70e. Potatoes Oregea Barbsajcs. bohoo eatel; Oregaa Gesas, TO-80e eeatal; I- sebate t?ema, S1.15-L20. Csatsloapts Stsadsrds, I1-1.2J per ante: Rosebara. 81.25-1.50. Weel 1934 clip, nominal ; Willamette Valley, medium. 80 lb.: fib er half- blood, 20 ib.; lamb, 18 lb.; tasters Oreroa. 17-20 lb. Hay Eojiag piic from predacers: Al falfa. K. 1 new crop, 17. 50-1 8; eestera Oregea timothy, 817; eats, 813 tea; retch, 312; Willamette valley timothy. 818.5 tea; clover. S12 toa. reruana. Portland Livestock POBT7,Aln - LIT STOCK POBTLAKD. Or. Oct, 15. (AP) I Cattle: Bcipts, 1200; .calves,. 100; nrrlab. r . Steers, goed, cemmon and mediam, 38- aii; haifera. s-wad. eeaasaoa aad saediam, 93-4.50; cow, good. omma aad med ism. 82.25-3.75: lw cutter and cutter. 1.25-2.25: balls, reed aad caste. 38-1 .35( entter, commoa aad mediam, 32.25- j 3; vealsra, goo aaa cJioice. s-7; enu, 1 aaa mearam, ; caivsa, 1 good and choice, 85-8.50; man aad mediam. 82.59-5. . . - Hoce: Becclpts, 8000; aboat 60 Lightweight, goed and ebeie, 4. SO- 80: mediam weight, goed aad eboiea, 35-50; heavyweight, geosV aad afcoi. 69-6.25; pseklng sews, mediam aad goed, 32.7 5-8.80; fedev aad staeker pigs. mitm a .aaa csiea ss.BO-a. - Bep: Keceipis, ixuo; aaxiag sisaay. Lamb, good sad choice, ss-5.80; yesr- lia wethers.' 83.25-4: awes. gd sad ebiea, fass-4; call, cemssea as siee iom, 45e-f2. Stoclcs and Bond. (Copyright 184. SUndard Statist October 15 Oe, STOCK ATEQES SO 90 20 99 . T ladla. BB'a. Cta Total Tadsy 88.1 87.1 57.4 71.4 PreviM Say . s.e 87. es.o tj.s Week ai 83.8 84.7 67.3 70.8 Tear sw 87. 48.9 77.0 78.4 a years ag is. ot.i 110.0 iw.m f years ag ..,..140.8 12L8 128.0 131.1 High 198 105. 64.3 90.3 93.S Low 1934 78. 84-1 63. BOltO oATXZAGEI " 20 20- 20 Tndla. lt K'a, TJts. Total Today 8341 . 81. 88.0 84. Previeas day 88.4 81.S 87.8 84. Week ag 83.4 81.0 87.7 83.7 Tear ag 73.4 75.2 81.1 76.6 8 years ag 72.7 82 0. 81.9 High . 1934 1 1 .. 8. 00.0 0. . 88.1 Low 1934 , T2. 74.1 77.3 7441 25th day of October A. D. 193 4, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, at wthch tlmo the eaid creditors may attend, prove their claims, exam ine the debtor, and transact sueh business as may properly come before said meeting. At said meet ing, laid .John Zehner, debtor. proposes to offer terms of compo sition or -extension of his debts. SEYMOUR JONES, General Markets -' Conciliation Commissioner.' Salem Markets (Jrade b raw 4 per rent milk, co-op pool price S1JB1 per hundred. , - V j (lDtt bawl a Mad-aueUUy kutterfet averae.) - , Distributor price fSLia. . , JJnlterrat Top 2C and 27c B grade printa, SSc;' A grade prints, 29 He. Prices paid ta erawevs SsUat bayeta Octobes. li , . , .---r. Ts t rices nelea. rpnd by a local rraesr .r. IfwitUattva af tha Jail aurkat 1n are net goraat4 by Tae Stttes "- - rBUITS . - " CrMbrr:M (fuf IflU 2.75 Orspefmit. nu A5 4 csa. i. .0244 ursBges. sieaeias. tsary t.nn ta e.oo u,aM. k m -stalk J- .os SA .4J tit 5.2 V Uiavai tresh 1.0 2.00 Pmrapples, dos. Leeal Coneorda lug .23 1.83 .7 - 1.7S ' 1.36 , - .OS -SO u Lee 10 aad .0 Seedless ... Ls4y ("iagera Hed Hstagss Tkay Baaeydeva. lb. Apples, boibe rears, local, ba. vegetables; . 1 (Buying Price) ' Pickliax encumber, lb. 03 t 03 .05 I Besns, lb. , , - ,- KedUae. dea. . . .SO S0e t .75 .75 to 1.00 , 1.0 .04 2.60 . 2.50 .03 Sflmmtr tquath. erst . : Local celery, das. . Cauliflower Egg otsna. local, lb. . Csbbage. ewt local Waabinxton. cvt. Greea peppers, local, lb. 1 Onions. Washington. 50 lbs. .75. Ixicai anieas. SO lbs.. . 1.00 Ittaee. ioeaL erate .75 4 1.00; - .99 Onions, Calif. 5 lbs. iteets. Hwal cm ... ... .IT4 Squash, Bnbbsrds snd Bsosna Peas. Seattle, lb. .01 ,08 .25 1.10 .80 Carrots, local, dos. . 20 t Kew Pets toes Ko. X, kaadred Kol 2. hundred Yakima. 50 lbs. .42 V4 Sa-eet potatoes . . , ., S.00 .06 .75 Coast Pest, lb. . Quiae. bo. no re Barms Pries " floater. 1934. lb., top. 12 .18 .33 FuCfle. 134, top. ib. TOO I Baying Pries) Extras Staadards Med lams . .SQ .27 .23 .83 .29 J7 as Wholesale Selling prtcs extras Standards Sfedinms - Pullet egg .14 WOOL AKO HUH AIR (Bovine Price) Stfefcsir. 184 cho n market Mealom woL 193a .23 Coarse aad fin wool. 1984 .20 -POOl.Tsil tRnyiag Prtcs) Heavy bene, tt to 5 lbs. .10 .1 a .08 .09 J5 J4 .04 Over 54 aaaads. lb. Colored mediams, IV mediwm Legheras. lb. lb. Broilara, colored, Ib. Lsebora. U. Stags, ib. afXAT (Buying Prle2 Spring lamb 4.50 t 8.00 Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER 1"" 7 3" T 5" T" eTm '7 n- To" n J 2 P- - .-22- " WK I . 111II.I-.11-llIlll HH M5 77 H HI HO m H JO l 42 HORIZONTAL 1100,000 rupees 4 Wild dog of India 9 CroD of a bird " 12 Ton ia Guide' scale 13Drives. 14 Native compound 1& What river in laalia ts kswvaa as "tha sacred river of tha Hi "2 17 Girt 19 Label 1 20 Leglalature of modern Greece 1 .i.yiLi 23 Prohibit 24 Gaelic 27 Vase with a pedestal 23 Central eart of a wheel 29 After wka t tna diviaity waa the first saoath of the year WaaaadT lift Cbinesa maasura 51 Pertaining to a sylvan deity, half man ana nau goat S--Frists 34 Who bacaas prias asi-ister of Asntralta ta l93Zt Joseph Alovsi-a ? 3d Return a ball in a high curve 37 Coaanmed ' 38 Satisfy 1 30Cut grass - 40Seciuded. narrow rauey . 41Cut for insertion into a mor tis " r. - -3 frn .maden vessel 44 Fungus of the family telud- -- ins the tn-shrooms 40 Fried bread -on which mnsh- rooms ar erved 49Seat in a church 50 Possessive pronoun ' 52 Correlattvs of neither 53 Beverage 5 4 Beaches , -" - 55 -Brmative yob . VERTICAL 1 Limb . -". -Win cad wart - - - -- ' 3 What 6a the htf traaty aort f ontbrsj wjm T. . 4Rei o . - j : 5 Possessive pronoun ; eW Sorpoaed hypnotie force T Aril fruit 8 Elder son of Isaac oCharacteristte of recent times 16 Part of t be" U Iaiolo-t ttor of the tsm ldTarafr-a - 18 Pertaining to a etvoa of th , . nu-U tnteatlaa : TREASURY OOiS OS NEW YORK. Oct. lMFV, Speculative markets drsfged with .heavy, step today. Both stocks and commodities, deprived of in- ' flatlonary . tlmulns, sagged ' ia , dull trading. " - ' . The. sparkle along the financial . '. front came chiefly from the gov- .; ern meat bond ; market , and. stiver ; quarters. ,,-, ; .S . . . 4 , ' . U. S. treasury bonds moved for-. Ward with fresh vigor after tbe , finaacial community had studied the implication of the latest Lib erty loan redemption call .and President Roosevelt's baste in dU-. coilraging inflation ulk. Spot sil-. for rose more than a - cent, aa ounce, crossing 56 cents for. tbe first time in five years, following China's , Imposition of a 10 per -eent export tax oa the metal. Traders judged .the Washing tort , developments were against any - further devalnatlon of the Collar in the near fature - Turnover dwindled to 508,17? t hares compared with -1,394.169 1 last Thursday , and the Standard : Statistics Co. average' for 90 se lected stocks dipped eight-tenth of a point. to 71.4. Interest Lacking in Rifle Comxetitioni SLLVERTON, Oct. 15. Not enough men turned out Sunday at the Rifle range to hold the sched uled matches. O. W. Olson, who Is supervising these," reported that the men were likely saving their ammunition tor hunting season which opened Monday morning. Whether or Rot the matches will be shot off next ' Sunday is not known. Yeerlings . . Ewes . Hogs. 180-160 lbs. 170 210 lbs. 310-250 lbs. Steer Cows fislls 03 snd .03 4 .01 8.25 5.50 6.0 .03 ft t .05 .01Vi to .02 .02 H to .03 Heifers 02 t .034 "eL top Ir eased veal, top .4.59 t 5. On .09 .11 ureaaea bogs USAIM AMU HAT (Baying Prtee) Wheat, western red . .80 .82 s.e White, o. 1 Barley, feed. Na. X. toa atsl-ag, toa .saoo .30410 Feed, toa Hay. baying prices Liover Bay Oats aad vetch, ton Alfalfa, valley, first eat , Clover Seed . . .0 .11.00 Red, lb. .17 -20 .0.00 -57.00 Alaike. Ib. Vetch seed. 9a Oats, milling, toa 20 What nam did the Creak give to tkd caaiital oi tha tar- . ritwry thr-ugh the Tigris ; al eapbrate mar - j 1 21 Mala of bovine animals ? - 22 What branch of' the Index 1 Aryan laagaage apofcea ia Orisaa, B-gaI? . 23BwTer ' 24) Connected aeries of bfcject 26 In what rraw city ar th arap steal works! 28 Possesses ' -.H'-- 29 Triangular sail - 31 Show contempt by curling tho lip . - 82 Propel with oars 33 What city d-d (va Vsctorta th capital ml Can ada 7 37 What city ta New Yrk was th aaaatiag plac of tb 6 rot intercolonial evam tioa, laeld ia 17S4T :. ' --" 39 What Aii-bla a dry aear th nth t of th aad 9a was fnaerly the capital and arty fans (or Us prt of ff7 40 Weapon 42 Insect eggs - 43 Sailora 44 Abl 45 Turn to the right 46 Spanish epie hero - 47 Famous American poet 48 Period ef time 61 Printer measure Herewith ia the aolutloa to yes terday's puxzla. y-iC a mmm lXZi$ IT - Osafitglifc 1334. 8-g Ietsiwia Oct. 18, 1934. . . CtetlC 1 . -